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Episode 276: Villains Show, DuckTales Ride & Stitch Popcorn Bucket image

Episode 276: Villains Show, DuckTales Ride & Stitch Popcorn Bucket

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
1k Plays6 months ago

On This Episode

The guys talk about their vacation plans for next year and talk about popcorn preferences. Disney Cruise Line announces a DVC Member cruise for the Disney Destiny in 2025. A new Villains Show will debut in Hollywood Studios in Summer 2025, replacing Lightning McQueen’s Racing Academy. TRON Lightcycle Run will no longer have a virtual queue and will start utilizing a standby line. A podcast revealed scrapped plans for a DuckTales ride to replace Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin at Disneyland. Disneyland is offering a vampire themed Stitch popcorn bucket during the Halloween season.

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Introduction to the Podcast

This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, broadcasting on the DVC to all points unknown. If you're within the sound of my voice, you're listening to Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.

Episode Sponsorship & Host Introductions

Hello and welcome home. This episode of Welcome Home is brought to you by DVC Resale Market. Thank you for joining us on episode 276 of Welcome Home made Disney Parks and Vacation Club Podcast. I'm Tom here with Trevor and Damon. What's up, guys? This is a rarity.
Oh, maybe. You were here last week. what What do you mean? Yeah, I mean, I just don't know if I'll see you guys before Christmas, but yeah.

Soundboard Debate & Holiday Plans

but Damon, are you aware that somebody has asked me to make a Damon soundboard? Just so like when you're not here, I can just play your reactions to things. um I don't approve that, so. you wouldn't I definitely don't

Damon's Vacation Dilemmas

approve of that. I mean, I haven't even even had time to do a Golden Buttons, but but nothing has really kind of, I don't know, nothing's really kind of come out that's intrigued me just yet. I'm on a little bit of a mission for Haunted Houses this year again, but I just don't think anything catches the, you know, the first time nostalgia. So we'll see. We may be trying some different places though, just because my oldest new girlfriend lives in Virginia, so we may try one of the ones in Virginia. so
May have some to report on that, not sure. Okay. I mean, I'm all about the ship stuff, but the Disney Destiny won't release their schedule, so it doesn't really help me so much.
Well, oh so you're you're interested in this ship, Damon? the i So I've decided that I'm interested in doing another Disney cruise, but I don't want to do the treasure because it's just too long. none Besides myself and my wife, the rest of the family does not adhere to these six, seven day cruises. Oh, I'd rather do that. So that's why we're doing the treasure. we like you You and me both, but my kids are definitely a no go on that. so The treasure is not an interest to me, but the destiny might be an interest to me. I mean, we just don't know what we're doing. I mean, I can't get people to buy into this whole. Crew situation in terms of the length of time. So next year, I

Family Vacation Planning Challenges

don't know. I have no idea what we're doing next year. I think Dolly was going to have a new ride. So maybe we'll go back there. We have the one cruise booked already.
But our friends that would normally vacation with us, this is what they said, I i ruined them with this stupid vacation cruise that everyone from the podcast went on, ruined them. So I said to them, hey, listen, you know we're going on Utopia, the seas, and they're like, well, that's more money than, you know we're going for four days, I think. They're like, well, that's more money than our six-day cruise was you know on Adventures of the Seas. I said, yeah, but a Adventure of the Seas sucks.
like empty so I mean, of course it's going to be more money. And I said, not only not only does you know is it an older ship, I said, you also got a ridiculous group rate. I will tell you though that the sponsor for What's His Name Show, Matt Show, ended up getting me a pretty darn good rate too for Utopia the Seas. But yeah, it's more expensive. So yeah now i'm I'm just at a loss. like I'm in this weird sort of like I don't know what to do for vacation like i have this you know this clock running down right so again thank goodness my oldest son is going to grad school so i still feel like that fits in this vacation clock. Like i think i'm just gonna like spend a ton of money on vacations for the next three years and and i agree to that.
I just don't know what to do.

Future Travel Plans & Family Interests

Like I hate just I'm at a loss of what to do. Disney, again, like I said, my middle one says he doesn't even like Disney. So okay, whatever. But there's nothing new for them to do. I mean, I guess we'll do universal, but that's one trip. And that's still like a year now or I guess next year now. Yeah. Well, next year, we don't know. Right. So for me, like I said, if it's not the summer, if it's after any time after August 1st,
It's the next year. So, you know, they're talking winter next year to for, I mean, that's actually better. I hope it gets pushed back to even further, to be honest with you. But I'm just at this big loss of what to do next year. I have one cruise on the books. And, you know, after kind of reading up and listening about, you know, the Royal Caribbean, Utopia, the seas, like, I mean, is it going to be a party ship? I don't know the answer to that.
You can't figure that out. I can't figure that out. I'm going to have to go. So I don't want to book another one if I'm like, oh, this is terrible. Do you want the party ship or not want the party ship? Dude, are you really asking me that question? Like, of course I do. I mean, that's not even a question. Like, you know, I definitely don't want a party ship now. Yeah. OK. There are some things on it that I do want. But, you know, do I book another Disney next year? Remember, I have that 10 percent that I have to use at some point. Yeah. um So do I just book a Disney cruise next year? I mean, the destiny is when?
What is there aren't we twenty five that's like november twenty five i think yeah so i'm kind of stuck if my kids won't do the treasure what am i doing all the rest of the disney ships are but all the other ones like i just and don't want to go in there like old so what am i going to do once yeah and it's just too long unless i just bully my kids and be like hey we're going on the treasure.
you know oh I'm such a terrible parent, I've made you go on a cruise two days longer than you wanted to. like you know What's wrong with you having longer vacations? I will tell you that, again, the five-person room is fine, but could I see it after six days being a little much when I have, you know that will be a 21-year-old, a 19-year-old, and a 14-year-old? Yeah, maybe.
yeah Maybe, so we'll see. I

