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How To Set Goals That You Actually Achieve

The Solarpreneur
409 Plays1 month ago

2025 is quite a big year ahead for us, but are we really being realistic with our goals? This episode is gonna give you a refresher on how to set big and daring goals for the year while keeping in mind your ability to actually reach them.


Taylor's Journey to Solar Success

Welcome to the Solarpreneur podcast where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong and I went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in a year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail. I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bring in the top solar dogs of the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, following up like a pro and closing more deals.
What is a solar printer you might ask? A solar printer is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to defeat mastery and you are about to be become one.

Maximizing Efficiency in Solar Sales

Hey, what's up, solarpreneurs? Today, we're going to talk about how you can maximize the efficiency for your goals, how you can achieve the goals of your wildest dreams for this year and beyond. So welcome to the show. We're here to help you close more deals, generate more leads and referrals, and hopefully have a much better time in the solar industry.

Door-to-Door Con Announcement

We're right around the corner from ah door to door con.
the time of this recording, it's actually coming up next week. So if you have not purchased your tickets yet, go grab them. You can use the code ARMSTRONG20, get 20% off your door-to-door con tickets. Hope to see you there. Let me know if you're coming.

Goal Setting for Success

Hey, but ah today's podcast, I recently did a a goal workshop for our squad here in San Diego, and I actually was going to use some of the footage from that, but I went through the ah footage we got and apparently I had the mic plugged in the wrong port so audio did not turn out ah was not very good so we're recording a new one so I'm gonna give you a part of what we trained on here for our team and um part of how we believe we're gonna have the best year ever
I'm as far as our goals and the things we want to achieve i'm out here for first and you go for a team here but if you have not set your goal whenever you're listening to this recording this beginning of twenty twenty five but whenever you listen to this it's a great time to go through revise your goals see where you're at.
ah Adjust, make some tweaks. Because if you're not constantly reviewing your goals, updating your vision, you could be like the people that um or that I saw at the gym today. Gym's packed, but give it two weeks. Gym's going to be empty again. So we don't want that to be us, whether it's the gym, whether it's sales, we want to be constantly staying motivated and constantly achieving our

Introducing SMARTER Goals Framework

Hey, so I'm going to give you a framework you can follow to set the best goals possible and have the best, the highest chance at achieving your goals. Hey, many of you have heard of smart goals. I'm going to give you a framework called smarter goals. Hey, and I did not come up with this. Um, actually got it from, um, my buddy, Michael Hyatt. Hope, hope to have him on the podcast someday, but he has a really good system for setting goals. He has his company's called full focus.
And right now it's my current like favorites planner. They have weekly planners. Um, he has like a year planner and then he has a whole system around, uh, like tracking your goals and going through it that I think it's the best one I've found so far. So if you want to dive deeper into this stuff, check out Michael Hyatt and his company full focus. He has a really good like course program that he does every year called a your best year ever. And it's something that I've,
done every year now for I think the past two, three years and great program. I'm going to take some of the things that he taught us in this a little workshop that he does and hopefully give you guys some value today. Okay. So first things first, before you start going crazy with goals, I've actually sat actually right before I started recording. I was looking through social media, seeing a few people post their goals. And a big thing that I'm seeing from people is they're spitting out like 20, 30 goals, all these things they want to do. And I actually got, uh, you know, email from some family members of their like resolutions goals. And I see this over and over where people have so many goals and I'm thinking to myself, how do you have time to focus on all these things? How do you actually achieve 20, 30 things in a year, especially when they're bigger goals?
So before we jump into the framework um and into the smarter goals, take a look at your goals, um whether it's beginning of the year or middle of the year. Do you have like 20, 30 goals? Are you focusing? hey um I think it's much more powerful to give yourself 9 to 12 goals.
And what Michael Hyatt recommends in his workshop in his in his system is having no more than 12 goals for the year and having no more than three goals that you focus on for each quarter.
Cause anything more than this, most people are just going to get bogged down and it's so much to focus on that you end up achieving nothing. So that's the first tip. Take a look at your goals, the things you want to accomplish. How many do you have? Is it overwhelming? Don't have like 50 things on the page because chances are you're you're not going to hit very many of them.
Hey so focus in sets nine twelve goals for the year and then happily blazer focus on him okay and then just for the purpose of this podcast there's a whole yeah the whole list of things we could go through is first setting goals um you know you have your life date and domains you have.
like physical goals, mental, emotional, you can go through all those. And I think it's helpful to list out things you want to achieve before you actually write your goals. That's what we did in our and team goal workshop is just write down everything you can think of, kind of do a brain dump for things you strive to achieve this year in the different categories of life, right? But once you've done this, the next step is setting smarter goals.
Okay, so this is a really cool ah framework that Michael Hyatt developed. Most of you have heard of smart goals, but he takes it one step further and he does a smarter goals. Okay, and so the smarter goals, the first one, same as smart goals, you got specific. hey um So take a look at your goals. Is it actually dialed in? And if your goals are like, oh, be better at sales, sell more accounts this year, exercise more,
read the Bible more. I know there's a whole list of things and a whole, you could look up endless examples of this. So that's how most people set their goals. Just like be better, do this, a better experience this year. You need to dial in your goals, right? Set specific things that you want to do and don't just, don't just make it so generic like that. So that's the first letter in the smarter goals specific. Okay. And then the next one, next one is measurable.
So that stays the same as well. You need to have some metric that you can actually measure, right? How are you going to know if you accomplish your goal if it's not measurable? Examples he gives is if you say you want to make more money this year, how much more, right? So ties along with specific, how are you going to measure it? Do you want to increase your commissions by 30%? How much is that? and And something we're talking about today with our team is one of our guys on the squad. He's like, Oh, I want to,
buy a house this year. I want to save up for a house. So we dug in. It's like, okay, how are you going to make that happen? How much more do you need to make? What's the measurement for that guy on our squad? He's like, Oh, I want to help my wife be a stay at home mom. And it's a good goal, but it's like, how are you going to do that? What's the measurement? How do you know you've actually accomplished that? Right? So take a look at the things you want to achieve. Do you have a measurement that goes along with it?
Because if you don't know what it is, then you're just throwing mud at the wall, right? Make sure you have some type of measurement.

