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Ep. 98 Making PALS-adin - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 98 Making PALS-adin - Bellum Draconis

S2 E98 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
43 Plays6 months ago

Emron finds shades of the past that inspire movements for the future in this weeks episode.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Nazca's Journey and Zencaster

Why? It's me, Nazca, from Season 1. You don't know me? i I'm kind of a big deal, guys. Anyway, I was the product of a long-ass week, some shorty planning, and next to no character prep for an NPC, and here I am four years later, still stuck in this damn podcast. Still referenced, even though they don't know me.
That's why I needed a therapist, you see. So lonely, stuck back here in Season 1. No distinct accent. No real development. No one to talk to. Blight everywhere. All my goblin folk are murdered. Fucking hell. If only I had a way to talk to others and share my story. That's what I was saying before I learned about Zencaster. You get to expand upon my super detailed and yeah My intricate backstory, which why I wasn't able to join the fellowship of the tabletop. More like fellow shit. Yeah. Obviously I'm a goblin, right? I know goblins like a simple browser-led software for their recording needs with an accent that stays the same. It's so easy. It's super easy to record a podcast with Zencaster. Log on using your browser and start using high-quality podcasts right away.
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Fellowship Introductions and Updates

What? Thumbs up! How much was that? Fifty thousand gold! Oh, come on. Be a nice guy. Let me have it for free. I'm fangirling so hard!
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5E D and&D podcast set in the magical home and world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Draalak. Unfortunately, Mark and Darren cannot be with us today, as unfortunately they are taking part in a crocheted double match, hopefully going to qualify for the Olympics, so we're sending them our best. However, joining me for this week's episode, we have Ian, who plays the Tiefling Warserer and general troublemaker, Nix Carell.
didn didn du den and That's what we're gonna get from him. We also have Will, who plays the hot, steamy, and sometimes saucy Dragonborn druid, Baal Valkon. and and Also, we have Callum, who plays the ever talktive with a shit camera position, Warforged Arthmissa Alpha.
Then you'll stop the music. i know I know, I know, I know, but I've done it for so long. It was impressive. in My breathing without a whack i was I was very much getting jiggy with it. Yep. Anyway, so we've got Callum bringing the space jam back. Yeah! My name is Will, who also goes by the name Pooh. My name is the human, forged, cleric, M1, and by last, and by no means least, is our dastardly decider of fate, Dungeon Masodany.
Bonjour. You know, I was in my car today and just randomly thinking about that so all sorts of her for shit that we all think about when we're driving and the name Tim Tim just got into my head and I just, I just giggled to myself and in a high pitch voice while I was driving just went Tim Tim.
ah ah the So in order to find out more about Tim Tim's adventures it's time for us to turn to our recapper and for that we find ourselves in the streets of Goldview. We walk through these muddy streets and like rain drizzling down and we go into a tavern the place is raucous full of lively laughter and beer and then we go further into the back to the toilets and we see underneath the toilet door What the hell is he doing there? A sort of long wrinkly toes with the nails just a bit too long. And then as we go,

Mysteries and Missions: The Monument to the Black

as we follow the toes under the door, we see old girl squatting one out really hard on the toilet. I swear there was a hole in the wall here somewhere.
four pages of notes! The female gnome makes their way into the cart and starts filling it with some sort of creepy creepy darkness and they're told to go to the milk gate district to the obcisca prison drop-off place and they're just fucking going not to lay for a moment and it turns out that Dribbo makes his way out of the cart and there's some sort of illusion in its place. Dribbo is about to spill the beans but the gnome flaws him and does a kind of staring mind talky kind of thing and then dribbles like I'm just gonna get up all in their relationships and stir some shit up and one of the gnomes goes up to Emron as says you have seen me before boy you come finally in the morning and at the monument to the black at the back
your dreams boy and so the group is like okay fair enough and they decide to make sure they're putting up some sort of illusion so that they don't get seen when they go into scorch helm it gets a little bit cool a little bit wetter perhaps as they approach that city nyx disguises himself beautifully bald becomes a horse alpha becomes a female elf with a really low voice They arrive at the Uprisca Castle. It's very well armed. Raines is put as the face of the pardon. He does a really fucking good job. And he's like, I'm very studdable. And they get 1,500 gold pieces for dropping off that cart. And it turns out the Uprisca's all like, Oh, we're about to inherit some sort of large contract, boys. So maybe there's some sort of future work to be done there if they want it. Anyhoos, they make their ways back into the city, and there's some sort of like making their way through the districts and things, and they see this like amber smog coming up, and it's all like, oh, Caltrans being refined here. It's like drug smog.
drug smog, smodrog, I don't know what you want to fucking call it. They go into the Harvard District. It's all like Cosmo and fancy and there's fleets of ships and shit. And Nix is like, I'm just going to scan the horizon. And he sees the Esmeralda and it's tethered up about 300 feet out to a fucking warship. Oh, shitties. They make their way to the pissed Newt. And there's some sort of really, really hairy man behind the bar. He's like a hairy, wide dwarf man, like a ginger Yeti. It's kind of cool. It's all There's hot tops, it's all like geothermal. Some sort of sheesha kind of shit going on. Nix goes full parrot like, yarr! Seth is like, by the way, I'm just gonna say the words that I was told to say to you. And Grampa's like, it's not a fireplace. It's an illusion! And they go down, there's like a big lead door, and they make their way in, and they find Sparrowhawk, and he's all injured. And he's doing some talking in Nix's mind, and Nix is all like, I'll do some more talking in your mind. And Shadowhawk's like, my inner circle, it's been compromised. I need to keep things distance for a little while, and Emron's like, oh yeah, and by the way, when we was on the way here, Alpha was all being hunted down, and the Sparrowhawk's like, oh shit, I did not know that. And the Sparrowhawk reveals that Dribbo knows the last verse to the big old really important fucking song that everyone needs to know, and Shadowhawk was being a diversion, whilst Dribbo was the really important person that the group were put in charge of. Shit!
He says there's a very important meeting happening in a month's time. And the Shadowhawk's like, oh, I'm going to meet you in three days with Ghostwing. He's a leader of the Order, boys. He's got a mission for you. And Shadowhawk's like, Alpha, I promise you protection. I tell you what, you can be nice and protected here. I'll make sure there's a member of the winged watch at this lead door every single night. And then he just fucking throws loads of magical items over to the group, including my cock ring that I gave over to Nyx.
That's just for him, boy. I'm glad you got that. And finally, Sparrowhawk's like, oh, by the way, I'm just going to drop this into conversation. I'm Sebastian's sleep god, Helena's fucking younger brother. And he's like, we is no longer operating in the shadows.
You find yourself in your secure basement suite, let's call it, penthouse suite. I feel like Penthouse needs to be in the air, so I'll go for a basement suite. Below the common room of the pissed Newt, one of the busiest inns in the harbour district of Dralak's capital city, Scorchhelm. You sit at a robust and haggard oaken table, reflecting on the journey you have just completed and the recent news shared to you by Sparrowhawk. This room is a small but cosy scene.
with fires, animal skin rugs, sort of ah game trophies of of taxidermied hunts on the wall, not overly exotic creatures, deer, stags, lizards, alligators, yeti.
around you, provisions for dry food, cupboards, wardrobes with fresh clothes, armchails bookshel armchalls armchairs and bookshelves full of stories of local law, L-O-R-E, um stories from around the kingdom of Dralak sort of captured here. So you can over a series of nights get to know this kingdom a bit more if you didn't already.
A small

