The Landon House & La Pascualita image

The Landon House & La Pascualita

Sinister Sisters
18 Plays1 year ago

On this week's episode, we're back to our simplest sinister stories - haunted buildings and haunted bodies! For Felicia, it's a hometown haunt and for Lauren, it's an embalmed corpse (yes, yet another). 

First, Felicia explores the historic Landon House - right down the street from where she grew up in Maryland! Growing up, it hosted a spooktacular Haunted House every year for Halloween...but is the actual building haunted itself?!

Then, Lauren uncovers “The Legend of La Pascualita - The Corpse Bride.” For more than 90 years, tourists have flocked to a bridal shop in Chihuahua, Mexico…but they aren't there to see the wedding gowns. There's an urban legend that the very lifelike window model, nicknamed “La Pascualita,” could possibly be a perfectly preserved body! Is she mannequin or mummy?!

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Introduction and Friendship

Welcome to the Sinister Sisters podcast. This is Felicia. I'm Lauren. We're best friends. And we like spooky stuff. Oh, yeah. We're back again. We just had a really good friend gossip hangout that was very rejuvenating to me. I hope so.
I Felicia always has the best stories of her kids and just, I don't know. It's just wholesome, beautiful content. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I also, I sent, I don't know if you saw it yet, but I sent you a TikTok that was like, when your best friend, and it's like this girl like with her arms out and then it's like lives in another state. And then she's like, sad. I was like, no. It's true. That's me. Yeah. Um, but yeah.

Movie Recommendations

Yeah, I guess let's go ahead and get into recommendations because I actually have one this time.
I watched the I almost said the wrong name. The Wonder. Is that right? Oh, yes. With Florence Pugh. With Florence Pugh. The Wonder that's on Netflix. It is. It's a new movie. Well, you know, it's a little it's a month or so old by the time you hear this. But it's basically it's an interesting concept and it takes place in Ireland in the olden days to be specific. It says 1862.
And this girl, this like 10, 11 year old girl, apparently has not eaten for four months, anything. And so Florence Pugh plays a nurse that is sent there to like observe her and like figure out what's going on. And it was very interesting. It's like, it's slow. It's kind of quiet. It's like one of those movies.
I would say it's like a drama first with some thriller-y horror-esque vibes, but it's really more of a drama. But it was very interesting and I, yeah, I really liked it. Amazing. It's been on my list for a while. I hope to watch it soon. Yeah. And I was like, I don't know. It's also got like an interesting framing device. I don't know if that's a spoiler.
I don't know. I'll just say it's got an interesting framing device. Check it out. You know what I mean. I can't wait. I'm I love you so much. I'll watch her do anything. So I'm just excited to see it. Yeah. I can't remember if I talked about this on our last podcast episodes. Now I'm worried. But I watched VHS 99. Did we talk about that? Oh, no. Because I talked about it. I think. Yeah, I really loved it. That was a while ago. Oh, good. Yeah.
Did we talk about Cabin of Curiosities yet, either? No, we did not talk about that. But we didn't talk about VHS. I didn't hear what you thought about it, I do not. Oh, okay, great. I really liked it. I haven't seen any of them, so I had no point of reference. Not the original? No, I know. I watched the original for the first time this year. I'm very scared to watch that. Yeah, it was very scary. It was very scary. Yeah. But did you like the demon girl?
