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18: Birdsplain Me image

18: Birdsplain Me

S1 E18 · Snap On This!!
224 Plays3 months ago

The Snap on This!! cohosts are once again here to (more or less 🤭) keep it snappy for u. 🫶

For our esteemed listeners’ consideration:

  • Lauren, Ben, & Rie discuss decks from their Week in Snap 🫰
  • Doom 2099 😩, the new meta terror
  • 🤓🧌 Bruce Banner & spotlight friends High Evo and Ravonna
  • Secret Homework: Thematic redesigns 🎞️
  • Datamines mean it’s time for the return of 🎉🎉 Title Tussle: Snap or Cap?!

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  • Cover art by Lauren
  • Snap On This!! Theme by Ben
  • YouTube thumbnail by Lauren’s kid, Reggi


  • 0:00:00 Intro / Our Week in Snap
  • 0:18:57 New Card: Doom 2099
  • 0:24:19 Next Week's Spotlight: Bruce Banner, High Evolutionary, Ravonna Renslayer
  • 0:32:38 Secret Homework: Thematic Card Redesign
  • 0:48:10 Next Week's Secret Homework
  • 0:51:27 Title Tussle 3: Snap or Cap?!
  • 1:37:19 Housekeeping / Closing Remarks
Hey there, listener.

Episode Introduction

It's episode 18 of Snap on This, a Marvel Snap podcast brought to you by my self-learned whatevs and my co-hosts. It's an even numbered episode, so we're going to throw it to Ben

Weekend Activities and Marvel Snap

first. Ben, how was your weekend snap and keep it snappy?
steering me. Okay, I'm going first and endeavoring to keep it snappy as I always do. Okay, I had a weekend snap. um As predicted last week, a certain amount of cooking has transpired. It needed to be done, you know, ah not to say that I don't enjoy it, but I did feel like this was a matter of necessity this time around, so I was trying some new things. I had a lot of fun. I finally got around to playing Scream.

Deck Exploration and Performance

I'd played Scream like briefly ah when Scream came out. but
Mostly I just, i I'm a little bit averse to playing the the hot new thing. And it just felt like the hot new thing for like too long. And I don't know. I felt like the the heat died down and it was it was time for me to dip my toe and and dip it. I did. I ah built a cool scream deck. It was a lot of fun. I won a couple infinity ticks with it.
um And it was doing well on ladder but then you know how like it'll be doing well one day and then everything goes horribly wrong and your deck is like trash and you're like how was this so good yesterday?
Except I had a very clear explanation when that happened, because the yesterday was ah was the day when a hot location was Taco Truck, and I was doing Penny Parker things, and Taco Truck may have been kind of propping up the deck, but it it did have a... Yeah, it was performing very well. And and once once things went back to normal and the Taco Truck disappeared,
It didn't like entirely turn into a pumpkin. It wasn't totally bad. So I've still kept it assembled, and I'll keep working on it. But I did move on a little bit to my next experiment, which was pretty lazy, honestly.

Deck Modifications and Innovations

ah the The thing I was thinking about was, um you know how I remarked that like,
ah Luna Snow is not the most different card from White Widow. There's a certain similarity there. And there's this deck that I've been meaning to come back to. It was the werewolf heimdall deck that I played to my first ah global top 1000 in the Young Avengers season.
So I just dusted that deck off. i I went back through my squares. I found the one with that deck because I had to disassemble it in the collection because not enough deck slots because, you know, the three things I talk about. Anywho, anywho, so yeah, I referred to the square. I rebuilt that deck. I put in Luna Snow instead of White Widow, and I knew that that would like not you know It was a well-balanced deck before in terms of like curve and stuff, and I knew that this was going to like make it wonky. And it is a little wonky, but the win rate is still very good, and the cube rate is good. and you know It's doing well, so that's that's what I've been playing mainly. And that's the only change I've made to it.

Shop Talk and Token Tuesday

And I'll probably tweak a couple other things in the next week or so, depending on which moods strike me.
But other than that, I've been playing a Galacta surfer deck. You know, it's just wave flourish with Galacta in it. ah And yeah, those are the three decks I've mainly been playing this week. Other than that, we just had a good token Tuesday. um Pretty exciting stuff.
1,200 tokens for 1,500 gold. I didn't realize there was about to be a very good gold bundle. I think that's out today, though I haven't checked the shop. I don't know if it'll still be there by the time you hear this, but... I don't know if I have enough gold for it. It's got, like, beasts. It's 3,500 gold, I believe. It's got a beast and a double dino. Huh? 3,500. Yeah, 3,500 gold for 3,000 tokens, right?
For 3,000 tokens and two billions. And they are good. and at least in I mean, you know, it's all subjective and all that good stuff. I, am the beholder, but this beholder, I think it's a cool beast that I would totally play if I had it. I don't have enough gold to even consider. So the next good token Tuesday is on the 31st or should be on the 33rd. Keep your eyes peeled for it.
Yeah, you need and then who else was happening in January? Because there are a couple of weird ones in the the date of mines, but I bet they're just normal good token Tuesdays. So I'll update your token Tuesday forecast next month when I know more. So yeah, I think that's been about my weekend snap.

State of Card Acquisition

I don't remember what the date is, but i there's a gold bundle in the date of mines that has anti-phenome in it.
I kind of think that that's a if you're interested in anti-venom, that's a better use of your gold than tokens. Yeah. Yeah, if you don't have it. sir and kind Although, and then you have to acquire it again later. I don't know. I really don't like that about card acquisition. I really wish if you got a variant and you don't have the base card, you just got the base card at that time. But whatever.

Ree's Weekend in Marvel Snap

All right, our other co-host, I mean, you've you've heard her already, but you know, Ree, how was your weekend snap and keep it snappy? Okay, we have I have a couple small tidbits. First, I would like to ah issue a correction.
on behalf of the sins of Pastry for Hyderabad. I kind of wish I got silver same on the side and it's like that's not true. I have played him in almost every deck since I got him. and they're good I had a 116 Hydra Bob today from like a, what, like Galacta and like Shuri's, I don't know, I can mention that in science. And then you can move him if you want by snapping. yeah anyway
um So yes, and in Silver Saber I would not have played in all those decks. Hyderabad was just a one-five stat stick that you try to angle to not let the muse against you.
um So that then, what else I've been doing, I've been mostly, most of the week I've been playing Penny Parker, you know, and trying to trying to learn all the ways to make her happy. So she can be the best she can be. um What I have, okay, and I didn't realize until Ben had said it that it was a hot location that day.
I've been playing like Talgis, my destroyer ramp deck, and ah I was just like, oh my god. When you get the taco truck for the first time in Penny, and if you like hadn't thought about it, because you know, you just hadn't. And you're like, oh, oh, it will go in penny. Like, you know, a girl loves a chimichanga. Like, it's just, I like, I like the first time I happened was like, I wish I wish so hard I had a snow guard, so I could send a fucking bear to terrorize that taco truck. So I could get my girl penny another. they
One more chimichanga. Okay, so yes, and she's great. And um you weren't lying, a lot of people are using her to ramp Wiccan.

