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Ep. 103 Deadly Deceit - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 103 Deadly Deceit - Bellum Draconis

S2 E103 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
38 Plays5 months ago

What up everyone. This episode marks an incredible 5 years of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. Thank you to all of our listeners for your ongoing love and support. This episode is a good one!

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Podcast's Fifth Anniversary Reflection

What is up adventurers? Allow me to cut in before we begin this episode with a very special mention because today we are celebrating five years as a podcast. We started way back when, feels ages ago on the 20th of September 2019 and just think of the world back then as a very different place but in between that time Us as a podcast, us as a family have been on an incredible journey and I'm not just talking about the journey that's been written for us. I mean that journey has been filled with epic battles, unforgettable characters like Drago and a whole lot of laughs in between. But we've also grown a lot as you would do in five years as people and as podcast hosts. I mean this is what we sounded like in our first episode.
Hello and welcome to this episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. I am the DM. My name is Mark. Thank you for joining us today. What's up guys? My name's Ian and I have got the most horrific of colds today. So apologies for my voice work. It will change from this episode to the next. um But I play a dragon ball born called dragon. So I play Robin, who is an ex-fee from a background, a family, a syndicate really, of thieves who attempted to live their life in an honourable way. Might as well. I will be playing a wood elf monk called Elphir. Elphir is 300 years old and has a significant
age difference to the rest of the group so it comes from a very experienced sort of worldwide background. Hello there, I am Callum and I play a character of Shader Steel IV. He is a hill dwarf of a noble background. I like to think we've come a long way since then so I just want to put a big thank you out there because none of this would be possible without you, you lot out there, our amazing listeners. Whether you've been with us since our very first campaign or you've joined us somewhere along the way, we're so grateful to have you as part of our fellowship. And then of course I want to give a huge thank you to my incredible co-hosts. Your creativity, passion and friendship have made this podcast what it is.
It really is a massive honour to share this adventure with everyone, the listener and my co-hosts and genuinely can't wait to see where the next five years takes us. So gather your dice, pull up a chair and get ready to celebrate five years at the Fellowship at the Tabletop. Here's to the adventures we've had and to all the ones still to come.
Let's roll that dice. as say in two the something episodes callum um that is the best vo performance you've provided this podcast and i have stolen it from somebody else
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D and&D podcast set in the magical homebrew world of Eryth and the Kingdom of Drolak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have Will, who plays the dragonborn druid Baal Valkon. I play with my twanger. you've got We've got who plays the high health art of his, Arane's head out.
I don't have a Twanger, so I play with my friend's Twanger. Boo Bear, who plays the cleric human cleric Emron. Why can't we all just get along and play with each other's Twangers? Ian, who plays the Tiefling Wars for a Nyx Carell. And if you want to, you all at home can play with your Twangers while we play with ours. We have the Edgelord, who plays Warforged Artifice at Alpha. A Twanger for all. My name is Mark, and I'm playing the human blade singer Seth Farrower, and by last, but by no means least, is our...
Dungeon Master Man, who I'm just trying to hold the tab where I've written signed some lovely things to say, the sculptor of struggles, the stewardess of secrets, our custodian of challenges, the OG DMD of D and&D, Dungeon Master Danny. Or the teaser of Twangers.
o What he says on his only fans. That's more the edgelords, Bastion of Hope. So that's not... that's not sorry Touch on that. Speaking of touching on that, there's a shimmer in the air again and something doesn't feel right. A shift dilates through the time zones of the world and Sleepguard is no longer Sleepguard but Sleepguard.

Mysterious Doppelgangers and Intrigue

And it's almost like the doppelgangers of the world appear upon our map.
We follow it down into the street alleyways and follow down where we were last week, beyond it. And on the floor, counting dice, he's calling out the number of the dice as they roll, divinationally perfecting every roll as they come out, is kind of old girl, but slightly hairier, slightly more grizzled, one more tooth and one more toe, yes, and they're still long. We see old girl, but not as old girl.
And his voice is, again, almost the same, but not quite what we're used to, but also not quite what it was last week either.
Callum, what does old Smell say? I, um... Got to do the voice, no, no, no, got to do the voice. you Ready. Got to do the voice. Good luck. Bye-bye. I was ready for that.
Well, Gadzooks, you can just about go fuck yourself, old gal or whatever the hell your name was last week. Um, we got invited to a bit of a sit-down with Bond and and we were negotiating all about, well, they sorry, we're negotiating all about keeping go, poor, keep, and trying to get that contract, but damn, they fucked it up through your bed. They written this shit on me with that.
We saw Prego putting a slave collar on Marotta and just by musing very in hot pursuit by Ball who really did not drag his balls on that whatsoever.
As everybody else started to leave after discussions that broke down, we found out that we could not exit, said courtyard. They were all trapped because some demonic demons with baby faces gourd axes were just cramming through and they had to be stopped by the fizzlebang orcs.
We were in prison. There was a bit of a discussion between Seth and Nit about trying to steal some shit. There was the discussion between our Shadow Mendian Trio about... Christ, I can't remember now.
tell the Not about stealing some shit, not for that one. That was about trying to decide who is stupider, Baal or Nyx, and why everybody is doing stupid shit. And then all five of them basically got back together to try and plan on doing some shit. And it all just fucking ended with everybody going off and doing their own goddamn stupid thing anyway! Let's go see what happens, shall we? What?
Oh, yeah, sorry, there was some shit with Nix in the temple.
Nix wandered off. He went to a temple of Tiriani where he found an old friend of the high seas. They sat down, had a lovely discussion. She had been haunted by spiders. Now, why does that sound very familiar? Nix was very open and honest, determined to find a way to still save the crew. I don't think he can do it, but let's go and find out.
More Callum introduction, more Callum introduction. That was your best, that was your best character. That's exhausting Will, how the fuck do you do with that every fucking week? I'm not sure of the old girls are the multiverse, that's probably the one we're gonna kill off. oh If it was in the boys, that'd be the one that- The OG girl's gonna go full Scarlet Witch and just like- What you don't know, listener, just just to give some before we started recording, I um made it because we've obviously will i'm sorry, poo bear did our ah last week's old girl. I gave the information to the group that would probably just use him again. And then at the very, very last minute just dropped Callum in on it then.
Bad union. As usual. I think you kind of expected it, but that was wonderful, Callum. Well done. That was sick. Not sad. That was probably your best voice. As I say, in 200 or something episodes, Callum, um that is the best vocal performance you've provided this podcast. And I have stolen it from somebody else.
And you get inspiration because I am phenomena phenomenally into you. Oh, bless you. never I'm going to write a memo of that. I got inspiration. and Will's there. Like I do every fucking week and it never says a day.
Guys, it's all about championing those who don't get to use their voice as much as they really fucking should do. Oh, right. I'm supposed to say things. Guys, if we want to incentivise Callum, we got to reward it. You know how this works? ah Pavlov's dog. That's it. Ring some bells. Pavlov's edgelord.
What are we talking about? Edgelording a dog. Pavlov's edging. What the fuck? Oh, god. Ding the bell. Oh, no. Records him. That's it. It's done. This is the episode, everyone. You had Callum speak. That was good enough for all of us. Until next time. Wait, you know, is it that the ding causes the orgasm? Either way, I don't like it. Mum picked me up. I want to go. I'm sweating. There goes another one. Oh, God. You find yourselves all in the hustle and bustle of Scorchhound. When we left off,
The camera had zoomed out of Nix's conversation in the Temple of Tiriani and we found ourselves hot on the trail of Prago Amorota through the the viewpoint of Baal Valkon. Baal, you're following them through crowds for 10, 15 minutes. They'll eventually make their way to the harbor district. And as they're walking along similar boards in the direction of the piss-nuke that you've been before, they just step into a back alleyway. And as you continue to follow on foot, they just stop and you hear echoing throughout the alleyway.
You know I can see you always, Baal. I don't give a shit whether or not you can see me or not. What I give a shit about is our deal.
ah barr will say as he kind of ah storms up in front of, probably not right in front of his face, but probably storming up to a good sort of five foot away. And as you sort of proceed with um aggressive-esque approach, you watch his
the half-orc that really closely resembles Marota who you met very briefly, you know, a number of days you knew her. She sort of steps in and almost a bodyguard, Prego, momentarily before he just waves a hand and she walks about 10, 15 feet down the alley and takes a seat. Prego, his body language is not aggressive at all. He sort of slounges back on the side of this building, throws a stone or something in the air, catches it, doesn't give you much eye contact or the satisfaction of meeting your your emotions.
Let's the beat. turn into a long pause. Please, say your peace. May Prego enlighten you. As this very familiar, half, sorry, wood elven being, beautifully dressed, equipped only with instruments, takes in this this valiant stance you hold.
The deal we struck was that I keep that group alive, or at least three of them, of four. And in return, you get me to the air of Gail Farr. Now what the fuck is going on with that arena on one of those prizes? I understand you might not be in charge of everything that's going on here, but you must have known that I was to come across it. And that is rightly mine, according to our deal. Am I am i right?