Scorchhelm Exploration and Daily Life

chamber on the eastern wall of this larger common room has this small... It's too big to be a bath, too small to be a pool, so we'll call it a big bath of, again, that same geothermal warmed water that you are used to seeing in the the common room above you. On the western wall is a small training room.
with not much furniture inside it, but a big wide matted area, a couple of weapons on a wall rack and sort of not really a training dummy, but a mannequin that can sort of be moved around. At the back of the space are two bedrooms that comfortably would sleep eight people.
And far above you is the sprawling metropolis of Scorchhelm that sets against the backdrop of this coastal desert. It emerges as this radiant jewel in an arid landscape you have recently become accustomed to. Its architecture blends the elegance of desert craftsmanship with the practicality of coastal living, featuring buildings made from sandstone and coral adorned with intricate carvings and colourful tiles.
This nicks reads aloud from a book that Sparrowhawk leaves on the table called An Adventurer's Guide to Scorchout.
You all retire and recover from the journey, with two days and two nights to kill before you are due to meet the leader of the Wind Watch, and a month before the entirety of the Wind Watch are going to gather. How you choose to spend this time is entirely up to you. You've heard of this imminent duel of the Desert Champions that's coming up in a few days' time. With more gossip, news and adventure to discover, equipped with a map, a guide to the city,
I ask in a moment how you will spend your first morning here in the nation's capital. But before I ask that, and we move on to that, each character is given the chance here to engage in a super objective over the course of this month, something that they can slowly progress towards outside of their sort of narrative um um pursuits or or going down alleyways they so choose. and This ranges from the things you typically find in downtime activities if you're familiar with the downtime rule set. um But players have decided on a thing that they will roll against every night to hopefully at the end of their long rest, ah sorry, at the end of their time here before perhaps the big meeting, if we make it that far, and they can progress towards
so you've all been sent a list i'm not going to read the entire list it's quite lengthy but has anyone decided what it is they want to ah work towards over the course of the quieter moments in their days while they're here i know that alpha has chosen something but he's chosen to also mute himself My volume was turned down. My volume was turned down. I do apologise. Yes, I would be very interested in raising my standing with a particular faction.
okay I would love very much to have the fizzle bangs. The fizzle bank fact fiddle bangs. yes Okay. Surprise. We will do some work to initiate that, but in the beginnings of this, start to think about an appropriate skill you can use to roll about how you would integrate yourself with that faction. Okay. Okay. Who's next? Okay. Uh, next would like to,
hone his proficiency with the actor's feet. Okay, so ah over the course of the month you will engage in activities that will ah develop your acting ability and your role presumably performance against that and there is a number in my mind that I have written down, not in my mind, I've also written it down. And your progressive roles will total up. And once you hit that threshold, I'll let you know and you'll have achieved that feat. Awesome. He's, yeah, comes from a background of being part of the theatre ship. So kind of works in his favor if he's got some downtime and there's all these books, hopefully, presuming there's some plays and and ah stories
as you've already described. And so Nix will spend some time plucking those out from the shelf and and flipping through them. Okay, Emron? Yes, um so this is sort of gonna be, it's a little bit of, it kind of crosses over too. So obviously, Emron's a part of um the the Clan Shadow Shield guild. So I'm gonna want to sort of um raise my um standing with that faction.
And part of that might involve working a trade. So it's sort of a combo of two, but... Yeah. We'll use your crafting ability to be the what means in which you raise that standing. Cool. Thank you very much. And then... Bal. Yeah. um I think...
Baal would in a similar kind of vein to Nix. Baal's going to be an actor, no. Baal's going to be kind of honing some of his skills as well. um the The journey particularly here would have been playing on his mind, um specifically kind of trying to keep on the watch and things like that. And if possible, what I'd like to do is I'd like to train towards the the the the skill expert feat specifically um with regards to perception. He wants to be ah on the lookout for dangers both to himself and to this party and especially now being in this hub of ah dangerous activity, if you like. ah His MO seems to be to try to
keep everyone alive, obviously, with like one of the the missions, if you like, that he's been given. So that's that's what I'd like to work towards. OK. So you've been given a guide to this. You might find a locale or an individual or a situation that might help improve that. and Start to think about what skill you'd use to develop that. OK. Cool. Wonderful. so Those are what the players are gonna be working on. Each time they have a long rest, they'll be invited to roll and contribute towards a total. Obviously, some of these things might be easier to achieve than others, so the roll thresholds are different. um When we hear next episode from...
Rains and from Seth, they'll also be given the same option as well. Cool. Okay. So it is now the morning, your first morning in the Capitol. You all awake at roughly the same time, apart from Nix who didn't need it. You find yourself back in that common room, just the four of you. Rains and Seth have decided to sleep in. Over to you four.
Are there, sorry, quick question about, because obviously we're on the ground. yeah Are there sources of natural light? Yeah, so as well as sort of various sconces candelabra in the in the ceiling, there are also just sort of half window turrets as well that that do let some of that light in. And a lot of the light that you are um subjected to is often dispersed by immediate shadows of people walking past the building.
okay I get the idea. um But you were awake at the same time. Is Sebastian in the room with us? No, he left quite ah soon after he made his disclosure and shared with you the information he did last night.

Plans and Preparations: Monument and Colosseum

Is there breakfast on the table? Do we have to go find it?
You've got dry provisions in a cupboard. so okay okay If a tree falls in the wood and there's no one else there to see it, did it actually fall?
Yes. I thought you were going to sing some Dear Evan Hansen then. Am I level six? yeah okay No. level We've cleared up the basics. Okay, cool. yeah In fact, you're now level four. Okay. If a woodcutter cuts wood, I'm good. Alpha, what are you doing?
um Alpha is going to be at the moment kind of crushing his shield to a certain degree. ah That's what he calls it. It's always a pistol or a shield. You think mechanical. I just admire it. Oh, precious. Yeah, I will have the shield and realising obviously it's got some kind of Arcanic trait to it. um I like to think that in my low power state, I would have kind of undergone a partial study with it almost. It's got Arcanic traits to it. i want to try and um not ah This is not a spell or anything like that, but it's like more so learning how the magic is channeled through it, how it is reverberated, what it actually does, and just how it all operates on a very basic Arcanic level.
That's probably what I've done for most of the night as well. And you learn the exact nuances of how it works. Like at times you even take it into that training room and just sort of size yourself up, sort of Captain American style, just putting on that shield and thinking about how it feels in your arm and physically how you move around that space. I love the reference. I love the reference. We don't need another Marvel character in here. Everyone with the hammer raised with the fucking Iron Man thing. And you've literally just completed. Just so you know, everyone was like,
and Everyone was never designed to be a Thor rip-off. There's one where they're very clear. And Alpha was designed to be Captain in America. No, Alpha was designed to be C-3PO. That was a different thing. hi so So Alpha's bashing went out with his shield in the training room. Basically, the yeah. Flame on!
and I think ah ah' I'll jump in there as well. With this morning, with ah us being kind of given gifts and things like that, it seems like people have naturally gravitated towards various ah things. And one of the items that was given over by the Shadowhawk was the Band of Sand, I think it was called. um Is that a ring when it says Band? Yes, Band of Sand is a ring.
Yeah, I think Baal would kind of naturally kind of look around, pick it up and and and toy with it. It seems like no one's kind of objected to him going for that one. And he would have you would have slipped it on, put his finger in the ring, attuned to it, obviously, and then in the morning be kind of using the mold earth cantrip.
It's something that he's seen others within his order obviously use as well So he's he's very familiar with it, but never it's not something that he kind of a route that he decides to go down so what he'd be doing is just kind of probably near the training room or something like that just Having to play around with it not excavating or anything like that um But you can also cause like shapes and colors and things like that to appear within the stones So you'd basically be using it to to draw if you like ah into the grounds and then And that's what he's kind of going with to start with whilst everyone else is doing whatever they're doing. And it feels very natural to you. After the first couple of attempts, you really get it and you you sort of orchestrate the
the orchestrators in that way, you sort of conduct motions of bulges and and concaves and divots all in this this sort of stony wall. And once that first layer of stone is gone, it is just pure earth on that one side. You wouldn't want to try it on the other side of there where you've got this geothermal geyser essentially running through the spine of the the building. ah But here, yeah, you're able to sort of expertly almost Minecraft style completely um alter that living space and then reset it again.
Oh, I like this. This is fun.
It is most impressive. Is there any way that it may be capitalised to improve possibly movement or combat proficiency? I suppose. I mean, I've seen some people dig big five foot fucking holes with similar kind of powers before. Nothing's stopping me if the ground permits to do something similar and jump in it for a bit of cover perhaps, or I don't know, make just a little bit of cover if it if I can, if it works that way. um I'll keep having a play around with it, fiddling with my ring, see what I can come up with.
So Nick's would have entered the ah breakfast hall with everyone else and would have bid everyone a good morning. I hope you all slept well in our new found digs. I for one, I'm going to take a walk outside. um I missed the sea air, so I'm going to go and breathe it in. Would you like some company, Nick?
It's all right. I'll come with you and everyone's going to get out of the hot tub.
Everyone start bollock naked. Everyone start the hot tub. Start bollock naked. I mean, that's a hard thing to say no to. Literally a hard thing to say no to, Emron. ah Just want to have some... next time. If that's savvy with everyone. I mean, I'm sure we've all got plans and I need to go to the... yeah Monument to the Black this morning to meet a gnome about some dreams. Anybody else? What's everyone else's plans today? Sounds like a euphemism, Enron. It's generally not. Do you not remember the gnome that looked at his head? Are you going to put clothes on before you go? Everyone's towering himself off and putting his clothes back on as he talks. You're bringing your own tower of monument. And you're taking both hammers with you? Well, you know. Sexy episode tonight.
I just read to that, that like, like Witcher seed of like the Geralt in the bath. that just everyone um Yeah. i so um Sorry. No, no, after you. ah So yeah, so I'm going to go to the yeah the shrine of the blight and monument to the blight. And then I've got a few other things I want to do as well. I need to check in with the guild, um pay some guild fees because I'm probably overdue. ah What was everyone else's plans?
I mean, we've got this duel, this big old fucking fight coming up. We're going to need to put our names into that, aren't we? I'd quite like to scope out a bit of the competition. I kind of want to see what we're up against. That's fair. I suppose we should all go and sign up together. We could probably wait for the others to get up, you know, later on. Maybe I don't know. Yeah, that's true. So I might put my ear to the ground in that sense. But this is yeah the first time I've kind of had this free reign. I'm almost a little bit overwhelmed.
You might see the sights as well, do a bit of sightseeing, be a bit of tourist. for I mean, you're welcome to come with me or you can walk on your own, I don't know if you want to do. Well, I'll head your way. Is it the any kind of motions towards the map, that the milk gate area, was it? All right, well, ah I'm going to start off towards milk gate and then probably have to head back in into city. And are you OK, Nix? Just the word milk gate sets me off. but It's the way that youre you you say it in your very ah ah sexy voice.
Oh, Nix. I like... bars blushing a little bit. um Yeah, well isn't ah isn't our friend Winifred? Is he not in the Millgate area? Ah, De Bullbank, yeah, he is. And he said he something about a sponsorship wasn't there for the games. He did. Ah, we could go to the monument and then we could always nip in to see De Bullbank. Yeah, I'll come with you then. Sounds good. Alpha, what do you fancy?
I was under the impression we were going to sign up for the games first. I thought we'd wait for all of us to go and there's no point if if Reigns is having his prince-less beauty sleep and Seth's sleeping went off. Can we sign up for them? Do they need to be there in person? I think the implication was that It was implied that we had to sign up ourselves. but now Now I'm pretty sure, ah i just having this thought that you could we could all sign up like as a team, and then we'd just write down their names. I mean, it was individuals, wasn't it? but go like i like Why don't we go check it out? I would love to. and And then you never know, we might see some of the competition there as well. I think it'd be useful to size them up somewhat. That is what I'm hoping for, the armourer back in
Snake run advised that there is the possibility of there being another one of my kind there. And don't forget that veteran we met yesterday. He was quite useful. That's true. So yeah, I suppose if it's all kind of on the way, if we want to to hang around, I'll stick with you. emerild Do we sign up at the arena itself?
I would assume so, usually at these sort of things. You go to the arena and there's tradies there, as well as the guilds, as well as the no game makers. I think the guilds might be elsewhere, driven from this book. Guilds usually recruit around these jewels. It's a good chance to get new, fresh blood into there. But what kind of guilds? The fighting guilds, yeah. Not the guild I'm looking for. These guilds as well.
It's a good place. You meet people from all walks of different life, different skill sets. You do. And if everyone's there is in for the competition. So it's there all. You know what I mean? There's a different class. I, I don't know what you mean. Strange. There's something about this morning. ah This is the first time, is it not, that we've not.
been hiding or fighting or running. through We have no reason to suspect that people are ah kind of looking specifically for us. This is freeing.

