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Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja & Amethyst Realm image

Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja & Amethyst Realm

Sinister Sisters
36 Plays2 years ago

On this week's episode, it's living with wild animals and a wild story of dating the dead! 

First, Felicia explores the tale of Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja, a Spanish man who was quite literally raised by wolves, as he lived among the animals as a feral child from ages 7 to 19. Hear how the wolves protected Pantoja and taught him how to survive in the wild before he was brought back to society and forced to acclimate. 

Next, Lauren explores the too-haunt-to-handle case of Amethyst Realm, a woman who brings new meaning to the pet name "my boo" as she claims to have had 20 ghost lovers! Realm says she has had everything from one night stands with poltergeist to even being engaged to a paranormal entity?! I guess Demi Moore isn't the only one to find love with a ghost...but when your dating life is that bad, it's really a grave situation. 

If you have requests for future episodes or just want to hang out, follow us on Instagram @sinistersisterspodcast


Introduction to Hosts and Spooky Interests

Welcome to the Sinister Sisters podcast. I'm Felicia. I'm Lauren. We're best friends. And we like spooky stuff.
Mm hmm.

Valentine's Day Reflections

Do you have any recommendations to share with us this week, Lauren? What do you do? I was just trying to put myself in the place of when this episode would be released. And I was like, oh, this will be Valentine's Day, but it's actually the week after Valentine's Day. So hope everyone had lovely Valentine's Day. Oh, yeah. Do you have plans? Do you know what you'll be doing? Yes, but we're not going. Ours is not on the 14th, I think.
On either Wednesday or Thursday, we're going to go to Mama Fuku. That's how you know Travis and I are being fancy if we go to Mama Fuku. I love it. What about you? We always go to Olive Garden. That's so amazing. That sounds so good. I'm not sure if we're taking Willow this year or not yet. We're still figuring it out. But I was like, I love having our plan. I love knowing what we're going to get. It's my favorite thing.
That's amazing. That's so beautiful. That's like Travis and me on New Year's where it's like, we always stay in and order pizza. It's like these little things that you do as a couple. That's just like, that's the best thing. I know. And having it be like not a lot of effort is truly. Oh yeah. For sure. Yeah. And we don't, I don't know. Do you do presents for Valentine's day? I don't, we don't really do that anymore. I don't know. He always gets me a present, but I feel like sometimes I don't get him one.
I always try to do something sweet. Last year, I literally just finished last week, so don't applaud me, but I did 365 affirmations, so every day he got to pick a thing that said, this is what I love about you. That is so serious. That is so beautiful.
It was a lot. I will say it did not take long to write out the 365 affirmations, but then for some reason I decided to hand write them and that's what I couldn't do. That was the mistake. I was like, it would be so sweet if it's in my handwriting. Yeah, that is more sweet. Just type it next time, you know? Wow. That is also amazing. You like 365 things about one person. That is very impressive.
I will say some of them were song lyrics that I just think about him. Oh, that's so nice. That's beautiful. So there's your idea for this year. I love it. I love it. It takes so long. Maybe next year. I'll start for next year. There you go. Yeah. You could just do like 50 a year. I think that's something nice. Yeah, that's good. Now, 52, you get one a week. There you go. There you go. Perfect. Okay. Anyway, shall I give recommendations?
Yes, please.

