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Ep. 01 It’s Do or Die Time – De Profundis image

Ep. 01 It’s Do or Die Time – De Profundis

S1 E1 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
132 Plays5 years ago


This episode was our first ever journey into the D&D podcast world. As such, season 1 (which we call, "De Profundis") is for our OG fans and those of whom are ok with listenining to very early sessions where our hosts were still figuring out how to record and edit. 

If you are new here please feel free to skip over De Profundis and join us on our latest campaign Bellum Draconis. It is a fantastic jump-in point with no prior knowledge needed.

Many Thanks,




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Introduction to the New Campaign

Hello everyone, welcome to The Fellowship of the Tabletop. Thank you for finding us across the interwebs and the audio devices that you are listening to us right now from. I just wanted to drop in quickly and say, this is our old campaign. In fact, this is the very first episode we ever did. And as such, it's not the best. So, you know, I would skip over this campaign. You don't need to know it. We made a brand new one called Bellum Draconis. You can find the first episode out there.
I would tune into that one, our season two, arc two, campaign two. We didn't make it absolutely necessary that you listen to campaign one. If you listen to campaign two and you fancy trying hard and getting through campaign one, please do so. There is some good moments, don't get me wrong, but the first 20 episodes are a little bit tough to get through. It's like that first season of a news show that you're always convincing people to try, but you know they have to stomach through the first five episodes, which are crap.
Ours, we didn't know really how to record and edit. We just kind of grabbed a microphone and stuck it in the middle of the room. That was campaign one. Campaign two, we upped the ante. We've all got personal microphones and the production and audio quality just get much, much better.
If you don't believe me, try, try this episode one, but please, please, please try Campaign 2 Episode 1 while you're doing so. Anyway, that's me done. If you're still here and you're still ready to try Episode 1 of Campaign 1, well, thank you, because that's amazing. In fact, let me know at our Fellowship Tabletop page on Twitter, which is at Fellowship Table. Anyway, time for the, I'll tell you what we do have and it's time for the kick-ass intro song. Here we go!
Hello and welcome to this episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. I am the DM. My name is Mark. Thank you for joining us today. Around the table we've got four excellent players with me that I'm really excited to start sharing an adventure and story with. What kind of go round and introduce everyone as we go so you get an idea about who they all are and the characters they're playing.

Character Introductions

and then I'll set the scene and we'll get cracking straight into our arc. Okay, so starting off, the first person I'm going to introduce is Ian. Ian, do you want to introduce yourself? Yes, what up guys? My name's Ian and I have got the most horrific of colds today, so apologies for my voice work. It will change from this episode to the next.
But I play a dragonborn called Drago. He's a massive seven foot stoic, angry, typical dragonborn. He likes to keep himself to himself, doesn't make friends easy and certainly doesn't trust easy. He doesn't prize many things in life but the one thing he does prize is his massive
great sword. His class is barbarian and he's a silver dragon for your dragon ancestry needs out there. He's a nice dragon as well. His skin is kind of brown, copper esque, it's like a dirty brown. His scales kind of give off a blue shimmer and his veins are pulsing deep blue and there we go. I look forward to showing him to you. Thank you very much here.
Next up we've got Darren, well, Darren, do I have to describe who it is you play? I certainly will describe who I play. So I play Robin, who is an ex-fee from a background, a family, a syndicate really, of thieves who attempted to live their life in an honourable way.
Obviously outside the means of the Lord, this one day came back to haunt them and he has since in the years past turned mercenary. So as a result, just as for your record, he's just turned back to some of his more kind of past traits. So he is a level seven fighter and a level one rogue. He's currently trying to study arcane means in order to help
save the party, I guess we would say, or save the world or whatever it is. However, you want to dress it up from the situation that they are currently in. He wears brown and dark weathered and dark levered armour. It's all pretty ordinary, including his long bow strung across his back, but one very nice silver pin
that keeps his cloak in tact, which is a silver-embedded brooch that has a Ren and Robin on it. He also has a bow of his ancestry, which sadly broke, in a bag of holding. Lovely, thank you very much. I should just clarify that we are going to be starting this arc at level eight as well, so Robin having level seven and then level one isn't just out of nowhere, we are all starting that leg.
carrying on from that. Will, would you like to introduce yourself and your character? Yes, my name is Will. I will be playing a wood elf monk called Elphir. Elphir is 300 years old and has a significant
age difference to the rest of the group. So it comes from a very experienced sort of worldwide background. He is a monk who has travelled the land. He is normally equipped with his quarter staff and his various other knives and the like on his person. He wears very casual clothes, very
earthy colours and generally loose fitting clothing. The one thing the party don't know is that he is a Harper agent trained to pursue an objective of keeping the natural order of things and stopping evil in the world.
What the fuck? We don't actually know that at all. We ran out of hour right now. If you could be here and see everyone kind of look at each other like, what? But the characters don't know. But it's worth knowing for you, the listeners, that he is a harper agent. The secret's out there. And finally, just to introduce the very last character we've got, I've got one character to introduce myself actually, is Callum actually. Callum, do you want to introduce your character and yourself?
I most certainly can. Hello there. I am Callum and I play a character of Shader Steel IV. He is a hill dwarf.
of a noble background. Despite his monetary gains, he's quite a simplistic person. He's found more trust and value to his friends and his family. He's a level six barbarian and a level two fighter. He is always clad in red and gold as they are his noble ancestry colors. He has the emblazoned symbol of his family both on a
Pin that keeps his cloak on and emblazoned on his shield for the front off as well. Lovely. And that's our four characters. What's his class? We wanted class, yeah. He said that. I blacked out. Okay, I am heavily medicated right now. I will add, legally, when I thought the exposure, I was the one who brought that up slightly by not saying that Robin is a human and is roughly moving towards his late thirties, mid to late thirties. And his was a fighter.
i didn't mention what drago is wearing which is mostly nothing he does like the great outdoors he used his skin apart from like a loose bear colos no no charles well no he has got it it's like there's three quarters shorts that you see all these cool kids wearing it's like those sort of things but in jorge sort of cool leather kind of i'm just imagining john seeing a jorge now that's what i mean
No, it's actually, it's more akin to, is it Kevin Costner in Waterworld? You know, he's sort of tired, don't you? Yeah. Yeah, there you go. That's that golden film for us all. I'll try the age with a reference. If only we had a big character. I can confirm from looking at the concept art, by the way, by Lino Green's shoulder, that he's not joking. He does look like... The Kevin Costner, the Dragon Ball. Yeah, yeah.
Just to also give you guys just a bit of a heads up as well, the five of us have sat down for, oh god, how many sessions? I've numbered them. Yeah, years worth of sessions with all these characters. None of them have died up to this point and now was the time we thought would be an awesome time to kind of share the story we're kind of telling at the moment. We've just kind of moved into a new arc and so we're going to try our very best to not kind of overlap all the other
this point. So if we feel like we've done this a lot before, because we have, I think, and at least the characters, me as a DM actually, I still play it by ear anyway. I think you should make it up. I do, I don't even know what I'm doing here to be honest. I don't even realise this is called a D20. Right, so let's
We just had to remind him of our fifth party member playing NBC. It's basically how I like to play as well. I don't have to play the DM. Apparently controlling everything isn't enough. I need to also have a character in the mix as well. Say this. There is another person with this party and also to even out the gender issue we have in the party. A very male-donated party. A couple of sessions ago, quite a few months ago I'd say, the party
came across a young girl called Tali Icewind. The name rang a bell, they were imprisoned once at Icewind Prison and she is a spellcaster, the only spellcaster in the party actually. She's very young, she's about 14 or 15 years old, a bit of a classic teenager and often
She found herself imprisoned by some giants and was freed by the party and then kind of followed along and by her father's decree, her father's passed away, but from what her father taught her was