Disguises and Identity Debates

Oh, while we're at Alpha, you probably want to walk around the city disguised. Apart from you, of course. Oh, I thought I would have been safe here.
No, I think if people are looking for us on the road, they're just as light to be in the city. And I think we need to try and make sure that you're not as obvious. I mean, like... Sebastian has advised that I would be safe within the city, did he not? and i like work He said he would be safe here.
in in the piss new in our little, you know, hideaway slash fortress or whatever. But, you know. But if we are here for a month, that's a big ask for Alpha to do. I'm just saying initially, we've literally just arrived in the city. If we get a sense of actually it's safer than it is, then that's great. But what I don't want to do is Alpha to be wandering around and then a bunch of people like, hey, look, that's when we're after and job him in, you know, back streets. We could try and find him a skin suit.
Find a face. No. No? Terrible idea. Sorry. i Spitballing. Is there such a thing as a bad idea? Spitballing? Anyone? I mean, I don't know. OK. Yeah, probably wearing someone's skin is probably, you know... Frowned upon. Yeah. I don't know what you mean, though. It does feel a little bit odd not having to get up and worry for the the sake of our lives.
I mean, that being said, if shit hits the fan, I've got a few things ah last night to spend a bit of time kind of looking through my repertoire, if you like, considering the different powers, if you like, that I have, and I've got the ability to skyright.
so If the shit hits the fan and you suddenly see, I don't know, I need a code word, maybe tin-tin up in the sky, uh, big old golden letters. I mean, lots of people will be like, what the fuck is that? But you'll know, oh, shit's hit the fan. Maybe we meet back here or, or something along those lines. And you do raise a good point. Are we using our real names around here or fake? Am I Nick's or Dick's? yeah Sorry. Is he alpha or tin-tin? You can be whatever you need to be. I mean,
I believe I will still remain as Alpha here. ah okay well If I have to hide myself at the very least, I do not wish to hide my name. If your name has been a problem, then... Hold up. If you have to hide yourself, you want to still use your own name. My appearance is what draws attention, not my name.
It is true, I mean, you know. It just seems like misguided logic, logic but, you know, you do you. Well, if if your name has caused you trouble in the past, maybe don't use it. But I seem, I mean, Alpha makes a good point. It's not the name that they're going for. It seems to be that, ah I'm sorry to say it, other people don't really seem to give a shit about your name. They just give a shit about you. So by all means use Alpha. Has anyone been in trouble with their name? Apart from Seth, but that got thought, didn't it? Hmm. Nix? Shall we get going?
I believe that would be a yes. Well, the choice is yours, Nix, but. No, I'll come with you. if If we're going off, we're all going over to the duel, I'll mosey with you guys and then I'll just do my yeah um thing. um i mean doing I mean, I need to get to the to the monument this morning, not like sit around the Coliseum, so.
Well, let's go there first, maybe find a bulbic, and then find the colosseum on the way back, which is nearer the harbour, is that right? I'll circle round yeah into the colosseum, I'll see you guys there. What time are you going to be there? Sometimes this afternoon? Savvy! Let's say about midday, shall we? It gives us a few hours. I'll be there afternoon. Mid to late afternoon, slash evening, who knows? Nicks, nicks, nicks. Yes? Just don't get into any trouble.
See ya! Once leaves, everyone's like, I know I should have broken that fucking horseshoe. So, wouldn't it be strange if that was the last time we ever saw him? I know. It would be mightily unfortunate. I'm not going to lie, I fully expect us to have to go and bail him out of prison at some point in the next month. we You're the one who put me in prison last time. We are a team, everyone. If it comes to that, then we will do it.
yeah I know, but sometimes I feel like he deserves it. I don't lie. That was a different question altogether. That ass is worth saving. Let's go to the monument. So, Emron, you're going to the monument, but that sounds like you're going along. Alpha, you haven't really declared what you're doing with the morning. ah No, in all fairness, if they are deciding to go to the um monument um and meet up later,
then I would actually like to go.
Daddy says, no, you can't go out and play with your friends. No, fast, motherfucker. I would like to go to the Astral Observatory, first off, I think. I will obviously do this a little bit later. If we are meeting at the um performance arena, perhaps later, I have an interest in this mocked observatory.
ah Okay, yeah. I would um very much like to find myself going there first and perhaps meet you two later. It's because it's tough pointing at the sky. You want to be able to look at that disc, don't you? I am most curious about it and I do believe that my life, myself, my being is connected to it in some way. Perhaps the intellect that is withheld within the astral observatory may hold some answers to something. It's a fair shout. Yeah, let us know what you find out.
I will. It's best of luck, Alpha. Shall we say midday Colosseum? Midday Colosseum. Of course. And Alpha will depart. Okay, then in a true Final Fantasy IX style, we will active time event all around the city as we explore this. We'll go... That's a beautiful reference, and it's made my father-in-law happy. But a father-in-law runner alone now. I think we're alone now. Now what to play Final Fantasy IX. Yeah, that's fed my soul. To the 50% listeners that got that reference. I hope you enjoyed it. Those who haven't, please feel good. I mean, I didn't get that reference, so...
i'm You're out of the podcast. That's a shame. that You don't play good video games. I've never played Final Fantasy games ever. We'll park that for the other podcasts. That is an argument for another time. so Our listeners, the number is just going down after that statement. yeah that's That's not good.
So I've done this by dice roll and you're all given a number and poo bear we're going to follow you first for the morning best say apha and and just think about where your destination specifically next is um but as we emerge out of the piss nude and you all get this exchange actually so um Nyx, this would immediately happen with you. You'll all probably be clustered as this happens. As you step out of your door, the piss nooped.