Deck Experimentation and Challenges

I think you guys were saying last week. I also played her in Safety's Eye of the Cobra, which is his version of a Wiccan Galacta.
Um, and, uh, that's pretty good. Although I did lose, I was, I lost second match of goal conquest to a doom deck. I'm still figuring out in which the answer I believe. I will talk about it later, so leave it to then. Um,
And me, but when I let myself have fun with them and you build stupid decks, you know, you're not actually trying to win and then you do some bullshit.
I had one game I think I shared where it was like I had a misery on Hood, on Camretage, and it was like I had to build an onslaught mojo deck for bounties. So I had like, I had like a million demons that I played out on turn six with a like a Patriot Mystique on board.
and to It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. It's like, ah, that's the joy of bounties. Like, where would I run into this stupid situation? Those glories. You want me to game? And then the final thing I wanted to mention is I did run across one other really cool deck by Buddy, right? His Loki hammer's deck. A different, not a frigate, deck. But ah like a hammer's with Loki, right? And one is just kind of fun as a hammer's deck, to be honest.
And then, um you know, Loki spices it up. And I'm really interested where wherever people put Loki that isn't Irish to be honest. Did you say it's a Loki Thor deck? Oh yeah, you hadn't seen this. I just assumed. because No, that seems so weird to me. hearing yeah i guess You don't play them both. You're either erasing the hammer from your deck or adding it to a 12-part deck.
Think about if King E. Tree is in it, right? Okay. E. Tree has two uses. That's good with hammers. okay all right um The one time I actually did play Loki, because I was just finally, I had tagged this deck earlier, and I didn't even get to play it till today. And the one time I actually did play Loki, I lost. But it's so fun to, it also randomly, so it's got your regular um stuff. Hydra Bob, because once again, Hydra Bob is just like, why do you not want a 1.5? There's so many times when you just have an extra power to drop, why not just have or an extra energy to use. so like Why not just have five more power? you know like It's so wrong. I'm so disgusted on behalf of Martyr. I know I keep saying it, but every time. Yeah. I tried to play her in a deck this week and i just I couldn't make room. Couldn't make room in a world of Hyderabad. What?
Surely it must be sometimes correct to play both of them, but like, I don't know, Hydra Bob just head and head and shoulders ahead of Martyr, unfortunately. He's so OP that I let myself be mean to him. I was building Safety's Deck, which has Kitty Pride, and Zabu, and then a Hydra Bob. And I have, like, ink rainbow crackle Kitty Pride with, like, what I don't know what I gave her, probably like a black cosmic board or something. I forget what she's got on her. And, like, Zabu with an orange cosmic and white crackle, and then just Hydra Bob not even upgraded next to him.
What, Hyderabad? Can't afford any crackle? Borders on that henchman's salary is what I thought to myself. And normally I'm not into my cards unless it's quite the slave who deserves it. but You sure told Hyderabad.
got him I'm just mad because I want to play Martyr and I can't because Hydra Bob's there. Anyway, so just to finish up with this buddy Loki deck, a couple other fun cards in it. Festus, Faestos, I never remember how to say it.
I just he's just a fun he's just a fun code. Oh, yeah. But he's so fun, but he's so easy to cut. But it's just like, yeah, he's a little clunky. And, you know, there's usually like something about the deck where it's like, oh, but if If the discount hits this thing, it doesn't help or like, you know, something like that. Like there's always some weird edge that you wish you could sand off the situation when you're trying to have fastos at the party, but I don't know. I do love him. He's a lot of fun.
He is. When you see a deck someone else put together and they're like, Faistros is in the best configuration of it, I get hype. I'm like, ah, yes, I just want to play him. OK. And also, this deck has Scarlet Witch, which I used to you hate because I'm like, I don't know what she's going to do. and Therefore, I hate it because I fear unknown change. But then I started playing her some, and it's just kind of like,
You know, I don't know. And she's so, she's so cheap at two, because I'm used to playing Legion and pulling Legion scams. It's like, oh, but I do this and other things. I would do it early. Anyway, do it early, do it manually. You know who's cheaper than Scarlet Witch, though? Our girl Niko Minoru. Yes, but you have to. Yeah, I know. I do live in Niko.
I don't know. like I understand these are different cards that do different things, and Scarlet Witch is fine. i'm just I've never been excited about playing her, especially not after Nico, and that's been a long time now. I don't know. I've always liked Quake more. I think Quake is the fun location scam at 2-3, but I probably underrate Scarlet Witch. I know she's good.
Alright, and you can do things with Quake, you can't do with Legion, especially early in the game, like you know, um like swapping around the one where your cards switch and stuff, like that kind of fun stuff. But I won't lie, nothing hits.
like like the Ultimate Legion's games, for me. and Okay, but yeah, so this deck was fun and cool, and I just kind of enjoy playing King Eitri, to be honest. It's just kind of fun, although sometimes I forget to activate it, and the next time I'm like, ah, should I hit him last time? Yeah, it's a learning process, but yeah, that was me. That was my week. Great.
ah My week, i I talked about cooking soon. I didn't cook. You know, except for the way you always cook for bounties. That is something that I do. You know, that that's one one place where I will fiddle with a deck. um You know, and try to make the most efficient machine possible to destroy 15 cards in a single game and also fill the board. Something like that.
a You know, Killmonger can rack up this bad woman lauren they do those I always do those two together because I'm either filling the board and then killing them all, or I don't draw Killmonger, so I can work on them both at the same time. ah Galactus also good at doing them both.
um Because you then you only have one location to fill. And you get a bunch of kills in the process. ah Anyway. My dog's going to yell at me. I played three decks a decent amount this week. One of them was Ree's hammer deck, which was super fun. I didn't get to use Frigga that much. but But it was still fun. And I made some very, very big beta ray bills. And um I like new Stormbreaker. Zero, three, is that's a good card. Obviously, you have to do some work to get to it. like I'm not about to say beta ray bill is a good card.
But when you get zero threes, you're not upset. That's what I'm saying. um The second one was I i tried the penny book for the Penny Parker weekend missions. I threw her into a, ah like, in Galacta thing. And that deck is ridiculous. So good, so easy to play. um And then ah ah smooth transition into our next topic, Safety Blades Doom 2099 deck. I was not planning to get this card, but it just took um um so I'm so
ah i did this for I did this for Gore too with Den. I should just stay away from Den and Safety Blade content because they make cards so fun. um
Safety was like, ah this card is way too easy to be way too good. And I was like, oh, that sounds kind of fun. And I kind of want to goof off with a deck building type that I hardly ever am going to use. So I grabbed it and played it and cruised through three gold conquests easily in a row, you know went 9 and 0.
um I'll ah read out this one. Hopefully Safety Blade has shared it somewhere. or I'm going to have to do more complicated editing. ah It's Zabu, Dazzler, Psylocke, Luke Cage, Doom 2099, Super Scroll. That probably gets changed when you're not facing all the mirrors. Iron Lad, Iron Man, Blue Marvel, Blink, Doctor Doom, and Ultron.
He told me he's already switched out the Blink, but I found the Blink to be super awesome for reliably pulling out either Doom or Ultron. Yeah, the person I'm seeing on his blue sky has Patriot instead of Blink. Yeah, which, I mean, goes great with the Ultron and I guess Doombots? I don't know how you're playing both of those without Blink turning for Psylocke. Like, it's weird.
um thank you I trust him, it just sounds weird. I have loved blinking this. I have pulled out many a doom using a blink. um Also, lad when lad hits doom 2099, you just know you're in for like like the easiest win of your life. You're just lad 2099. It gets so big.
and let's just Let's just move on. Our topic for the for the new card this week, Doom 2099, a 4-2. After each turn, add a Doombot 2099 to a random location if you played exactly one card, Doombot 2099's a 4-2. With ongoing, your other Doombots and Doom have plus one power.
I don't think it, you know, definitely like, you know, a combo deck or something like that can can go bigger. But I just think this gets so big, so easily. Seems pretty consistent, having played against it. Yeah, I don't know. i Seems like pretty powerful card to me. I saw some early reactions from people who were unimpressed and I thought they sounded a little silly, honestly. But, um you know,
Yeah, I don't know. It seems like a very strong card to me. I don't own it, but I've lost to it plenty. I confess I'm sticking in games when I should be retreating just because I'm trying to get like a sense of what what power I can expect on the last turn. Yeah, you're learning. I mean, we're all learning. i you know Yeah. Yeah.
yeah I don't want to make it sound like anyone who thought this card was a stinker or anything is silly because cards are hard to predict and stuff. Yeah. I'm sorry, Ree, you were saying something.
Yes, I was just... No, I was just saying, I took a Safety Blades, ah Penny Parker, Wiccan, Galactic deck, just built it and went right into conquest, you know got the first match and the second I lost to Doom. And part of it was, yes, is learning to retreat because it's just that it's a new card. I know it's a lot, but like how much though? you know Oh, yeah. And I'll be honest, I'm not like adding up all the doomba modifiers yet. And because I didn't care, I just have too many gold tickets together. And yeah, and it beat me. And I think it felt like a negative style to me when I was starting to look at how do I treat this stack? And it's like, because if they get the, you know, if they get
2099 early enough like on 4 and then you're fairly sure they're going to get the doom. like it's It's over unless you're like specifically countering that, you know um at least for for the stuff I was doing.
and um So that was the thing. And I do feel like it does feel super strong right now and probably strong enough and enough people got it that like junk or whatever the counter to it you know that is running around will start becoming prominent as well. And then someone will build a third deck that preys on both. And a third deck will get so big that then hopefully it'll break up.