Mysterious Arrival on the Beach

that you know, one good thing must leave for another and you must help those who have helped you. So she followed them into the last event that happened prior to this and she is a kind of elven-looking girl but she is not half-elf, she is human.
So she's got quite a pinch of features, kind of long ginger hair down to back shoulders. She's got kind of regular adventure of clothes on. However, she holds herself with a slightly kind of majestic feel like there might be some kind of mobility or she's kind of upper class in her maybe, the way she carries herself. And that is our five as we find ourselves. And because the DM's playing the character, we all instantly mistrust it.
Yeah, she is a wizard. She has a book with her and the book also contains the scrawlings of her father who was a world-class wizard and he has all his kind of notes of all the kind of high level spells in there none of which you can access because she is young.
So that's everyone.
to flank the small dark sanded beach where our five companions find themselves laying in the sand. As they kind of look up into the sky there is this grey mist and grey clouds above head. They can hear the howling of the wind and the temperature from what they last experienced of their time. This is significantly colder than our
this howling of wind as they kind of turn over and look towards the coastline it's a rather barren and bleak looking place and these dark rocks almost obsidian coloured rocks seem to just go off into the distance with maybe a flickering of the odd tree further away there seems to be no other
civilization that they can discern. If you look out towards the sea, it travels out and off across the horizon without another large land mass in sight from where you are. You can see the odd cracks of rock sticking out, which would be a boon to it. It would be a problem for any boats that might want to stop there. Speech. Oh, don't even mention that.
probably if it's going to be our major plot hook. Absolutely. Sorry, just because otherwise they're not going to know what. Very good point, sorry. As we're here and our characters are looking up and just kind of trying to come to grips with what might have just happened to them as they seem to have just blacked out and banged up here in this place, the breath returns to them and they look up and the speckles of rain start to just
it seems to seep through the skin and really cool the body down. As they lay there listening to the waves, the memory of what has previously happened to them starts to ring in their heads. The memory of a demigod, the memory of this phrase that he mentioned that seems to be emblazoned into their cerebellum, into their brain. When the wind blows, the kingdoms crumble.
The words of this order of whispers, the concept of a god of suffering, and...
A god of decay and rebirth seems to just cycle around in their heads. Memories of a pus-ridden giant, aberration of a tree, fighting, combat, blood, death, duregal, these images start to flash in front of their faces. Screams of pain, of agony, of worry, of torture and memory of all these things that have previously happened to them.
As the breath kind of returns to their bodies, there is an ache that returns as well. They've been pulled from a place and placed, forced into another place. And that has taken its toll on the party. They feel weak, they feel heavy. Like almost gravity has increased on this place, but everything else seems normal.
As the first of you start to kind of sit up and look around, you notice that Tally is still Tally the young girl, is still kind of lying face up unconscious on the beach as the four of you start to kind of wake yourselves up. The waves crash down heavily behind you but you're far enough away from the water's edge because Tally's kind of gone out
rather vicious and violent looking waves you can see just behind you in front of you and the beach starts to pull up and then there seems to be a kind of maybe 20 to 30 foot kind of small craggy cliff that looks relatively carnival if you wish okay do we have our weapons
And as you look down to your side, well for Drago, you look to your back for your great sword. That's the first thing I would check. Drago checks for his father's great sword. Yes, it is still on your back. As you look at each other, everyone seems to have everything they did for each other. The bag of holding, that's there. You have a quick skin without everything seems to be there. Shader, your magic axe is still with you. You still have your quarterstaff elf here.
Robin, you've got your bow and you've got the remains of your ancestral bow as well in your bag of holding as well. So you seem to have everything. Tali, you can see to the side of Tali, is a heavy tome attached to her. She also seems to have a spell book as well. We'll do this. We'll do a bit of Salvi. Cool. Okay, so Joago would sit up and the very first thing he'd do is instinctively check for the sword on his back and upon feeding the hill would just have a slight relief
obviously still feeling the effects from being transported into this world. So to sit up, look around confused. Are we all okay? Anyone know where we are? As Drago sits at Robin takes a look and just trying to process anything he observes Drago, which is the first thing that comes into sight as his vision comes back to him.
Is there any evidence of the previous fight, like any kind of that purple blood still or daining as if any of that gone or do we look completely like we've been reset? You've got those marks on your clothing, however you feel good, you feel healthy in yourself, you remember being
almost held in the stasis almost in blackness you remember blackness lots of darkness and in that time your body seemed to recover but your armor still has the same cuts and you know you have the wear and tear of combat and of adventure that you had previously but your bodies feel fixed in some way however what I will just quickly say is that despite your body's feeling good you have actually all
Drago, you're gonna show the purple. I think this was the leftover bludge from that last battle we were in. I feel a bit sticky, to be fair. And Drago looks over to Robin, is he covered in that same?
No, he wouldn't be because he was quite far back in combat. Oh, yeah as an archer you primarily using his bow. He's quite far away. Sorry, you look like you've just had a good wash But no, I I'm covered in the in the blood. I'm looking around on the beach Before I look to my comrades, is there any
dried wood along the beachfront just thinking ahead for any like timber firewood or anything like that. You notice just up from where you are two pieces of kind of what look like dried driftwood they're about a kind of human forearm length and kind of the girth in size so a decent enough piece of wood if they are dry but yeah you can see too. Robin do you want to check on the others I'm going to go and
given how alert and aware Arthur is, he knows that there are no danger right now, first thing he does is he goes over to it and can't wait and checks on her and I'll do a medicine check to check on her condition. Okay, do you want to give me a stroke medicine role please? First role of the campaign!
with disadvantage as you are. I'm off the end there. Okay. Just a different one. Yeah, for the exhaustion. What'd you get? That'll be a natural one. Oh, a natural one. Are you serious? Yeah. First roll of the season. Natural one. Natural one. That's a bit of a digression, but what is your
Is your Twitter handle something quite similar to... Yeah, yeah, it is, yeah. It's just shush. It's fine. What is your Twitter handle again? We'll discuss that at the end of the game. Okay, well, give that a minute, Mr Naki. I failed my medicine check. It doesn't matter because as you go over to her, she just came to slightly after you. Her constitution is lower than yours, physically. And so she takes just a bit longer to kind of... She coughs a little bit. Oh!
What? Where? What's happened? All of those are very good questions, Talion. Elphie will help her sit down. Thank you, Elphie. God, I ache. I just remembered darkness. Yeah, and where we are is... I don't know, we should join the others, it looks like. They're trying to get off. They'll be sure to do something. Okay.
At this point, Tylie is just going to look over to where Shader is and just see... Shader! She kind of stands up and kind of wanders over and gives you a little shake. Shader! Are you okay? Where am I? Wake up! Everyone's up! You're the last to wake again!
Where are we? What happened? I don't know, but it's raining and you look cold. I feel cold. Why? Where are you? I don't know. Is everyone okay? At this point, Shader is obviously coming to. He's slowly tapping himself, checking his stuff, still covered in blood, but not really giving two craps about it.
Just looking around now, making sure everyone is okay. I want to see people moving and everything else, so. For Grandma, most people seem up and about. You see Drago just a few steps away. He's kind of big, big dragonborn. Port Prince in the ground. Sorry, Foot Prince in the ground. Port Prince. What happened? What happened? Foot Prince. Is it Foot Prince? It's my feet. I call him Paws. What did he say? Look at my paw. Did you see a dragon, like a T-Rex? Claw.
Alright, I was just trying to set the scene a little bit but you see some footprints of Drago's off a couple of steps away as you see him kind of collecting in bits of dry driftwood as well. You see Elthea and Talia standing near you and Robin kind of just kind of surveying the scene and kind of taking everything in as you do also come to and you again feel that weight, that exhaustion that kind of everyone seems to have that slightly, slightly weary look in their eye like they've seen something, they've done something, it doesn't seem right
And there's this, like, glossy feel to everyone at the moment. It feels a bit, kind of, numb, as it's likely. Let's get you up, Drago. And Elthid moves to help him up. It's quite sexy as well. Let's get you up, Drago. And just help him up as well. Not great. Robin, at this point, turns around, he notices the sea, and he just turns to the party and goes,

