Introduction and Welcome
Welcome to the Truth For The Matterist podcast. I'm your host, Jonathan, and this is episode 185. Let's begin by recognizing and appreciating all of our new and consistent listeners.
Of course, we thank you all in advance for continuing to press play at your own convenience. I pray that this podcast, regardless of the episode that you find yourself pressing play As always, here on the Truth of the Matter is podcast.
Decision-Making as Value Judgments
We like to begin with a fundamental question.
for those first time listeners we the truth for the matters podcast is a podcast that streams
We believe in posing this question because we believe that God is the blessing you throughout the week and therefore, we believe it's
Now, of course, when it comes to decision-making, right? I think we all can agree that you have ups and downs. That's a given. The truth of the matter is every decision I believe that you're going to make is a value
Reflecting on Past, Present, and Future
judgment. Again, every decision in life that you're going to make should be seen as a value judgment. And what you normally decide to do usually reflects what you value.
And in those decisions that you You know, the decisions that I have made and in present, and future endeavors,
I come to realize that some will produce fruit while others won't produce fruit, right? They won't
I think part of realizing what what you place first, what you decide is of importance to you You have to evaluate it. And you should evaluate it. And you should ask yourself questions, right? Is the outlook that you have healthy or negative, right? Are there some adjustments that ought to be made, right, to create better opportunities and better experiences for yourself or somebody else, right? Are there any biases at play?
Right? Are you overconfident? Are you too hard on yourself? These are questions I believe you have to ask yourself. And this is where the quality of your thinking can ultimately determine the quality of your life, right? The quality of your thinking matters because it's how you look at things that will ultimately determine whether or not you're going to have a healthy perspective, right? You wanna make sure that every decision that you make moving forward is intentional and it comes from a place of being educated, amen?
Blessings and Recognition in Life
That's how the Lord has blessed me the first way. The second way you know that the Lord has blessed me happened through the word of God. Now, I won't reveal that at the moment, because I'm gonna tie that into what I wanna share with you today.
But what I will do is reveal to you another way that the Lord has blessed me this past week. Let's call that a bonus blessing that I want to share. And of course, I want to make sure I mention this as well. It also comes from the scripture. I'm always reading the scripture and because I'm always reading the scripture, there are a multitude of ways that the Lord as blessing me. So I want to share this with you. And just to add this in, I want you to remember here, I want you to remember this. Whether the blessing is happening physically or mentally, I believe we all should praise God and thank Him that is actually happening, right? That the blessing is actually happening, okay?
Active Listening and the Power of Prayer
So in this past week, I think I really began to understand the value
of being an active listener from a follow of Jesus perspective. Now, obviously those are two distinctly two distinct different things. And I want to show how they deserve to be put together. I think in general,
being an active listener is very important. the i Because in that active listening aspect, you're figuring out ways how you can best serve somebody else. And you can't serve somebody else if you aren't listening carefully.
because active listening allows you to ask further questions to help somebody else assess their situation. Now, the reason why I'm saying I've understood the value of being an active listener as a follower of Christ is because it allows me to intercede with an action that's very intentional and that is attached to my faith. So let me go down there, right?
What blew my mind is I understood that when you are listening to other people, you're listening to the successes, you're listening to their failures. What's in between there is the period in time of when they're struggling. And when they're struggling, I believe that's the importance of why prayer needs to be inserted.
right we pray for a lot of things for encouragement for motivation for inspiration for reminders but we also have to pray for the strength right everyone knows philippines 413 i can do all things through christ who strengthens me That's a verse from the Bible. That's a first one of bible as to scripture that if you read, you have to understand the importance of remembering that verse and how it can motivate you and help push you to the finishing line. So I knew right away when you listen to someone and they're sharing their struggles with you, that allows you to go to the Lord with intentions to look out for somebody else.
Now of course the person doesn't have to know, but I think that is the most intentional and active way of being a solid friend as well as a disciple of Christ.
There's a passage in the book of James where he says something very important, right? And it's the second sentence in the verse that he says, the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective, right? So the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Mental and Emotional Availability
So that prayer that I will say as a follower of Christ I believe that I'm a person that has power from the Lord and it can be effective from my lips to God's ears. Right? And this is James chapter five verse 16 for those who want to take a look. Okay. And I want to take it a step further. That righteousness that I have it is not my own righteousness. It's Jesus Christ righteousness. I'm gonna repeat that again. That righteousness
that i have that i go into prayer with is not my righteousness it's Jesus Christ's righteousness that was placed on us if we decide to place our faith in Jesus and that comes out of 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 right God made him Jesus who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might that's the key word become the righteousness of God Amen. So remember what the theme of the year is moving forward. So for those who don't know
I believe it was ju January 3rd, I released the theme of the year for the Truth of the Matter is podcast. And that is to be mentally and emotionally available.