Film and Show Recommendations

In my trying to watch Oscar movies, I have not done as good a job as I want to and hopefully I will catch up soon, but I did watch Triangle of Sadness. Did I already text you about this? I don't know. It was so good. If you're looking for something that will fill the void of White Lotus, I actually think this is a good
It's like very weird. It also kind of gave me like parasite vibes where like it starts and you think it's this kind of movie and then it continues and you're like, whoa, I didn't think it'd go here. Whoa, I didn't think it'd go there. But it's basically like this young couple like because the girl is an influencer get to go on this like super bougie
cruise, and then it's sort of about like, you know, super wealthy people and the crew and like that. Oh, yes. It does sound a little white lotacy. Yeah, exactly. But Woody Harrelson's in it. There's a lot of people. I kind of, I kept describing it to people as like, it was everything to me that I wanted the menu to be.
Like, I wanted the menu to be like this. I think I remember you saying that to me. So triangle of sadness, super good. And then my other one is like a mixed recommendation, but I saw Causeway, which is Jennifer Lawrence and Brian Tyree Henry, and they're both like trauma survivors in New Orleans, and they like become friends.
And it was really good performances. It's like very sad and it's not as sad as I thought, I guess, but it's an interesting watch. And I just like I really like Jennifer Lawrence and I'm like glad she's kind of back and doing interesting things. So she really took a break, right? Like, yes. Yeah, she took a little break. Oh, and the other thing I started watching, I forgot about this. James and I started watching shrinking.
which is Jason Seagal and Tarison Ford on Apple TV. Oh. And it's so good. I love it. Seems like Apple TV has a lot of stuff now. Now I'm kind of like, I don't want to add anything else, of course, but I'm like, should I? I don't know. I might be able to give you our password. We have one from someone.
I did want to watch that show The Servant. I think it's done now. It's had like three seasons or something, but that's one that I like has been on my list that I'm like, oh, I should probably get it so I can just watch that. I agree. And I want to watch the Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon show.
Well, of course. Reese Witherspoon, anything for her. Anything for her. Anything. Jump out the window. Jump out the window. I'm down. Fine. She has a new rom-com coming out too with Ash and Kutcher. Oh my God. Wait, I didn't see. I don't know what the movie is, but I saw a picture of them together in the red carpet and they looked super awkward and it was really funny. For some reason, I can't imagine them together, which makes me want to watch it more. Yeah. Yeah, I know what you mean.
What are yours for this week? So as you know, I've already seen Go More Girls. I've seen Schitt's Creek. I've seen The Office. So it's like I need a new type of comforting, chill, short episode show for my breakfast and for my evenings. Love. So I was flipping through Netflix through all their stuff and I was like, I'm going to try out the Mindy project.
Have you ever seen it? Loved it. Yes. Have you seen it all? I don't know how many seasons there are. Yes. But I started watching that and I love it. It's like the exact 20 minute episodes, short, funny, sweet.
whatever cringe at times in an enjoyable way. Like it's just, it's great. It's exactly what I wanted. And it's just like, it fills the like, it's not as good as the office, but it fills that void for sure. Yes, exactly. Exactly. So I felt, and she's great. I love her. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I feel like, oh wait, have you watched, um, have you watched Mindy Kaling's other show? She's not in it, but I've honestly really loved it. It's like,
sex lives of college girls, maybe? Yeah, the sex lives of college girls. No, but I've heard of it. If you finish Mindy Project and you need like a silly little quick watch, it's really, I really liked it too. Nice, nice, nice, nice. I feel like I haven't really been watching a lot of movies, so that's kind of, yeah, that's kind of it right now.
I feel like we haven't. Oh, well, I haven't seen knock at the cabin yet. No, that just came out and I still need to go see infinity pool. I was going to go this weekend and now I don't know. Yeah. I see that about every time if you're so busy where I'm just like, so, but I do want to go see both of those. Me too. Even if knock at the cabin, the freaking trailer ruined everything. I didn't watch the trailer.
Don't watch it. Don't watch it. I'm not going to. That's a gift. That's a gift. Never watch it.
Yeah. Noted. Noted. Yeah. Cool. All right.

Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja's Feral Child Story

So I'm starting this week. So two things led me to this story I'm going to tell you. One, my last name is Lobo and I love wolves. So wolves are like very important in my family. We have a lot of wolf artwork and stuff and a lot of people in my family have wolf tattoos. I'm probably going to get one. It's, you know,
We howl at the moon. It's over the top. It's too much. And yet it's right. And yet it's right. But yeah, so I've always had a thing for wolves. And then as of recent, it's funny because I kind of talked about this with the goblin mode a couple of episodes, but this idea of like being casually feral. Have you seen this? Yes.
There's this one girl on TikTok, I can't think of her name right now, but she's so freaking funny. But she's like, yeah, I'm just gonna be a little feral squirrel this weekend and eat all my nuts in my bed and not wash my hair. Like she's so funny. But this like, yeah, this idea of like being kind of like the grossest, most, what's the word I'm thinking of?
What's the, is it the id? Is that right? Yeah. Yes. Yes? Okay. Like your most inner inner self? Yes. Yeah. Being your most inner self and letting it all come out and hang out and like not worrying about what other people think and just being like, yeah, an unhinged person. I love it. I like the idea of it. Yeah. I always think about like when I wear the same clothes in the morning that then I go to sleep in at night.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. You don't change. You don't shower. Who needs to. Who needs it? Yeah. So that's what brought me to this story of Marcos Rodriguez Pentoya.
from Spain and this is, he is a noted, as it says on Wikipedia, feral child, which it feels like derogatory, but that's what it says. And this is the, this idea that, and there's a few stories like this. I feel like I even heard one in like one of my psychology classes, but, uh, children that live in isolation from human contact from a very young age and then have to be like re-introduced into society.
so that they can be lacking mostly on social skills, also language, haven't had any sort of like care for them. And yeah, so this guy Marcos, he was born in Anora, Spain, and he
was with his parents for a couple of years after he was born, but his mom died giving birth to one of his siblings. So after she died, he was just with his father who eventually married another woman. And apparently they were both very cruel and abusive towards him. And at a certain point, and this is wild to me, because this is in 1954. So this feels like
too late for this, but apparently his father sold him to a local landowner. Oh my gosh. Who put him under the care of a goat shepherd. Like I'm like, 1954? Yeah, that feels late.
So anyway, so yeah, so he's there with him working. And by the way, he's like seven years old. So he's working. That's what I was gonna say. How old is he? Child. And then at some point that goat shepherd died pretty soon after. And nobody came to get him or to check on him or whatever. And so he just sort of wandered into the woods. And
started living amongst the animals there and most notably with wolves. So wow. Yeah, so he was, you know, had been like surviving by watching other animals seeing how they were eating, and then following their lead, basically. So he'd watch birds eat certain berries, he'd go eat those berries. You'd see like, hogs like digging up like
like bugs and stuff and he would chase them off and then go eat the bugs. So he would do this and then at a certain point he wandered into this cave and there was all these wolf pups like little baby wolves. So cute. And he starts playing with them and then mama comes home and mama at first like growls at him or whatever and she had been hunting so she had like brought back food.
Then after a little bit, she kind of gave him some food.
And then he just stayed there with them and lived with these wolves for years. So that is just crazy to me. That has to be a special wolf mom, right? Like most wolf moms would just eat you, right? I don't know. So yeah. And he said like he remembers like the encounter and the first encounter and being like she either is going to let me stay or she's going to eat me. Like there's not really any in between here.
and she just kind of took him in and so he and get this so he lived there are better stepmoms than me i'm dead i'm dead that's so good for so many levels okay really just took him in yeah yeah
Okay. One of the wolves. One of the wolves. Just one of the wolves. So he stayed there in these woods with these wolves and the other creatures of the forest for 11 years. That's a long ass time. Yes, he survived out there and eventually- He's going for puberty.
Oh my God. Can you imagine? Oh my God. But learning how to survive and how to communicate with animals. There's a great video of him, you know, doing all these different animal calls of like different birds and different stuff. And he's like, well, this one owl sounds like this. And this one sounds like this. And the fox sounds like this. And he can do it all because he's like, that's how I communicated. And then. And he's like, but he's able to talk now and like. Yes. So, okay.
