Rev. Chaz Howard Ph.D.: Come to the Table. Again and Again.  image
S1 E28 · uncommon good with pauli reese
Rev. Chaz Howard Ph.D.: Come to the Table. Again and Again.
127 Plays
1 year ago

What does it take to hold competing ideas together in tension? What does it feel like to survive a doxxing? Why is representation STILL an issue, even in 2023?

The Rev. Dr. Chaz Howard is the University Chaplain and the inaugural Vice President for Social Equity and Community at the University of Pennsylvania, where he serves as one of only three vice-president-level executives of color.

Content Warning: redlining and gentrification, poverty, Christian supremacy, indirect discussion of white supremacy and police violence.

Chaz talks about growing up in Baltimore, the land history of present-day West Philly, moving beyond fear, acting from love, and the still uncertain fate of the Black Bottom Community — a historic community of descendants of freed slaves currently being displaced from their homes by gentrification.

Buy Chaz’s most recent book, The Bottom: A Theopoetic of the Streets:

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