Solar Scout App Introduction

So some of you already know that I run my own doorto- door-to-door sales team here in San Diego. And as we were gearing up for the summer, I realized if we do the same thing we always did, we're going to get the same results. But if I want to increase my deal flow, I need to do something different to get an advantage. Then we discovered an app called Solar Scout.
but it's not a door knocking app, it's a data platform that shows us who is likely to go solar in our market. It shows us who has previously applied for solar but later cancelled the deal, who has moved in recently, and even how much electricity the homes are using in a given neighborhood.
It's been working for a lot of teams across the country, and now I'm on board too. I'm going to be one of the first to Solar Scout in San Diego, so I decided to partner up. But I told them, hey, I'm going to talk about Solar Scout on my show. You need to get my listeners a great deal. And they did. So go to Solar Scout dot app forward slash Taylor and book a demo with them and you'll get 10 percent off your first month when you sign up. That's Solar Scout dot app forward slash Taylor. OK, back to the show.
A third is actionable. Make sure you get clear on the primary action. So again, we're not just saying be this, ah be better at sales, be better at saving money, right? um Tie a specific thing um and make sure you have the action with it. So it's like deposit 10% of each paycheck into my savings account. So that's an example of something that's actionable, right? It starts with the verb deposit.
It's clear. It's directive about exactly what you're going to do. So that's number three is actionable. Okay. The fourth one, and this is where it switches up a little bit. Okay. We're S M a R. The fourth one is risky. This one was new for me. When I heard this, I'm like risky. What are you talking about? So what do you mean by this?
And what's interesting is sometimes we set goals that are so easy that they don't bring us excitement. They don't push us to improve. So when we set a risky goal, it should be somewhere between not like delusional or crazy, right? I'm not saying I'm going to go to the NBA. I'm not saying I'm playing in the NFL, but what's something that feels a little bit scary when I say it out loud, right? If it doesn't feel scary,
probably not big enough, probably not risky enough. right So say something that scares you a little bit, but that doesn't sound so insane that it's like impossible to achieve. right Pick something in the middle between the delusional zone and the too easy zone. right So don't just pick an example I gave my team is um last year I was brainstorming the goals and I put down that I wanted to go to the gym where I'm going to go to the gym, uh, four times a week. Hey, and at the time I started thinking about it and I would, I had already been going to the gym four times a week for like the past nine months. So is that going to push me very hard going to the go continue to go to the gym? Probably not a very risky goal. Already been doing it. It's look back. You don't want it super easy to achieve. You want something that's risky. It scares you a little bit when you tell people.
hey and then the fifth one is time bounce right what's the time frame that you're gonna do it in so there's two types of goals you can have there's achievement goals and there's habit goals achievement is like save up fifty grand this year run a half marathon buy a house right those are things you can achieve and then the second type is a habit goal which would be like Read scriptures every day for the next 90 days. ah Meditate for the next 90 day exercise Monday through Friday for the next two months. and Those are like habit goals you put in place. So when you're setting your goals, I think it's good to have a mixture of both, but make sure you have the timeframe that you want to do it in. If it's an achievement goal, okay, when are you going to buy a house?
by, is it quarter one, quarter two, quarter three? Hey, when are you going to start the habit goal of meditating every day? Can you start it in quarter two, beginning of March or beginning of April? Figure out exactly when you want to do it and what the timeframe is for for um what you're doing. Start date, if frequency, time triggers and streak target is the way ah Michael Hyatt puts it.
Okay, and then last two here is we got E for smarter is exciting. Does the goal excite you? Is the goal something you actually want? A conversation we had about this is a lot of times we're doing goals because other people want us to, right? Is it just your manager that wants you to hit this number of cells? Is it just your parents that want this? um Is it just your wife that wants you to do this? So set a goal that's exciting to you personally, because if you're doing it for someone else,
Chances are you're going to lose motivation. You're going to lose excitement. It's not what you want. so And I've told this story. ah My parents, they wanted me so bad to go to college to go to school. And I don't get me wrong. I like school, but um it came down to I was kind of doing it for them. Right. I love school, but I almost went back to school just because I wanted to make the parents proud.
and So don't do don't just go do things because other people want you to and that's part of the excitement for this framework. Make sure it actually excites you and you want to do it. And then the last one is relevance. Is your goal actually relevant for what you're trying to achieve in life for your values? hey umm like You to make sure it fits within the other the other things you're trying to achieve this year. I train a jujitsu right now. I've been training, you know, three, sometimes four times a week, been doing some competitions. A lot of times I'm thinking in my head, man, it would be so cool to just train every day.
to go do some huge competition competitions, even train twice a day. um i could even Maybe I could go pro in Jiu Jitsu. Maybe I could just be like these guys that are winning these huge huge competitions. But then as I start looking at it, you look at the the sacrifice that these people need to make.
And you can you can tie this to anything whether it sells whether it's a sports whatever but really comes down to you are you willing to put in the work to put in the actual time it takes to achieve something and is it relevant for the other things you're trying to do because for me training jujitsu twice a day trying to be like a professional martial artist that's not gonna fall in line with my other goals it's not relevant to the other things i want to achieve.
Cause I know I want to have massive success in sales. I know I want to spend time with my family and I know I want to want to have a relationship with my kids. So just training twice a day and leaving, you know, multiple times a month for competition, stuff like that. Is that relevant to the other values I have right now? Probably not. So take a look at your goals. Are they all relevance to your time of life right now to the things you want to accomplish?
If not, then maybe you need to revise your