Halloween & Vacation Spending Discussions

could see that being a little rough. Yeah. In two rooms on a Disney cruise, I mean, if I want to pay like $40,000, sure.
Well, I it's funny you say that because I don't know what we were. We we my in-laws are here and we were looking at videos of like the ah of the wish and just so because, you know, we're since we're doing the treasure and it's the you know same class ship. It's not going to be the same, obviously, but it's similar. yeah So and we were we were looking at the suites of your watch videos of the suite. Oh, yeah. It's the royal Caribbean suites have um slides in them. Oh, yes. it's Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, like wouldn't that be great? Like, I mean, I guess at one point, a blowout trip would be fun. Like, okay, do I really want to spend? I mean, I mean, you're probably talking close to 40 grand, right? Yeah. So do you want to spend 40 grand on a vacation? I mean, it would be nice, but ah I don't know.
I'm in a different spot than you guys, right? Like, I mean, I'm coming to the end of that journey. So it's like, ooh, would I fork out 40 grand? I mean, I might be stupid enough to do it. I mean, I'm not sure. But it would have to be like, if I was to do that trip, that trip would be a, because I have this weird thing, it's kind of lined up now. so My son, if he goes to grad school and takes him two years, which I'm going to assume it will. So I'll have him graduating grad school, my other son graduating college, and my daughter graduating high school all that same summer. Oh, man. That could possibly be a blowout, you know, so sweet cruise. I mean, that's possible.
Think if I was going to do a suite though, I'd do a Royal Caribbean suite. I'm very curious to see how this cruise goes. Like I said, I can't take what you guys you know did on the adventure as really what to expect on the Royal Caribbean. um utah you know Utopia. Oh, it's a totally different ship. Totally different. Yeah, totally different ship. I'm curious to see how it goes, but we may end up booking Disney next year, but we again, we really enjoy that whole Dollywood area. and Regardless of what happens in Dollywood per se, I think the last two times we've gone, we actually haven't even gone to Dollywood. And we've really only scratched the surface of Sayersville Pigeon Forge, to be honest with you. There's a lot there, huh? Oh, there's so much there. Listen, I love Disney. I love Universal. But again, that area is just so underrated in terms of the amount of different things you can do for the cost for it being Tennessee. So I don't know.

Dollywood & Remote Work on Vacations

Yeah, I mean, it's it's interesting that you, you know, talking about this day because I I was thinking to myself, you know, oh, well, we I mean, we have the crew schedule for next year, but really nothing else. Right. Like we've got the crews and like we don't have like a Disney trip schedule for the first time in a while, but not for like we don't want to go. We just don't.
We just haven't really talked about it. Because we have the cruise and it's like, okay, so do we want to do the cruise and do the parks? And I was also just looking at my points too, because I'm like, I probably have to bank soon. And then I went in there and I was like, Oh, you don't have any points to bank. I just so totally didn't realize he used all my points. I had eight points to bank.
um So, you know, I don't have any points ah anyway until, well, I mean, it doesn't matter. But I mean, I'm not going to take a vacation between now and ah April, you know, when my user starts. But ah yeah, like we don't have anything scheduled like that. And and my daughter keeps like, my daughter keeps going, when are we going back? When are we going back? And I'm like, sometime. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, for me, until our kids, I mean, until my daughter was I think it was just in the past two years. so Let's say call her 12. Up until she was 12, that would have put my oldest son ah close to 18. We went every year. I felt like going every year you know until they get older was what I wanted to do. But now that they're older, I'm in that spot where it's like, oh, okay.
but You know, one trip a year sounds great, but if you can afford to, I mean, two trips is even better. yeah I mean, for the kids, I feel like it gives them the opportunity. But again, I'm in this weird situation now where, ah you know, my kids will be out of school in April and May for my boys, but my daughter doesn't get out till mid-June, and then she can't be gone. They have tryouts for tennis at the end of July, and you can't just, like,
rolling the tryouts without having a racket, you know, not playing for a week or two. So we really can only go away from June 18th to July 15th, maybe that's it. So two vacations. And we're talking about back to back cruises. so do You just book a back to back like do you just fall out like yeah the opportunity that we have at least for for us is that we can work from anywhere, my wife and myself. So I mean, we can pull work duty from a hotel. My wife was actually just in Tennessee for a week because my son is not acclimating all that well to college life so she said I'll just go out and hang out there for a week and work out of a hotel like we could do that so could we do a cruise work cruise and still just stay in Florida right like we could yeah I mean there's that but if my kids hate staying on a cruise six days how much are they gonna want to do back-to-back cruise back-to-back cruise down doesn't sound like a good idea No, yeah no it doesn't. so I think we're going to end back up and in Dollywood. While I do love the fact, again, I was i've really wanted to go to the New Dollywood Hotel this year, but the cost is just like, as I see retirement looming,
I start to think about costs of certain things. And yeah, it's just like, ooh, do I want to pay double to stay at you know another place? Plus, again, we had my you know my son's girlfriend, which puts us over the five, which then turns into a whole disaster. So it's like, you know what are you doing in terms of you know getting places? At the Dollywood place, we'd have to get two rooms. And then that's crazy in comparison to where we were at the Riverstone. We had a three bedroom. Yeah.
So and I'm assuming next year, I'm only going to make this assumption because it is early in the year that my oldest girlfriend will be coming with us as well. um She does, she lives in Florida right now. um I don't know if that will continue to stay the case, but because she was in Florida, she couldn't come on the vacation with us. um But if she moves back to Virginia, then my guess is she may come and now and then all of a sudden now we're talking seven people.
Seven people is expensive. That's a lot. That's a lot. I mean, you know how it is, Tom, when you're going away with your family. The difference between five and seven is double. It's a lot. It's absolutely double, because you've got to double rooms now.
Yeah, i mean we you know our last trip we had two two bedrooms. you know i mean It was a lot of DVC points and you know it was it was a lot of people just traveling everywhere together. you know what It makes everything a little more difficult to coordinate. As long as you're okay with like people going off and doing their own things, then that's that's great. But like you know if you're trying to do things as a group, it's the bigger the group, the more challenging it is.
Yeah. And I don't, like I said, group wise, I'm not too worried about that because there's still nobody's paying for anything. So keeping everyone together is kind of whether we want or not. But my guess is they will go off and do some of their own things. Um, but yeah, one never knows.
Interesting. Yeah. So did that take place a

