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The Monster of Glamis Castle & Fresno Nightcrawlers image

The Monster of Glamis Castle & Fresno Nightcrawlers

Sinister Sisters
20 Plays2 years ago

In this week's episode, it's knightly castles and Nightcrawlers! Felicia uncovers brick-by-brick the spooky happenings at the historic Glamis Castle in Scotland in part one of a two part story! The site is known as "Scotland's Most Beautiful Castle"...but is it also Scotland's most boo'tiful?! This first story revolves around the chilling tale of Thomas Lyon-Bowes who, as legend has it, was born deformed and locked away in the castle, cursed to live out his years as "The Monster of Glamis Castle." 

Then from 1820s UK to 2020s US as Lauren investigates the freaky Fresno Nightcrawlers - a modern urban legend and Internet mythology creature that has been captured on neighborhood surveillance cameras in the California suburb amongst other regions. The videos caught of these Cryptids are more believable and disturbing than any others we've covered on the podcast...but are thy real or a real good hoax? 


Introduction to Sinister Sisters Podcast

Welcome to the Sinister Sisters podcast. I'm Felicia. I'm Lauren. We're best friends. And we like spooky stuff. Oh, yeah. Were you about to talk when we started? I was about to talk. I already forgot who was spitting. I saw the panic in your eyes. It was exciting for me. I wonder when I won't feel anxious at the top of the episode.
How many episodes in are we?

Visit to Flying Fox Tavern

Over, I don't know. A million. A hundred, I don't even know. So we're gonna do recommendations and I'll start with this, which is not a movie. But I went to a horror themed bar in Ridgewood, which is in Queens, New York. And it's called the Flying Fox Tavern. And it was very cool. They were playing like Nosferatu,
and all the decor was like very like, it was like a classy goth horror situation. That's amazing. Yeah, it was cool. Was everyone dressed up in there? Was there anyone that stumbled in that clearly didn't know it was a
I mean, there was like a family in there also, but there was like a group of girls that came in that were all like super goth and cool. And I was like, oh, you chose this bar for the vibes. But yeah, and all the cocktails are named like Vampira or this and that. So yeah, it was really fun. And all the food, I mean, this is
Oh, actually, it kind of ties into my story. Maybe that's why I chose this. But all the food is like Scottish food. And my story today is very Scottish.

Camping Fear: Enclosed Spaces & Bugs

So. Oh, my gosh, what a good tie in. Yeah. If you went to a horror bar and I found out that I have a fear of enclosed spaces and the great outdoors and the great outdoors and bugs, I found out. I mean, I always knew I didn't really like to be dirty or have bugs. But I got back from a camping trip.
Yes. I wasn't buried alive, even though that's what that sounded like. Yeah. And tell me what was your, I mean, you told me already, but tell our lovely listeners your experience on your first night when you got there. She got there after dark, which like, that was the mistake. The mistake was that I got there after dark. We
I thought we had a great tent idea, which is one of those pop-up tents. It's like a magic trick. It really felt like Harry Potter. You just throw it and it pretty much opens up, but not super tall. So we climbed into our tents. First off, I told Felicia, I just didn't even understand that you really only have flashlights and the fire. Oh, it's dark. I guess I just don't know what I expected, a street light? No, it's dark out there. It's dark in the woods. That's why you're not supposed to go there.
But I pretty much had a panic attack for the full whatever hours I was in the tent. At one point, oh my gosh, I didn't even tell you this. At one point Felicia, I like cracked open the side of the tent and was like breathing like a fish with my head out of it.
Oh, that's so sad. And then another time, it was pouring rain. That was the bad part. Oh, yeah, that's so bad. So another time I just got out and sprinted to the bathrooms, which were like down the street a little bit of a ways. So I was like, I have to be in the light and be in, I don't know, open air. Near a public accommodation.
So I don't have what it takes to be, I guess, on Survivor or be in the Blair Witch Project, like any of that.
That's also funny because I've been watching a lot of Alone again, which is a survival show that I love. I started watching like an old season, like season three or something. And it's funny because as I watch that show, the more you watch it, it's like every show where you're just like, why would you bring that type of axe? What are you thinking? And it's like, of course, I would never survive more than like a day out there. No.
Definitely. I've always known about myself that I'm a princess, but this weekend truly solidified it. Solidified it. Amazing.