Reviewing Goals for Continued Success

goals. Okay, so those are the seven letters of the Smarter Goal System. So I hope you can go through that and just think of the goals, think of the things you want to achieve this year. Is it specific? Is it measurable? Is it actionable? Is it risky? Is it time-bound? Is it exciting? And is it relevant? If it doesn't fall in most categories, maybe you need to revise it.
So go through it and, um, you know, he gives some examples in his whole worksheets for it, but you know, some, one example is like run the country music half marathon by April 21st. So you hit, you hit all the categories. It's actionable, specific, measurable, risky and exciting time bounds. Okay. And guess it's going to be somewhat subjective, right? Risky for one person might be easy for another person.
Hey, but think about that as you're going through your goals, as you're revising your goals, and as you are reviewing your goals, because that's the thing. You can do all these crazy goal setting workshop systems, but if you're not reviewing them, if you're not having monthly, quarterly, weekly reviews, then you're probably going to fall behind on what you want to achieve.
Okay, so I hope that helps you this year. Go set some goals, achieve big things. And I hope this podcast can be part of your goals. If you want to set a goal, listen to every single solar maneuver podcast.
Maybe we'll get you some type of prize. Let me know. But, uh, can't wait for this year. It's going to be an awesome year. I think we're going to have a comeback year for sure. I see things getting bigger and bigger and those that stuck through some of these harder times. It's only going to go up from here. So keep tuning in. We got a lot of guests coming your way. If you're going to door to door con, hit me up. We'd love to connect with you there and we'll see you on the next podcast. What's up, solarpreneurs? Hope you enjoyed the episode. Before you run out and start selling more solar yourself, wanted to let you know about an exciting new cheat sheet we created specifically for you in mind. One of the top questions I get asked on Instagram, on Facebook, by our listeners is, Taylor, where should I start? What episode should I listen to in the podcast? You got too many podcasts, man, because now we have over 200 episodes.
so what we've done we created the top 10 most downloaded most listened to and i would say widely accepted most useful podcasts that we've done here on solar printer we put them together all in one sheet so you can go you can hit the around running, especially if you're new, you do not want to not have this sheet. So go download it right now. It's gonna be a Again, that's top10, the number Don't forget the S on solarpreneurs. We will have that in the show notes. Go download it right now.
And especially if you have not listened to him, go listen to him and you can re-listen to him. That's going to show you how. So go download it and we'll see you on the other side.