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23: Little Dopamine Treadmills image

23: Little Dopamine Treadmills

S1 E23 · Snap On This!!
209 Plays2 months ago

Despite illness, the Snap (On This!!) must go on 🫡😷

For our esteemed listeners’ consideration:

  • Week in Snap: 💪 #podgoals, of course
  • Did Bullseye hit the mark? … … …😀
  • 4️⃣🪖 Ares, Ms. Marvel, & Misery
  • Secret Homework: Quality of Life dreams & desires 🙏

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Lauren's Shuri/Hobgoblin clip

Featured decks:


  • Cover art by Lauren
  • Snap On This!! Theme by Ben
  • YouTube thumbnail by Lauren’s kid, Reggi


  • 0:00:00 Intro / Our Week in Snap
  • 0:18:32 The Bytedance Blip
  • 0:30:33 New Card: Bullseye
  • 0:43:14 Next Week's Spotlight: Ares, Misery, Ms. Marvel
  • 0:52:31 Secret Homework: Quality of Life
  • 1:04:50 Next Week's Secret Homework
  • 1:05:48 Housekeeping / Closing Remarks

Introduction and Host Updates

Hey there, discerning listeners of Snap on This, the Marvel Snap podcast. um May I mention you have excellent taste? I am your host.
Lauren would have, no, just kidding. It's actually, Lauren is here. We didn't get rid of her. She's just been very ill. So to lighten the load, I mean, not so much that we would edit for her. But we are um letting her not drive today and also added bonus. She finally gets to be first in a week and snap.
So, Lauren, please tell us and keep us snappy, you know, as snappy as you want to.

Lauren's Marvel Snap Weekend

ah Give us your weekend snap. Yeah, i will I will definitely keep it snappy because I am not feeling great. We'll see how how long this episode can be. May the record show re-offered to edit, but I was like, ah ill I'll do it as long as I'm not dying tomorrow. So, you know,
a I don't know. I get to go first, but I don't know what happened in my weekend snap. I got another cool clip. I finally did a cool hobgoblin-y ghost spider thing. It's a move that I've loved for a long time. I might have even talked about it before on the pod, because I think it's it's a cool combo. Yes, we have heard. Shuri hobgoblin ghost spider. I got it on a Valhalla, which is like it's Cause then you get the negative 32 Hobgoblin, but if you try doing it with Wong, Hobgoblin comes back home and then you have a different problem. Which, you know, I guess you could do the same trick with Grandmaster instead, and 50-50 that he's gonna move Hobgoblin, so I'm sure he... Anyway, felt cool to get another clip. And then I was like, inspired, cause I've just but been pumping out clips. One a week, I guess.
and o yeah I was like, okay, time to do something really cool with Bullseye. I did two cool things with Moonstone, time to do something cool with Bullseye, and we'll talk about Bullseye more later, but I could not i could not figure out anything cool to do with him. He's just... I am not surprised.
i I have warned Ollie, he's just a double hazmat. like that says That's where the ceiling is. It's minus 14 for the seven cards in your hand. like That's what he can do. That was very prescient advice. um I think I'm using that word correctly. Yeah, I i felt that. like I heard Ben's words echoing in my mind as my as my cool combo place just weren't cool. Even when they like popped off and did the thing I meant for them, they just weren't exciting. And I was like, I was like, yeah, it's just just a double hazmat.
I wanna like a reality show like following you, clip hunters like this week, Lauren Struggles. She wants a cool bullseye clip, but can she pull it off, you know? I've got like the shaky cam. You're like, I don't know, red strings. Seriously, the conspiracy red strings show up.
I mean, you should see some of my papers when I'm, like, planning out the combos. Like, how realistic can this be? um I did find a shell. I was inspired by Buddy with anti-venom. I found a shell that can get your cost of all your cards down to one by a turn seven reliably. Like, reliably enough for a clip hunter. um You know, with the addition of anti-venom, I can get Sarah, Onslaught, and Mystique all up.
and limbo. I can get them all up in time for turn seven. And I'm like, there's something cool here. I don't know what it is. And I don't want to use it every single time. But there's some cool clip you can do if your entire hand costs one. um So anyway, yeah, that was my week besides, ah you know, the US outage and, and Yeah, traveling to Canada to play the game.
a Yeah, it was it was a week. um We'll talk about that more later, too. I ah it should probably pass or it's just going to be me blabbering. Okay, I won't lie though, when you're like, unless I'm dead, I will edit. And I was immediately like, okay, I think we have a res spell. Don't worry, no one will have to edit. We can res lord. Okay, um so now we will toss it to our other co-host, Benjamin Roller.

Benjamin's Marvel Snap Weekend

How is your weekend snap? And keep it snappy.
Oh, well, keeping it snappy, as I always endeavor to do. It was a fine weekend in snap. It was a bit... um There was an interruption in the middle of it, um but for about 48 hours there, I couldn't play Marvel Snap because I don't have a passport and I could not get into get into Canada if I wanted.
um Anywho, yeah, so it's harder to play the game when it's like quite literally unplayable. um But when I was playing Marvel Snap, I generally had a pretty good time. had like you know The SP's been yo-yoing, but we're still in a pretty good spot for hashtag pod goals.
um Currently, the yo-yo is almost back up to to its highest height. um So that's cool. I've been playing some decks. New ones? Sure, yes, actually. There is a ah notable new edition.
o yeah Well, I had to build one with Bullseye. It's alright. It's just ah the same discard deck I've been playing. ah The card I took out for Bullseye currently is Blade. There are three bottom performers in my discard deck and they are Blade Gambit and Proxima Midnight. So I'm actually going to try Bullseye in two of the other spots there. um I know, like these these seem like great cards, right? Gambit and Proxima Midnight, like how could they be the weakest performers? It's just that every other card is just so freaking good. Like Lady Sif, very, very strong card. If you draw Lady Sif, you are likely to get more cubes than if you didn't draw Lady Sif. I tell you what.
She's so good at her job. When you look at the discard layout and you're like, okay, moon knight, especially old moon knight, doesn't listen to you, does anyone's Quervis Glaive, always going to discard what you don't want. But ladies, if she just shows up and does her job every single time, I think the other discard cards could learn a little from her is what I'm saying. I completely I think she's under respected for her reliability.
and So I've also been like thinking about how I can fit Bullseye into perhaps a 100 bad guys with swords style list. Maybe with Surfer, maybe without Surfer. Not sure yet. I haven't really had time to test that one. I've got like a rough draft, but I'm not even going to talk about it because it is so... so ah you know unfinished. Anywho, the deck I was excited to talk about I will finally get to now. I'm calling it Wave Flourish 25A. Sometimes you got to name your decks boring things just to keep track of them. um maybe Very tidy. Classic.
Who knows? ah But this one, it's got a, it's, you know, the the wave flourish surfer deck that I'm so fond of playing. But I've made some substitutions to get modern with the times. ah Just this once, I'm trying it without absorbing man. This is a tentative change. I'm not sure. I kind of feel like it should still have absorbing man. There is one thing about this deck that is just wrong. It's got Hope Summers in it. And I i can tell that this deck is moving away from the Hope Summers direction.
So I'm going to have to figure out what to do there. Is this going to be a Sarah deck? Is this going to be a deck without any sort of acceleration of any kind? I don't know. But let me tell you what's in it so far. It's got a America Chavez, Forge, Spider-Man, Brood, Silver Surfer, Red Guardian, Rocket, Raccoon, and Groot, Hope Summers, Sebastian Shaw, Copycat, Galacta, and Gwenpool. So we've got two forecasts, and neither of them is absorbing man. It's the other two. theyre I think of them as being sort of the same card, because they sort of are.
ah You know these these nice four twelves kind of like Aries anyhoo anyhoo anyhoo Yeah, I'm really loving new spider-man. I love a card ah very cool very cool loved old spider-man love new spider-man Spider-man's are good except for original spider-man with the the location denial it was just to Shut your whole mouth yeah he abs in spiderman i yeah when he was a lockdown friend Yeah, no, I played it. i I did it. It was it was fun. Those were the cards I had. They they felt right in the circumstances. But do I think they're great for the game? No, no. Anywho, any who. So that's a surfer deck that's been working pretty well for me. It ah
Yeah, the SP are big net positive on that one. So even though it does have a Hope Summers that maybe doesn't belong, feel free to crib this one from the the show notes and ah play it yourself. You will probably win some games. I i i make cool surfer decks, I tell you. Anyway, but a ringing endorsement, you will probably win some games. Yeah.
that's That's been my weekend snap. There was ah you know and were only five days of it, so I'm i'm amazed I have that much to say. This short, okay. Then now it is time for me, your temporary grand co