Scorchhelm's Vibrant Life and Divine Reflections

Immediately, Nyx, you walk into the back of this goblin who's having a wee on the far end of this this room from you. Pardon me. And she just turns and says, pardon me.
Name's Victoria. Oh, OK. Pleasantries exchange right now. ah Nick's Correll at your service, but not right now at your service. You can service yourself in this particular moment. Stands back up and adjusts a loincloth. I'm your watch. No one's getting past Victoria. Oh, this isn't the bathroom. Good. OK. I just wanted to make sure. Victoria, no one's getting past you, Victoria. i I do believe you. And thank you very much for your protection. It's quite all right. You may always tip as she just holds out a very keen hand towards you. ah Certainly that seems to be the culture here. And Nix will tip a silver. She looks at it a bit disappointed and just turns back towards the the reverse side of this fake fireplace.
Hey, the next time might be more if I don't ah stumble upon you taking a piss. Gotta go, gotta to go. I've gotta to clean my boots now. Sorry. It's okay. Splashback isn't the first thing, but ah just, you know, hence the silver. Bye. V.
And she... She holds herself ah incredibly aged and haggard, but you just sort of glimpse in that rustling very fine short sword and some of that same leatherworking that has existed in some of the the winged watch um agents you have met so far. So there is a sense of uniformity there.
And you'll get a similar exchange, either Victoria's pissing or Victoria's sort of like eating peanuts out of a bag or just sort of pacing back and forth. A very bored looking goblin that is that is watching your room for you.
And we head out into the city and as you sort of ascend through past you the Newt, the common room itself is closed this early in the morning. There isn't much activity, but there is a side door that sort of leads you out onto the street and Scorch Helm itself is awash with activity. You come out at the top end of the Harbour District and you can just sort of see nautical activity out in this bay. There are fishing ships going out. There are travelling cargo ships they're going out. there ah There are navy ships on on sort of maneuvers.
There is a lot of sort of traffic coming out from the West Grey Glass District, which was that industrial district you walk through to get here. A lot of people moving stuff onto ships. This is very much peak time for dock workers who are trying to get ships loaded at first light before they they venture out to see that later that morning.
And that haze doesn't really shift at all. If anything, in this in the in the um light of day, it really prevents you from seeing the sky. like You know when a cloud is really low and you know the sun is up there but you can't make out any of the blue. It's it's very much like that that foggy industrial haze still continues to sit.
The sun makes its way through, and you clearly make that spherical object through the haze break, but you can't see the blue of sky unless you look out over the bay and and into the sea itself.
You pass through the harbour district, Emron and Baal, and it is a bit less chaotic than it was when you arrived. It is morning. A lot of the drunken revelers have been dispatched, discarded, thrown at to sea, thrown into lodgings, thrown into alleyways, whatever.
um very much at this part of the day that the order is being kept and a lot of the labor that is to do with sort of managing the city is being conducted by those those entranced orcs. Their purpose really is to just make the city function as well as to sort of be the general guard. What's remarkable is compliance with good behavior despite there being very few laws here. Everyone sort of follows a ah code of of civility at this point and you know from previous places in Dralak that that sort of breaks down by the evening but every morning there's a bit of a reset and those who are grafters are up at that time. This is not just party island, this is a living thriving capital.
And you sort of make your way through the Harbour District, this time heading out to Millgate via the northernmost road, so you haven't ventured on this road before. ah No, sorry, that's incorrect. You're going back on the road that also has the Acriscra stronghold.
And you move through that West Grey Glass District and again, you're hit with those familiar signs of industry. And what was yesterday sort of closing down now is starting up and that that machinery and activity and that sheer volume of laborious activity around you is dense.
passing through the streets, again, very few times do you encounter a human. This is this is heavily half-orc, this is heavily dwarven, this is heavily gnomish, this is a good mixture of multi-scaled dragonborns, um but but human, very much the minority. And then you pass through that sandy wall, that sandy clay wall into milk gate, and there the the dynamic completely flips. And it's interesting, there is there is almost a hesitance sometimes of sun races to even go near Milkgate. You sort of see people take longer routes around places or or just not step in because they don't care for it for that the the the sleekard light community that exists here. You walk down that familiar street that you you came past on the way in last night, past that very long Upriska garrison and make your way to the edge of Milkgate where you spy that monument to the Blight once more.
And it is a series of giant-tuned stones with with names carved into it. ah The very top of it are the four symbols, the triumvirate, and what is ah now the legal practice of the eternal ones, the worshippers of Akiva. those four The four iconographies of those four gods are inscribed.
There are a few people playing homage. There are flowers being laid at the base of this memorial. the The stonework around, so there's sort of like a hewn stone that's been carved in it and there's sort of masonry that's been sculpted to make like this really um neat mosaic that you walk along ah to to really give it a bit of um importance and and and and Clearly a lot of it has been donated here. this This is very clean, it's tended. There is someone who sees to it a soothsayer of sorts, a robed figure that that very much just goes around and is casting, bal you you'd not really understand this magic. and
without study or inspection, but emirin you you would see a religious rite from a mile away, and you're seeing this sort of cleric of unknown following um tending to the the the monument, giving life to some of the the earth around it as well.
And then there is this larger quad with just benches and and moments so and locations where people are sort of, some are taking prayer, um some are just sort of standing in, in as one word, a gravestone, that sort of thing. And you you move yourself into this cluster.
stuff And you can see about a dozen or so people paint worship first thing in the morning. And then add on a stone bench, at the very furthest perimeter of this monument circle is a familiar looking gnome who sat there, arms folded, looking at you both from across the I call it a quad, so I'll call it quad again, but this monument place.
What'd you like to do? Oh, I think she's over there. In fact, Bal, you probably might be interested in this conversation as well, given that you were featured in my dream as well. Ah, that's what this is about, isn't it? Yeah. Okay.
I mean, unless you, if you want to have a look around, it's up to you. No, like you say, if it, if, if I'm in any way involved, I'd be keen to hear. All right. Well, that's it. Go over. it They look like they're waiting for us. We're late. I hope not.
cool As a lordage, there was no sort of like wave over or gesture. This no this gnome holds the stern expression and just sort of motions a hand for you to sit next to him on the stone bench as he faces adamantly towards that center obelisk of the the monument itself. Everyone sits. But i'll awkwardly stands, hands kind of find their place overlapping like that hand on wrist in front almost bodyguard style stance just but semi-awkwardly. You're late. ah Sorry, I know you said morning. I didn't know if you meant first light. Sorry. When I say dawn, I mean dawn. ah Sorry. Have you paid your respects and just gestures towards the monument? I haven't. ah Sorry, it's... ah Did you?
fight in the blight. No, I'm from Shadow Men. Shadow Men shut its walls to the blight. It wasn't really a thing for us. We didn't have much information about what was going on outside of Shadow Men once they shut the walls. So not a lot a lot of common folk. I had no idea how bad it was. I see. Shadow Men, do you say? Aye.
a fucking strange place. In hindsight, looking back, yes, it probably is a strange place.
It's about this dream. I mean, um my friend here, Bal, he also featured in the last dream I had. And the gnome looks at you, studies you for a little while.
I haven't seen him in mine. Just you. he was he was he was He had flaming wings and he he stopped me from falling.
When you say flaming wings, did it look anything like... What you did the other day? Yeah. Let me have a, I think... um Danny? Maybe. Wings of fire. It was a couple of seconds.
Yeah. Difficult to tell. All I get a sense of that there was this fiery ball coming towards me. I had no idea what it was. And then you drop me back at the platform, then the fire dissipated and it was you. So it could be anything. It could have been your fiery orb thing that you can do. And there's no. And I'll look back at the name and your dreams, you say you dream of just him. No, there's four of us.
Him. Me. A human and a dwarf. I'm not a gnome.
You look like one. I'm sure looks could be deceiving. I'm not a fucking gnome. Right. Cool.
I haven't seen you, points at you. My dream ends when you, points at you, Imran, get blown off.
oh See, I just remember us getting to the platform and and looking up at what's ahead of us. And as I make a step to go forwards, with there's all the wind and I get blown off. Do you do you know more about what happens before?
no I see the platform. Here. I see you. Do you know the other two? I don't recognise them. I know the human. Who is he? She. Oh, she? I don't know the dwarf. Who is the human? Who is she?
I'm not a liberty to say. I know this though. The faith you carry and I don't know much about faiths.
Is Alito right? Yeah, that's it, yeah. She's a follower of Tiriani. Who? Myself Akiva. My theory is that dwarf It's about tennis. And there we have the four.
And it's all linked to that. Do you think it's linked to that, and then one points to the platform? Yes. I don't know why, but I only started having those dreams when that thing showed up. No, me too. I mean, like I've always thought, is it us seeing ourselves on the platform? I think so.
But you seem to be a couple of dreams ahead. Maybe. A lot has happened lately. Whether that's triggered it, I don't know. I'm not going to brag. But I'm pretty tight with my God.
I don't understand why I don't know as much as you.
The gods work in mysterious ways. and Yes, they fucking do. I really realize I'm really ruled with me. I haven't taken your name. I'm Emerald. Sorry. And then one holds out his hand. He looks at your hand for a moment.
What do you think of the winged watch? Emerald, look around for a moment, just checking that nobody else is sort of overhearing.
this sound like they've got the right intentions? If you had to take an arrow for them, would you do it?
Everything we've been through so far, I'd like to say yes. But then equally, it's odd. because there's been, there's so many groups that they do, CRISPR, there's the Wing Watch. There seems to be everybody and everybody who needs to know more about what's going on than me. But so far, the Wing Watch have done right by us. So yeah, I suppose it would. And you? Looks at you, Baal.
I don't intend to. I mean, I'm all for the similar cause, it seems. We seem to have a common enemy, if you like, but I don't intend to get shot.
Until that changes, and he looks at your hand, everyone.
I can't give you my name. Do you not trust them? I trust them with my life.
Can you convince us to do the same? So you're saying that because I don't trust them properly yet? No, I can't tell you who I am. That's fair enough. I won't press the matter. I trust everyone.
Who runs? Anything to do with that.
Well, we're bound together in whatever fate, destiny, message this dream is, so your words do cut away with me. I'm going looking for that dwarf. I need to know who they are. Is the human in the city? No. and okay She's somewhere safe.
Does... Where are you gonna start looking? I don't know. But I have a habit of being in the right places when I need to be. I mean, is there any magic, any scrying magic we could use? I don't know what that means. Well, as in, you'll get someone to to use whatever connection we have through these dreams to try and identify and locate the Dwarf. Maybe that's somewhere you could do.
I prefer using my feet. Well, if you find them, I'd appreciate you telling it. I think it would be interesting to find out what happened if we were all together, or at least most of us were together if you say that the woman's in a safe place. I think the four of us being together is exactly what my God is trying to tell me. Yep. And something to do with that platform. Yep.
Just sorry to interrupt on this moment. Do you get a clear view of, and he'll point to Emron, him in your dream, in your vision? Him, crystal clear. Her. I'd never miss that. Hmm. And does he look older than he currently is? I know that's an odd question, but more lines, perhaps, more, ah no offence, Emron Haggard, or such like.
He studies you for a bit, Emron. Not much. But some. It's hard to tell with humans. It's hard to tell what is age, what but is battle. I was going to say, that makes sense. So this could be, and with the way the gods are, this could be them spelling out what might happen, is going to happen.
It gets pretty complicated.
If we find out more, where should we meet? I come here. Every morning. Dawn, yes. Dawn. So you come here every morning at dawn, yeah? Without fail. Okay. I'll be here. If I have news, I'll come here and I'll see you.
And yeah, the more we know, I think, I'm sure it will help the wind watch, you know, whatever they're trying to do. It will. Otherwise, Akiva wouldn't tell me. I have a question for you. You might know more about this than me. The Acreescra.
And he sort of bites his tongue in discomfort. We've encountered the crispering in Sleet Guard. We've encountered some who are transporting dragon eggs. We've encountered some who haven't. What is the deal? Are there... And we've had one help us.
but just i I don't know where but to put them. We have a past. Well, the winged watch and the acrisca. Me. Okay. I don't know what the score is here. But as soon as anything, just have our heads in sleep, God. Okay. Okay.
Well, I thank you for everything you've told us and um'm I'm glad to meet someone else who's had the dreams. It sort of reassures me that they're not meaningless and they're not... They're not meaningless. No. I was getting that sense. Just didn't know whether I was going crazy. ah I mentioned them to the grandi sparrow and he was like, I had no time for dreams. No. But it seems to be important now.
Some of us. Keep trying to find the dwarf. I will, and you'll do your thing. We'll see what we can find. He puts a hand out.
I'm not a gnome. I'm a dragonborn. My name is Drago. Get the fuck out of here!
I should have come. How many questions? I don't go to the docks. I don't go to the docks. If you don't, all of a sudden Nick spots. Hello. If you don't mind me saying, is is this magic to make you look this way? It's not by choice. Oh, OK.
Say enough. Oh, OK. Yes, no, thank you. And he gets up. Makes one more prayer gesture. Unrehearsed and not refined. Oh my God, it's driving. And then stomps with purpose back into the city. I'm fangirling so hard.
Okay. Well, Emron and Baal, you're left there at the monument. Is there anything else you'd like to do? Thought she said it wasn't going to give us her name. No, maybe we said the right thing. Maybe you did. I just stood here looking like a fucking lemon. But thanks for being in it. No, it's useful because i I'd rather someone else source a word what someone was saying. No, no of course, not a problem. And I mean, I don't understand. like yeah That person, Drago, was talking about
the following of gods, three different gods and yourself with your own, but you say you saw me there and I couldn't give the flying fuck about any of them up there. Just because you don't give a fuck about them, don't mean they don't give a fuck about you. o But who up there might give a fuck about me? God's working in mysterious ways and as you say no matter what happens, at the end of the day, when we die,
Sometimes we go somewhere. Anyway, you might be bound to whatever now, and then one will glance down towards your arm. Oh shit. Yes, I'd quite forgotten. So, you know, you you you might not, yeah, you might be bound to something. Well, I didn't really get an end date and... That's how these things tend to work. Yeah, it seemed like a good idea at the time. It's a bit fucking stupid now.

