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25: Maybe I'm Not His Type image

25: Maybe I'm Not His Type

S1 E25 · Snap On This!!
250 Plays1 month ago

📰 Are they thrilled about the shield?? Will the Showdown earn a frown?! Find out at that same Snap time, on that Same Snap channel!! 🫰🫰

For our esteemed listeners’ consideration:

  • 🛡️ Sam Wilson Captain America & 🪶 Joaquin Torres Falcon
  • Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross ⚡ & Spotlight friends
  • Character Mastery & Sanctum Showdown (p)reviewed 🍌👀
  • 🧊 Laufey, 🪦 Uncle Ben, & 👹 Gorgon remembered
  • Secret Homework 🤫 Design a card from HeroClix
  • A new segment from Ben 💁

Richard Garfield's article on ladders in games.

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Featured decks:


  • Cover art by Lauren
  • Snap On This!! Theme by Ben
  • YouTube thumbnail by Lauren’s kid, Reggi


  • 0:00:00 Intro / Our Week in Snap
  • 0:13:37 New Card: Sam Wilson, Captain America
  • 0:26:46 New Card: Joaquin Torres, Falcon
  • 0:36:16 Next Week's Spotlight: Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross, Blink, Nebula
  • 0:50:24 Character Mastery
  • 0:54:27 Sanctum Showdown
  • 1:03:27 Laufey
  • 1:07:28 Uncle Ben
  • 1:12:55 Gorgon
  • 1:16:50 Secret Homework: The 'Infinity Challenge' Challenge
  • 1:28:53 Next Week's Secret Homework
  • 1:31:23 Snap Shooters
  • 1:35:58 Housekeeping / Closing Remarks

Introduction and Episode Overview

Hello, esteemed listener. This is Lauren Whatevs, one third of your hosts of Snap on This, a Marvel Snap podcast. It's episode 25. With it being an odd-numbered episode, we're going to throw it to Ree first to talk about Marvel Snap or whatever. How was your week and keep it snappy?

Humorous Host Dynamics

Okay, first, every time you refer to yourself as one third of a host, I think of us as some like mega host that will like fuse together to form an ultimate robot. Like a full drop? Yes, host. I would like to be the right arm, please, the one that carries the laser sword. Anyway,

Marvel Snap Compensation and Deck Strategies

okay. You got it. Sorry, so this week in Snap, you know, we got our compensation package. I was flush with credits.
gold with all the things um and tickets that I did not have time to get through. But still managed to snag myself um and another Infinity Border. Forget what that makes for me, like six maybe? Seven? I don't know.
mar Um, it's the winter variant, Elsa. Oh, nice. It's cute. Yes, I've been using it like all winter, so I was very happy to be able to get that for her.
um And it was using, uh, you know, my classic, I didn't have another deck I was super stoked on right now, so it was classic meek-ocalypse, uh, which is meek and dracula and apocalypse and scorn, of course. You can't have a discard deck without scorn, honestly.
Um, anyway, she's fantastic. Okay. Uh, but yeah, um, you know, I, people just do not, I have, I have, uh, necromantically evangelized this frequently on the podcast and yet people still do not respect a Dracula. Specifically a lot, people do not respect Dracula's on sinister London. And hello, it's called like sinister London. That's where you're going to expect to find a vampire, right?
Sinister when you're doubling your double Dracula or on cloning bets, when you're doubling your Dracula, it's like like you got to expect. If you're you're done. Excuse me. We're on Bar Sinister. On Bar Sinister, they can't red guard you in it. Just the one. Just the one.
Yeah, anytime I can get, anytime the vampire army rises, anytime I have a drunk enough blood of my enemies to form new friends. um You know, go and respect that. That's on you if you want a bunch of cubes to it.
You can make Discard sound so much cooler than I think of it as, because it's very cool. Yeah. I mean, have you ever just thrown Scorn away and had it come back to you over and over and over again, larger each time? Not once. To the point where you're even like, I didn't even draw my apocalypse, and I don't care, because, like, Scorn is like... Lauren, it feels so good. Scorn is like the most fun card of all the cards. Scorn is so cool. I'm

Challenges with New Decks

missing out. I don't have to. You really are.
Honestly, what I struggle most against is like the new bullseye discard deck that you see everywhere. and I think it's because ok I know when you're like like the top players all actually like do the math, like literally, but I feel like I do what a lot of people do. It's generally the output of decks by feeling So you can feel whether you're probably going to win this lane against them or not. The bullseye decks, I just don't have like a grasp in my head yet of their output. I think it's taking so long to form because it's fast-forwarded. It's just like it's fast-
And it's like like I guess they set stuff up there's collector there there's bullseye like stuff is happening and T6 happens and it's like fast forward and it's like Okay, I lost this one. You know, and I'm not, it's just like, and it's like, I know if I thought it out, I would know everything that happened, but we already clicked the next button. We already on, we already on to the next game. So I just can't get this idea in my head of, we'll say output. So it's like the snapping retreating is harder for me. Like my friend Cash is like, I can't believe you want an infinity avatar with discard. I'm like, never doubt the power of discard, fool. Okay, no.
Um, but it's so good. I think that's a strange thing to question. But yeah, um.

Ben's Marvel Snap Experience and Deck Innovations

oh Sorry, just fred totally lost my. Bullseye. This happens to me all the time. But now I lost it. I'm sorry. Yeah, so that that was my weekend snap unless I suddenly remember whatever it was.
okay Yeah, you can you know, you pipe up if you want to. Our third host, Ben, how was your weekend snap? Keep it snappy? You know, it was a pretty good weekend snap. We've got a new season going on. I was not able to finish in the global top 1000 last season. I was just busy. And you know, sometimes there are more important things to do than grind out snap when there's, yeah,
Yeah, you know, I was having medium fun, but not so much fun that I wanted to like throw hours at it. ah But when I was you know making a ah good final effort, I was getting a lot of points with this deck that I believe I'd actually built as of recording last week. But for some reason, there's always one really cool deck that I'm kicking ass with that I forget to talk about. I honestly don't know why. They're all like there on the collection screen. Not that hard to sort through them. But this is a scream deck that I'm just really crushing it with.
um In Conquest, ladder last season and now ladder this season. ah I call it Silk Scream, not very creatively because it's got silk in it, buff silk. Just had to get that out of the way. But the list is Kingpin, Hydra Bob, Scream, Angela, Craven, Spider-Man, Silk, Red Guardian, Hope Summers, Polaris, and Stegron and Magneto at the top end there.
um So the thing is, Hope Summers. I don't think other people are playing Hope Summers in their Scream decks, ah but it's pretty cool. I love playing Magneto on turn 5 and ah other stuff like that. There's just extra stuff to do with the energy and it all works out. There you know there are ways to play all of these cards without the acceleration that Hope offers, but I think ah she adds something. And yeah, I highly recommend this deck. I've been having a lot of fun with it.

Infinity Conquest Attempts and Reflections

Kicking a lot of butt. And I like that sort of thing. Oh my god. Can I inter- You saying scream totally reminded me of- I was so excited. Normally my, uh, my ganda has such terrible aim, but once it was three squirrels and a scream and I was like, hit the scream, hit the scream, Eddie!
Okay, so and then it was like just and then I like I had grand mastered him and I hit the other new card and by opponent just like retreat there was just looking at this like I know they were just like rage vending on some discord somewhere like Okay,
okay sorry, also I did remember just while I've already interrupted I was just like, hey, an Infinity Avatar, even if discard wasn't good, and a lot of times I am playing B or C to your decks because I think they're fun. um If you know when to snap and retreat, you can kind of win with most things that don't super suck. You know what I mean? if you don't Get your cubes and ah don't lose them.
so In recent seasons, I've noticed that like the level of competition is not so stiff in Infinite Conquest as perhaps it once was. ah In fact, yeah. I can usually get a few wins in with, you know, a Goopy thing.
But yeah, i i think it's I think it's a little silly that I've chosen this moment to get like deep into the to the scream game after the nerf. But like come on, was that a significant nerf? Did that really change anything? I don't think so. um Yeah, strong card, strong deck. Love playing my boy Willy Fisk. love ah Love playing Lorna Dane, the greatest Dane, a.k.a. green hair don't care.
um Yeah, it's just it's ah it's a cool deck and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Other than that, what have I been playing? I've been playing Wave Flourish 25B with Speed in the Flex slot. I've been playing... I've gone back to Cool Doug's Guard, the the version of Discard Dracula that does not run Bullseye because I just... I don't i don't know. I go back and forth. Bullseye and Gambit are both sometimes the right tool for whatever job. And, you know, Bullseye does make the Morbius so big sometimes. And, you know, I don't know. I've been going back and forth on them. They're fine. Still been playing co-dependence day. My Wiccan U.S. or not U.S.H. Iron Patriot. So many of these star-spangled assholes these days.
um Yeah, it's yeah been a good week. played the Played some more other games. You know how I do, but I won't bore you with the details. It was a fine week of Snap.
Good. I'm glad to hear it. I was muted, but star-spangled-assholes got me. Not the audio listeners. I was dying. ah Okay, I'm gonna take it. I'm assuming you're gonna pass it to me. I also had a great week in Snap. Last week I reported that i I don't know how high I climbed. I made it to top 4,000. Pretty good. just like playing something that I enjoyed, climbing up. And then, and then I encountered an article from Richard Garfield entitled, Keep your numbers off of me, why tournaments support better communities than ladders. Let me read just the second paragraph to you. I'm sorry, I'm reading to you, but like, this really, this hit me this week.
He's talking about starting a new digital game. Quickly, I noticed that I was having less fun because I was no longer experimenting and trying new things. I was focusing on what I knew worked. I began to lean more heavily on what other people said was correct rather than finding my own way. Losses were setbacks rather than learning experiences. When I rose to a level that corresponded to my actual skill,
I stalled. Then the games became more samey, with the players mostly playing similar styles. I noticed that I felt like a mediocre player, even though I was in the top 10%. There's more. But that's his ladder experience, and it hits so hard for me too, where I'm like, oh, I've been playing other people's decks that are very good, and I am having fun with them, but it's not the same type of fun. And the higher I climb, the less fun my opponents are. And You know, in some ways, like, I think I've been just fine that, but like, you know, like getting better at the game feels good. And it does mastery does feel good. But I was like, you know what? Fuck it. I'm throwing away my score again. I'm not going to do I'm not going to lose 20,000 to rank on on a clip hunter, a spree. But I'm going to pull out a deck that I truly love. That's super fun.
And I did, and it's an older one. um And i I updated it a bit. i I mixed in some things, but here's the crux of it. You're using Mysterio, Morph, Demon from Hood, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Sentries with the Void. You're using these things to both make excellent targets for Cersei and also discount Mockingbird.
And really, you can stack up a shit ton of power with just like a sentry, a mockingbird, a demon, and a true Mysterio. Like that's a big lane. And then the other lane you win with with Valkyrie or Cersei. You know, like a card like a Negasonic Teenage Warhead is really fun because it does its job and then you evolve it into a forecast. And that's dope.
Um, I also have had so much fun throwing void out early because people will suddenly stack right and you're just like, okay, whatever. I'm going to do my own thing. You worry about the right. You're putting way too much energy over there. Whether or not I'm going to attack it later. They're so scared of receiving the void.
Anyway, I dropped to like 10K and hovered there very comfortably. And that's usually where I am when I'm playing for fun. um And I loved it. I had a blast. And so that was happy. I did have several attempts at Infinity Conquest, both with real decks, heavily air quoted, and my silly decks. I made it to battle four and five several times, but I did not have any success this season. It was sad.

