And yeah, being basically an agreement, so an email that is sent over and a contract, for example, they will say, can you come along? And a price is agreed ah to create a video about our restaurant, like a promotional video, I suppose. um There is also now on TikTok, um you get paid as well. So that is something that was never an option before. YouTube obviously there was, but on TikTok, once you've got a certain amount of following, you can get paid um for when you're as long as your video's over a minute long, the Creator Fund, you like some of my videos make 1p, they make a penny, and as some of them do okay. um And that's good as well to be able to put things on there, and because you don't have to have any agreement, you could just video yourself doing whatever, cooking in the house, and you can still create money. um But mainly with the restaurants, it's either going off your own back, you're going on a gifted basis, where they agree what you would have in return for a post or a reel, or a share to the story, whatever,