Co-Host's Deck-Building Comfort

-host. I'm trying to think of like a more epic title to give myself while I'm a temporary, temporarily in charge. My Week in Snap. This was actually like kind of a ah healing week for me in Snap because um like the week before I hadn't even gotten my personal like bounty rewards, which is rare for me. I'd barely gotten to play.
As I mentioned, and this weekend, I played a bunch of different decks. We're back to normal. I started with what's kind of a deck building comfort for me, which is Surfer. It was the first meta decks that I got into. We all come out, I mean, I don't know about we all, but for me, in my journey, I started just as a solo I don't know that I was ever casual because I was immediately pretty obsessed. But, you know, I wasn't looking up stuff externally to the game. And, you know, you kind of build your deck and, the you know, ah adding cards because you can't fully lean into a genre. And a lot of us, I had like an Ironheart Odin deck was what it was kind of coming out of series two with. And Surfer was the first
uh like meta you know like deck that i started uh playing and then building my own of and so it's always like kind of a comfort because there's a lot of cards that i love are three costs it's a nice little template because you know you mostly want three recast cards, you know what I mean? You can see what you can throw in. So I put together a, oh, and part of it too is I wanted to play with Mr. Fantastic a bit um with Agent Venom, because I thought about Revona, but I just like, I don't want to end up with a negative deck, minus negative.
um So it's ancient venom-based, and it's cut carts I love, like Angela andthena ah four ah belle would agree and it can be in Surfer. Because my style of Surfer is different than Ben's normally. Because normally, I like to just load up on tech. It covers a wide variety of things. And then Surfer helps give me that little like boost of power to take it over the line.
and um You know, remember back in early surfer days, it was only, you would always play Sarah in surfer. It was like never ever. And I remember like our treasured friend Equinox, I believe it was, ah was first like came out and it was like a punk rock statement almost like, no. And she was just like, so confident and young, um where she's just like, it is incorrect.
Play Legion! I believe it was instead and it was amazing and we all loved it and that was like the break of where we like... Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, so I think it was Spider-Man, old lockdown Spider-Man. Oh, that might have been the first one. Yeah. Yeah. And maybe it was Legion later. But yeah, it was definitely like she did all this math and like Sarah's not worth the trade off. And yeah, it was great. I remember that. Okay, there's math behind it. I would have been confident with feelings. Well, she but because talking about if you
It must have been when, maybe it was new Spider-Man actually, because it was a 3.5 at the time. But it was like, yeah, just how much more value you get instead of playing Sarah. Just play your extra three costs on turn five. That's the same amount. And you can get power, which Sarah doesn't really have. It was the first one. And then later it was like, OK, well, Legion can go here instead. And off. And now it's just like, if you're thinking, instead of always having the goal of playing three three powers on turn six,
Now, like a lot of times you're fine to just play two, which, you know, makes it great with Tina. So you throw in there like an Angela and a Kitty, because like in surfer so many times you do have just that little bit of extra energy to just squeeze in the little Kitty pride and hit it off. And this works so well for the kind of surfer ducks I build,
which are more about the tech side, right? So building power over time works better for me than the big like power payoffs that I would expect out of the bed deck for Surfer. So that's where I started. And that's really fun, right? Like Cassandra Nova, I have a iron hurt there i love Mr. Fantastic gave me the reach where I would normally be throwing in and someone that can move. Really, I know I wanted to put Nocturne in this.
But I couldn't figure out who to cut. So I started playing this, and that was like so much fun. And just playing my own deck again that I just put together and some old cards. And then I hadn't, this was a late incident for me. Usually i I go ahead and grind it out the first weekend or whatever. But I hadn't played that much and a hot location happened. It was onslaught Citadel.
And I normally, a hot location normally means I'm off to conquest for my missions, because I just do want to, because I've been this time.
I put on my, I was like, well, hmm. And I

Game Strategies and Challenges

slipped into archery mode, which is the mode that I save for board games about space empires, so that I may win um without kindness, if I have to. Anyway, and I was like, how can I take advantage of this situation?
And, uh, felt like a time for Doom 2099. I apologize, but it's like onslaught Citadel. Because you know what I played? You know what I played Doom 2099 with? Let me pull up. I called the deck Impending Doom. And, uh, because one, it's kind of Galacta, because it's just, you know, she's great with everything. But, like, the deck had both Legion and Storm in it, because it was a war machine version.
So I had, I could either replicate onslaught Citadel everywhere if it was going to brief up all my little doom bots, or I could get rid of it. Yes. And because there was like much negative out there for me on the ladder and like other stuff, people were playing magic. Everyone was playing magic.
So, like, it was just like, I just wanted so many, like, just killing so many, like, limbo's with a storm, you know? With a Legion. It was like, I really feel like I climbed to Infinite by, like, killing a bunch of, like, innocent magic users, like, hopes and dreams for the better future. And I wouldn't be disgusted with myself, but honestly, it was so fun. Like, I even got to pull off the old, like, Storm Legion, you know? want to try It's much harder now. It's much harder to pull off.
I only did it a couple times whereas before it was more reliable. but as But I've seen quite a few. When I see people doing it, they're playing Doom 2099. and Yes, and like Iron Lad is in the stacks and when he hits like a doom or a war machine, just so many good options. Anyway, so that was fun. I honestly think it was best, like I said, for climbing Onslaught Citadel because really it was killing Limbo's, it was messing either tanking Onslaught Citadel or making it everywhere. It felt very,
I did feel like winning like a Twilight Imperium or something. I'm just like conquering all of space. ah So yeah, that's that's how I got to infinite this season. um And that was, you know, most of my weekend snap. Also, yes, except for the blip that US users had. And even though Lauren is sick, she very kindly and volunteered to head up this section.
um Yeah, I threw this together because I think there's some interesting things to talk about and it doesn't have to be long.

