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Ep. 66  Eggsplosive - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 66 Eggsplosive - Bellum Draconis

S2 E66 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
71 Plays1 year ago

Will our party rescue the remaining Dragon Eggs? Join is and find out. 

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

You're as dangerous as your crisper to these eggs.

Introduction to the World and Characters

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Dralak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have Will who plays the Dragonborn, Baal Valkorn. Rectum. We have Ian who plays the Tiefling Warlock, Nyx Karel.
Nothing! We've got Calum who plays the Warforged Artifice at Alpha. Uranus. We've got Will who plays the human cleric, Emron. I don't like sand, it's coarse, rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Unfortunately we don't. We don't have Darren, unfortunately, tonight. He is visiting a special museum which specialises in different types of wood. In sphincters. Well yeah, in different types of wood and how comfortable they are.
inserted upon into... Oh shit, I've had too much wine. Into the anus. My name is Mark, and I'm playing a character that's yet to be released properly yet. And last but not least, we have our Maestro of Magic, our Commander of Combat, our DMD of DND, Dungeon Master, Danny. Bonjour.

Desert Palace Mystery

We cross over a desert into what seems to be a gleaming palace on the edge of the waterfront. We zoom in through an open window and into a large marble arched room with huge white pillars of marble holding adorning this large mosque-esque space. We see two old, old individuals deep in conversation, almost arguments, one might say. One looks up.
Seize us looking in and disappears from view. The other turns around. Small orb in his hand. It's old girl. He turns and sees you.
Oh, sandy crackin' we done had ourselves a good old sesh last time what I done seed into my orb.

Desert Journey and Dragon Egg Rescue

Well, first off, it was hot, hot, hot, walkin' down the deserts of Dralak, and fuck me, did rains end up like a boiled egg. Them shadow mendians didn't quite like that warm weather it done seems. They done had to find shelter, and whilst A's was restin',
Some little foggy ambush done did the happening, and they were taken unawares. And when they were confronted by none other than Arachnia Nix, he done said, I just want four, five gold pieces. Nix was like, yeah, sure, that's five gold pieces. I got fucking tons now. I done killed myself a Roper bitch. So he done left it.
They're in the group, they carry on, they go over some more sandy areas and they find some whole looking up criss-crut dragon egg transport is shit going on is crazy. Without really making much of a plan because them eggs gone done the leaving, the group done
Charging in, cannons blazing, magic missiles firing, wind walls going, boats on fire and shit. They done lost an egg, and two more done sailed down the Sandy River thing. But there's also some upkriska fella behind the scenes that done been slashing up fella upkriska. What's going on there? We're gonna find out pretty soon. And well, he shanked a bitch up. And finally, old,
jitties, Emron Dunne did the failing of the saving and he gonna be walking towards a sandy river and doom be looming I'm gonna see what happens now let me have a look.

Battle at the Trading Post

So to set the scene again you are stood in various locations in this sandy trading post moving through the sandy trading post are two large wooden jetties to overlook this current this flow of what you would expect to be water but it is it is
sand and some sort of organic life inside. In what you'd expect to be a river, you see creatures or elements of creatures that almost look like dolphins moving in migration that just allow parts of the body to be visible above that sand line, but they are moving at a ferocity. It's almost like a stampede exists in that space below. Picture that scene in Lion King, that famous scene in Lion King where the
I want to say it's antelope, it might not be antelope, but a charging through that gorge, that sort of level of wildebeest, perhaps their wildebeest.
through that gorge, that level of momentum and that sheer power of what anything that fell into it would suffer would surely meet a similar fate. The party of the last couple of rounds of combat, while they've been exchanging spells and arrows and other things across this sandy river into the Acrisca at the Trading Post, who have been, as was described,
taking these eggs away from the trading post having been alerted. Currently, the party are trying to save as many eggs as they possibly can. What's left are seven eggs. Two were moved down river, I'll call it river, moved down river