loved. She was so like she was like the best part. For sure. I agree.
I totally agree. And she's in something else. I know she's in something else that I also just watched because I was like, oh, my God, this girl. Oh, OK. I was trying to think, what is her character name? It's like that. Amazing. I don't know. But I know it's like a because it's not really a demon name. Wait, I think I know because I also watched Deadstream. I think that's what she was also in. Oh, I haven't seen that, but I believe.
Mabel is her demon name. Yes, Mabel. Oh, it's so good. She's like, yeah. And I like. I made a dream. I like that dream as well. Yeah. Is that a similar kind of thing? Is it like a.
Anthology. It's not an anthology, but it's basically a like internet guy who's going to like go into a haunted house and try to live there for or stay there for 24 hours no matter or whatever for the night, no matter how scary things get. And things get very scary.
Exactly, exactly. It kind of reminded me of that other movie that is also found footage that the host team did. Oh, Deadcam? Yes. I'm like, I can't hear anything. Did I say the right thing or did I say the wrong thing? Everyone listening to this is going to be like... No, I said the wrong thing. What am I trying to say? I'm trying to say... Dashcam. Dashcam! What did I say?
Dead. Dead. It's all the same dash cam dash cam dash cam. It reminds me of that. Yes. It reminded me of that because it's a kind of annoying internet personality guy. You mean like us? Just kidding. I hope that just blasts in people's headphones. I shouldn't have yelled. I'm so sorry. I like the yelling, but it's equally like scary found footage.
cool special effects kind of thing. Nice. Nice, nice. Yeah. And then I did want to, I know it's not horror, but I did want to say that I loved season two of White Lotus. I just was totally obsessed. I've never seen an episode. I don't know. You got to watch it at all. OK. I keep hearing that. Yeah. I mean, I'm down. You could almost watch it with your family. And there's some weird stuff in the first season. I don't know. It's up to you. OK.
There's just some weird sex stuff that I predict could be uncomfortable here. Yeah, that might be weird. That might be weird. What? Sorry, what was the other movie you said that you watched? Oh, Cabinet of Curiosities. Yeah, I didn't watch the whole thing for some reason. I started watching it in October, and then my life got derailed, and then I have not actually finished it, but the first episode was great.
Yeah, there's definitely favorite episodes and lesser, for me, strong episodes, but I really liked it as a whole and thought it was fun to watch and interesting and cool, different storylines. Nice. Okay. Yeah, I have to go back to it. I love any kind of streaming horror. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There's so many movies that I want to check out that are in theaters. I still want to see the menu and I wanted to see Bones and Them or Them and Bones or whatever that is. Bones and All. Bones and All. There's all those kind of movies that I'm like, I need to go back and check out once they hit VOD for sure. I was just going to say, did I talk about the menu last week? I don't think so.
then I did see the menu. And I am sad to say that the first act is much better than the second act, but it's okay. I don't know. Was it not funny? I thought it was supposed to be funny. No, that also was confusing to me. The tone was weird. Yeah, it's like I thought it was going to be like ready or not, I guess, or like,
I don't know. I just thought the tone was going to be more like, this is unsettling, but there are funny things and like we're making weird jokes and Ray finds this kind of funny too. And like, no. Hmm. Weird.
All right. Yeah.