Marvel Snap Outage Discussion

um So the U.S. lost Snap for almost 48 hours, went down with the ByteDance TikTok shenanigans. Some people might call it propaganda. I might call it propaganda.
um the whole taking it down and then bringing it back up. I think we're being too quick to say it. Oh, taking it down early voluntarily to have high pressure, yeah. Yeah, and then the message that's in the TikTok app that's like, oh, and thanks so much to a certain man for giving us the clarity to... Yeah. I did not leave the whole situation thinking much more highly of ByteDance or anybody. No.
um And whereas TikTok came back up quite quickly, ah Marvel Snap did not. And also, it's not fully back up yet, which this is still true of TikTok also. um All the Bike Dance apps are still down in the App Store and Google Play. So like if you are a player who uninstalled when it went down, you can't reinstall it right now. um yeah I don't know if it's on Steam or not, but it's off of the it's off of the ah mobile app stores, which also means that
Mobile like in-app purchases are down because it's not in the app store um But you could you can use the webshop if you really really want to go buy some you know, Marvel snap bundles or something like that um You could keep playing the game with the VPN um there were several missives from from ah Second dinner employees who said that that would be fine including Ben Brode himself um You know, we got him to post for the first when it was back up He posted for the first time in the official discord ah in like over a year So, you know, it was like, you know, bringing out the big guns to have Ben Brod come and say something. And his message was repeated in the app. I think that they need to do that more. I think there's a lot of communication that only ends up in like Twitter and Discord and also needs to be, you know, for the casual player. Sure, if it should happen when you open the app. Yep.
yeah um So you know i I did play with a VPN. and You only needed a VPN. and but This is not helpful anymore. You only needed a VPN to get into the app. Once you were in, you could just turn it right off um and keep playing the game. Also, I've checked. Marvel Snap is ah still available for a download on Steam. OK. OK, yeah. a food piece Good for a thorough answer.
um And so they've they've said compensation's coming, which is good. I've seen a lot of people be like really uppity about it and like, oh, when's compensation coming? And it's like, guys, chill. They just scrambled over a holiday weekend to get the game back up when they weren't even expecting it to go down. No, don't excuse them. train this They us. They study how to put us some little treadmills, little dopamine treadmills of wanting resources. And it's their own fault when we're just like,
You know, the wire meme of like, yeah, I've got smart web snap resources. They did that to us. I mean, yes that's very true. that I'm not saying they've never done anything wrong that this may be highlighted, but ah yeah, yeah. They also have been pretty consistent with compensation. I'm sure we'll get ours.
Yeah, the most notable bad compensation was with the gambit bundle where they changed out the variant. But then when people hated the first round of compensation, they eventually made good on it. They gave out eight thousand gold, which was the cost of the bundle. And people still got to keep all the resources from it. Like it was thorough compensation. And I'm very intrigued at what the compensation for this is going to look like.
I don't necessarily have strong opinions about it. I'm just interested to see what it is because, like, what about players who were holding off to get Moonstone? Is it Moonstone last week? Yeah. What about players who were holding off to get Moonstone until we knew more about her and then the game wasn't available? Do you just give Moonstone to everybody?
No, they won't do that. They certainly won't do that compensation for that. I spent resources on Moonstone, but for the record, I am totally fine with people getting cards for free that I dedicated resources to get. I think more people should have more cards and that keeping score and being bitter does not serve anyone.
um One thing that I was worried about that i I was not expecting to get compensation for, but like, man, I was going to be so disappointed if there were another bank error in your favorite token Tuesday. And I was not going to be able to get that. It didn't come to pass. We just had a regular strong token Tuesday. But if I had missed out on a 1200 tokens for 700 gold token Tuesday, I would have been very frustrated and ah personally disappointed.
Right, that's a great example of the sort of like small thing that's like, how do you address this with compensation? Like a token Tuesday that wasn't available, or i alliance rewards, and that's not just US alliances, that's any alliance that has US players, had fewer people contributing to the score. um you know There were login rewards right now, and did people missed ah an entire day or two of that. like um What if the favorite variant you've been looking for showed up in the shop? I mean, that's a lot. I don't know how you address that in a fair way, but you know just like there's a lot that you miss out on a game that like you were saying where they've like trained us and there's like, you know, all these like buttons to push and and levers to keep up with um flashing lights and red notification dots. And then it's like and all of those things when you miss a day, you miss all of those.
um and Another thing I should mention next week, we've got a normal week token Tuesday. Don't buy it. Okay. Oh, tu can yeah. i I couldn't even i impulse but the number of gold. That's a good bundle. Yeah. it Better deal than a strong token Tuesday. You save like 250 gold.
Okay, good. I didn't think it was a wise decision. You get two and a half strong token Tuesdays of value, but it costs a- In a good variant. Yeah. Yeah. That's completely ignoring the variant. I was playing this insane Nimrod deck that had Odin in it. Because I was doing auto Nimrod, I think, so I wanted to play my thing. But I realized it was like you were using The Odin, I was using it on like a venom or a carnage just to eat my nimrads. Grandmaster in a nimrad. What the hell? It's kind of cool.
Also, yeah, why was it remastered instead of Odyn? Is it kind of cool, or does that perhaps take it over the line into positively uncontrollable? I don't like to use... Nimrod must replicate and be everywhere. That's the whole point of Nimrod. More Nimrads. It's cool to be able to reuse destroy cards that are already on the board. That's cool. Odyn seems like an expensive way to do it, but...
and You know what's sad, though, is you used to do a Shuri Nimrod, and now yeah that's like a waste of time. You got it you got a symbiote Spider-Man in Nimrod. That's how you got to do it, right? And it makes me sad for Shuri. It's like, oh. It doesn't make that. It's a one power difference, isn't it?
like symbiote spider-man also works with like galactus and other things you're doing in Nimrod decks you know I guess oh I see what you're saying and just yeah a sure doesn't get to double a thing is not Good, but a symbiote Spider-Man that you just played for whatever reason is still a 4-7. Good points, good points. Yeah. And, you know, you you can put him, it's like you don't, you don't hate getting a mana carnage or he just totally takes Shuri out of destroy. Like there's no reason for her to be there anymore.
Anyway, all right. I love the little Trenton Nimrod Nimrod nook. That was... All right, sorry. Yes. Do we have anything else to say? Yeah, I just i just wanted to say i'm I'm intrigued by what the compensation will