Emron's Perilous Encounter

by members of the Ecrisca. One, unfortunately, fell foul of a backfired spell that Balvalcon attempted in order to save them. Seven remain. Three are on one jetty where one boat remains. The other four are incubating or at least staying warm around a campfire. In the last few moments,
A flock of giant vultures entered the scene. One of them scooped up Alpha and now is hovering above this sandy river. Where we ended last week, Emron had been commanded to walk towards this sandy river, not knowing that it was a threat to continue to do so.
We pick up now in those moments, just as Enron is beginning that velocity of falling the ten foot into this stampeding, sandy mass below. It's worth saying as well that north of the river remain the Ippcriscra as well as Mark's unnamed as yet character who had until this point seemed to blend in with the Ippcriscra. South of the river
far away because of his exhaustion, you have reigns. And then on the riverbank itself, you have a cluster of Nix, Alpha, Emron, and Baal. Something happens in this moment. We pick up in the initiative at the end of Emron's turn, as Emron has had to use the entire turn to step off this edge, this riverbank. Something happens in this moment before we go to the next person, which is Baal.
A voice, well, more of a deep sound of whistling is heard, sharp, commanding. Emron, you feel a beneficial spell effect hit you, and it's up to you whether you choose to fail a save or wish to contest it. You don't know anything else, but in the moment where you feel like sheer peril is about to happen, something reaches out to offer a helping hand. And Mark's character,
You don't necessarily make that distinction. So I need you, Mark's character, to please make a wisdom save. Emron, you can either choose to allow what's happening to happen or you can try to contest it with a con save. You say, does it feel beneficial or do I just not know? You don't know if it, it's hard to make that distinction. Your passive is not high enough. You know something is intervening.
I rolled 11, sorry. Everyone's going to let it happen. He's going to assume that maybe it's rained or something is about to intervene because things can't get any worse.
than what he's about to go into. Okay, so with an 11, Mark's character, all of a sudden as you are feeling vulnerable for this period now, having revealed your true intentions and turning on those that you were working with,
All of a sudden you lose control of every part of yourself and you are under the effects of a temporary paralysis. A spell you are somewhat acquainted to and could probably identify if you saw it happen of hold person. You're still conscious, you can still compute everything that's happening, but just nothing is moving for you.
At the point where you fall, you drop maybe five feet and your mass is beginning to turn as you sort of dive into this sandy abyss. You just feel something pull back on your legs.
And you're in this floating state of levitation, five feet above the spray of the sand. And occasionally you're getting hit by the spray of sand. And where this wall of wind to the east that Baal has erected, you've got this sort of...
swirling mist, swirling cloud of sand just hitting you in lots of directions. It's hard to have full visibility at all times and you're having to sort of rub your eyes and shelter and yeah, picture being dangled almost like a teddy picker above this pool of piranhas for want of a description. And then a figure emerges outside of the trading post.

Baal's Fiery and Stormy Tactics

this hulking female figure, the physique of a seasoned orc, but in human form. On her back, she seems to carry this very large blunt weapon, and in both hands are incantations swirling with two different colors as though two magical spells are being controlled by this individual. She walks out,
and just stares across the field as that is her turn. Baal, you're up next. Okay, obviously I've seen all of this unfold. I would have seen Emrod heading towards the river. Have I seen Alpha be plucked as well? Yeah, so in front of you, you can see Alpha is in the talons, upside down.
of one of these giant vultures who is now just sort of slowly, all three vultures have sort of slowed their approach with anything. The momentum has slowed and they're just sort of hovering above this sandy dune. And then about eye level with you, you see an upside down emeron as well. To your left is Nyx who's looking sort of attentively across the river at the criss core activity.
Okay. Uh, I know that from last week I'd flown into some sort of frenzy after obviously my attempt to help the whole situation is completely fucked up. And that's obviously going to carry over and affect what I'm going to do next. So I'm going to continue despite the alterations that have happened with what I was probably going to do first time, which is, uh, charge towards the river.
