And I think that goes for any role in the company, not just the founder, if you are a manager, right? like ah When I was a manager, when I would see people excel, like if I can help enable people to move to QA or to product management outside of the role we were in, it was the most exciting thing to me as as a manager because I get to see these people succeed in something they love. But as the greedy side of me, I also got excited because if I needed an ally in product or if I needed an ally in QA, these people that would have come from our are part of the company, right? Those would be the people I can go to. And I know I have an ally there. So it's kind of a way to kind of make sure that, and again, a little bit greedy here, just to make sure that you have allies that will help enable you to kind of get what you need done throughout the company. Yeah, and it's obviously, you know, there's, there's a, there's a different dynamic depending on your team size. So like, I obviously were running a team of like around a dozen. Um, and so like, there's not nearly the same level of like power dynamics are involved.