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Ep. 80 Chaos Control - De Profundis image

Ep. 80 Chaos Control - De Profundis

S1 E80 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
103 Plays3 years ago

In order to escape Spellhold, the party must pit themselves against a creature most foul, this is no normal encounter however, not when stock magic is involved...


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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Introduction and Time Paradox

Drago now has to send his tadpole back in time so that he can exist. He's now giving birth to himself.

Welcome to The Fellowship of the Tabletop

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop! We are a live Play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical world of Aerith. My name is Mark and I'm the Slurry Master.

Meet the Cast

And also with us for today's episode, we have Darren who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin. Hi, I'm Darren. I'm the Slurry Apprentice. We've got Danny who plays the human cleric, Claude. Hi, I'm Danny. I play the Slurry...
Friend. We've got Callum who plays the gnomesauce for a folly fizzlebang the ninth. Teddy, I'm Folly and I play the slurring comic relief. We've got Casey who plays the human champion hell in a sleepguard. Hello, I'm Casey and I play the slurry secretary. We've got Ian who plays the dragonborn barbarian drago.
Hi, I'm Ian and I play the slurry sexy Dragonborn. And we've got Will who plays the human bard Kastan. Hi, I'm Will and I play the third slurry from the left.

The Rat Run Trial Begins

all bastards. On last week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, we finally got a party back together in the strange situation which happens to be the rat run, the stock magic holder underneath of the city for all intents and purposes. Drago and Folly followed Italian Hellfire, this impressive looking dragonborn out. He took him out of the spell hold. He runs the spell hold. He runs the rat run.
walked him out at the same time as the rest of the party handily stepped through this stone entrance through through this kind of aurora borealis effect uh through chaos through a moment of obscenity and a moment of calmness almost as they stepped through and came across the rest of the party party reunited telly and hellfire the leader of rat one and lead stocky by trade
tells them that they can't really let out those from the spell hold until they have passed the trial. The council will not allow it. But even if they manage to pass the trial, they need to get out of the city within 24 hours, because that is how long they can keep the abciscra at bay before they will lock down the city and start searching house by house, person by person, until they find those that have escaped. They were told that this trial would involve defeating a monster.
nothing new to this party. However, the twist on this was that there were, on each pillar, a third tier stock magic scroll. We had experienced these in the park, but stock magic scrolls are the chaotic, uncontrollable forms of magic in the world of Eryth that came along with their light magics coming 40 years ago, which gave everyone this potent ability to cast spells and gave us this chaotic form of magic.
and Folly being one proponent of that managing to cast a Brewer Potion earlier on. These 30 spells have been, scrolls have been used once before by Elphir back in the Battle of Bleakmoor, when he cast it and I think cast a Control or Mold Earth or something by accident, opening the scroll up, defeating a lot of the Blight in the process. But since then, the ability has been not touched mainly because many people understand the risks that are involved in this, which we will get into. But let's just say,
from a DM's perspective, they're fucking fun.

Exploring the Mysterious Arena

We've stepped through this door, this single door from this corridor, this entrance, that it seems to be the one door that takes you back and forth between everywhere you need to go, almost like a small teleport.
And as you step through, each of you step through this chaotic feeling, this exhilaration, this adrenaline, suddenly the space opens up and you can see now almost like it doesn't seem real. It's the same brickwork that you've seen in the passageway previously. The same stone brick, brick on brick on brick with mortar lining between them. But they seem to feel like they've been stretched. They seem bigger in every proportion.
The room is probably as you look up and it seems to echo up 100 and 150 feet above you, darkness above you, but on these six pillars dotted around this hexagonal shape are a series of torches lighting the lower area of this large arena.
It looks like an arena for all intents and purposes. Save that there is no audience. There's no room for any audience. As the wall fills the entire space up, there seems to be no way in or out save the entrance you've just come from. The other side of this large shaped room...
You see two things that stand out about 100, 250 feet, 200 feet away from you. Firstly, you see a collection of barrels stacked up on one far side, large oak casks almost looking like the kind of thing you wouldn't be able to place at the half hoof in or at any of the pubs in Goldview. Next to it is a large gate.
about 30 feet wide, wrought iron, and it is down and behind it is nothing but darkness. There is silence. You hear no noise except maybe the sound of your own heartbeat after stepping through this kind of chaotic entrance.