Future of Marvel Snap

be. I think they're going to shoot high because there's a lot of like goodwill and trust. ah here, you know, like our game went down and and and we didn't know how long it was going to be down. And, you know, there's certainly fears that like, oh, that could happen again at any time. um On that note, they've said like they're going to be looking for a new publisher. And I think that that means that this could end up being a huge net positive in the long run. Moving Snap away from Newverse and getting to a new publisher could be huge.
um because there's a lot that there's a lot that Nuvers controls that I don't think people realize. And some of it is like creator program, conqueror's tournaments, the web shop, like things that are like a little distanced from snap, but they certainly have a lot of influence over snap. And, and I just I think it would be really good for the developers, Second Dinner, to have more control over their game, um which it sounds like is part of their process for finding a new publisher, not just finding a new partner, but also moving more things in-house into Second Dinner itself. yeah yeah shrinking Shrinking the role of publisher, and I think that that will be great.
i hope I hope it's not too little too late. And also, i I am curious to know just like exactly how many because like I confess, i I think along these lines myself that like, you know, those those poor second dinner, those those scrappy developers, they're trying their best. It's it's Big Daddy Nuvers ruining everything.
And you know what? I'm sure it's not that simple. And I am curious to know ah where where the lines are drawn of what's been whose fault all along. I'm sure i'm sure we'll find out. I'm sure it's not all one party.
Like who worked in software there? I'm so much less interested in who is to blame than in how we fix it. Oh, no, for real. I don't like I'm just like wondering, like, is are we going to get fixes? Like I just i I don't know. Again, like I really I don't hold anything against the second dinner people when stuff like I'm i'm sure.
By and large, everybody's just doing their best, you know? that That's my line of thought. I just like, I wonder if this really is going to be the magical wand wave that fixes everything or if we're going to find out that we still live in the real world and everything is messy. Yeah, I think actually even more telling than the new publisher in that relationship, how things change, I think the economy rework will be even more telling about what the feature future of Snap's greed is.
um I think we're also expecting road map soon. I thought i maybe we saw a team answer or something like that. Aren't we owed one of those in a while? on Yeah, they usually do those quarterly and we should be expecting an even bigger series drop soon. and like There's a lot coming.
um And yeah, I'm hopeful that that'll give us some like you know insight on the direction that it's going. um Before I pass it back to Rhee to drive, I remembered one very important part of my weekend snap. The variant that I've been looking for for over a year, baby Valkyrie, who's never shown up in my shop over the course of an entire year.
that She never showed up and I wanted to be Valk complete because she's nominally my favorite card. Now you're Valk complete. I got her for the Alliance rewards this week. It was a very exciting moment. I don't think I'm ever going to use it, but I'm Valk complete and I have nine unsplit Valkyries ready for character mastery.
Anyway, that was it. That was a highlight of my week. Congratulations. You can have the wheel back. You can complete this in your life. Okay. No, I mean, just now we're just going to move on. It's just what we normally do.