for 80. You're just describing regular old meta game churn. um Yeah, I just I worry that and and you know, you got to let the meta game do its thing. But I do worry if this deck is it's too strong and too consistent. i Yeah, you for any meta that's not stacking against it. um It does have some some clear counters, like I think clog is very good against it. U.S. agent, if you're not running Luke Cage, you know, is trouble. i And even on its own, it's not very strong if you're not playing ah Doom 2099 early. Like turn three, definitely turn four is fine. Which makes it feel negative-y. Hinges too much as well in cars. It's very clear. But it's only, but...
It doesn't have as high of a deck building demand as negative has, right? Like, if you miss your Doom 99 on four, there's still cool stuff you can do. And maybe that's what safety blades- Oh, it's true. You can salvage the situation a lot more easily, but like, you definitely know when the plan is like, when you're firing on all cylinders and it's time to snap aggressively, like it's very clear in the negative kind of way, but the floor is much higher, you're right.
Yeah, negative really can go wrong in a way that this dr. Doom 2099 deck does not Yeah, I suppose that's probably why safety has added Patriot because then you have a whole other plan for when you don't get Doom 99 in time Yeah, Ultron and Patriot. That's just a whole balanced breakfast by itself and the decks running blue Marvel too, so It's I Would not be surprised at all to see this card get nerfed. I know we're only, you know, not even 48 hours into it, but it just... I'm not trying to be like a doomsayer. oh and You know, I am acknowledging it's early. Just saying, wouldn't be surprised. Not that I'm necessarily expecting it. You know, maybe we'll figure out how to deal with him.
ah Next week's card, Bruce Banner. 2-1. When you end a turn with unspent energy, 25% chance to hulk out. We have widely panned this card before. I still think it's awful.
yeah oh I'll reiterate it. I think this is the worst card since Emperor Hulkling and will be the worst card until, what's his name? Is it Cobra? Cobra. ever This is better than Cobra. True. I agree with that.
I think so, for fun at least. At least you can have fun with Bruce Banner. For fun, definitely. Cobra's not fun at all. Yeah, at least Cobra fun. That's true. And most are like, oh, phew, i got I was able to play him. And then there's relief. But you know, Banner could Hulk out.
Not saying he's not going to win games. It's just, you know, the same things we've said before, he doesn't give you any information advantage, you know, just as well as your opponent, whether or not he's going to Hulk out. Like he will he will absolutely win some surprise games and that's going to suck for the player. It happens to like the person who's losing to hulking out. But I think on average, you're donating cubes with this guy. Yeah.
I'll just ill I'll say, you know, average of four turns for him to pop. So so then you're on average spending six energy to get. And he gives us another week for Dr. Doom 2099 to be the main character of the game. So that's exciting. There is that. Yeah, this doesn't seem like a meta definer at all. OK, spotlight friends, high evolutionary and Ravona Renslayer.
I like that they're at least cards that, you know, are kind of have synergy with Bruce Banner, right? Versus Doom 2099, I had two discard cards with him. It's weird. Yeah, I can't just add how much I can't decide how much I care about the cohesiveness. But like, I do think that although you you may you may believe Rabona has fallen, she's timeless. She'll be back. She's, you know, but like now these are two good cards thrown.
And I used to play her. I used to play her all the time. I was always, I had a deck that was even called Revona My Love. And now she never makes, every time I put her in, it's more like old muscle memory that I've now since retrained. It's like, nah, what is she really hitting in this deck? I gotta put Galactin. I don't know. I think Revona is still relevant.
I don't know. I think you can still build more than one kind of deck with Ravona, and she's definitely a card worth owning, is my feeling. When's the last time you played Ravona, Ben? Like, all the time. Like, Ravona's circus and things. So you should remember when you last played her.
Yeah, like within the past month. I don't know. I don't remember what I played like earlier this week. We're bone is just sitting staring out a window sometime. Somewhere like sometimes.
No, I play her in decks with like Ironheart and all that stuff, you know, your sages, you know, not usually Wolfsbane, I gotta be honest. I'm not much of a Wolfsbane believer. You just don't remember the last time you spoke to Rizal. Anyway, so she's fallen, she's fallen. She's very good at negative though. That's definitely the last time I've played her. That's the sign of how swollen she is.
She'll be back. This is ridiculous. I don't even know. but Hayevo... It's fine. Hayevo will also be back. But um it's a very interesting card, especially if you have a small collection, right? Like, you get six new cards when you get Hayevo, unless you have Wasp, then you get seven new cards. um Also, Hayevo is cool because it's like the...
I don't know. Maybe I just have a problem with Ajax, but I think that Abomination is the cool reward card for the Affliction synergy.
ah Yeah, Evolved Abomination is the unsung hero of that entire, like, you know... Oh, Cyclops is very good too. Oh yeah, and Evolved Cyclops is a beast. You're right. No, Evolved Abomination?
compare with Ashuri, you know, like ah so many good things. Honestly, seeing Hyevo here, it's like makes me want to play him because like I had a weird journey. I didn't get Hyevo for the longest time because he was so good when he came out and everyone played him. So I'm just like.
I think before Arisham, I remember Hyevo as the card for just everybody got it unreleased. it Because it was so cool and fun. I skipped it on release because I had to save tokens for spider cards the next season. I remember specifically being like, I'm not getting high evo. Everyone's getting high evo, but I need tokens for silk.
That was my thinking. High Evo was fun. Anytime, that's worthwhile, and I want, a silk beat me hard. She was just rolling around on a craven, like, okay. um But High Evo, it's like, anytime I don't see him around a lot, I want to play him because he's fun. And he's only annoying when I see him a lot.
a Good time. And it's of those cards that's his own archetype, you know? Yeah. That's Ellie's too. Because there's the energy saving path and the energy skipping path and the affliction path. And they like overlap a little bit, but... You do a little. Like our friend Chase loves Hyevo, but he's playing it with Evo Hulk and She-Hulk. Yeah. that I'm just saying, if I didn't have Hyevo and Ravonna, I would open this week, despite despite the Bruce of it all.
If I were missing either one, I would probably open this week. But that's... I don't know. Bruce is so bad. Maybe not. I don't know. Maybe if I were missing a lot of cards. Maybe if I thought that the mystery one on the end was... Yeah!
oh ah They're both great cards to have in your collection. Bruce, I... You know, if if you like that type of card... I like silly random cards and this just doesn't seem... I don't like...
I don't like output randomness. I want input randomness. I want to be given you ah different things to do, right? That that could be an Arsham, but it could be Niko spells or whatever, you know locations. you know That kind of randomness is great. The kind of randomness where you tell the game what you want to do and then it rolls a die for you to tell you if you can do it, I want to minimize how much of that I encounter, right? Everybody obviously compares this to Danger Room because it's a 25% chance. it's just and i'm not I'm not going to play with that intentionally.
Yeah, we we I don't know, yeah. We see 25% chances all over the place actually, but it does, you know, we see it directly on Danger Room. But like, i'm um I don't know. I think it's the first card we've seen percentage on, ah like explicitly, which is interesting. Yes, it is. It'll be interesting to see if they if they tune that at all. great Like 25 is a a very neat number. What if they're like 30?
I can see what the cards they're putting out now that they eventually put out a card that references Hulk's, thereby increasing the value of Bruce Banner. You know, that's very possible. Well, it's a good idea. Okay. Tribe Hulk. I don't know. Okay. Intermission. Onto the side quests. First up, the weekly secret
ah if Secret Homework was mine to assign this week. I asked you to harden the game and redesign it to make it its ability stats, whatever, to make it more thematically accurate.
So i ah didn I did not go into this challenge knowing which card I was going to pick. So I, you know, sorted by energy and made it three cards deep before I ran into the hood. One of my favorite cards in the game. but and And I would not actually make this change because I love a one negative three hood who makes a one six. I think it's a very fun card, but not a very thematically accurate card.
ah As far as I can tell, Hood does not summon demons and hang out with them. That's not something he does. um What he does do is he has lots of gear. He has a cloak of Dormammu that lets him teleport and turn invisible, and he has boots of Dormammu that let him walk in air, and he has guns that he uses to focus his magic. He doesn't need his guns, they're just the focus. I think maybe we've talked about that before. Also, he's like a super-duper crime boss, and none of those things say, hey, I make demons.
Um, so I was very tempted because of all his cool gear to do like a Nico thing, whereas like he like rotates abilities or something like that, or maybe like some sort of Swiss army knife, you know, could we could go with a Penning Parker method or something like that, but I thought I would keep it short and sweet.
um He also, at times in the past, has had the Nornstones, ah which are like Nordic things, and and I don't know, those gave him some crazy powers, and he had four of the Infinity Gems, and he's like rezzed people. He's beat up Red Hulk with his bare hands.
like The hood is not a one negative three, okay? I probably should have made him even bigger than I did, but I made him a three six. Reveal, destroy two, two cost cards at other locations. Did not specify it's necessary. who It's two cost cards. Oh my goodness. so from any yours This is a three six?
3-6, but he can kill your own two cost cards. Yeah, but he's not going to because you're not going to play him. He's going to kill your opponent's two cost cards. Or you're playing Bucky Barnes. Or, yeah. You made a card to both Bucky. Yeah.
um yeah he sick I know three six is good, but there's like three seven sport master who's doing good things for you, right? Or discard is a drawback. Just like destroying a two cost card is a drawback. Okay, maybe an odd card is a messy proposition under the best of circumstances.
Okay, maybe he's a destroy two cards that cost less than he does, something like that. um or Or he's a four, six. But anyway, I think it's fun. I think the location bit is fun. I wanted to do something that was double because he's got the double pistols. Yeah. that's true So an animation where he gets out the double pistols, hones his magic, and takes out two random cards. Okay, next up is Ree because Ben is assigning next week's homework.
