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Ep. 101 A Real Crowd Pleaser - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 101 A Real Crowd Pleaser - Bellum Draconis

S2 E101 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
49 Plays5 months ago

In order to gain favour with the tournament sponsors. Our heroes take to the performing arts.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Introduction to the Podcast and Zencaster

You know, sometimes, when I kick back, after a long, hard day of killing, I like to talk about it, but I've got no one to listen to. So recently, I started my own podcast, Drago Dribbles. Even though I know nothing about podcasting, I've found the best browser software to help.
zencasta It makes it easy for me to record studio quality sound and up to 4K video with your guests. Which I'm going to be trying out because I am shockingly beautiful.
I feel a sense of Zen, knowing Zencaster's multi-layered backups in ensure I always have the recordings in the highest quality, even if the connection is unstable. Robin has the worst connection, he is lagging all the time just like he does when he takes a shot with his bow.
Have you ever worried about what you sound like? Well, Zencast's post-production processes make me sound very smooth, even with my deep, sexy voice. It automatically removes those ums and ahs in recordings, and it also removes awkward pauses.
in conversation too. Set the right podcast loudness and levels with a click of a button. Hey, if you want to, we have a code which will get you 30% off your first month of any Zencaster paid plan.

D&D Session Setting and Character Introduction

go to zencaster slash pricing and use my code table top and you will get 30% off your first month of any zencaster paid plan. I want you to have the same easy experience I do for all my podcasting and content needs. It's time to share your story.
Links to this can also be found in the description of the podcast via whatever podcast app you're using. Remember guys, slash pricing, offer code tabletop, Drago out. Everyone's going to bow to the crowd. Make a performance check at disadvantage for me. Six. You think a tomato hits you.
ah ah
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Ben and Draconis. We are a live play 5e D and&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Drolak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have Callum who plays the Warforged Artificer Alpha. Oh, it's getting juicy. Ian who plays the Tiefling Water and Ix Corel. Yep. Willy who plays the Dragonborn druid Val Valcon. We've got Poobah who plays the human cleric Emron. I fucking hate Ix guys.
Spot on Darren, thank you. And we've got Darren who plays the High Elf Artifice of Rainshadow. Gee whiz. f Well, way to sit on the fence. Crikey, tell her how you're feeling, man. My name is Mark and I'm playing the human blade singer Seth Ferris. And by last bit, that means Lisa's our bardic bodyguard, our lord of the legend, our captain of the cannon, controller of the scene behind the DM screen, the leader of the law, the guy who's going to kill the party, DMD of D and&D, dungeon master

Melee Festival Challenges and Rules

Danny. Bon-fucking-jaw.
some time passes and sat in an old dusty library on the floor legs for front out holding what seems to be a massively oversized old leather bound book seems to be what looks like a child at first, save for the gnarled and long toes of old girl as he sits. What we can see is the the the top of his forehead where tuft of his white gnarled hair sprout out and as his head quickly shifts from side to side suddenly the book gets slammed shut
and a plume of dust goes up in the air and as the dust emanates and and slowly lowers down the book is gone and the orb is in front of old girl's face. He's grinning, toothy grin as one eye glistens as he begins.
no oh fuck It's like a festival outside the melee. The group get up to speed with each other, and it's busier than a copper piece whorehouse. Enron and Reigns loose about 200 gold between them to pickpockets, and they enter this melee. And up top and plebiplebs down bottom. It's all beautiful up there, and it's all bloody down here. It's full Oh, fucking Hunger Games, boys! There's all kinds of races getting ready, and's but behind the desk great looking mother with dwarfy dwarian rain and out and doing all kinds of crazy shit. His name is Gregor Snowfist. He lays down the rules. He says, guests do the proving, and you gotta impress them spectators to earn more money. And there's no rules when you're in, but there is a set of requirements that you need to do.
And he is basically like, by the way, there's only one winner. And he's all like, wait a second. Who sets up those challenges, those requirements? And Nick's like, I'm jumping on the opportunity. I'm going to detect those thoughts. And he hears that Bart is a sexy motherfucker. And that the guy's like, don't say devil. Don't say devil. Don't say devil. And he's like, oh, fuck, it's probably a devil.

Strategies and Tactics Discussion

The prizes are like some sort of fucking amazing shit. 45.
1,000 gold pieces, an amulet of health, a bag of holding, a ring of invisibility, there's all kinds of shit like Gopod Keeper, the Captain Hildegard being a slave bitch, there's some sort of funky-ass book, there's a fucking dragon egg, a golden and dragon egg, and all you know, the deeds to the Esmeralda, you know, a useless shit like that. And when Bob be looking at that egg, his arm gets all cold. And he's like, hmm, why is that happening?
And turns around and sees this blokey who held Goport Ransom in there. What's his fucking name? It's Vaudan, something like that. And he's there like, you can pay me money and I'll take Goport, keep off of that bounty if you want, or that prize. Listen, they're like, oh, we don't have enough money because we got pickpocketed on the way in. And it turns out that the group can just choose one prize, or one person can choose one prize if they win. And they get about 5% of the bet, because those are fucking stupid odds.
Turns out there's another Nakavolo fighting as well. Rain swings his royal dick and snacks it down. He's like, yo, I'm a king's son, boy. Sign me up to the fight. Seth goes in. He's all like, ah my name is Osiris, my lord. Fuck yeah. Nix is like, I'm just going to name drop myself. And he goes in, bloodied. And Baal is up next. He's like, I'm going to choose a cool name, too. It's Svalkorn walking in front or some shit. and He's also like, I'm going in bloodied.
There can be only one. There's about 10 bloodied contestants out of 28 in there. And it turns out all the crowd be talking about the Valkyrie, so both those boys seem to be fucked. And in the proving, you got to last about 60 seconds against a creature. That's kind of my personal record. I bet it lasts 60 seconds, let alone against a creature.

Melee Trials and Performances

Anyway, there's also some kind of test, like dexterity tests and all that kind of shit. And there's some sort of panther-like creature that can just place a beast.
And just before Emmeron goes in for his proven, the little slave man from ball bags play steps in. He's like, I'm just going to change this shit up. And it turns out it's a giant rat. It's like, oh, cool, OK. So all the parties start making their way into this proven. And just before Baal goes in, he hears a voice say, don't forget the agreement we made. Oh, titties.
So what's happening is simultaneously, we're going to tell the story in six different times as each of you step into your proving. And as you step over that threshold and that glass wall reseals, all of you find you are threatened by this creature that that is in the cage with you. And interestingly enough, the clothes you're wearing have been magically altered.
All of you are wearing your original clothing, your original armour, but there is this orange veil over all of it and black netting everywhere. You are wearing heraldry of House de Bulbec, involuntarily, but it is thrust upon you.
What's gonna happen is you are all expected now to survive one minute in cage within in this cage with this vicious creature that was supposed to be a displaced beast, but is now a giant rat. So what's gonna happen is it's going to be your turn, then the giant's rat turn, et cetera, and we're gonna go in that order. What I need you to do is I need you to survive 10 rounds with a giant rat.
You can fight it, you can run from it, you can dodge it, whatever you choose to do. But how you perform in this moment is what is going to increase the odds. Well, the value of the odds against you is going to attract all of the rich benefactors, the rich nobility that are watching upon to to make you closer towards the competition favorite. Everything you do is being scrutinized. Everything you do is being assessed by different personnel. It's almost like as you stare back through the glass at that wave of competitors that are looking at you and then you look up to that next tier of people, it's almost like a scene out of ah of a stockbroker's. I think of all for Wall Street, just all of those people huddled around trying to just make numbers happen.
So here's what happens. We're going to move in initiative order based on who went in that space first. You're going to tell me what you did. um I'm going to try and keep track of seven independent giant rats' healths as we go through. and But, Emron, you are first up. The order, ah if everyone would be so kind as to to make a note of who they will follow, is
Emron, Al, Reigns, Osiris Mightlord, Nyx Carell, and Valkon, The Walking Inferno. So, Emron. What are you doing? Is that 10 rounds each? Sorry, 10 rounds total. You need to survive one minute.
Okay. And can you behave in that minute affects your odds. Right.
So this giant rat, five feet in front of you, squared up, foaming at the mouth. You hammer in one hand. What do you do? Sorry, just to jump in that really, really sorry, Danny, just to check in terms of environment here, we are in the cage with the rat. You are in a stone cell. How big is it? It is a 15 by 15 foot cell. And the rat's a medium creature, yeah? Yep. Cool. And can we, is it like bars? Can we see out?