Debating the Scrolls

And you can hear the breath and movement, the clanking of those in armor, Helena, Claude, as you step through, weapons ready. But there's quiet.
There's no roar of the crowd. There's no wind. The air is still, but cool. Almost like you know you're still underground, but you have no reference to know that.
Back first. How tall are the pillars? Just a quick question. Sorry, the pillars reach all the way up into the ceiling. And yes, good point, Karsten. As you look at the pillars, you can see on each side, the side that is closest to the outside wall, so there's one right in front of you, you can see quite clearly, stuck on it at about
at four, five feet high is a scroll and it's rolled up and it's stuck with a black wax seal on these stone sand stoned pillars that are probably about 15 feet in diameter and they rise all the way to the very ceiling of this space. That's what Shaki, just taking a look at the climb on top of them, thank you.
Helena walked first, then Claude, then Robin, then Karsten, then me and Folly. Okay. So, Helena, you're the first into the space. As you turn around, as you take the space in and you turn around to the rest of the party, is there anything you'd like to do? We're not in initiative yet, so can I walk forward?
Yeah, you can, absolutely. These pillars, by the way, kind of circle around the outside exterior area, leaving probably a space of about 50 feet by 50 feet in the center that's totally kind of open, if you will. You are currently at the kind of southeast corner. Almost, if it was a clock, you're probably at about five o'clock at the moment. And this entranceway, this wrought iron gate, is at 12 o'clock. So I'd like to
get here visually on the map, I would like to audio.
I would like to go about 80 foot to the left to take on one of the pillars. I just want to have a little look at this pillar to the left of me. So not the one that's closest to me, but a little bit further away. So am I able to just walk over there just normal? Yeah, absolutely. And as you walk through that, you feel the little amount of sandy dust on your feet as you walk over there. What are you looking at on that pillar?
I'm going to try and find a scroll on there. Yep, so if you move round to the left from where you currently are to the side that's closest to the exterior wall, you again see a small scroll at about neck height there with a black seal upon it. White parchment, black seal. And so I'll shout over to whoever's listening to the party.
I've found a scroll on this side. It's got a black seal. Shall I open it? Am I waiting for anybody? What's going on now? Go for it.
I would wait. Are we all in? Yep, everyone's in now. You're all kind of filed in behind the rest of that. I would wait as we have, each of us has to open a scroll ourselves. So I don't know if it's worth all of us just taking post by a pillar before we go ahead and open them just in case. That sounds like a good plan. I don't think we should open them because I think the way with with with scrolls, if you open them, they start to be activated and
I don't know whether it's a bit risky opening them unless you're going to use it. Well, we all need to use them anyway. Don't be cast down. That's the trial, yes. Yeah, but there's also a really nasty gribbly that's going to appear. A gribbly? Yeah, to technical terms. What the fuck is a gribbly? It's a horrible monster of undescribable description. Well, they're not around yet, so we've got nothing else to do but open the scrolls.
Well for now let's take formation by the pillars and see what happens. Unless you want to go and see what those casks are about in the northern corner. You mean near the gate of impenetrable darkness? Yes, near that gate, yes. I do believe the drug is probably right and we should take advantage of the time before this gribbly thing shows up.
It's all positioned ourselves near a pillar. We at least have some cover and we are prepared to read these scrolls as and how we should be doing so. Okay. As we're all using the proper language to describe an undescribed monster, I agree. I'm going to go over towards the barrels and go to the pillar near there and look at the barrels. Joago is going to take the pillar
far left of the of the hexagonal room. Just for our listeners, you've kind of got it's an interior circle of pillars of six pillars and they're kind of three on each side, so to speak. There's not one kind of at twelve and six o'clock. They're kind of at two o'clock. I don't know the time, you know, they're all the way around, but there's kind of a gap above and below them. And so Drago, you're the one to the left cast stands going up towards the pillar, the left for our listeners.
I will put a picture of this on the Twitter page and I'm going to get better at doing that. Taking it right now. I'm doing it right now. Right, we've got three of the pillars, four of the pillars chosen now. Claude and Robin, which ones are you going for? Claude has taken the north-easternly one. Yeah, I'll take the one on the most easterly one, the one on the right hand side of the map. And for the southern easterly one.
Oh, sorry. Yeah, you'd already moved yourself there, Callum. Thank you, though. As you walk around these pillars, the scroll is always in the same place. It's always on the wall closest to the exterior wall. And so I've just kind of, I'm going to just position you where you need to be for, to find them on the exteriors. Karsten, can you give me an investigation check, please, whilst you're there? Robin, I'm going to, sorry, Darren, your inspiration from last episode, I'll let that roll on into this one as you didn't really have a chance to use it. And Will made a point of saying, I need to give you a chance to use it properly.
I don't know what to use mine, but you know, it's cool. Well, fuck you. The inspiration for that. So, sorry, you need to remind me. Cast down. Investigation, please. Yep, yep, yep. Just hold your horses. 26.
These barrels look like they are holding vast amounts of water. You can see around the edges, some residue, some drippage. And as you smell it and as you run your finger along it and touch it, it just seems like these are large barrels of water. There's nothing else out of the ordinary about them, except the fact that they're here, which seems out of the ordinary given the space they're currently in. But the barrels themselves seem very regular. They don't seem to be special barrels from anywhere special. They just seem like run-of-the-mill
the same kind of wood that is used across the land. Okay, Castan will shout for the rest of the group. These barrels, they're full of water. It might come in handy if we need a drink. Or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up.