New Marvel Snap Cards Analysis

um But yeah, I had it i had a a great week and then two new cards came out and I haven't loved them. Should we talk about them? We sure can. Okay.
ah First up, we're going to do the Season Pass card. Sam Wilson, Captain America. I've heard that comic fans just call him Captain Falcon, which I think is fantastic. I think you may have even brought that up before, but... A 2-3. Games start, add Cap Shield to a random location. Ongoing, you can move Cap Shield. And then Cap Shield, of course, is a 1-1 with the ongoing can't be destroyed. And when it enters a Captain America's location,
plus two to that Captain America.
We all got him, right? Yes? Yes, absolutely. Yes. Yes. Cardamom in my collection. Did you get to play with him? I think I've even upgraded into green. Oh, mine is blue. No, I haven't played with him, mostly. I've just been... I have. Yeah, I've been preying upon him, I would say, with the stream deck that I mentioned.
Okay, yeah. Oh, I can see that. Scream's so annoying. and Always trying to Red Guardian the scream. And you shoot as you can, and it works. I've seen some cool ongoing decks.
um like that Chase was playing ah from and like Safety Blade and maybe Ika. They have speed and I don't have speed yet. And then this unfortunate thing now where I'm like missing enough cards that it's like, I mean, you know, I could find subs, but I played our friend um from, writer's fame, a Scott Steck.
um because i was two it was at night. I it wasn't up for making my Marvel Boy deck yet. One, I did yes. Red Guardian is ramping and it does you know take out the shield. I don't hate that because you put in a Red Guardian and it's like,
ah and Shield isn't a card you're really trying to win the game with usually, you know? So that's going to draw the Red Guardian away from my, like, Victoria Hand or whatever else I got going on in the deck. Like, thank you. Yes, Peter. I'm sure they're all like, hey, hey, got it. The shield is doing its job if it's Red Guardian. The scaling power is that's every other turn you get plus two. That's like not worth Red Guardianing about. like that We live in a world with like Havoc and like Thena and like Dracula and like valid targets. you know like Things you would benefit from yeah wiping. That's why I'm always really stoked when someone Red Guardians something. like
lower than, like yeah, my drag or whatever else in decks like that I'm playing. But this deck from Scott, I think he pointed out, which I think was very astute and I hadn't thought about, is that Cole Obsidian is like definitely one of the best friends of Capshield having that guaranteed one to play. You need no other activator.
And this was such a weird deck to me when I first saw it, but it was working well for a deck and build. It's got Iron Patriot, who honestly, I still think is very good. Oh, yeah. um Nothing has changed. Yeah. Like Baron Zemo, which is weird to me because Victoria Hand is in it. And I'm like, well, that doesn't buff a Zemo card. But it buffs an Iron Patriot card. It buffs...
like a Hawkeye, hate Bishop Hawkeyes. That's enough. Right? And so Quicksilvers because wien's here, here, Rocket, Raccoon, and Groot, I think are still very good. It's like, what if you had a Jeff that stole power? Because the point of Jeff is like for the times, like Sanctum Sanctorum, or, you know, I mean, sometimes you can throw him on a like Professor X or something. but um Like, you know, I think they're a very good card whenever. you Yeah, that reach, but you get to leave some of the influence behind after you move. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Sometimes I find myself trapped in like a ah situation where I'm like, well, I shouldn't play them this turn because I don't have priority.
And then like I'm like, maybe I'll have priority next turn, because I've made a play that might snag priority. But then like you don't get priority. And then Rocket and Groot just languishes in your hand, and you feel silly. But mostly if you play it, it's a good idea. It's a good idea to play that card. That's what I think.
Yeah, I can only play my curve if I have him, yeah. Also in this I usually only would put Mockingbird in, like, Arish and Ed, or something where are you like I'm gending a lot of shield cards, but it's like a little package.
Oh, yeah, and the shield. So, like, you know, all these packages, like playing a 3-9, pretty good. You know what I mean? I forget you don't have to get that much out to get high value from these cards. Also, I've noticed Elias is a big Wiccan friend, right? Almost every Wiccan deck I feel like I've played has Elias, which is good. Like, just still any deck where you're expecting to get Cryo regularly, Elias can just be a champ for you.
ah Oh, man, I took out a Nexus. This was on my Infinity run, I think, to power Nexus, which is the location that gives you that power, at that location, to all the other locations. And I knew in their deck they weren't playing the location changer. I mean, you know I didn't know, no, but I knew that. Yeah, yeah, speaking of suspicion.
ah like my racket raco Yeah, on there. Okay, this wasn't my Infinity Run because I wasn't playing. yeah But ah this was um when I was testing out this deck, because then, and they had this huge bounce deck, and they were so proud. They got their little Sable and their Rocket Raccoon like super big. And the last turn, I just got pride on Elias, their hit monkey, and like nonsense. This isn't coming.
Anyway, sorry, that was glorious. Okay, anyway, so yeah, this deck has been surprisingly, it's not something I would have put together in my brain, but that's what I love about playing a deck like this. It's like, oh, I didn't think about this card this way. So yeah, expand my horizons. So thumbs up for Sam Wilson as Cole and Mockingbird Enabler.
I think it's just a fantastic card. I am looking forward to playing it eventually. I'm just, I'll get to it when I get to it. You've been preying on it and you think it's fantastic, huh? Yeah, absolutely. I'm sure these people I'm beating are beating a lot of other people.
though I've been seeing so many bots since ah season reset. Oh my goodness. ah Wow.