Bullseye Card Analysis

We're just going to talk about the new code this week, which is bullseye, who is ah both three cost and three power with the ability activate.
Discard all cards that cost one or less from your hand. Afflict that many different enemy cards with minus two power. Where has been likes to say, at best two haz mats. I believe you both got them as this has already been mentioned. but Give us your early thoughts. Let's start with Lauren first again. Okay. All right. Yeah, unusual. I got him with two keys because I'm out of tokens.
um that It feels a lot better to hit a duplicate when there's 2,000 tokens involved. 2,000 tokens is still worth slightly less than the key, but um you know ah quite a bit more than 1,000 tokens. I have been severely disappointed by Bullseye, but don't get me wrong. I still think he's and i think he's a very good card. He's just very narrow. He basically needs to have meek, Morbius, maybe collector, like he needs to have those scalers because it's really the discord the the discard that is his strength, not the not the double hazmat thing. like That's icing on the cake, but it is not
It is not where his greatest strength comes from. It's because the discard part needs so much support. You don't have enough room to also include an affliction package, it feels like to me, right? like I think that's part of it. And also that there's just not that many good targets, right? Like the best way you can fill your hand with stuff is like swarms. And so then you need a discard support package, like you were saying.
um Yeah, some of these things are just gonna be shoo-ins, right? Like Morbius makes it so that every discard is a four-point swing instead of a two-point swing. Like, that's... You gotta do that. um I tried a Drac Dump deck and it was okay, but really, like, Black Swan did way more work than Bullseye ever did. He's just a backup plan, like...
ah It's not, I really think he's basic. and And like I said at the start during my weekend and s snap, I tried so many cute things with bullseye. And it just, none of it's very exciting. I think maybe if you somehow managed to get like five bullseyes on the board and then discarded a handful of swarms over and over again, that could be kind of cool. Yes, I'm sure that would be cool. And probably win a game in which it happened. But like,
It's never gonna happen. i just I struggled so much teity to make anything cool happen. And even like and like ah even when I did do something, like when I achieved the plan, it just wasn't flashy. I was like, this is not cool enough to be a clip. um So in that way, he's disappointing to me because I was very excited excited for the shenanigans. OK. Spoilers also kind of me, but I'm saving my thoughts to hear if Ben had a better, did you have a better week with Bullseye?
I have to say, when I was playing Bullseye in the Blade Spot in Cool Dog's Guard, things worked okay. um i I played like a couple rounds with um the deck where there was also Dokken involved. That's a different list. But like I feel like this this is good for Dokken, and I like things that are good for Dokken.
yeah um Also, if you know what's going on in the the Season Pass Dokken variant, is ah so he's broken out of the little containment chamber behind him, and he's tapping on the glass of the containment chamber in front of him. What's going on there? If you can make that make sense. Right on in, I'm pretty sure it may be, I suspect it might have something to do with the AI in the Pandart variants for the Season Pass.
Take a look at Sentry's hand. Tell me that's not the stuff of nightmares. Also, take a look at the new Doctor Strange variant's hand. It's also the stuff of nightmares. These are just some things I've noticed. yeah um Anyway, ah but the card Bullseye. Lots of fun. ah Very cool. I love activating to discard some swarms and sequencing it up with Modoc to discard more swarms and like you just He's very neat, very cool, I will say. You can still build awesome discard decks without Bullseye, so he's not even mandatory for a discard dabbler. ah If this card is not calling out to you, do not get it.
and i mean I think it'll be good eventually, if not already. And Safetyblade, for instance, thinks it's good already and I think it's fine. I don't think he's like wrong. I think sometimes he gets excited about cards more for being interesting and being within the realm of viability than like necessary. Yeah, exactly. The same reason we get excited about cards. So I'm just saying like,
Yeah, if if you're like, well, safety blade likes this card. So surely it's it's competitively like it's gonna do gangbusters, right? Not not so sure on this one. I think he just likes it. That's that's my reading. That's me reading between the lines. I don't know. You can ask him if you want his opinion. But yeah, I like bullseye. I'm having fun with bullseye. I will continue to have fun with bullseye probably putting them away until the weekend. But once the weekend comes, I'll build some new versions of the decks I was talking about and see what happens. I feel like the issue with the discard is that, like, you just can't have too much crazy fun with it because, like, it's fun now to see start people experimenting with, like, ah Moonstone comboing with Morbius, you know, and Victoria Hand with the Swarms.
But the more non-discard cards you put in the deck, like having these visions of these combos, it's like the harder it gets, you know, when that falls apart. It's like you can only go a couple cards outside of a bunch of discard. And so you can have little flavors of other things, but it's just like you know, you got to mostly be discard. And I And like, I think honestly, and like, occasionally, I'm like, why is this so unexciting for me? Because occasionally you do get a thing which is like swarms everywhere, 1 million swarms, and Victoria handed them and stuff. And I honestly think I wonder if it's like, when you do set up a really cool, a really cool play with bullseye,
It fast forwards all of it and you don't see it. It's not exciting for me to play. This one gets the fast forward treatment and like it, you lose out on information and stuff and it's just a little frustrating. Why doesn't the fast forward ever happen for good?
Yeah, it feels like it's a combo card you want to set up where you want to have some shenanigans you watch pop off because it's not always going to happen. And then when you get there, it's like you want to see the black pants are like doubling up and going everywhere and stuff. You want to see this stuff. And it's like, yeah, you want the boring long stuff to be fast.
um watching a bar sinister pop off on some cards but like yeah it's just like it's like oh it happened and it's done now and like i'm gonna watch it and i guess yeah i guess some cards got afflicted but cards got afflicted all right yeah we got a bunch of swarms um i honestly think so like where you said safety you think maybe is like more into it because of seeing potential combos that make it new and interesting angles of Snap to look at. For me, it's kind of less fun because it's like, oh, but when I did it, it wasn't satisfying though. We're just in the payoff.
you know We're just the moment where we go, yeah! Yeah, watch it watch it watch it. You know I don't I don't get have that just like you want for it It's done. It's over very exciting Timmy things to happen. Is that? Your feeling about bullseye Yeah. They need to, like, time to fast forward differently, right? Like, okay, yeah, sure. Fast forward dumping my entire hand of swarms one by one and having them be replaced with two swarms. Like, fast forward that. But let me see bullseye throw the cards. Yeah, or at least tell me how many times the swarm thing happened. Like, I don't know.
There's got to be some way to make it happen quickly while still giving you the information. I don't know. Yeah. Make the fast forward instead of being a skit, be like it plays twice as fast. Yeah, make it actually a fast forward. Yeah. And honestly, it doesn't feel very dramatic. I mean, it would still be excruciating for some combos. Like your Wong Mystique, and then into Odin, and then it's doing like, or even if Skrull's involved, and all of a sudden it's doing like 64 procs. That is a good thing to fast forward, because it's excruciating to sit through.
Especially if the thing that's happening is Surfer buffing Sebastian Shaw. My goodness, that is a slow animation. Yeah, that is a slow animation. They need to they need to do something about that. as As a person who buffs a lot of Sebastian Shaw, it doesn't need to take that long.
Yeah. So that's where I'm at. And it feels like it's like, yeah, it's just like having one animation to cover. It's like, what really should happen is each character needs their own little shorthand, the animation that feels good and is cool for fast forwarding all of that stuff. um And then just reusing assets. But, um, okay. Uh, do we have other bullseye thoughts before we move on? Yeah. Yeah. I want to,
When I was discussing this with Safety Blade, I brought to mind something that that happens when I'm ranking cards for each Season 2, and it's just like, how much does the narrowness of a card impact how good it is? Because I think Bullseye is a good card. He's an upgrade to some decks, but he's an upgrade to like two, maybe three decks, and that's it. Like, he's super narrow.
good at his job, but not a flexible card. And so like, you know, in a world where card acquisition is so expensive, it's hard to recommend him. I think he's an easy skip, even though he's a good card. Well, yeah, I mean, like, are we evaluating this, like, I don't know, are we trying to recommend the most winningest cards to the the people who can, like, I don't know, I think our audience is mostly people who are I think mostly we are talking to people who are interested in learning to fish, uh, and not receiving a fish. And like, if you're on the journey of learning to fish, you hear what we're saying about bullseye and, uh, it's an interesting card. And if you have interesting ideas of what to do with it, you should get it. If it looks like something you're going to do something with.
Like this is a card that is good at its job. And so that means it's good and in my. Yeah, I agree. It's just that its job is so narrow. And so it's like, I really don't think there's a lot of room to be creative with Bullseye. I don't think there's a lot of room to do interesting things. Our audience knows, like, they get it. Like, when we say that a card is good at its job. Yeah. They know what we mean. Bullseye's a good card. That's what I want to say with my advice. He is a good card. But unless you're swimming in resources, or if you really love these discard decks that he upgrades, I think you skip him.
I just want to add that I make no assumptions about our audience, except that they're the classiest of snap players, of course. That's what I'm saying. That's what I was saying. Well-versed in Animorphs.
yeah Um, okay. yes so Yeah. I like, yeah, I also am just like, not like I'll play bullseye for week admissions. That's how I feel about it. yeahh All right. And, um, uh, next week, another card, um, that when I think of it, it is not fondly. ey Sorry if you ended this card.
Aries is going to be a um four energy card with six power with the ability on reveal. Compare the power of the top three cards of both decks if your total is higher plus six power, um which feels like mostly a certain card to me.