Debating the Next Move

We were hanging in land last time I checked. Yeah, we were pretty far inland. We were underground. And underground, yeah. So, I don't know where we are. Wherever it is, something moved us here, but let's get out of this rain. Drago's got a good idea, I think.
Just having a quick recon, is there any form of shelter or trees or anything that we could potentially... From your current position on the beach end, you can't really see anything. It's quite a small beach front really, so probably 50 foot by 50 foot, and then cray rocks either side. Like I mentioned, you've got a slight wall cliff face in front of you that's relatively traversable. You climb off that quite easily. Above that, it seems to be where the planes or empty lands seem to go. That might be a good place to get a better view and see if you can
find somebody. There's a clearing in that direction that seems to, the earth seems to flatten out and the sand seems to stop. That might be our best bet. Maybe we're trying to verse the cliffs. Get out well, because even if we stay here, we're still doing the rain, I think. We're going to be quite exposed up there. Well, hopefully there'll be more cover than sitting on a beach in the rain.
Could be dangerous to climb up as well. I don't know about you guys, I feel certain... I just don't think we're gonna be very warm. I feel certain heaviness climbing up. I don't know if I could actually manage. I just don't think we're gonna be very... I don't think we're gonna be able to get a rest down here, sitting already wet on wet sand. This is why I suggest we head inland. Yeah, but there's a cliff.
Sorry, I can't remember. Cliffs to the side in front of the beach. It seems to be like it's kind of a front. It looks like you could probably... Sorry, I thought we need to do a climb to the beach. I wouldn't describe it. I thought we had a higher cliff. No, it's kind of like the cliffs kind of flank either side of the beachhead and then in front of you the kind of rocks start to build up and you could easily traverse that. I think we set a steady pace and found shelter. Driver, what do you think? Sorry, I feel what was that.
We're saying, and at this point I think Elphard will try and get the group to walk, and we'll be walking towards where Drago's headed towards the driftwood, is that we need to perhaps get off this beach to get dry, and it seems like we've found some good wood here. Perhaps we need to take this with us and
find somewhere more shelter to dry off and well known for finding good wood out there yeah i just thought with it being quite cold we could do with taking this somewhere under some shelter so i agree with you and looking at the wood can i
carry one on my shoulder quite a few hours. Yeah, like I said, they're literally, if you imagine, imagine cutting someone off at the wrist and at the elbow, that's how kind of big and long these might be. Oh wow, you can easily look. Yeah, absolutely. As you pick them up though, you do notice that the rain has kind of wetted them slightly. They do feel quite hollow and kind
of dry like that driftwood. So your experience of being in the wild might tell you that it might just be external and the insides of it might be drier, might be actually useful but you're not sure as many. I would pick up as many as I could have and put under each arm. So did you say there's cliff?
on the other side of the beach. Cliffs to your right, cliffs to your left, see behind you, in front of you, it's like the cliffs have almost collapsed down and in its place is kind of a climbable, not climbable, sorry, but a walkable route up. A slope. Yeah, a slope up towards kind of where the ground starts to flatten out. Well, we're going to be protected more naturally just by
and we don't know what we'll find. But I've got some wood here that might be able to make a fire or something to warm up. I hope we can find some better cover. How's everyone? Everyone fit to travel. Why not? Well, we've been worse off.
Aye, and I'm just a bit cold, but Anci Italia is just going to whoop whip up on her hood and put it up and she kind of gives you like a little smile like, let's go! Let's go! Okay. And yeah, Draggo just walks up forward. I think the whole party. Okay. As we all start to head up, you climb through the rocks and you feel for the first time the rocks of this land. It just feels that even the sea gets up to this level of the of the kind of the rocks that you reach here as they have a slight slippiness and almost
seaweedy-esque feature to it as well that seems to have dried out ever so slightly. As you slowly pull up, step up and up and up over, you get a better view over the land that's in front of you. And it looks barren. It looks really, really barren. Toughest of grass, bushels every now and then. Bless you.
Aside from that, you can see off to what you consider to probably be north, and if that isn't where the sun works the same way, as you would expect it to be. Not the way to go, yeah. Not the United fact. If it was, what you think would be north, there seems to be a tuft of a couple of trees, probably about two, three hours walk in front of you. To the right, there seems to be more kind of craggy rock formations sticking out. So you've got the cliffs, and then on
top the back of the coastway kind of level you're at you've got a series of kind of craggy rocks off to the right and looking to the left and you can see the coastline kind of dig inland and so if you just went left pretty much you
As Drago's walking through the sand, he kind of looks towards the group, and I apologise ahead for this, kind of stamps his feet a little bit, kind of disrung toward the look on his face, and he says, I hate sand, it's course, and it gets everywhere. There's a Star Wars reference for you all! Yeah! We'll just roll the ride at that. I hate sand. So, well feared.
Well, we can add that to the list of things you don't like. Try and go... Fair one. But, is there any... So, obviously, shelter looks three hours away, looking at the cliffs. Is there perhaps anywhere, like, on a lead of a cliff, so perhaps is there a slight overhang that we could shelter under for the time being? To the...