okay um i i cheated slightly in that um because see the problem is i didn't want to pick a card that we all, that everyone likes the ability of. There's a lot of being thematic ones. And also I had an axe to grind.
um and that I've gotten my second failed, right? Sometimes you set out to make a deck around a specific card, or at least I do. And I'm like, I want to make a deck for this card. And my goal is to not want to not make that card the first cut from the deck, you know to make it like actually belong there and not just be subbed in for what would clearly be a better card. and I have successfully done that with Spider Woman, and I've only failed once before and it was Mantis. I do not know what to do for her.
Now I had it again and then I decided, I was like, Jessica Jones. I love the character. I played the card a lot like back in series two or whatever three when I, you know, early when I got she's great there.
No, yeah, and she's not good anywhere else. So like, I was like, well, maybe I'm like, but what if Nomura, who I also love, I love playing Nomura. And it's just not a good time for Nomura right now, to be honest. I think that's more the fault than that Jessica Jones was that bad in it. But like, everyone just had all the tech, you know, the Red Guardians from my watch. It's just what's, what's hot right now in the meta and these like,
little wick and mini ramps and stuff all the little tight cards and it just like my first like three games just went really bad and i was super bitter so it was like jessica jones changed what card i like better and want to play more and so that's who i picked and i do think she is thematically appropriate because she really just wants to be left the fuck alone i get how that is sometimes But I was like, okay, but like nobody to play that. It doesn't go with anything fun. and um So what if instead we leaned into a detective nature? Because like I read it all over in the comics.
You know, most of it's about her detective-ing. Sometimes with Misty Knight, you're just like, they might use a super cool pairing around and be the little rookie kid you know along, just like, I love you so much. Okay. Sorry, I had to check. What was I talking about? Don't be. Okay, so my reading time. She's detective-ing.
Yes, my redesign for her is what if she stays at a 4, but she goes to a 4-7 with the ability ongoing um ah click or whatever, like the deck, to see the top card of your opponent's deck.
So she's sort of like, because there's there's going to be like one turn where you get to use it, right? Like there's turn five and you get to see what they're going to draw on turn six, right? So like it's kind of like Daredevil, but like better statted, but like with a ah less potent predictive.
but i no him That's true. Yeah, if you get her out early or if you... Magic. extend if you Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so yeah that's that's very cool. And I like... I think the style line is appropriate. Yes. yeah And she's not going now, so she could work with, like, Spectrum. or That's true. That is true. Yeah, possibly even buff her up more. you Think about a 4'7 man thing.
I almost wonder if she should be a 4-8, because I get like she's up against things like anti-venom and stuff. So like, yeah I was curious about the right statting for ability, but seeing what your opponent draws is going to draw things. You would know before they did, which would just make me feel cool inherently. Yeah, but it's only like one card that you get to know about.
for one turn under ordinary circumstance. Like, I think that could be a four, right? That's when you play cable. Yeah. Yeah. I guess. Maybe her steroids maybe need to like modify around to be appropriate to the ability. But I want to play Jessica Jones. Let's play Jessica Jones. Oh, I totally get it. Would you play her if she was a five and you could see your opponent's hand?
That's two OP, right? It's very interesting. That's the kind of card that doesn't appeal to me, so I have no idea. That's good. Which part doesn't appeal to you, being a five cost? Looking at my opponent's hand. I'm not interested. OK. All right. i like My philosophy is very much eyes on your own paper. Just do stuff that works. Then you start doing too much of your own math, or too much yeah math. You only have a one minute time. When you start like worrying about what your opponent is doing, I mean, like you should worry about it just like so you know when to retreat. But like when you start worrying about it like too much,
and no yeah
um movies and shakers and you know I'm trying to keep an eye so they don't like mess up my Heimdall or whatever. Lauren and I are out here red-guarding people. I'm like the number one red guardian. I love the RG.
i'm just um I'm wiping Madam Webb's left and right. i i he's He's my favorite tech card, I think. Because he's barely a tech card. I mean, what what does he what's his specific, he he like has no specific hate functions. He's very general purpose. And yeah, even if there's not ah an ability you care about, he's just a three-five. Three-five at the very least. We like three-fives. Yeah, we do. Yeah, I'm just gonna be biased. Yeah, you're biased. I see someone's hand.
All right. Well, I like you guys. Hold on, because what if you saw your hand and then they had this cool animation where it was like several freeze frames of Jessica Jones like taking pictures? Oh, and then it's like the murder board with the seven cards spread out with lines connecting them? Yeah, with the red conspiracy lines. Oh. OK, anyway. I would buy that card. Jessica Jones. Let me do it. I know. They killed her best synergy, which was Storm. Right?
a bo she's like it's She's almost a cobra, it feels like. Like, why am I supposed to any other four? Yeah. All right, Ben. Well, now all I can think about- I think you succeeded in making her more thematically accurate. Now all I can think about are the wailing guitars in the Netflix series, Jessica Jones, and I think Kyle Seacrest.
That night feeling. Very good wailing guitars, I tell you. They wail. Anywho, my card, i've I've sort of had this idea kicking around for ever since before the card even came out. um But I've always been sort of bothered by the design of Blob for several reasons, just all kinds of reasons. There are all kinds of things not to like about the design. It's a great pick.
um But the one thing that I am going to, the hill I'm gonna die on in terms of quibbling, is that Blob is not a cannibal. Except but for one panel of one mini series called Ultimatum in 2009, when Ultimate Blob is gruesomely like eating Ultimate Wasp's dead corpse and just like,
You eat a dead quips one. Telling down on her intestines. That's not even that's not even our Fred J. Dukes. That guy's his his first name is Franklin in the Ultimate Universe. So, you know, you know, he's not even the same dude. Any who, any who, any who Bob is not a cannibal, except for that one instance. And that that's just weird. And everyone agrees that that miniseries is not even like good.
point is point is point is he used to have this line of text ah ongoing cannot be moved and ah that was that was very flavorful and appropriate because ah nothing moves along that is his thing yeah And so, I deliberated a great deal on the exact stat line and what would be appropriate because there are so many cards already in the the vein that I'm about to... Alright, let me just tell you what I ended up with. Blob. 4, 6. Whenever this would move, give it plus 5 power instead.
And I had to think about exactly how this would work. One thing where I was like, rules are complicated. what How exactly would things function? I think that if, for instance, you penny parkered and then you got spider and you put spider on blob, what would happen then?
i Tell you what would happen then then you could drag the card around and you drag a ghostly image of blob So you could move it to an eligible open space a blob would not move But that's how you would like that's how you would handle things that granted blob the ability to move like cloak for instance Yeah, or that one location or you get the idea. So yes, there would be a ghostly image blob need to move around Yes, also like i' I've thought that like Hercules would be Honestly, I'm like why isn't blob Hercules instead except like also with the immovable line I think that would have been a perfect design but Hercules is already her keys now But when Hercules came out, I was like why isn't this just blob like why isn't blob this? I don't know any who So I and I ended up with four six receiving a plus five, but I wasn't sure that was like Necessarily the correctest of correct stat lines to assign but it just
ah I don't know. That's, that's where I ended up. I went back and forth. It could have been plus six power. He could have been a four four who gets plus six when he does move and that's less predictable. That's true. I think your blobs now is safe. Maybe there's maybe there'll be an advantage in the fact that he just cannot be moved. And like it reminds me of how I like playing a werewolf with Heimdall to have something that goes against the Heimdall shift to the left. um Anywho, I don't know. i'm I'm flexible on the numbers. Not sure I love it, but it makes a lot more sense than what we have right now. I think it's super fun. Okay. Is it time for both of you next week's secret homework on you? Mm-hmm. Let's do it. All right.
so As you may or may not know, we are coming right upon the premiere of the third season of What If.
um And i'm ah I'm a fan of the show. I like it all right. ah you know that For one thing, our our very own podcast started as a what if on Snap judgments. So there is no what if season of Marvel Snap, as Marvel Snap lore has been complaining about quite justifiably. I don't know if you've heard his thoughts on that. but Well, he's got them. He's he's got thoughts, I believe.
um Anywho, but there is a rival season. There is a rival season, right? So you're like, well, what merits its own season? Who among us is to say which Marvel adaptations deserve to be commemorated with a month's worth of cards?
Who's to say? We are the hosts of Snap on this. That too, propose a season themed around a Marvel film, television series, or video game, any adaptation. This can't be a comic book though. We're not doing a comic book themed season. So don't even, don't even come here with your, with your, I don't know. Pick four, you know, big crossover events.
Nope. Well, anywhere you could adapt the television series runaways. oh okay there is ah they They did one. um But anywho, feel free to include potential variants.
um Give us a whole month of characters, five or six that is to say, um but give us no more than two two to specific card designs, like maybe one season pass card and one other card.
And you know like you can you can offer vague thoughts on like what the mechanical identity of like the season might be, you know like yeah how all the young Avengers cared about spending and all that energy and leaving nothing on the table and all that. You know like you you can have a theme if you if you want to say like what the other cards might care about. um But just don't don't go too buck wild with it.
um So yeah, if if you've got a favorite Marvel video game, film or television series that has not, you know, been heavily featured in a Marvel Snap season, this is your opportunity to put a little shine on it. Yeah. I mean, well, maybe. I don't know. I don't know. It's up to you to. I know my heart is. That's all I'm saying. I don't care if it's already been done.