Allies, Competitors, and Mysteries

No, you you are encompassed within it. So the only place to see out is back into the main hall that everyone is staring at you. expect Okay, so it's just glass one side. Yeah. And there is a sealed door, the other side of the rat. Okay. Um,
Emron is going to walk in and good start.
He's going to hope, cast a Curse on Alpha, no. i ah And I'm going to cast... You shall be Robin Williams, by Centennial, go! so I'm going to cast Sanctuary on myself. Okay. So, is it an action to cast? It's a bonus action to cast. Bonus action to cast and the effect of the spell?
ah Basically, I ward a creature within range against attack, given myself. Until the spell ends, any creature who targets the warded creature must make with an attack or harmful spell must first make a wisdom saving throw on a failed save. The creature must use a new target or lose the attack or spell. Okay. And how long does it last? A minute. Okay. Thank you. So when I get to, well, I'll do this now. So I will make 10 wisdom saves unless you want to do anything different.
No, no, no and no. Everyone's going to literally, he's cast sanction on himself. He's muttered a prayer to Alito, asking Alito to shield him. And he's going to see what this rat does first. Okay. So to represent the first six seconds, seven fails.
and Natural on the second one. Okay. So our last six seconds. Cool. It gets to attack me. Man, you have buff days, it's okay. We've all been there, man. We've all been there. It will attack you.
Seven, hit your armor class. No. Okay. How do you want to proceed? It's your turn on round three. Okay. Uh, with the rat now having attacked him, everyone will hold his hammer high in the air, scream in Alito's name, and I'm going to cast searing smite on my hammer and burn the bitch. Roll to hit, please. Um, just cast that bit. Uh, no, I don't want to, I want to just burn the belt first.
I was a 13 to hit the hits. Roll damage. so let's do the first one first that's five points of bludgeoning damage followed by three points of fire damage okay So you raise your hammer. You strike at the rat with searing might. Sorry, with the rat. You kill the rat.
And the door behind the rat opens. That's the end of Emron's trial. Next up, we have, ow. Same situation, you go first. What do you want to do?
I will bring my cannon beta in as my action. And then as my bonus action, I can use it to attack. I'll be doing the force ballista cannon just for, um, application sake. 11 to hit. It hits. Oh, good.
It takes 12 points of force damage and is pushed back ah five feet. So you, the shoulder cannon appears, you shoot this rat and it just splats. You splat the rat against the door and it breaks into gore pieces, multiple gory pieces, and the door swings open. Alpha, you've completed the first trial.
Next up, we come to Rains.
You're square up in a cell with a giant rat foaming at the mouth. What do you do? How high is the ceiling and how high are the walls? 15 feet to um the ceiling. It would be like five feet, 10 feet to right, 10 feet left. Are there like people in the balcony around the top?
So you're in this chamber in front of a wall of glass. Other side of the wall of glass is all of the rabble you were with, and then elevated from them are the nobility. But they are sealed off by this wall of glass. I'm going to go spider walk, and I'm just going to climb up the walls and then just sit there at the top and just be like,