and use my bonus action to get my wildfire spirit, um, full movement back towards me. And I'm going to leap as much as I can over the river with, uh, using my bonus action first for the wildfire spirits come through. And, um, looking at the kind of the distance that we've got on the map, it looks like it's plausible to have it so that we both kind of meet in midair. And when we do as part of that bonus action.
use the Wildfire Spirit's fiery teleportation to bamf me to the opposite side of the river. So what it would look like is this kind of small flaming dragon racing towards me leaping over the river and it will just kind of engulf me in a massive kind of bite and explode me over the opposite side of the river.
looking at the map that we've got, I would be able to make it approximately, I mean, 20 feet in front of the two of Chris's figures as well as the person that's just come out. That would probably use my full movement and my bonus action just to get to there.
Can you do that first before you announce your action, unless your action is happening as part of that simultaneous motion? It happens when I land, so what I'll do is, yeah, by all means, I'm happy to move myself there, and if anything changes, I'll let you know whether it affects what I do next, but the one spirit next to me as I land.
My understanding of that Wildfire Spirit bonus ability is that it leaves a trail of sort of blazing ember for a split second. Almost like an influx of flame makes that.
That's right. Just like a, yeah, exactly right. And like a small, a small five foot kind of explosion, if you like, is left behind in the space, but I wouldn't have done it over everyone's head. It's the prevailing, it's the prevailing wind you've changed that that's going to cause. I see. Okay. A little issue. So as you sort of.
conjure this really amazing moment where you leap over, you join forces with your companion, and it creates this explosion, this firework of blaze. This powerful wind you've summoned 30, 40 feet to the east is pushing that wind in the direction towards your companions. So I'm going to just ask Emron and Alpha to make deck saves at disadvantage as both of you don't have control of your dexterous abilities at the moment, just to see if you can sort of
move out the way of some of these bigger sparks of embers as they are being produced.
That's very impressive. I will go first. I got a nine with my dexterity saving throw. Nine. And what about you, Emron? Rolling 2d20, I got a zero. Okay. Was it a natural one? Yes. With a minus one to my deck save, and that's zero. Okay. I'm going to say that I failed, failed, failed, failed. You're going to take Dummel damage from this. Okay. So it's three points of fire damage for you, Alpha, six for you, Emron.
I'm going to go all Anakin and just start being crispy. Nice. As you just feel like these exposed bits of your skin within your armor, just get caught with these embers that you have to really work quite hard to brush off, but they leave quite a potent burn. And then back to you, Baal. So you've landed at the other side, the epichristic side of the sand stream. What do you want to do?
from landing he will tilt his head back and roar flame into the sky and this flame is going to have like a blue-ish hue to it as well as the kind of the red fire and it's going to create this massive 120 foot diameter storm cloud above centered it kind of about 20-30 feet in front of him but this massive storm cloud as I cast cool lightning
Okay. Which will drop the concentration on the wind wall. Yep. Because it is a concentration based spell. And I'll get it drawn up on the map in a second, but it will encompass quite a large area. The intention is to have lots of the Upriska underneath it, and also some of the buildings as well. And as part of that action, I can cool down a lightning bolt, which I will do directly between the two, or maybe directly on top of one of the Upriska directly in front of me.
The pair there are sort of a few feet ahead of this towering figure that's emerged. Exactly right. And both of them will need to make deck saves for me. Absolutely. Let's say seven for one of them and a nine for the other.
Both fail. It was a terrible role on the damage die of only 11, but they both take 11 points of lightning damage as a bolt of lightning strikes. Sort of straight in the middle between them. And as it does, there's one that's significantly weaker than the other that just completely sort of...
powderizes at the impact of this bolt and the other with these electrical burns just falls also as you destroy two of them with one tactful call of lightning there. Awesome. Yeah, that ends my turn. Just like I say, enraged. Thank you. It's Reigns' turn. And Reigns, who has been struggling to keep pace with the oil for the past
few hours, just starts to mutter, uh, half alpha. And then as you, those of you who can turn and I'll allow it because this, this, this sound is deafening. There's quite a serious quake. You feel below your feet.
And then this spray, this vertical plume of sand, almost like a geese in Iceland, those sort of thermal spouts of sand just propels itself about 50, 60 feet into the air, followed by this purple shadow from within as this gargantuan creature