Christian Content and Ministry Support
If you want to know the details, the intricate details of what led me to want that to be the theme of the year, I invite you to check it out as well as every other episode. Remember what I said at the top, we believe that whatever episode that you press play on can and will be an effective ministry to help you see the importance of why this podcast exists.
Right? We believe that what has been shared can minister to you in so many ways. And I believe there are so many ministries out there that do exactly the same thing. Of course, we believe in assisting ministries, right? We don't believe in replacing ministries, but we believe that this platform, this opportunity Exists so that we can be a blessing to others throughout the week side by side and whatever Church you're going to I believe we need Christian content and that's one of these that's one. That's what this space is all about. Okay That is what this space is all about so Moving forward again as an active listener
You can go to God and share what's on your heart about a person you careily and deeply want to be in a better place, right? You can care dearly about them. And therefore, we all know that we want to leave things in
Patience and Faith in God's Timing
the Lord's hands. As a matter of fact, let me take it a step further for you, right? There's a beautiful passage in Romans chapter eight.
And I believe it's verse 25, and I'm not mistaken, I believe it's verse 25. And in this passage, it does a ah phenomenal job, right? Paul does a phenomenal job of telling us and sharing something to us that I think we all should be mindful of when we go into situations. And the passage is Romans 8.25, and it says, but if we hope for what we do not see,
We wait for it patiently, right? But if we look forward to something that we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently and confidently. We wait for it patiently and confidently, right? Being forced to wait on something to transpire, that's really important, right? And that can take time.
Which is why another thing that we also are aware of, right, is that when we go to the Lord, and there's a beautiful passage in 1 John 5, verses 14 through 15, and I remember that it says that in this confidence that we have towards Him, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask of Him, we know,
that we have the request that we have acts of it. Okay, that scripture right there, when it comes to implementing and applying and understanding the significance of how those verses intertwine to a beautiful conclusion that allows you to leave feeling confident about your relationship with Christ.
but also understanding how what you read has been provided to give you the substantive acceptance of who God is and how he's consistent with his word and that consistency allows you to continue to have the reliance in it and in that reliance is trust and commitment and loyalty to see it through the end. And that allows you to continue to not just have trust in the Lord, but for your faith to be justified. Amen, man. So the passage of scripture that I was reminded of and why I'm speaking to you about the importance of praying on the behalf of somebody else was Philippians 2.4. I know we're getting into scripture really early.
but I can't help it if they all tie in, right? So Philippians 2-4 says, don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too. See that? Don't look out only for your own interests.
but take an interest in others too. And so I was reminded to implement that as I intercede for others in my prayer time. And maybe some of you who hear this will feel that they are able to do the same now, understanding how the scripture correlates and puts into proper perspective how you ought to go about things.
so What is the suggestion here? Be an active listener, but be an active listener so then when you go back into your prayer time, your personal time, tell the Lord about this person that needs your help. Let the Lord know that they can use encouragement, they can use motivation, they can use inspiration, right? And ask the Lord to strengthen them.
Amen. Amen. So the reason why I always begin this podcast where reflection is because I believe that God is continuously blessing us each and every week. I honestly believe that God can bless the believer and also the non-believer. I believe that God deserves the glory, honor,
And praise, and if you just sit back and observe, you will see what God's been up to on your behalf, right? What we don't do enough of is reflection. So I say reflect daily, and then you will notice the presence of God with you daily. Again, it requires you to pay close attention to the details of your life.
So if you begin reflecting, you will start to easily notice, because I know I have, you will start to easily notice that God is not just by your side, but that He's looking out for you. So I say, give it a try and see His grace and mercy over your life and the little things, okay? Again, give it a try. You will see God's grace and mercy over your life. And now that leads us right into prayer. So let's pray.
Oh God, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your written word and your living word. I thank you for your written word because it has opened my eyes to see things from a different perspective. Your written word has educated me in ways that I desire to connect with you.