Stranger Things Season Review

That's so great. Do you have any movie recommendations?
I was going to say, my recommendation is never go camping. Never go camping. I had a great time. I should say that. I had a great time. If any of my friends are listening, you all are wonderful. I had a great time. Just not a camper. Yeah. Well, I watched, obviously, I watched the end of Stranger Things. I won't give any spoilers, of course, but... Good, because I'm not even done yet. I keep forgetting to finish it.
Well, you'll finish it when you finish it, but I really liked part one of this last season. And then I really hated part two is my review. So I'll just leave that all, you know, maybe once.
time has passed and we feel comfortable talking about spoilers, we will. But I don't know, the writing just really fell off for me. And I was like, oof, this feels like a lifetime movie, but... Oh, no. I know. Excited to hear what you think. Harsh. Yeah, I know, I appreciate it. There's a couple monologues that felt like, do you remember in Midnight Mass when she gives that weird monologue at the end that's like, I'm a piece of plate.
Oh my God. I don't even know what she says. If you reach out and you touch this one thing, like you're all part of, I don't even know what it is. It's like, yes, I know you're married to the director. I know you were promised a really good monologue, but this is out of control. Guys, and also just like make something of it, people. But anyway.
I watched that, and then I did also watch Dash Cam, which I know Felicia talked about on the podcast, so I won't talk too much about it, but it was crazy, and there were things that, I think you said this, that I've never seen in found footage, and I still don't have any idea how they did it. Yeah, oh my God, it's so crazy. Horrifying. That is, what was the word hysteria? All right, no, no.
Hysteria? Yeah. What's another word for like chaos? Somebody like described that movie really well on a review. Just, I mean, chaos is pretty good. Yeah, it's just insanity. Insanity. I don't know. Also, the main character. The main character is truly the most unlikable person. Right? I've ever seen. Oh my God. So horrible. Like the worst American. It's just. It's awful. Embarrassing, honestly. It's embarrassing.
It's embarrassing because I also, I think the guy that wrote it and directed it is from the UK. So it's like, yes, that's what they're... Oh, unhinged. This one is unhinged. Unhinged. It really is. The script, the acting, the direction, it is unhinged. It really, really is. Finally found it. Okay. I just thought how many times she said Angela over and over too. She's like, Angela, stop, Angela.
Yeah, that's a freaking crazy movie. I asked Lauren. It's hard when the podcast. I don't know. I'm not convinced that I didn't talk about this last week, but hopefully I didn't because I did talk about my YouTube channel, but. Two excellent movies, or I guess I should talk about one. I'll just talk about one, The Watcher. It's got the girl from It Follows In It, and it is a perfect
movie about female instinct and the dangers of being a woman. There's been a couple of movies like this, like Lucky that came out last year or the year before. I'm curious if that men movie, maybe you can
I don't know if it's a similar thing, but this idea that women have to fear men and straight women have to date what they fear. Man. It's pretty crazy, but it's a great movie, really cathartic, satisfying ending, female director, and really good. Our girl from It Follows is great.
Yes, she's great. I love how little she does. Yeah. It's kind of the same and it follows too. She doesn't really do a lot, but everything she does do reads so strongly somehow. I don't know how to describe that, but I just love her face. Yes. I mean, her face is so good. Did you know she's dating the guy who plays Steve on Stranger Things?
Now that is a power couple. That is the most beautiful couple I could possibly imagine.
I know and they're like edgy and cool and they take all these cool pictures. I don't know. Oh my god. I like it. I'm gonna have to stalk them on Instagram. I actually think I'm about to chop my hair like she has it in that movie too. Oh my gosh. I don't know. We'll see. We'll see if I have chicken out. You used to have shorter hair. Yeah. Back in the day. Yeah. I know. Who knows? And then Felicia will get her fringe bangs and short haircut again too.
Yeah, and then we'll do a new photo shoot. I love it. Yeah. Amazing. Is there anything else? That's it. You should jump in. I'm excited about yours.