Chaos of the Purple Worm

breaches the layer of sand beneath rains and swallows him whole as part of that action. And this purple land worm just encases your friend. Oh well. Fucking hell.
But that changes things somewhat. That's the end of Rains's turn. The vultures at the sheer sight of this turn and flee, the two that aren't carrying any of the party. The one that's carrying EMRON, sorry Alpha, can't see it because it's right behind it and because it's airborne doesn't necessarily feel those quakes and vibrations.
So he continues to move Emron, sorry, continues to move Alpha towards the center of the activity and drops Alpha at the feet, kneeling of this towering figure, not high enough to cause any sort of falling damage.
But yes, does any of this trigger your held action from last week? It does. It triggers my held action, which basically, as soon as I got to a spot safe clear of the river, this weird sandy river, I wanted to use my action to try and break the grapple that the bird actually has on me. OK.
I'll say you can roll at advantage to see if you can break it before it drops you closer to where it wanted to drop you off. So go ahead and roll athletics or acrobatics at advantage because you can already feel that grip loosening and that descent starting.
I won't roll the second one, I've got a natural 20, I may roll for it anyway. 22 to break the grapple. Okay, what I'll allow you for then is any square sort of within that side of the sand bank to put yourself upon, between the towering figure and the other side of the sand bank. Yeah, literally as soon as it clears the river, so as soon as it seems like there's a
enough of a room to maneuver a landing from this great big heavy constructs. That's when the grapple would be attempt to broke. So I think it'd be kind of not quite at the river's edge, but maybe just a few feet in one. So I'll stick it there. Okay. And as this vulture releases you from its grip, it immediately goes and picks up two eggs in its talons, one and either talon.
And that is the end of the vultures turn. Top of the round, held in place, is Mark's character. Mark's character. I can't wait to introduce you, so I'm gonna stop saying that. I should go check if you need to make a save real quick. Yes, at the end of my turn, so all I can do is make a save. Is it at the end of your turn? Yeah, make a save. Okay, so is there anything you want to do that doesn't, well, you're incapacitated, so. Yeah, I do, yeah. Go ahead and, go for it. Sorry, I rolled an 18.
breaks, so you are no longer in that state of whole person. Cool. I've checked. Everything I currently have up is still fine. Everything is all good and dandy in that regard, but that's the end of his turn. Just breaks out of it, and you see him kind of take a couple of big gasping breaths, and he kind of looks around and sees this big hulking figure in front, and his eyes, his eyebrows go up and his eyes become big for a second before there's a hardened and steely look, and that's something all I can get away with. Okay.
Wonderful stuff. So it is now the abciscra's turn. The remaining abciscra you can see are going to go and make a beeline. You will get opportunity to attack on the one next to you, Mark's character, but is going to dash for the easternmost jetty that has three eggs ready to go near a boat. So if you want to take the opportunity to attack, please do.
Yes, please. I will say, not so fast. No, I won't say that. No one can hear anything. Everyone's too far away. I'm just going to use, as I have the feat War Caster, I'm going to cast a cantrip at his face, which is Booming Blade. Nice. And I'm going to hiss him with my regular attack. And if he moves out of the space any further, I get an additional 1d8 of damage against him.
as I struggle to work D&D beyond. So that's what he's gonna do, but he's gonna run his hand along, oops, on the wrong thing, fuck me, I haven't played this in a while. Runs his hand along the side of the blade and the blade starts to shimmer and like vibrate and lose like a sense of like physical presence for that moment as the blade hits against his back as he tries to escape that kind of vibrating eminence kind of moves into him. And this is kind of wobbling, like almost like a mirage wobblingness around this person for a few seconds. So the hit is a 25 to hit.
that hits and he takes eight points of psychic damage thank you very much yes and that is just from the blade strike alone that's just the blade strike yeah the booming the booming blade does nothing unless he moves out of range so he continues his sprint afterwards so your booming blade has its secondary effect then he will and oh god i haven't got this ready so i'm just going to roll a d8 separately if that's okay yeah
That's four. Nice. So four points of thunder damage, lightning damage, thunder damage. I could roll it there, sorry. Ignore that one that's come through on thingy. Oh, I'm still learning. Yes, four. Okay, so you catch this guy almost with like a low sweep cut. And as he continues to run, not really understanding what's going on, but he has one directive at that moment and allows to transport and move that cargo.
the effects of Booming Blade kick in and this follow-up strike hits him. He is limping now towards a destination, still on his feet, but he is near death. Thank you very much. Only...
Only Mark's character would hear this clearly. I'm going to say there's enough distracting with the lightning and everything for everyone else, not necessarily to get a good insight as to any activity in that structure, that canvas hut. But there is motion inside, there is movement, there is sounds of stuff being thrown over, people running around, there's chaos happening inside that hut as well.
That is it in terms of the... They have never been a problem to say before. That is it in terms of the Epichryscra's turn. Over to you, Nix. It is your turn. Behind you, you've heard this booming sound and this colossal creature that is terrifying has just swallowed one of your companions.
Looking to your right, you see an emeron floating moments, moments above his own death. And then you see Alpha and this burning dragonborn across the riverbank from you. What do you want to do?
The M1 floating. I got the sense that he's flying or floating. He's upside down and just sort of bobbing like he is in invisible water. Like he's in, but he's not in the water. He's floating above the weeds. Yeah, he is five foot above anything. He just started getting spray of occasional bits of sand towards him. Fuck.
I was going straight for Reigns, I didn't realise that everyone was floating upside down. I know that everyone can transform into Angel Power, so I'm going with my initial reaction here was that when you
so elegantly described, rain's getting eaten up by a big purple snake. I just imagine Nick's turn around and just being aghast of what's happening, that just this eruption from underneath and then all of a sudden rain's being eaten in midair that there's the mission.
with the eggs or there's his friend being eaten who's already like unable to protect himself because he's fucking exhausted to shit. So Nick's forgetting that he's got this guy's self on and that he looks like an abcrist, turns around and starts making his way back to Reigns and he pulls out a book and because he's not focusing on his attire,