Yeah, sorry, jumping far. No, it's okay. So yeah, 1965. He's been out there for 11 years. And the civil guard, somebody reported him that this man with like this long hair was like wandering around this area, and was like wearing like, deer skin.
outfits. And so the Civil Guard goes and they basically had to by force take him out of these woods. So he did not want to go. He was like, This is my home. What are you doing? And he also like, he did still speak a little bit because he had language from when he was like up to seven years old. But he didn't really use it for 11 years. Other than he said, sometimes I would like talk to myself, but like not actively. So
that he didn't understand that he wasn't like, it should be to wolves like, I don't know. I don't know. I guess not. Just growling. He's just growling. So he, you know, at this point, he's 19 years old. But he doesn't understand what's going on. So they have to forcibly take him out of the woods. Like they literally strapped him to like a horse or something. And we're like, you're coming with us.
And they said he was like, they had to like bound him gag him like it's so dark and scary. And he was like howling and like biting at them. So they I mean, this is sad. But so they contacted his father and sold him when he was a kid.
And he was not charged with anything for selling a child or anything. And he said, yes, that is my son. I don't want him back. And also it looks like he lost my jacket. I gave him and I'm mad about that. Oh, my God. Like, can you imagine like what this child has been out here for 11 years in the forest and you're just like, but where's my jacket? Oh, my God. Very, very bad. That's horrifying. No.
So, yeah, so it wasn't going well. And he said, like, as soon as he got there also, they tried to give him a haircut. And so they took him to this barbershop and the barbershop pulls out like a razor blade because this is like the 70s and he thinks he's going to kill him. So he is like screaming and they had to hold him down to give him this haircut. I'm just like, why are you just traumatizing this 19 year old? Like, why couldn't you just let him kill for a sec?
Yeah, so they tried to like I don't I mean they I guess they did what maybe was their best effort at the time To help like reintroduce him to society, but he was really not about it
He eventually did go stay with some nuns that kind of helped him and gave him like a little bit of schooling and like helped him with his language skills and some of that. But he was also sort of like not left to his own devices, but in a way because he was 19. So he's almost an adult. So they're like giving jobs like he worked in construction. He worked all these jobs. Like it doesn't seem like he was given adequate rehabilitation for this. No, no.
Yeah. And so and there there's videos on YouTube and you can hear him talking and he seems like he's like this was a few years ago and he was in his 70s. Wow. It's still like talking, you know, like you wouldn't necessarily know that this is how he had grown up at this point. But he says he had a really, really difficult time adjusting to being with people. I can only imagine. Yeah. And he has this.
he had a quote that was said really casually in one of the videos, but I wrote it down, which is that man is beastly, not animals. And so he was saying it's like, what was so hard for him is that people, they say one thing, but they might mean something else. And with animals, that's never true. That everything is always like truthful in the moment. Like there's no manipulation. There's no anything like that. But
The one, a couple things that he did like about living society was women. He was like, it might be worth it to be near women because he had not had that before. Oh my God. And also smoking cigarettes. So those two best parts. Yeah, that was worth it for him.
but everything else was was really hard. He felt like he was taken advantage of a lot because he didn't really understand a lot of things. And he ended up living in like really kind of bad situations, like living in places like at some point he had like gone to like this hostel with some money the nuns had given him and someone like stole his money and then he had to like work off living in the hostel like he just wasn't really like taken care of.
in the way that someone that had never been taken care of probably needed. So it's, yeah, it's definitely like, yeah. Yes. And I feel like so many of these cases you hear about
people that were like feral from like one to zero to six instead of like he must have had such a specific experience being like gone from seven to nine. Yeah. And he was like he was already going into the woods like traumatized from like being abused and sold. Yeah. And then he goes in like lives this life.
that he actually was very happy with and then is ripped out of that to live places that he didn't really want to be and then ultimately into like very extreme property. So it was just bad.