Tensions and Magical Assessments

hey, guys, this is a new spell for me. I'm just trying this out right now. What are you eating there? That looks really nice.
I'm just going to hang around at the top of the cell, but I'll add that rat. Don't ignore the rat. It's fine. Okay. The rat doesn't have the strength to naturally be able to jump up and reach you. And it doesn't have a climbing speed. So it's going to make over the course of the minute, a series of athletic checks to see if it can leap and bite you.
I loved that by the way. It was awesome. Very reigns, very suave. Reigns go and talk into the crowd. If it looks like it's going to get me, I'm going to punch you in the face. I rolled a d20 10 times and no outcome was higher than a 10. At no point does this rat reach you and it is just leaping trying to bite you. And after a minute of your cool, calm and collected demeanor, the rat moves into the open door and scurries away.
That takes us to Seth. Seth, you are squared up with a rat. What do you want to do? I walked in by this point and we yeah jumped to that point. um First thing he's going to do is turn to the glass and say, oh, slave boy, put it back to what it was before.
Dibbo's butler is going to stare at you with confusion.
He's going to shrug his shoulders. He moves out of the huddle. The rat
explodes. Oh shit. A temporary shadow is cast in the cell. That shadow dissipates about 15 seconds later and you are now face to face with a displacer beast. Seth, you go first. All right. So I'm correct in thinking that
It's a, this so it's now a displacer piece, right? Oh yeah. I fully regret my decision already. Okay. Okay. And we're talking a 15 foot, 15 foot, 15 foot box pretty much sealed. There's no, there's no door. The other side of the rat. And there is the glass wall behind, sorry, of the displacer piece. Now there's a glass wall behind you, but there is other than a tiny drain where blood is seeping into from the previous 24 fights. Nothing else.
Okay. um And how big is this displacer beast the same size as the wrap? No, this displacer beast is large. It takes up two thirds of this space. Okay. Okay. And the rule was you had to survive a minute within within the cell. Within the cell. One minute with the displacer beast was the rule.
but not within the cell. One minute with the displacement. Okay. Okay. Um, I'm going to use, uh, misty step. yeah Yeah. Jump the other side of the door. who And at the same time fall into blade song as well. That's my first action. So I'll just literally.
I'll say that, I hear him change, I won't turn around, he'll just smile, arms out wide to the side and then whoop and single tap out and he throws it and it kind of passes through the glass of the door just dismissed and lands to the side and then he appears to the other side of the door.
the door that's leading further into the trial or back into the chamber back back into the chamber towards people so you operate the other side of this five five foot dense wall of glass and just see this displacer beast like thrashing at it, it is looking like it is chipping, it is looking like it is breaking. A lot of people around you just sort of step back a little bit. You clearly are the only person that has made that move to not only take the easier way, the the more difficult way out by saying, no, fuck that, i'll take I'll take what I was supposed to take, but also left the space of the encounter entirely. And a lot of people are uneasy about whether or not this that displacity piece is actually gonna break that glass.
then he'll turn, sorry, does that count as the displacer beasts turn the thrashing? About 30 seconds of thrashing really while you just catch your breath and familiarise yourself with your surroundings. Well, whenever he gets the next chance, which might be well but the next turn technically, he would turn around and I'm going to cast, he's going to throw out another tab and he's going to find difficulty finding this one. It's ah it's one that he hasn't used very often. You know, throw out this tab and it seems that the smoke as it moves seems to, um,
quickly shift like in milliseconds from huge to tiny, huge to tiny really, really quickly. And as it hits the displacer beast, I'm casting enlarge or reduce. I'm going to enlarge it. In my mind, it doubles in size, which means that it will crush itself in the weight and the size of this cell. It goes from what eight, nine foot. I'm imagining it is a 15 foot. Read the rest of the spell. It will stop at a certain point.
It will fill the space it can healthily fill. Which we discovered when we were doing the bar fight, if you remember. I was very much getting punched in the face by that cleric. You did get, like, dropped him. Well, you've done it now, boy. I've done it now. I've done it now. I've made the displacer beast. Yeah, I've made the displacer beast. So it will fill the 15 foot by 15 foot. It can't turn. It can't move. It is, it's cramped. It's not harming itself, but it is filling that space.
Okay. Okay. That was a, um, that was a dig move. Okay. He's going to turn a, see a little sweat drip, drip and sweat fall off his brow a little bit. Oh, fuck. ro That ah didn't quite work. Um, right. Uh, okay. He's going to drop the spell and it will return back to normal size.
And then he'll, there'll be a second where he thinks, fuck it. I'll just stand out here for the rest of it. And then he's not, he's going to turn a misty step back in. Okay. I need you to mark off three spell slots here. Yeah. I have done where they're all second level. They're all gone now. I've I'm giving tabs on them. Um, and stand still humming the blade song under his breath. BT dubs. Um, it's a standard thing for Seth anyways, that he's cast major armor at the start of the day. I always want first level spell slot anyway for that.
And he's just going to drop into a stance, no sword in hand, and just going to drop into the stance, staring at this beast and just muttering under his breath. Okay. And so I'm not waiting. I'd say with all of that, about three rounds remain before you, you've hit the minute mark. Okay. So it's this, this place, the beast turn. It's going to take a strike at you.
God damn it. Why would I do this to myself? 14 and a 22. Uh, the 14 misses the 22. currently Currently... Ah, fuck it. ah Let's go shield. Bumped up to 23, so that'll miss as well. Okay, so it one of its um tentacles just makes clean contact, but just before it hits your skin, there is this white veil of ah force energy that prevents it. Back to your turn. Turn 9. He's going to cast Shadow Blade at third level, and then he's going to roll... He's going to try and... um
and take ah take a fucking swing at him if he can, that's the idea. ah That is good, that's 24 to hit.
Hit. 18 points of psychic damage um as he takes a swipe across. Is this the one with like the long, yeah, it's got the long thingies behind it, has't the long tails. you aren't you aren't um You aren't deterred by the lack of form and you strike at the heart of the thing and the blade goes cleanly straight into the center of this creature.
My next nice. Um, he's then going to bounce back a step or two, uh, not out of disengagement range or anything like that. Um, and just, and just prepare for its retort. My AC is now dropped back to 18 because the, um, uh, the shield only lasts for the time. Okay. 10. No, sorry, space please goes first. Uh, 20 to hit and 21 to hit.
I'm going to cast Shield again. okay Fucking burning through everything here. So that builds at 23. And it's like the something moves the sword almost in the position it needs to be to to block these claw attacks. Is it clawing me? It is using its tentacles. Essentially, yes, but not with its paws, with its tentacles. okay Start at 10, 10. Your turn. If you return to it now, and he's going to try and pull something out of his hat here a little bit.
and Fuck it, why not? And he's going to drop this sword, it's gonna just fit her out of existence, and he's gonna just pull out, again, ah another tab passes it between the palms of both his hands, and he's gonna slap his hands together and push the energy out, and casting third level Shatter. Could it make a constitution saving for it, please?
Absolutely. It's a good spell. i I endorse this. I'm setting it behind the creature, the back end of the creature to try and avoid his own. He's going to get fucked but from the sound anyway on an RP level, but I'm trying to avoid the the main part damage from 18 passes. So we'll take half damage. Uh, don't be very as failed saved or have as much damage on a successful one.
And yeah, so it's going to be, oh shit, sorry, I misrolled myself. That's 48, 23. So that's half down to fuck. 11. Yeah. Yeah. So this creature, it hurt when it received that and from its shadow blade strike early, but it's turned to retort.
20 non-natural and a seven.
um he's going to take He's going to take this because in his mind he doesn't know if it finishes after the 10th round or it will continue. um So he's going to take this here because he's only got one spell slot left, full stop. You take 11 damage, that is 7 bludgeoning and 4 piercing.
yeah And just as that last tentacle swipes at you, the creature dissipates and the door behind you opens. So that's just going to turn back to the crowd and awkwardly say, but I was just getting warmed up. And I'm going to say, are you not entertained?
ah two on the nose um and then make a point of that and kind of like give it some we like trying but it's a bit it's a make a performance check it's a bit yeah it's it's um well let's see what the performance check is because it might not be oh no that's oh shit oh it looks like it's on a one but it's obviously cocked on us okay it's 20 a non-natural My guy's out here busting Shakespeare. Fuck me. He literally is Russell Crowe. It's almost like, and you're not sure how, but it's almost like gaps in the glass wall appear. And your voice just carries that bit more as you announce yourself on this stage.
Next, you and a giant rat squared up in a cell. You're going first. What do you do? So as Nick walks in, he's shaking his shoulders. The last words he said to Bao was at least we'll give them a show. And he means to do just that as he walks in after having a big swig of his bottomless mug.
She seems to be doing a lot more recently. He cast Tharmataji and as he walks in there's going to be a loud cheering and applause that comes through from him and he's going to ah withdraw ah one of his daggers. In his left hand, his right hand just starts to emanate this kind of purple glow.
as he takes a moment just to cast himself, arms out towards the crowd, and he does a very Nyx Corel bow to them before he turns round. And he yeah he wants to cast Fireball, if all of this is happening all at once. And as he... Firebolt, not ball, Firebolt. I'm going to say 15-foot run. Oh, God. Yeah, yeah, right. I just saw that. Nyx killed himself. That'd be brilliant if he could. um And then Simultaneously, as he casts Firebolt, he's gonna make a show of it. The purple glow that was in his hand starts to materialize into this purple fireball that he throws up in the air, mocks hits with his dagger like a baseball bat basically, and he's gonna hurl the Firebolt towards the giant rat. And you just roll a disadvantage because it's a ranged spell in melee range.
Which is a shame because I hit for 21 there. But how does a 17 do? Also hits, please roll some damage. We like that. How is eight points of fire damage? So you release this fireball in close quarters and it hits the rat cleanly in the chest and it just cooks in front of you and thaws limp. So you don't even break stride from this very arrogant, very confident persona, but release this fireball and continue walking straight towards the door. As he just gets to the door, he turn around, give a wink to the crowd and a doff to the cap. Remember the name, Nick's Corel. Make a performance check for me. Oh, of course.
This is where I get the one. 16. Thank you very much. And as you step to the door, a minute and a half past is embal, you find yourself in this chamber.
okay Okay. Have I seen everyone go before me? You've seen everyone do everything that has just been listed. Okay. Have I been able to, have I been able to see the crowd where I am? Yeah, you've been part of it. It's been around you. so it but the The competitive crowd, not the nobility crowd. Yeah. So all the competitors as well are likewise watching everything that's going on. so Yeah. and And what you've deduced from your passive perception, they're super unimpressed by everyone apart from Seth. They were elected to bring back the displaced beast that
um there's There's a lot of disgruntlement that they have. You've essentially paid, you've you've had someone pay to make your entry incredibly easy in that first round of the proving. Okay. and There is a lot of talk about Seth though after that. and This is with the competitors. Yeah. No one was impressed other than when they were watching Seth. Okay.