it doesn't drop because it's not a concentration spell but just shout out to Emron, almost worried. So I'm going to make my movement, I'm still in rough terrain, is that correct? Yes, so your speed is halved. So I can only move 15 foot, so 5, 10, 15 and then after I, so as I'm making my 15 feet of movement, this almost
kind of crackle of energy starts to emanate from Nix's horns again, which is always a telltale sign that he's reaching in within his powers and he whips out his book and he starts to flutter the pages again. I've done this one before. I've done this one before. And as sweat starts to pour down his hands and he reaches his place that he can't move anymore, he takes out the crystal orb and closes his eyes and he sits down.
Chris will orb in front of him, book in front of him, and a chip of mica just there to the side as he closes his eyes, and he puts both palms on the ground. As he does so, this purple energy moves from his horns down to the palm of his hands, and it travels, if you could see it, through the sand, but it wouldn't, to the origin of the purple dragon. About dragon? Purple worm. Wait until under cell A.
An enemy as he once again casts Shatter at second level and this loud ringing noise this time happens from underneath the creature and then eventually just carries up his coils and his tentacles and whatnot and it's painful and it's intense and it erupts right on his fucking face. You need to make a consaving throw for me. Got it. Let me just find the data I need.
That was a rubbish roll. Consave, yeah? Yes, please. I love when you use Shatter.
It always feels like a momentous moment, Nix. Thank you. That's a six. He fails. So as he fails and the pain reaches a heightened sense, this crackling of the purple energy that came from Nix's horn starts to get louder, and it manifests into thunder. And bam, at the epiphersing point, he takes 13 points of thunder damage.
13 13 yeah nice so as you cast this in that area you hear an almighty scream from a male half elven friend i fucking killed rain tonight it wasn't me this time the effect
did not seem to phase the worm in the slightest. Oh, fuck. Anything else you'd like to do with your turn? Nick's being too aware of because he was expecting the painful whatever the sound of the worm makes. He was expecting an animalistic sound, not an elven friend sound.
almost because he's connected with a spell and as the spell hits he winces as the pain kind of transfers back to him from his horns and he just chastises himself for a minute and just kind of tries to remember this for the next time he sends a spell onto the enemy. Was that a warlock spell or a sorcerer spell? Sorry, I didn't even mention it. It's a warlock spell. Okay.
I just, I use, I know it's a warlock spell, I use my book and I use the crystal orb as my kind of magical conduits, I guess. Focus? Focus, yeah. Anything else you'd like to do with that turn?
I've spent everything, I just... Yeah, Nick's can't even get up, he's on the floor right now and he can't fucking, because it's hard fucking movement, so there you go, he's just, his palms are still on the floor and he's just wincing at the pain that it's caused rain. That's all I can do. In the shadow of this towering 20 foot head of the sandworm that is visible.
I look like an abcisca. It's very true. Emron, you're next. You don't have control of this spell. You cannot move from your own volition, but your hands are free. Or they have your hammer and shield in them. If I have wings, can I propel myself?
You're under the effect of the spell. Let me just double check. Let me just double check the conditions. Wait, did you roll against this or did you allow this to happen? Allow it to happen? Yeah, you will not be able to break this, I don't think, but let me double check. Is this the thing that he agreed to do last round when I got help first?
Do we hear what that was or have you not? It's a levitate spell. It's a levitate spell. So I'm just double checking the rules. So if I'm the target, I can move up and down as part of my move. The target can only move by pushing or pulling against a fixed object. But it's where the wing, yeah, where the wings would, wonder where the flapping would work, but I guess that's a DM call.
The purpose of the spell is to avoid falling or flying further up, isn't it? It's not holding you in space in the air. Yeah. To support more than... I'd probably argue that the flying will permit you movement. I think without it, you don't have a flying speed, you only have a walking speed, so the levitate is preventing you, but with wings, you'd introduce flying speed to your character would allow that movement, yes.
Okay, so, upside down, Emron's seen Alpha drop the floor, he's seen Baal, like, you know, go all Gandalf and disappear in one place and appear another, like grabbing the Phoenix. Dumbledore. Dumbledore is the wizard you need to know. Do not get those confused. My God, William. Pardon me, just died. Use the Force, Harry. That's the same thing. That's for John Luke, isn't it? Yeah.
in dark materials. So seeing that, seeing this giant worm appear, everyone's sort of gonna close his eyes. He doesn't know whether... Can I see the big, like, muscle person from where I am or not? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've dropped down 10 feet, though. It's floating. So every now and again, when your sight line brings you up to level with everyone else, yeah, you can see the scene.
Okay, I'm not gonna know whether it's them or whatever, but I'm just gonna thank the gods, thank Alito, and he's gonna close his eyes and be like, Toulois, if ever there was a time. And I am going to activate my radiant form. Okay. And thunder, thunder. And you know, the wings erupt from his back.
His eyes glow, his hammer all of a sudden glows gold and light emanates from him. Is that an action to do the fort? It's an action to do it. Okay. And then with a flap, I am going to move 30 feet towards the sandworm. Okay, great. Which takes me to there. And just southeast of Nix.
Do you remain... So you're not able to put your feet back down because the spell is still active on you. The levitate is still active on you. It stops you from sort of having your feet on the floor. I'm actually orientating myself correctly. Okay. Cool. Is that your turn? And then my bonus action, the hammer, which seems to have... It seems almost like it's Grashong brighter as Enron takes on Angel Form, is going to move 20 feet and hit the vulture. Okay.
Go ahead and roll to hit. I will. When you say vulture, do you mean the world? 23 to hit. That hits the vulture. So you're talking about the vulture that's going to collect the eggs to the north. Yes, yes. I'm trying to stop you from taking the eggs. Oh, right. Yeah, I could add the same question as well. Cool. It will take six points of force damage. Great. Thank you. It was the same vulture that was carrying
Alpha. It's not actually really more specific. Yeah, it's one to north of the fire. Six points. Thank you so much. And that is the end of my go. Great. It is the hulking woman's turn. And with her action, she just gestures a hand out towards you, Emron, and pulls back. And you move in motion with that hand back 30 feet.
Once again, above the sand stream. It's quite all right. No need to apologize. Above the sand stream. And then she says to the party, and I'm going to allow for a break in initiative for a moment while everyone remains in fixed position so that this can be a responded question. I attack. Okay. Then I'll do my thing and then you see what happens.
She speaks. You have but one option. Let us leave and all of your friends will not be killed.