Listener Feedback & 'Food Time' Request

listener questions or do we actually have listener questions? No, we have listener questions though. We do, but first I got to read the the rundown. I also got to review the, the, I got to read the review of the week, which, uh, we just got from nickname one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, four, just a bunch of numbers. Uh, obviously ah a quickly made username to give us a review. Um, but it says food time, please release food time and iTunes. I need it in my life ASAP. So.
um just i've I put that on there because i we were we were actually talking before the show about this. I am going to try to put it somewhere. I just don't know where yet, but it it will be out there to you know if you want to listen to it over and over.
um so yeah so that one That one I will be doing. I don't know. It's probably not going to be iTunes. It's probably going to be more. I might just release it as like a podcast episode of that's 50 seconds long. um you know and Then you could just listen to it that way. i mean Yeah, people can do whatever they want with it at that point. Yes. You you could add it to an iTunes list or whatever. That might be the best way to do it because then it just distributes it to all the platforms and you know makes it easy. and so That's true. yeah Just putting it on Spotify or iTunes is not as easy as it sounds like it would be. you know anyway so Thank you for that nickname and a bunch of numbers.
it' such a i mean like Can you make a more like made up quick name than that? um so let's we guys We do have some listener questions. i We haven't done listener questions in a while. I will say we typically typically do them when it's a slow Newsweek. It is a pretty slow Newsweek this week. so I wanted to do some some listener questions, but of Philip asks, what are the chances of convincing the Magic Kingdom crew to let Tinkerbell wear a GoPro during her fireworks cable ride to share from her perspective?
I feel like I've seen one but before. I was going to say, I thought I seen that already. Yeah. I don't know where though. You're going to make me look now. i it's It's got to be on YouTube somewhere. So so interestingly enough, as a side note, um I've been trying to, you know, my daughter's still Halloween-ing it, right? like Because she's, yeah but she fourteen she must be 14. I think I probably did Halloween till I was like 14. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, they, you know, they have a fun time and they get together. So, um,
I was trying to get her to dial into the fact that she is perfect for a wiggle, right? And especially with the wiggles kind of coming back in the introduction of all that, whatever. It doesn't matter. So she said no, that her and her friends are going as Tinkerbell. She's doing, she's Tinkerbell and there's other like fairies, right? Okay.
So they're doing that for Halloween. I thought that was interesting. I was kind of like, huh, okay. I didn't you know think that that was something that they would do, but I was pleasantly surprised. I forget that she knew the names of the other ones, and I guess there's that whole show. with There's that show. Yeah, there's a show. what What did you guys all do for your last Halloween? Because my last Halloween, my friends and I were all Ghostbusters. like we we we We did Ghostbusters for last Halloween.
I think my last Halloween was like pillowcase, quick mask, yeah candy grab. So I don't want to say, I don't think I can specifically say, now if we want to talk about what I feel like my best Halloween costume was. So what I had was one of the, what were the stormtroopers that were flying the TIE fighters? Like there's, there's a name for them though. Um,
Anyway, yeah you know like they have this special helmet, like they're black they look different. like yeah yeah I used an old bicycle helmet um excuse me that old motorcycle helmet and made that. That was probably my best um Halloween yeah you know thing that I think I did personally.
I think my Ghostbusters costume was pretty good. like we We had like the packs and everything. you know because like we I still had like the toy from childhood of like the packs and the and the trap is that you could used to be able to buy. um That was one of my better ones. and and one of The one friend that was doing it with us, he he's like an artist, and so he made like you know logos and you know the the names on the on the jumpsuits and all that stuff. It was it was pretty decent. We were probably a little bit too old at that point to be trick-or-treating, but it was you know still fun.
Yeah, I got nothing because all of my costumes had to fit over winter jackets or snow suits. So we yeah, I never had good Halloween costumes. That's unfortunate. yeah That's unfortunate. David, it's funny you brought this up. I would love to know... in the group. Like this is a great poll question is when you were a kid, what did you use to hold your candy? Because I always use the pillowcase growing up, right? Like it' always pillowcase. so But I feel like i I don't see kids do that anymore. Like ah all the kids that come to my house, and nobody has a pillowcase. Yeah, it's got to be some fancy bucket. It can't even be done. I think even prior to the pillowcase, like when you were younger, it was just that plastic pumpkin. The plastic pumpkin, yeah. Yeah, that was it. There was nothing fancy. Now there's there's definitely a lot of fancy things. I'd actually like to know what some of the adults in our group's best costumes were. That'd be good, too. Yeah. I feel like we need to do a Hollywood live show. This year, I'm going to be a podcast person, and I'm going to just use my backpack.
The backpacks came out really nice, didn't they? No, they came out great. Yeah, they did. It's funny you mentioned backpacks, but that was actually- Wait, you got yours? No. When we were growing up, actually, there was a lot of kids that would do a pillowcase and a backpack because you would fill up the pillowcase and then dump it into the backpack and keep going. Yeah, we would just usually go home in between.
yeah thats but Yeah. Now we didn't have time for that it was too cold. You had to get out quick because it was getting cold at night. Yeah, I could see that. But yeah, I just I want to again, just talk about these backpacks and how nice they are. Like, gosh, they came out really, really nice. I did. Yeah, they look really cool next year.
Yeah. but What did you think? is So here's my question, Tom, between the two backpacks, right? Because forget about the little weird bag sort of thing, which came out nice, but it's not necessarily what I thought it was going to be. But sure, it came out nice. But yeah, between the two two backpacks, do you like, I thought that so they're, they're four times the cost between those two, I actually thought the cheaper ones were really nice.
Yeah, the cheaper ones are nice. yeah i think i agree The OGO ones are are really nice, but are they four times as nice? I think the answer is no. I don't think you know i don't think anything would be four times as nice. Isn't that crazy though? Has anybody gotten even close to guessing the price ah on on the Facebook group? They're getting closer.
ah they look closer Yeah, um but I thought that maybe that helps them out too. But I just thought those the cheaper ones, if we were to ever do backpacks for people, that would be, I think they were nicer than I thought they would be. Okay. But that's the thing, like that stuff when you order it is tough. like Poor Trevor's hats came out and they were just terrible because yeah the hat quality was just bad, but you don't know until you order. that's You don't know. Yeah. so I think that well we'll forever only have the only OGO backpacks, but those other ones may come out at some point.
I do kind of want to do, ah you know in the past we've done the Halloween live show and people come dressed up. I feel like I kind of want to do that again this year. It might be fun to have people come and be dressed up in costume and and do do that kind of thing. so You say that, but then you never schedule it. so Listen, I have time now. I am free. I can do these things. so We're going to make it happen this year. so We just got to set a date and we're going to do it this year.
I wish there was like a Scrooge McDuck mask, but that would be the best thing. I mean, I'm sure you could get a Scrooge McDuck mask. I'd want one that's like legit though. like but yeah yeah yeah I'm thinking like the, you know, like the old 80s like plastic mold masks. The rubber ones. The latex one that really was like Scrooge McDuck light. So cool if that was the thing.
Oh man, I just googled this and I found a vintage one for $65 on eBay. what Is it the best kind now? I don't know. um i don't Let's look at this thing. Oh, this is creepy. but know this This is a kid's statue. This is what I'm probably thinking. Oh, is I see the one. gi like How much was it? 65 bucks. Oh, yeah.
Yeah. there's that You need you need like one of those really good like quality like rubber ones, right? Yes. I don't see those anywhere. I don't think they exist. ah you know I think you'll have to like- This this one that's um ah vintage one, vintage I still can't wrap my head around 1991. Being vintage. Sure. There's only 20 bucks. Yeah, that was not so bad. I mean, 91 was a long time ago, man. so let say I like that $700 screwed silicone mask. Now, if I had that that, that's the way to do it. yeah That's a different story. yeah Just drop $700 on a Scrooge McDuck mask. Something that you're going to wear for like an hour. Exactly. If that I had this this idea for like something I want to do on YouTube, but I don't want to say it yet because I'm not not near getting it done yet. But I was surprised at like just the cost of some things from our childhood and really how much the new versions of them are.
Like yeah just in general, like I was looking at something which I know I owned as a kid probably for like $12 and like $140 and not like the old one, just the the newer version of that. Oh yeah yeah. It's crazy. Kids toys are out of control. Yeah. No, I get what you're saying. Yeah.
Uh, all right. Well, that was a fun tangent. folks Yeah. Yeah. We went down a weird rabbit hole because of Tinkerbell, but that's okay. No, it makes sense. I listen, I liked the Halloween conversation. I, I, like I said, I would like to do it again. I think it'd be fun. Uh, so I, I will get working on that guys. I'm for real. I'm going to, I'll schedule this. It's going to happen. So we'll do, let maybe we'll do a costume contest and, uh, you know, whoever has the best costume will, uh, get a, get a prize of some sort, which we won't actually send.
No, we will, we will. Again, I have time again, did Damon, I have time. but um So Jen wants to know how do you like your popcorn air pops or microwave microwave popcorn or stovetop. I think we should also throw in movie popcorn in here too, because I feel like it's a different category.
You know? Movie popcorn is nasty. Which one is nasty? Movie popcorn is nasty. Yeah, it's usually way too salty and whatever topping they use is not butter, so it's not good. I never use the fake butter because it just makes your hands disgusting. And it's too salty. It is. Yeah, I don't think movie popcorn would ever be my favorite for sure.
we have a uh we have like a little um it's an orville redenbacher thing it's like a i don't even know how to describe it it's like a tabletop thing and it just has like a little bar in it that spins and you put the you know you put the the kernels in there and then it pops it right there it's not really air popped it's more like it's kind of closer to stovetop i think but it's like a standalone machine that's how we usually make it Okay. Yeah. We, I actually just use a pot on the stove top, but, uh, use a coconut oil because it's better yeah that actually comes out. Um, taste-wise it's, I mean, that's actually what they use in Disney. So it tastes like Disney popcorn.
That makes sense, yeah. you know yeah that That totally makes sense. I don't really do any toppings on my popcorn either. I'm not a big popcorn person. My wife and daughter love popcorn. I'm not a huge popcorn person. you I like um like the kernel salt and vinegar popcorn salt. like oh I'll do that, but I got a kettle core.
Oh, I love cattle corn. Cattle corn is good too. um yeah I actually did maple popcorn one day, which is good, but it's really hard to make because you got to be like.
very perfectly timed with when you add maple syrup because yeah, because it burns very quickly, right? So you got to, you got to do it very, very fast. So um I'm down this little bit of rabbit hole of, you know, I went down this vanilla extract situation, right? So now I have like, I got like so much vanilla extract cooking, right? Like not cooking. not real like or i don't Really? Yeah, so I got like two full seven. So everything's in the 750 milliliter at this point. So I got two ever clears cooking, I you know, not cooking, but just they're kind of doing their thing in the have a bourbon, I have white rum, I have vodka, I have mall going. And what I started to read was about people making vanilla salt. So I actually made vanilla sugar, because there was a problem, I didn't realize you can't extract with 190 proof ever clear. That ruins the beans, right? I didn't know. And I got tricked into it by the people at the liquor store, but that's neither here nor there. I ended up, you know, they get burned obviously from that amount of alcohol. So I took them out and I had to do something with them. So I made vanilla sugar with it, which came out phenomenal. We use it for everything.