Regrets and New Beginnings

And then Seth and I are all like, Oh yes, let's go into a big fucking death arena. That sounds like a good idea. I mean, does this mean that, cause obviously I've been never spoken about this, but obviously it were three out of four. That's what I was told. Yes.
Does it mean what? I don't know. I don't know whether my thing with the dream is separate to that or what. Well, I mean,
either, if this is of devilish doing, which it seems to be, if hope has told us, and you have divine reason and purpose, it either means it's certainly you or it's certainly not. That's a good point.
Right, we want to find the bull bank. Yeah, what are we looking for? Some fancy orange? Yeah, there was a symbol, wasn't there? um Let me just... I feel bad for not making observances to the monument. i'll I'll just make a quick observance and then we can go, if that's all right with you. Yeah, I'll just stand here with my dick in my hat and go for it. I wouldn't do that in public. I don't usually.
went in scorch she And the camera sort of pans out on everyone paying due diligence. Well, you recognize that these are all people who who lost their lives in the blight, um but you have your own way of sort of processing the aftermath of the blight. And as that sort of zooms out, next on my dice roll takes us over to the mystic quarter of scorch out which can be found in a district on the eastern side of the city called Fenbark now Fenbark
pull my notes while he's pulling his notes listeners remember that i did put the map to score charm on our twitter page which is at fellowship table you'll be able to see it there pinned as well and if you want to follow us individually not yet will not yet mid episode plug What's interesting about the district of Fenbark is it is in keeping absolutely ah not with the architecture and the climate and the ecology of the rest of the city. It's a residential district, but it's characterized by its dense jungle and lush greenery. There's a collective of Druids who manage this district that are known as the Soul of Styan.
and they have been cultivating this land for centuries, trying to undo the effects of the desert curse and return Dralak to what it used to be, not ah a desert wasteland, but a vast, rich jungle full of life. It's home, because of that fact that it is going through this um ecological restoration, it's home to some of the most wealthy people who don't want to live in the sands, that want to live in these opulent jungle scenes. But it's almost working like, um a fixed magical envelope and and at various points around this district are druids working on rotation to just keep that jungle um fauna and flora alive and the moment you get the sense that as you're walking through you spy like a changing of the guard moment where that envelope is slightly dropped where one druid stops the next one from that circle steps in and the moment where it's dropped the desert begins to pull back and a lot of that
lush green and and life dissipates and sands begin to to return until the next druid is able to reignite that that incantation and it just keeps this this border of this really beautiful slice of the past
Rather than the the sort of claustrophobic feel of some of these other districts, here it's very vast