Card Mechanics and Synergy Debates

Yeah. So like when I do get a human, they're usually playing Sam Wilson and I, you know, I do prey on them and stuff, but like, yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Mostly mostly I've been running into a lot of bots. I wish I wish i were farming more Sam Wilsons is my feeling.
because the bots are still playing their classic bot decks, although now they do pretend to be in alliances with real humans, which is wild. yeah Absolutely wild choice. Camouflage the presence of bots. That's the squeaky wheel that needs the grease. Okay. Okay, guys.
it's always during when you're on ladder again and running into bots after playing infinite yeah you're several rank you know you're starting at 73 or wherever you start it's fine if it's lower but yeah that suddenly there's way more bots than there were towards the end of the previous season what have you been doing with captain with Yeah, I tried just my own regular. What would you do with Captain America deck? um Like, you know, I tried to some spectra me things and some like some move synergies and and man, my first like five games with him I lost and I was like,
was this with spectrum stuff yeah and i'm skepticical of that direction I have seen some people being positive about spectrum. But first of all, I find this card extremely frustrating when you don't draw Sam Wilson. And if you draw him, like he's just awkward. This card made me so wish that they didn't do the move rework where move always happens before on reveal.
I think of this so much, like every day. It's just so frustrating. I think it was so much more interesting and fun back then. Oh my gosh. This card would be so much more fun if I could play Captain America classic and then move the shield to it on the same turn.
or you know drop a Hercules and move the shield to it. That would be so much more fun. um Hercules is extremely fun with this card, by the way. ah Even when you get both captains out on curve, it's a lot of power, but it just feels like so much investment. It's a little clunky. It's kind of, i mean i I don't mean to do my own horn, but it's kind of what I was concerned about last week. like This card ended up being a little clunkier than I hoped for. It is very fun moving the shield every turn and having, you know doing some shenanigans with that uh after i got frustrated with the card and cleared the 70s with clog because everybody's playing doom 99 um yes yes they are yeah i pulled out my fun deck again my my valkyrie sir seed fun deck i put captain america in there because the moving shield can be both a good valk target you know we love extra bodies for valk and it's a discount for Mockingbird. So like, it went okay. I don't know if I liked him better than Morph, who is who I swapped, but it went okay. um i'm I'm not totally giving up on him, um but I think he is he's mid. He is certainly, like I'm confident in saying he is nowhere near the power level of the last four season pass cards.
I agree I agree with that. I will play with this card some before we reconvene next week. I gotta say, having not played it, I'm still you know speculating here, but i that does not feel not feel plausible to me. I would love to be proven wrong. and i mean it Seems like a real good card to me, but I don't know. I don't know. I could be wrong.
and were There were times where moving the shield was useful. Like, I moved it into the raft, got the card, and then moved it out of the raft. Like, you know, normal move things that I could do with Jeff. Like, that was cool and useful. You could do once with Jeff. Yeah, right. So it's ah it's a little different. ah you can You can use the shield to steer where your doom bots go, I think is something that somebody's doing, Regis maybe. Cool and clever, but like... I don't know. I just if you look at the raw number output, it seemed high, but then it's like, yeah, but you need him out on curve in order to do that. And that's like a huge downside. Anyway, ah disappointing, not necessarily a bad card, but um I don't know.
I haven't had very much fun with him yet. At least I haven't had success with him yet. I've had some fun moving the shield around, especially with like double Hercules. Doing really silly stuff is fun. I had the thought to do a shield heist, and I made a whole deck dedicated to shield heist, where I was going to rogue it, and then electro it, and then bring their shield over with Fenris. And then I realized if I rogue it, it doesn't do the buff anymore. So there's so the shield heist is pointless.
That was very sad because I got really close to pulling it off once then I was like wait once there's extra Once once I wipe it it does nothing um It would have just been a cool clip not a real thing to do Just the moving stuff, is but so like the times where you're getting, oh man, the name of the location is escaping me, but where you're, oh, white hot room, right? Where you're filling it to get max three energy. All the ones, or the raft, yeah, where you're trying to fill something up early, it's super useful there, just like, you know, just like a Jeffers, or whatever it would be. That's how it seems to me. There's still two. I'm remarking on what I see other people doing across the board.
Yeah, is it is it Kun Lun where every time you go there you get plus two? That one's fun with the shield. Yeah, that is fun.
I play, I don't play, I know almost never play straight move decks. So anytime I can move something into Queen Loon, I'm like, woo, woo, woo, meek, we'll this move, maybe twice this game. Meek, we'll get first move, maybe twice this game.
um the bird man
Meek, we'll get first move, maybe twice this game. Did Meek, we'll either of you get him? Absolutely, yes. Spent tokens. Ooh. Oh, yeah? Okay, well, I understand. I get it. I card every month with tokens. I made that claim once on the podcast, and I keep checking, and yep, I got Malekith with tokens, Luna Snow with tokens. I forget who I got last. I don't know. If I had the thing in front of me, I could tell you who, but yeah. I'm always getting somebody with tokens every month.
I have enough that I can get another series five with tokens too, because the compensation package was so, you know, token-y. Wait, okay. First I need to know if Lauren... Lauren, did you get him? I did not. Not yet. Okay, no, then it's on to you, Ben, because I'm on the fence. You convinced me to get this card or to not get this card, because I'm not sure how I feel. It feels very bouncy to me, which I'm not. What? I don't even think I've played against it. I've seen one. I've played a lot.
yesterday and I have seen beennoying a ton of fun with this scream deck. I didn't I didn't like really hit this point very hard in it, but like it's got Angela. It's got silk. It's got nerfed Hydra Bob. He's still so good with Craven with Craven.
ah Yeah, ah I'm just I'm just having so much fun with that deck because in spider-man It's like ah it's it's doing its own move tricks. It's doing move tricks on the opponent. It's such a fun deck Why would I stop to play the new cards? Honestly, there's still science to be done with the old cards. I'm just I'm having a blast and Because they're shiny and new Do I seem concerned with that?
I feel like I want to get it. Then they're just as good. it's i I'm so sick of the the like the the failure of our community's object permanence. I just, it annoys them. I know. How many decks that are like months old and are actually still competitive? You've never seen them.
Yeah, i just except for like the classics, you know, you your your APOC discard and your like classic destroy. Like those of you are the ones that survive. But other than that, we ah have short attention span. Just a bunch of goldfish. It's just it's maddening.
I mean, but they're new cards. But no. I have not yet played Joaquin Torres. We have old cards. We have cards now. Why would I possibly want a shiny new card to play? What are you, the Grinches of Snap? Come on. You guys are a little excited. I mean, is that not my reputation? You are a little bit. Yeah, you are a little bit that.
Um, you you have failed our listeners, I'm just saying. Okay. I'll get to them eventually. It's just like everybody else is... I assumed everybody else would be cooking with him, and i I like to let everyone else go first, and then I see what they missed, and then I do that. Yeah, I think this card looks boring. And I don't want to rehash everything because we haven't played with it. I don't want to rehash everything we said last week. um But I had a couple more thoughts, especially after seeing it, and because I was like, oh, I haven't run into any. I can't say anything. I need to go...
do some research, so I tried to watch some of my YouTube videos and look at Twitter and see what people were saying. It's very hard to find people saying anything about this card. Here's what I think. I think he's just awkward, and that most of the time you would rather be bouncing, right? And I know you can technically do walking and bouncing, but it just does not seem like like I would rather be playing Beast, Tox, and Falcon than getting Falcon 2 in there anywhere. I think for him to be successful, he needs to be at two cost.
like i I think he'd be too good. Yeah, I agree. It does feel like he'd be too good at two. Yeah. I mean, like I said, it just gives you more turns to do the thing, more turns to bounce and do the thing. You give him an inch and he'll take a mile. These doubling things, they get out of hand.
It feels like they tried him at two, and he was probably way too busted, and then they put him at three, and then they ran out of time. think you might have cracked it there.
He's not a straightforward bounce card. Like, if if we had the bouncing red wing, then maybe, like, it in fact, I think that that lends to to your theory is that red wing got changed the last second. That it just, yeah, messed everything up. Because Joaquin would have been great with bouncing red wing. But in a regular classic bounce deck, yeah part of the reason you're bouncing is because you're playing you know ah black swan or hit monkey or bishop like cards that care about cards being played walking tourist is a different version of that where you're strictly focused on the honor veils and i'm just like
I could, if I waited a turn I could use Wong instead and on turn three I could be using Beast or something. Like ah Grandmaster is ah is a way to double. Like how many ones have abilities you really, really want to double? There's only a few of them. I mean four or five. I mean you got your Iceman, your... ah You're, what, like Rocket Raccoon? i i should I should have had a list in front of me. Oh, the hood is like the MVP, right? Thomas, you don't want to hold one cost till turn four usually, unless you're bouncing. That's usually the only reason you're holding low costs. Otherwise, that's why you put low cards in your deck, so you can play them on the early turns.
Yeah, just I just think he seems very awkward. And both the one time I saw him and I've seen other people post this, it's like, it's so telegraphed. Like, oh, you're gonna play Rocket Raccoon there. What if I just don't play there and your Rocket Raccoon is a one instead of a nine? Let me posit what I think the optimal like play pattern is for Joaquin Torres.
You play one constant on one. That's someone who owns and won't even play with him. This is what I think might work. OK, so you play your good bouncy one drop. You play more good bouncy things on turn two. You play Beast on turn three. You play Joaquin on four. I think turn four is when we play Joaquin.
That's what I think. And we play them alongside just a whole cavalcade of on-reveal one drops. And probably it's unpredictable where we're going to play them because we don't have a lot of things on the board. And in this scenario, the only thing we have on the board is Olahank McCoy. And that's just a whole world of possibilities you got in front of you. So that's what I think the smart thing to do with Joaquin probably is Beast on three, Joaquin on four. That's my feeling. You might be right.