Complex Deals and Tensions with Baal and Prego

a deal was I would give you the location of the air of gale fire the sleet I have given you the location of the air of gale fire the sleet wonderful hatched unbirthed right there within your grasp you have and I have kept your group alive. Does that mean, and Baal will kind of be almost tearing up his sleeve at this point, does that mean this is over, this has ended? Hmm, it depends. On what? The other condition, has it been met? Baal kind of pauses for a second at that.
The other condition.
Is Seth in receipt of his army with unwaving loyalty to the sleepguard throne? I believe that is your doing, is it not? That's the promise you made. What the fuck has that got to do with me? We signed a three-way promise. The promise is not complete until you're both in receipt.
Baal will kind of stand there seething. He's not going to make a kind of move towards ED. He knows full well that he's drastically outmatched, outgunned here, but he is just seething, truly. And what the fuck happens if the deal is broken? Remind me. It depends on who breaks it.
You must have known full well that you put me in charge of an impossible fucking situation. No. Nothing is impossible if one has the talent to make it so. Nix has practically been trying to kill himself for the past two weeks. He has just pretty much outright tried to kill himself again this early afternoon. And and and we have to somehow stop it. It might not even be him. In fact, do you know what?
Is Nyx one of the three? Can you at least tell me that? I will not tell you. Why? Because you'll get complacent, and you'll abandon the fourth. Well, if the fourth is fucking worthless, yes. It depends on how you measure worth.
I'm going to win that egg. If that fucks the deal, so be it. You winning the egg, it will not fuck the deal. The act of you winning the egg will not. The actions of those afterwards is not directly as a result of you winning the egg. No?
And that bar will kind of take in this Valkyrie, Marota-esque figure as well. Being closer now, I imagine kind of ah quite close up. Can I just...
Because I know that they they share very similar features, um like you said, but you mentioned previously, I think that this Marotta Valkyrie figure was kind of a bit beefier almost, or kind of slightly different in that way. Can I just take a few seconds to fully take them in? Do they?
do they hold themself, move themself, appear to be, in my best judgment, ah the same as the Marotta that we left behind um at the the the den of Chandrada Kar? I'll ask you to make a perception check in a second. And as Prago marks you trying to have a bit of a closer inspection, he sort of gives a pull on a chain.
and she comes much closer to you. And he says, bile means, look at your friend. Or were you two even friends? I can't remember. Look away. And he sort of casts light, cantrip, and allows you to have a better, really close inspection, provides you advantage on your perception check. Ooh, okay.
And so it's a decent roll. It's a 26.
You look this half-orc up and down. And there's a few things distinctly you remember about Marota. We had to mean it.
her stance, her style in combat, her distinct ah short back and sides with the dreadlock ponytail, the tattoos going from the top of the scalp down the arms, and parts of the rolled up shins that you can see on her legs. And these match, save for one tattoo, relatively new,
on her left arm, a full sleeve that looks identical to yours. She is older than you remember, broader than you remember, but doesn't seem to recognize you at all.
I'll just say to her, what did you promise him? She looks at you with a scowl,
Who the fuck are you? Someone he has robbed you memory of. There are others. Prego. Looks back at you. Fuck off.
Oh, just kind of sit there head tilt slightly kind of as he's taking her in.
and sad really. I feel I'm close to your friends and for that I'm not going to seek you out.
But I think your aggression is wrongly channeled and his eyes will flick back to prego. And do the people of Scorchrealm care that you have a personal stake in these games, despite being the one that seems to be the guest star, if you like. I was invited to elevate. He stresses the games this year. And my only condition was that I get to choose and enter my own champion.
Those of the dry count were more than willing to accept that condition for what I was willing to offer. Now, I can't be giving you any sneak previews into into what to expect. That would be unfair on your fellow competitors if that's what you're fishing for, Dragonborn. It's not, but I get the impression that fairness is not a word you use often, Prego. Welcome to Scorchell.
Fuck you. And I'll turn around and walk away. And for a moment you're followed and your passive perception is high enough to to hear the loosening of a whip.
to hear urgent steps towards you, a grunt, and then Marota is pulled back before striking at you.
Bar won't break stride. He's seething, he's... In that state where only the fire can come and his mind is racing and he is in an unfamiliar city, he's trying to...
trying to run millions of things through his mind at once, the pact, the conversation he's literally just had there, the decision he's made earlier in the day, the meeting at the memorial stone, and the anger that he's felt at the the kind of the cleric ward, if you like, of that memorial.
And it's just almost like it's bubbling building and his mind once more turns and and and he's trying to think of somewhere that he can go, somewhere he can kind of release fury and fire and rage and ah the kind of image that comes to him is the relative safety.
of the ah seller apartment training room, if you like, um of the pissed Newt. So he is just gonna beeline it for there. um And he's just, hes his intention is to to so fuck something up down there on his own that hopefully won't deal ah too much damage to people around. Okay, we'll come back to you in in ah and ah in a little while then.
So by dice roll, and deciding who we pan to next in this this sort of post a-proving timeframe. Rains, you sort of separated yourself from Enron and Alpha relatively quickly following the the reopening of the gates after the demon attack or the demon scare. Conflicted with with the notion of pursuing the means to to deal with an egg. How do you process that? Where do you go next? What do you do?
Reigns is going to try and bury some of his own angers, bury some of his own frustrations about what has been said by a collective group that seems to have individuals have have gone back on that. He's acutely aware that there are people who appear to be following what he feels him, Emma, and Alfa um who are saying we can't leave you because we're going to die if we do, who seem to be continually doing things that are counterintuitive to what that collective cause is, whatever that is. So Reigns is frustrated. He's going to go straight back to the piss new in and he's going to sit at the bar and he's going to immediately just get himself a drink and he's going to put two Rubik's cubes on the bar and when he gets a second he's going to summon over the barkeep
what's What's apparent here, when you return to the Pistonute is Baal is also there. You two would arrive at roughly the same time. um
So if there's anything you two want to talk about, while it's just the two of you, you feel free.
That brains his brains reigns doesn't quite know how to process the way he's feeling about bar the mix at the minute um It's a mixture of confusion hurt and the anger so he's gonna head straight to the bar Ball will just walk straight past you as well and go straight down to the room to the room without even giving you a see you to sort of mark but don't converse then in this awkward phase by you would have been too much in a in a stupor to um really taking the environment around you by the sounds of it. Rains when you walk in, it's relatively quiet at this time of day. There's no bards playing. um There isn't an awful lot of stand out activity. Save a few groups of of sailors, sailors, pirates, mercenaries, you can't really tell, you're not necessarily averse in the nuanced differences. um Drinking together while they're ashore. But there is an individual at the table that you do see,
that you vaguely recognize what you you know, but yeah you know you are, you or yourself are vaguely, vaguely recognized by them. They don't really make an approach to come and speak to you, but that's someone you met on their own. That's someone you passed. That's someone that, that Nick and Seth did not stop talking about. That is Kareem Snakerun at the piss note, at his own table. And we'll come back to you.
in time, right? Since you're in the point where everyone is going to meet later. And then but we'll ah discover what you did at the piss new in a few moments. By nature of dice roll, Alpha, you are next. What do you do in that time? Do you remain with Emerald or do you separate and go elsewhere?
Seeing people kind of, um, wander off themselves, as rain goes, I'll turn to Emran and say, there is a slight detour I must take. am May I meet you at the forges? Yeah, I'm going to be heading towards the Iron Quarter. Farewell. I can recall the map. I will head over there shortly. Alfred's going to wander off and it's going yeah kind of way into the mistlet quarter to the um ah basically the fossil the fossil but fucking the fossil bank the fizzle bang fizzle bangs leash yep it's where i'll be heading to so outside of the walls just so you know kind of just you know remember yes it's outside of the wall thank you will
It takes you about 40 minutes to to to get through crowds. it's not you know At nighttime, this will be a 20-minute stride, but you've got to do a bit of queuing and waiting. You make your way into that familiar mystic quarter with those those really extravagant um ah buildings that have magical properties to you in this district known as the Fenbark that is somehow magically this group of Druids that are maintaining a jungle um environment.