Say I need to get on dramatic like that. All right yeah Nothing don't apologize for ah Next up we are coming off of a new patch in the game and the patch included new titles So we are going to play title tussle 3 Also known as title 3 soul. I was really hoping you would up yeah,
idol preol or A game in which I am going to read to you titles from Marvel Snap or not. And you're going to tell me if they're real Marvel Snap titles or if they're fictitious Marvel Snap titles that were made to ah trick you.
heads up. A lot of these came from friends as usual, ah and listeners and randos on Twitter. um I have way more submissions than I usually have. So if I don't feature yours, I'm sorry. um But I tried to include a wide variety. We're gonna play with the I think it's the same scoring as last time, I'm gonna give you two.
ah i'm I'm gonna give you three! They're worth two points as a group. Just like in Marvel Snap, if you get two of three locations, you get you win. um And then you also get a positive point for any so anyone that you got correct. You can choose to snap.
to make the two points, or negative two points, worth four points, or negative four points. You don't really have to worry about the details. I'll keep score for you. i'll You know what? Right now, I'm going to put in a reminder at number 10-ish to to give you a score update. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. In case anybody wondered if I could count to 10, score update right there in my notes. OK. Questions, comments, concerns? Are there any?
Are there any handicaps available for people who maybe lose every time we play every two nine points for people who aren't re alternate rules or stipulations to maybe correct for just a general skill disparity among the two contestants? No, you get nothing. Nothing for me. Okay. I will remind you that all three of them could be fake or all three of them could be real. And yeah there's at least one set of each in that way. um Don't try to game my game though. um I would never.
Okay. I will be putting them in our little in our little Discord chat. Who's gonna go first? I will. Okay. Ben, seeking a comeback, I wrote the score titles down as L and R. It needs to be B and R. Fortunately, an L is easy to turn into a B. Okay. Here we go. Birthday clown by day. Dot, dot, dot. Dreamstalker stable boy.
Minor Antarctic royalty. Which of these do you think are real? And what's the season these are for again? Well, February season is Falcon season. I mean, Sam Wells is Captain America season. Brave new world. Gotcha.
um I'm going to say ah all real. OK, and will you snap on this? And if I snap on this and two of them are real, I get more points. Is that right? Yeah. I get four points. Is that correct? Yeah, it's still worth it. Hell yeah, I'm snapping. OK. You're absolutely correct. That's a seven-pointer right off the bat. Oh, no. That's not good. I thought I was going to trick you starting off that way. OK. Well. I'm impressed. I don't know who Dreamstalker is. Do either of you know who Dreamstalker is?
Nope, but it it just, it has the cadence of a real title. Okay, I'll tell you, I think the fake ones were were good this time. Better than usual, I don't know. They're usually pretty good, I'm worried. Yeah, I was gonna say. I love listening to you sleuth them out, because you guys are surprisingly good at it. Kree, will haunt your dreams. Guess my gimmick. In my own movie.
Which of these do you think are real?
Oh man, okay. No, I want to say they're all fake, but I'm like, would Lauren, I want to like the scene- Would I do that back to Um, uh, I don't think you would actually in meta thinking. So let's say we'll hunt your dreams is real.
And guess my gimmick and in my own movie are fake. That's what I'm going with. But I'm not snapping because I lack confidence in myself. You're not snapping on it. OK. That would be a four pointer because you got it correct. And you got two of three. So okay it in my own movie is real. Guess my gimmick is from Our Friend Miles Per Minute. Oh. OK.
ah sir Ben, it's you. ah Oh, I did the thing where I have bad numbers again. ah Instead of being one, two, three, it's two, three, four. Here you go. m Negative backbone. Not invited to the split-mas party. Runs on cheese puff fumes.
All right, I don't think the turnaround on Split, like, I think great that everyone has not been Splitmas or Splitsmas as the case may be. But I don't think the turnaround time would allow for a Splitsmas themed title in this batch of titles. So I think Number three, or rather number two, the middle one in this list, two, three, four. The middle one is fake. I think the third one, number four, is real.
And the first one doesn't make a ton of sense to me, so it's probably real. So I i think it's real, fake, real. and It never tickles me. It never ceases to tickle me when you're like, it makes no sense at all. It must be real. You got it. I should have asked if you're going to snap on it. I thought I might trick you. but i was I was a little too worried. I wasn't feeling that confident. Was I 100% on those?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a five pointer. I thought I might have tripped you by calling it split miss instead of splits miss because I know everybody loves to drop that. I wouldn't spell it if they did put it in the title. I know, yeah. I know everybody loves to drop that middle S, but I think it deserves to be there. The middle one. I think it's better there. Who is from Rooka. Oh, Rooka. OK. Sorry, I get so excited every time I hear someone's name I know. That's why I share them. OK. I'm like the Leonardo DiCaprio kid. It's like, ah!
Re, fighting on Tiamat, totally batch-rocking this outfit, giving a symbol meaning which Jaren title long in the game. All right, fighting on Tiamat, it's like, okay, so um I know there's already a title with Tiamat in it in the game. I remember being seen it. So that makes it more likely this is real, but at the same time, could it be trickery on behalf I'm very friends, but I'm going to say it's real. the i had a look up If it helps you at all, I had to look up who Tiamat is, because I'm familiar with Tiamat, the dragon dog, dragon god. Yeah, no, Tiamat spelled this way. is ah This is the big celestial in the ocean. Is it the one in the ocean? Yep. OK.
I didn't even notice there was something there. If that helps. I was just streaming a T in it. Like, is there any other? Okay. Well, you know, it's got the same style of misspelling as all those Eternals things. You know, they're all a letter or two off of some established mythological figure. Did the actual, like, legit, like, reference, though, then that makes it not real, for sure.
I'm going to stick with my original because I already said it, um but I do think totally bat-rocking this outfit is is fake. It feels like the kind of joke Adam made me, and to be honest.
um And giving a simple meaning.
That's also fake. You know what? Screw it. I'm just gonna say they're all three fake because it sounds cooler and more dramatic that way. Okay. Do I lose four points if I snap and I'm young? I do it. Fortune favors the bold.
I would like to swipe on this. All right. That is a six pointer because giving a simple meaning is real, but nice job switching on Tiamat. The first one fighting on Tiamat is from Lufkou. Totally bats rocking this outfit. You're right is very Adam ish, but it's a Scott one. That's because Scott's the other comic book nerd. I was going to say or Scott, but I'm like, re you can't cheat and say Adam.
Oh, I know. Well, and you, okay, what? And you, I'm trying to like double trick you. There's an extra layer of trickery because last time you guys were trying to guess like, who would be the one who submitted this? So I tried to be a little bit less transparent. Anyway. Ben, number one, mustache equals evil. Number two, frolicking through sprinkler. Number three, lost the mustache. I'm trying to tell a story here.
Yeah, I see that. We got we got three acts. Some mustaches. i i think I think that enough of them are real, but it would just be safest to say they're all real. Strategy. And I'm snapping on it.
Whoo, a six-pointer, all right. Okay, the strategy's coming out. The first first one is from miles per minute. Okay, the other two are real. Frolicking through sprinkler. Who says it like that? Who says frolicking through sprinkler? Whatever, he writes their titles. says it like drink Real sounding titles. All right, here's another story of sorts.
Just swipes left. Just left on your left, but right.
OK, I think just swiped left. I don't remember what that means. That's like I think that's the thing. Oh, I thought that was i like. Oh, is it OK?
I feel like that might be real. That might be the kind of a real reference they'd make. On your left, though, is fake. yeah makes too much and Because it's an actual like quote and people would you know be fun to have that with Captain America, Avatar. Of course, we can't have that because we can't have nice things. That one's fake.
I can see either way. I'm going to say it's real. I can't get myself to snap on this. I'm too insecure. Okay. That was fake, fake, real? Was that your- No, it was real, fake. Real, fake, real?
Okay. Yes. I just don't remember the first one. Okay. And you're not snapping. Okay. That's of four points because the first one is fake. Ruka tricked you. And on your left was submitted by both miles per minute and Adam Snablor.
ah yeah they like to make it me To make it more convincing, you have to like slightly tweak it, right? Like I don't know, like a bit of a scientist, right? Yeah, you'd have to say coming up on your left or something. Yeah, I don't think that I'm just like slightly wrong. I can't remember if I used it or not. I shouldn't say anything. I don't have a bit of a scientist. It's like one of the only titles I want because, of course, you know, I tinker with Dex all the time. I have more than a mass effect, too. Like, anyway, I still don't have it. Every stupid title I'm getting, like, you could have been a bit of a scientist.
And then when you play it, like, and you're playing some cool deck, then people have to respect you, because it's like, yeah, I'm doing cool shit, and I'm just, you know, whatever. Okay. I feel like I shouldn't admit this on the podcast, but that is the only title I use, and I use it all the time. Yeah, it's a very good title. That's one of the few that I use. Okay. Ben, my other car is a T-Rex.
Sexy and T-Rex-y. The Tyrannosaurus Supreme. Well, that's just too good. Sexy and T-Rex-y? No, that can't be real.
I want it though. Okay, if someone came up with it, you have to tell us too. All right. All right. Here's my thought. Wait.
Why would they have Dino themed? why why Why would we have Tyrannosaurus themed stuff? I mean, there is a there is like a what is it 10 billion B.C. or whatever that's coming up. Oh, I see. We're getting prehistoric. It's possible. It's possible.
That would be my explanation if any of these were real. i'm I'm a little bit concerned that they might all be fake, but I think if one of them is real, it's my other car is a T-Rex. I agree. So I'm going to say real, fake, fake. And I probably can't ask what the score is right now, can I? We find out halfway through, don't we? Yeah. All right. Well, then I will.
