He texts you until I install. Can you get a better deal? Can you get a better deal? After a while, you're probably getting a better deal. Let's just be honest. The same way if you pass through the hell of an installer for like day after day after day after day after day after day after day, and literally threaten to bring it up on, let's say, real sales dynamics. It's a pain. It works. It's just doing the same. And sometimes, again, Sonova goes under, SunPower goes under. yeah We had both happen last year. There are major insoles. So brutal, but we got through it. Yes. Well, good for you guys. Well, Carlos, I know you're sharing like sales tips all the time on the channel and you guys dropped some heat there. So I hope everyone will go. If you're not already, I don't know what you're doing, but go check out their channel and maybe just like, uh, I don't know, a sales tip for, well, did you ever struggle it when you first got into solar? Did you struggle at all? Or was it pretty much like, I was terrible. Okay. It was terrible. So what's like, what what helps you? It was terrible. What are you talking about? No one's that good when they start unless you had some kind of bar. and some yeah you know Some people are lucky and then it ends up screwing them over. Jack, for example, your guy, Jack. I will talk to you. We can talk. Okay. Well, Jack's was selling only in counter complex. It's literally to his neighbors for first six months. So that helps. yeah Okay. Jack, I love you. You know, that's true. When he's selling nothing but your neighbors in the same kind of complex and you're the only install in the entire neighborhood. That's a bit of a hack. Yeah. Again, okay you're welcome, Jack.