Alpha's Attempt to Meet Dame Edna Fizzlebang

You step through that that center cluster of of some of the more um ah lucrative and buildings that you have been been drawn to, that the Arcane Emporium, that the Astral Sanctum from which you are going to be ah you indicated you wanted to visit before, the Crystal Gardens, that this workshop of a voidy-like substance that that you that you saw last time as well.
And you move to the the very outer edge of that district, and you find yourself at the tallest and newest structure of the entire city. At one stage, on its mound, on its bailey, the castle of the Tri Crown was the tallest point in the city, but this steel contraption with this orb, this basically scaled up version of the tower you encountered in the desert with that ring of orcs is here and it's casting light in eight directions out into the deserts and out into the kingdom. This is now the tallest point in the city.
And again, it is sort of ah not with the same space, but it has a ring of orchish protectors around it. And there are a series of gnomes that are sort of clerks and stewards and and magical engineers and art and sort of um proprietors just around the area.
The base is this warehouse like structure as well that is relatively well guarded and that is where the Fizzlebang name is plastered most. Is that where you're heading into sort of the the office areas? Yeah, yeah, kind of. I imagine it's like almost um a city hall type of thing for the Fizzlebang control over this entire kind of area. it's Yeah, it's more of a, like the best comparison would be a power station. It's like there is that big spire and then there is a i a control building that that has personnel in and out of. And you're not allowed to approach um with particular ease. The orcs formation but sort of puts you in this this outdoor um seating area where there is a gnome with with with documents that is moving around quite hastily and is quite verbal.
very aged, white bearded, um sort of cartoon Merlin-esque aesthetic to this this this beautiful blue robe and these these high high-ankled wrapped sandals. Just sort of scurrying about. Marks you once doesn't really pay much attention to you. Marks you the second time confuses you for for one of the dormant orcs and the third time bumps into you after hustling and bustling around and says, may I help you?
Yes, I do apologize for interrupting your time, but I'm trying to get in touch with Dame Edna Fizzlebank.
You! What an audience with... The lady! No! It's not possible. What are you? I am a... Nakavolo. What? A Nakavolo.
Surely a great intelligence has heard of an acavello, yes? Are you really? Surely a trick. No, surely a trick. Absolutely not. By all means, you may investigate my construct. And he makes a sort of light incantation, something similar to what Seth's done in the past from this book at his hip. By my beard? Interesting.
And what is your purpose here, Nakavilo? As I said, I wish to speak to Dame Edna Fizzlebank. Well, she can't just go accepting audience with anyone who asks. May I ask the nature of your audience? I wish to speak with her regarding some personal, iconic matters, I believe would be the most appropriate term.
Perhaps you may write a letter for me to deliver to her office. Trust me, I expect, I expect when she hears that it genuinely was a knucklefellow that wrote to her, she may write back. Very well. I shall write and give you the letter and you will... Yes, my name is Gizzlethop. Gizzlethop? Yes. Is that your first name or your last name? It's both.
A gizzle fop, a gizzle fop. No, just a single. Very well. And I will just pull out, I think I've got some, ah yeah, I've got some ink and a little bit of ah parchment that I can draft a quick letter on and I will send that over to you, Daniel.
So you're youre you're writing that in feet front of him? I will write a letter out and I will tell you, I will send you a message as to what the letter says. Perfect. Daniel him. I did. I did. I've not been Daniel since 1998. There's a Daniel at work and yeah I'd say that a lot. So I think it just goes from there. Okay.
Um, then you can tell me the contents of the letter before, before the next episode, please. Please. Alpha. Um, BSC, he graciously takes your letter and steps inside and says, well, thank you very much. Um, any return address for which we may write back. Um, please just send it to the pistonute. I shall. And the name. Al.
Al at the Pistonute. Al at the Pistonute. Pretty good, very good. Well, it is a pleasure to meet you. I haven't ever seen one of you that can speak, let alone write a letter. I am quite an advanced version. I do hope that um the Lady Fizzlebank will indeed find me curious enough to hopefully warrant a meeting rather than a letter back, but we shall see.
I have to ask, um out of just curiosity, what? You haven't got a heart anatomically,
and not not you know metaphorically, have you? No, no, no. It's more of a mechanical heart, I suppose, one mind to What powers you? what keeps what What is doing this? What is giving you the ability to speak? It's something for my yeah creator to discuss rather than myself. I am still a construct and the very inner workings of myself still something ah some are still something that elude me.
Very good, very good. Thank you for your time. I shall put it at the top of her desk. Thank you very much, Gizalfarp. And yeah, after that, I will just start heading towards the Iron District, where I shall be meeting N1
Then that's where we will head next. So, um and everyone, you're there for for about 20 minutes or so before Alfa was able to to to meet with you again. And the Iron District is exactly what you would hope to see. And as much as Nick's feels at home when he can see the sea. When you can smell forges firing, and you can see that beautiful burning coal, that sound of hot metal dipping into cool water to set, that clang of the anvil. that is That is your sensory special place but that to compare you to Nyx.
And you move through this bustling district that's filled with all of these senses I've just described. You're seeing skilled artisans and blixmith but blixp blacksmiths plying their trade, crafting weapons, armour. There aren't so much vendors here, but there are people making. that this is This is really a making space and a selling space, and the crowd really reflects that. This is more a ah place for people to come and marvel than it is for to come and purchase.
The air here is thick with that scent of hot metal. There is still that haze of of of smoke and that killtraddy cloud. but but But here it is hot and you are feeling at home. You see foundries, you see ah forging stations, you see minerals and ores of all different colors, irons, steels, silvers, golds.
You pass one and and really the the largest site here in the quarter that that that really is of Drolakian origin.
The original inhabitants of Dralak were orcs, and the the sort of legacy of Dralakian metalwork is still carried out by orcish smiths to this day, and there is just this big cluster of incredibly focused walk craftsmen making this bulky metal armour, this bulky broad axis, etc. They then pass an incredibly um ah delicate crafting space in run by a series of high elves where they are making really elaborate jewellery, stuff that it requires like pinpoint needlework precision.
You step through another section that's filled with gnomes that are making these sort of magically um ah enchanted ah goods where they're casting spells upon hot metal. and And you're seeing swords that are being settled with blue glows and red glows and yellow glows.
And then you see the unmistakable sight.
of Dwarven steel being forged. Banners, and this is the smallest site. There's only about four dwarves at this forge, but their banner runs really tall up into this this this signpost almost. Clan Shadow Shield.
Emron sort of takes it in for a moment. um you know, he's he's he's not used to seeing the clientele so small. He's used to ah remembering back in Shadow Men the foundling home that he grew up in, the orphanage that was almost attached to these forges that would that would pride themselves on on using the the ah the orphanages to um go get a crop of apprentices from or other than that. um And he he walks towards the forge wars and there and they're sort of they're theyre they're set up.
um and just takes it takes in for a moment the the gentle rhythm of the of their hammers and and that kind of stuff, just allowing almost allowing it to sort of take him back to that time as a young child when he'd be there, either watching or or or responsible for keeping the fires burning, and just allows it just to just to wash over him that touch of connection back to a simpler time in his life.
And then he approaches a bit bit bit closer and sort of, you know, he he's still quite, you know, reverent towards the dwarven masters. He lets their rhythm continue, not wanting to break their concentration.
And you're you're watching for about 15 minutes before you know there's a suitable point to introduce yourself to interject. And there is this wand wharf, completely hairless, that has sort of scorched skin almost. If you've ever have ever known someone who sort of works in in ah metal fabrication or anything like that, and they they have this distinct smell and this this coat of soot and sort of carbon that coats the skin, that's very much what this dwarf is displaying. and sorry this this towar is displaying
and um working with tools three four times the weight that perhaps you'd expect to provide the dexterity you need for the accuracy of this sort of smith work like this this guy is a unit and is using tools really fit for goliaths and orcs to forge works and after about 15 minutes there is a natural pause where the The bellows are fully fully blown. The coals are burnt. the The forge is worked. The metal is setting. Everything is poured. There is nothing for that person to do fifteenth at this moment. They just step towards you at a long table where there are a series of sort of schematics and moulds and designs. A great big flag in the veil. And you watch as this ac just drink sorry keep tens a this dwarf just drinks it.
two, three seconds for a whole pint to disappear. And as he puts it down, it's a really firm belch. And there is just this this ring that breaks that coat of carbon that that has sort of masked his face. He just looks at you and says, we've not worked metal in a while. Love you.
No, I've been travelling far too long since I last... was that a forge? Master Dwarf. Shadow Mend is where I trained. Aye. I thought I could smell it on you. Name's Ironheart. Breen Ironheart, this is my forge.
ah Emron. I have no name but... of Clan Shadow Shield where I was apprentice, orphaned and then have grown up. Well, looking for work we could use you if your guild jews are still in check. When was the last time you visited anyone? It's been a while I was hoping to be able to pay my jews here and then they get passed on so I'm up to date. Are you going to be in the city long? At least a month. Not sure.
well Let me just ah reconcile and I'll let you know what you're owed. I'm prepared to... Sorry, the smoke got to me. um
I'm prepared to... I've got coin to be able to pay whatever I've owed and pay forward whatever I can to ensure that I don't fall behind for a bit. And further keep your last work forward, is it? That is the last one I was at here.
Right, and he sort of turns. And on the back wall, you can see there are a series of sending stones. And you'd recognize this, is that to communicate between the clan, most forges are equipped with the means to sort of talk. And he goes to a particular stone, and he has to sort of go behind a forge about 60 feet away from you. You see him having a conversation quite clearly. This is a ritual you've seen before. It comes back to you about two or three minutes later.
But 25 gold received for the interruption.
But you're more than welcome to work this forge. They've heard of you. Thank you, Master. I appreciate it. um Emron counts out 25 and then places 25 more. Hopefully that'll keep me um ah within me due for a bit, just in case I do happen to be out of you you're out of circulation, as it were. And he graciously picks up the coin and it goes into a drawer at another table, comes back, marks your hammer for a second, offers a hand. May I? Of course. Forged by my own hand.
and he takes it off you, and he's able to sort of flick and flourish it with a strength in the forearm that you don't possess at all. Sort of whirls it around like a Jedi would a lightsaber for a second, spins it, catches it, and then hovers it near the forge, but looks to you for approval for a second. who Feel free, Master Dwarf.
And he sort of dips it into this one bit of the the the forge that's still got some coals with some burn left in them, heats the metal for a second, and then he takes it out and presses it with all of his might onto this um sort of reverse of a rubber stamp indent for like of a want of a better descriptive terminology, and presses the insignia of Clan Shadow Shield into the top of the hammer.
and it hands it back to you, still smoking, still burning. And there is just this very thin, orange, embossed glow that stays constant after the the heat dies out.
That's our trademark ear track. We add culture out into the flames to, ah you know, put our stamp on things.
Well, thank you, Master Ryan Hart. And Emron um touches the um the the still glowing ring, even though it's hot, almost most sort of like connecting himself to the to the symbol, feeling there the singe on his fingers, but but allowing that to happen was connecting himself to the to the to the creation, adding his own blood and sweat into that that that part.
Thank you. I was intending to, while I'm here, you know, do what I can to assist in the forge and hopefully make use of it, if I can. My turn. We'll come down in the morning. That's where we have most of our ships available. We don't work midday because of the heat, and then we tend to finish off towards sunset. We start early, but if you want to chip in, we'll pay you for a day's graft.
If you want to use this just for personal use you're more than welcome. I also came across these in my travels and everyone will dig into his pouch and he's going to pull out the the guard drake scales that he got from the guard drake a long time ago and place the six that he had.