That means that you claim this. Black Swan is viable. Black Swan is viable. Absolutely. You know, maybe Black Swan is in this deck. Sure, sure. yeah yeah if that If that helps me sell the concept to you both, how about this? Yeah, maybe maybe next week is the week I finally let Black Swan into my heart and I come to you with the the Ben Bounds.
On your curve, though, where you're dropping Joaquin for the first time on turn four, that does not leave room for you to bounce those cards again. No, you shouldn't. OK. And maybe that's fine. But maybe you should have Grandmaster them or something. Get them out of there. yeah i like You can walk or you can ah classic Falcon on five. But most of those cards that are the one cost ones, like ah that we were talking about, you know, are we sure there's a nice man again? Couldn't we Falcon him up?
You can, but most but this is what I'm saying, most of them, your Hood, your Iceman, half of Niko's spells, they they're not helpful on turn six. That's true. That's true. As far as helpful things, on turn six, there's Silver Sable and Rocket director Raccoon. And Silver's not that helpful, because, excuse me, you know the top card of their deck is not exactly a concern. Yeah, she goes plus four. You don't hate that. No, you don't hate it, but it's nothing to write home about. it's It can't be the reason for the season. um All right.
I hope you prove me wrong. though I think this does seem like the type of card that needs some development, that like you can't really judge it based on day one, even if I had played it. Yeah, I would love to have played against it. That that would be very informative. I could speak with much greater authority. already for the card is so awkward, just like the character with his weird bird arms, wing arms, and his weird bird eyes. And it's like, yeah, he's just that way. So, poor guy. I want the best for him. Yeah. I mean, we all do, for sure.
um Okay, next week's card. Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross. I was higher on him than you two were. Tutu, when your opponent ends a turn with unspent energy, draw a card with 10 or more power. Wait, you were correct. I was pretty high end on my phone. were you Okay, it was ah Ben was lower than us then. How about that?
Um, I think drawing is a very strong ability, but, um, yeah, I've seen a few people be lower on him lately. Like how many places does he really go? And how many like, you know, 10 power cards are critical. You know, you have your Heimdall, you know, if there are some decks where that that's, like you have to be playing enough 10 power cards that you can't draw them all naturally before the trigger happens. You know, because like, otherwise you just played a bad two, two. Um,
At least that's my feeling. like how How many 10 cost cards do you have to play to justify including Thaddeus Ross in your deck? Because I think it's probably three, right? Or do you think it's just two? I mean, you'll probably get value most of the time with two if it happens. like you'll You'll get the draw maybe.
You have to use them to enable a combo? Are you trying to use them? I think this is what I like about him, though, is that he makes me to experiment. He makes me want to play around. And then maybe like i'm you know like when you play a board game three times and you're like, yeah, I'm good. We've seen the range of this one. But it makes me want to try stuff, right? Just just to see. like i like I was talking last time about like You know, could he could he be a different form of magic for some decks? Like, we'll see. Yeah, I mean, the 2-2 body is definitely bad. um yeah Yeah. If this were a one-cost, I would feel completely differently. Yeah, or even a 2-3. That second energy is so significant. Absolutely.
We still don't know about the Red Hulk thing. That does absolutely affect life. If you get to draw Red Hulk and then Red Hulk powers up that turn, that's cool. We have to do a friendly match with the Adam Warlock thing and just like get to the bottom of this. Or can you just wait a week? Is that our due diligence as journalists or whatever?
Yeah, I mean, sure, I'd be happy to do that. um We can report even though everybody will know next week. Yeah, I was gonna say by the time the next episode comes out. We can do it during intermission.
Yeah, I don't know. he I know I'm high on him and and i'm yet i'm I was penalizing ah Sam Wilson for being a bad card if you don't get it on curve. And so and and he's even worse if you don't get him on curve.
so and i'm on twenty three or four yikes Yeah, like if you don't play him on turn two in Assertor Deck, you're probably not playing him at all. Also, you know what if they're what if they're doing the Wiccan speed thing? like What if they just don't leave energy on the table? like i I don't know. This is like such a soft drop. Wiccan is not that easy to pull off to be. I play a lot of Wiccan and there are plenty of games where I can't.
I can't. I definitely thought that Red Hulk would not be like that much of a problem just because of how bad it is to not spend all your energy and I'm like and I try to be a little bit religious about spending all of it but ah I don't know. like I'm still unconvinced.
Do you ever play a Wiccan deck and sometimes think, maybe I'm not as type?
It's like, I get it. That deck I mentioned, Codependence Day, I've been repping it for about a month now and it's ah it's real good fun. I should try here. Is it a move though? No, I mean, it does have Hydrabob in it.
Oh, okay. Now, Hyderabad is acceptable, even though he is, you know, a lesser man than he once was. He's fine. He's just fine, I tell ya. I don't know. I used to play Hyderabad every decade. I don't. Did they just get in my head with the one point of power? Yes. Yes, they did. Now, Ant-Man is better sometimes. Oh, Ant-Man is such a beast. I love Ant-Man.
Ant-Man's obviously in my family, basically any Valkyrie deck that I play. Okay, spotlight friends. Ant-Man is in the surfer deck that I sometimes play on my spouse's account. The collection is not as fleshed out as mine, so I'm left to play some suboptimal or, you know, unusual cards. So Ant-Man and Surfer, that's what I do. And gosh, dang it, if I don't win a lot of games against ah people with bad collections. It's a lot of power.
ah Thaddeus, Thunderbolt, Ross's spotlight friends are Blink and Nebula. Blink, I'm really surprised we don't see as much like... Blink's a great card. She's still good. Yeah, she's a great card and you just don't see her that often.
um Sometimes in like how long? Because everyone's playing Doom 2099 in Galacta. You don't want to believe this. In my previous attempt at a Wiccan deck, I was playing blank and it was working for me.
She's good. I mean, even when Blink was one month old, like she was already like out of the meta and like she's a perfectly good card. And Nebula is excellent if you are lacking Nebula. um nebulous That is a very... Nebula is not as crucial as she used to be, I would say. Like, you don't see her around as much. Yeah, we're filling the boards more now. So she gets stopped four times easily, but...
I mean like storm is not what storm was so yeah, there's that too lockdown is is gone This reminded me of a team answer I was really bummed to see where someone was talking about power creep. And they were mentioning the Guardians, not like, you know, like the super earliest cards. And they're like, they're, you know, comparing to like Luna Snow and stuff. What are you doing playing like a Groot anymore and everything with the spell lines? And their answer was just like,
Yeah, that's part, it's like they're starter cards. So now you just get better cards. They teach you the game and now you have better cards. And You know what I mean? And now they're just like, no, yeah, just better cards, time goes on. Because Because they're just starter cards. You get those cards and then they're not good enough anymore. You need better cards because that's, you know, and it's like... They acknowledge that there are starter cards. They acknowledge there are starter cards that... No, they have made mention of this. For serving the new player experience, we know how important that is to them. ah Apparently that's like the only thing about the new player experience that's like that important.
It wasn't even like Jessica Jones or whatever. You know, it wasn't even like series one and two cards. I feel like they were talking about more recent cards and they were just like, yeah, the new cards would be better. And I was like, I thought, I thought better. Yeah, we're talking about series one and two. They were talking about series one and two. We can't love new cards while not leaving old cards behind. I agree. We're bringing them all.
and While I do agree with that, and I think that it's something that's actually really great about Snap, it's pretty unusual that your starter deck still has cards that you're playing all the way at the italy you know end i don't know like you get a magic gathering starter set it'll have like naturalize in it or whatever and naturalize is a real card you would want to play. I was going to say disenchant because that's how old I am. My Imagine the Gathering starter set had disenchant because that was a white effect. but um But yeah, I assume they probably still have naturalize in them and stuff. I don't know. I'm sure there are playable cards and some of it is just the scale, right? like Thousands of cards versus 300 cards. like It's a very different scale.
It's hard to balance, I get, but I feel like they're just saying, yeah, we just have our own... Man, I haven't played Magic so long. I'm blanking on the name of the ah the recent... What's the in name of the... Oh, I have no idea. i There's a reason I i referenced two extremely old cards.
Okay, so the idea is only the sets of the last few years are like viable and playable. Oh, you're talking about what's in length rotation about like rotations? Yeah, basically. I thought it was a more specific name, but yes. And yeah, I'm sure that doesn't do that and that's a choice.
That's what I love about Snap. Snap doesn't have rotations, but they kind of do. They kind of do if they're saying we are in actively power creeping cards. so yeah yeah is zo saying I think they could be doing... I i know it's an impossible task to you know just release cards without power creeping and still like make them relevant and exciting and stuff, but like I think they could be doing a little better.
you know, ah curtailing the level of power creep and the speed of it and doing a better job at rehabilitating old cards in such a way that does not diminish the relevance of the new cards or the cards that they intend to put out in the future. Like, I think they could make a table that had more seats at it for cards old and new. That's what I think they could do. But, you know, it's easy for me to say. They haven't asked me to help.
But on the flip side, to be more positive, I think releasing a lot more cards. Because another way to buff old cards and make them viable again is just to have more options to play them with, right? So maybe. Yeah, give them new synergies. Captain America. What were you saying, Lauren? It cut you off. I was just saying, um I don't know, a card languishing in Series 3 definitely is not going to get the same attention as a card that's you know struggling in Series 5.
um Although they do sometimes abandon those cards too, but. Yeah, every now and then for sure. Although I think mostly they want consumer confidence that if you buy a card that sucks, like a new card that sucks, they're going to take care of you. Like they're going to make that card playable. um There are certainly exceptions. i The other thing I was thinking was, I don't know, lost it.
Oh, never happened to me. Yeah, right. The train of thought. they They might, one way to deal with power creep is to do a one time like scale everything up, right? Get more granularity in there. um Because there are cards that are very hard to power when they're like, you know, ah when they need to be in between two power levels, you're not going to do a three and a half for power.
yeah So if they did it one time to like scale up the entire you know thing, the entire range of power, that would give them some more granularity and they could give like those small buffs to cards that could use it.