Marcos' Reintegration and Advocacy

But there was a case study written on him, many of them, but the most famous one is by an anthropologist named Gabriel Janner Manila.
And he spent like over a year interviewing Marcos to, you know, see like how he's able to like adjust back into society and like what it was like for him living out there and all these things. And that was eventually like his studies were turned into a movie that was called, okay, it's called Among Wolves, but that's the English version. So whatever that is in Spanish.
And, oh, Entre Lobos, yeah.
And something a little strange in one of the interviews is he said when he feels lonely or sad about his life, he actually watches this movie about his own life. And watches it and watches it to go to sleep and stuff. Wow. And I haven't seen the movie, but people say it kind of is a glorified version of his life in a way of how he lived among nature and the animals and blah, blah, blah. And it probably wasn't as lovely and nice as it is in that movie, but right.
I think he he says he likes watching that version of it. Like it makes him feel comforted. Oh, yeah. So I don't know. Wow. And he's he's still alive. So he's 76 years old. And he still lives in Spain. And he is a big, like advocate, and even like sort of educator about the environment. So he goes into schools and like, teaches kids about like how to
take care of like our planet and like animals. And he talks about like how to care for certain animals and all this kind of stuff. So and all that seems to be really important to him. Like the interviews that he's given later years, like a lot of what he talks about is just like how much he can understand how humans are just like destroying everything. He walks around with this guy and they're filming him and he's looking at like trash that's like sitting in like this water source.
And he's pointing out this bird. He's like, that bird over there is thirsty and is trying to get water from here, but he can't because it's toxic. And so that bird's probably gonna die. And he's like, I don't understand how nobody cares. And I was like, Oh, God, he seems like such a beautiful man. And I love that he's like, able to, you know, work with kids and yeah, about the environment and all that is so amazing.
Yeah, so it seems like his later years have been a little bit better. But from what I understand, like the in between was pretty dark. But but yeah, that's Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja. And it seems
like a pretty incredible person. And honestly, like I always had dreams growing up of like being with wolves I used to because I was that kid, I used to pretend to be a wolf on the playground. Oh, yeah, I don't know. But yeah, so it was it was nice to like hear this story about this this wolf mama that like
took in this child and raised him for like a decade. It's just crazy. It feels like a fake story. It feels like out of like a book and it's it actually happened. So yeah, that's amazing. And I keep thinking about like we all had like
a tough time adjusting post-COVID and we were all adults and had whatever, 25 years before that. Then we were like, oh my God, we have to be around people. I can't even imagine. Yeah, absolutely.
Amazing. Well, thank you for sharing that. That was such a good one. Thank you. Taking us a sillier direction. Oh, good. I like a serious first story, a silly second story. Yeah, me too.