Emron's Guild Assistance with Drake Scales

I wonder whether the forge could make use of these.
Yeah. I reckon we could. Then I offer them freely. He graciously takes them off you and puts them into essentially what is a bag of holding, but designed more like ah a toolkit sort of thing. We'll see them put to good use. Thank you. um I was hoping the guild could give me some help as well.
This might be a bit of a long one. It just gives a sharp whistle. and And one of the other dwarfs just sort of comes and takes his place and begins to sort of rearrange paperwork and line up the next sort of job. He takes his flag in and walks out into the street and perks himself on ah on a bench. Malmay up. Just takes another deep gulp of ah of a freshly poured pint. I'm due to enter the tournament.
Brave. Unblooded.
um Enter with a group of friends who, well, some have entered bloodied and it's caused a bit of contention amongst the group. Put it that way. Right. Do you know the best places in the city to, I don't know, get any more equipment or apart from obviously whatever I can forge and buy, where's the best place to equip ourselves for this tournament, do you think? Depends on what you need. Do you need weapons and you need armour?
Weapons and armor we're probably alright on. Well, most of us are anyway. We picked up some up over in Snaterun. It might be potions and the like, probably. the You're in the wrong quarter for that. I appreciate we're in the wrong quarter for this kind of stuff, but I was hoping at least fellow guild members who are native to the city might have a better idea of where we're going before I start just wandering the streets and get swindled by every person here left, right and center.
but You're gonna... You're in the wrong place if you want to avoid being swindled. Well, yeah. This city is built on dishonest folk. I get that feeling a lot. But I would i'd recommend the Arcane Emporium if it's that sort of stuff you're after. If you want...
Come back tomorrow, we've got a delivery forum. Go over, you know, Shadow Shield blazing upon you within Shadow Shield Goods. You might get trade discount. Oh, that'd be useful. You might not. It depends on what you're looking for. Well, I appreciate anything in the guild can help. I appreciate it. But, you know, we, uh... Enough sale. Payback in return. Alpha, at this point, you you're you're co-operative to Emerald and you're seeing Emerald having this exchange with this dwarf sat on the bench looking at this.
this beautiful forge amongst a series of very beautiful forges from very different cultures. cool I would kind of almost creepily walk and stay maybe like a foot behind everyone and just at the moment not say anything. Creepily walk? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like it's a very kind of static, slow, single paced walk. The one creepily walking towards us is a travelling companion of mine.
Greetings. What is it? He's a Nakavolo.
You're the second one I met. That I helped forge. He's a bit different though. He does look different from the last one. Do you happen to catch the name of the last one you met? I didn't know you had names. I didn't know you could talk. The other one just kept saying a phrase over and over.
was it over and over? I don't know, something like that. Do you remember with the phrase? If you could, I'd be very appreciated if you could write it down for me. I don't know how to write. um
but Very well, if you could remember the phrase, please. I didn't roll high on my history check. No, sorry, I can't. Fair enough. But he was... Al here is ah quite unique. He's a Person, personality, you want streams, you name it. Do you mind if I double up? If Ali's willing to. Perfectly fine. And he sort of looks up and down, walks around, turns to you and runs. Was this you and points to the metal work? Ah, it was. It's marginally impressive for someone as young as you. I had an artificial
um who helped with the more intricate stuff, but... They've got one here now. They've got one here now. ah There's a workshop over in ah the Mystic Quarter called The Workshop of the Changeling. The thing inside what runs it is somewhere else. Some days it's a fucking badger, some days a norm, some days a human's each different personality, but it's got this... Yeah, this...
Really weird, volcanic workshop thing. It goes all the way around my head. And he's an artificer as well. Yeah, he's one of those, yeah. Okay. Yeah, he came from the east, I think.
Might be worth a visit. Yeah. so don't Don't be alarmed if you get kicked out first time. I don't know how he does business, but people, somehow it steals a living, don't know. Then they charge a lot of their artillery shite over here. Al, were you open to... Yes. Is there a place where I may be able to acquire parts? What for? I have a weapon I would like to attempt to repair if at all possible. Then come to the right place, see it the summit.
got to kind of reach into his bag and just pull out this like broken in bits pistol. He sort of steps back at this. What the fuck is that?
It is a long-distanced weapon. It channels his Arcanic energy, I think, is what I've understood of it. No. No. No. ideal Ideally, you know, metal. yeah Just metal.
Occasionally wood and some stone, but none of that. The bare concept is wood and metal. Yeah, but it's the in-between parts that are broken.
your best Your best bet's that workshop I just told you about. Go see goss see him then. Is it called the changing workshop? It doesn't really have a name, we just call it the workshop of changeling. Where abouts in the city, is it?
and points towards the east. We go to the Fenbagh district. The centre of that is what's known as the Mystic Quarter. You won't miss it. There's a big metal building that's just constantly shifting. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. You ever seen like um It would seem like a displacer piece before or something similar. You know, those creatures that just can have vibrations and versions of themselves and they're called shady. It's that sort of, you know, thing going on. Okay.
but Well, I should make a point to go over there. I doubt you'll get in today though. He only does mornings. Yes. I don't know. He's all around Aerith, I think, but he's there in mornings.
Thank you. It's possible, Alpha, that I have to go there or in that direction tomorrow morning, if you do the mystic water. We're doing them some ingots. We'll have them forged in the morning, so you can run them over the first thing if you want. Yeah. So I'll be heading that way anyway, after coming here. There we go.
That breaks over. Anyway, thank you, Master Ryan. I appreciate your help. Everyone, you're welcome here anytime. Just know if you take a shift, you're here all day, not dipping in and around, right? No, no, I know, I know. And not that mucking about, no bringing your friends over to hang out, like serious fucking work. No, I know. Serious work, proper graft. You know, I know how you humans like to get distracted.
Not often anymore. And he sort of stands up, knocks you on the shoulder and walks back to his forge. Is there anything you two want to say to each other?
That was a rather pleasant gentleman.
yeah Yeah, or master if you'd like to call him. you Sometimes it's calling people gentlemen, in terms of making you think you call them a human. It's a bit different, but you know. um Yeah. Reet, what's the plan now? Well, if we do not have time to approach the changeling workshop, or rather, as the master has dictated, that It probably won't be there or it won't open. I suppose back to the Pistonute. I mean, it's it's not like you've been back to the Fenbar district just recently, so you're probably all right. Well, most annoyingly, I did. I wasn't aware of um that place would hold the key to ah what I needed to finally repair this pistol. You've been walking back and forth in this city, Alfa. You'll know all of it soon. I know much of it already, or at least the Mystic Water. What is your
ah requirements for the Mystic Quarter. There's the Arcane Emporium there. It's perhaps a place we can perhaps get equipment or stuff that might help us with the tournament. Master Iron Art says if I make a delivery and obviously on behalf of Clan Shadow Shield there's a chance I can get some discount.
so I have been in there. I do believe that if you wish to purchase their wares you should bring a lot of gold. Well, we'll see what we can get.
Hurry, I was hoping to hit the temples before we hit the yeah tavern, because the temples were this way. If you wish, I shall make my way over to the tavern itself. If you wish to bypass to the temple, by all means. Yeah, I'll see you there.
Okay. And we zoom out on you too as you head different ways and we zoom in on Seth. Seth, as you all parted ways after the proving, what did you get up to in this time? He's going to beeline it for the merchant's guild hall, which from looking at his map isn't too far from the central location that he finds himself in school town. So you're going to take that kind of west of the easterly road north ish easterly road um and follow up and kind of with the map in hand looking a little bit like a tourist he's going to locate the building um and he's aiming to go inside or where publicly he's allowed to go without it being you know you approach this this grandiose building that's adorned with ornate carvings and gilded accents
The Merchant Guildhall itself is the beating heart of Dralak's economy. Within it is opulent chambers, influential merchants and and traders who who gather to negotiate deals, settle sort of civic disputes and chart the course of the kingdom's economy. The Guildhall also serves as a forum for discussion and debate. Matters of trade policy and market regulation are deliberated by the the city's elite business personnel.
You're very out of your depth here in terms of just the the level of conversation. This is like Wall Street's and medieval equivalent. yeah um But you are seeing this this cacophony of different cultures in and out of that building. You're seeing representatives of Sleekard. You're seeing representatives of Moonrise. You're seeing representatives of the Heral Empire. You're seeing you're seeing um heraldry of ah all over Eryth just in and out, in and out, hustle and bustle here. This this is where
This is where Dralak sort of spreads its wealth across Eryth from this epicenter. You walk into this building and it is it is it is um skyscraperly tall from the inside and on one wall emblazoned is this 300, 400 foot painted, hand painted portrait of Lord Vossen. This grossly obese i
malformed almost aged human gold teeth missing teeth but these complete robes of opulence against their backdrop of just stacks and stacks of gold i'm thinking a similar aesthetic to um i want to say it's emperor harkonnen uh from the June series that sort of the mass of body and flesh in an individual and but but but with with my old jabber the hut vibes as well like this guy couldn't walk unaided he is just he is just a big bulk a body in front of you are a series of stalls and traders and communication points and and much of small embassy like um kiosks
There is a hustle and bustle here and and a lot of the conversation you're picking up is about, you keep it in the words, the jewel, the jewel, the jewel, the jewel. There are there are bets being placed. You're seeing this wall where odds are being generated. Do you see your own name? Osiris brackets, Seth, might Lord with an E at the end. You're seeing your friend's names up there. There is no number attributed next to them. They're still being generated almost like um
like an airport where it's flicking through the the signs to reveal like go to gate or boarding times, et cetera. Like there's information boards that are waiting to be displayed. At the back of this chamber is a series of bars and metal that behind them sit a series of vaults. This goes back a couple of chambers from from where you can see from this entry hall.
What's interesting here is that there is no epichristic presence. There is no bluish-purple-eyed orcs entranced. Everything here is being regulated by the orange head wrappings or orange arm wrappings of Vossen's managed ah consortium.
In one corner you spy what is quite clearly the guild master who is ah sort of roped off from a lot of the common rabble but is is is moving with a sense of authority. this This male elven figure that stands in a very tightly ah tailored golden suit.
So the east of you ah is a series of counters that have sort of um crafted goods that's run by this dwarf that's managing large inventory stock and is using single items to display boulks of arms and armor, crates stacked to the ceiling of of swords and plate metal, etc. To the west of you is this one female drow who is just negotiating between but continuously about 10 different kingdoms that are represented here.