Real fake fake. I'll snap on it. Ooh, OK, that's a six pointer. um i snap em were Sexy NT Rexy is a creation of yours truly. Oh, OK. I was going to say, I'm inventing a new award called the rewood rock that goes to the title tesla for the best fake. Ooh, were they all fake? Or was number three actually real? One and three are both real. Wow. The Tyrantor Sorcerer Supreme exclamation point is a real title.
ah Maybe it'll come with a cool bundle of like Devil Dino. I don't actually wordplay. They did. Yeah, they did one. Or one. I know. Oh, it's a great choice for a throw you off title because yeah it's too good for a real title. OK, next set agree.
OK, Hodes is Hodes is frenemy. I'm Mary Poppins, y'all. Multiverse travel agent. OK, I think.
The first one's so weird, it's almost got to be real. It's definitely weird. Well, is like are we talking about President Norman Osborn or something like is this the Dark Avengers thing?
I think the first one is real. I think the second two are fake. The second one's got to be fake because once again, we have, you know, like your quotes. Too accurate of a quote. Yes. And number three, it could be real. I guess that's the edge of like, maybe I would travel agent.
No, I think it's real. I'm going to go real, fake, real. Are you snapping on it on it, though? I'm so unconfident. OK, that is a negative one. OK, I'm glad you didn't snap.
Yeah, ah you're correct. I'm Mary Poppins. Y'all is fake. They are all fake. The first is from out Alexander via Gomez. The second is from at S E F B Dragon. And they said they really want that title, just like you said. And the third one is scent variance. What would be the what would be the actual version of that quote if it was a real title in the game?
It's Mary Poppins, yo. I don't know. Yup. Maybe someone like Mary Poppins eats fish or something. It wouldn't make any sense. Okay. Ben, one loss from quitting. Fixed card acquisition. New deck, who dis? Um, wow. You know, one loss from quit.
I don't know. I don't even want to talk about too much. i People can feel however they feel about losing, and I don't want to shame anyone for feeling however they feel when they lose a game of Marvel Snap, so I'm not going to talk too much about that.
i I am never one loss from quitting personally. If I quit, it will not be because I lost too many times. ah But, you know, whatever. Whatever. Fixed start acquisition. I mean, like, oh, we we love it when the corporations do the self-deprecation. It's just it's next level comedy gold. But I don't think they would actually do that in this context with this timing. yeah Like, I just I don't think that worked. possibly to be real for a variety of reasons. New Decudis, completely inoffensive.
you know i I could see myself possibly using this if I were like earlier in my career when I was more interested in trying to find uses for titles and things. I did i did sometimes switch it up a little bit.
um That someone would probably use that. I think I think that's that's a good title. And I think it's a realistic title that is real. I think New Deck Houdas is real. And I think the other two are. No, I think the first one is real, but stupid. ah Real, fake, real. No, snap. OK, I mean, you're killing it. You got two of them, right? So that's ah what is that as a four pointer?
um Nudek Houdis is fake. ah Fixed card acquisition is from models. Nudek Houdis is from Robert Fish. One loss from quitting is is real. I thought that was ah depressing. I don't know. Okay, Rhee. Birds aren't real. Wearing bird costume. And then in parenthesis, bird sounds. Bird sounds. Okay. um Hurts aren't real. Like, that doesn't make any sense unless it's a reference I'm not getting, so... It is a reference.
Um, I don't know. I, I feel like I'm not the person to explain this, but yeah you, you, you make fun of conspiracy people, but there there's a fake conspiracy, like the flying spaghetti monster thing, you know, like where you're, you're making fun of conspiracy people by believing in a conspiracy that birds aren't real. I i don't know. I they're li explain it.
Alright, I will accept your aid in my fallen state um because that makes me think then that it must not be a real title because they would do it. Like they do stuff like Flatter 616ers, you know, they always like...
throw it slightly off. so I think that's fake now. I think wearing a bird costume, that could go either way. It's either a well-written fake one. I'm going to say it's real. I'm going to say bird sounds is fake because when I first saw it, it made me laugh and went titled it.
Okay, are we snapping on it? Are you snapping on it? At this point, it's in jeopardy where you're just like, we're out we're all in and we're were we can't get it. You did it. It's a seven pointer. It's the best you can do.
Okay, birds aren't real is from Ryan Wood, bird sounds is from Mimic. And it's time for a score update. giving me a checkle and Entertain them while I do math. Okay, I've got some information on birds aren't real. Okay, educate me.
Birds aren't real is a satirical conspiracy theory which posits that birds are actually drones operated by the United States government by un-American citizens. In 2018, journalist Rachel Roberts described birds aren't real as a joke that thousands of people are in on. Background.
Peter Mackendo created the satirical conspiracy theory on a whim in January 2017. After seeing pro-Trump counter protesters at the 2017 Women's March in Memphis, Tennessee, Mackendo wrote Birds Aren't Real on a poster and improvised a conspiracy theory amongst the counter protesters as a spontaneous joke. A video of Mackendo at the march went viral, which started the satirical movement.
In 2017, he posted on Facebook, I made a satirical movement a few months ago and people on Instagram seem to like it a lot. He later disclaimed the first thing that was written by a staffer who was fired and did not admit until 2021 that he did not truly believe the conspiracy. The movement claims that all birds in the United States were exterminated by the federal government between 1959 and 1971 and replaced by lookalike drones used by the government to spy on citizens. specifics of these series are not always consistent, not unlike actual conspiracy theories. They claim that birds sit on power lines to recharge themselves, that birds defecate on cars as a tracking method, and that US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the government due to his reluctance to kill all the birds.
Oh, cute, cute, cute. Good on JFK. And that information came to you from Wikipedia. Thanks Wikipedia. Okay, I have no explanation for the numbering on this one.
um Do we want to keep the same turn order? Yes, we do. Ben. Oh, yeah. Not Steve Rogers. Two. Don't tell Cap. Three. Just trying it on. Oh, it came through correctly. On my end, it's one, two, four. But Discord fixed it. Interesting. Well,
um not Steve. Hmm.
You know, these all seem like they could be real. um I'm gonna go, I'm gonna say real, real, real, and I'll snap on it, even though one of them's probably fake. you It's just, it's seven points?
You're on fire, Ben. Uh-huh. When did you get so- when did you become the title master? Have you been training any mountains? Have you been training any montages? I know it. shouldn't Title montages. Uh-huh.
I've been preparing my food in ah just like the least practical way you can imagine, utilizing all kinds of trivia skills and just general, I guess I'm peeling vegetables with just the sheer power of my my guessing acumen. I don't know.
um I'm not sure what this training montage looks like, but I'm definitely doing household tasks just with Mike. You like very dramatically being taught by some older, wiser being, like you're just looking at papers dramatically and pointing and, you know, but it's like the music and the cuts. You know, it's like what had American summer style, you know? just yeah I do.
And now, title genius. All right. i think I think don't tell Cap is one of those like slight misquotes, right? I think so too. Okay. ah They're all real. Ree. Paragon of filth. Shaved chest into pentagram. Do try this at home.
I don't say I could see those all being real, but they were all real last time too. But that's also a good way for like a teacher to like trick people on a multiple choice. I'm just trying to like meta do it now and start actually looking at the titles. The way lies madness.
Honestly, they do all just feel like they could be real. Yeah, I don't envy you this much. Okay,
I'm going to say paragon of filth and do try this at home are real and shave chest into pentagram is fake. And I'll snap on it because I know I'm behind. It's my only chance.
i think I think it's a miss. The top two are are real. So I think you swapped two of them. i Miles per minute tricked you with do try this at home. Which is a minus one. You said you'd snap on it. So it's a minus three. Minus three. It's that time in jeopardy. Did I give you guys the score? I did the math. I thought you weren't doing it on purpose. And I was like, oh, it's secret.
Oh, nope, I meant to give you the score. I'll give you them now updated real quick. There's only one more piece of math to do. 35 to 17. Yeah. Hey, there's nine more. I think Ben cracked the game. I'm going to have to change the the scoring to be more. ah I feel like it's probably always right to snap, but I need to make it more inscrutable. I don't know. We just lost two points that she didn't have to lose because she snapped.
All right. You just got to be better. I think I'm going for all real when you're like, yeah, two of them are. That's pretty powerful. I have a negative modifier to my intuition currently is affecting me. Oh, I'm sorry. Okay. Yeah, we're all just here for fun. I know.
I've gotten used to losing, I don't know how to be racist in victory. Um, no. Okay, sorry. I mean, Ree's undefeated so far. Kay, this is Ben's set. Sponsored. Can't say who. ah that That's one. Two, vaguely vague. Three, Sigma Enigma.
all right i'm giving that laughter the china it was the way he said it the are I see what the common thread is, you know, thematically speaking. um I'm gonna say...
There is something very plausible about the inconsistent punctuation in the first one. The listeners don't know this, but sponsored has a period after it and then can't say who does not. um So it's a sentence and a fragment.
And that speaks volumes to its plausibility. Vaguely vague also feels very plausible. um We're not saying much there, and I mean that is the point of what's being said also. so you know so like maybe maybe that's fine yeah Sigma enigma, those words do rhyme.
I am not feeling very confident about this. I'm gonna say real, real fake. No snap. Okay, that's a four pointer. ah Vaguely vague is also fake.
Okay. Vaguely Vague was Ryan Wood. Sigma Enigma was one of mine because, you know, the child who named this snapper cap is also in my life and calls lots of things sigma and skibbity, but I thought skibbity would be too much of a giveaway, so. it what scity means I think it's a good thing most of the time. I'll be like, how was school? And she'll go, skibbity.
Great. It sounds like an old person saying, not a young person saying. I feel like we all sound so cheeky right now. It was better terrible. OK. OK, Ree, here's your set. You ready?
Atri Kuchiku, on a red wing and a prayer.