Aries Card Potential

What do you all think? I'm skipping, to be honest, i just to save the resources.
Same. yeah I will be skipping. I've gotten enough resources that I feel bad about skipping. I'm like, i this is this is the part where I should just be getting every card, coasting and loving life will just get stuff. But like the thing is, I just hate this card so much. It just seems so boring. You can skip it on principle. Yeah, pretty much. I mean, this will come a time when I run out of resources, and I will be glad that I skipped And yeah, yeah, that's the boat I'm in. I have quite a lot right now. I've i've done. I've had some luck. I've skipped strategically. um I've drained my token balance. So I have quite a lot of keys right now. It's like it's around 30. Like I can't believe how high I got. But it will run out eventually. And no, this
know Aries, and then in March, Starbrand, they're server cards. There's not another big cards deck that's interesting right now. About that, also, another point against Aries. Speaking of Starbrand.
Aries is not a star brand card. like Look down the road like half a mile. like don't like What's cool about this card? It doesn't even work with the next scar card. Aries, sometimes he's just gonna be the thing. Not the evolved thing. Sometimes he's just gonna be the thing. He doesn't boost your star brand. like What is cool about this card? This this should be like the least purchased card since Bruce Banner. That's my feeling.
Well, I mean, for people, like some people are really in deserter decks. I do think the other thing um that I think Lauren mentioned that I thought was interesting is like seeing him in a mill deck, you know, um played the lead. And I think that's interesting because they did put him with Misery as one of the spotlight friends. And honestly, that's the home I've really kind of seen Misery in most is in a mill decks.
Usually kind of comboed with like Cable and Quinjet. Have you been seeing that deck running around a lot? I have, where it's like kind of a mix, a slight mix of Mill and um like Random Gen. Yeah, I think Mill has a decent amount of power, but it's hard to fully mill somebody. And so that's why I think Aries is kind of cool in a mill deck. He's a reward for mostly milling somebody.
um That's because there is so much card gen now, right? So like when I was running into this with my disc card, it's like, well, I don't need to play those cards. Yeah, it's fine. When people are Cassandra noving, you know, the crap out of my deck, it's like, I'll play what I got in hand. Like, you know, and what I spit back to it. So yeah, I agree. And that was really annoying for some reason for me to play, but not because i it beats me a lot. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's a pain, but it's not very strong, which is probably the right place for Mill to be, is like kind of fun to play if you want to be a sand castle kicker, but never like a top deck. We'll throw out there. maybe Maybe we've talked about it before. Ares is an awesome card thematically. God of War, and he's playing war like that's very cool. That's it.
super I'm more familiar with the DC Aries. Yeah, me too. ah Okay, so moving on then to the card. Do you guys have other thoughts about Misery but beyond her place in Mel?

Spotlight Friends: Misery and Ms Marvel

Oh, the Spotlight Friends? Yeah. It's Misery and Who Else? It's Misery and Miss Marvel.
I'm surprised how out of the meta Ms Marvel is. She's still a 414 and you would never see her. Well, she's just really easy to screw up. I guess, yeah, I guess the restrictions are just too restrictive.
Right, Clog is out there a lot, and also you're just filling up a lot more of your board. You're often not, and it's dangerous. Like I said, I've been playing that Nimra deck, and it's just like, it's not the kind of deck I normally play, because it's just leaving a little card out there alone, you know, vulnerable to a red guardian, you know? Like, get scary out there, you gotta to bring friends.
I was really hoping last week's OTA would bring her down to three so that she could maybe yeah see a little more. Be a cool moonstone card. Yeah. No, I loved your ideas. ta It was her kazar and I feel like there was possibly a mega red. Those were the three candidates. I was like, one of these is moving to three. Right. But I loved that idea. um I mean, one of them will eventually. That's just the nature of the game. Misery is my split card. I she's my second most split card in the game ah after I split my.
Valkyries that are sitting at infinity ah just because I got a dumb idea that I really needed white crackle misery. ah I think she's a super fun card, but
Yeah, I don't know how good she is, outside of obnoxious stuff. I've been sitting here thinking about it, though. I've been trying to play Darkhawk again. Yeah, she's good there. And, like, Darkhawk is not, like, as good as the old Agent Venom, oh, Widow's Days. Oh, man. Oh, that was so fun before everyone found it. And then now I'm looking at it. I'm like, oh, misery should go in there, because I have Grandmaster, but it's, like,
It's just a lot harder now without the widows because, like, I tried it with Black Widow and she's just not. She's just not worth it. No, she didn't activate. Because it's a werewolf, Darkhawk. Oh, yeah, you can't play her anymore. That's how I have fun with Darkhawk is bouncing around a werewolf with on reveals where you're pinging racks at them. Just wolves and racks. But I mean, a misery on top of on top of Korg and Rockslide. Like, right? That's a decent extra burst of power.
Yeah, you hate to lose the 5 power from max laid down. Anyway, so yeah, that's the trade-off. I think Misery is a good card. I realized I had not weighed in in defense of Misery, but yeah, Misery is a good card. You should probably have Misery if you're into doing stuff and trying things.
She's a fun card. You know, until like a lot of times I see I'm like, ah, I didn't think about it. I mean, like just the effect is like very strong. This is a card that's not going to get any worse. It's only going to get better. true She just needs to have good targets, right? And and that's limited. I'd say she already does have good targets. like Yeah, I meant like in a deck she needs to have ah good targets to hit, which I guess is a nothing statement because you could say that about any card. But yeah, something like an Ironheart, for example. Yeah, exactly. Do the Ironheart test that like I do whenever I'm evaluating like any card. like what does What does it do with Ironheart? And in Misery's case,
of everything. All of it. yeah Also, if you can afford armor in your deck, then misery is just Odin. That's cheaper. Although, can you afford armor in your deck? Really think about that, folks. I am. Everything. I'm like, does this go in the Darkhawk deck? Who a Darkhawk?
butterly Oh, speaking of that, I found a way to make Spider-Man a surfer card still. Oh, of course you did. I forgot to highlight it. I'm like, ah yup. And I'm playing Spider-Man here. That was a surfer deck that didn't even have Spider-Man in it when he was three. That that was a different surfer deck, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Well, how have you made him a surfer card? Are you just saying you shoved him in there? I mean, you know, Jeff used to be in that spot, but Spider-Man's the new Jeff. Spider-Man's the new White Widow. He's the best of the best of the best. Because now he beats Mr. Fantastic and Jeff, you know? is that late MrFantastic with the plus three is fun though. When you get a three and three. I really like new MrFantastic. It's been fun. I still haven't played him, but you know. I'm rooting for him. Absolutely.
And then, like, Ms. Marvel is honestly just struggling in a world that has Galacta. Doom 2099 is four drops, right? Like, it's a harder quest to pull off. I'd like to see them dial back. Rather than buffing how much power she has, I'd like to see them dial back how, you know, restrictive her ability is.
Now, on to the side quests, of which this week we just have the one, Secret Homework. And this week's Secret Homework was assigned by Lorne. So kick us off,