Seth at the Merchant Guildhall

And in the middle, with a giant sort of clipboard almost, ah speaking to various cargo merchants, is this one dragonborn that seems to be orchestrating but masses of people with just arm flicks. And this is this is like warfare Wall Street on speed, the amount of just negotiating and deal making that's happening here.
All of this activity exists on like one level and then above you is just a series of lookouts and vantage points. The guard here numbers four or five dozen, both on the floor and in the air. What would you like to do? So this is 100% overwhelming. Too many people, too much noise, echo sounds, E8's every single part of him.
He's going to spy the guild leader, look at the other figures you mentioned, everyone looks too busy. It looks way too busy in here and he's going to almost call it and leave and he's going to turn around and what he's going to look for is somewhere inside that's quiet-ish. So like where someone who works there might go just for a breather. I don't know if that's like a bench or like something public still, something that maybe still has eyes over the space, but something, I'm imagining bench, you know what I mean, something like that, where they might take themselves out if they're on a break and just get a breather. I mean, can I have a look around? Can I see anything like that? Any kind of chillax points? The space doesn't really cater for that, but there is clearly in the western side where a lot of the international conversations are happening between kingdoms, three vacant kingdom slots that aren't represented. And as you look a bit closer, the kingdoms you're expecting to see are there. The ones I mentioned, Shadow Mend is there, but
there are absentees from from what should be a full complement of of 12 kingdoms sorry of 11 kingdoms um but there are there is a stand that's been made for the 12 a stand that has now been made for the 13 looks pretty um fresh and new and those are just sort of empty wooden spaces that no one is really frequenting um
Okay. He probably had two, one of them, um, not the 13th one, not the newest one, but one of the other ones, you might even look at the name and just kind of plonk himself down and just try and get a read of the space. He's hoping that someone's going to come over and question him.
or why he's there because I feel like he'd look about a bit out of place, this kind of haggard soldier in and amongst all this, you know, luxury and money. um But if no one approaches him in, I don't know, spend 10 minutes there, then he'd go and approach the um the guild leader if there's nothing else. You're down for maybe about 60 seconds before the female elf comes up to you who has been speaking between kingdom to kingdom and just says,
Are you the emissary of the new Eastern Heral Empire? I think not.
Uh, uh... May I kindly ask you to get out of their seat? Well, where are they? Well, the kingdom is all of... what is it? Seven days old, so I expect they haven't even crossed the border yet.
No, they sent me ahead of time. They said you ahead of time. Yep. Make a persuasion check. Okie dokie. Let's see if I can do this. It's a zero. Okay. It's a 16. I see.
And what exactly is it that you were sent ahead of time for? Are you to prepare the arrival of dignitaries or are you the dignitaries? I'm to prepare the arrival of dignitaries actually. yeah As you can see, I'm not a dignitary. I'm more of a soldier myself. I'm here to check that the space is secure and ready for yeah my dignitaries to dignify the space with dignification And um one of the questions I have regarding this is how safe this location is. I see a lot of a lot of soldiers, a lot of guards around here. um In regards to high value items that have come through here, I'm just making sure my dignitaries are safe. What kind of items might we predict be are sought after that might cause ah problems for my dignitaries?
Now listen, you ask a lot of questions and I understand the security need given your political situation that the civil war has ended. Know that this place is more fortified than the castle. Vossen himself deploys an innumerable force to make sure the wealth of Dralak is protected.
What are you specifically asking for? Seth's going to look ah with his eye around quickly to check the surroundings. Is she kind of not isolated, but is there, it's very loud in there, but if he says something, if they talk, is anyone likely to overhear? No, there is a high ceiling here and it is filled with noise. Everyone has to shout to even hear each other from like a meter away. He's going to respond in elvish.
What about the dragon egg?
Responded back in Elvish. This belongs to a notable individual that has no bearing on your kingdom. That is a private investor who privately funds his vault. And responded in Elvish.
Yet I know of it, and many others do. That's because you are him. um And she points at this board that is being maintained for those competing in the duel.
And an image of you has appeared next to an image of Reigns and an image of Nyx. That is it basically a snapshot of you when you walked out of the proving, ah exhausted and triumphant.
Okay. ah He's going to just kind of grin at that and shrug his shoulders. It was worth a trying. Sorry for putting your leg. Do you follow the games? Yes. You are a fan and he's going to point to himself and start to emulate his best next impression. I understand you performed well this morning, but I have my favourites. And who who are your favourites? I might know them. I could get an autograph perhaps.
Well, I think you actually did compete today, and I understand that they did quite well. ah My favourite doesn't have a name. What is it? Ah, that one. The Opto construct. The metal one. Which one? I hear there are two in the competition. That one, though, the silly name.
not Which one? They both have stupid names. Not Al. Let's be honest. no one's No one's going to get behind that individual. No. No. Trial. What's it? What's it? What's that one? Right. My money's on that thing. It hasn't got a heart. Therefore it's not going to hold back. So I just, I just, I'm,
ah yeah I don't have all the time in the world. That's a good question. And this has to be the last one. Look, I'm worried that I'm going to compete in the the a ah desert of champions and I'm going to win. You know, you heard. And, uh, I want to make sure that that egg is real. I don't want it to be a fake. And all of a sudden I've got, I've wasted life and limb and I've killed all those fuckers and I've got a fake egg on my hands.
So all I need is some assurance. you know I want to know that it's it's the correct thing, you know? I couldn't care less. Would you be able to give me any insight, you know some in insider you know information that might just, I want to make sure that if I'm going to compete, I want to do the right thing here. I want to put on a good show for people like you, yeah? Lord Vassen, Lord Damon Trays.
the Edna Fizzlebang would not allow a single item to be in that reward pool if it were not legitimate. These games are the most prestigious event that Aerith will ever receive, and it happens right here on our doorstep. That prestige would be significantly impacted should we offer anything not of the value advertised.
Does he keep the egg here? That's not for you to know, nor me to disclose. That's a yes then, isn't it? I ask you to to leave before I summon the guard. Nice to meet you. Enjoy your noise. You gonna bet on me? On you? Absolutely not. Alright, enjoy losing your money.
Let's see what happens when that eye patch of yours is removed. He'll pause with that. Yeah, but let's see what happens when that, yeah, whatever. And he's going to walk out. He's going to be totally flustered. He's got nothing now. He'll look around and he will just go outside and if there's any kind of steps down to the road, he's going to sit on the steps and just think. Get out of his list, realise he's fucking ripped all his questions out and given them to an M run, and we'll just throw his book down on the floor and just sulk. I'm going to have a good half an hour of sulking, at least minimum. And do you know your downward destination after that? A continued black hole of depression and sulking, followed by moving on to another location.
which i had written down and now i can't find add to nope let's gone wrong page wrong page wrong page ah or my list of questions sorry go nothing um back the pis but no oh yeah yeah yeah a business no yep why not't fuck it yep like case you're nothing he's got nothing i've got nothing cut off left not often left Then we will temporarily just just reposition ourselves back to the pissed note as we see ah ratings in receipt now of ah of an ice cold ah glass of water for the time being. And then while you're propped at the bar,
Sorry, her voice has just bled into mine. Whilst you're propped at the bar, Grumba, the the dwarven innkeeper who you met the evening prior, says, and what can Grumba really get you? Not that, if you've got anything, I'll just give me a beer. Yeah, but a bit, yeah bit bit yeah yeah. Then within seconds, a bottle is produced at the table for you.
but Yeah, thanks. um Second question. Rains will tap two of the Rubik's keys and just go, actually before I do that, I should provide some context. Don't know what context means. Okay, you don't need to. Don't worry. ah Must be quite a popular bar here. and ah Particularly for people who come on off the bolts. Yeah, get a lot of sailors we do. A lot of sailors in. Okay. Pirates.
Pirates, wonderful. Sailor Pirates. My good man, I have two questions for you. First things first, I'm going to attack the first three bits of the cube and a picture of Yanda will appear on it. He'll attack the second one and appear as a picture of Magnus will appear on it. Have you ever seen either of those folk?
Don't know about lizard. Seen lots of lizards.
They've come through about, ah well, six months ago. Maybe more, eight months now. The metal one.
I heard about the metal one. Don't think they ever came in here.