The Haunting of Landon House

Yeah. It's again, like, you know, it was, I really enjoyed, I think the first act and then like the second part, I was just like, I don't know. I don't know how, I didn't really like how they went, the direction they went, I guess. Hmm. All right. All right. But anyways, you know, I was just reminded, sorry, my brain is like a thousand places. What is that girl's name? Okay.
This is going to go a lot of places. What is the name of the movie that the Watcher? OK, it's the girl from the Watcher. Mm hmm. Slash. No, it's not the Watcher. I'm sorry. What is the movie with the crazy techno soundtrack Sex Demon?
movie where it's like you if you have sexy pasta demon. Oh, yeah, yeah. It follows. It follows. Sorry, the girlfriend. That was the girl from watcher. You were right. Oh, I was right. Okay, okay, good. Yeah. So I just saw a trailer for something and she's in another. Some is it this one significant other? Yeah, yeah, it is a hiking.
a young couple go on a remote backpacking trip to the Pacific Northwest. Yeah, so I was like, Oh, I just love her now. Since I just love that she doesn't do much, but I can't look away from her face. I agree. I totally agree. So simple. So good. Yeah. But anyways, that's enough. Let's let's talk.
All right, so my story this week is a hometown haunting for me. And so, so hometown, the most hometown I've ever done for sure.
It takes place basically in it's basically in my neighborhood almost. So I had mentioned a couple of episodes ago, which I know it was like months ago, that I went to a haunted house growing up at this place called the Landon House in Urbana in Frederick, Maryland. And it was like such a freaking well done haunted house, like genius.
And definitely like my first haunt experience, probably. Like I think I went to middle school and I was just amazed by the whole production and terrified, of course. So and they had done like, oh, go ahead. What's like the number of employees? Like there was tons of people. 40. Oh, wow. Like 70. Like there were so many people in this haunted house that were actors because because. OK, so you went through the door.
And then each room had a different theme throughout the entire so okay, the lantern house is like a mansion, I should say that guy. And so they went through all these different rooms with all these different themes or whatever. And then of course, a guy with a chainsaw chases you out at the end. But the one like that's burned into my memory, which I think I talked about was just like all these kid actors they had hired to be zombies at a dinner table eating flesh.
Yeah, it's like arts. It was so amazing. It was incredible. And yeah, but there was like so many people that worked there and you know, maybe it's because I was in middle school, but it just felt so huge to me and it was amazing. And then in addition to that, I had gone there for like some school things like they used to like, maybe it's because of where I grew up in Maryland, but there was a lot of like, free enactments about the Civil War in my area. Did you have this in Virginia? I don't think we did, which is sad.
I mean, I don't know. I think it's okay. But like, I don't know. Like, I don't know. We just had a lot of that stuff going on. Are you in? No, no, no, no. But they would have these things and you can go with Linus and Alice, they do like a Civil War history lesson and people would be like dressed up and like, they would show you like, what are the games that kids played in Civil War times and you'd hit the stick on the hoop and whatever. Yep. You know, good stuff. But there was also
Yes, things like that. There was also like rumor that the land house is very haunted. And I remember, I mean, I'm sure nobody that is important will hear this. But I remember my brother told me one time that like, he had been friends with a girl whose parents owned that house.
even though it wasn't, it wasn't only used for events, like no one lived there, but that he like got to party in that house at night a couple times. Because I would just all see him, which I think is just incredible. But yeah, there was always rumors that it was haunted. And so I wanted to look into it and be like, is this real? Like, is this a haunted place? Or was that just like a neighborhood, you know, thing to pass the time by is talking about the haunted house down the street.
And I think it, I mean, it seems pretty haunted. So the first thing I looked up was just like, because you know, it's like, your town, I'm like, is this even going to show up on Google? Like, right? It feels so small to me. But lantern house, it has its own Wikipedia page. And I was like, Oh, we're famous. Okay, great.
And then it appeared on like all these different like haunting in different in the States, whatever websites, haunting is in Maryland, blah, blah. And then this one guy did like a tick tock of like different haunted places in Maryland. And he mentioned this one. And he said that it had been featured on an episode of my like my haunting or my something haunting, I can't remember.
So I looked at that episode, and there is like a whole segment on the Landon house. And I was like, Oh, there actually was things to look up. So it's a little short, but there is enough, I think. So now that I've talked a lot, let me actually tell the story. So in 1754, along the Rappahannock River in Virginia, sat the Landon house.
because it was actually moved to Urbana, Maryland. So it started in Virginia in your neck of the woods. Yeah. And then they moved it to Urbana, Maryland, where I guess so it started out as like a silk mill. Don't know. That's what it says on the internet.
Then when it was in Maryland, it became the Shirley Female Academy. So it became a school. And then it became the Landon Military Academy and Institute. And at that time, the basement, this is bad, was used for like slave quarters, sleeping quarters for slaves. Not good. And then
The biggest bit of history it has is in the 1860s during the Civil War, General J.E.B. Stewart took over the mansion and had his Calvary
Calvary, staying nearby, and he was staying at the mansion. And on September 8th, 1862, they hosted this huge ball called Sabre's and Rose's Ball. And it was like one of the most famous balls of the Civil War, like it's, I don't know, in the books for some reason. And then the next morning,
