I’m a big believer in prevention rather than cure and that when we choose to engage in daily habits and practices that support us through out our journey we move through our days with more ease & flow.
Working with the lunar cycle plays a key role, understanding the energetics of each phase allows you to decide to what to focus on, what exercises to do at different phases and stages and even what foods to eat during those phases to support your over all well being.
Another way I like to look at it is in terms of gardening, we prepare the soil to support growth of the seed we plant, and once we plant the seed we tend to in a way that supports in taking those next steps of germinating and breaking out of the darkness to reach the light in order to draw what it requires from that light source to thrive, but still requires water and other nutrients to support that little seedling to become a full blown plant that then produces fruit.
That’s what understanding each phase and stage of the moon’s cycle does for us, it helps us develop practices that nurture, tend & support our growth & expansion and bare the fruits of our efforts.
Actually effort is not the right word to use here because it’s not so much about putting in effort it’s about ‘being’ a plant does not put in effort to produce the fruit it develops a way of being that enables the fruit to form.
Lunar Cycle Gatherings - Online
La Lunar Living - Self Guided Workshop
Embodiment Coaching Service
Creators Nest Online Store
Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic
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