Rains' Inquiry about Yanda and Magnus

Where did you hear about them? Also, I was saying that a few people that there was this metal thing or talk.
came in to the city of Elisaboy before.
Yeah, maybe I want to try one the other in closer to the other side of the docks maybe. be Any particular in on my just non script going on the bark or what?
No, I mean, they came far from the east, they probably called in first at, let me think, wouldn't be the Dragon Lord because, well, you wouldn't go in there if you were a lizard, would you? Yeah, I think maybe your best bet's gonna be the Whispering Sands.
Okay. Be careful going in there, posh boy.
What do you mean by that? Right, so we're spraying sands. Be careful.
For any particular reason? That pretty fucking mean in there. Some of the worst pirates. A lot of fighting, a lot of killing. You look at someone wrong way in there and they'll get you.
And you think for some reason that the folk who I'm looking for went there?
I don't know, but I think there's people there that might have seen them. I could ask around on your behalf though, what are you asking for? We get a lot of regulars, we get a lot of people coming in, can I help? Rains will pause at that and go, we're friends of mine.
They came looking for me and they got lost. Don't expect to find them. In fact, no one won't. But would like to at least ah trace their footsteps, save see if I can find closure or something. Answers. I'll keep asking everyone who comes in.
about six months ago. How how long are we talking? Not far back. They would have come in from Dashkara, potentially Great Haddo. Maybe they come in from somewhere on the south bank of the Hentian Empire. I don't don know for sure, but they would have... The metal one.
unlike anything I've ever seen before or since. So, um... I think you'd stand out if I asked. Yeah. Yeah, he would. Yeah. Yeah. Are you all comfortable downstairs? Oh, PG. Really nice down there. Thank you. but Good. There is a second question. Hmm.
I, um, will think Goldview, not that long back. Sorry to hear that. yeah Thanks. ah And there was a theater ship there, and they put on this great, great play about goblins. I couldn't help but notice it's out there in the docks. Oh, yeah. Looks like it's, um, compounded. Oh, yeah, the Esmeralda, I think it's called.
I was asked the one, that's his name, they put on a tragedy about goblins or something of the sort back in Goldview. But anyway, that city they got attacked and their sails got fucked up pretty bad. And looks like they got repaired just to find themselves in more difficult circumstances here. What's the deal? Who's got that? What are the ships surrounding that? Do nothing here. um But yeah, I think I think the captain of that order lost it in a game of cards to, to Vossen. Well, more likely Vossen's sons, one of Vossen's sons, I think.
Sorry, you mean to tell me that a fine ship like that was, was gambled away? Mmm. I heard the captain was quite a desperate fellow. Yeah, he's even desperate or an idiot. It's like the two scenarios that could potentially, uh... The hell would you gamble a boat for? How desperate would you gotta be?
I've seen worse. I've seen worse. Well I guess they won't be making any more plays for a while. You see people down on their luck. They just dig deeper sometimes.
How insightful. Alright then, well there's nothing else I suppose. I suppose I'll get back to my beer.
and If you want to take a bath in the the hot pools, just let me know. Everything you want to do for the months on the house, apparently. I'm very rich off you guys, so feel free to enjoy the steam pools. If I could do anything to make you more comfortable, just say. Nope, we're all good. Fear is a good start. Thank you. I'll keep them coming.
Rains at this point will just have this figure who is also the only other person who appears to be sat in here. How much have they been paying attention to Rains? and Fair bit. They're taking 15, 20 minutes sort of to piece that it's you. It doesn't seem like they recognize you properly. And it's just taking in the general ambience of the the end.
I know you, Rains will say.
It's a funny thing because I've been thinking I know you. Really? What's your name? My name's Kareem Snakerun. ah This is my establishment. I heard of you. You, um... Dylan Ian Merchant Vending back in Snakerun, Curry.
Well, my name's Kareem Snakerun, so you'll probably assume I have a good eye on the merchant work there, yeah. Yeah, that's that's fair. My surname's Haddo, and I come from a city called Great Haddo, so that's fair. That sounds nice. it's Never been there, is it nice? Warm. pens ah Depends who you are, whether it's nice there or not. So go on then. I'm um i'm curious.
How is it you think you know me? There's your face. I just can't place it. Were you in Snakeburn recently?
I mean, it' recent-ish, sure. Yeah. Yeah, you? Yeah, my name's Green Snakeburn. I'm from Snakeburn. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That doesn't mean you ah were you there recently. Yeah, just got in this morning, actually. Oh.
Drinks are, ah apparently I have drinks on the house if I can get you one. Why do you have drinks on the house? Sorry? Who's giving you drinks on the house? Him, points to the barkeep. Grumba? And then Grumba just gives a symbol, puts...
Extends both hands, buts both this overlaps both his thumbs, and so does a spread dove-like symbol. Fingers extended. To Kareem. And Kareem sits back down. Yep, seems like you've got drinks on the house.
I don't pay for drinks, I own this fucking place. So, you know, we're all just freeloading here by the sounds of it. Yeah, so they for business then. Well, you know, it's the jewel. Everyone's in town.
Yep. Well, ah yeah I'm sorry, you've just been looking at me a lot. And I'm trying to figure out why you think you know me. I'll be blunt with you. He'll come to me. He'll come to me. And your name was again.
carn snake run
Don't forget it. Reigns is going to wrap back through his brains and remember Seth and Nick's talking about this person. How much can Reigns actually recall? Because a lot of what a lot of what he found out then was like information overload. There's also this assassin from Shadow Men on the back of you. You were paralyzed at the point where both the points where the party met him. um And you haven't really reconciled what happened on the road at all.
as a group, so you're basically ships passing. Okay. That's the end of the conversation then. Okay. If he can't get around more than that. We'll zoom out of the bar, but at this point, Baal is obviously here, Seth is here, Alpha is here. emer Everyone you're going by at the temple, I imagine you're going to pay respects. Is there anything in particular you want doing while you're in the temple?
um It's possible he's going to be um spending some time at the temple. his His aim is to at least sort of see you what what sort of temple it'll be. a more made It'll be the the largest temple he's probably been to in a long time. ah He might be seeking a bit of soul searching while he's there, depending on how much time is left in the evening before he thinks he needs to return.
In which case, we'll factor that into... You can come back to me another time, it's fine. Yeah, just you are using more of that time to to just yeah connect with your deity.
