and uh, and you know, young, sexy, sexy Spock, like, you know, they're their baby check off. I can't believe they brought in baby check off like that. it's so hilarious yeah He's like running around the bridge. and he's like a little neighbor Yeah. No, it's, it's such a weird energy, but it also works. That's what I love. ah but Yeah. yeah they They figured it out. ah And, you know, is a gun and it's like this like little like inside joke and everybody's like, Oh, it's check offs gun. And it's so good. Yeah. It's a baby with a gun. Yeah. They, they're really not responsible they pulled out Walter Koenig, who I think is like 95. He's not young. Um, and had him sit with a little baby check off and they're like, Oh, see, Hey, and there's like, say nuclear vessels, please. Ha ha ha ha. They're hoping they could de age him. They were going to originally have him play the role with CGI. No way. ah yeah but He's 88. I way overshot, but he is. So he's young. You're saying he's very young. He's like presidential age. Yeah. Yeah. He's he could, he could be our next president. yeah If he wasn't from Russia. Yeah, that's true. Um,