Captain Yor's Ultimatum

And we'll say this is a moment where everyone's blades are clashed with another person's blades. There is just that Star Wars lightsaber duel moment where the villain and the hero exchange words.
And this is, this is announced to everyone. Everyone is in a shot of this. My character would turn and after trying to attack the member of the of Kriska that's running away and decimating, trying to decimate him, I would turn still purple shadowed blade in hand, hand down towards underneath the fold of his cloak. And we'll just say in a really, really kind of loud voice, Captain Yor.
I'm afraid your time is up. That's what he's gonna say. Then let it be known, travellers, that this turncoat was the one that killed your friend. Emron, what level is your fly spell? It's not, it is linked directly to my class ability.
Okay. It's not a fly spell, it's wings. Oh, it's natural wings, fine. That son of a bitch. That levitate is now pulling Emron down another 10 feet.
And what you all see is Emron drops below visible viewpoint. Emron, for every second that you are in this sand stream, you are going to take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Three seconds. Sorry. Every six seconds. So it's every round. You want to take 2d6 bludgeoning damage as these, it almost feels like you are being hit by cannonballs with spikes on them. Like morning stars are just flying at you.
That's the sum of seven points of bludgeoning damage this round. Ouch. As you remain in this grip. What's also going to happen? I've used all three actions. That's all that's going to happen for now, but the towering figure is just going to walk towards the jetty, the easternmost jetty where one boat remains so that they can get a full look on the whole battlefield. It's worth saying as well that there are two still, sorry, there are still two
incantations being held in either hand of this this figure it is now Baal your turn okay so obviously heard this happen heard them say that resulting in the death of someone would I be aware because I haven't been looking behind me I've been looking forwards I've been looking at these at the enemy am I aware that M Ron is where he is your passive perception
It's high. Give the list as the number. It's a 17. It's 17. So when the Samworm emerged, you would have turned to see that. And as a result of turning to see that, you would have seen Emron in peril. And then you would have, like you say, turned back again and Emron is back now in peril. So you didn't necessarily didn't see the fact that he was able to advance and come back. You also can't see the fact that Emron is in wing form either because he's pulled so low.
Am I able to see Emron? Yes. With your passive perception of 17, you were able to scout and know who was there. Currently though, you have seen that he has, he has been submerged. You probably would have heard the sounds of what Tilwa's versions of being hit by seven or eight morning stars at once sounds like. Fucking hell. Okay. Um,
I'm just reading the exact wording of a feature. Just to double check. And also, is the vulture to the north of me nearest the eggs? Has it got its talons on an egg? And has it taken off again, or has it? No, so it didn't have enough movement left, so it's basically in stasis, flapping, ready to ascend with these two. Oh, I am in a pickle. Because that can't happen.
And the guys on the right, they haven't currently got the eggs. So that is priority number one is birdie boy in front of me. But what I'm going to do is still enraged. I'm going to this, this kind of dragon snake like dragon wild, fast spirit, this curling around my neck. I'm just going to say down to it. Save the cleric.
and it's going to dart its full movement flying above where I saw Emron drop in and get as low to the sand as possible. And one more time, use that bonus action to cast Fiery Teleportation. The wording of the spell is that each willing creature of my choice within five feet of it can teleport. It doesn't say I have to see the creatures, it just has to be within five feet of it.
All achievable. My question is, would Emron, sorry, would Tilwa know it to be willing? Give me a stat to roll for it. Let's see. Let the dice decide. Does Tilwa have any changes in perception to Emron's? There are no changes to his stats other than that he is more attuned in his angelic form. So it depends whether there's any effect from his D.Va or anything like that. But yeah.
Add to you, Cole. I mean, your passive is high enough to know it's there. You would have seen me use it. I've seen you use it before and I've seen you do it. Yeah. So, um, if, if I'm sensing this, this fiery thing engulfing me, um, I'm trusting in my faith and let's see what happens. Then go for it, Will. Yeah. Yeah. No worries. And if, if to get
M Ron it needs to delve into the river Then that's absolutely fine because that's the command that it was given as well I know that technically has to be within five feet But if that would Encourage M Ron to kind of take that you could be five foot adjacent and it wouldn't have to submerge you'd just get to the surface of that
We'll do that then, in which case it can teleport 15 feet. And I mean, I would probably... I'll let you decide where I go, Will. Yeah, I'm going to teleport you to my side of the river, not to Raines' side, I'm afraid. So you would teleport 15 feet onto the riverbank right next to Alpha. That's where you'd appear. There's no explosion when you appear. It's just kind of where you were left.
But that's the bonus action to get you hopefully out of the frying pan. And now I'm going to do something that gets something into the fire. The trouble is if I use my action to cool down a lightning bolt on the vulture, I am very conscious that I would affect the eggs. So I can't do that. That is my priority, though. And the only thing that I've got that can get that range
is another scorching ray. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to, I'm beating off spells like a bitch, but that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to beat off another scorching ray. So breathing fire into the hands and I'm going to fling two of them initially at a vulture birdie boy in front of me. The first one is a 15 to hit the hits.
Excellent. The second one is a 26 to hit. So the first set of damage is four points of fire damage and the second set is six. So 10 points of fire damage. Is it still up? Like from those two bang bang and with obviously a couple of seconds left, is it still? Yeah. So there's two bang bangs and you see that plumage of feathers just sort of spray into the air around it, but it is still holding that momentum of flapping whilst it's concentrating on trying to grasp with its talents.
Not a problem, so the third and final ray is going to go natural one. Could you roll... Could you roll a d20 for me? Because the vulture's really close. I fried egg time. I would say gladly, but I'm not glad to do this. Oh no. Fuck me. Three. Okay. So here's what happens. Not like this. Not like this, Danny. Go easy on me. These eggs have an AC of two.