Okay. Yeah, that's fine. Uh, I'll rock on in to the, yeah, to, to the fight, to the cage, kind of see all that stuff. Sorry. There would have been some confirmation of support for rains as well. Okay. Cool.
Uh, yeah, with all that, we'll kind of have a glance around, see the right in front of him. Is the, is the rest of my, as the rest of the party here, are they gone? Are they elsewhere? No, so they are in, so essentially yeah it's all staggered. So Nick's is in the next trial ahead of you. if Seth is in the final trial. Yeah. And you haven't seen alpha emerald rain to reemerge, but cool and you expect they will, they will be able to see your trial at least. Okay.
Excellent. Baal is after kind of taking all that in, looking around, seeing what's around him as well. ah He's just going to walk forwards and breath weapon in front of him. Okay. So I need a deck save from the ratty rat. Natural one. So only seven points of fire damage. That's an entire hit point total. And you just cook this rat with your flamey, flamey breath.
literally just walking forwards, ah like as I'm kind of breathing that fire, even trying to kind of walk through it and literally just make my way out into the next section. Nice. That's all of you successfully passing the first trial of the Proving in various different um responses. And what happens is you sort of head down this next chamber and you find yourself in in a corridor and everyone's gonna make these roles at the same time.
You find yourself in a corridor that ah has a different expectation for you.
Ahead of you is this narrow chamber. The left-hand side of this entire chamber is aligned with glass, and again, you see the same spectators on the other side, that same viewing window that allows you to see the did expect at the ah spectators in the ah nobility section as well. To the right of you there is solid stone wall, and you're in this very long, narrow chamber with swinging axes.
either side think sky rim dungeon puzzles swinging axes there are yeah pressure plates at various points that you can see there are trip wires this is this is a test of your nimbleness so i need all six of you please to make an appropriate check or spell that you would use to get through a 30 foot tunnel that is full of swinging axes, pitfalls, pressure plates, various traps where you need to either intelligently approach it, nimbly approach it, full on take the hit, but charge through. You tell me, but when it's your turn, and we're coming to you, Emron first, you need to narrate how you would make your way down this chamber, roll the best skill that you would use to that, or the spell you'd use to help yourself through it.
And we'll go from there. So everyone, a 30 foot tunnel of swinging axes, of pitfalls, pressure plates, and tripwires. How do you progress through it? Everyone is watching you. and and when i want to look Even James. Do I get a sense of... James is watching. Do I get a sense of what the crowd are thinking? Like if we look on the Facebook expressions, what what what am I seeing? Make an insight check.
Seth, everyone was not amused at James. 13. They are largely unimpressed with you. You don't get the sense you're impressing anyone, but there is an expectation that they might see something now that changes that idea. Everyone's watching, but they're not like jaw dropped, looking at you like you're a competitive football match. They're just sort of staring from a distance, drinking wine, looking at you like you're light entertainment.
Okay. Makes me feel like a slut. goes Dance. Oh God. and well but milk I kind of approach it slightly differently.
Yeah, fuck it. um Like what's the first obstacle? Is it a trip wire, a pressure plate? Swinging an axe, but it it is not, there's no pattern. It starts to swing an axe, but then it's, it's really um random. What comes after that for 30 feet? I mean, I'm like a skill challenge kind of thing. Well, everyone kind of wants to just smash the traps. I want you to make a athletic check then for just with his hammer. He just needs his hammer. Just just meat shielding through it. Yeah. Give me an athletics check, please.
I love it. That's such a good luck thing. You're still M Ron.
Seven could have been a 15 became seven. You're not an M on. So you're feeling quite brave. You do a sprint run up. You knock through the first acts like it is a paper and then you trip and then you get slightly impaled.
And then you get burnt and then you get poisoned and then you get bludgeoned and then you get stabbed and you sustain.
22 points of damage, which is a combination of piercing, bludgeoning and slashing. If you have any resistances, resistances, resistances, please let me know. No. Okay. but And you sort of stumble and fall to the other side of this corridor.
And there are a lot of people laughing at you ah on the other side. No. Not having that. Not on our poo bear. But you are through. Cool. Everyone will get up at the end of it, brush himself off, and then he's going to flip the crowd the bird. Yeah. Intimidation check for me. Okay. Yeah. Be the bad guy. and Love it.
I'm rolling for shit at seven. yeah ah Can't roll with dice tonight. Thank you very much. Alpha, same situation. How do you approach it? Really, regressibly in the same kind of way. Alpha would have to approach it as an intellectual type of thing. whoop It's obstacles. I'm going to have to try and barge my way through it, but I think for a certain degree, I'd probably try and have at the very least like my shield up. so Trip-wise, if I see kind of arrows, it won't work on the swinging actors. I'd have to try and dodge those. But if I see arrows coming towards me, that would be kind of me trying to block them. If nothing else, at least and try and reduce some of the impact. it But yeah, athletics check. yeah Go for it.
I'm right there with the M-Rod. Seven. Jesus! us Mate, we're going to look like wankers.
Slightly less. You should say 19 points of combination of all three non-magical points of damage. If you have a resistance, any do say? I am ah i have points of resistance. No, it's not. It's only bludgeoning. It's just magical bludgeoning. And the same thing happens. you You are laughed at by the time you get to the end of the chamber. You didn't see everyone flipping the birds. You don't know that that's necessarily a done thing. But um is there anything you'd like to do as you sort of stumble and recover?
Alpha, after he has kind of stumbled, I'll cast Cure Wounds on myself just to kind of patch myself up a little bit. So you just kind of see me almost welding bits of the metal of wood um back onto my body. I don't really acknowledge of the crowd. i I do see them, but I don't know what they're expecting Alpha to kind of do. So I just cast a Cure Wounds on myself and we'll proceed through. Brains, it's your turn.
Could you make a perception check for me just before you begin? Me. Yes. Spider reigns, spider reigns, spider reigns. Does whatever spider reigns can. Buy the drink it from the store. There's a lot, you notice a lot of pointing from the then the nobility at you. The higher tier, no one in the competitor floor seems to recognize anything about you, but there's a lot of pointing and gesturing towards you specifically during your your trial before you begin this second phase. What would you like to do?
ah bonus action the hood is going to come down on the helmet of the splint armor. I should have mentioned that after being told by Sebastian yesterday to not be seen in the plate armor, Rains has taken that at face value and is re-attuned to the splint armor. Rains is going to look at down the gauntlet way and is everything at kind of like ground level?
Yeah, so you're in like a 10 foot high, five foot wide corridor. It's really tight. Everything is, you could reach the ceiling if you're on tiptoes. Yeah. um um Everything is pretty much, all the obstacles are coming in at like, yeah, midriff level.
Okay, and they only move if you hit the trigger points. Is that correct? Okay, Reigns is just going to turn around. He's going to start walking backwards. He's going to wave to the people who are looking at him. He's going to cast Levitate on himself and without turning around to face forwards, he's just going to move backwards all the way down the room and then just land the other side, wave again and walk through the door.
Just before you walk through the door at the end, you do recognize that a fair few nods to approval from both the competitive level and the nobility level. Make a performance check for me.
god you leave the room thinking i should not bow yeah otherwise you into the final trial. Osiris, my lord, is announced across the chamber. Same situation, what do you do? All right, Osiris slash Seth slash me. um he's going to He's gonna be hyped for this one. He's gonna be hyped, he's gonna be nodding, like cricking the neck, like flexing out, like getting the shoulders loose, getting everything run ready. And the minute they call this name and it starts, he's gonna go for it. And as he starts running towards it, he's gonna start falling into that blade song just in his mouth.
Which happy bumps up a couple of things so i've got ten foot additional speed in terms of foots a ten ten foot additional walking speed my sees up by four my bonus for con is up by four and i have advantage on acrobatics and the way he's thinking of doing this is by like run run run trip why jump off off the wall at one point can jump over the trip land fucking somersault like i'm trying to like play up.
a little bit. He knows he's quite nimble. He's light. He's not, he can't power through. I ain't got the fucking strength for that, but he has got that kind of like dodginess, um, which he did manage to show in the last one. So obviously she doesn't be different in this one, uh, and, and go for something like that. So that kind of back the, yeah, the acrobatic, the kind of flare and through the air thing, go for the role. Okay. So is it acrobatics? Thank fuck. Cause that is a six. Ah, okay. That's a 12. Okay.
Wait, sorry, sorry, sorry. Ah, it's just advantage and bonus on con. Yep, yep, 12. You take seven points of combined damage from the magical means. So if you have any resistances, please let me know. and But aside from being hit by one swinging axe and shot by one flaming arrow, you get to the end of it, able to brush yourself off, stand up, fairly tall.
and you've completed this leg. The trial, is there anything you can do before you move out of view? Yeah, I imagine like it's an arrow like, we can get stuck in the arm or something like that, or wherever it is, he'd yank that out, throw it on the floor, spit on it, and then walk out. Can you make a constitution saving throw as you try and yank a pierced object out of your own flesh? Absolutely, I can try, I can do it with a, it's plus four, so that's 12 plus four, 16. You remove that without flinching, and you look pretty fucking,
Fierce as you do. And yeah, Spits him, walked out the room, licked the blood off the arrow and yeah. Yeah, then walks off. Yeah. Now, Nick's, you're up next. And because you've been announced as unbloodied, um, you notice that everyone has been paying attention the whole time. Do you mean bloodied? Sorry. Sorry, thank you. Everyone has been paying attention the whole time. No one has even got a drink in their hand. They placed it down and they're watching with real,
and analysis. You're in this corridor. What do you do? ah How far is the corridor? It's 30 feet long. yep Like you can touch both walls within five feet of you and the ceiling is only 10 feet high. So your horns basically just like up, just barely getting underneath it. Mix is going to take one step forwards to the, before any traps, anything that is getting as close to the traps as possible.
um and Purple Mist will animate from him, ah starts at his feet and it works it all the way up. And as soon as it reaches to his horns, he's completely covered by a purple cloud and will misty step the 30 feet to the end and then appear at the other side. Nice. And that happens without a hitch when you do spy in a room of 100 people, 120 people, two or three clapping.
Like this. And you move through, should say a trial. Another wink, another doff to the cap and then through the door. Make a performance check for me.
Ten. Thank you very much. You are welcome. Finally, Bao. You have seen everyone do that apart from Nix because Nix was fighting the rat at that point. What would you like to do?
ah So are the traps kind of activated? Are they swinging into they swinging? You've got fire going across the chamber. You're you're safe where you stand, but every other foot of this space is filled with danger. Awesome. Okay. Can I just stand there for a second and just kind of watch as the traps are going and try to ascertain some sort of reason or rhyme?