Haunted Glams Castle and Macbeth

I am too. So it's going to be, this week is going to be part one. Next week's going to be part two for mine because I started researching this Glams Castle in Scotland, in Angus, Scotland. And there was so many stories associated with it and two that I found very interesting. So I decided to just do it as two topics instead of trying to put it all into one.
I love that. Thank you. Is it laziness? It's possible. Okay. No, it's a build. It's a build. I stole that joke from my camping trip this weekend. I'm scared Andrew's gonna listen and out me. Well, that was good. I like you giving credit. That's very kind of you. So Glams Castle. Okay, here we go.
So this has been the home to the Leon families since the 14th century. And it dates back, I think, even further than that. So the history of this castle has a lot of death.
and secrets. A lot of death and secrets. What if just one time you said it has a lot of joy and happiness and positive energy? Positive energy. It's a sight for positive energy. Probably not. So just to sum this up in one fell swoop,
This castle is actually discussed in Shakespeare's Macbeth. Oh. Dun, dun, dun. The murder play. I just got scared, but we're not in the theater. We're not. I'm just in my apartment and the internet, so I think it's OK. No, we're just acting. The Scottish play. So there is a character in Macbeth that is the thane of Glams.
the Scottish king back on the second dies at Glams Castle and probably murdered. I don't know. I don't really know Macbeth that well, to be perfectly honest with you, but we did go to acting school, but we don't know. We didn't pay attention to any Shakespeare plays. No, no. But, so the first story I want to get into today about this is called The Monster of Glams.

Monster of Glams Legend

Ooh. So when I first saw this, I was like, ooh, like a monster, like a literal, you know, big, scary monster. It's actually much sadder than that. Yeah, so this this legend is associated with Thomas Leon Boughs, also known as the Master of Glamis or the Monster of Glam, or sorry, it's spelled Glamis, but it's pronounced Glams.
so if I say that wrong sometimes. What? Why do people do that? Why does it spell that way? I don't know. Scottish. I don't know. So this child was apparently born and died according to records October 21, 1821. Okay.
So this is actually, our next story is actually going to go further back in history. This one is not super modern, but 1821, yeah, I don't know. Feels kind of modern. Yeah. And Thomas was the child of the first Thomas Leonbose and who was also known as Lord Glams and his wife, Charlotte Leonbose. And
Once again, according to records, this child died the same day it was born in infancy. And at this time, there was a lot of infant death at birth. This was not like an unheard of thing. And there is no gravestone for this child on the property. They say that the child was baptized as a Christian as he was at like right at birth.
but there typically at this time wasn't gravestones for children that died on infancy because it was so common, which is like... That's so sad. Right? So sad. But the legend is that Thomas never died. Thomas... The legend is that Thomas, when he was born, was so deformed
that they actually locked him away in the castle in a room that was like bricked up basically that he couldn't leave from and that no person in the castle can really get to and live there out his days. Some people say
up until the year 1920, which would have made Thomas a hundred years old at the time of his history. Oh, my. It's so crazy. That was also how my childhood went. Oh, was it? You were bricked up in a room and horribly disfigured. And horribly disfigured. Yes. No, that's actually very sad. It's very sad. And this also would mean that Thomas was heir to the throne, or not throne, sorry.
heir to this family that should then have inherited Glam's castle. But because of his deformity, he was just locked up there until the day that he died. Yeah, super scary. This legend started coming up, I think like in the 1870s or so. And apparently, the only people that had confirmation
And this is a force to legend of the monster of Glamis, of Thomas's, young Thomas's existence, was whoever was leading the family at that time. So at that point, the first Thomas Leon, sorry, they're both named Thomas, it's a little confusing. The family lawyer and the family broker of the estate,
And then every first male child in the family when they turn 21 would be told about this big family secret. Yeah. And basically to ensure that this now-deformed adult would be, you know, taken care of within the walls of the castle, but never to be seen by the public or anyone else in the castle. What a 21st birthday gift.
I know, right? It's like, hey, guess what? There's a big family secret. You're not going to like it. You now have to take care of this disfigured adult man. Yeah, exactly. So there isn't a ton about what the monster of Glams looks like. There seems to be kind of different accounts, but one of them says that he's like extremely hairy.
which I don't know like almost like wolf Manny in a way and there was rumor that at one point that maybe it wasn't an heir to the throne or not I keep saying throne because of like Game of Thrones and stuff but heir to this family but actually like a wolf child that they had taken it and like hidden in the walls I don't know I don't think that's right
And then there's another possible explanation or what's also known as an alternative version to this legend is that every generation of this family has what they call a vampire child that is born and they wallop in this secret room.
Yeah, so the questions around this, a lot of people wonder if the Deformed Child thing is due to incest. Gotta be. Yeah, and that was kind of my first thought too, especially like, because I know like in England with the, is it the Tudor family? I can't remember. But there was a lot of sort of deformities that that happened over time, because
the royal families were just marrying each other's cousins over and over and over again to keep the power in the family. And a similar thing seems to have been going on in Scotland as well. So some people say that maybe there was some that they were just too closely related. And so they ended up having a deformed
child and that's what they had to keep away, or that there was some sort of scandal, something more scandalous perhaps, that caused incest and caused Thomas's deformity. Well, we don't really know.