Upcoming Features and Events in Marvel Snap

Well the thing is, like the the example of the Guardians of the Galaxy, like those cards are so bad that they could like buff them to make them more playable while still not even buffing them enough to make them like playable playable but it would feel better for the people who wanted to play them and they still wouldn't be good enough to you know prevent anyone from buying new cards because like they wouldn't be like that good. but like
if If group classic, what does group classic go to? Three, seven, if you, if you guessed right, like if you made it three, eight, if you guessed right, it still wouldn't be that good. Like, you know, it would, like, I wouldn't be out here playing it, but maybe we would be having more fun with it or something. I see my guardians deck put together. I pull it out again.
Yeah, and you told me it's got tracks and group classic in it. What are you... Okay. The madwoman. I'm just saying, these are cards that could receive significant buffs and still not see play, so why don't they give them those significant buffs and let the people who insist on playing them for the love of the game to have a little more fun.
We might see it like they already did buff the guardians once they might do it again. The last OTA was like yeah seven cards that just got one power, right? Yeah, and they were the least.
to What? Well to your your point, you all got that at one power and so what? Who cares about 4 or 5 Ms. Marvel or 5-7 Nomura even though I think- The thing is, there's cards that are in spotlight caches. These are cards that are like outside. i mean like if If we're going to hand out meaningless plus one buffs that don't raise anyone to the level of viability, then at least you know You could give it to the the old cards that people already have and maybe do something a little more significant for cards like Miss Marvel. I think Nomura's fine. I don't know why Nomura received the commission received, but it's fine. I played her because of the buff. I had an auto build, me and it built me a Nimrod deck, which I was happy with because I got a cool Nimrod variant. And it was like... I mean, when you pulled it off, it was really cool and fun, but it was hard to pull off.
I don't know. As a Nemora lover, I would like to, I don't know, love her more, I guess.
two six silk wen cowards yes
okay It dropped late last, or later than usual, it was like Monday. We got the season trailer for for the new season that just started. And it showed us you know cards that we've already been playing and stuff like that. But it also previewed Character Mastery, which will be coming in next week's patch.
um Not a lot to say about it, but it looks like you unlock finishes and flares for characters. um You get XP for having variants and splits. And then I'm so glad at level 30, you get a custom reaction set for the character and they showed the hood, but they made it sound like it would be available for every character at launch. um So i'm I'm very excited to to get my Valkyrie reaction set. ah If I have enough experience in a week, I will be rocking that.
um Thoughts about character mastery? It's mostly what we thought it would be. Albums too, the banana-ning. Banana-ning, we can make that happen for sure. I favor the addition of, ah you know, arguably like unnecessary and that like, you know, like... Banana-ning.
happening, you know, the I always I don't know. Like I just think that the extra consonant there like helps because bananang, like you got the vowels and in a messy sloppy way. It makes it sound like you're slurring or something, but like the banananing, I don't know.
that's That's just how I would do it, but no, they're go they're gonna splits miss me for sure. they that Everyone's gonna like drop the inn and just make it their own. That's fine. That's fine. All right, you heard it here first, folks. The character master release of Character Mastery, fucking up all of our flare and finish drops will be known as the banana-ning, which is very easy to say.
ah I am concerned about that. I am concerned that unlocking 20 new finishes and flares is going to make it harder for me to get the ones I want, which for me personally is crackle and I don't care about the finish. um But you know, I'll go ahead.
But like, I'm just excited to see things that aren't like foil or prism, to be honest, like, you know, along the way, even. I'm bored of just looking for like, golden crack. Because honestly, a lot of card backs look terrible. I got gold crackle on Valk.
And on gold right which should be so good but it doesn't look great with her variants that i have to be honest the background like what i'm gonna cover it peach my mocha's beautiful like star shower with this i know it's just like. Yeah that's why i like to finish on everything i like things colorful. um um itll be I don't know it might be fun to see some other stuff.
Yes, it's fun to see people already customizing with borders, right? Like, it'll be really fun to see um a much wider variety. I just worry about, like, yeah I don't know, people who, like, really value being, you know, ink, you know, turning all their cards into ink or gold or whatever one thing that they that they really like, if that's gonna get much more difficult to do. If if you're going to get get punished for engaging with this feature. That's the thing I'm concerned about. If it feels bad to unlock new stuff.
Otherwise, I think it's great. I think it's going to be really cool to have like just new things to look at. I think it's great to give big spenders and collectors ah more advanced things to chase. I want to get destroyed by banana null instead of just like ink null. Banana null is more powerful. That's canon. ah Banana. I'm sorry. OK.
That's all say if nothing and yeah I I don't know. I hope it's going to be good. We can talk about it more next week once we know more about it. ah The other thing they showed off was Sanctum Showdown, which was already like slightly in the day to minds, but we we got to learn more about what the mode is. um It's going to be a limited time event. I think they said for two weeks, but I don't I don't have it in front of me how long it's going to last. But it has a massive shop, kind of like the conquest shop, where instead of being ah a set track,
um Like the other diner in high voltage, you have a shop and you get to choose, are you gonna go in on cosmetics and borders? Are you gonna go for new cards? Are you gonna go for series four and five cards that you don't own? A random one. That's a good prize. Love that aspect of it. It's gonna be hard, because we're gonna win all of it. Everybody's gonna win all of it. Yeah, and the prices seem significant enough that it looks like there's gonna be an entry fee. Don't love that.
yeah Yeah, I think that my satisfaction with this game mode will hinge on how easy it is to get the meaningful rewards that like, you know, game pieces and stuff. um If I can get all the game pieces on offer without throwing extra money at it, I'll be happy. And if I can't, I won't throw the extra money at it and I'll be unhappy. So I hope they ah i hope they make good decisions and do cool stuff.
And they had definitely set it up to disappoint people because I have already seen a lot of people talking about seven free cars. And it's like, no, there's no way that you're getting seven for free. I mean, like, do those people know who were like, have they met? Have they met Marvel Snap before? Yeah. A previous event where the prize was King E. Tree. And all of a sudden, no, you're going to get four new series five cards.
This week's going to start and I'm going to see those seven cards be like, I can do it. I can get them all, you know what I mean? It's going to be hard not to try. Like if it's a bunch of big, big rewards like that and you're going to, it's like, oh, am I going to make myself miserable trying to grind this out? Don't do it. probably recognize that like that's like one of the outcomes means that like maybe you could avoid it even even if they give you the opportunity to make yourself miserable perhaps you you can refuse as the master of your own destiny
It's so hard because I'm already, like I said at the point where it's like, I can't play these decks because I don't, I don't have scream. I don't have speed. I've been following as someone who really kind of carefully manages their resources and comparison, certainly with the totality of the player base. It's like a fawn further and farther behind on cards, which makes it me want to use opportunities like these to try and get them when I can. Not even a free to play player. I buy the season pass every month.
yeah And now this season is introducing more cards that in a single month than has ever happened before with the exception of the token shop's introduction ah in like December of 22. So I don't think that's going to slow down the falling behind on your collection. And then you have to be even more careful about what you're getting.
Yeah, ah my guess is that if you are an extremely active player, you'll be able to get the three new cards for free. That would be my guess of where like the sweet spot is. um But yeah, the prize in the shop, you can get up to four random, unowned Series 4 or Series 5 cards. um And those are more expensive than the new release cards that that we'll talk about in a second.
um It's my mistake for talking about this shop and before we talk about the game mode, but we'll just do it out of order. um I wanted to bring up, I believe that there will be a series drop that overlaps with the game mode. I don't know exactly what the dates are, but series drops we get, they're supposed to be a bigger one than the last one coming in the first quarter of this year. And they also are supposed to give us a two weeks heads up, which means it's not coming in the February patch. So it's probably the March patch that has the series drop in it.
So possibly consider waiting for the series drop before buying any of those series four and five random cards in the showdown shop. That's just my little disclaimer on that. um Anything else about the shop?
No, i think I think it's a very cool design. I think it's great to make it, people can engage with the with it as intensely as they want to, but I i don't think they've properly tempered expectations.
i yeah i I wish they would get out in front of this because like they're not doing themselves any like big PR favors by like letting people get the wrong idea for so long. I don't know. Yeah. Glenn had a couple answers where it was like, maybe it was just one, where he was like, oh i here's like a hint, but I'm going to wait until the um you know marketing team can address this one. How long are they waiting for the marketing team? like You need to get ahead of it. You've released the video that showed the mode, and people are already speculating. I don't want to point. I'm not sure whose bad decision this was, but it yeah.
OK, the mode itself, it's it's so in the format of regular snap as far as there are three locations. You can be winning a location, et cetera. But ah one location at random will be worth one point on turn one, and whoever's winning that location at the end of turn one gets the point. And then on turn two, a different location is worth one point, and whoever's winning that one gets the one point. And then starting on turn three, two locations are one point, and the a third location is four points.
Both players can snap to make it worth one extra, so it could go up to five or even six points for like the sanctum. ah Whoever gets to 16 first wins, then that ends the game. So it's possible that a game goes fast. ah What would it be, like four turns at the fastest if you won? Yep, that sounds, if if I understand what you just said correctly, yeah.
Yeah. Anyway, it looks fun. It is going to be a unique meta because you're going to want to be able to respond really quickly to like which location is the sanctum. I think the Guardians will be good in this mode. three I think that for numbers reasons, I think that like mechanically, the Guardians like are doing a good thing for this mode. I think that the specifics of their bodies and the bonuses they get.