Magical Discoveries and Alpha's Mission

and open. In between each house is small parks. There are estates built in in canopies of trees. And you get to this one district where sort of a number of streets meet and there is this big circular center and a series of really out of place obscure structures.
In one corner, ah you spy a big sign that details the Arcane Emporium. It's this towering spire adorned with runes and glowing sigils. It's the the sort of key center of all things magical.
You see people you'd easily identify as as ah wizards and and and and proficient spell users in and out of that place within seconds. You sort of turn a whole quadrant and you see the the Astral Sanctum.
This almost labyrinthian, narrow building at the very top, you just see this big dome-like glass which seems to point directly to the sky.
Another quarter turn in this this this district, you see an area known as the Crystal Gardens and it's almost um an open air environment where people are in full academic discussion about laws of magic. There is music playing, there are creatures being summoned and strolling around.
It's very much a sort of contained area where everyone is practicing different magics. You see at one point someone cast a spell and this huge demon appears only for another to sort of try and control it. And you watch as this this sort of floating demogorgon almost begins to just sort of polymorph slowly into a tiny mouse. And it's just lots of people playing with the idea of magics. And this section is incredibly well studied and well guarded by orcs.
the the um Density of orcs here is more populous than ever anywhere else in the city, almost like there is a danger here, it's acknowledged and it is is reinforced with protective measures.
You do spy over a few canopies and and tops of buildings, this huge skyscraper in the distance that looks like a giant version of the one that tower you found in the desert that was protected by orcs that you first came across, a piece of architecture that belonged to the fizzle banks. This huge one that is three, four times that one in the desert in size. And this one seems to be casting light in about eight different directions out into the the horizon.
And then you see this very obscure structure.
It's almost like a clean block of vibrating steel, which seems to be both static and in motion at the same time. This building features several dozen chimneys at the top, all emanating different colors across the scorch helm sky, sort of penetrating through that amber haze and adding a sort of rainbow sheen to everything.
There's one single copper bridge that leads into this steel building, which leads you over this quicksand moat that almost surrounds it, almost like this place could protect itself in a second if it had to. There's just one single a title across the top of this building, written in hand, written cursive that says, The Workshop of the Changeling.
Those are the four major locations immediately to you and then what else is happening in Fimbuk. Where would you like to head specifically in this district?
Would I have any inclination as to which um district the observatory would be in? It's right in front of you. The Astral Sanctum. The Astral Sanctum. Yes.
Do you mean the Astral Observatory? Sorry, I mean the Astral Observatory. OK, yeah, you called it Astral Sanctum or something. The Astral Sanctum is something different. There's been no observatory there. cool I'm just going to change that on mine. Sorry, I mean the Astral Observatory.
Lovely. So, as Alphahub entered this, I imagine his body would kind of react with all the iconic energy that's kind of going off. It fills and fuels him as much as it is surrounding him. He's loving seeing all these little bits, but he's going to try and stay on point and when he glances and he sees, obviously, signs for the Astral Observatory, he's going to start making his way there. As he does, he's going to think to himself,
yeah I need to try and remain in disguise, but I need to buts talk and communicate. What's really important to note is that you were given strange looks in most of the city. Here, no one bats an eyelid at the curiosity. Which is fair enough. Still, just after, I would say, everyone's fair warnings and Alfa not wanting to put, or at the moment, going at any more attention. Alfa's going to take a look around at all the people and he's going to kind of ah come up with an amalgamation of ah of a disguised self. So he's going to disguise his entire body. you If anybody else in the group could actually see him, he would be basically turning into the same kind of half-elf, but it would be a male half-elf with kind of really long white flowing hair and a long beard, very kind of shabby blue robes and just a tied red sash.
around the waist. It's kind of very simplistic, so it's not to garner more attention, but one that probably wouldn't look out of place in this kind of district.
Okay. As you're following signs for the Astral Observatory, it leads you sort of spiraling around a very big um trunk of a... I can't think of any jungle specific trees. and None are coming to me at all. I can only think... Redwood? A jungle? That's not a jungle themed tree.
No, I was trying to think of a big tree there with that. Yeah, I'll insert jungle tree name here and you spire around this this very thick jungle trunk and it takes you about five, six minutes on this this ramp before you get to this top plateau where built into the very top of this tree are
a series of different telescopes and and smaller chambers that all sort of point and and and sort of cover a whole 180 radius of the the night sky, if you will.
The observatory itself is shut. in front of the observatory is a signpost and there is a single steward sat next to the signpost and a sign-up counter. You've passed a few people coming up here and there are a few people that have come back past you all quite well-dressed or quite scholarly. and Do you approach the the building? Yeah, I'll still be approaching it, yes. As you approach the sign, it says, observatory closed, emergency seminar in session tomorrow.
Am I like within talking distance of the steward? Yeah, he's just sort of staring at you as you're reading the site, not overly concerned about your appearance. You seem to have satisfied that that lack of um suspicion. ah I will turn to him. and't Pardon me, good sir.
Observatory's closed. Yes, what is this emergency seminar? It's about that thing up there. And he points, and as he sort of reveals more of his body, you just see this very old half-orc, very wrinkly of skin. This pair of spectacles sitting on the end of his his two tusks extends one arm up towards the the sky, and you notice the other one, there is nothing there. He is single-armed, but still sits behind his desk.
applications to attend the seminar are by reputation only. Tell me, do you intend to attend? Intend to attend. That is a sentence I enjoyed saying.
I can understand. and It is quite a Rhythmic sentence, I understand your enjoyment. I would very much like to attend the seminar as to what must I do to achieve reputation in order to gain access. Where did you study the arcane arts? To what degree? um I suppose shadow men, but as to what degree? Shadow men, yes, and which college?
I'm afraid it was more of a private tutelage rather than college. You've had no peer-reviewed research into the arcane arts? I cannot say that I have. I've studied with the Hado family.
the Haddo family and he begins to look through a ledger and uses a mage hand to replicate where his other would be. So one the mage hand is turning the page and he's using his remaining hand to sort of go through and find the name.
ah I don't see any Haddos here, a particular arcane scholarly activity. Certainly not.
sort of Not matching your description waves his hand and your illusion is dispelled. Son of a bitch.
but Would I know that? Well, is this guy's self gone or can he just see through it? No, he's gone. You feel the metal returning. Oh my, that was most impressive. That I have not seen.
I'm a unique individual. I prefer to remain inconspicuous if it's possible. Hmm. Is this appearance something on your records, out of sheer curiosity? Would you call yourself creature? I am Alpha. Alpha is your name? Do you have ah do have a racial make-up? I suppose Nakavolo would be the correct term. I understand.
I am curious to discover one actually living and talking to me. um Yes, by sheer coincidence, I think I'll get you in.
Thank you very much. Is there anything that I must do in order to gain access or anything I must be aware of if I were to return for the seminar tomorrow? I'd suggest devising a strong theory as to what you think is in the sky. A collection of the brightest minds that Erith will be here to discuss. It is not a public forum, it will be minuted. Come with something to say, come with an idea. I imagine a lot of people would be distracted and want to learn more about you.
Would another disguise be a redundant matter? When you step into these halls, you agree to not hold any spells when you do. This is an academic conversation. No need for deception. Very well. I'm sure I can bear an argument of utmost interest. I thank you for your help. What is your name, sir? My name is Gideon Stonebrook, Lead Astronomer.
yeah and say but Thank you Gideon. Please tell me, I do not mean to pry, but I'm assuming you have had your own theories with regards to the large disk in the sky. Yes, and they have been submitted to our journal. You can read them in four months. Is there any possibility you might be able to give me the abridged version of your thoughts? I am most intrigued. Make a persuasion check.
I would not expect him to roll and I am shit at persuasion. And I get a natural 20 for a 20. not
Very well. He sort of closes his book. My deduction is that it's extra planar. Whatever is up there is coming from another plane of existence. We've learned of certain travellers coming from a place called the Sword Coast before. Perhaps it's just more of them coming to see us. Extra-planar is my bet. I have absolutely no concrete evidence to suggest that other than the appearance of the object in the sky. ah Just by its mere presence has brought you to this theory? Yes. It's not a popular one.
I'll share that, but 2 p.m. tomorrow, I think everyone will be able to say their piece. Very well. Thank you very much for your assistance, Gideon. And in traditional kind of what I've seen, he's going to replicate, he's going to hold out an open hand. but Definitely making sure it's the right one if he's only got the left one. He refuses to partake and sort of shoes you away with both his ah remaining hand and his mage hand in ah in a flick-off motion.
very well thank you for your time and I will depart I think at this stage in yeah for the sake of it as I'm descending I am going to cast this guy so for myself once again to give me so give my um Alpha back his new kind of persona that he had decided to garner. Nice. And as you make that descent now around this tree, we zoom out of you and we tune into the next active time event and we find ourselves sitting on the dock of the bay, looking out in front of a ah vista of ships and sails and seagull and brine and salt water, Nyx Carell filling his lungs in the early morning
with that ever comfortable smell, that ever comfortable spray, that ever comfortable sight. Whilst you sit next to a pile of puke