him and all of his soldiers went off to fight the Battle of Antietam. I hope I said that right, which ended up being the bloodiest battle in American history to this day. Yeah, not good.
So basically that particular battle was between Confederate Robert E. Lee's army in Northern Virginia and then Union General George B. McClayland's army of the Potomac.
And they fought in Maryland, very bad. So basically, it had a combined total of 22,717 dead wounded or missing once the battle was done. 22,000 people. It's almost 23,000 people.
Like, that's insane. That is the population of Frederick, Maryland, basically, I think. Wow. And before, I don't know, there were so many fewer people in the US at that time. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, absolutely.
So it was a very bloody battle. And then they ended up turning the landed house into basically a war hospital. Oh, man. I mean, I'm ghost, ghost. What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? It was a war hospital for Confederate and Union troops.
and still has original signed in dated Civil War sketches on the walls there, drawn by soldiers from the north and the south. And it's actually on the National Register of Historic Places. Because that's one thing, like it's been, what's the word, refurbished, but never changed over the years. And that's because it's a historic, you know, landmark, I guess. So yeah, the in terms of the hauntings,
It's the first one that I can find note of on the internet of was in 2003, a worker witnessed an apparition of a Civil War soldier. And he said that the entity walked in one of the front doors, paused in the foyer,
And then another worker was quoted saying, oh, yeah, so the basement seems to be the most haunted area of the house. And a worker is quoted saying, people feel uneasy about being in the basement of the Landon house. This is where the worst spirits are. From its days as a military hospital, the dead and dying are felt in the depths of the basement. There is a feeling like the Amityville house. The dirt floors might still hold buried dead.
and then went up the stairs and then dissipated into thin air.
And who knows what horror lurks from the days when the basement was used as slave quarters for the mansion. Yeah. And that's yeah, it's totally true. It's like you think about the people suffering, you know, the abuse and enslavement in the basement. And then on top of that, it becoming a civil war hospital. It's like, OK, there is a lot of bad vibes there for sure.
Yep, I think so for sure. I always think about that time you felt those weird vibes in that basement. It's like there's bad energy.
Yeah, I told someone else that recently someone that works there and they were like, yeah, I don't like going in that room. And I was like, I know like there's something about it. It feels like I feel like as soon as I'm in there, I have to get out because I feel like claustrophobic and like just this very bad energy. It's so weird and so weird. We're talking about the basement of a bar that we frequent because a lot of my friends work there.
I've done some theater there. But it's yeah, it's just this one room that like I can't go in. Or if I have to go drop stuff off, I just drop it off. And like I just try not to like look around because it just makes me feel disoriented. Yeah, very strange. Yeah, very scary. So on this website, it mentions the West Michigan ghost hunting
Hunter Society did a week weekend long investigation of the house in 2004. And paranormal activity was experienced in a majority of the rooms, along with the former Calvary's encampment site, which is nearby. So some of the things they talked about was temperature drops. Let's see, particularly in one of the rooms that was used as an operating room when the mansion was the hospital.
Yes. The basement, which of course we already talked about a bit, has extreme negative and angry feelings to it. Unexplained footsteps were experienced in the hallway and they also did some photography and there's a lot of orbs and mists all around. But yeah, and then on the ghost,
TV show that I watched that mentioned the Landon house. They talked about the fact that at some point there was a family that lived there that I have this name, right? Luke Taron and Brian. And he had five children there with his wife and that all died before they got to adulthood. And so they also believe that there are some children ghosts in the house.
as well as soldiers and then kids soldiers then kids yeah and then they also believe that there are some dog ghosts there they say that they so you know dogs were used in war for various reasons but that there were some kept in the basement and there's like claw marks and so sometimes you can like hear the dogs it's just like scary
And so do you hear that? Do you hear that room? I know it's terrible. But yeah, and so I don't know. It was kind of cool that. I think I did get the name. Mostly right. Captain Luke Tiernan. Brian, OK, I did say it kind of wrong. But yeah, so he was there. He owned it and he died in 1912. So yeah, just a lot of bad stuff went down there in the 1800s, it seems like.
But yeah, and now, you know, I don't know what's going on there now, honestly. Do you know if they sold it? It's hard to say. Like I don't really see much about it. The Landon house at some point had a website that doesn't seem to be active anymore.
So I'm not sure. I think they were trying to renovate it in the last, I think like 2014 or something. They did some sort of refurbishing of it, but I'm not exactly sure what's going on at this point. Wow. Yeah. The last thing I can find is from 2016 in the Frederick news post, which I subscribe to because just on there, just on my email.
But yeah, it says owners of historic landed house proposed redevelopment. And so they were trying to, I don't know, do something with it, but I have no idea. Wow. It's a really cool house though. I'll post pictures. Yeah. But yeah, that's it. That's the land and house. My smoky hometown mansion. Close to home. Close to home is always scarier, I feel. It's like you were there for sure. You were in that house growing up. Yeah. I love it.
Amazing. I'm taking us to our next story, which is La Pascualita.