Damon's House Rules for Teenagers

But I was reading about vanilla salt.
I said, Oh, that might be interesting for popcorn. I've never heard of such a thing, but I would consider that. We could yeah we usually do plain popcorn because we have our first two floors are all wood, but our third floor is carpet in the bedrooms in the game room. And I refuse to let like my daughter have eight teenage girls over and like have anything that will like be a problem. So they do plain popcorn up there and they hate it. They're always like, can we get some butter? And I'm like, no.
And we have like, you know, juice it. Water and plain popcorn, that's it. Like, that's what you get when you come to this house. There is nothing else. Oh, man. Yeah, and lollipops. I do lollipops. I don't know why I allow lollipops, but I feel like lollipops either in your mouth or it's finished, so it's not so bad.
i I tell it to my daughter, because those tend to fall out of her hand and mouth all the time. I end up stuck to my furniture. um Yeah, not great. All right. Well, I like that question. let's Let's not do the rest of the questions here. Let's talk about the the do the the cruise line stuff. And then we'll get to the other stuff after the ad. So.

Exclusive DVC Disney Cruise Announcement

You good? Yeah. yup All right. So Disney cruise line announces a DVC member exclusive Disney destiny sailing details. So Damon, maybe you could do the, the, the DVC cruise. You could do the, you know, the first one. No, I don't want to be with DVC people. you don What?
I just don't. I'm sorry. It looks like the the the Destiny, so it's going to be November 28th and it'll be Five Night Voyage to the Bahamas. so I mean, that all sounds good. Five Night would be good for you, right? You could do Five Night. It would be perfect. I think the problem is is that when you go, okay, I'm not saying everybody, but I think the percentage of Disney crazy goes up.
in the DVC groups. I think that's the percentage of crazy, right? so You mean just like obsessive? or like Yeah, let's say obsessive yeah instead of crazy, but sure. And I don't mess with those percentages. I think the percentages are just too high for me. And I just don't think I would love that. Like, it's kind of like, so Tom, you've been on a Disney cruise? or No, not yet, right? I've not. No. but this year So when you go to like the DVC meetup, yeah. Okay. Um,
It's a different group of people than just your regular Disney cruisers. Okay, yeah. From what I found from the three cruisers that we've been on um and it's fine for like an hour and that's good enough for me. I don't know if I could do a whole cruise for full of that. All right, I can see that. That's fair. I think it's interesting this cruise is only stopping at the islands too though. It's only stopping at the private islands and nowhere else.
I mean, most of the cruises, I feel like that double dip stop at NASA and then double dip. So it seems like, I mean, leaving NASA off is fine. yeah um The thing is, is NASA's getting a water park, though. I mean, they're really going to build up that port, which is going to make NASA, I think, a little bit different of a stop. I mean, I know you have the opportunity to go to, what's that place called again?
me Atlantis. But yeah yeah, I think it will be nice when the water park is maybe right there in the port. I think that's going to change the dynamic of Nassau. So I'm kind of looking forward to that. We'll see how that goes. but Yeah. i mean I think I talked about this on my cruise. i As nice is as Turks and Caicos was and you know the beaches and everything, like there was really nothing there. like there was i mean there's All the ports are like tourist traps basically. you know I mean there's tons of excursions to do what you go on port but the problem is is like I kind of consider cruises at least to me is like I've paid my cruise and I understand I could get an excursion beforehand but I paid my cruise and then I'm done. like yeah exactly The cruise is the trip. It's not. exactly the experience yeah Now I think maybe as I do more and more cruises though that may be more of a problem.
um I'm not sure you know what i mean like my kids maybe like ah i've seen this before i've done this before i don't know the answer to that but i haven't really done any excursion so we'll see but i think having an excursion i'm always be honest with you i'm not i'm a nervous traveler just in general so.
To have to think about an excursion with a third party company that's far away, that has to get me back to the boat within the specific timeframe, doesn't make for a fun vacation for me. Fair. Now, I think I'm probably the only one in the family, the rest of the family could care less, but... But you're the one who has to figure it out when it goes sideways. Well, that's the thing. If someone goes sideways, everyone looks at me like, well, what are we doing? I don't want to be in this position to begin with. I get that. I'm the same way when I travel. I feel you on that, that it's like, yeah, you want to just relax, but then it's like, yeah, when things go sideways, you have to have the plan. Yeah, even if it doesn't go sideways for me, it ends up not being relaxing, which is probably terrible because honestly, at the end of the day, I'm probably missing out on a lot. So I'm trying to work on that. But yeah, I think I'll feel a lot better once you can do like something in the port there rather than having to go far.
but it you know It's interesting you you mentioned the the safety part of it though because it's like when we were in Turks and Caicos, right like we decided to do a golf cart tour of the island because that's the thing apparently. and But like the first thing you do when you go on this golf cart tour, yeah and you kind of realize this pretty quickly, that the whole tourist area is gated off.
right yeah dudes with machine guns standing guarding this gate. And that's the gate that we went through. And I was like, well, this doesn't feel great. Like going to the other side of this gate. like you know um And I mean, we're just driving on the road in these golf carts with cars around us. Like it just, it felt very, you know, I mean, listen, they do it every day, all day. So I mean, I'm sure it's fine. But That's just what I'm saying, like but for me, like I have to feel comfortable. like I want to do Atlantis, and I just think to myself, like well the Atlantis trip is not run by Disney, which doesn't make me feel great. People do it all the time. but like
man, like that would bother me from the time I stepped on the ship until it was over. And I would probably have a phenomenal time. yeah it's like what a lot like And I think maybe, again, like just if I want to like psychoanalyze myself, I think it's probably one of the reasons that I kind of like that whole Dollywood situation. Because like no matter what goes wrong, like there's a Walmart, there's a hospital, and nothing's that far away. de I don't know.
But that's why Disney's great, though, too, because you have everything there, right? Like, yes, you're not. Yeah, especially when you have a car. It's like, oh, well, if something, you know, if I need some, I just run over to Target or Walmart or wherever, whatever. It's definitely helped our packing for sure. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. All right. Well, why don't we do our ad and then we got a couple other things Okay, this week, our sponsor is DVC Resale Market. DVC Resale Market is a world of DVC company that is the leader in the DVC resale industry with 13 former Disney Vacation Club guides and three former Disney Vacation Club quality assurance managers. If you're thinking of buying DVC, browse the largest selection of DVC resale listings anywhere with DVC experts on hand seven days a week to answer your questions.
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All right, so we got a new show coming to Hollywood Studios. It's interesting, when I read this, i immediately my mind immediately went to the Beauty and the Beast show being