Your written word has been and has made a difference in my thought process with everything that I will ever do moving forward. Your written word has shaped my decision making as well as my toleration. Your living word has comforted me and guided me to live the Christian difference. Lord, I thank you for your living word because he
has passed tense. Live the life I couldn't live. And I'm talking about your son, Jesus Christ, right? He died the death. I should have died. He has made it possible to receive your Holy Spirit by going back to you, Father. The life I strive to live, Lord, you already lived.
The responses that you have given to those who criticize you and pressure you, I can only imagine that I can do. The example that you have set is unmatched. Therefore, Father God, I thank you for the opportunity to live with your assistance through what was written through your spirit. And I pray and ask that as we go,
to your written word today, whether it's a new listener or a consistent listener. We don't take you for granted, but that we appreciate everything you left for us.
I invite your Holy Spirit and ask Him to guide me with what I say to everyone who has chosen to listen to me today. I pray that everyone who is listening to the sound of my voice knows that God did not leave you empty handed, but that you have given us a written word and a living word. The Holy Spirit to God is through it all.
And on that fact, I say these things in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Biblical Teachings on Character and Choices
So the second way that the Lord has blessed me this week actually comes out of a familiar passage, a passage that we have gone over, but I believe there's a different perspective that's attached to it, which is why I'm revisiting it.
So if we go to Matthew chapter 7 and we look at verses 17 through 20 as follows, it reads this. Likewise, every good tree bears good fruits.
but a bad tree bears bad fruit, verse 18. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire, verse 20. Thus, by their fruit, you will recognize them.
Now you might be asking, why was this verse such a blessing to me? And how does this connect to our passage for today without you asking? So continuing with the gospel of Matthew series, of course, if you look at verse 17 through 19, I believe, you know, at least, you know, at least from a philosophical perspective, Jesus is using a plain logical conclusion here. Right? Look at verse 17. Every good tree bears good fruits.
but a bad tree bears bad fruit, right? I think that, I think from a logical standpoint, that's accurate, right? I ah hope there's no objections here, right? A tree wouldn't be good if it started to bear bad fruit and a bad tree wouldn't it be bad if it started to bear good fruit, right? Very reasonable explanation. Now let's look at verse 18.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Again, another logical conclusion here. but If we're going to call a tree good, then it must produce right good fruit. If a tree is bad, then what is the expectation? No good fruit at all, why? Because it cannot bear any good fruit, which is why it's a bad tree.
So we we actually can conclude that if the tree is not producing anything, right it ought to be cut down essentially and destroyed. Now there's two additional passages that I want us to read here before we go to the conclusion of verse 20 of Matthew 7.
You know, Jesus says something in the previous chapter, chapter six, verse 24. He said, no one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Second passage that I want us to read, James chapter three, verses 11 through 13, and it reads, can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water. So in these three passages Matthew 7 verses 17 through 19 Matthew 6 verse 24 and James chapter 3 verses 11 through 13 The logical conclusion is that there are two possibilities But every time you are only left with one of those possibilities coming true Let me say that one more time
There are two possibilities, but every time you're left with one of those possibilities coming true, one outcome. In Matthew chapter seven verse 17 through 19, you're only going to have a good tree that bears good fruit and a bad tree that bears bad fruit. It's one or the other, not both.
and James chapter 3 verses 11 to 13. Can both fresh water and saltwater flow from the same spring? Nope. Right? Logically you're either going to have fresh water or salt water.
Right? Can a fig tree bear olives? Nope. That will go against its nature. Can a grapevine bear figs? Right? Can a grapevine bear figs? Nope. That'll be going against its nature. Again, your choice is either yes or no. The choice you have in both these statements is no. And finally, right, I'm revisiting, I'm walking it down so that you understand where I'm coming from.
Matthew chapter 6 verse 24. You cannot serve two masters, right? You cannot serve both God and money. You have to make a choice, period, right? You only have one outcome that's coming out of this, these scenarios. Now, Matthew 7.20 ends by saying, thus by their fruits, you will recognize them.