Like, Guardian's gameplay is good in this mode, but like, the the output is bad still, so probably not. Yeah, I mean, it depends. If you're spending your 3 energy on Groot, that's bad, but if you're spending your 3 energy on...
Rocket, Raccoon, and Groot, then yes, that's good. You're right. There is there iss a good Guardian for this match. Is there not a two-cost Guardian? Yes, Star-Lord. He's fine. Oh, thank you. That's what I meant. Yes, Star-Lord and Rocket together is better than just Groot. I mean, Star-Lord is an above-average Guardian of the Galaxy.
But not even just like the Guardians are moving your power. I feel like then there's also, it's like there's gonna be probably like Doom 2099 that's just about big power increasing every turn everywhere. So you're just like, whatever, I'll win enough of them. Doom 2099 takes a while to ramp up. I think it takes too long to get going. I think you lose by the time Doom is like scary.
You think it's too fast? I think you're right that there will be like rush down strategies that look that go wide, but I think Doom's too s slow, which makes me happy because I'm tired of that card. Oh, it'll be interesting. I just thought of a technique we talked about before doing the venom ghost spider. That'll be really cool.
Move all your power from one sanctum to the next sanctum. Oh, we're going to see so much ghost spider. Yeah. ah there is a There is a bunch of cards that are banned. We know that cards that care about the end of the game, so that's Captain Marvel, ah Martyr, Dracula, Mysterio, Baku, those will be banned. And then they also said Debris and Juggernaut. um Good.
Yeah, I'm excited to see so many bands. Like what's the most they had in high voltage was like four. So, and I expect there will be even more than just debris. There will be, you know, the the goblins or something, you know, make it so that clog is not a very viable strategy. That would be miserable. Yeah, it would.
I don't know if Cannonball will be or not. He seems very similar to Juggernaut to me, but Cannonball seems very strong in this mode. um Okay, let's talk about the cards that are coming, the three more. We've probably talked about them before, but long ago. ah First up, and I'm springing this on you, we're gonna give these cards the ah four point ranking too, just like we did for cards last week. ah So sorry, you can't give a cute rating scale this time, Ben.
i Lofey. They pronounced it Lofey. I thought it was Lofey. I don't know what the correct answer is. ah Four or five on reveal. Steal one power from each other card here. I think he's very good ah on the spot. I. Definitely one thumb, maybe even two thumbs up like that's just it's it's neutral on your side and two point swings for every card you hit on the opponent side.
Yeah. Well, if I could, I'm just going to jump in. I give. Do it. Lofey. Four out of four arguable pronunciations. Is it Lofey? Is it Lofey? Is it Lofey? Oh, it's Lofey. Is it Lofey? Lofey? Lofey. I only read it. Set it in my head.
Lofi. I favor Lofey. That sounds right to me. Lofey. Okay. okay
yeah I give it four out of four. This card's nuts. Are you kidding me? Oh my god, so good. I was waiting for the commentary. No, I was just sitting in the rating system for a second. Just basking. Just biting. Yep.
But yeah, no, this card's like nuts. Yeah, go ahead. Like it's a 413 or something. did i That's just going for memory. But yeah, if they've got a full lane. It's four targets. It's a 413. Yeah. And that's assuming a full lane. And I don't like to assume a full lane. That's why I'm so low on Diamondback. But yeah, this ah even like a 411 is still pretty good, huh? um I like this card with Grandmaster.
this This card requires zero work, just none. like What do they think? I don't i don't get it. like the and And it was in the release video in this form, right? like we've We've seen this. This has been in the datamines forever, but I thought they would fix it by the time it like got in front of our eyeballs. But no, this card's nuts. Power creep on Spider Woman. Yeah. yeah
Yeah, this will be the best card we can get for free since Casangenova, right? I think so. Yeah, this is a solid, like, this could definitely start in a spotlight week, you know, kind of card. Yeah. I don't know what they're thinking with this one. It fits in the curve with Diamondback and Ajax. And then on the last turn, you play Hazmat who needs Luke Cage because you have Ajax and Diamondback who are making it in your favor when there's affliction.
You don't hate playing it on turn four, five, or six. It just gets stronger the longer you wait. And a lot of synergies with a lot of other cards.
um ye Oh, it works with Zabu. Of course it does, yes. Also, I just want to get this out of the way. I'm i'm low for this podcast on Diamondback. I still think it's a good card. I just mean like among the three of us. You're lower than us, yeah. For the record, OK.
Did you give a rating rate? I know you said it was great. I just don't know. I was between three and four, but Ben's enthusiasm and our subsequent talk. Very persuasive. Increase it to the the fourth four, yes. All right, I'll commit to a four also. Yeah, we're we're all hype on the ice giant. 12 out of 12 for Lafayette. Uncle Ben, a one, two. That's the best way to say it.
When this card is destroyed, replace it with Spider-Man! When we first saw it, Spider-Man was a 3-5. He's a 2-4 now. It's true. This card has been nerfed by the Spider-Man buff. yeah Still a good card though, yes. Still good. I would give this one of a 3 point, a 1 thumb up. um and It's cool. In a deck where you're going to be using Killmonger anyway.
Yeah, good point. Good point was Killmonger. I followed a thought process with this card, which was like, amazing, great. It's cheap. It's still got a little body on it, which is all you want for destroying, you know, stuff. And then you get another card out of the purse, like beautiful.
all the straight X, but then I feel like at one point it was like add Spider-Man to your hand maybe. And now it's like, oh, it just gets replaced with Spider-Man or maybe it was always this way. I just didn't think about it. I think you might be right. I think in the very earliest versions it was in your hand. okay Yeah, so now though, it's like when you've got like a Venom or a Carnage just gobbling up a bunch of little, you know, Deadpools and X-23s and Nikos and whatever else you got running around your destroy deck. It's like, oh, well now if Uncle Ben is sequenced, you know, maybe Spider-Man is swinging Bucky out of there before, you know, you can turn him into a Winter Soldier, which, you know, what even good are you, Bucky, without that iron? Wait a second. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm like actively ribbing on like a fictional character. like Okay. I'm sorry. Shots fired. Okay. So, you know, so it's like, okay. So there is sequencing. It's not just free wins all the time, but still pretty good. You know, just got to think about what that Spider-Man is going to do.
Yeah. Ben, did you give it a rating? Oh, no, I'm a huge fan of this card. I will give it three out of four great responsibilities.
um You know, I liked it better when it generated a three five because that made it a surfer card. um but don't I'm still not entirely convinced it has no home in any kind of surfer, because you know if you're doing the Killmonger thing, I mean, why not? But yeah, I'm just i'm so excited that I think that more more archetypes should have a little little bit of move capability, like so the sabotage thing. like it's just
it's It's powerful and good, and I i love throwing Spider-Man in a deck where people aren't expecting that sort of thing. um Yeah, the Spider-Man effect is very strong, so this is a strong card, and I'm real psyched to experiment with it and all kinds of things. Yeah, I think it seems like a very fun card, certainly.
Just don't know how meta it will be, but that's okay. It doesn't have to be meta to be a card I love. I do miss that extra point of power though. Like this really does like... I kind of like how hard Uncle Ben looked like he was gonna be just like...
embarrassing Bucky. you know like yeah for For a second there was like, oh, Bucky gets nothing. not and like In comparison, like Winter Soldier is now a 2-7, right? Is that correct?
Okay, well, when we first saw this card, Winter Soldier was a 2.6, and Spider-Man was a 3.5. So getting Spider-Man on the board, like instead of Winter Soldier, I was just like, yeah, I would rather have a 3.5 with the Spider-Man effect than a 2.6 Vanilla like any day of the week. But like now it's a little bit harder to say that, because like the Spider-Man effect on a four strength body, as opposed to the Vanilla 2.7.
i Unfortunately, this still leaves room for Bucky, and that's probably good, but a little disappointing to me because I like Uncle Ben better than I like Bucky. Sorry, Sebastian. It just is what it is.
This is why they can't buff Bucky high enough is that Destroy doesn't have a problem with getting enough power. Hardly ever. So you want all your stuff to get, you know, you want to get the extra power from X-23. You want to just be like doubling up on that Deadpool or whatever. So it's like Bucky's you know, six to whatever power. It's like, well, I wasn't struggling with that, you know? And we're still not really playing. And when you're playing destroyer these days, it's usually with Nimra and and like other shenanigans. Poor Bucky. Okay. Pouring out for the Buckster. Um, okay. Did I'm sorry, I'm being terrible at hosting. Did you give it a rating read?
um I also gave it three because spider-man is just a good card and it's free I mean it's not free you got to destroy it, but you know nine Nine out of twelve, which is not what we did for any of this other season any of this season's other cards. Anyway, on to Gorgon. I was very low on this card the first time we saw it. And I still am a 2-3 ongoing. Your opponent's cards that didn't start in their deck cost one more, maximum six. It's very strong ability, but so conditional.
and I just don't think there are that many decks that can run this. And it's a very hard ability to use proactively, right? Like Spider-Ham, Black Widow, and... Moonstone it.
trying the screen them I remember liking this card better the last time we saw it and I don't know why. Maybe Arashim was everywhere back then. No, there still is Arashim. But here's the problem is that Cassandra Nova is still a better counter to Arashim.
than Gorgon because, you know, she just does more for you when she doesn't hit. And you're right, Gorgon just can't, it's hard to use him offensively. I think people will play him. He's a very selective Sandman. No, because he has a lot of targets. And I'm going to hear people, so people are going to play him. And I'm going to be annoyed when my arrows cost two instead of one.
But it's not gonna win enough games, you know? It's just gonna be annoying i know when I have to face it. I just don't think we're gonna see much of it. i don't even like I'm sure you will be frustrated when you run into Gorgon. I just don't think you're gonna run into it very many.
I want to play, anytime I can get a cheap ongoing card, I want i want to retry some Spectrums. That is a point in its favor. I don't dislike the card, I'll try to play it. Yeah, Spectrum is an appropriate place for it. You play Gorgon instead of Armor, that might be more disruptive, or that might be disruptive to a wider array of opponents. That's the one place I can see him fitting in.
With Moonstone, ah making opponent's cards that didn't start in their deck cost two more. That feels a little more prohibitive, like maybe we're actually changing the course of a game if if we can double up Gorgon with Moonstone. Yeah, but only against opponents who are playing those cards. Yeah, but then ah yeah. I mean, hopefully that's not your only plan, probably. probably do we know make them paid to put down should absolutely Play it with Black Widow. Black Widow.
that's That's a cute synergy for sure. Make them play with Master Mold. Just yeah irritate some people. They're going to do the same thing they did before when you would play Master Mold, which is let the Sentinels hang out in their hand and not... Rot in your hand. I really like doing it to bounce players. It's just for preventing how many things they can pull back. That's good.