Amethyst Realm's Ghostly Relationships

So I'm covering Amethyst Realm and she is a woman who's in her 30s and back in 2017 kind of came to media attention.
because she was claiming to have had sex with as many as 20 ghosts. Wow. What an accomplishment. Honestly, that's a high number, even if it was just humans. Yeah. But most of my research is from an interview that she did on the UK's This Morning TV show.
So she claims that she's had sex with about 20 ghosts, as I said, over the last decade of her life on this TV show. And she supposedly had sex with a ghost when she was 15 years old and vowed to, you know, never really go back to men from that. At 15 she made that vow. She said, I'm done with men.
I'm just I just don't know because she did so she had a fiance. So I'm like, I don't think she had a fiance when she was 15. So maybe the first time was when she was 15 and kind of now she's decided that she's never going back to men. But the most personal encounter occurred to her when she was living with her fiance and he was working away a lot. And so she started to feel this ghostly presence and then it became physical.
She was kind of intrigued, so she decided to try to seduce this paranormal entity. She puts on some sexy lingerie, went into her guest bedroom, and that's where she had felt the ghost presence most strongly.
So nothing nothing happened and she was like, maybe I'm trying too hard. Maybe I'm you know, maybe the laundry was too much So she went to bed and she says just as she was falling asleep She claims that the ghost appeared in her bed and they had sex Wow, this is about to get a little steamy Felicia know this ghost I'm just saying
I'm confused, we'll get into a lot of things. I'm like, who was the spirit? She says, there was pressure on my thighs and breath on my neck. I just always felt safe. I know.
I just always felt safe. I had sex with a ghost. You can feel it. It's difficult to explain. There was a weight and a weightlessness, a physical breath and stroking and the energy as well. Steamy.
Wow. Someone's probably written a novel about this, like a romance novel or something. Oh, I'm sure. Maybe. Honestly, a dream. I thought the idea is ready. Yeah, like this is to me like, you know, no strings attached in the most dramatic way. Absolutely. So they supposedly both fell deeply in love. And this affair continued for three years before her fiancé caught her in the act. Caught her?
I would love to have an interview with the fiance.
The fiancé supposedly saw the shape of a man through the window when he pulled up outside, which is particularly odd because she claims that she's never seen the ghost or never seen a presence like this. So apparently the fiancé sees a man through the window, comes in and breaks up with her and says, like, I caught you. You're having an affair. And I guess she said, I'm having an affair with a ghost. And he said, I'm out.
So wow, I wonder if it was the affair or the ghost like which or was I know or was it Where would you stand? Um, I would say I I think I would be more fascinated about the ghost part, but I would be worried that Travis had lost his mind. So like even though I believe in ghost I I still it's like I believe in ghosts, but I I feel
Like it wouldn't happen to us. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I just feel like, yeah, I don't know which part would be more difficult to handle. But she claims that she eventually got bored with these encounters with the ghost and it did eventually end.
But who ended it? She does? What if the ghost ended it? The ghost is like, I'm good. Thank you. The ghost ghosted her. Oh, my god. That's really good. The ghost, I mean, maybe the ghost said, now I can move on to the next life. Oh, yes. I don't know. I don't know. It's like in Buffy when the angel has sex with Buffy and gets a soul. It's like this ghost, he has sex with her and he gets to move on to the afterlife. Yeah, maybe. I don't know. I'm just talking. I'm sorry. You go.
It does. I will say if we like believe in ghosts enough that they like pull your feet and levitate beds and like draw the stuff like I don't think it's like so far to be like they're sexy too. Yeah, maybe. I don't know. It's it's all kind of weird to me. I'm like, don't they not have a body? Why do they like what's going on here? But
She does feel like there is a risk of her getting pregnant. This really was too far for me. She believes that, you know, they're like phantom pregnancies are like kind of a thing. Yeah. Where you like, I guess out of like sadness for wanting to have a baby, you can like have pregnancy like kind of symptoms. So she believes that those are actually ghost babies and that people don't know how to carry them to full term.
And so she thinks that there's a possibility of her becoming pregnant from a ghost. So she's saying there is a possibility of carrying a ghost movie full term.
Yes. I don't know what that looks like. I'm not sure. And so one of the hosts on the TV show brings up like, you know, what if this is just sleep paralysis or, you know, something similar to that, which I didn't even know that apparently sleep paralysis can sometimes bring on sexual feelings. I've never heard that. Me either. I thought it was like a scary thing. Yeah.
So she shuts that down pretty quickly by saying that like the first ghost that she was with used to follow her around the house and like lure her in. So she was definitely awake and not just like, you know, frozen to the bed. And one psychotherapist believes that like these encounters could just be hallucinations that kind of occur in that, like, you know, right before you fall asleep sort of dream like state.