Historical Context of Hidden Family Members

Something else that they think may be brought on these rumors is that there were some other examples in prominent families and royal families in
Scotland and England. And we've actually even heard about some of the stuff in the United States as well, where a very prominent family has a child that's either disabled or mentally disabled in some way and the family sort of hides that child away, either in country homes or other parts of the castle or other places that the family owns to kind of keep them out of the public eye.
So I think that also kind of swirled this rumor as well. So there was an experiment done once with some guests at Glam's Castle where they were trying to find this secret room where they believed the monster of Glam's had been held. And so what they did, which I thought was pretty smart, they hung towels in all of the windows that they could find in the house.
And then they went outside and they looked around and tried to find a window that didn't have a towel in it, which I thought was really smart. But in my head, I was like, oh, this child was put in a brooked up room with no windows or whatever. But maybe not. And so they say that when they looked up, there was
several towel-less windows, but they couldn't figure out how to get into those rooms. And this castle, by the way, like is pretty freaking big. It's a state itself and the surrounding castle covers more than 14,000 acres. It also has a lot of, it has like parks and gardens and areas where they like raise their own beef and crops.
So it's really huge, and the castle itself is big and beautiful. So it is possible that there are secret rooms located in the castle that no one really knows how to get to. Did you ever see that movie, The Little Ghost, when you were a kid? No, I thought you were gonna say The Others. No, yeah, well, of course The Others. There was a movie, I think it's called The Little Ghost, and it was basically this
family that moved into a big old castle somewhere. And there was this little girl wearing like Victorian, oh no, sorry, not Victorian, this little girl wearing like Renaissance style clothing that was like running around and like causing this shift. No. It was really good. I rented it from the video store like a hundred times. Yeah, I think it was too. Look, is this it, right? I don't know. Why am I talking about this right now?
That's really kind of reminds me. It reminds me of this. Yeah, a little ghost 1997. Classics. Yeah, it looks really cute. And it says it's always an adventure when your best friend is a ghost. Excellent. So yeah, that I mean, there's not really actually that much more to the story than that. Once again, said that they think
that Thomas finally died at 100 years old in 1920. And then there are some people that believe that there is actually a different monster of Glams in every single generation that is hidden away in the castle. So it's hard to say if there's still someone there or not, unclear. I mean, at least even if he was horribly disfigured or spend his life locked up, he lived to be 100.
Yeah, that's pretty good for no human interaction. Yeah. Yeah. And for a teaser for our next episode, I'm going to be talking about the Gray Lady of Glam's Castle, which is another one of their haunting issues, stories, et cetera. Issues? Yeah, they have a lot going on there. Haunting issues? They have some haunting issues. I don't know.
I love that. Well, that was very spooky. I love a little hunchback or Phantom of the Opera kind of story. Yeah, exactly. I was thinking like hunchback of Notre Dame or like the Midsomer, even though like that deformed child was like a god, right? Yeah. Yeah. Worshipped, seemingly. Worshipped, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, for sure. That's mine.
I love it. Well, if you have your, you know, you've got a classic castle monster story, I'm talking, I'm taking us back to more of our like urban legend, maybe a la Slender Man and or like folklore kind of things.