West, so to the right, in that craggy rock formation, that looks the most likely place that you might be able to find something. However, at this distance at the moment, you can't see anything. It's probably about an hour or so to walk. So it's an hour to the crags, or three hours to the woods? You'd estimate from your adventuring past, yeah. So, Elphae looks to the crags, then to the trees, and then to the party. All the time we've got a choice. Either we
walk for a few hours and get to the trees with a guarantee of perhaps being a bit more covered or there's the craggy rocks up there.
What, for maybe an hour? Hold on, there's dead trees in front of us. Three hours away. Not loads, either. There's a small tuft of maybe... I was going to say, upon seeing that, Drago just throws the wood that he's carrying down with this just... Oh, for fuck's sake! Or we have those cracking rocks that are closer that we may find a leer or a shelter to find under. It's not just a question of shelter, though. The trees will be more likely to provide us with substance. I would suggest they're our best course of action.
Well that's why I'm putting the option there because it's whether we can get a feel we can handle that. What do you think? You're being awfully quiet and it's not like you. I'm still... I don't know if something's... I feel like something's taking its toll on me I think. I don't know what it is. I could manage the walk. It would be fine. It would be nice to get some fresh air. Perhaps. So the trees then?
I'd say the trees. More likely, champs of life, hunting, definitely champs of wood. Are our supplies ruined? Yeah, well, Elphie wants to check his... So we know the bag of holding you said was fine, but Elphie wants to check then things like... So his pack, things with things like the dry goods and our water skins, that kind of stuff. Okay.
So as you kind of look through your rations and your supplies you've got, your water is all there, absolutely fine. However, your dried rations seem to have, in some way, shelled or formed, been just crushed or broken apart or just dissolved. Some of it also looks mouldy, which...
Confuses you as because for all intents and purposes a second is passed by but some of this food seems moldy as well But you manage to and I'll say everyone can have this if you check through your packs and so you'll have a moment of doing that and You've managed to find probably about
piece together bits and pieces that could resemble a ration pack for two days each yeah so you have two days worth of rations for food each your water's absolutely fine because that's sealed the way and that's that was fine for you but you've got that yeah two days worth okay um woods then i think it's the best course of action fucking wood and i throw my uh throw the wood down good idea with stop towards the trees in a half good idea with the wood then
The day's not going my way already. I might pick up the logs just in case we get there and there's no decent wood to like fire with. Drago doesn't help, he's just historically walking on now. So for the premise of a marching order it sounds like Drago's just gone.
Yeah, definitely. I will very quickly catch up with you. Tyler's probably going to try and pick up a couple of twigs as well to try and help out and skip up with you guys as well. So as you're crossing across, you're controversing this kind of open plane at the moment and you start to get a real sense of this silence that seems to be everywhere. The only thing you can possibly hear is this wind.
howls off from the coast and the crashing of the waves aside from that nothing else seems there seems to be no other form of life you can notice so far and the trees slowly come closer and closer and you notice the ground under you seems to have
It seems to get harder and harder the further away from the coast it gets. The kind of small bushels and stuff that start to kind of become less and less prevalent as you get more inland. However, there seem to be sections of soil start to appear. We start to have less rock-based areas, but still rock is the predominant.
bodies that you're kind of crossing over. There's still grey clouds and we can't really see the sun just through the clouds. You can get an estimate if indeed the sun matches what we see. So looking us in the sky, what does it look like just from the sun? Is it morning or afternoon? You'd consider it to be kind of afternoon. So it's somewhere in the western area. Yes, as far as we're aware. Cool. So as you're walking it's to your right. Yeah, it's fine. Up and to your right. Anyone else remember what
So as we're sort of walking off this sort of this musing out loud, I keep remembering a name or some people were told, Erith, does that mean anything to anybody? Yes, I heard that. It's just not a place I know of in the sword code. Maybe it's another part of the world I've not been to. It just doesn't
something triggers and Robin goes in the bag of holding and he takes out that map from the Netherwinter woods that we found in that castle none of us were able to identify this we're now in a land we can't identify does it have looking at the map does it have any um are there any basic signs in the map of like a rocky coast bear in mind it is raining as well as walking because it is still raining not like the Madison Moids just
It's your call, you've been, obviously. Robin takes a look at the sky and goes, perhaps when we find shelter, this could be our first point of reference. Possibly. I mean, we've been teleported here, maybe. Bellprax and his followers knew that this kind of thing might happen. They did, I don't know, but. Bellprax. But he's dead now. He, he was trying to run. I remember that. I remember him trying to run, warning us and seeing run.
Never take something Boprak says to heart. I think a lying, conniving, manipulative fool. Bet the look in his eye. He was terrified about what was happening. His name was Jalfir and he was terrified.
as we all have right to be. And Robin just walks off. The rain's coming down quite solid this