The Title Tussle Game

On a red wing and a prayer. And Hail Hydra Bob. Hail Hydra Bob is too good. Hail Hydra Bob. So that's fake.
That feels like a scattering atom. Honestly, the second one also seems too sensical. Right? Yeah, I'm also going fake on that. Obviously, we're snapping all the way from here. It's the point where it's like... It's a given. you're not sat You're just sprinting, and it's like, we may trip, but we'd we'd be trying the whole time. Okay, um and Eitri?
No, this feels like a wet, dippy kind of thing where it's like, they did this. They did this. I don't want to see this. Don't do this. guy I Why? So it's definitely got to be a real fake fake. And I s snap. I snap, snap. OK, I can't like in reality snap this.
OK, that's a six-pointer. Etri Kuchiku is invented that they're all fake. It's an invention of Scott's. Yep, Scott Benham. Which one? Etri Kuchiku? Etri Kuchiku is Scott from Snapfan. You should be ashamed of yourself, sir. Yep. That is that one. Above everything else that anybody sent me, that one killed me. um Honor Red Wing in a Prayer is very good. Benjamin Kraut Kramer on Twitter. And Hail Hydra Bob is indeed an Adam invention. Marvel Snap War.
Thanks to all of you for contributing. Okay, Ben. Thank you. Number one, driverless human. Number two, tasteless tastemaker. Number three, soulless brute.
The third one feels real to me.
It's just so like, it's not even funny. It's it's meaningless garbage, soulless brute. It's like if you're nine, you're like, hell yeah. I think the first one might be real, but I also think it's fake. um So I think I'm going to go fake, fake, real, no snap.
Okay, that would be a four-pointer because driverless human is real. And ah yeah, that's the one you that's the one you got wrong. I i mean, as a driverless car, but as a driverless human, i it's not very funny. It's like, really? It feels like two sentence horror.
hey Oh, see, driverless human. Not to reference Animorphs two weeks in a row, but yeah. I think a driverless human is just any human who doesn't have a yerk in their brain, on their brain. Thank you. A tasteless tastemaker was mine. I just needed another one that had a lus in it. Okay, Ree, here's a fun little set for you.
IRL waifu, tied into anime. Kawaii, but deadly. Ben loves these. It's like ooloo pen particles. I forgot that is a, that is okay. Thank you for reminding me that is indeed a title. IRL waifu, I think might be fake.
It's slightly, it like, it It's too real. It sounds like something someone made up instead of like chat GPT generator. Yeah. Tad into anime.
Maybe it's real because it's so, it's such a weird way to say it. Like who would say that they, who would, I don't know. Okay. So. Yeah, no preposition. Just tad. Real.
Oh, the third one is so good because it can definitely go either way. I'm going to say it's real. And we we snapping, of course, because we're behind. So is fake real real? I'm going to keep the track. Yes. I just enjoy your explanations say so much. I get to get into it. In my head and then out, you know? not new things It's six points. our IRL Waifu is from Ruka, Kawaii, but Deadly is from me. Tad into anime. Tad into anime, you're right, is a bizarre way to say that. And it's absolutely a real title. Right. I did it.
I have three for you and three words. Warm. Language. language
Well, language, that's that's a reference. That's that's a movie reference. and Hard to mess up a one-word reference. Well, the thing is, they would insist on messing up a one-word reference yeah then na would man mess up a ah one-word reference.
like yeah um So I think language is definitely fake. ah I'm sure. I mean, like, all that makes me think is... There goes the baker with his tray like always. ways bla Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, But that doesn't mean that doesn't make it real or fake. That just means it reminds me of a Disney movie like everything else in the world.
um Warm. I don't want that to be real. That's really awesome doing a title called Moist. I'm just settling. I think Morm is real. I think Bonjour is. I honestly don't know. I just. I know that she really is a funny girl, that bell. I'm going to say real.
Real, real, real fake. Are we snapping on it?
Rhee must be catching up with all these snaps, right? That's a negative one point for you. Warm is indeed real. Bonjour came from miles per minute. Language is real. we Language is real? is real?
Re, here's the ah the loser self deprecating set for you. Friendless by choice. oh Broke my retreat button. Finished my dailies hours ago. Okay, finished my dailies hours ago is fake because it's too sensical direct meta of a reference.
um Friendless by Choice is the kind of sad title that it feels like they put it in there. They want to put in like, do you do you want to be an edgelord? Are you sad about like, the anyway, okay, sorry, we won't go on. But I do believe Friendless by Choice is probably real. So that leaves broke my retreat button, which is my one that could go either way.
And I'm going to say... real. Okay. Snappin'? Just implied that you are. Yeah, I think we just are because we're so far behind. That's a six-pointer. Broke my retreat button is also fake. ah Broke my retreat button and finished my dailies hours ago are both from snap variants.
and' snbbing Okay, Ben. A Brave New Squirrel. D. Light Mule. This is D. apostrophe light L-I-T-E. D. Light Mule. And just a little trash panda.
Okay. Yes. Brave New Squirrel. I feel like number three is not a direct.
Guardian of the Guardians of the Galaxy quote, at least at least not that I recognize. I mean, I know there is talk of trash pandas. um The fact that it it doesn't strike me as a direct exact quote just makes it seem possible. Delight Mule means nothing to me, which means it's almost certainly real.
A Brave New Squirrel is probably a little too good for them, so probably made up. yeah Failed the relitness test. Yep, exactly. I think we got fake, real, real, no snap. Okay, that is a four pointer.
i Not a brave new squirrel might throw you off because the movie is Brave New World. But they did a brave new squirrel. That's Scott's. Delight Mule is real. That was a good one. Why looking up what that means?
I have no idea what this means. Google did not help me. Chat GPT did not help me. I told you, because it's generated. They're just having AI generate their titles. Where it's such an in-joke of some developer, and it's like, why put out whatever garbage? Why is that to your players? It's just, oh, it's so bad. the Brave New Squirrel Scott. I want to Brave New Squirrel, though. And just a little trash panda was mine.
Basically, I come in when I need to round out a set thematically. Okay, last- Oh, I think that one was real. You can't at me. Nope. Uh, for a re. No breath mint can contain me. Aim for my glowing weak spot. On the road to nowhere.
Okay, so the first one is real because they love putting that, like, it makes me sad that people use gamer derogatory because it is a way I often refer to myself. But they love, but in the way that it is generally used on the internet, they love putting gamer ass titles in there where it's like people compare it with like,
ah but mojo, you know or like that blob one with the white tears la coming down his eyes. and then they'll pick I see that all the time. That's an auto-mute for me. I always check someone's title, and if I find the title even mildly jerkish, mute away.
and say okay That's your heart. So, no breathman can contain me is real. Aim for my glowing weak spot is fake. Definitely one of our friends or clever listeners came up with that. And On the Road to Nowhere is also fake because that is far too clever and is like a title I would probably, you know, use as well. So like, um so obviously I can't be real. It's just so clear. I mean, if I, even if I weren't,
like uh you know so far behind i would i would snap i would okay i think that was i think that was a six pointer okay i got one wrong aim for my glowing weak spots real On the road to nowhere is from snap variants. Thank you for playing my game. I did the math Live this time instead of making you read a Wikipedia article. Not that it wasn't enlightening ah the scores ah You close the gap re is 41 re to 46 Ben takes the title tussle title the first time explained i'll take i'm trying to I'm trying to give you a crown, but I don't always anyway
I appreciate it. Titles usually come with belts actually, not crowns, right? So you get the title tussle belt. This is the exception, but it's the rule or whatever. yeah ti