Marvel Comics Characters Discussion

Um, yeah, it's like, it's a fun archetype when it works, but it's, it doesn't work very often. The master mold thing. Um, yeah. ah Most of the time when somebody spider-hams me, I'm not playing the pig anyway. There are exceptions, but mostly I'm not. I say that because the the pig would be ah would get affected by Orton, right?
yeah so ah One point. Two thumbs down. I think this card is a good ability that you can't afford to run.
I only gave it one thumbs down, like two out of four. I also, I give it two out of four. What do I give it? I give it two out of four mutants and or inhumans. As we learned before the recording, there are two characters named Gorgon in Marvel Comics, and one of them that I am familiar with is an inhuman, but apparently this one is a separate person who is a mutant.
That's what quick Google told me anyway. On to our side quests. First up. Ooh, first up. I mean, there's more than one side quest. It just might. First up, the weekly secret homework, which was from Ben. Ben, what was but was the secret homework?
All right, this week's secret homework was something I'm calling the infinity challenge challenge. ah The homework was to take one of the how many did it turn out to be I listed, I think 10 characters last week that ah were in ah the first Hero Clicks set for Marvel Hero Clicks, Marvel Hero Clicks Infinity Challenge. This came out in 2002 when we cared about a very different ah pantheon of characters. It turned out there was actually an 11th character that was in ah Infinity Challenge that is not yet in Marvel Snap. That was the other thing. These are characters that are not yet represented on Marvel Snap cards.

Card Design and Mechanics Exploration

And ah the 11 characters were
ah but but but but They were Constrictor, Boomerang, Puppet Master, Blizzard, Pyro, Whirlwind, Mr. Hyde, Controller, Fire Lord, Quasar, and Nightmare. I forgot about Fire Lord. I don't know how. The Hero Clicks figure, Fire Lord, tremendously overpowered and was banned in the local tournaments that I played in, in my youth. um Here's a Fire Lord. Not very well painted, but there it is. to But anywho, it's wild that ah we just, ah the rotating cast of characters that we just like, you know, throw out with the yesterday's news or whatever, I don't know. I just, I thought it was an interesting thing to consider. And so we've all designed a card for one of these once important and arguably still important characters, who knows? I don't know. I really like telling that restriction.
It's worth mentioning that, yes, all of these characters are men's. There were female characters in Marvel Hero Clicks Infinity Challenge, but literally every single one of them already has a Marvel Snap card because they're a finite commodity, apparently. And we kind of, yeah. Being underrepresented never happened to me. Yeah, a little bit. Well, yeah, it's the whole thing.
Can't say I'm acknowledging that. He was 2002. If I'd thought about it a little harder, i might have I might have picked something else, because if I'd even gone down the road a few expansions, there there could have been some more options. and Spiral is in the second set. I can design cards for men. It's fine. I just like the ladies better. I get it. I get it.
All right. um Do I have to go first? Must I? Yes. It's your challenge. If you want to mix it up, that's fine. No, that's the way we always do it, and I demand we continue. Because my sign is biased. Then the middle person, then the newest signer.
All right. Well, here's what i I picked. Nightmare. Nightmare is a Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider villain who apparently we don't care about anymore, I guess.
Nightmare has Nightmare's own realm, like the the Nightmare dimension, I believe it's called, um trying to feed off the psychic energies of our dreams and stuff, you know, and classic stuff. um So I decided I would do something that was like sort of mechanically in the Doctor Strange neighborhood, which means it's a move card.
So, Nightmare, I'm making it a 4-8 because move cards with abilities that could arguably be bad for you sometimes get to have big stats like Polaris and ah Magneto.
ah so 4-8, yes, 4-8. When this card moves, another card here moves with it. It doesn't specify yours, your opponent's, whatever. If you move Nightmare, Nightmare is bringing a friend from that location. Okay, that's fun. i yeah I don't know. I kind of like this design so much that I'm frustrated that I squandered it on a character that I don't have a deep personal connection to, but what are you going to do?
I mean, that would be in every move deck, right? I mean, maybe do. When you want to move cards, you want to move cards, right? Yeah, but the thing is, because of its unfocused thing, I'm i'm first i'm concerned that i'm concerned that like this might put it into the Hercules realm where like it's a little too uncontrollable. I'm not sure move actually wants to do this. And that's why I've like given it the big over stats.
moving like there are There will sometimes be seven candidates for the card that moves with Nightmare. You know what I mean? Because like you'll have three neighbor cards and your opponent will have four cards at that location. So like it's a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.
um And i I just think that's interesting. Probably provides some unique gameplay challenges. Probably, yes. Very, very powerful, even though it is a bit ah potentially double-edged. Unwielding. Yeah. Yeah. i just I thought that was fun.
I like it. It is fun, and it's a design I can totally see being in the game. I also thought about getting the same ability to whirlwind, AKA the human top, who Marvel Snap Floor educated me about, and that was delightful to me. I and looked up some, yeah. i i'm I'm excited to learn more about whirlwind, AKA the human top. When we do this challenge again, you'll have to make a whirlwind card. Rhi?
Okay, so I knew immediately when Ben was listening this off last week, which card I was going to choose. um and oh Sorry, I guess I didn't i didn't even realize it until now that but they were all men, but I guess I nevertheless persisted and I actually designed a card for a woman.
Because the character I was most familiar with, ah of recent anyway, from the list was ah Quasar. And this is why I picked it to its super props, because where I'm most familiar with this character is from the Sam Wilson Captain America run that happened, I don't know. Probably quite a while ago. Super appropriate to the season. Yes. So there was a shield agent called Avril Kincaid and um she ends up meeting Wendell. What's his face? I should have looked up his face.
the actual original Quasar who became her mentor. She becomes the new Quasar, so there is a female Quasar. Her name is Avril. They actually got the Negabands, and so they weren they could they did the swapping thing like from the Ms. Marvel movie where they would like swap locations, so they would use them strategically for the best Quasar for the situation.
So, uh, that thematically comes into my card design. Obviously, obviously, when you got some nega-ban swapping going on, you can't bypass that for the mechanic. So, the card is, Avil Kincaid, Quasar, 2-0. Works with Ravonna. Maybe she'll finally get some love out of negative. Um, and it is, uh,
When a card is played at this location, ah summon ah the other Quasar. Because the other Quasar, okay. Sorry, I should have thought about how to say all this. Because Avril Kincaid also so has honor text. i and On reveal,
um give this card plus two power. Okay. So, when a card is played at that location, you summon the other Quasar. The other Quasar is Wendell, original Quasar, who is a 3-3, all right? Just a 3-3, that's it. But it also says, whenever you play a card, whenever a card is played at this location, sorry, not whenever you, whenever a card is played at this location, summon the other Quasar. Summon is switching? Correct.
Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, yes so, so I figure at very straight, you're getting a two, three, because he's a three, three. Also, I just wanted to throw in some surface energy for fun.
even though I don't know how plausible it is with this. But once you're getting a 2-3 rate, you're playing 2, you could get 3 power, because your opponent also has some agency rate over the swapping that's going on. But your goal is to summon Avril as many times as you can, because they give quests every time. That's very fun. And that's by playing cards at the location of your opponent. Yeah, it's a fun little quest.
Yeah. That's what I thought. Probably could have explained it better. But that was the idea. It's all good. We got the concept. Sometimes I do enjoy listening back through for the timestamps because it does let me pay closer attention to some things that maybe I can tell I'm not entirely 100% grasping on initial hearing. But I'll get there. But it sounds cool from what I understood.
yeah I will understand it better. And yeah, it seems very cool. I got it. That's a card I would play. Definitely. OK, I picked puppet master. Several ah several of our listeners also picked puppet master. ah But I already designed this. popular Yeah, I designed this one pretty quickly. um And honestly, it was more like this is an ability I want in the game. And I jammed it onto one of the characters that you offered me to be perfectly honest. But here it is.
puppet master two three on reveal activate all activate cards here Oh Get on turn six activate them. Yep. I love it. Yeah, you're if you're gonna pay for the combo, you know um and Activate cards would still only be able to be activated once so he wouldn't work on cards that had already been activated I figure this is also a defensive card against enemy activate cards like if they've got bullseye sitting there You're like, you know what? I really don't want you to use that guy at all, but I'm dropping this now
but Dropping this before the modoc. um That's too cool. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. re I'm sure yours is as cool as Lauren's was. it just immediately they yeah Hell of a design. So I thought of that. Turn six, activate cards. And also dark dimension, invisible woman. You could put activate cards there and then have puppet master after them. Wow. Wait, dark dimension. Oh, I was confusing that with these deep space. I always confuse that with deep space. Invisible woman's ability. Yeah, yeah that's the one. It gives you a way to activate cards without without ah doing it yourself.
yeah And is that an on-reveal or its own activate? On-reveal, ah activate all activate cards here. Which is an awkward wording, but it's the best it could come up with.