And some people have had specific hallucinations in that state that can be very vivid and bizarre and have actual feeling or visual or auditory parts of them. And I thought this was interesting too. Apparently people who experience stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma
are more susceptible to these kind of hallucinations and not, you know, right before you fall asleep place, which I thought was interesting. The host also, I mean, you know, this interview is like truly like the most exploitation, ridiculous interview, if you can imagine. But the host also asked if like she can have an orgasm from having sex with a ghost. Honestly, I wanted to do that too. So she says, yes, she can. She can.
Okay. I will say they talk about, um, I watched one of those like Netflix things about female pleasure and they, there are like a lot of people who can have orgasms without anyone touching them. So I'm like, I wish again. Interesting. Sexy images, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. That's why I'm like, I don't think this would happen to a man, but anyway. I was gonna say, do you think men can do that or no?
I don't know. I don't know. I'll have to do some more research. This turns into a sex podcast. Yes, why not? Yeah. She also goes on to say that she can definitely tell the difference between her ghost lovers. She said they have very different energies. It's just like humans. And she's not so embarrassed about having sex with ghosts, but she is embarrassed about her number and how many ghosts she's had sex with. So.
Wow. I mean, at that point, I just really can still exist. Well, I was yeah, I was gonna say at that point, I feel like you shouldn't even bother with shame. It's just be like, this is what I do. Right. I can't wait to also like, see this woman. Oh, I know. She looks totally normal. Really? Like not.
just normal looking. They also tease her on the show that maybe she's well known in the spirit world and people talk about her as everyone go visit that woman. As I said, most of this info is from an interview in 2017, but I do have a little update. She went back on the British talk show in October of 2020. This time,
She claims to have fallen in love with a sexy spirit named Rey during a trip to Australia in 2018. And she decided to bring her home with her. And so they consummated the relationship on the flight back home. So she's having sex with the ghost. Like in her seat or in the bathroom? In the bathroom supposedly. Okay, because in the seat would have been very good to everyone else.
I know, but she said they talked about getting married and having a baby, but they were thinking long term. Nine months after they came back on the flight, this ghost, Rey, asked her to marry him.
And she said for the first time ever, she actually heard his voice and heard a ghost voice. And she described it as very deep, sexy and real. So he asked her to marry her. She said yes. And everything was going well until they went on this vacation to Thailand. Honestly, I will say it seems like she's like,
Traveling a lot. Yeah, living her best life on these extravagant trips with her ghost fiance. Also, I feel like ghosts in my brain always are stuck to one location. Yes, I agree. Traveling ghosts, I'm kind of like, what? I know he goes through security with you, or are you like, where'd he go? And then he's on the plane? Does he need a passport? Does he have TSA pre-check? Not the pre-check.
So she said they went on this vacation and she believes he fell in with a bad crowd when they were on vacation. So he started becoming really inconsiderate, wasn't romancing her in the same way. And so they came back home and he would disappear for long periods of time. And when he came back, he would always bring other spirits with him and they would just like crash at her house for several days. So that's rude.
I know. She said there would be crashing and banging and she'd have to get rid of the other spirits with Sage and that would make them disappear. At least we know Sage works. That's good to know. She said they started partying too much. They were doing drugs. She also talked about the spirits also possibly being affected by the COVID-19 situation.
She said that ghosts also fear getting ill, which I don't really understand at all. But COVID, his new friends, all of this was too much on them, the partying, somehow the ghosts doing drugs. So ultimately, they decided to call off the wedding. I think that was for the best, probably. I just can't understand any of it, to be honest. I'm like, how are they taking drugs if they're ghosts?
I don't know who's to say. I don't know. But obviously this sounds like a crazy story. It seems like maybe this woman is, you know, I don't know, has a lot going on. But ghost sex is common enough that there is a word for it and it's called spectrophilia.
It's similar to all those other things. Spectrophilia is paraphilia involving intimate encounters with ghosts and it's used to describe people who are sexually attracted to spirits. Mark Griffiths, the psychology from Nottingham, England believes that this condition is indeed real even if ghosts are not, which I could kind of see.
like someone being attracted to ghosts, even if we don't know that they exist. And although there's a lot of stories and folklore, you know, regarding romantic exchanges with spirits, there's no real scientific evidence, of course. So yeah, yeah. That's my my little story about Amethyst Realm and Spectrophilia. That was amazing. That's a great story. And I love that it's so recent.
I know. She's talking about it in COVID, so very recent. I hope she finds happiness, whether it's with a ghost or a real person. Me too. We hope that for you, Amethyst, if you're listening. Yes, and I'll share pictures of her and everything else on Instagram, of course. Okay, amazing. All right. Well, thank you all for listening. We hope you have some sweet, sweet nightmares. Bye.