Make up submission check. Awesome. That's what I was kind of hoping for. The check has come through with a 15. Yeah. You watch and you take him a minute, 90 seconds, and you establish a pattern. Cool. Does it seem like there is a... I know this just sounds absolutely ridiculous. Does it seem like there's a like there's a potential kind of six second six second window? Mm-hmm.
That's what I'm looking for, maybe even a three second window. there's You watch and you study and there is a route through where you will not be harmed if you can move your body at the right times and remember what you've just perceived at that point. Okay.
ah What I will do then, and you say there's fire coming across as well, yeah? Awesome. I'm gonna activate my cloak.
So every every two or three seconds at three intervals down this chamber is just a flamethrower essentially that just fills a narrow cross section of this corridor and you're able to very deftly at a point where that flame is being performed absorb it. You haven't quite got the wingspan to really
broaden out, but it still activates nonetheless. Yeah, not a problem. I take the two points of fire damage, which is five halved from it. And then with a dash, I'm going to fly 60 foot of movement speed to the end. Thank you. Could you make a um athletics or acrobatics your your choice because you're using wings to sort of help you navigate through here?
Okay. At advantage. Oh, good. It's a, well, 18 on first roll. So let's see if I can beat that. I can, 21. You land,
disengage the wings, I imagine, without a single scratch or blemish, bruise, nor nip at any point. Cool. Walking straight through the door, not paying any attention to the crowd.
Thank you very much. We'll find ourselves now on the third trial and you all, after turning a right angle through this corridor, are in a chamber with three doors ahead of you and one signpost in front. The signpost reads,
Enter one door. Marked on the left door that you can see is this red door with a puzzle cube engraved upon it. A center door with a grinning smile. The right door, a pair of eyes affixed to the sign that you've just read that says enter one door.
is an hourglass that has just begun as you say the word door. We're gonna come to you first, Emron. I put a five minute timer on. Which door are you entering? Damn it, I thought it was my own voice soul. I was gonna go for the soul one. um Can I make a perception check on which one I think is the soul one? Yep, make a perception check.
Nah, rolling shit, I got a four. Mate. You're not sure. Cool. um I'm going to through the eyes. Okay. There's still glass on this side as well, is there? Oh yeah, you are being seen. everything yeah He's annoyed by the crowd because they were laughing at him. Danny, do you want us to un-headphone it? Because we wouldn't know what. No, everything is based on role. It's not based on what people have to do. That makes sense.
You appear in this small chamber. Next, emerald. You see three small statues, each of different color, a red statue, a blue statue, and a green statue, three pedestals, each with a different different symbol, a circle, a square, a triangle.
The goal here is to place each statue on the correct pedestal, and you are given
the following clues. And I realize I need you all to depart from Emron to take your headphones off. What a great suggestion, Mark. These are your clues, Emron. The red statue does not go on the circle pedestal. The green statue is not on the square pedestal. The blue statue goes on the triangle pedestal.
Could you please make an investigation check to allow yourself more time? Yes.
That's better, 13. Great. Your three minutes has now jumped up to six. Okay, so I'm going to put the blue one on the triangle. Okay. I'm going to put the green one on the circle. Yep. And the grand red one on the square. And as you do,
the final door opens for you and the sand timer stops as you step through into a final chamber. Thank you very much.
Alpha, five minute timer has started. Which door are you taking? Do I see the same doors as Emerald? Same doors. um Can I possibly do an Arcana check just to see if any particular one stands out as a more magically inclined? Arcana pertains to the history of magic, not like active magic around you. Okay. um I will go for the puzzle cube. The puzzle cube. The red door with the puzzle cube. So you go through the red door. In front of you, on a table is a four by four grid.
with 15 sliding tiles and one empty space. These tiles are scrambled and the goal here is to arrange them to perform a specific pattern. I need you to make an intelligence check. Straight intelligence. You have four checks to make, one pertaining to each minute. Every time you fail the check, you will sustain damage. Once you pass the check, you will pass through the trial.
Straight, four intelligence checks please.
I'm gonna read them off as I do them, sorry. The first one is 19. Immediately, you recognize the pattern you need to make. You place that in place and the door in front of you swings open into a large chamber. You've completed the trial.
Oh, okay. Reigns. You have five minutes. Which door are you taking? Uh, Reigns is going to immediately look at the doors and try and perceive, similar to everyone, if the puzzle cube is the one for intellect and mind. And how would you do that? Just roll a perception? Yeah. Go for it.
Nine. You're uncertain. You have a good feeling, but no more than that. I'm gonna take that one. Okay. You enter into another chamber as you take the puzzle cube door. On the table is a four by four grid with 15 sliding tiles and one empty space. The tiles are scrambled and the goal is to arrange them to form a pattern. I need you to make four intelligence checks. Straight intelligence to represent every minute you have remaining.
Hit a certain threshold and you pass the puzzle. For under the threshold, you will sustain damage. Straight intelligence, yeah, four of them. Yes, please.
First one to 23. You pass immediately. You think that is the easiest thing to solve. Yeah. And you stroll straight through, pass this door into a chamber. Alpha is there.
everyone is there and there are lots of other figures in this chamber too. but as as i ah yeah as As that was happening, as Rains solves the puzzle with such nonchalant seeds, what he's going to do is is that he's going to realise there's no danger here. He's going to dismiss the suit, come forward, just flip a few tiles and see while he's doing that, it's going to pour in a couple of teas. And just as the kettle pings, he's going to just go, oh, thank you, NC, and then just flick in the final tile, take a sip of the tea, and then just as he comes through, look at him on an alpha and see if M looked bloodied. Rains hasn't taken the single point of damage during this. And he's going to go, it's a good tea.
And it's just going to step through. Thank you very much. What a wanker. I need Seth.
Seth, not you. Seth, you have five minutes. There are three doors in front of you. Which do you take? ah Take the puzzle door. Okay. Let's walk straight in.
and it's bad but So you arrive in a small room. In this room is a four by four grid and 15 sliding tiles with one empty space. The tiles are scrambled and the goal here is to arrange them to form a specific pattern. You have four minutes remaining of this task. You need to make an intelligence check, straight intelligence to represent every minute you have left.
A successful pass means you progress through. A fail means you sustain damage. So your first intelligence check, please. It was a 22. Immediately. You don't even have to think about this. It's like an anagram you already know the answer to, and you assemble this within seconds. You have four more minutes remaining in this chamber, the problem solved, the door ahead of you open, an on-looking audience. Is there anything you do? Yes. He would look to the...
group ah that are right there and just say, well, I thought there would be more than a simple fucking puzzle for a challenge. It doesn't really seem like you want the best of the best. You just want a bunch of cunts. All right. Then he's going to wander through performance check for me.
Uh, performance. God, all these performance checks. Oh, not bad again. I'm getting all everyone's bad roles. I'm getting the good ones that he should have got 18. So you see some nods of approval coming through from both the competitive tier and the nobility tier. Thank you. You step into this room aside from seeing rains, alpha, and everyone. There are other figures in this room, but you can't make them out just yet. We're going to jump to Nick's. Thank you.
Nick, ahead of you are three doors. There is five minutes on the timer. What door would do you take? Which door? Smiley face, middle one. Smiley face. You progress through the small corridor and you find yourself in this room. And in this room is a figure you know incredibly well. There is another Nick's Corel looking at you 10 feet away. You reach to your hip. There are no weapons.
You try and gesture with your fingers, your so your your ability to incantate and produce spells. Nothing comes. It's you and yourself. There is a door behind your duplicated self. Your duplicated self is holding you back from entering. How do you progress? You have four minutes. Uh, you a mirror?
Can you speak? Can you speak? Oh, that's annoying. Oh, that's annoying. Yeah. So this is what everyone hears, right? This is everyone hears, right? This is great. This is a great challenge. Great challenge. So I assume you just can't stop me as mix walks forwards. And you're now nose to nose with yourself.
Just gonna slip by.
And this is a door that swings into the room and your duplicate is stood in the way. Physical duplicate as well, like there's a body. When you touch noses, it puts pressure against your nose. Okay. Okay.
Hang on one minute. Nix is going to lift a hand up. It lifts the hand up as well. Brilliant. Nix takes two steps backwards, pushes down on the door and ah brings it towards him. So you sort of use your mirror opening the door so that your duplicate opens the door. yeah looking it's It's repeating everything you do, yeah yeah like step for step. Yeah. So um Nix is cottoned onto the fact that His duplicate is working, ah so he'll grab... He'll mime to grab the door handle, grasp it, push down when it opened the door, and he's hoping that the duplicate will do that. Does that? Is the door open? Door is open. Cool. Nix is going to put hands up. The duplicate puts hands up. And shift so that he's his back is to the wall. Duplicate is the same?
And he's going to just crab out of there. And you find yourself crabbing into each other. i And then you sort of rotate, I imagine a little bit. Yeah. And then crab out. And you've successfully navigated the challenge. You find yourself in a room with Emron, with Alpha, with Seth, with Reigns. And now we jump over to Baal. Baal, you have five minutes on a timer and three doors ahead of you. Which do you take? Eyes.
The eyes have it. Three small statues. You find yourself in a room and there are three small statues, each of a different color, red, blue, and green. And three pedestals, each with a different symbol.
a circle, a square, a triangle, placed on a table. The goal here is to place easter each statue on the correct pedestal based on three clues that are inscribed on the wall to your right. Clue number one, the red statue does not go on the circle pedestal. Clue number two,
The green statue is not on the square pedestal. Clue number three. The blue statue goes on the triangle pedestal. You have four minutes to find a solution. You also, so ah can I get you to make an investigation check now to see if you can double the efficiency of that time?
Yeah, of course. My investigation check is an 18. Nice. You feel like you are more productive and have seven minutes to solve this. Check me out. Well, the first thing I'm going to do is put the ah triangle on the blue or blue on the triangle, whichever way round it goes, because that's what it said. ah Then I'll put the green on the circle and the red on the square following what it kind of told me there. And incredibly, definitely almost flick these figures onto the right positions and with three and a half minutes to spare the door in front of you opens. Cool. You all find yourself in a chamber with a series to together at this point.
Everyone, you've been waiting there about 12 minutes by the point that Baal comes through.