Show Replacements & Villains-Themed Attractions

replaced. But it's not the Beauty and the Beast show being replaced, it's the Lightning McQueen show being replaced. And I don't know if that has anything to do. It is a little weird. i mean I've heard that show is good. I've never done it. But I heard it was pretty decent show. um But you know, even in the discord, I forget who said it was like, I've never I don't even know what this Lightning McQueen thing is. And I was like, and that's exactly why it's getting replaced. like that ah That is fair. I guess I was looking at from like the Lightning McQueen stuff is newer, but that newer doesn't necessarily mean
better, right? Yeah, that's true. So, yeah um so and it's interesting that Disney's really leaning into the villains thing, right? Like, yeah but like, I mean, they they always kind of have, but like, I feel like recently more like, you know, you have like the top of the world just turned into a villains thing, you know, the top of the world lounge is is a villains thing. Of course, you have the villains land coming, you've got a whole ship of heroes and villains. And now we have this, it possibly have anything to do with Universal.
Well, I mean, but they were they've been doing this is a trend that started a couple years ago, though, right? I mean, but we knew Universal was building in this couple years ago, too. I mean, I think I don't think it's stupid. I think it's a smart way to compete because if it does extremely well, I don't know. I i flip flop back and forth again with this whole villain thing. and And, you know, is it their demographic or is it not? Is it going to work or is it not? I don't know.
So so here's the weird things I recall here like I recall like back in like 2010 and whatnot like like a long time ago people going oh you know they're gonna do a villain's land someday like like it's not this is not a new thing for villains land like a new closet wanted it but it's always been you know it's definitely been more adult centric and it's definitely been more you know you know people want the villain's land because It's kind of, it's the opposite of fantasy land, right? Yeah. Yeah. Where fantasy land is full of kids and, you know, young, young kids where villains land becomes that, you know, fine. We have a space for, you know, older kids and adults specifically that, you know, you know, younger kids are not going to go there. So I don't, I don't know that I feel like the epic universe thing definitely kickstarted it in that, you know, I think universe is so differently. Yeah, yeah it does. yeah it's yeah like
But I feel like it was like you know epic universe. They went, fine. you know You're not going to do this, Disney. We're going to do this. And then Disney kind of looked back on it and went, OK, fine. you know Yeah, we're going to start doing these things too. like And that's what I wonder about. So we were looking through, again, right I have now, gosh, I'm up to 200,000 pictures on my Amazon photos, right which is wonderful. we We have them on all our TVs. We like to see them. So yesterday, a Maleficent photo comes up of my daughter in Maleficent.
I don't know. I put her maybe at three, four. I don't know. I'm terrible with like, if I saw like Tom's kid, I'd have no idea how old she was. It wouldn't matter. like I'm just terrible with that. It's hard to judge. its Even with my own kids. I'm like, ah, let's call it three or four. I'm not even sure. um But what was interesting was is so I said to her, because we were just sitting down there, I think trying to catch up on Dragon Prince, which we still haven't. It's such a great show, by the way.
And we were trying to catch up on that. And we saw this picture come up and we're like, I said, hey, so, you know, what about that picture? And she's like, yeah, I was scared. it go do You look like you're scared. She goes, oh, I was really scared. Because I remember that. I remember being that, like, super scared about that. And it's just maleficent, you know, leaning down to talk to her.
And it got me thinking about this, you know, this whole villain stuff and like, you know, why? ah i Like, I get it, but the the Disney adults cannot account for the same amount of profit that kids do. I just can't imagine that they do. And it just got me thinking to myself, why?
You don't? Really? yeah I feel the amount of Disney adults now is a lot higher than it was. When you walk through the park, though, you're telling me that you think that you see more adults without kids than adults with kids, right? Because you have to take the adults with kids out of the equation for a second. They don't count. Right. So you think you see more adults without kids than you see more adults with kids?
I don't think it's that I see more without than with, but I think the percentage is definitely a lot higher that, yes, you're right. you know Disney is primarily um you know families, but I think there is enough people that, you know you know older people that come you know without their kids and you know solo trips and all that kind of stuff. I think there's enough of that to justify a land focused around this kind of thing. I don't think it's going to be like... I don't think it's going to be scary. Yeah. That's the whole point there. I don't think it's going to be scary. If it's not scary for adults and it's still scary for younger kids, then I kind of don't know where that mark is. I don't know. Why is Universal doing it too? Because Universal, I think, is going to be scarier.
Yeah, well, I mean, that's the thing though, right? There's, Universal's is classic monsters, right? That are legitimately scary to most. And Disney villains are, well, you know, can be scary. They're a little softer, you know? they're not Is there anything scarier than turning around in that cart to the witch in Snow White? that Because I don't know where it is, man. The older villains, way scarier than newer villains, right? yeah but i okay i will so Anecdotally, um my son's experience was you know the first couple of times we went to Disney, I avoided like we didn't even do Haunted Mansion or anything like that. so yeah yeah but He was young enough that I knew that you know I wasn't going to be one of these parents. and This is the thing is you see this where you you know you know there's some poor kid that's you know screaming and crying. The parents are like, come on, we're in Disney. It's fun, and it's like but it's not. right
and And so, so I guess the thing is, is that I understand what you're saying, David, you know, those really young families, you know, I definitely would never, you know, say, you know, take your kids to villains land. But, you know, I think it was about when my kid hit about seven years old.
That all of a sudden a switch flipped for him and then he was like yeah haunted mansion is awesome he want like we we wrote tower of terror in disneyland back to back six times like he was he was into it and so so you know it's not that they have to be like Older or adults, but there is definitely a cutoff where you know, I like I said, and and this is where I think the trade off is going to be is that you will see, you know, the younger kids will all be in fancy line and, you know, for parents, you know, I think I think it it comes down to the parents.
really paying attention to it. It's not how well that worked with alien encounters. That's the thing. It's tough to be a bug, too. I mean, that's yeah. This is the thing is that that, you know, I think, you know, there will always be those parents that are oblivious to what it is they're walking into because because right now it's right now there's no excuse for like alien counter. Yes, you know, people didn't have necessarily a frame of reference for what it was. But, you know, everyone knows what this is. And it's so like everything's so online now that, you know, There's only reason why you can't know ahead of time what it's about, right? Sure, but is that stopping them from going, right? That's kind of the question. So I wonder where this villain land is going to sit in terms of, you know, scariness versus not scariness. I'm really curious. I'm just torn on whether it's gonna fit their demographic and or their money, right? Because I look at it and I say, well,