And then lastly, on our to-do list this afternoon, leaving the Temple of Tirani.
almost as though everyone in that moment stepped in to the temple of a leader, the temple adjacent, Nick steps out. And Nick's with the the last few hours of the afternoon, what are you doing? Throwing up. The very first thing he does, he's just been told that three of his dearest friends from the Esmeralda, the happiest memories of his life are dead. And he didn't know anything about it. What's worse, they're dead because of him. He is.
Throwing up against a wall and heaving and shaking as if all of this is getting to be a bit much for him um after a while of ah Once there's nothing left in his stomach and he's just doing a drive heave heave he yeah He stands back up and wipes his mouth with his sleeve of his jacket takes another ah Big, long drink of his

Nyx's Emotional Turmoil and Revelations

bottomless grog, as it were. Try and steady his emotions.
and Takes a big sniff, shakes his head.
Best foot forwards. ah ah He starts to make his way to the dungeons. He's going to see his captain. And that's what he's doing. then You retrace those familiar steps back up to the castle.
Again, you're marked with the same suspicion, and you see that same rotation of guards. There are three parties that rule this place, and and this is an inconsistent pattern for recognizing any of the the changing the guard movements. So there's a much difference, I'm glad you brought that up, to when he last entered. And he last entered, and he was all eyes on patrols, escape routes, anything that could could give him some sort of insight on the workings of this prison camp and castle to try and break out the captain. He ain't doing any of that now and it's almost like his senses are
I talked earlier about Nix's senses being alive to try and find Sura. The sights, smells and is, everything's dull. And there's almost like this white noise happening in him. So he is, he's tracing familiar steps because he's been there before, but everything else is kind of ah in a sea of colour. His life is black and white at the moment and he proceeds as such. Down into the dungeon.
down into the dungeon. And again, you pass that same guard and have that same exchange. You head down that same corridor. There is empty cell on your left and right. You pass the next section and you're in front of the cell of Captain Hildegard.
And Nyx will walk over to the cell and he's put both hands on the cell and he'll try to lift his head up and And seeing you approach, there is a renewed sense of hope in Hildegard from where you left him. And he just comes over with a bit more energy. Then he provided you the first time and just says, your back boy or.
The uplift in energy and tone of voice will make Nix look up, and as soon as he clocks eyes with the captain, tears will start to stream down Nix's face as he breaks down.
and um he'll get a little bit emotional for at the moment. And it's that uncontrollable, ugly crying as well, where he can't stop it. As soon as he he lets out what has been kind of building up and building up, um it he just he just lets it go. ah It's loud. It's uncomfortable that uncomfortable crying. um And it's it's it's really ugly at this.
Lots of sniffing, his shoulders are shaking with this kind of vomit of emotion that's happening. um While you're in that state, he just says, something happened, didn't it? You brought me hope, Nixon. Now I fear you're about to take it away again.
Uh, Nick's just going to try and compose himself. I and don't think I can do this. I don't think I can fix everything.
I am trying harder than you'd ever know, Captain.
and I won't stop but I needed to come and tell you that I don't think I can do it and... Do what? I don't know if I can get the crew together, I don't know if I can save the Esmeralda and I... I don't know if I can save you and I don't know what to do
I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions and one wrong step will split me in half and ruin so many lives in the process. I went just to speak to Sura and she elaborated more on the journeys that happened to the ship when I was gone The Tefs? Valben? Not Valben, Vasil? Nym, Lim? Vasil was on me. I shouldn't have let it send him after you. You were doing it to try and protect me? I was stupid.
Captain, I don't know what to do.
Look next. Wait, there's more. You're taking me on a journey here next. I'm going to take you on a worse journey. um So.
On that night of the ship where I made the pact. The worst thing you ever did. Yes.
spiders started to come up to me. In the same way, Sura said that on the ship, spiders started to come up. um then Very recently, I a had a meeting with I guess the the the that deity that I summoned and I ah found out that I've got a bargain packed and a fulfilment to make and that fulfilment requires three souls that were lost from the sea to be recalled and given back to the sea. How do one of those souls is you?
yeah You really fucked me, didn't you? I'm so sorry. Look, thanks. You're also, for whatever reason, a prize in the upcoming tool as a slave. I didn't know if you were aware of that. I thought I might.
I didn't fancy exile to the desert. I didn't fancy the noose. I'd take the coward's way. It's not the coward's way to try and survive. ah If I save the ship, I don't know if I can save you. I don't know what happens if I save you and we get back on the ship and I've been just rocked by the news that there's been these deaths and that the crew's not even fucking here. And it's all my fault. There is nothing left of the Esmeralda. I don't know how to fix it.
I didn't expect you to be able to help, but I owe you
I'm your captain, Nyx. Were they booted off or not? I'm used to still your captain.
Are you asking what I would do? What would you do? I keep getting told, and rightfully so, that I'm the reason why this has all happened and I'm trying to reconcile with that. How?
I just... If we're cursed next... Then surely lifting that curse... That's the way. Even if I could... How the fuck do I get three souls to the water?
You're in chains and potentially about to be sold as a slave.
I just don't know how to make this work. You're saying you get these three souls to water and the curse is gone. have They go in the water. I don't know what happens after that. And I'm one of them. Yes. And if I get to water, it saves Sura.
Zayn, Valbun, and Liddy. The best of my knowledge, but I can't. Then as your captain, I got a fall on this one, Nix.
I don't know if I can do it.
I've tried every way to think myself out of this situation and talk out of this situation. I just seem to be making it worse.
I have ah saved and stolen and begged and bartered and did everything you taught me. Quite a lot of gold.
The idea behind it was by the code, it goes to the ship. Oh, you got a safe place that I can stall this. Next, I can buy your freedom. I got nothing. And as captain, I have the chance here to save my crew. I'm taking it.
If you're saying that curse would be lifted to the best of my knowledge, captain, you got to understand that it was, it was, I, it was an entity I've never ever. Then as your captain,
the decision's mine. God. And he shouts and the, the jailer comes down and says, yes.
I no longer want to be incarcerated. I'll take the exile.