Quality of Life Improvements in Snap

Lorne. Tell us what quality of life change you would most like to see in Snap.
That was the secret homework. um Real quick, I just want to nod to, I saw one person, one listener do the secret homework already. It was Adam Starr, who wants to have like thematic boards, and I think that's a great idea, and also boards with little toys on them, things you can tap on and make happen, which I, I think that's a great thing, especially to deal with, you know, a roper or whatever, you know, I spent a decent amount of time for it, and like.
Yeah, and I spent a decent amount of time twirling my phone because then, you know, when you have the gyro on the little cards like spin, although that's been like hit or miss lately. Anyway, um my quality of life change. Sorry if I too briefly represented to yours, Adam.
My quality of life wishes are for the collection screen. I think that the search is bad and has only gotten worse. It used to be that if you searched for Knowability, it would come up with cards like Demon, or sorry, The Hood, and Doctor Doom, and White Tiger, who have, you know, ah Patriot cards attached to them, but they aren't a Patriot card themselves. That doesn't happen anymore.
You know what card doesn't show up if you're filtering for a destroyer discard? Dokken. That's dumb. so oh yeah First of all, bring back that it looks at the token text. like That's just a simple thing. I also want it to let me put in multiple search terms and because I think you can only have one active at a time right now. And I want to be able to have multiple search terms and have it do like an and. Like this and this. I want all my pixels that are on reveals. um I don't know why I would want that, but just as an example. um so you can So you can search for um like variant names and yeah variant names and artists now. I want to also be able to search for finish and flair.
um I want to be able to filter based on upgrade level. I want to find all, I'm trying to get my entire collection to either infinity or green because that's just the most efficient way to spend your credits. So I want an easy way without sorting by upgradable and sort scrolling. Yeah. Oh, that's so miserable. and like All my cards that are sitting between blue and red.
on everything there. It's a huge pain. I feel like I am on that screen constantly changing my sort order and my flipping, and there's just so many ways you can do it to make it better. and like there's There's so much you have to learn to even like get the most out of the system as it currently exists. like You have to do so much trial and error to figure out like the quickest way to make a thing appear on your screen. 100%.
I want to add more filters like if if a card is splitable, not just if it's upgradable. Like technically the splitable cards show up first if you sort by upgradable in a certain order. You know, the ones that are infinity but not split yet. I want a filter for that. um And then the last thing I want is a change to the deck builder. um The deck building interface, we know that they have some kind of like intelligence that's being like you know a-based way to recommend a deck, right? Because we have the auto builder that will fill in a deck. i want As I'm building a deck, I want one of the sort options to be like compatibility with the cards I already have in my deck. And as soon as I add a card to my deck list, I want it to update and refresh. And I know this is doable because Snap.Pro, which is like kind of the sister site for Marvel Snap Zone, it already does this in the deck builder.
um and just think and I don't want it to like help me invent a deck, although that's cool. I want it to make deck building faster. like By the time I've put in five cards, you should know some of the other cards I want in my deck. Don't make me manually search for every single one. Yeah and it's just helpful to see if it's even if it's just statistics of what like this card is mostly played with it's just like here's what everyone's mostly playing with this card with and then that lets you see unlike the deck builder which is just like i'm just gonna your deck's not gonna work because it's missing a key card you know and we just didn't account for that you can see that when it's laid out in compatible cards it's like oh this is meant for like scream or whatever but
So for the compatibility thing, that is also something I considered for my ah secret homework submission for quality of life improvement, except the as I envisioned it, the compatibility thing would be a feature that showed you what cards you've put in decks with this card recently because i am i I realized, like I abandoned this notion because I was,
I wanted to give the users less functionality. I specifically wanted to hide from them what everybody else is playing with this card. I wanted to only show them what they have been playing with this card so that it's like an ease of use for you to like put together your usual suspects or whatever. But like i I wanted it to not make it so that everyone is playing the same stuff all the time. Because like I already worry that there's like too much.
You know, it's it's all too homogenous and stuff. And so, like, I wanted to make a version of that feature that would incentivize people to just, like, you know, perfect their own oeuvre or whatever. I don't know. I realized that, like, giving someone the stuff, like,
Taking functionality out of the feature is the wrong idea. So I just scrapped the whole concept because I was like morally opposed to it or whatever. But yeah, I also thought about doing the the compatibility is like the thing.
I can see how that- I think it's good for a casual user to be able to go in and make a met without going to net deck. You know, without having to be part of the community, know all the right people to follow, to get what are going to be the best decks, and they can just click in and do it that is friendly for the game. Because there's nothing more frustrating than someone that isn't playing enough to both know the meta and know how to build the best decks than to just be forced to do that and get trashed.
It's not how they want to play. I was thinking of it, instead of instead of generalizing deck building and making it you know so that people are playing even more of the same mo ah mash mashup, I was thinking of it actually as being a more creative version of the auto builder.
where you know sometimes I will throw together three cards I know, make a certain deck, and then hit auto-build just to get the handful of other cards I want. And then I take two or three of them out and then put in the cards I actually want. It's just manually building a deck in any way is a pain in the ass. And I want it to be better.
And if it was in compatibility sort mode, instead of just doing what auto builder tells me, I can be like, Oh, I'm skipping the first three there. But that card's kind of an interesting idea. And I hit it, they and it automatically updates to reflect the direction I'm taking the deck in. I just I still want to make the decision of which card I'm adding, but I just I want it to be easier than scrolling through my entire collection and memorizing the stats for every card, which if you sort by energy, that seems to be the fastest way, right? who If you have every card stats memorized and the alphabet memorized. also Here's another thing about changing all the cards, all the goddamn time, is that ah sometimes you forget. like
Oh, Frigga is a 3-4 now. Why am I not seeing her in the three threes? Because he isn't. Well, sometimes you can't find him. And sometimes you I'm literally just typing in the name of the card to search for it. yeah Grab it. Type in a new name. and It's just a bad experience. I'm sure it's better on PC where typing is easier. But even there, I don't know. I also mostly play my phone. So. Hey, it sounds like you want useful A.I. instead of.
But you know. Okay, ah so Ben then, if you didn't go with compatibility, wouldn't you ultimately land on free quality of life change? Well, I mean, like the obvious thing is like tech slots, right? We just like, I feel like there there was a secret like requirement to the secret homework, which was don't just say deck slots because we all know. Right. Oh, so I probably pick something we all know. We're not talking about deck slots right now. What I will talk about are deck folders. That's right. We need better ways to organize our decks. We should be able to reorder them in the the rotation. um Yeah. I also think that.
to steal one of the three good ideas from Pokemon pocket trading card game, ah we should be able to assign featured cards to the deck that like make it easier to identify at a glance in your little carousel. be like Instead of using your avatar to be like, this is my discard deck. ahhu but like you could like Sure, I see that Apocalypse is one of the featured cards, but then like you also featured the weird card you know so that you can tell which one of your Apocalypse decks it is. like that you know Whatever card like makes it like novel or interesting, or you know I just think it would be very helpful.
Um, so yeah, I was also going to talk about my version of the compatibility feature that would only show you the cards that you've been playing with the the cards. Uh, but, uh, you know, that already came up. So yeah. Yep. Those, those were my thoughts. I love this.
Yeah, no, for real. And honestly, they were much more detailed than mine because as soon as Lauren said your number one quality, I knew immediately what it was and it's easy and it's obvious, but on my phone and I do not believe this is just or even if it is because my phone.
is slightly older. The lag, just the lag between menus, between clicking. It's just one of those things where if I accidentally quit clicked the collection tab instead of conquest or the wrong thing, it's totally like the Matthew McConaughey, like an installer, like, this little maneuver is gonna cost us one million years. I don't know the ah the length of time, but a long time. and It's just like,
It's really annoying to wait those few seconds all the time like for navigating around. This is like the tech debt.
and speak that we were talking about it's just like you need to fix it so your game doesn't like because that makes it feel that cheapens it when it's like it does it's not even running well so um i don't feel like there's a lot of excuses for it so uh that that was it but really be kinder to the devs don't you know they're they're they're doing their best i usually am i don't know this is the reverse today i know i was desire i was Your proposal is like spending more patches, ah not just on adding new features, which I don't know how many of those we get anyway. Maybe some new economy features happen. um But like to have a few patches that are like really dedicated to like make the game run better. Cleaning it up. That would be great. I think that's great. And it would benefit everybody. like The way that that would add up over the course of a year,
And I'm saying to someone who's like, that was that was something I've done for years, just go clean a bad terrible old, make everything clean. It's always worth it. OK. I got started in my analytics career. I was just optimizing code that other people already wrote.
Yeah, some people are really bad at writing code and shouldn't be in the industry, to be honest with you. Okay, anyway, sorry, sorry for the complaints. Okay, all right, so that was this week. Next week's Secret Homework also also going to be a bit on the lighter side or, you know, I don't know, get real detailed with it if you want.