Creating Fun Decks and Snap Shooters Game

Okay, I'm assigning the new secret homework. It was actually ah touched on in both my week snap and re's weekend snap and snap. Ben's always just having fun with the game. But anyway, I had my fun epiphany where I was like, I need to be playing decks that that are fun just because they're fun to play, um not just playing whatever is gonna help me climb the best. um And so the homework is to,
but i got But when I did that this past week, I was doing it with cards I already knew I loved, you know, Cersei and Valkyrie and and other favorites, Mysterio. So I want you to make a fun tier deck. It's fine if it turns out to be good, but it doesn't have to be good. A fun tier deck with cards that you suspect are fun, but have very limited experience with.
um whether that's all time or just recently. But I just want you to try out some new cards that look fun, not necessarily good. And you know ah maybe make a silly combo or something. I don't know. um That's it. I like it. So make a fun tier deck with cards that you suspect are fun but don't have much experience with. And then we'll report back on on how that goes. ah don't Don't use this on your climb to infinite, would be my suggestion. Don't tell me how to do secret homework, Lauren.
But I'm also like, you were saying at the beginning, if you're playing a C tier fun deck and you kind of know how to snap and retreat, then you can still do okay with that type of deck. My fun deck is not going to be C tier. I don't know. I don't know. Ben doesn't make C tier decks. He's incapable of it. That's not true. I mean, like, I think that a lot of my decks are probably like, would be argued that they are C tier. I don't know. I just, I don't think of them that way, I guess.
I also don't think poorly of my own decks. I know I make dumb decks, but that's because I just like doing fun things, like making giant ass mysterious. That deck is not good, but when it does the thing, it's explosive.
If you play more Mysterio, maybe that'll be my card. Yeah. Whatever underplayed card I come back to you with next week, you're going to be disappointed. It's going to be probably too good and practical and you'll you'll be like, Ben didn't understand the assignment, but it's fine. If your fun is just square than the rest of ours, you know, that's how it'd be.
yeah Okay, ah we have another side quest this week. Ben has a new segment, which may or may not be a game. We don't know, it's just a price to me and Lauren. I haven't brought a game since since's a very long time. ah the The earlier days of the pod, not not in a couple months, I don't think.
And like all the best games, I stole this one from another podcast, of course. um In this case, Stadia Lab. Check it out, it's a great podcast. Okay, this next segment is called Snap Shooters. And in this segment, I test you're familiar to your familiarity with and complicity in Snap Culture by asking you a series of rapid fire questions where you have to choose this thing or this other thing. And the one rule is you can't ask any follow-up questions about how the game works. And if you do, I'm just going to start screaming and mashing the Miss Marvel emote and just being a real jerk about it. So yeah keep that in mind. I'm going to ask a few questions to each of you to gauge the situation. I'm going to start with Henry. Remember, it's this thing or this other thing, and you can't ask any follow-up questions.
Victoria Hand is an absolute gem or uninstalling the app because I hate RSM.
I will repeat. Victoria Hand is an absolute gem or uninstalling the app because I hate ah RSM. All right. Uninstalling the app because I hate RSM. I have no idea what this is in regards to, but I can't ask questions.
Very interesting. Snapping on six and trouncing them soundly or spotlight caches rule everything around me. Oh, is this supposed to be personal? Am I supposed to be in six? Because I love Ayrshim and then styling the game. And then he's nerfed. Okay, sorry. Okay, focus. On the current thing, we are doing... Oh yeah, I should have screamed at you. They were personal. Oh my God. Well, whatever. I wagged my finger. So, which thing? Snapping on six and trashing the sound, make your spotlight caches rule everything around me. Snapping on turn six.
and transing soundly Okay. Understandable. All right. The Crimson Bands of Cytorak. Or I might have plans. Let me call you back. The Crimson Bands of Cytorak. You know, I've played Marvel midnight since. I've read a lot of Doctor Strange. I've seen these spells, right? I'm saying. How about this? Phoenix Force or Phoenix Down?
Oh, Phoenix down for the FF reference. Yeah. you know Playing cards at unrevealed locations or Ben Ropes every turn and I'm losing my patience. Um, then I do have to go with Ben Ropes every turn. This is is just just clearly, okay you know, I'm glad you're being self-reflective, so. So those those were the re-questions, Lauren. I've got some for you. Lauren, and that you're now that you're familiar with the format, I'm sure you're not going to ask me any questions. Absolutely not. Entertaining doubts of Joaquin's practicality or Wake Me When Wanda rewrites our reality? Entertaining doubts of Joaquin's practicality. All right. Playing around a suspected Red Guardian or a lazy day in your comfiest cardigan.
Oh, a lazy day in my comfiest cardigan. All right. No more Scar or more Novar. oh More Novar. All right. Token Tuesday or Manic Monday? Token Tuesday. All right. Sandcastle kicking or proactive with Wiccan?
oh Proactive with Wiccan. That's the right choice. All

Board Game Retreat Preparation and Preferences

right. And I'm going to assign you both a combined score out of 1,000 cubes, 999 cubes for the two of you. Great job. Thank you. We crushed it. We are the winners.
I liked your rhymes. Oh, thanks. Yeah, though that was fun. I was so confused at first. I'm like, I win? Like, which is the right answer? Is this a review? The game is, I don't know, kind of. It's very playful. But yeah, yeah. I enjoyed it. yeah Well, if you like what you heard, tune in next week. We'll be...
You know, ah talking about the patch, probably. Is there an OTA? I don't know, I don't think so. um Yeah, there will be new cards to talk about, and that's always fun. So you should be there. ah and Interact, you know, like, comment, subscribe, et cetera. Join us on the Discord if you can figure out how. We would love to have you there. I put the instructions in the show notes in the video description, but it's not easy. Yep. We are part of the Snap Judgments Network.
where you can listen to other great shows like Snap Decisions from Joe, which ah has lots of episodes, at least two a week. Mondays with guests and Tuesdays a normal show. Sometimes bonus episodes. ah And if you do want to find out what we think about April's cards, tune in next week. Same Snap time. Same Snap channel.
Good time, good time. Nice chatting with you too. This was a blast! I have, I'm so far behind on my shit. I have my board game retreat this weekend and I am supposed to bring my dill pickle chicken salad, which isn't real chicken because some of it's made with soy. And I've not packed.
This is a big annual event, right? It's a buy-in. You can do it twice a year. yeah It is just where we get an Airbnb or whatever and then play board games all week. Yeah, that sounds amazing. I need to do that. It's pretty amazing. It's very amazing. Highly recommended. I wish I could convince more people to abandon real life for a minute. and Oh, and we do this. Okay. So we make a soundtrack. It's part of the ways to get hype for it, where it's a big playlist. We all get to put 50 songs. It used to be 40 songs and we called it Edward 40 songs, but then we decided to up it to 50. It wasn't long enough. Well, sometimes the play stops for the night and then when you reached your repeats is what we figured out over time, but now we're doing 50. So.
Yeah, it's a good time. I highly recommend start your own board game retreat. Is there a game that you're especially into right now or that you're especially excited to play this weekend?
Um, am I? I'm actually, okay. I'm actually more excited because my friend is leaving home this game called Barrage. And you think, okay, Barrage? That sounds cool. What is it? was going to play, they were so excited. I'm like, ah, that sounds fun. Like, what are we sieging something? It's about building water dams and upgrading them.
very cool and getting the most points by doing that it is so I need thematic stuff let me rule a space empire let me command armies of orcs or something or at least let me fulfill my cozy fantasy of being you know like a shopkeeper and and you know whatever I'm doing but like I'm so interested you're not into engineering against the very forces of nature you're not Cause my friends are so like, they're very hard into like how fun are the mechanics and thinking about those. And I value that too. I do value that. And where we diverge is I have this game about playing like a prestige style illusionist, right? And you have to like get all these stuff from magic tricks and then you perform them and you have assistance and work. It's so complicated. My friends like hate playing it.
They're wearing their rules every time. But this thing is so good! And in the other hand, they want me to like build water. Okay, I'm sorry, I'm going on this way too long. But yeah, so I'm actually more excited that's getting left home. That's the most exciting thing. We're not playing Barrage. We do play Marvel Champions, which is the physical card game that is like all that I'm playing now. So it's Snap.
Um, which is a fun, it's like co-op versus, yeah, it's
Hello esteemed listeners. I'm gonna do that singular actually. i think you should know yes this is an intimate moment yeah hello esteemed
I think you should.