Survival in the Wilderness

time. The wind's died off obviously slightly as you've come away from the coast, but the rain is that kind of heavy, kind of wet rain. It's vertical rain. It's coming down quite, you know, soddling as well and getting your already wet selves even more wet if that was even possible.
and the trees come closer and closer and then eventually they are kind of arriving upon you. And you notice it's almost in a very rough figure, a sort of figure, a six dine, a dice, a six out of the dice, the six. So it's two trees next to each other, two, two, with the kind of a clearing in the middle. So they seem to almost make that pattern, it's not perfect. Does it look...
Managed, as in, do they look like they've been planted in that way? No, that happened, just so happens to be in that order. Yeah, yeah. It was natural occurrence, but maybe to a slightly off start. Just from the idea of putting the image in your head, imagine two rows of three. Oh, so it's like a managed one, wouldn't that be different? Is there anything we see? Is it just trees? It is just those trees at the moment, yeah. As you get closer, they do offer some overhead protection from the rain. It's quite nice. They'll drip still internally, but
the area under the trees are slightly drier. I guess we find the best place to... I suggest maybe we hunt. We'll find out if there's anything alive in this world other than us because right now it's just us. Have I seen any birds or anything like that in the sky? I've seen nothing in the sky whatsoever. I'm getting a weird feeling through me. Like Shader says, there's this heaviness around me.
I'm going to go hunting. Is anyone going to... Oh, I don't care, actually. I'm going to just go hunting. I mean, I think it's... If I take any of this, I'll follow. I have a bow and can take something down. Is it fairly flat land? Yes, it is very flat land. So, I was just saying, can we see any signs of there being things to hunt? Give me a perception check, please.
What was your role? A natural one. A natural one again? Oh my god, you're not allowed a role for the rest of this episode. The first two roles. Wow, the first two roles. That's quite an omen, I think. Jesus, that is a bad move. As you look over across this barren flat land, you'd see odd tufts of grass, tufts of plants. You see a bush rustle, but you can't make out whether or not that's standing in it, or it's just the wind.
Unfortunately, there's nothing you can really talk about. We'll focus on making a camp, see what we can find, but Robin, it doesn't look like there's anything around here. Well, we need to give it a go. I know, I agree. Do your best. We'll set up camp here. Okay. So, Shader and Eltha, you're going to stay with Talia. Set up camp. Set up camp with the suppliers you have. Before I go. And Robin, we're going to go off hunting. Okay.
We're gonna love hunting first of all and we'll return to the camp as you guys are setting up and you can explain what you've kind of tried to piece together. Whilst we're having this chat if you want guys
Robin in Shader, maybe have a look through what supplies you do have. You might want to think about gimmeing, sorry, as in like kind of in your adventure fact. There might be useful to gimme stuff together to help you kind of make a shelter because you can be fun to try and make something if you want. So we're walking off, would you just want to do the stroke check or is there anything you guys want to talk about on your walk around this area?
I look at Drago and I can still see, Robin looks at Drago and he can still see this purple, and I take out an empty potion vial and I go, before you clean that Drago it may be worth getting a sample of whatever that is, it could come useful. Drago silently takes the bowl and
uh wipes with a big hand down his chest across um uh just go down downwards with the hold in the bottle almost to his nipple as if he's collecting that icha um and then just kind of hands it back to you without a word he's uh sorry you can say oh i still i bomb doesn't say anything he just puts that straight in the bag of holding thinking if we can find someone who can identify this it might be really useful
real heat to that, just because he's just trying to take in what's happened over the last few hours or so, but he's starting to think something's not right here.
Obviously, because he's been transported to a new world. So he's desperate to find any other signs of life other than the party. So he's looking for any tracks on the ground, any prints, any rustling of the leaves, any scent as well. He's trying to get the sniff in the air to discern any sort of sense that's happening. Maybe he can smell the sea salt from the water, anything that was going on.
What's his senses telling him? Give me a survival check, but I was going to say with advantage because you describe what you wanted really clearly, but you're exhausted anyway, so that's one point of exhaustion, so it'd be a disadvantage, so just give me a straight role. A straight survival check. That's my first role of the campaign. It's with assistance. With assistance? Yeah, I'm assisting me, but I don't think that's going to help. No, not for the sense stuff. I like the sense stuff. We'll go like you're going with your senses. We'll just go with senses. Okay, for my senses first role.
Oh my god! That's a natural one. That's a natural one. That's a natural one. Oh my god. This dice is horrible because the one looks very, it is a seven. I got a little scared that actually. Genuinely got a little scared. I don't know that was gonna happen. It's still not the best of rolls with 12 in total. Okay.
You take a deep breath in through your dragon nose and you get a blast of the hit of sea salt. You smell the small shrubs, they have quite a sweet scent to them as well that you manage to pick up on.
Aside from that, there are some other smells there, but you can't. It could be the soil. It could be just the smell of the air. You don't really know, but there's something else there, but you can't identify that. Okay. Getting frustrated and confused. Drago keeps walking on, but as he's walking away from the camp, knowing that Robin's next to him,
He's gonna, my intention is to perform almost a circular sweep around, so I'm not too far from the camp. So I'm not walking in a straight line. It's almost like I walk so far and then I start to arc it around. So you're kind of like walking over a perimeter. Extreme perimeter of the camp, okay. As you walk around, your horizon changes and your horizon obviously expands from where El Fia and Shader and Talia are. However, you see more of the same.
in the distance to the west, you do make out what looks like a crumbled
not a building, but a single remaining wall of a building. All you can tell, it's about one, it's two stories high. You can make out maybe the gap of a window, and then everything else has crumbled away. This looks like a ruin from a very, very long time ago. But there is something over there. You can see it off in the distance. It would probably take you a day to get there on this flat ground. And it's more kind of inland and... Okay, where's the ghost?