Do people going to Disney every five years, right, just on a single point of reference, spend more money? I would have to imagine that they probably do. I would think they do, yeah. Right? And then that is recycling through people that think like, again, I talk to people and, you know, especially like, you know, my kids, friends. Hey, so when was the last time you went to Disney? I went when I was five and we never went again. No, I went when I was four and never went again. Went when I was seven. Oh, we went when we were four and seven. So I think about that and then just think to myself, like, you know, it's going to work, obviously. I'm not saying it's not going to work.
But is the return on this as high as the return would be on a land that wasn't this? And that's what I question. Maybe Disney doesn't care. I doubt that, but I just, I'm curious about that. You know, scary is, it's funny because I feel like, and and I'm just, I have such a limited amount of data here, but that like younger kids, even as they progressively get older, are less like, I don't know, they're scared by a lot more things. I don't know. yeah Limited day of the year. Listen, my my daughter's terrified of the frozen ride, so like it's not.
Yeah. And that's the thing too, is even the most like innocent things that you don't think are a big deal, you know. Cookie Monster. Don't make fun of me for that. My kid. Cookie Monster gave me in. Oh my God. I'm sorry. I'm going to do this. Yeah. Okay. You know, my kid's never going to listen to this. But so, you know, on Sesame Street or Elmo specifically, that there was Mr. Noodle that showed up. Yeah, Mr. Noodle was awesome. So my son was scared of Mr. Noodle.
What i don't know he just like we could not have it on the every time i came on he got like freaked out and we we're like okay no changing the channel it was it was the weird like. It was weird but i also get it you know from his point of view there's just something about it that didn't sit right. down i had i Yeah, I get I get that cuz I just cookie so cookie monster was my thing, right? And I had this little I must have been a play school cookie monster I mean the thing just looked like a blob right with two eyeballs on the top of it and for whatever reason I don't know Maybe my maybe I should go ask my parents if they were just doing me dirty my whole childhood This thing would always be on the top of my dresser. in a Why the heck is cookie monster always on the top of my dress? I'd have to take them and put them in the drawer and close the drawer cuz cookie monster was just not it for me yeah you great You're reminding me of Teddy Ruxpin.
yeah know yeahy rexman yeah and That's an old reference at this point, but yeah, because that that thing was really creepy at the time. Teddy Ruxpin didn't bother me, but this this little Cookie Monster play, I have to find, if I have that thing in my attic, I'm going to bronze it, I feel like.
That was like the toughest thing for my childhood was this Cookie Monster. And I don't know, maybe I took it out of the drawer every morning. It was like, I don't, maybe I did that. I don't know, but it would always be on my dressing night, always like before bed. And if it was dark out and I had to get up out of bed in the dark to put them in the drawer, that was a problem. yeah That was definitely a problem.
So I, I get that, you know, as kids, the the the thing is, is that I feel like the, the whole villains thing, it's ruining some kids. I'm just, I'm telling Disney, ruin some people but but you know, to your point about the whole day and night thing, I feel like that's actually going to be kind of self-regulating that, you know, you know, kids, no, man, like, like, like they're going to fantasy land during the day are not like ever. Parents are bad. I know.
and I guess we'll see how many kids are going to be there screaming and crying. I just think that Disney has been softening their villains over the years, right? Because they they exist in a lot of places now, right? Like, the parades, they exist. You can meet some of the villains. Like, the Gaston one was a huge thing for a while. And I mean, look at the... Even Cruella, yeah. Yeah, and I mean, look at what's the... ah I don't know about you guys, the but the thing I've seen the most on social media about the Halloween parties this year is Hades.
I mean, have you seen the Hades character? Yes, he's he's very cool this year. Extremely cool. Yeah, I like how they did him. Yeah, like they have his hair glowing the different colors and it's all part of the show. And like it's, ah you know, so like I feel like they've been doing this where they they have the villains, but they make them kind of hot take that they had to end up getting rid of the Snow White Rock because too many kids were scared. and Oh, no, that's true. isn't Yeah. But I mean, they still have it at Disneyland, right? So but is it that scary? oh It was so it was, but they redid it in Disneyland less scary.
To let me especially the turning around party so it wasn't quite so traumatizing and why is it even scary like i don't know why it's scary i mean that was kind of scary and points right forget about the movie that ride was like. something I mean even if you think about it when you the pool is a little.
Really? yeah Oh, the heffa-lumps? Yeah, it gets weird. I was terrified of the heffa-lumps as a kid. You want to talk about something you were scared of as a kid? Heffa-lumps. That was, I don't know why I was terrified of that. So, okay. This is the thing is, you know, we're talking about all these different rides that have scary moments in them and and whatnot. So I don't, I mean, ah Disney as a whole, I think we, we treat it like, you know, everything about Disney is like fantasy land and it's all like nice and whatnot. It's really not. But yeah shouldn't it be now?
Well, but I don't know. It should be. I think I think there's a balance there. And I think that, you know, I think that that all this villain stuff coming in is like Tom said, I feel it is softening it a little bit in that it's becoming normal enough that, you know, i I know kids are going to get freaked out by things. But when it's kind of like, oh, yeah, you know, everybody is cool with this, you know, kids kind of adapt to that. And I don't think I don't think it's going to be as bad as you think it is. Well, but that's what I'm kind of saying about Hades, right? Like like Hades is the point where he's like, <unk>s it's they're almost making them silly, you know what I mean? like They're almost making them so they're not like scary, they're just they're so silly and funny. Okay, so if a villain's park where they're just goofy rather than scary, then I just go back to my original point, then why? I do it. I don't know.
I mean it's not like there's not enough see the thing that's interesting it's not like there's not enough characters are under representation good movies in the park. That's true it will be interesting i'm curious to see how it goes but i'll be going there like i feel like gosh by the time this done i.
Is it possible I'm a grandparent by then, by the time some of this stuff is done? I mean, well, this is 2025. So unless, you know, you know, the show is next year. So I'm not talking about the show. I'm talking about the land. Yeah. yeah But the original discussion was about the show. We kind of went about the original discussion was about Trevor. Come on. I don't know. this whole up sa holes Tom's trying to keep this in five minutes. i and this too So we got five minutes left.
Well, listen, I don't think we we could just cover this real quick. So Tron is moving out of standby and I mean out out of um virtual queue and moving to standby.