and you're all reunited for a moment. Further down the chamber, there is no glass here, no one is looking at you. Further down the chamber are a series of other figures, but this is a very long chamber, about 70, 80 foot deep, and you guys have been huddled near that door. Is there anything you want to do? Barla, as you just sort of close that door, you turn around and you see James, the chapless half link, just navigating the the the same trial as you, thinking about the pedestals, but you six are clustered together in this room. Is there anything you want to do?
Well, this is a bit different. But we all made it, then, I assume. Did we all get through? No one fucked it up. I believe we've all passed, otherwise we might not have been here. I don't know, I feel like that that giant rat may have been a bit too easy for us, but, you know. I'm afraid I made quite a mess. What if you did make a mess of the rat? Yes, you did. You follow, I do apologize. How was your rat?
Who are you talking to? Is it you? Yeah, you know, it was fine. You know, we, we, we fought it before the creation of me move on. I got buck bugged up by that fucking, uh, the traps though. No, tell me about it. Okay. I wasn't pleasant. Then you hear a voice in the darkness. My friends, it's good to see you made it.
stepping out of the data is that dark skinned, white dreadlocked, silver glaived, um, veteran of the, of the Ozeran Isles that you encountered on the road. Flood. Ah, flood.
I didn't catch much of your trial points at UM Ron, but yours points at Seth. You did well.
ah You know, it's a competition of soldiering and art's that's my past, you know? I didn't know you'd go in bloodied though. I heard your name on the list of bloodied. Yeah. Made my mind up quite late.
Funny that. This is what our group did as well. I saw and looks at Nick's, looks at Val.
You understand what you're in for.
ah Nicks will just meet his eyes very briefly, look back down and then turn around and just walk away from the group. Towards the other figures in the room? Yeah, or just a wall.
Seth will say, as Nyx is walking away, but to flood. Yeah, but flood, you know, even if you're bloodied, you can still just walk away. It's not a problem. You don't have to, you know, you don't have to die in this, do you? No. No, you don't. But there's the fear. I think I'm, I'm content with my decision. If I walk out of here, I want to be a rich,
Fucking man. Retired. And an easy life. And I'm done with chaperoning. Dickheads.
Realistically, they've lied. And South'll take of a step forward to him there. How much would that cost? How much would it cost to buy you out of this? You're a good man. You're a good soldier. Buy me out.
Yeah, you say you want to live a happy, easy, content life, not shepherd earning comes around. you I understand that. How much? Not that I'll pay it. I haven't got any money, but but now what number are we looking at here? What if I win this 45 grand plus everything I get back in betting fees? It's a lot, you know? Right. I was just asking. I got my eyes on a ship though.
that could be fun retire at sea I haven't been on a ship since my youth well I hate to see a good soldier I hate to fight a good soldier in battle but we will see how the games play out and We all thank you for the information you gave us regarding what to expect. So you have my thanks and my honor for that. But know that it will be a good fight if I do face you across the battlefield flood of the Ozrin Isles. Yeah. Seth of wherever the fuck you're from. You know like oh nice and what Hey, what do you think to the name, Osiris Mottlord? It's cooler than Seth.
Yeah. That's what I told my mom. She didn't believe me. Right. Flood. I need to go sit in a corner and get rid of this. I'd like to use him and Seth would just walk off and just plunk himself down somewhere and start tending to his wounds that he's got. And Nick says you head further into that chamber. It's not a huge room. Oh, you fuck. You pass a couple of figures.
You pass someone who looks like Alpha. You pass a Tiefling.
This Tiefling, like rich purple skin and just has one hand on the short sword by her waist, tapping it rhythmically with each finger. You pass a halfling that seems to be stuffing his face with two or three lollipops.
and just rolling them around his mouth like they are, like cowboys would roll toothpicks, that sort of view. You pass a goliath that seems to, as he exhales, roar at the same time. And at the back of his room, cross-legged in a very meditative state.
Is an orange skinned half or female covered head to toe in tattoos. Eyes closed. Breathing. Anything you want to do?
So is that Marota? Make a perception check. What the fuck? And the rest of you, after Seth has said his piece with Flood, are you moving into the room as well? Are you just staying at that far end? Then within about seconds, you make the same observations. There are about seven of you in this, well, six of you plus four others in this space. People have just passed their provings. 14.
This looks like Marotta. She is slightly older, more scarred, grayer and whiter of hair. um Slightly bulkier. The same broken tusk on one side. The same tattoos on the side of the head that you would not ever forget.
Right. So, upon seeing that image, Nyx, it's kind of probably felt that presence more than Sorex, his head was down, but then clocks it and takes ah just a double take.
And then we'll just sit down beside Morota, cross legged as well. Or the Valkyrie, whatever the name is. and just kind of hold that silence and look at her. um And that that's Nick's play. He's just trying to get a vibe check, read the room, and also dealing with his own fucking decisions.
There's silence for five, six seconds. Is it a silence that I know? Because you can. You can work a silence. She hasn't opened her eyes. OK. Just breathe.
Then you hear. The fuck are you doing? Fuck off.
My mistake. Sorry, you need your space. And she just opens her eyes and gives you a really stern grimace.
That's a yes. Fair. I thought you might be someone I knew, but this makes life a little bit easier for me. Um, best of luck. Fuck off.
Right. And Nick will get up a little bit of weight lifted off him and, uh, we'll go to the nearest wall and just put his back against it. One foot up against the wall, another foot down to support and, uh, tip his hat down. So it just covers his eyes a little bit and kind of look down and do his own fucking breathing exercise, which is drinking. He's, uh, using that bottomless mug and, uh, yeah.
Anyone else people do in this chamber at all? I'm i'm going to the other neck of Ollo. I was looking at it from a distance first. and Alpha or not, he'll go through as soon as he clocks it. He'll say, oh my, walk it up to it. Hello, I am Alpha and I'm offering out ah like a hand for a handshake. So you see this metallic skinned being in front of you. It is broader than you, it is taller than you, but it is not as well made.
the Your carapace, your chassis is pristine and to spec. This is ramshambled and makeshift. There is iron and steel and copper. like This is pieced together and welded and it's a big sort of alloy-esque mess. The left arm is entirely replaced by this big great axe and the the face is just a helmet. There is there is none of that um
um enchanted interior that comes from from what alpha provides. This just looks like an exterior shell, nothing else. And it just stares at you. And it has engraved across its chest, the hashtag 472.
and that No response to the handshake. Alpha will just kind of continue the conversation solo. um so Yes, I am Alpha. Where where are you from? but What is your name? You seem to be more of an inferior version. I do know a qualified blacksmith who might be able to ah give you some re-words. If that would be of interest, I do not mean to offend.
And you're talking at it for a while and there was just a single drone monotone response from it. It just goes a back at you and then reigns your curiosity steps in. What do you do?
yeah I let this play out for a while and then Rains will step over and is going to think he has a hypothesis about what's happening here. um A base Nakavolo will give off a strong read or an enchanted armour will give off a read of transmutation.
ah um A nakavolo with sentience like alpha will give off strong evocation from the memory rune. Rains is just going to immediately take out the spider pem that he got pointed at it and is going to cast a tech magic on it expecting to find transmutation but no evocation.
That's my hypothesis. But then that's what he's going to try and prove. He's going to point this pen at it and and and it's just going to walk up alongside Alpha and see what he finds when he casts Detect Magic at it. Your hypothesis is correct. It's a base husk, Alpha. It's not like you. The the technology is the same. The premise is the same. It's metalwork. It's steel. It's animated. bit And the rings will show you the the pen, which will show you the reading of transmutation, but no evocation. But the memory room is pure evocation. It's the energy. it's it's It's a life force. None of that. and How does it function? In a way that an enchanted or
arcane said oh and the way that an enchanted or animated set of armor does. It's just basic transmutation magic. It's crude, but it's self-sustaining like you in the sense that it's not got a time limit it or it's not got a trigger. it's ah Someone is experimenting with this. You want to find out what's happening here. You need to talk to the puppet master rather than the puppet.
And Raines is going to glance around at the boat at the balcony to see if anyone is interestingly looking at Alpha and Raines, because obviously ah a Nakavodo stood in front of this Nakavodo might ah attract the attention of the owner. Make a perception check for me.
There's a good portion of that upper circle that are focused on Alpha yourself and this construct. And you think for a second, you glimpse someone up there concentrating on some sort of magical spell as well.
Alpha wants to kind of just... just while rain is doing that i'm going to be kind of um examining the bodywork type of thing um knowing from experience of the previous armorer um that it's obviously involved with me i'm kind of seeing if this thing pries open easily if there's like a hatch a latch or something like that to try engage and look at the inner workings of it you're making physical contact yes I now may regret that, but yes. You make a dexterity saving throw. I thought I would regret this. I got a nine. So you go to sort of explore its chest piece, and as you sort of try and lift that and pry it from its shoulder piece and have a closer look, you just feel this thrust propel you back across the room 30 feet as you are launched backwards.
And you sustain 18 points of bludgeoning damage as you are smashed into the wall behind you. And this creature just looks at you from across the the now distance it's created and just volume increased, continues that same monotone.
Raines sees that, jolts, doesn't go to them, realizes what's happened, realizes Alpha's okay, is gonna glance his eyes back up towards where this person who seemed to be particularly interested in this this innate sense of magic was coming from, because detect magic is still valid and can go 30 feet, I'm now going to concentrate on where this is coming from, just to see what I read. And as you turn that attention through the glass,
you get absolutely nothing back. Now that is curious. Raines will flip the spider pen away and it's going to pop it back in the bag of holding. It's going to go over to Alpha. You're right? Yes, I am okay. Not quite the response I was hoping for.
We always knew When we left Shadow Man, that the ability to build a base husk formed Nakavoldo was... primitive and possible.
Indeed. Alpha. It's no more a Nakavoldo than a zombie as a human or an elf. You know that, right? I know, it is not the same as myself, but...
I was wondering if there was a way it could be. And he's going to see Alpha kind of open up his hand and he's still got like Magnus's obsidian rune that he's just holding on to.
This is all that's missing from a husk. From a body.
You want the answers to the questions. You're going to have to bury your emotions and allow logic to take over. And Rains is going to glance back up towards the balcony. up there He, she, the puppet master alpha. Not the puppet. And Rains is then not going to draw any more attention to this. He's just going to casually help Alpha to his feet.
with a a nod as if and is then just going to walk and merge back into the room.
Okay. Is there anything else anybody wants to do? And where I'd quickly talk to... Bal wanted to do something first, so that's fine. Bal? Bal was going to just head over to Seth to have a quick chat.
I'll do my thing first. As Reigns comes back, everyone will look to Reigns. I suppose when you were trying to do your magic-y thing, you didn't detect any magic on anybody else around here, just in case, you know, to gauge our competition.
Reigns will pull the pen out. It's still active.