I stopped my tracks and I point over to Robin. Robin, there appears to be some shadow objects over in the distance there. Perhaps that could be a new waypoint for us after we get some rest. Perhaps that's why we should head first thing in the morning, I agree. At least the more pressing issue is, I don't know if we're going to find anything to eat, but we should try. This doesn't feel right Robin. I agree.
Okay, could I have you roll? Either way, it's going to be just a straight survival check roll because you're exhausted but you're aided. So whoever wants to, whoever's got the highest, it's up to you. I'm plus five. I'm plus five too. I've already rolled. So you've got to do better. Here we go. There we go. 23. Oh, 23 to 19. That's fine. You search for skies. Nothing.
You scan the horizons, nothing. As you pass by a bush, a small bushel, you see a movement. You dart towards it and rip open the bush, nothing. This goes on for quite some time. There is nothing you can discern here. And as just before you decide to kind of turn back and call it quits, you notice another bushel move and a part of you says, what's the point?
but you decide to look anyway and you find within it two very small mice that you can quickly knock. Although, you've literally got your hands out there, they were just there looking up at you. A pair of mice that will probably help bulk out a bit of a meal, maybe one person's meal worth it, you can get some meat off it. I hope not to dry around and go, Elf is a good cook, but I hope he's very good.
I'm not looking forward to what we're gonna eat tonight
I'm gonna follow you. This does not seem right. I know. And as you start to slowly and exhaustively trudge your way back, we're just kind of back in time, so slightly over to Shader, Talia and Elthea who are kind of making camp at the moment. What's the foliage level? How? Quite thick. Cool. It's giving you cover from the rain. The odd drips still managed to get the big heavy ones and bloop kind of come through every now and then because the way the leaves are as they kind of make a little canopy overhead.
Aside from that, it goes out, it kind of tents out quite far, but the further away from the middle of Trump's year, or the trees you go, obviously the wetter it will come to. So, Jadar, perhaps? I don't know, maybe if we use our rope we could perhaps bend some of the branch tracks, make a closer, denser shelter, what do you think?
Yeah, we can certainly try. There's not much we have to work with, so let's go for it. I just think maybe we can tie these branches down. That one there, and that one there. Try and essentially what else we want to do is create a denser.
canopy. Okay. Yeah, absolutely. Or as many branches as you want. I'd like my boots of levitation to get up there to tie rope onto it. Not about this. Yes, I'd throw them too. You lost them all the time. Okay, if you want to get rid of them, that's fine. You have the boots. You're so tied
boots and as you kind of hub yourself up you can quite easily tie the rope. Because we've both got, I mean I've got I've got 50 feet worth of rope and you've got... I've got to say. So we've got, we've basically got 100 feet worth of rope to plate with. Yeah. Even if we've cut it down. Want the centre just to try tie off and make this a bit of a denser canopy to maybe... Okay give me a...
Disadvantaged survival check then to see if you can pull these leaves into position to give you a better phoney to cover. Disadvantaged. So there is either a five or a five. Well, that's very well about it. Yeah, better than a one. Okay, it's still doable and you manage to tie it across. It doesn't make much of a difference from the way in which you've done it.
But you kind of think, well, it's fine. Spent that I'm poking the other shots there. Absolutely, absolutely. Do you want to try and get a fire going? I'll see what I can find. With that shade I will wander off just searching the nearby vicinity, looking for any kind of
Well, working his way up, some kind of canoe to begin with, so leaves that are maybe on the ground are still slightly dry, small kind of twigs just to get the fire going, and then some of the larger ones just accumulate and try and get a decent bit of fire going. So once you look around, you notice very close to the base of the tree is a series of small twigs of dry, dusty soil that seem to stay very dry even in this wet weather. So you find some kind of kindling material there as well and stuff to kind of start that initial flame.
You look at the logs that Elthir brought along that Drago found initially, and after just kind of giving them a bit of a test, you realise they are hollow, dead and quite drawn the insides as well. Before you get the chance to do anything, Tylee just grabs one of them, puts it on the floor and then just has her book open and starts reciting some words from the book.
And as she does so, you see embers start to grow and smoke starts to come out between her fingers as she continues to read getting louder and louder, slightly with her tingles coming through on her words. And suddenly a small flange appears, which she guides with her hands until it starts.
Bigger friend. She kind of looks up excitedly. Impressive. Well done. She kind of holds up the log on fire. Look, look what I did. Yeah, I'll put it down here. If you really lift it up, it is dangerous. Elphard, I'd like to, Elphard would like to look around, but I'm looking for some mosses that might help
Um, there is nothing like that, unfortunately. Nothing, no, like, any mosses I can use to bulk out the food, any mushrooms or... Cannabis! It's such a cannabis on the side. Like, like, anything I can see that, like, I can just bulk out our rations with.
No, I think really it's leaves on the trees, it's smoked herb, it's dead leaves on the ground, there's a couple of small shrubs, you could try it, but you don't recognise them. Yeah, it's fine. It's mushrooms, that's fine. In that case, that'll figure it's all shaded off. Looks like it's rations, it is. I might suggest that we only need half of these and all.
Let's wait until the, uh, yeah, that's what it's come back. We will. They've got a lucky and found us some kind of hopefully meet. I'm not used to thinking you've laid out some kind of bedrolls. Well, we've got our bedrolls out unless they've left theirs with us. Let's assume that they've got the whole camp or probably stamped as well. I'm measuring everything is wet. You're wet through short of the bag of
And there's this kind of how many, you kind of see, um, uh, Drago and, uh, Robert Alton do this, what did I call you, Liam then? That was weird. Uh, Robert Alton in the distance, coming through. I have no idea, just for my head, I was about to say Liam. Um, you see that this was kind of coming back, moving back with the heads quite low, and so you're probably thinking the worst. Talia continues to kind of be quite excited about everything because I'm really excited actually to have another look through this.