Impact of Tron Queue Changes

That's good. So I think yeah, I want to see what the wait times look like, because I feel I wonder if it's as bad as I think it's going to be. I will say, but I won't be there for a year. So I feel like by the time I go, i'll be good I'm going to be there in May. So I do have a vested interest in seeing how you can go on that yet, though.
Oh yeah, I have been, but, um, well, no, but I want to write it more. But the problem is you can only get one, you can only do one paid, uh, lightning lane a day, and but you're going to be there more than one day.
Yeah, i I still want to do it more than that. I only, I don't want to just write it three times. Like, come on. I get it. Well, you might do after hours though, right? Well, oh that that is a discussion for sure. We, I mean, yeah, we'll, we'll get to that later, but I smell this one and I had to, I had to put this on here because I thought Damon would be fired up about this one specifically. So am I fired up about,
This is a wild idea, and I would have loved this. So this is a Disneyland piece of news, and this is actually revealed

Proposed DuckTales Attraction

on a podcast. I don't care about this. Well, you love DuckTales. I just figured. I do, but it would have been a Disneyland, which would have made me mad, so I can't possibly have a vested interest. It would have been awesome. Pretty cool, though. Yeah, so it was revealed on, and we'll give credit where it's due, a podcast called Unbuilt and Unrealized Theme Park Podcast. Should I follow them then? What's that? Should I follow them?
I don't know. we should check I want to check it out. But they revealed that a DuckTales attraction was once set to replace Roger Rabbit's cartoon spin at Disneyland. And they have a piece of they have a piece of ah concept art here that just looks awesome. That does look really awesome. Yeah.
It just like makes me sad that they didn't do this. that Yeah, reading the description, it would have been it would have been a fantastic update to cartoon spin because I mean, it's Roger Rabbit, which like Roger Rabbit is unfortunately well into nostalgia this part. Yeah. So, you know, this would have been a cool take on and especially the way that they like like I was looking at the track layout.
And the way they described it was like, oh, you're traveling through time. You know, like, ah like a DuckTales episode, right? Like, yeah I was like, that would have been very cool. Which DuckTales is better? The older one? I don't know. Difficult. Yeah, very difficult. Yeah, it's I feel. I feel the same way, Trevor. I don't know. I can't say that one is better than the other because they both have very good redeeming qualities to them. Yes, I agree. So did you go classic theme song or new theme song?
Oh, classic theme song. but Yeah, that's not even a question. classic theme And I hate to say that, just classic was better yeah but it is I think about the the old one. Yeah, it's that's definitely a a tough call. i like So this is that's a good ah good um place, but I like the one where they talk about all those Disney cartoons that never made it. And that really hurts my feelings. That Gummy Bears one looked terrible, but like, you still what I still would watch it. and go Oh, so and and so we should know too that this was this re-theme would have been based on the new on the new DuckTales not the old DuckTales. So this is like a recent kind of ruins a few of the characters and the new DuckTales will be honest with you.
But my boy doofus just got totally just. Yeah. Yeah. But but I mean, this folk would have focused on Huey Dewey, Louie and yeah Donald, which I actually I actually like that, that it would have focused on them more than like Scrooge because um You know, it like like, you know, everyone associates Scrooge with DuckTales, but, you know, the entire cast really makes it like it's not. Most of the episodes are not about Scrooge specifically, which is weird. Like if you think about it, you know, Scrooge is kind of like the the head of it, but.
Not really. yeahp yeah Yeah. Here's the thing though, like they always say a good idea never dies at Imagineering. This could still happen. I mean, there's no reason why they couldn't do this still. I mean, because they're busy doing all this stupid.
Villain stuff. how are Not a ti he were at Disneyland. Well, we're doing Avatar land at Disneyland. That's true. But doesn't mean they can't do multiple things at once, right? True. To your point, Trevor, i mean as much as I like the Roger Rabbit movie and how you know it was a pretty revolutionary thing at the time, it's still, I mean, it's how many kids know who Roger Rabbit is? Probably not many, but I would gather a lot of kids know DuckTales still. So, I mean, this could still happen.
If you want to talk scary, I mean, I wasn't Judge Doom in Roger Ratford. That was actually very scary as, you know, as a kid show. Well, just that movie in general out there, like, that was not really a kid's movie. No, it wasn't. In any way. But it was, you know, Disney putting it out. So it was like,
I don't know. It got a pass somehow. it did It did, but I mean, you know, yeah, it's, it's crazy, but no, I, I, you know, this could absolutely still happen. It looks like they had this pretty, pretty fleshed out already. I mean, they got all the rooms together here and you know, I mean, i mean yeah, it definitely high level. It, it looks like it would have worked, but yeah, like you said, I, I feel like it's probably, yeah you know, they just announced a whole bunch of stuff. This is probably way further down the list.
that uh you know it it would have definitely gotten some attention but uh definitely not on the level of some of the other things that we've been talking about maybe if the new series was still going on they would have done it you know but yeah that that show ended a couple years ago now i mean it's yeah that's that's the hard thing too is you know because of the the cycle of some of these shows right it's like You know, DuckTales definitely had its moment. But if you did a ride about it, you yeah, I feel like, you know, even from my kid's point of view, the um the show was kind of in a like he he was starting to watch it and then he got off into other stuff non Disney.
The movie right versus the series, right? Like, I don't like watching movies at all anymore. I'd rather watch series. um But by the way, the movies may save from the parks, right? I just watched Weird Science yesterday again.
Oh, wow. That's such a good movie. That's a reference, man. that It was on, and I was like, I haven't seen this in so long. I'll talk about nostalgia. that was yeah and I have to make a plug here, though, for a show, I guess, since it was ABC ah that it started. I guess it's OK. I don't know if anyone's been watching from an amateur. You've never even heard of that. So it's from the producers or writers or lost. I don't remember which one.
It's scary, but gosh, is it good? I'm curious to see if anyone else has watched. So if you liked Lost. Oh yeah. I know. Oh yeah. This, okay. With the dude from Lost. Oh, which dude from Lost? Uh, his name is Henry Pernall or something like that. I forget. Oh yeah. Yeah. What was his name? Was that Walt? No. No, he was Walt's dad. Yeah. Um,
This is the one about that town, right? yeah yeah Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Catch that. Catch that. It's scary, though. Like, don't kid yourself. It's scary. I mean, not like this. It's scary. Like, your kids wouldn't watch it scary, but it's not like, you know. But it's scary. It's pretty good, though. Yeah. like Anyway. I'm just waiting for yellow jackets to come back. I said I haven't caught up on that. ah you You didn't do the last time. I can't because it got boring. Oh, I don't think it got boring.
I don't know I think I'm on like the middle of season one and I like season no I finished season one I'm in like the middle of two maybe and I was just like that it shows picks up more towards the end but yeah come maybe okay so one last thing you scary we they they we've got ah a vampire stitch popcorn bucket that is only coming to Disneyland which I'm a little sad about but it is weird yeah Yeah, I, I, I like this. I wish that there was more, more Halloween stuff like that, like this, right? Like, yeah I feel like I'm glad that they're doing Stitch and it's not another Nightmare Before Christmas thing. I'm so done with Nightmare Before Christmas. We think we know how much you love that, that franchise. It's not good. It's just not, I don't know. Sorry. Come for me if you want. I don't care. it's I don't like it.
as As Tim Burton has a Renaissance ah now with ah with with the new Beetlejuice movie. Yeah, Beetlejuice is okay. but yeah um yeah the I wonder why they're only doing this in Disneyland is my only thing.
I don't understand why they, I mean, i like, yeah, well, it doesn't really make sense to me either. Um, but I specifically put this one on for you for Trevor. Cause I know you you guys really like stitch and I think it's also partly to, I don't, when does the live action stitch come out? That's probably not told.
for another year or two, I would think. Yeah, it's sometime next year, I thought. Okay, so this isn't really like a