Nyx's Encounter and Esmeralda's Secrets

from the night before,
It was such a beautiful image that you drew me to and then it has to be sick, doesn't it? But to be fair, Nix wouldn't take that in. Is the view of the Esmeralda on this bench as well? Because that's what Nix would have chosen. The sort of ships have done a bit of a rotation overnight, but you'd see those sails through through you know trees in in a dense forest. And Nix would allow himself a moment just to kind of stare upon that ship and it's that kind of look that one gets when they see something so special and integral to their very makeup as a person. um But for whatever reason, ah they've been apart for so long. There's just this misty-eyed glaze that he's just trying not to cry.
in public on a bench in front of everyone. ah But if anyone was still looking to die, they'd sparkle from the wetness, but no tears are like dropping down. It's just that he tries to catch it every now and then. But he's um he's been a bit out of sorts this morning with everything going on ah and and all the thoughts that he uses the Avengers And the the fact that the party's busy most of the time to push all the the thoughts of all the demons with him ah in and out of him. ah He just uses situations to push them away. This downtime has pushed them to the forefront of his mind somewhat. So this is more than a welcoming sight on this morning.
ah So I'm on a bench is there is like in front of me is there a way to get closer to the Esmeralda once I've got on my fill of like all the memories I would like to the basically I'd like to.
ah Sir secretively. Just get a lay of the land of it like okay is the ship a captured ship in the last time you said it was a it was tied to a a more of a royal galleon type style but is that because the ship's unsalable did something happen to it or is it captured he just wants to get close enough.
Walking down the dockside, ah I can't remember what you call the platform where all the boats moor up. the Yeah, the jetty. And um listening out to the crowd, listening listening to the the chaos that's surrounding him, trying to pick out individual voices, see if anything rings anything to it, but he's just eyeing that ship and he's going to be eyeing ah the way that it's tied, if there's any holes in the ship, any damage that would ah give the option that it was unsalable or is it a captured vessel and ah just that kind of immediate lay as he gets closer and closer to it. That makes sense.
So it's you're sort of following the perimeter of the shoreline along the the the dock edge and this point in the morning is where the Docklands are at their busiest. Any freight or industry or cargo that's being moved out of the city is being moved out at this moment. You're having to dodge between orcs running ah wi wheelbarrows full of cargo. You're having to deal with lots of people on the jetty, loading ships, unloading ships. this is This is the busiest point in the day and it's really hard to find space. Nearly every um dock in that jetty is occupied by a very large vessel. so
It takes you a while to just find one dock that is quiet enough for you to get right out as close to sea as you possibly can. You're still about 250 feet away from the Esmeralda as it is, and like I said, it is tethered to another ship in a cluster of about four ships, all bearing the flag of Vossen. Make a perception check for me at disadvantage from to try and spy any more detail from that distance away.
Oh, what a shame. Uh, 14. Ah, ah, ah, hang on. I've got tides of chaos. That gives me something. It's the advantage, doesn't it? Give the advantage on one role, but I think you have to turn your disadvantage into just a normal role.
which would have still been 14 because that was the first one I had. So yeah the second role was 23, but I can't take that's an advantage youre disadvantage. 14, 14. I'm not using tides. So you, you take your time studying this, right? and Yeah, absolutely. It's hard. No way to be. It's hard with, it's a still day. There is not a lot of motion in the water itself, but, but there are still,
What is the name of that, that verb of boats for water? Let's go with buoyants. Yeah. There's, there's still that buoyant action of the Esmeralda, even that far away. You study it for a period of five, six minutes at no point any crew move on it. And the the idea of the sort of tethered, um anchored larger ships out at sea is that a small crew can sort of walk between the four vessels that are clustered together in sort of like a,
the skeleton crew um looking after them caretaking, while the rest of that that naval force doesn't exist. So that there is there is no one that you spy over that period of time who even goes sets foot on the Esmeralda. The ship it's tethered to has guards, has sailors moving around its bow, but that no one goes to the Esmeralda in that time.
And while looking forward, listening around you in the various languages, there is about 16, 17 different spoken languages that I imagine instinctively you you'll want to initiate your eldritch abilities.
Yes, absolutely. As soon as I start picking out, ah there's multiple languages happening around me, which, because I slept the night before and I know where I'm going, because I've done a walk on the dock before, I've taken comprehend languages in my spell book, so Nix would just A purple wisp would come to the tip of his fingers and he'd double tap his ears if he was stopping an iPod or something or whatever, and all of a sudden that chaotic noise starts to tune into actual voices that he can understand.
and you listen in. Don't ask any questions straight away. You just listen in. No one mentions the Esmeralda in that time. No one mentions any of those names of the crew that you're also listening out for. Those are the things that would you are like on sonar to try and detect. Nothing is mentioned without any prompt or provocation.
There are, like, you look around this dock, this entire district, there are bigger pirate vessels than den the Esmeralda. There are more um elaborate merchant vessels than the Esmeralda presents. There are warships. there are There are some of the finest sort of naval forces around. No one's batting an eyelid. There are people who are talking about fishing ships more than they're thinking about talking about the Esmeralda.
I hear you're slight. I'm going to ignore it. That's fine. ah the The vessel it's tied to. Does that have a, from the the deck of the ship, is there a long kind of plank that leads to the the the dock, the decks, the where? It's 250 feet out into the arc the ocean itself, yep into the bay.
It's that that that ship is too big to bring in.
um Right. Okay. So Nix would stand on the edge of ah the edge of the bay. and the edge it they ah How long would you say you're you're just there as part of that activity? of just there's a lot This is a long time. Nix has been ah one, just sat on the bench and he would have sat and he would have gazed and he would have fought to contain the memories that would overwhelm him and fail because he loves this ship. Other than Marota,
the last time he felt safe, part of a crew, but so many hang-ups that he's attached to is on that ship. it's it was the It was the last of many good things. So he would relive and recall a lot of memories, as we all do in those times of need, and he is a little lost because he knows what he wants to do in his head. He's ease got two bullet points of find the crew, find what's happened to the ship. But it's a little bit chaotic because he's walking towards the ship and he's trying to get a sense of anything that's going on. And obviously, you know no one like you said, no one gives a shit about the Esmeralda right now because they're all going about their daily lives. So he's just
trying to formulate, and this is where he is at the moment, the next best move. I've got it myself. Nick knows what he's going to do next, but that he's that's what he's doing. He'll come to the realisation that he'll need the nearest tavern and he needs to start talking to the locals. um in There's some pull to that ship and he's just, before he turns his back on it, to go and find some local tavern, he's just He's just taking his damn time, man. He's taking his damn time. In that period of time you're taking, people do mark that there is just this lone tiefling staring forlornly out into the room. No one really bothers you you. While you're listening, you do hear a couple of, who's that guy, variations. Your passive perception is high enough to detect this. After about 20 minutes of just being in that trance, you do feel a small hand
by your hip, trying to find a pocket.
It's not the first time Nick's has been pickpocketed, and so he wouldn't take his eyes away from the ship, but he would reach down and just grab the wrist of the small hand. It's a very thin wrist, and as you grab it and pull your hand back, you pull with you about an eight-year-old child. I assumed it was a child as well. I assumed that. Same colour as you.
One single horn, the other has been broken. And you're just, you have this eight year old. Grasped.
And he just sort of squirms and is trying to pull away. Get off! Get off! Yeah, this isn't the first time that someone's tried to pickpocket. What are you trying? What are you trying to find? Is it just gold? I thought you were a statue. I thought you were a statue and you just stood there. Nick's all let go at this point.
It starts to run away. Hey, hey, ah before you go. yeah If you're desperate to pickpocket a statue, it sounds like you actually need some gold. I need gold. Are you a local around this area?
I'm not going to tell you where I live. That's very safe of you. My name is Nix Carell. Pleased to meet you at your service. Just wondered if you knew the information at hand around here. Maybe I could pay you for some information. For instance, the ships around here. Do you often stay around these docks? Do you take any fascination in what's going on around you? Yeah, I like ships, nibs, pearl. Nick, but I appreciate that. I talk a little bit fast. That's fine. What would you say is your favorite ship around here? and Keeping a distance from you at this point.
that one and sort of points a ship three three jetties away and you have to sort of look around to to identify it a little bit and you do come across all history for me absolutely go on nibs Yeah, history's never been my strong suit. It's a five. Five. A solid five. You recognize something about that ship. You recognize that the ah flag it flies, you just can't place it. You can't place whether it was a good recognition or a bad recognition or a dangerous or a, they're my friends. There's something there. Shit, I've seen that one before. And that the kid just points it and goes,
That one. Scarred scale. scale. Mighty fine ship. Good choice. I like it. It's got purple sails. What does the purple sails mean?
I like purple. Okay. I wanted to know just how much information you knew about this area. What about saying that vessel over there? And he's going to point to the one that is leading the four vessels, including the Esmeralda. Do you happen to know anything about that? That's the Lord Vossen's flagship.
Do you ever know where their crew frequent at all? I assume being around here quite a lot, you see crew come and go off the ship and you're trying to pickpocket me, so I dare say you've probably tried to pickpocket some of Lord Vossen's crew. No. No? I'd lose my hand. Really? I wouldn't mess with Vossen's crew. That's why that ship's there, points directly at the Esmeralda.
Oh, what do you mean, that ship's there? Because they messed with the fossil crew? The captain of that ship. He did a bad, did a bad. oh Pray tell. You say, do ah did a bad. ah In what way? That information you need, Nibs Pabel. It's information I'm curious about. Is Nibs Pabel going to give me money for the information?
Absolutely. It's an exchange rather than just a simple pickpocketing. I'm a tourist here for the the great duel that's happening, the competition.