Listener Engagement and Interaction

be Next time, Reebles, order will be restored. This is this is a fluke. I feel like this is wrong. And just hit the ground running. All right. Yeah, you're amazing. You did all that montaging and mountains training, you know, and and cold air breathing really worked out. Until the next patch when they add more slop,
More slap for the slap bucket. just like here's here's more and Here's a couple I didn't use. Sawed off my tracking device. What? Why? Broke leg thumb wrestling. Oh, sad. I know. Gotta stop dating Succubi. That one's slightly funny. That's fine. yeah ah give it an okay out of whatever if you liked what you heard accepting the garbage slop title
ah you don't continue listening follow like subscribe comment review etc are all the good verbs ah It's great. ah We love it. ah You can follow us on Twitter and Blue Sky and stuff. It's it's in the show notes, checking them out. They're helpful. um We also have a community discord. it's We are hitching a ride on Snap Judgment League discord. But once you get there, there's a link in the in the show notes. Once you get there, you can go to the do like top channel thing and select the role for Snap on this and you can get into our two channels and it will be great. And in there we
We have fun, and you can talk about, you know, you give us secret homework suggestions. Yeah. And we say nice things about us. It's really nice, and we like it. It is really nice. Just saying. It is true. And we do like it. It's vastly appreciated. None of us is so confident. Also everybody in there is real nice. No, please.
Nobody's jerks in there. You know, we appreciate all the comments and all that. You know, someone that's delegated like re specifically watches the Spotify comments. But when we get comments, are sh che she shares them with us. And I love seeing. Oh, no, the name is escaping me right now. But the listener who's doing secret homework alongside us every week. I love that. It's super fun. yeah Thank you. Yeah, Blazecat. Just totally spaced it. Blazecat, you're a real one. ah You can also email us. Nobody does. Honestly, hit us up and in DMs or Discord. But you can snap on this pod at gmail ah We

Fantasy Literature Discussion

are, perhaps unsurprisingly, considering the Discord server were, you know, ah hanging on the coattails of. We are part of the Snap Judgments Network, where you can listen to other great shows, like How Can She Snap on Sundays, Snap Decisions on Mondays and Tuesdays and whenever there's something to talk about. And our show on Fridays and Snap Judgments on Saturdays. There's always something good to listen to, a place to get a good deck, et cetera. But anyway, if you want to be here next week and hear us rag more on Bruce Banner, join us. No, we're only going to say nice things.
Don't believe you. Anyway, same this is follow up from Snap Decisions, not from not from our own podcast, but when we guested there with Joe, we recommended that we read Die, and I did, and it was amazing.
This means a lot to me because usually this is how my recommend because I'm kind of a hipster of nerd stuff where I'm like over something by the time it's cool. I read Game of Thrones in middle school. I was way too young for those books when I read them. That's the story of the library. That's the best, right? The most rebellious you can be, right? Because nobody is reading all those books to make sure you shouldn't be reading them.
I was reading Xanth books back then, and they were a little too risque for me, but they were so fun. Right? Anyway, but then usually the recommendation, so when HBO was going to make a show, and I know how it turned out, but this was before. This was the before times, and I would tell my friends, HBO was making a show. It's this epic fantasy series, and since they have high budget,
They're probably too good to jump. They did. For a while. Yeah. Yeah. Despite some problems, you're in there. Yes. Then everyone was like, yeah, yeah whatever, Ree. I thought they at least heard me. Then like later, months later, someone's like, hey, have you heard of this Game of Thrones show, Kelly? No.
same time. I have stopped like ever pressuring people and recommends because I get where all have like giant giant piles of stuff and are too large to read lists. Anyway, if you want to like check out a cool fantasy world, i yeah.
I loved it. It was super fun. The art was beautiful. I did not make it through the end without crying. Go figure. It's good stuff. Thanks for the rest. I will keep an eye out. I'm sure i'm sure I'll run into it eventually.
yeah as As for my journey with the Game of Thrones, I also, as I read it before the the show came out, I got into it because of the card game, because all the cool people at the game store were playing the card the card game first. That's the normal path.
so I got into the card game. I was like, well, I gotta read the books now. So I read the books and then the show came out and then I got to be, I got to not pay attention to the show while other people were watching it in the same room. And I still knew what was going on. Cause that first season are like very faithful to the, to the books and all the, all the stuff is very memorable. All the, the salacious incidents they do stick in your mind. All the,
They shape Ben and Maria and who they are. I guess. i'm I don't know. I was in high school. I was probably less shapeable. If you're a fantasy nerd, you know what I'm talking about. you know Wheel of Time has probably got the edge in people of several generations. Yeah, but no card game I'm aware of, so I have not read it. um i I've heard great things about it. Everybody loves them, but no card game. Not interested. but okay
i' written The super duper long thing i've I've read is the worm web serial, which is amazing. It's superhero stuff, but it's crazy long. um Anyway, so if anybody knows worm, ah hit me up because nobody does and I love, I love worm.