Encounter with the Old Man

I was just saying, it's my dad's, it's all the spells he used to be able to cast. I can't read any of them really, but as a couple I can and I'm working my way through them. As she's talking, you suddenly hear a whistling sound in her feet, just above her head. And she suddenly just, her eyes go wide and she just lowers herself down and goes, what the fuck was that, what was that, what was that? You see an arrow just quivering just above them. Do you follow where the trajectory of that would have come from, which is directly away, the opposite side from which these guys are coming. So just to give you guys
We've got the trees, you guys went out to the east and kind of concentrated like a rainbow yourself all the way round to then come back in from the west. This is from the east where you first were, you walked out trying to find the scent first of all. And you see this old man, a weathered old man looking with a boat as he kind of lowers it down, he's wearing almost like
Um, leathered material that's long like almost a poncho over him with like a leather cap that sits a bit high. He's got a large great beard that kind of brings the bow down through the rain. He still managed to fire in this warning shot. Next room's a small dog as well that seems southern but rather jolly about the whole thing. You just hear a voice echo over the, well, kind of come out over the edge. Who there? What are you doing? Trying to get dry.
Good fucking luck, he shouts back. What are you doing under my trees? Apologies, we didn't know they were your trees. Well, they're not your trees, are they? No, good point, but we're looking for somewhere to perhaps get shelter. You don't happen to know anywhere we could find shelter. Yes, I do, but nowhere that you'd be welcome. He starts walking a little closer to this little yappy little dog, Max, who just starts a little bit off to the side, just to his owner more than anything else, as he starts to walk in a bit closer.
I'm sorry, my name's Elphir, we washed up on shore. Our boat sank and we ended up being washed up on shore. Of course, we've got only the boat wearing the things we've got. Do you want a deception check, please? I can. Elphir, thank you very much. Oh, Jesus. You sound like a big fat lie. It's with either a nine.
We'll go for the 9th. What was the other one? 17th. It's going to go for the 9th. We're at a disadvantage. Yeah, this man kind of looks over at you. I know the boats that come here. No boats have crashed so far today. I don't feel, Elfia, you're telling me the whole truth.
Well, I'll just pass it. Nevertheless, these are my trees. Just the three of you here and the two strange ones of wandering. Yes, just the five of us. No more. No more. We have coin, if that'll help. Coin doesn't help you here. Where is here? Here? Yeah. Well, this is in my forest.
Well, where is your forest? I'm from the Sword Coast. I don't recognise this area. The where? The Sword Coast. I've never heard of that before. Oh, it appears we might have had a misadventure when we arrived. Well, you're not in the Sword Coast anymore. This way you're standing now is the Austrian Islands. And just in case you need to bit-smell that when you all write it down, it's O-Z-R-Y-N Islands.
Oliver Ireland, thank you. Not somewhere I've heard of, it seems that, yeah, we were a bit off course.
Is there any chance you could, I understand, we're strangers, you don't know us, we're here on your trees, is there any chance you could see it in your heart to perhaps help out a few sodden travellers? No, sorry, but it's the way of the Ozarin Islands. You've got to earn your keep before you can stay here, very simply, we're a hard people. We keep ourselves to ourselves, we stay away from the 11 and we just get on with life, okay?
Okay, and perhaps what could we do then to more shelter than your trees? Well, it's not the case of that. It's the case of survival. We live in some of the most inhospitable places in Ereth. And if you can survive the Ozerain Islands, you can survive Mungrais, you can survive Hentis, you can survive all of them.
So all I'm saying to you is you have a right of passage to stay here and that is three days in the wilderness. You can live here, you can stay under these trees, if you can survive what the island has to offer, then yes, I will come back and I'll bring you to our settlement where we stay. I'm going to tell you more information if you so wish. Thank you. You're very welcome.
And he kind of gestures to the dog, he pulls his eye out of the tree, puts it back into his pack and starts to walk away. You tell your big friends as well, the lawn's off in the distance, do they keep themselves to themselves? What will they see with my forest? And he starts to walk away, off to the east. But you can see him start to kind of curve after a while towards the north. Upon that point, about 10 minutes later,
Drago and Althea return. Drago and Althea, you wouldn't... No, it's Drago and Robin. Sorry, Drago and Robin. Drago and Robin, you wouldn't have seen this because the way in which those trees are kind of placed means that the angle you were coming at, you pretty much haven't seen any of it yet. Yeah. Okay? And you guys have kind of come back to the game. Well, I hope everyone's hungry. They'll fit. Robin managed to find some mice. Oh! Time to eat.
Oh, I was relaxed girl. Well, I can cook before I've got nothing to cook them with. We don't have any water. Well, we've got rain. You've got fire. Yeah, I point towards the fire. I need that. I will I will roast the mice.
Yeah, I'm sure that will make them tell. In that, I would advise, we only eat half, we go down to half rations. Half a mouse. No, no, our dry rations we have, if you were to just supplement half your mouse, only eat half, because we don't know how long we'll have to stay. We've got some things to tell you. We had a visitor. What did this mean? An old man appeared, shot an arrow, I tried to catch it, but it was a bit far away.