Negotiation with Vlad Junior

I'm going to be a participant i' a participant myself and it draws himself up a little bit, shoulders back. hey The child lets out a laugh. No, you're not. like Yeah. Yes, I am, actually. what You won't win. I will. i'm I'm way more powerful than i looks can be deceiving.
No, my dad could take you. but Is your dad going to be part of the challenges? No. Well then... but maybe He'd be better than you. You know, loyalty to your father, I'm not going to get in between that. But yeah, I'm a passing tourist and just happen to be interested in ships.
ah 55,000 gold. Right, okay. Let's see. I like, I like your goal. I really do. I appreciate that. Trust me. You remind me of a little me. Can you bring it down somewhat? 54.
Yeah, that's very helpful. ah Say the crew of the, the Vossenship then. If you were to try and pickpocket them. because they do carry coin, so I heard. Where would you try and do such a thing? I wouldn't. They'd kill you.
but well They'd kill you? But you are small and somewhat bad at pickpocketing, but someone like me. you I'll say you told me to do it and I'll kill you.
Right. Okay. But then I just tell them that you told me that you were going to tell them that you told me that I was going to do it. But then in fact, it turn around and do it to you. Make a deception check. I'm going to lose against the fucking... It's kidded out smarting you. I know. 15. I don't understand.
you Give me money and I'll tell you ah tell you ah tell you what they did bad. Yes. So we have arrived at the original proposal of this whole endeavor. Of course. Money for information. Yes. Nips for Bell. yeah Yes. Yes. It just holds out a hand, expectantly. Right. OK, of course. You want coin up front.
Any suitable thief would do the same. ah Here you go. Here's five gold. Now, come on. Are you watching as Georgia sort of drops at this? wella Yes. And I'm here for a while. And if this information proves to be fruitful for me, this won't be the last time you get paid. More money for more chap. And probably some
spying and watching of the like. If you're up for pickpocketing, I dare say you wouldn't think that keeping a watch out for certain people would be up above your game either. Make a persuasion check.
19. Okay, nibs for bell.
Great. We have an accord. So, information. Uh, I like- And bearing in mind this information you're about to give me, we'll see our future relationship and whether or not you'll get more money. Okay. I know that the captain of that ship stabbed The Lord Vossen's son playing cards.
And now he's over there. he's Now who's over where? The captain of that ship is over where? He's pointing directly at the castle of the three crowns in the dungeon. ah How long ago did this happen?
Don't remember. It's been there for a long time. Since I was smaller and sort of gestures. Smaller. Below him. What about the crew? Every ship has more than one person running it after all. I don't know. Okay. But I know the captain is there and points again at the castle.
Thank you. What's your name? Or a name that you want to give me? Oh, I could pick one. You could.
Mmm... Vlad. Vlad. Vlad. It's not my real name, but I'm a really mean sailor once called Vlad, and I will be Vlad Junior. Vlad Junior. Okay, Vlad.
Thank you very much. He was a real pirate. And what ship did he sail on? i That one and points in a completely different direction. Make a history check. I am loving these roles. 14.
That ship you recognise. That's a ship called the Tidesong. It's commanded by a very fiery tempted pirate captain. Called Kayla Fireheart.
You've encountered the Tidesong before.
Uh, Vlad, why are there all the vessels here? Is it for this tournament? Yeah. Savvy. Right. Future payment. More money. More money. More gold. Yeah. I need your ears and your eyes to watch and listen. Not in physical form. Just keep a watch and a listen out.
Okay. For anything to do with that ship or the vessel it's tied to. And Nix will point to the Esmeralda and the Vossen, Lord Vossen ship. You pay me more money to watch that ship that does nothing. Yes. Okay. I'm good for it, as you can see. Okay. I will come here every day. Okay.
And just ask if anything's changed. If it's nothing, that's fine. But I'm here for a while. Okay. Do we have an accord? We have cords.
Thank you very much. By Nibsperbel. I'll see you tomorrow. More money. A gold piece every day. ah To go with my five. You've already got five?
to pay off them bullies. yeah Who's bullying you? I want bullies, me. Someone stole my horn.
You shouldn't have to pay off the bullies. Just fight them. I could go buy a big wolf now and walk around with a big wolf and eat them up. You're a Tiefling. You're above everyone.
Act as such. Shoulders back. Walk with purpose back. It starts walking with purpose. We have our horns for a reason. Even if you have one. Trust me, and everyone wishes they had what we have.
Thank you, Nipsobel. I feel like this is going to be a...
fruitful relationship for both of us. I don't like fruit. Fine. You're going to get a lot of money. Hopefully I'll get some information out of it. Either way. Pleasures or mine. but Do I tell my parents? ah it Depends on your parents. What do they do? I don't. I don't know if I should tell you. You might not give me money.
You know what? You can decide. I'm not asking you to do anything, but look and listen. Okay.
But if you want a gold, here, every day, let's say early morning. Okay. As the sun rises. Okay. Savvy. Savvy.
Bye, Nibsba Bell. Goodbye, Vlad.
What does Nix do next? Wait for him to fucking go. There's this awkward moment where they're not sure who goes. Nix is staying there. You have to go first, Vlad. That's how we should do this. Okay. I'm going to go watch and wait over there. And it just goes a couple of docks. It's a couple of jetties down.

Concluding Reflections and Jokes

And as you take in that information, the captain being incarcerated, look out across the bay, your beloved Esmeralda. You watch as the winds slow. The sounds around you of people loading ships slows.
And you just see
darkness fall over the bay of an arachnid figure and emblazoned in this purple bluish bioluminescence a phrase
A criminal waiting to be free.
And that is where we're going to end this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. ah oo donkey and if you've been affected by anything that we've brought this yeah by the way thanks for the chat guys like nick correll is no michael jackson He's not stood at the door going, here, here, come here, kids. God's sake, the chat. Next time it'll be a gold piece in a candy bar. The chat, guys. It's filth. Fucking filth.
I thought i thought i thought the the child it was going to be your child. Are you my daddy? Daddy? Nips. I think as Callum wins the disgusting quote of the night of, horns are handlebars, remember?
but I hope you're proud of yourself. Oh, not the criminal incarcerated.
ah is is choice or is it a small child but nick married it's not by an arch king captain yeah no no Well, so, I mean, this has been... I'll let you do the sign of sorry in now, no? No, that was me just giving you started it now, don't worry. If you wish to chat... You can't just bulldoze it and then say, oh, sorry. If you wish to chat further about what we have explored Oh, during this episode, both this is in character and choices. Or is if you have any other concerns, it a small child? you No, it's a fucking captain. can find us on X, as it's now called by Popular Demand. We are at Fellowship Table.
We are also on various other things. You can literally Google this and probably find us. um But yes. through that And ah if you wish to do more and follow us individually, you can follow us. You can find Ian at. I've got a one. You can find Callum at. The D20 Gamer. You can find Will at. Fellowship NPC PC.
You can find Mark and Darren at, and you can find myself at Natural20Will, and our dastardly DM of the dice, you can find Danny at Total Party Thrills. ah Until next time!