The Mystery of La Pascualita

I don't know if I'm saying that right. I was going to say, you probably could tell me, right? Maybe not. I don't know. I'd have to see the spelling and even still.
It looks like Pascual and then Ita, Pascualita maybe, but it is a, yeah, if you want to look it up. Mannequin or mummy, is that it? Yes. Okay, I'm already invested. Tell me all about it.
Yes, so it is kind of a tourist attraction now that's in Chihuahua, Mexico. Is that how you say that? I hope so. I hope that's how you say it. It looks like the dog.
This tourist attraction first appeared on March 25th, 1930, and it's basically a very realistic mannequin that appeared in the window of a bridal store. She has this very expressive face, thick eyelashes, a glassy-eyed gaze,
but her hands are the most weird to me. They're constructed just very detailed and her legs even have varicose veins, which is really a detailed part. That's so creepy. Isn't it creepy? She has wrinkles and she has this strange color to her skin and then, of course, real hair, which they really went all out on this mannequin.
So it's an interesting choice, as I said, and the shop owners, you know, are there to sell wedding dresses. So they're not really, I don't really know why they kind of went to these lengths.
But not only did this mannequin look very realistic, but it also looked very similar to the daughter of the shop owner. And the shop owner was Pasquala Esparza Perales di Perez. So there was this local legend that started. That's very creepy.
that her daughter was the owner's daughter was preparing to be married and her mother closed the store for the day of the wedding. But then a few days later, the store was still closed and people started to wonder about where they were, where these owners were. And the people in the town found out that her daughter was bitten by a black widow spider and died from its poison moments before her wedding. I know.
Whoa. Dead. That's crazy. Dead. And then another version is that she had a scorpion that was hiding in her wedding dress and she collapsed on her way to the altar. I like that one. The drama. Yeah, that's good.
The shop owner was devastated at her daughter's death and many believed that the store would never open back up. But then a few weeks after her death, the store opened back up and people came in to comfort the owner and they found it really odd that the owner wasn't really upset.
or as upset as they thought. And she said that her daughter would always be by her side. And it was right at this time that this brand new mannequin appeared in the shop window. And so this led people to believe that this was the perfectly preserved body of the daughter. So when customers... Is this the second story like this you've done? Is this your thing now?
It freaks me out, all the preserved bodies just exist. Yeah, or the other one. I can actually think of two other ones that are like, not, I mean, this one, it hasn't been a mannequin yet, but just people keep it around their dead loved ones for a little too long. Is it a theme that I have, have too many of these stories? Maybe, but I love it. It's so freaky. So customers were asking about the mannequin. She told them it was made in Paris.
And actually it's my daughter, my dead daughter.
Since March 25th was the Dia della incarnación, which is just the feast of the incarnation. Paswala called the mannequin La Chonita as its nickname for incarnation. Wait, incarnation, how can I, how does that sound weird?
Anyway, visitors gave the mannequin a new name, which was La Pascualita, which just means little Pascuala, named after the owner. Rumors started to spread that a doll this detailed would be hard to make, particularly for this pretty small bridal shop. They started to question whether it was this mannequin or whether it was the dead daughter.
There's another local legend that claims that she was a mannequin or at least started out that way, but that a visiting French magician became so entranced by this beautiful mannequin that he would visit the bridal shop each night and bring her to life and taking her around the town and dancing with her and then returning her to the shop.
But of course, there's all these people who have claimed that her eyes follow them, that she's moved her eyes, her fingers even smiled. A shop worker there claims that just her presence. What did you say? Did you say her fingers smiled? Her fingers and even smiled. Like she moved her eyes, her fingers, her smile. Like you said, and even her fingers smiled. I said, what?
Spirit fingers. Oh, spirit fingers. They're possessed fingers. I'm sorry. Please continue. I like that. This shop worker said she's very unnerving. Every time he goes near her, my hands break out in a sweat. Her hands are very realistic, the varicose veins.
The shop worker believes that she was a real person or is a real person. There's another story about a taxi driver who saw her moving in the bridal shop and he saw her dancing in the window, fell in love. Then when he came back to ask the shop owner, the shop owner was like that. There was no one there. It was just the mannequin, which is scary.
What else? There's another legend that says there was a couple arguing across the street and it turned into this fight. And so the girlfriend and the girlfriend broke up with the guy. And then as she crossed the street, her ex-boyfriend, I guess because she had just broken up with them reading the story. I'm like, ex-boyfriend, I guess two seconds ago.