Secret Homework: Rewards for Character Mastery

I went with all the hype people get for character mastery and the concern about whether it's going to end up being delayed or anything. What is a reward you would personally love to get from character mastery?
New reward, existing reward. You can be heartless and just say tokens if you want, Ben, because I know you're not a cosmetics. You're a robot.
But be sincere about what you would actually genuinely want as a reward from the character mastery track. Alright, for your beloved Kern, probably your stupid awful pixel-absorbing man Ben. I've seen it.
Okay. All right. If you liked what you heard, oh, I know the Lauren things. We've podcasted enough. I can pretend to be Lauren. Okay. If you like what you heard, you know, you can follow us in all the places. where Some of us are more or less active, to be honest. But Blue Sky mainly now. um We each have our own accounts and also snap on this pod.
as I generally handle. All the engagement and the likes and the comments, we find them nourishing, like the kendrona rays that sustain the yerks, when once every three days, they must return to the yurk pool for their sustenance. Good one. Or perhaps the bark shaved from the trunks of trees by the hork bajir with their razor-sharp elbow blades.
We're just saying these are just forms of sustenance, but we live on the likes and the subscribes in the comments. um That comments a thing like liking an animal reference, we will do it for you week after week ah because that's how much we love. Because we know that you are insatiable like the hungry taxon.
And I am Marie, so if you want to say nice things about me particularly, feel free. Okay. So yeah, so if you find us on YouTube, all of the podcast places, we also have an email um at SnapOnThisPod at gmail I don't believe we have ever received non-Zencaster support emails.
Yeah, but we would love to hear some theories about why the Dawkins illustration makes sense, or maybe some justification for Dr. Strange's very strange fingers. Take a look at that variant, I'm telling you, or the sentry one that will give you nightmares. So so yeah. You're such millennials.
Yeah, go for that. Also, we are in the Snap Judgment League's Discord, of which in our show notes there are instructions about how to join, um where we hang out, because we are part of the Snap Judgment's network. So we are cross-linked with shows such as Snap Decisions. Our good friend Joe runs this podcast and we have all guessed it on it previously, once altogether at the same time. Oh my gosh, it was one of one of our best episodes, if you ask me. And it wasn't even on our feed. I won't lie, it was hilarious because there was four of us and Joe like gave us this really long list of like, we will not give
You do not know how much we did. We didn't. It was a long time, and we didn't get through everything. Yeah. But yeah, catch Joe there. We all covered different kind of talk about it different ways. And Joe does very frequent things and gives updates for things more quickly after they happen. So if you want news kind of fast-oriented, you can see a good one to follow. OK. He also does a lot of guests in interesting conversations there.
Okay. Uh, you know, uh, okay. So we do an outro is like, so I guess, how does it go? You can catch us next week on that same snap channel.
I'm going to say the outro. Good effort. The other way. Dan, give us a better outro quick. You can do it. I believe in you. You returned for another app, and we hope you still draw a breath next week for, see, app and breath don't really rhyme, do they? I wanted a rhyming one. OK. You listened to the Snap podcast, and it wasn't fast. It was slow. But if you return next week, we'll treat you to another blow by blow.
so many Animorphs references in one. do you ah yeah and Are you going to run out? Maybe. It's possible. I might have to do some rereading, get some get some fresh ones. Yeah, I've got to know, real time to be on the scenes. I believe these are like, you know these. Oh, you know these references. Yeah. Oh, for me, I read a couple books when I was young and I don't remember any of them. yeah and I didn't look anything up for these. That's incredible. Well, the thing is, like all these books.
well done They just give you the same information over and over. And like, I'm pretty sure it's confirmed that like a lot of them were ghost written and stuff. So like, you just have these points that you hit again and again, like, oh, those Horik Bajir, they got real sharp elbow blades, they scrape bark off of trees. You learn this like 70 fucking times. And like, ah these these taxons, these centipede aliens.
they have like they just they have to eat it's like it's their whole thing and like oh you better not morph into one because like the taxon's natural disposition is just uh fucking senseless uh like ravenous hunger so like it'll probably like probably be hard to remember why you morphed into a taxon. You're going to lose track of the mission. You're just going to want to eat whatever fucking corpse is in front of you, you know? It's ah it's a whole thing. and like you know they're always They're always talking about these these yerks, and they've got that three-day limit. They've got to get back to the yerk pool, recharge on their tanning bed magics. All right. Three days is a very dramatic option.
Also, I know more details about the yurk pool. You've got to save them. You've got to save them. I mean, I have no idea how deep your your well goes, but... It goes pretty deep. oh Also, while I've got you on the call, take a look at
there by making it look like sentry's hair chuck was connected to the rest of
You just traced your own hand you would not dry like that like you would you would see that like there is not a weird cleft between the thing