The third scorching ray, as good intended as you want to be, you just get distracted by that fire that's sort of incubating them. And the third one just goes a bit wayward in this rage that you have sort of brought through from the previous episode of these scorching rays again, I think it is, where one, two successfully sort of hit their quarry. The third one, out of your own ferocity for trying to desperately save these eggs.
goes a bit wayward and just catches the top of one of these eggs and splits it wide open. You are down to six. Eggs remaining, four eggs have been lost. Sorry, guys. I mean, the person who cares the most here is you. You're as dangerous as your Criscra to these eggs.
We don't know what they're doing to them. They might be... I don't know. They might be fucking... Giving them hugs? They'd rather be dead than fucked. We don't know what they're doing. What the hell? Right? Right? I like this floor you're developing as a character. They're like... Two out of the... 66% of the time, you're a good guy. 66% of the time, he's right every time. Oh, fuck me. Who's hungry? Scrambled. Scrambled it is. Paul, is that the end of your turn? I fucking hope so. Yeah, I'll see you next time.
Any more eggs you want to break? There's at least. Well, there's lots more to it. Can't make it on without breaking some eggs. So, Reigns unable to take an action. We are to the vultures turn now. And the two that are in the bottom right, there's a bottom right, the south east corner of the map, they just flee in terror of what they've seen from this worm emerging. The one, however, that was hovering above the two now one eggs is able to successfully grasp
and is flying completely out of sight with another egg. There are five lost. I would have used my reaction, but it has already been burned so I can't use anything to stop it. Plus I don't think he would because why would he care? Sorry.
Five eggs lost. Five remain. We are now at the top of the round. Mark's unnamed character. You find yourself. Two eggs to your right. The hut to your left. And the so mentioned Captain Yor you previously introduced now on the jetty to the southeast of you. What would you like to do? Could I just check how high is the jetty from the sand I'm currently stood on?
It's two or three feet above it, it doesn't necessarily go like, it's not a towering, it's just a bit of a platform. Okay, so first Seth is gonna turn and he sees a little spider sat on the floor nearby and he's gonna shout to it, bing log, fuck off! And this little spider is going to half float, half scuttle across the top of the sand and settle himself at the base of the feet of Captain Yor.
Seth is then going to panic for a second and kind of try and move his cape, his crisscross coat he's wearing, the purple material, the thick purple material, and dig down deep, deep, deep to find and he kind of flaps the coat around it. And also a black coat he's wearing underneath it flaps that around it and reveals this large ancient looking book he has tied with a chain onto his kind of hip.
He reaches around and you can see a series of bookmarks sticking out of the edges of the books. He's going to pull out top, no side, no bottom. Yes, there's only two sticking out there now. He's going to yank one of these out and shout out, I'll speak the air to part. And he's going to pull the bookmark out and spin around like you spin a stick gathering candy floss. Kind of formed around the bookmark in his hand. This is the hand without the sword in it.
He's then going to flick it forward and in an instant it's going to be in itself directly between the two members of the Acryspica, the captain and the other member on the jetty near the three eggs. Then suddenly it and him are going to swap places where he basically in a very, very misanthropic way casts Misty Step and ends up directly next to the captain. He's then, if you'll permit me, say, I gave you your chance, Captain.
now you must die and he's going to with a bonus action you're just going to hear this noise start emanating from him and he goes the the sword starts slowly kind of moving around his left palm pushing out the sword moving running on the side of the blade quicker and quicker and quicker and he's activating blade song and you're just going to hear this the best thing i can say it sounds like is if you've ever heard mongolian throat singing you know
but like four of those voices all meeting in like a symphony, but a really minor key. It sounds fucking depressing, but also really quite like tingling the back of your neck kind of in a cathedral kind of like echoing round this desert space, which obviously, those that know, both boosts my AC by four,
Speed increases by 10, I get advantage on acrobatics and I get plus four con save to throws to maintain my concentration. I've burnt through pretty much everything I can fucking do, but I've got myself and my spider, Bing log, in a position now to attack these two remaining of Chris Good that we can currently see on the map, on the platform to the left, to the bottom, sorry, with the three eggs upon it. That's all they can do. He's just prepping. He's just ready. He's ready to rock and roll. Nice. And the song is being sung.
There's a free action. Captain Yor just turns to you as you begin this, this instant ritual of war and says, I don't even know your name. And the crisper next to her just takes this scimitar and makes a huge slash at your belly. Seth, are we calling you?
Welcome to the game, Seth. Hey. You take 14 to hit against your armor class. As you swing at him, the blade that's been kind of moving around as he works through these actions without even really breaking as well, just catches it and parries the scimitar blade off to the side. Thank you. Another one coming in.
18 to hit again the same thing this time with the butt of his of his left hand smashes into the side the hilt of the blade pushing the hand up as he continues to move through the motions unbreaking and this chris girl looking very uncertain just looks up about four feet to her captain
and looks very concerned looking back at you in this sort of trans-musical-like state blade at the ready. Thank you very much. That is the only chrisquerer perceivable from everyone's position. So we will go straight to Nyx, your turn. You've just cast Shatter in the direction of this colossal landworm. What do you want to do?
So I'm still wincing from the pain that he caused. M. Ron. Rains. Sorry M. Ron. Yeah, all the same. Cathers his materials up again and then looks down at his two poxy daggers. I guess this is the old fashioned way then.
Withdraws both of them, makes his movement towards the big old purple worm, 15 foot, and as he's, we still can't get close enough, as he walks towards the big purple thing, he's going to, from an underarm, just throw one of his daggers, range of 60 feet, in the hopes to try and connect with the big beastie. Roll to hit. 19. You release this dagger. Right hand, left hand, I never know which is your dominant hand.
Right hand right hand you throw this this this dagger is definitely as a professional dart player And as it just at the point where it's going to make contact with the landworm Just go straight through What the fuck Just go straight through