pulled out a gun and shot her before running away and the woman that lay dying in the road looked over to the mannequin and she claims that La Pascualita looked back at her and smiled. And then later at the hospital that night, the doctors agreed that it was a miracle and the woman credits La Pascualita's smile to people finding her and taking her to the hospital and getting her help.
But people still claim from that story that if she smiles at you, it meant you were going to have good luck for the foreseeable future. Oh, I like that. As decades have passed, it's been a while that she's been standing there. People have seen the drying and receding skin on her hands as proof that she really was a body.
I don't know. I don't know. I'm like, when would a man I need to zoom in on the photos? Like, what's going on? Yeah, zoom in on the hands. Yeah. But I do think if she was a body that was involved as a mannequin for over 80 years in the sun. I mean, I just I don't know that I don't know that that is possible.
I mean, probably not, but it's fun to think about it. It's fun to think about it. The other kind of sad thing is I did a lot of research into this name of the bridal shop owner because the mannequins called La Pascualita after the owner whose name I gave at some point Pascuala Esparza that long name. And she doesn't really exist outside of legend. So there's someone with her name, but she died in 1967.
and only had two children that were both boys. And none of her relatives died at the time that this mannequin showed up. So it seems like it's mostly legend. The shop is now called La Popular La Casa de Pascualita because the legend has made this a huge tourist attraction. And are they still selling? Oh, sorry, go ahead. Oh, no, you're fine. The craziest thing is that the mannequin has a dedicated Instagram and Twitter account.
where you can look up. Oh, I can't wait. Oh, I can't wait. Is it like Jennifer Tilly with her Tiffany Instagram? I think so. It's a little, I looked it up after I did this research and I do think it's a little silly. Like it's a little, got a character. But the sad thing is the owner of the shop works extremely hard to keep this like legend going.
However, in 2017, La Pascualito is gone for nine months when the owner lent her out for an exhibition. Then when she came back in 2018, many noticed that she had changed. It caused this big uproar in the community, but there really haven't been any answers to why that happened. She looks totally different.
Some people think that maybe they lent her out and then discovered that, like whoever they lent it out to, discovered that it was a corpse and they had to like make a replica or say like, you can't do this anymore. You can't do this anymore. Oh my gosh. That's amazing. Right? Like they're like, um, this is a body. I don't know. We're gonna have to, we're gonna have to call someone.
Others believe that the soul of the original was somehow transferred to this new mannequin or that the original was just laid to rest after being displayed for 88 years. I feel like sold to a big money buyer is my answer. Oh, smolts. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? I'm sure Garamoo has her. Right?
Probably, I don't know. Somebody bought her, and then they were like, we'll just replace her. Yeah, we'll put up this other one. But very spooky story. The shop open. I know. What does she sell? The wedding dress? I think so. Should I get my wedding dress from there? Yeah, we both should. We should.
We'll do a joint trip. It is weird. Yeah, the pictures are really creepy. So we will definitely post pictures of her. I'm going to try to find like a before and after, like after the change happened. But it's pretty creepy. I would love it was just like this amazing mannequin and they just brought one back from like the gap. And they were like, it's not so different. It's not so different. They just give her a good one. Yeah.
Oh my God. It's really true. But it is, it is weird to me that it just changed over and like the owner, like no one's acknowledged it. Like nobody's been like, this is why. That is weird. So I can't wait to look at the original. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Well, that's it this week. I will try not to do too many more possibly embalmed bodies, but I can't make it. I mean, I think, I think I like it. I think I'm into it actually.
I think I'm just so fascinated by the concept of, to me, the soul is gone. Why would you care so much about preserving the body? Lauren, I think it all goes back to your fear of dolls.
That's probably true. I think it's all the same. I think it's like you're there's something when you're scared of something, you can't help but like have an interest in it in some way. Yeah. Of just like, yeah, that like uncanny value thing of just like something that's not that no longer has a soul, but has like human features. Yeah, Lauren, go on a psychiatrist. Every podcast session I just said, this is my fear this week.
Yeah. By the way, I'm looking at the photos or I looked at the Instagram and it is extraordinarily realistic. Right. And it's just like a small bridal shot. Yeah. I mean, it's very weird. It's very weird. It's like they put all their money into this very realistic man. Yeah, that's crazy. But yeah, we'll post pictures. We definitely will. Well, thank you all for listening.
and we hope you have some sweet, sweet nightmares. Bye.