Fresno Nightcrawlers: Mysterious Creatures

So I'm doing the Fresno Nightcrawlers. So James, oh my gosh, did you hear Rufus? No. That was so perfectly timed. I was like Fresno Nightcrawlers and he's like,
Exhaling. I don't know. That was so funny. So James gave me this topic, but it's maybe one of the creepier kind of alien or like spooky things caught on video that I've seen are the most convincing. So the sighting started back in the 1990s.
and have only occurred a few times since then, but they are these otherworldly kind of creatures. I'm going to use the word cryptids a lot, and that's basically just an animal that has been claimed to exist, but we don't really have any evidence, like, you know, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster.
anything like that. But they are very striking in how they look. They really, to me, look like a pair of pants. Like, oh, yes, just like a pair of pants walking. But they're only a few feet tall. In some of the or, you know, some of the sightings, they have been less than two feet tall. One might have been almost four feet tall, but they're kind of in that range. They're very pale.
seemingly white or you know close to white and they have no arms as I said and they're like really funny. The video is very funny if you look at it with like a funny lens and very unsettling if you actually think they're real. Okay.
But they have this tiny little head that's very small compared to the rest of their bodies. And some people claim that they have two small eyes that they can see in these videos. So even though obviously they're very weird looking, they kind of look humanoid, I guess, because they are two-legged. But they're very strange looking. And they, most of the time, are just seen wandering around
not really causing any problems, just sort of wandering. And there have been a few people that claim to be eyewitnesses in Fresno, but they're most frequently caught on surveillance cameras. So that part is always creepy to me. And obviously, there's so many, you know, people can edit videos so much. I mean, I feel like every day on TikTok, I see a new like,
cool edited video like that part absolutely like like i feel like it's so easy to fake anything now like even things that like are not supernatural just like it's actually kind of scary yeah
It really is scary because anything that we see could have been photoshopped or edited or anything like that. But these videos are really freaky to me, but the kind of crazy part is that they haven't really been debunked in the same way as other things. And their videos seem to be more legit than other cryptids.
But they were featured on the TV show Fact or Faked as one of their kind of media moments. And those experts say that how these creatures appear in the video would be very hard to fake, partially how they look, how they're walking. And also, I'm going to talk about two of the main times they were seen.

First Sighting and Media Frenzy

So one of the more important sightings was in 2007,
So this was kind of their first big media attention, I'll say, was a man named Jose who owned a house in Fresno, California. And his dogs had been barking like crazy several nights in a row. So he set up the security camera above the garage to see what they were barking at. And he honestly, it seems like he was worried it was an intruder or some kind of monster coming or bear or something.
He wanted to catch it and then the next day when he pulled that security camera footage he found that it had caught these two strange small creatures that were a few feet tall and sort of walking creepily across the screen as you can imagine this like pair of pants walking across the screen.
I have to see this because what's in my head is a cartoon comedy. And so I need I need to see you. I mean, you can pull it up if you want now and I won't be offended. But I was going to say the second this is over, I'll have you watch the video and I'll try to post it. It's so freaky looking. So he assumed, you know, that this was what had caused his dogs to bark. So he had his brother look at the footage and his brother went outside and claimed to have seen small footprints outside.
So, Jose quickly took the footage to the police and no one could figure out what they were. But by the time the police got there, there weren't any footprints. There really wasn't any evidence. But the media in Fresno got ahold of the video and kind of, you know, set this into, or, you know,
made this the phenomenon that it is. And so the other part of the story that I think is interesting is that the family decided to stay anonymous. They are not talked about in any of the media coverage. Their last names aren't mentioned. It's just this man, Jose. But even him, he didn't want any of the attention, which to me makes me more suspicious that it's not a hoax, that it's not something. Yeah, yeah.
that they created, and he seems to genuinely have been very afraid. And then the next kind of sighting was in March of 2011, these creatures were spotted again, but this time at Yosemite National Park.
So kind of the same situation, officials put up cameras because people had been damaging the property. And instead, these cameras, again, captured these weird, armless, you know, Fresno nightcrawlers. And so they, again, media got ahold of the footage, released it again. Everyone said they could see the similarities between those creatures that, you know, Jose had caught four years ago in Fresno.
and they walked in the same creepy manner. The videos look very similar. But the kind of craziest part is that there were a handful of alleged sightings after that, but no one ever, no one credible came up with any more video footage since that. And these creatures have really seemingly stayed very quiet.