and you see a few seconds later, a little poof of sand scatter in about 60, well, you threw it, how far did you throw it? It would have been, if it goes straight through, it's going 60 feet. Okay, so 60 feet, so this landworm and then 45 feet ahead of you, you just see your dagger glistening in the sand.
But the sandworm's still there. The sandworm's still there, it's still animated, it's still moving. But when your dagger went through the skin, the hide, the flesh, the carapace, the outer membrane of whatever this creature has, which went straight through, and then you heard and can see the reflection of your dagger in the sand 45 feet away.
I'm utterly perplexed, but that's the end of my go. I've taken my full movement and I've thrown a dagger. Alpha, you stand, the chris-chris side of the C, what I keep calling it, the sand stream adjacent to bow, sorry, adjacent to M run. What would you like to do?
Based off everything that I've seen, have I seen rain to get eaten by the sandworm? You've seen it all. You know exactly where... Well, you don't see rain, so you probably didn't see rain to get eaten at that point because you were facing a different direction. But you know exactly where he stood, and you now know what was there, and you've seen nicks charging towards it. You also see, to your east, this acryscra fighting this bigger member of the acryscra with this tiny member of the acryscra just in the way. And a bunch of eggs. Yeah, okay.
Alpha will command beta from a distance to try and take care of the upcrispra in the first instance. So I'm going to have beta attack the big scary looking one that seems to be doing all the talking. Let's face it.
oh that is terrible that's a nine to hit that misses i'm afraid as this this sort of cannon lets off its regular jolt of of energy and it just sort of flies off past this creature into the into the sky
Yeah, Alfred's going to use what little movement he can do to start making his way north to one of the solidified decks. It's all the movement he's going to try and do. He's going to try and hopefully use a boat eventually to step over the river. He's trying to get back to rains at this point. So are you going to try to leap the river?
Okay, so I need 25 foot to clear. Can I get a decent bit of speed in 10 foot worth of movement that I have left? You know how a long jump works, right? I can't remember. You could step onto the boat.
You're a full fucking metal body. You're gonna drop and sink. Physics is not on your side. I was trying to jump over the river. Do you want to know how long jump works, Callum? Just remind me, please. How much running away do I need? When you make a long jump, you cover the number of feet up to your strength score if you move at least 10 feet on foot immediately before the jump. So whatever your strength score is, that's how far you can jump. Ah, fuck. Who's ever got an iron giant jump?
whilst running on sand. You are literally in front of that boat and you can control where the boat goes.
Of course, I'm just going to go in the boat then. I'm just going to go in the boat. Consider it an action to sort of unmoor it, because it will take you sort of unknotting and pulling up knots. Yeah, that's fine. Alpha will unmoor it. He's kind of poised with the roasting hand, just ready to move over. I've used to a performing movement anyway in the action just to unmoor it. There, that's all I can do. I'm ready to try and pursue reigns. So, just in case any of you decided you wanted to get on any of these boats, they move 100 feet per round.
given the ferocity of the sandstream below. Bye, Alpha. These are fast. It's gone. It's not the boat. It is literally the force at which things are moving in that sandstream. So you'll have to hop off at a point, essentially. You have 100 foot to play with, but at some point, you have to just let me know when you're hopping off. OK. OK. That's fine. They have oars, so you can direct them. It shouldn't be an overly difficult task to get to the side of the bank. But that boat now, it's unmoored, will just keep going.
Lovely. No worries. Thank you very much, Alpha. Emron, it's your turn. You have been, for a second, almost suffocated in sand, and then this warm embrace pulled you back to the surface. And you stand there, full tiller out, all your tiller out. What do you want to do?
Tiloar will look at the captain and his eyes will blaze and he will look towards the captain and say in Tiloar's voice, you are correct. There will be a death today. And I'm going to fly towards the captain.
And as he does this, I'm going to use my bonus action to cast a searing smite. So my hammer sets a light. And then I'd like to attack the captain, please. Go for it. Do you get advantage because of Seth's position? Thanks. But this gets complicated.
How do you have to go and make things so complicated? Yeah, yeah. Just hit the captain, make a bush that she hadn't got up to hit. Fifteen to hit, did you say? Yeah. I'm afraid that misses. Yeah. As your hammer just hit into this dense scale male. Well, the hammer's still alive. Sorry, split male. I said the wrong word.
The hammer's still on fire, so that's it. I've done everything. I'm in his face. It's the captain's turn, and the captain just looks to you, Emron, on one side, to you, Seth, on the other, and says, why the hostilities? I've given you your choice. I'll give you one more chance to reconsider
before one of your friends dies today. And she just raises, leans back slightly, raises a boot, and boots her own, a criss-cra companion into the sand sea below. Oh shit, that's a big dick move right there. That is a big dick move. Let's just do the Valheim scream. Yeah.
Are we allowed to respond? Yep, six seconds of free response if you want. Without sacrifice, there can be no victory. Yeah, plus you're going to die now.
As you say the words, without sacrifice, there could be no victory, as though it is a common phrase in Alido's teachings. Captain Yor quotes the exact same word choice you use at the exact same moment. And then just reveals as she turns her wrist, imagery, heraldry, linked to religious symbols of Alido as well.

Dramatic Connection Revealed

And that is where we're going to end this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop.
What the fuck is Nick's fighting? What's that apparition? Will knows. Of course, Will knows. Will knows everything. Both Nick's and Ian are completely dumbfounded. Oh my god. I was gonna kill her. I was gonna kill the bitch. I don't know what to do.
She's still dead. She's still dead. Oh, hot diggity. Fucking damn. Wow. How long till we would all find out what happened? Thanks for the segue. Segue got ruined.
If you want to ruin more of my segways, you can find me individually on X at iRoller1. And then for me, you can find the main page, which is at fellowship table. And then from there, the branches, like a tree, you can find everyone else. Danny, no. Danny's on DM. Callum's at DD20Gamer. Mark is at ACD Roll DM. Will is at fucking Just choose.
No, at Natural20Will. Will is at... Fellowship NPC PC. My mind is mush. It's like, oh my god. And you can find our illustrious DM at... Total Party Thrills. Until next time, guys, forever!