Offense and Understanding Jesus' Teachings
Thus by their fruits,
you will recognize them. So looking at the example that Jesus is providing, either you have a good tree that bears good fruit or a bad tree that bears bad fruits, but you can't have a good tree bearing bad fruit. You can't have a bad tree bearing good fruit. I think we all can conclude that that doesn't make sense. All right, so these verses make logical sense when it comes to the character of our God, Savior, King, Lord, right? Which is why I would get to the point of this, right? I'm gonna talk about this later. Just following the roadmap as I lay down a foundation to make an overall point that's important, okay? So the verse for today that I wanna show you
is Matthew 11 six. That's it. Matthew 11 six. And Matthew 11 six says and bless is the one who was not offended by me. Blessed is the one who's not offended by me. So in the Gospel of Matthew series, we already completed chapter five. Now, in chapter five, we discussed something called the Beatitudes, right? The Beatitudes range from verse three all the way to verse 11. So my suggestion is that if you don't know, go back and check those out. And I believe those episodes will bless you. To be frank, I want you to know that
those Beatitudes run through a series of episodes. So I'll give you a list right now and maybe you wanna jot this down and check them out, right? Episode 82 was part one. Episode 86 was part two. Episode 88 was part three. Episode 89 was part four. Episode 91 was part five.
Episode 92 was part six. Episode 95 was part seven. And episode 96 was part eight. I'll run that through one more time, just in case if you didn't get it. I can also tell you to rewind, but I'll just do it one more time. Episode 82 was part one. Episode 86 was part two. Episode 88 was part three.
Episode 89 was part four. Episode 91 was part five. Episode 92 was part six. Episode 95 was part seven. And finally, episode 96 was part eight. Those are all thorough explanations of the Beatitudes, at least in the perspective that I laid out for you. I hope it's a blessing to you, because I definitely know it was a blessing to me.
So in Matthew 11, six, it starts off with a word that is used often today, right? And songs and statements. And that is blessed, right? What does it mean to be blessed? What does it mean to be blessed? I know that I have answered this in the past, but I'm going to Revisited again, to be blessed simply means to be favored by God. When God blesses you, the feeling that you will have isn't an experience of happiness, which is an expression of outward excitement. No, but when a person is blessed, they have an inward experience of joy, which is an expression of contentment.
They're content. Let's go to the word of God for confirmation. If I go to 1 Peter chapter one, and I look at verses eight through nine, it reads, though you have not seen him, you love him. And even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible
the salvation of your souls. Key phrase comes out of that is verse 8, and an inexpressible and glorious joy. That's the key phrase, an inexpressible and glorious joy that happens to be an inward expression, right? Let's go to another passage, Romans 15, 13. May the Lord of hope fill you with all joy,
and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Where is the Holy Spirit? Within the individual that accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. You know there's a beautiful passage in the Gospel of John comes out of John chapter 14 verse 23 and it says, Jesus replied, anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My father will love them and we will come to them and make our home with them. Beautiful passage, right?
For we know, at least in Romans 14, 17, for the kingdom of God, it's not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness and peace and joy and the Holy Spirit. So all of these, in my opinion, are inward experiences and expressions of being content, right?
Last passes that I want to reference any idea of showing you a quick distinction between an experience that happens inwardly versus an experience that happens outwardly. What happens outwardly is attached to your happiness.
What happens in really is a attached to your joy, which is a much more sustained feeling of contentment comes out of second John chapter one, verse two, it says, I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink instead.
Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face so that our joy may be complete. That joy isn't a completion that happens outwardly. It's one that happens inwardly.
Notice that these verses don't express happiness, rather they express a joy that occurs within you.
Exclusivity of Jesus' Path
Amen? Okay, cool. Going back to Matthew 11 6 and looking at it closely, it says, if you are not offended by Jesus,
then you're blessed. Simple, right? The two things we need to discuss is what does it mean for a person to be offended? Because at that time, and what we actually see today is that of many are offended by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
So Matthew chapter 11 verse six says, and blesses the one who is not offended by Jesus, tells a story of three sides. Those who are offended, those who are not, and those who aren't sure if they should or should not be, right? We call those neutral. So you have those who are offended, those who are not, and those who are neutral in the situation.
I think the first thing we have to do is remember who Jesus is and what he represents and what he stands for, right? Jesus is the one true living God. Jesus also is the truth. You see, it really comes down to deciding to be offended. I believe that's a choice.
I believe you choose to be offended. So follow this logic, right? You don't have to respond negatively to something that first comes across as potentially off-putting.
Again, you don't have to respond negatively to something that first comes across as potentially off-putting. If you choose not to be offended, that means you have a certain level of emotional maturity that allows you to manage your reactions and not let these small things derail your mood.
My dad used to use the phrase often is that you don't want to allow people to conquer you. And part of conquering you is hitting you in a soft spot to then get you to react. And we've talked about this on numerous, you know, numerous episodes.