Captain's Final Decision and Sea Burial

But if you could drop me to sea, I'd be preferable.
The guard says, the only exile option is in the desert. You want in the sea, you're going via the noose. The captain says, then it's time to hang.
No, no, you've got next. That's not your decision. I'm your captain for a few more minutes. ah Captain, you like you might need to enter the sea alive.
God, can you throw me in the sea afterwards alive? Can't I just take him to the sea? I'll do it myself and I'll pay. I've got I've got all the money. Let me do this.
One, he deserves it. I'm here. ah He's my captain. He deserves a burial seat. And I can pay you. He'll die. As an exile. Just not by the noose. Please. ah ah Anything, anything. And Nix gets on his knees in front of the guard. Just persuasion check.
Hocky-docky persuasion. Come on. Come on, next. ah It rolled on the 20. It rolled on the 20 and it flipped to an eight. That's 11. All the money. I've got so much gold. Name your price. He will die. You can come with us.
Just not by the noose. We've got to do this right. ah Captain, we've got to do this right. If you're going to do it. The Jailer ponders for a second.
I can't take your money. Lower the land. If he wants to die. If he wants to die at sea. We can honour that.
ah We'll make arrangements within the hour. I need to be there as well. You can only go so close. We can't let you too close in case of any funny business, you understand? There's no funny business. I just need to see it. I have like to take my weapons. I need to be there and be there. At the water's edge. Come back at sunset and witness. It's all right by you. Sunset.
Where? We'll do it at the closest jetty if you want. Do it at the ship. Absolutely not. His ship. Absolutely not. How could I arrange such a thing? You cannot. There's no such thing as can't. Money buys a lot of things. That's Lord Vossen's ship now, right? So if I got Lord Vossen to to okay this, the captain could be off the deck of his own ship.
Walk the plank. It's the it's pirate way to go. We're not putting up a fight here and I'm offering to pay. He gets to death. He leans in to you. And in unison, both the jailer and Captain Hildegard say, it's not my ship. It's not his ship.
I need to be there though. There's a snap from the finger of the jailer and they begin to amass more guards down to the cell. They roll open the jail cell and he is bound in shackles and pulled out of the cell back towards the way up.
Guess we're doing this now. Okay. Um, okay. Uh, uh, yes. Do you want my daggers? I just want to make sure that like, I'll take them and I'll ask you to wear this and he hands you, uh, your own like a risk guards that just sort of, uh, aren't, aren't handcuffs, but I just bands.
Just in case you've got any magic, funny business going on.
Yeah. And you're escorted up to the surface level of the castle and you move through this other chamber in that forecourt that leads down to this private jetty. There are three jetties, one for each ruling power. One of the docks is unoccupied. It's just the sea.
And you're led down that jetty line.
There are six guards. And you are at that point now where you are being told you can't go any closer. But the captain is next to you and about to be taken to the edge of the water. And he looks at you.
The wrists, the binds on my wrists. Is there a lock? Is there... Make an investigation check. This isn't the first time that I've been bound.
Ah, it's a three. There's nothing mechanical you can see. And there's a bit too magical of properties for you to really understand what... how it works.
Heligard just leans in and says, you know, until he was stupid and cast that silly curse,
you were the heart of the crew. You really were.
Goodbye, boyo.
If you can save the rest of them with me doing this, it'll be worth it. too I had... I... I'm sorry.
And he walks to the edge of the jetty and he has read a series of rights that you can't really perceive, nor are you really tuning into what the guards are saying. How fast did you? About another 30 feet ahead of you, but you are being held back. And here's one guard is producing this big stone block with a rope attached to it. How many guards around him? There's four around you and there's two with Hilda guard.
And if I tap into my sources magic, do I feel anything? Depends what you're trying to do. Simple mage hand. So you attempt to cast it and immediately just feel a stinging sensation across your wrists. Okay. Nyx is just trying to understand in a non hostile way the limitations to what's going on.
two guards at the end of the jetty who are escorting Captain Hildgard. One has this stone block that's wrapped in rope and the other part of the rope is being wrapped to Hildgard's ankle.
You just hear with your perception lines to the sum of as set by the laws of the kingdom of Dralak and the Tri-Crown agreement You are given three options following your criminal activity. One servitude, one exile, or one death. An exception has been made for someone who served the sea to die at sea rather than the hangsman hangman's noose. This is an allowance in accordance with kingdom law.
In a moment, you will be thrust to your death. Is there anything you would like to say in your closing moments? And Hillguard just turns to you.
Add a boy. It gives you a smile before the block of stone is booted into the sea. And the moment that that line is fully taught and rips him off the jetty into the water seconds.
As soon as he enters the sea, he's like, get he's done, he's done, get these off me, please. As you turn to the guard next to you and you say that, it's clear that the guard is moving at an incredibly slow motion in comparison to what you're asking for.
and there are spiders crawling over that guard you turn to your left there are spiders crawling over that guard your hand is covered in spiders that briny smell is kicking up a complete force and where the sunset out in the bay was was being bounced on the water
you're in that temporal shift that you have been in a couple of times when you're so speaking to your patron.

Nyx's Bold Move to Change Fate

In this moment, Nix is going to, because he's still got both hands, yes they're bound, he's going to his locket that he has been saving and it's around his neck where once per day I can rewind time one minute, do undo a last action or last event and when Nick's first held it he had a sense of almighty dread and foreboding on use. He's using it.
This is like big powerful thing. I'm hoping it works, but Nix has been, this has been in the root of Nix's mind this entire time. And he wants to rewind, use the locket. Rewind time one minute. The last, he wants to undo the last event. Okay.
The god has got its taste. As soon as Nyx feels that that's the the deed is done, that the god has had, that the spider has had the taste, the soul went in the sea. There is nothing about the soul coming back out the sea.
Nyx has been waiting on this bargaining chip. It shatters the moment you activate it. and in that temporal moment Hildegard appears back on the dock almost like a tape rewound the stone block a second later before the the second guard had kicked it in
and time is beginning just to continue again. And what's interesting is just just in that moment that where where Hildegard had it to see before you broke it, you felt an all-powerful lift within you as though you were capable of casting higher levels, fighting with more strength, that that you were you were about to be awarded a boon almost, and then that feeling subsided.
As soon as ah time has come back, because Nix has now seen everything in reverse and sees it again. From again, because he's got two hands and the guard turned and walked away from his pocket, he takes out ah the mighty acorn and and he's going to throw it and hope to land it on the rock in between the Captain Hildegard and the guards.
And if he's successful, a 60 foot oak tree sprouts and hopefully will shatter everything around it. There's a lot to deal with here, man. I've been planning this a while. And to find out. Oh, my God. You have to tune in next time ah to the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Pelham Draconic. Genius moves.
my fucking move from back in time genius i love all very nice I love all of it so much. But your god is going to come for you. Come on you. And not in the good way. In the bad way. It's Nix's last play. His last final kind of deal. Beautiful. He can't change the deal man. He had his gift. He had the boon. It said get him in the water. The water he claims it back. It never said taken it back.
i I'm using um using subtext. Okay, anyway, thanks for listening. I am really warm and hot and sweaty and- Yeah, you are. So many things are happening. ah Thanks for tuning in and listening and making us a party every week.
Thank you to Danny for playing with me. And, uh, if you wanted to, uh, I don't know, we have an X page. It's got some pictures on there, some pictures, go and check it out at fellowship table. And then if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so too. I'm I rod one pober is at natural 20. Well, comic relief every time. Edgelord is at the D20 Gamer, Will is at Darren's app, Mark is app, and our VIP of D and&D, Danny's app, total party thrills Until next time guys, farewell!