Reflections on Trials and Strategies

And we'll just let that happen. I mean, I was kind of distracted, but that's not a bad show. Just, you know, gauge the competition. Okay.
You get nothing from the Goliath. You get nothing from the halfling. You get nothing from the tiefling. You get nothing from flood. From the Valkyrie, you get enchantment. And from the Valkyrie, you get
The Marauder doppelganger is kicking off some enchantment and transmutation, getting the usual ab duration that I get from Seth, which means I assume he's cast mage armor at some point. What does that mean for Emerald Point not towards marro the Marota doppelganger? Enchantment, some kind of
could be anything, a whole host of spells that relate to the ability to enchant. Transmutation, similar to the husk over there, it's some form of transformative magic, something that's turning something into something else. Okay. As I said, beyond that, sass kicking off abjuration, because you guys mage armor up God knows what kind of reasons I'd get that I'd point this thing at Nyx, and Bao's given off a whiff of enchantment magic, which means I assume at some point behind that he's used that cape. But apart from that... You'll also get that from... No, if you're down, you'll get it off Emron as well. Okay. Because Emron's enchanting his himself, and I imagine the armour that I've got, Daddy, is probably coming off magical because of its resistances. yeah
I wasn't factoring player stuff in because I assumed that was all shared. Yeah. Yeah. And that's just the flavour that reigns. He's gone round the room, gone usual stuff from you guys. And then the Valkyrie. Okay. Well, I wonder how we did on those trials. Not quite what I was expecting. No, what I'll level with you.
Fun. I found that fun. I had some new spells that I wanted to try and worked out very well. I can levitate and climb walls now. So, Discovery. I never considered the arenas fun. It just was. Oh, no. no um Some of my family found them a good way to cure the boredom. Never my taste.
Well, you know, some folk did it to actually get, you know, money to put food in mouths, but yeah. One other thing, i run there's did a lot of folk in here, bloody, a lot of folk in here willing to die. i encounter it yeah What the hell are Nixon Barr doing? Fuck knows, and that'll be a source of conversation for um us to unpick, because quite frankly, it goes against any kind of plan.
short of both of them walking out. you know unless Unless one of them wins, they're both dead.

Survival Strategies and Binding Contracts

If one of them wins, one of them's dead.
And I don't know, thankfully, I didn't count, I thought maybe half were bloodied, maybe less. So it's not too bad.
I'm going to say about 9 out of 28 or so. 26, 7, maybe, no. Big numbers. Yeah, actually that's a point. Raines will just have a quick count around. Has everyone made it through this? Because it said obviously some people can be ejected at this point. Has everyone made it through? Quick heads count. Because it went in order. I've got everyone proving at the same time. This is today's proving cohort.
But um everyone in that room, you were introduced to by name at the front desk. So, yeah, I'm not going to lie, Raines, I think it fucks things up. I don't know what the plan is. I'm sure it's going to be a source of great conversation over the next two days about what we're actually going to do.
Plan, plan, plan. Seth says he's got a plan, so um'm it's a fucking I said, I'll be the fucking good one. Well, what I know is, Reigns, is when we signed our names, when we put our palms on that contract on and they cut themselves, that's a banding agreement. that you know That's the kind of stuff that the guild masters back in Shadow Mended have people who are making deals do to bind you to it. as There's magic there. and that's That's the sort of that's kind of stuff you put a geeze on someone.
so ah Unless the plan was for those two to put themselves in a position where they either die or walk away. well um I don't know what Seth's plan is but All I know is that's a binding contract, binding agreement, whatever the agreement is. If you try and break those things without fulfilling their criteria, you know, Ed's explored, or at least that was what the room around the guild house used to be. You never actually saw one ever actually go against the geese, but yeah.
Putting your stories, but maybe it's just stories. To that range, we'll just nod and go, We should find a plan. I like a plan. I like a plan as well. I mean... um I know for a fact that I think Baal's gonna go for the egg. Nyx is probably gonna go for the boat. I imagine. just
Just... Puts you in a difficult position, mate. This is gonna be interesting. There's nothing else. Love a plan. If we're lucky, we just might get to stick to one one day and Raines will give them a wry smile and just fall back into observing people. And as that happens, we find Bow and Seth stood shoulder to shoulder. Bow, what do you want to do? I'll just kind of stand there surveying the scene as well. I ever so slightly lingering on Nick's
it goes around as he kind of, yeah, sidles up towards ah Seth's shoulder. That was not the plan initially, Seth. Which part, Paul? The part where I perhaps had a choice to ensure any kind of motions over to Nick's his survival.
I need you to understand. I need you to understand, Seth.
That egg. That is the only prize. I hate even calling it a prize. That is the only thing that matters to come out of that. I cannot. I will not let that fall into someone else's hands.
If Nyx will choose that, at the end, I will walk free. You have my word, but when that comes into play, nothing else matters. And you would not look me in the eye, Seth, and tell me you would not have let me win if it meant Nyx was gone.
Pretty fucking predicament. I don't to understand your position. I totally understand it. Well, I don't because I'm not a dragonborn, but I can appreciate the fact that, you know, eggs is important. But over there, it could be a demigod for all we know in the future that could rule a kingdom. I say that he or she, like the dragon within that egg.
And it's one of your kin that I can at least I can appreciate. It's perhaps my mother's heir. Fuck me. Well, we're in another predicament on top of that. And that that Seth's going to pull up this sleeve of his his arm and look down at it and kind of turn it over where the tattoo is etched upon his skin.
Remember we were told we were duty bound to defend three of the group. I heard his voice, Seth. He told me not to forget the agreement. That's what I'm thinking. Now you are
If Nix is one of the three, and we don't know, and he dies, we've broken our pact, our agreement, whatever, our contract, and we can assume that our souls will be sucked directly into hell. But as far as I can imagine, that's what's gonna happen. So, Nix dies, we go to hell, quite literally. You die, Nix survives, you go to hell because your contract
I can assume is some kind of, you know, our the devil, etc. Now I think we prolong the inevitable as long as possible until we can find a way to break contract. I don't think it's going to work with you being dead. And I don't think he's going to work with Seth being dead. So I'm Seth, but Nick's being dead because if Nick's is dead and he's one of the three, we go to hell. I feel. Which puts us in a bit of a difficult position.
It does. Because we kind of need you both alive. I didn't mean to put you in that position as well, Seth. Well, Mark, the difficulty is now I'm even more torn because on one hand, the egg, incredibly important, only the longest. Well, not really, but you know, we go down, we got on, we've got this bond with the tattoo and the deal with the devil. A devil, the devil, who knows? But on the other hand,
If you die, yeah, we don't get the egg, and you go to hell, that's very sad, I will live with that on my conscience for the rest of my days, and it will haunt me. But if Nix goes, we both go. Double the pain. Two for one. So he's one of the three, you're right. But we don't know. We don't. Now my other more pertinent question to ask of you, Bob, is this.
What the fuck happens to the prizes that aren't selected? For I've just been thinking. Because I'm i a smart cookie me. If Nyx does the Nyx thing, right? And we can imagine this, we've known him a while. What Nyx does is he goes, oh yeah, I'll die to the guy for the egg. Not a problem, but you're my best friend. Here's a kiss. one more I love you. bla Blah, blah, blah. All the way along and the last minute, ballses, ballses, swashbuckling, sevi ways and boomy, pix the Esmeralda or whatever the fuck he picks.
And you don't get, you know, we don't get the egg because we'd be relying on him, you walking out and him selecting the egg. And he picks the other one. My question is what happens to the egg? Where does it go? Because let's be honest, we can't rely on Nick's to follow his word from his past. yeah What we could do though,
is I think two things. One, my grand plan is a heist, as I mentioned before we kicked off, we steal the fucking lot. Or we just get enough information to cover our asses. So let's say Nix does Nix and goes and gets a shiny boat. Fair deuce, he stabs us in the back, we are going to expect it. But if we already know who's provided the egg, where the egg's going to go,
We can just subvert the fact that we need you to win and we could just get the fucking egg. Kill everyone involved. Burn a bitch, I think is what you say. Cook a bitch, sorry. And then win-win. We have a bite and we have an egg. And, you know, maybe we'll follow where the 45 thousand gold goes and maybe we take that as well. But, you know, that might be a side note, but I'm thinking these are going to be the two big players in the game.
that's That's where my mind is at at the moment. I am very positive because we've got a bunch of cunts, and I've said this word a lot in this episode, and I have to apologize, but we've got a bunch of assholes in this group who are good at saying things and getting around things and trying to be a little bit naughty-naughty as long as we don't tell Emberon. So what I'm thinking is we use those skills and we just play the system a little bit and we get what we need for it.
and not at the expense of losing our party and selling our souls literally to the devil.