You want to make sure that you don't react but that you respond. Reaction incites a level of frustration where someone can pretty much manipulate the way that you feel and get you to respond irresponsibly and from a place that reflects a behavior where people can then characterize you as a person who's out of control. That's not what you want. Okay, you also have to think about it, right? A lot. A lot actually goes into a person's response. Right?
Let's attack this from a scripture base, right?
it wasn't a mistake when james informed us to do three things be quick to listen slow to speak and slow to become angry again i don't think it was a mistake but very intentional when james says that we should be quick to listen slow to speak and slow to become angry and this comes out of james chapter one verse nineteen for those who are curious When it comes to not being offended, what's important is a level of understanding and willingness to overlook potential slight or perceived insult. Again, in my opinion, when it comes to not being offended, what's essential, what's important is a level of understanding and willingness to overlook potential slight or perceived insults. The reason why people are offended by Jesus is because of what he has said.
Yeah, I'm tying this all in. It's always been about what he said and what he represents, right? He said, I am the way, the truth, and the only life. John 14, six.
Now I wanna add on one more thing. He also said, I am the light of the world. we'll get that We'll get to that in a second. Let's address each of these. When you hear that Jesus is the only way, well that's very confrontational because that's a very powerful declaration that's being made. That will mean every other way to heaven is false.
Right? For my Spanish friends, that would mean everything else is no bueno, right? No good. No bueno, no good. I'm sure that causes an uproar across this nation with thousands and thousands of religious belief systems. You know, Jesus said in Matthew seven, verses 13 and 14, he says, enter by the narrow gate.
For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction. And those who enter by it are many. Verse 14. For the gate is narrow in a way it's hard that leads to life and those who find it are few. You know what's easy? Saying all roads lead to heaven. If only that were true, right? Well, again, this is just the follow of Jesus Christian perspective.
That's what you call lazy thinking, to believe that all roles lead to heaven, right? If only that were true. When you hear that Jesus is the only truth, that means there are multiple truths that exist, right? We hear this phrase all the time. That's your truth. Here's my truth. But guess what? There is just one truth, which means everything else is a lie, okay? The truth of the matter is Jesus is not sharing his throne with anyone.
He is God and God alone. And guess what? After he gave up his glory to only pick it back up again, I don't blame him for not having a desire to play second fiddle to anyone. And why should he, right? Why should he, after the sacrifice he made for our benefits, right?
Isaiah 44 6 says, thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts, I am the first, I am the last, besides me there is no God. Let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 39. See now that I myself am he, there is no God beside me. I put to death and bring to life. I have wounded and I will heal.
and no one can deliver out of by can be delivered out of my hand. right When you hear that Jesus is the only life, that means his life is like no other. His life actually needs to be modeled after. His life should be studied and actually mimicked. Now this is what will cause people to be offended.
You know who gets this? The one who believes. The one who's convinced. The one who understands. The one who is saved. Right? The one who encountered the Lord Jesus Christ. And guess what? Their life has never been the same.
You know who is offended? The spirit, the antichrist, right? First John chapter two, verse 18 says, dear children, this is the last hour. And as you have heard, the antichrist is coming. Even now, many antichrists have come.
right these folks who investigate maliciously their goals to try and poke holes in a narrative of what's written in the Word of God this is why you have historians non-believe in stories because they are believers that are historians that would try to tell you that Jesus was a troublemaker as a child, that he sinned, right? That he killed someone and then quickly healed them, right? That he covered it up, right? The truth is, if you can find fault or some sort of evidence to the non-believer of Jesus being a fraud, then in their opinion, everything falls apart.
We know in Romans it says, let God be true and every man be a lie. So there needs to be an understanding that the word of God tells no lies. The word of God has stand the test of time, not only to shape and fashion and help deepen the belief of the believer, but to set the record straight from the perspective of God.
that's the reason why we trust in the scriptures because in the scriptures there's wisdom found and revealing a revelation on knowledge found and no other book that that exists here on this earth now lastly Jesus said that he is the light of the world and I added this on because light represents justice and Jesus is just and all that he does okay Couple of verses of scripture that support what
Jesus as Light and Guide
I mean. Let's go to John chapter eight verse 12. He says, Jesus spoke to them saying, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. I love this this this verse because it speaks of the assurance. It doesn't say maybe. It doesn't say possibly. It says, follow whoever follows me will not.
walk in darkness but will have the light of life that's a very direct and absolute promise and that's the thing about scripture the dangers of any other saying or statement has absolutes. If something has absolutes, then I believe there's surety in those absolutes. And I believe that's why scripture stands out. There are absolutes. And if you are a person of faith and you place it in Christ, then you appreciate those absolutes because then you can pray with confidence knowing
that God said this is going to happen, then you automatically believe and accept that it's going to happen. Right? There is no gray area. It's either going to happen or it's not. So if God says something, I believe it. And you should too.