We're on a place called the Osrian Islands. But what about the man that fired an arrow at you? He said these are his trees. What are we doing on his land? His trees. Yes, he apparently owns them. His forest. Owns trees. Yeah, it could be his land. Hmm.
I said if we could perhaps purchase some refuge and some shelter, he said that they don't offer it freely. We have to survive three days in the Austrian island wilderness before he'll help us. Three days we have to survive? Apparently. With what? Whatever we've got. That's why it's just half rations. Looking at those seas over there, I don't think leaving the islands is going to be an option. No. Was he human?
He said something about the Ozrin Islands which, unless anyone else here rings the bell, he hadn't heard of the Sword Coast either. You can see off the centre of the map, you can see a couple of islands. Whether or not they're the right islands, there seems to be some squalling, nothing seems to say Ozrin.
scale is on the map is it so is it is it like are these islands like an inch big or are they is there is is there a sense of scale on it or um the islands are specks okay you can see on this one whether or not they are the ausran islands or just any other islands you can't discern what about other land masses on the side back okay we could be here we could be here we could be here if this map is indeed if it's a map these could just be marks honestly we don't know where we are there's no point looking at that map no
Where did this human go? Towards the east, so he headed east and then he swam up towards the north. He said that he and the people of the Austrian islands that they'd help us if we can prove that we are hard enough to survive. You have to earn your keep. Prove our worth. As in we can prove we can survive so that we're not going to be a drain, I assume, on whatever resources they have. And no one thought to challenge this.
I think we're all pretty exhausted. I feel like we've struggled against Eddie Faux right now. This world is bizarre. In our prime, maybe. So we have to wait three days for this man to come back? Well, we can perhaps rest up and then perhaps explore, but I expect he might not be happy if we suddenly go strolling into the town if we find it. I am not playing someone else's game.
You guys do what you want. I'm going to rest here until I get my strength back. And then on the morrow, I plan on finding this gentleman. Come with me if you want. I'll stay. This is up to you. I was just going to say, and with those comments, I assume the party can kind of simmer down slightly.
these these these mice. I chop and half cook them and pass them out to the others. You can have that which supplements a bit of your ration but if you go to half rations um it's up to you you can go full ration half ration is your call to make.
The sun starts to lower itself down in the grey sky. There seems to be no proper sunset as the clouds start to come in deeper over the horizon. The wind picks up over so slightly but the rustle of the trees and the protection of the trees do help and the fire stays lit through the night.
And as you all kind of lower yourselves down to rest after organizing the Lord, come to the next session, you just think back over the time that the last, almost in your mind, 24 hours, the darkness that went through, the voices in your head, the visions that you saw, the people that you've slain and seen.
everything that's happened to you previously starts to kind of run through your head as your heavy eyes start to slowly shut before the coming of the moon. Would we not want to set a watch? I'm sorry, no way, we'd just slip straight away. I was just going to leave it on a really nice... Okay, yes, sorry. You even said we're whistled out. Sorry, sorry. And as your eyes slowly come down, the whistle of the wind starts to die away slightly and a calmness leaves over these apparent Austrian islands.

Contemplating the Next Move

And that's when I think we'll leave it for this session. That's how I was trying to get to work. Sorry. And then you might have a sledgehammer. Well, no. Actually, we'll have sledgehammer. No, we're just falling asleep like this, aren't we? I like it. It was a very practical way. I like the way your mind works. We will have more combat, don't worry. There's loads to come. More combat. Or just some combat. Some combat. The role play. I mean... A better dice roll.
You need to put them under the hammer. Alright guys congratulations that was our first episode. I say congratulations not to the audience but to us for actually making an episode. It's been a long time coming. And to you for getting through the hours. Yeah, high five yourselves for getting through the hour. That's really calm. Or pat yourself on the back, whatever it's about to be.
whatever you need to do. If it's safe and no one gets hurt then we endorse it fully. Thank you very much for listening to the podcast. We have got a Twitter handle collectively as one that you're more than welcome to follow and on there you'll find any news and updates as well as links to the actual podcast itself which if you listen to you've probably already found it.
but this will be just some more information on us and you can follow it at, which is at fellowship table, and from there you'll be able to find each of our pages as well. So I'm at iRollDay1, which technically I did not, can I just say, but you'll find me at iRollDay1, you'll find Darren. And Darren page 06 because 1 through 5 was taken.
And I'm at Natural20will, which at some point will come true, I assume. It's a little ironic. Don't you think? And I'm at the D20.
rolled DM DMD and M and until next time which will be next week this podcast is gonna be a weekly episodic adventure for your ear holes so until next week guys farewell