Vampire Stitch Popcorn Bucket Announcement

promotional thing, but I do like the fact that you put the popcorn, that Stitch's mouth opens to get the popcorn out. Yeah, it just feels very appropriate. It's like the alien popcorn buckets. Yeah. Same kind of thing where, yeah, you open it up and just ram popcorn down his throat.
it It's it's always been really interesting to me how they've used stitch in the parks like because they I mean he's not really represented by anything anymore right like it doesn't have a ride but like you know there was so many things that he would just like show up in you know like just randomly like stitch always just shows up randomly and things.
And he never pretty underrated movie too. It's it's never that there's never a negative reception to it either. No. Right. people like That's the thing is that, yeah, ever ever you know, anytime Stitch shows up, everyone's like, oh, yeah, good. Like, cool. Stitch. Yeah. like Yeah. I mean, is Stitch a villain? You could know is he means kind of villainous. And he's not a villain. It's the beginning. He's villainous. No, I mean, he's misunderstood. OK. let's Give him that. OK, that's fair. That's right. I wouldn't say he's a villain. He never actually like, I mean,
Yeah, he he definitely was feral at the beginning, but yeah, yeah, yeah, I feel that there's far more villains in that show than Stitch. like Like I would question the doctor and the ah the bounty hunter more than more than him.
They, they do also have, they do have a nightmare before Christmas popcorn bucket, the Trevor. And I actually don't want to see that. I know. I know you don't like, I don't know. I know you don't like it, but I will say it's pretty cool. Um, you can, if you scroll down to this article, you click on it, but they also have a vampire tow Mater one too as well. So anyway, I thought about it for a second. And I remember that there was all those, uh, the tow Mater shorts. So, okay. That that's fair. That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah.
All right, let's wrap this up unless anybody else has anything they want to talk about before we go. No, I'm good. All right, cool. I think Damon might have had to leave already. We're past an hour. that where We're exactly past an hour. But listen, we kept it to an hour this week because we should be proud of ourselves. so right so Yeah. So as usual, if ah you guys want to reach us, you can always find us at Welcome Home Podcast at We love getting your questions and hearing your trip reports and and all that all that kind of stuff. ah You can also find us on social media, on Facebook as Welcome Home Podcast. YouTube is Welcome Home Podcast. And Instagram is Welcome Home Picks.
make sure on Facebook you check out our group called Welcome Home Disney Waitlist where we have lots of great discussions about stuff that we talked about on the show and also just general Disney stuff and you know people talking about ah their own experiences and memes and and all that fun stuff so um make sure you check that out if you're looking for a good Disney group because we are one of the best out there and I'll say that and you can you know I'm in a fighting mood today, so you you can come at me about it. I don't think there's a better Disney group than ours. A fighting group? Oh, I like it. yeah no There we go. Yeah. um Also, if you want to help support the show, you can go to and you can check out our different merch there.
Um, you know, maybe if you need some shirts for your next trip, uh, I did, uh, I did see somebody posted a, uh, golden button shirt in, uh, on the West coast, which is very cool. Um, you know, you know, love seeing that. So, you know, if you guys, if you, if you get some merch, you know, send us a pic or, you know, put it in the, in the group. Um, you know, we love seeing you guys rock in the merch. So, you know, you know, please, you know, check out the store if you're looking for some. Similarly, you can also go to our Patreon, um,
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you know, make sure you check that out if you're, if you want to kind of see, I guess it's a little behind the scenes, but yeah, we kind of, you know, we, we talk about that stuff on, on in the Patreon chat more yeah absolutely are on the discord chat more than anything. um Also, if you are on iTunes or Spotify or actually any platform, cause there's multiple platforms now that you can leave reviews, leave us a five star review. It does help more people find the show just cause the way the internet works.
And we also do love seeing the reviews that you guys put up for the show. We we love knowing what you think about the show. So, you know, keep that stuff coming. Also, don't forget to subscribe to Welcome Home Podcast so you'll be reminded every time we release a new episode. You can find us on on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, TuneIn, Stitcher, Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music, just about any podcast app out there you can find us. And if you use one that you can't find us, let me know and I'll add it at at us to it so you can listen there. So we're we're everywhere that you you listen to podcasts.
Just a reminder to our listeners, welcome home podcasts for entertainment only. We are not played by the Walt Disney Company. As such, all the opinions we express on the show are are our own. So please consult a DVC representative or a Disney cast member for more information about anything we talked about today. A huge thank you to our sponsor of this episode, DVC Resell Market, and of course, World of DVC for continuing to support the show. If you need anything DVC wise, please check out World of DVC. They are fantastic to work with. So please, please go check them out.
Join us next time for more Disney Parks discussion, of course, more DVC talk. We hope to see you all real soon. this is skipper alber a wall the voice of the jungle signing off from welcome home podcast on the