That's the power of absolutes in a book that we know that is true. God is not tap dancing. Not only is he not tap dancing, he's rest assuring you that what he said is true and he's telling you.
okay let's go to gospel john chapter 12 verses 35 through 36 it says my light will shine for you just a little longer walk in the light while you can so the darkness will not overtake you those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going face you see how that's an absolute statement those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they're going. That's true. Verse 36, put your trust in the light while there is still time that you will become children of the light. After the saying these things, Jesus went away and was hidden from them. Because Jesus is just, that means
The way he leads people is like no other. Not only does he know where he's going, he wants others to know where they're going as well. Okay, so here are the finishing touches on this message. When I go back to Matthew chapter seven verse 20, it says, thus by their fruit, you will recognize them. And based upon the life of Jesus Christ, the impact that he has had and will continue to have since he was resurrected, can we not recognize and come to the conclusion that his fruit was good?
Matthew 11 6 said, and blesses the one who is not offended by me. Can we agree that those who were not offended by Jesus Christ became disciples and are saved to today?
and were saved through biblical history? I believe so. How do we know that Jesus' fruit was good? Well, let's go to John chapter 10, verse 37 through 38. And I wanted to read this specifically in the Ampervite version. It says, if I do not do the works of my father, that is the miracles that only God could perform, then do not believe me, verse 38. But if I am doing them,
even if you do not believe me or have faith in me at least believe the works that I do admit that they are the works of God so that you may know and keep on knowing clearly without any doubt that the father isn't me and I am in the father that is I am one with him We will know them by their fruit is fulfilled throughout Jesus' ministry. And that's self-explanatory. Again, right? We will know them by their fruit.
I believe has been fulfilled throughout Jesus' ministry, and that's self-explanatory. Let's go to Luke 7, verse 35. It says, and I love it in the NLT, but wisdom is shown to be right by the lives of those who follow it. Again, but wisdom is shown to be right.
by the lives of those who follow it, right? Well, the 11 disciples cover that claim and guess what? Their followers and their followers and their followers followers and their followers followers address that same claim. I conclude with this. For a person to be offended by Jesus is a person who does not know who Jesus is. A person who is not offended by Jesus is a person who actually came to discover The truth, right? Proverbs 3.13 tells us, bless of those who find wisdom and of those who gain understanding. To find wisdom is to find Jesus, right? Proverbs 8.12 says, Jesus is speaking and he says, I am wisdom and I have insight and I have knowledge and sound judgment. I want to say, remember that Jesus desires to save your souls.
Drawing Near to Jesus and the Truth
He desires to save you by pulling you out of your ignorance in your own way. This is why Proverbs 14, 12 says, that there is a way that seems right to a man and appears straight before him, but his end is the way of death. So I pray that many of you who hear this, discover this, are not driven away from Jesus, but instead are drawing near to him right James 4h says come near to God and he would come near to you wash your hands you sinners encourage you to read About Jesus and learn that he loves you that he died on the cross for you right and most importantly
that you should not be offended by him, but you should appreciate him. And on that note we jump right into devotional time. I want to go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 13-15 it says for such men are counterfeit apostles deceitful workers masquerading as apostles of Christ and no one to sense Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light so it is no great surprise if his servants all school masquerade as servants of righteousness but their end will correspond with their deeds
Understand that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and therefore he's not compromising himself. As a matter of fact,
He's not co-signing anything that is not of him.
Closing Prayer for Discernment
So please don't celebrate acts that are sinful and don't allow a person to deceive you with lies and feel good quotes that will only set you back. Here's a short prayer that I want to say to close us out today. O God in the name of Jesus, open up my eyes to see and my mind to know the difference between the two.
What is truth? What is false though? Help me understand the importance of living out my belief. Allow me to continue to grasp the idea that you're a god that desires for me to change in the hope that I can see the forest from the trees.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen and Amen. And of course until next time, the truth of the matter is by a cast audience. I say be careful, be vigilant and watchful as we depart from one another, but never from the presence of the Lord. God bless and talk to you next time.