Curator Announcement and Contestant Introductions

That's my thinking. A little bit greedy, I don't want to die just yet. That's what I meant. Sorry, I talk a lot. It takes a small amount of time. Stairs. You talk a lot of sense, Seth. You talk from the head, certainly.
We've got simpler solution. We get Nix to walk. Nix either walks out. And I want that to happen more than anything.
but But... We've got lu this, we've got two days. Is there not something that we could do? We know where the Esmeralda is. Let's fucking steal it. Or let's let's buy it or do something to get it off the table. So that it's not an option for Nix. So that he has no stake in the game. Similarly for you my friend.
Whichever is easiest, we find out we've got two days. We've got, I've got some questions. Opens his book. Number one, list of people who gave the prizes. I think that's quite important. Number two, names of those who work at the melee so we can bribe them or coax them or you threaten them with death and punishment. A layout at the venue. You know, these are things we need to figure out before we put our lives on the line, brother. Let's let's take one of them off the table. Stop the conflict, but because we need you both.
At this point, music erupts in the main chamber of the melee. And to some of you, you've never heard this tune before, but to Seth and Bol specifically, it is a tune that Prago played for you outside the lair of Shondralakar. It fills the halls. The heretics folly. who Yeah, I took notes. That very same... What a flex.
And you hear Gregor Stonefist announce again in Thor Matergy. Ladies and gentlemen, it feels me a great pleasure to introduce to you. Sorry, what? What do you mean? Are you sure? Oh.
esteemed guests of the Upper Balcony, competitors, spectators, entourages and bootleakers for a weird turn of events. The curator of the Jewel of the Desert Champions wishes to announce our final cohort into the room. I cede my
Vocal plane. Please may I ask you all to join me in a ruptural round of applause for this year's curator in residence, who goes by the name of Prago the Majestic. And this- I fucking knew it! Yep. This space erupts in cheers. And you're just here again in a Thaumaturgy's voice. My friend,
I welcome you to the games this year. My name is Prego. Perhaps you've heard of me. In today's time, we will see the competitors of previous days and the competitors who have fought so valiantly today share in bloodshed. May I introduce to you your final class of the Jewel of the Desert Champions in no particular order.
Gorath, Thrall, blooded, and the Goliath steps out of this chamber to a modicum of applause.
A curious individual by the

Emotional Visions and Future Implications

names of Reins, and this door at the far end of the chamber where it opened for Gorath, zips down to where you are, Reins, and opens up, and you receive as you step out reigns, a very positive applause from both opbacony both the upper balcony and the competitors around you. The voice continues.
zariel nixsar and It nips to this purple-skinned tiefling who steps out to a very mild applause. Karashara, swift foot. Nips over to a halfling who steps out to a ruptuous applause.
um Alf, excuse me, he's signed up as Al. Nips to you, Alf, you step out to... very little clapping alpha as you failed to particularly impress. Seth will be clapping. Seth's clapping for you. Osiris, my lord. so And there is cheers, Seth, from the lower chamber, the upper chamber and some fellow competitors waiting in this room as well as you step out to the highest affirmation so far of the day. Seth's still awkwardly clapping val for Alpha though.
Since we are here on this element of cheer, my dear friend, Val-Con, the working inferno, and a similar ruptuous applause for you, Baal, that Seth just experienced. We zip back. A creature known as the 427 and this hulking metallic construct strolls out.
to a reigns equivalent applause.
Emron, almost said with disgust, walks out to very little applause other than what Alpha and deBulbeck's servant is forced to provide. Everyone's going to bow to the crowd. Make a performance check at disadvantage for me. Okay.
Six. You think a tomato hits you?
It's cool. Yes, okay. Here comes the angel. And Ix Karel, bloodied, steps out and there is a reigns appropriate level of applause to begin with. And then it whips up.
into a ruptuous applause like that of Osiris, my lord, and Valkon, the walking inferno. Everyone is out. Al is out. Rains is out. Seth is out. Baal is out. Nyx is out.
And finally, my dear friend,
Morota the Valkyrie broken tusk as the half-orc steps out and walks straight to the other side of the chamber and just as the half-orc takes stride through the center of this room to resounding applause the the loudest that has been experienced
Emron, Bao, Alpha, Seth, Reigns are all paused for a moment. Mix the smell of brine fills your nose.
You tingle, you move your hands and cobwebs appear between finger to finger. Everything around you slows for a moment.
the light in this space disappears and there is one bright light illuminating the Valkyrie from behind that casts a long shadow that stops at your feet and then an outline of a spider appears behind her and just says an athlete and the only colour in this void is the orange skin of this slightly different, slightly older, slightly broader marota.
About that very moment of stillness is locking eyes at you and is crying.

Session Conclusion and Social Media

And that is what we're going to end this week's episode. The fellowship at the table top fell on Draconis.
fuck That was fucking awesome. Fuck me. Fuck this crowd. Let's rob the place. a I need. That was awesome. Therapy after this. it ourbe After every fucking session, you need therapy. go Goes and weeps in a corner. Well, at least, at least Nix has found all the people he needs to turn over to his diabolical master. yeah That's, you know. Yeah, he's got the option now. Take it through the list.
He's just got to get them all to see, it'd be fine. Get one of the Esmeralda and sing the fucker. There you go. Done. All problems solved. Absolutely. Jesus Christ.
That was from a hell of a great session. That was awesome. I very much liked all the different styles that we had. I just liked my dice. You rolled nothing. You got wrecked. Couple digits, did you? You got anything double digit. I think I got one roll. I got 13 and that was it. Mate, you got three dice. You chose poorly. If I didn't heal myself, I would have died to 4, 7, 2. Amazing. Yeah, my highest dice roll all night was 13. Nice.
Well, that is no segue, but I'll take it anyway. Thank you very much for tuning in, listening, making this party every day. We love you for it. Rate us or tell a friend about us. We would love that. More if you wanted it to see some awesome map. Perhaps there'll be more maps in the future. You can do so on our X page, which is at Fellowship table.
Then if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so too. I'm at iVold1. Pooh Bear is at. Natural20Will or not as the case may be. Darren's at. Darren Page, 06. Mark is at. Hasty to roll DM. Callum's at. TheD20Gamer. Will is at. FellowshipMPZBZ. And our maniacal VIP of D and&D, DM is at. Total Party Thrills.
Until next time, guys. Sakyama!