Origins of Fresno Nightcrawlers

There is a man, there's a man in Poland who claims to have seen a Nightcrawler and caught it on video, but I don't know that it is very attached. But anyway, people are, you know, there's a lot of ideas about what they are, everything from ghosts or aliens or somebody claims it's genuinely a possessed pair of pants. Or, you know, obviously it could be a very weird hoax.
So on the alien idea, they do sometimes move like people, but analysts of the videos, you know, think they're too small and move too weirdly to be human. They really look, you know, that they don't look like an animal on Earth.
However, I think it is like an interesting thing if they are aliens because they're really not doing anything. They're not causing any harm. They're not breaking into homes. They're not hurting anyone. There's no abductions taking place.
People like to think that maybe they're just observing human life, but studying our world maybe if they're aliens, but they've never been seen with UFOs. There's really no proof that they're aliens in any way. Then another idea is that there is a local indigenous American legend around that.
So according to the tribe members who live near Fresno, these nightcrawlers have always lived on Earth, even before humans. And these kind of weird long legs that they have have allowed them to, you know, move in this like swampland area.
And their legend says that these nightcrawlers were appearing at that, you know, are appearing now because, or not really now, in 2007 and 2011, to be this or to rebuild a kind of connection between humans and nature and kind of bringing us back to, you know, maybe our nature roots or helping create peace in some way. So the indigenous tribe really thinks of them as these like peaceful,
you know, bringing nature and humans together kind of presence, which I think is nice. But the two-leg look of these creatures also has led people to think maybe they're just people dressed in costumes. You know, I think there could be something that, you know, like they could be on stilts and have like it set up to look like a little head.
It's still to me is just like such a weird elaborate thing that either people did this outside of that poor guy's house or if he was involved. I just don't know. But also some people think that maybe they are like mutant or deformed humans. But again, I just I'm just not sure they look really weird looking.
But it is interesting to me, too. The other thing I read online is, you know, most of the time when we talk about Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster, it's always one. So I think it's interesting that these have always been in pairs. So just two little buddies walking along together, whether it's, you know, one is normally smaller than the other one or in both of those videos. So I'm like, maybe it's like, I don't know, maybe their mother and the son. A baby and a mommy? Yeah.
So who knows? It's funny just now that I've heard all this, there is a video I remember seeing online that I'm curious if it's the one you're talking about. It could be. It could be. It's pretty, I think, you know, it got its way around. So you might have already seen it. What should I type into YouTube? I think just Fresno Nightcrawlers. Oh, the first one that comes up is Fresno Nightcrawler HD.
Should we have you watch it in real time and react? Yeah. That's pretty much the end. There's also people that think it's a ghost, but I don't really know if it's a dead human. I don't know why it would show up like this. Oh, wait. Nope. This is not what I was thinking about. But this is weird. Isn't it weird? What? Why is it just pants? It's like unsettling though, right?
It's kind of goofy and kind of unsettling. Yes, absolutely. Okay, interesting. Okay, well, I'm glad I threw that up for myself. You go to sleep tonight, think about these pants walking across. Oh my god, it's awful. Is there a Jimmy Neutron episode? I really should look this up. Okay. No, it is Attack of the Pants. And there's also a movie called slacks that came out I think last year or the year before, which is it's a comedy, but about
like pants that come to life and kill people. Oh my God, I love it. That would be such a good double feature. Right? Yeah, absolutely. Followed by a lecture from Lauren. About Fresno night colors. They're really freaky to me. I didn't, I watched the video and I felt so unsettled that I had to do some research. That's amazing. So I'll make sure I include a link in our podcast or maybe we can put it on Instagram a little bit on Instagram. Yeah.
We can make it happen. Cool. Well, thank you guys so much for listening this week. We really appreciate your continued following us. If you have ideas, always feel free to DM us on Instagram. But other than that, we hope you have some sweet, sweet nightmares. Bye.