The Demonic Confrontation

Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if Ollie blows himself up. Yeah, or if O
And there's this echoing across the space as you are quite far apart, that you are throwing your voices across. And the sound does just travel over, travels over really well, but there's this good kind of echo as it bounces off and reverberates off this space. The acoustics in here are divine. Divine, divine, divine. At that cast on, so they're going to get his lute out. Let's give it a quick strum.
Oh god. Soundcheck everyone, it's soundcheck. It's like one draw. And it sounds fantastic. Ring as you play it down. The sound travels, but not too far. Not an echo return that you would get from a lute in like a church or some religious building of high echo value. But this has good acoustics this room. Karstam puts down his lute and starts getting the backpipes out.
Um, Helen, uh, while Castan's marrying himself on his bagpipes, you wanted to take the first scroll. Now might be a good time to take yours down. And in fact, maybe we should all take our scrolls and not particularly open them right now, but at least have them in our hands. So we're not running around a pillar every time there's an enemy or something. Good idea. Yes, I agree with you.
Dragon reaches up and grabs his throne. Can Folly reach his? I have my stuff.
If Driver has to reach up, can Folly... It's at neck height for Helena, so it would be at top reach for Folly, so yeah, it's fine to reach her. I was very specific about my height to make sure every character is included and it's an inclusive battle. He takes his bag off and... There's so much heightism going off in this podcast. Hey, I try to make this a level playing field for every player, no matter what type of player. How Stan will look up from his backpack and be like, oh, are we taking the scrolls down?
we're doing a thing yes castan okay i suggest someone goes first i don't think anything's going to happen until we know i agree with that as that comes off you feel the slight rumble on the ground beneath you and you hear a voice echo from the emanating darkness castan and claud that you are closest to from that wrought iron dark gate
and you hear the voice of what you can only assume is telly and hellfire and you can see cast and only you as you look into the darkness the small white thing bobbing as in like an inch or two of colored something light kind of moving bob bob bob and then you see it move up and then you see it move down very quickly and you see this little puff of white light and white smoke and then darkness again and you just hear the voice of telly and say if it counts for anything
Good luck! And you hear clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank
over itself as something seems to be kind of almost forming out of, out of, I don't know, out of the potion itself, forming bigger and bigger and you can hear these crunches start to echo around the spaces, this thing. And suddenly it falls quiet. And then you hear this one.
As the ground shakes slightly beneath you, a layer of dust moves off the walls. You see two claws reaching in through the grate underneath it and
You just see the black nails of this large, large creature's claws come through the grate and then the gate suddenly crumples in on itself and disappears inside. The gate space is now totally, bear in mind this is a 30 foot wide, 50 foot tall gate, iron gate that's just been ripped off and steps through this 25 foot tall.
horrifically kind of formed creature. It looks like animals have been almost spliced together within this to form what you can only imagine is some kind of demonic creature.
It almost has the head of a pig with two sets, three sets of tusks coming from, two coming from the cheeks, two from the chin, and two from like its third chin below, kind of coming up and round. Vicious red and yellow teeth sit below its kind of orc-like face, but almost more pig than orc. Two massive ears stretch out to the side with a pair of almost ironically small black-blooded wings behind it. It's literally got like,
man boobs, like massive, massive man boobs. It's got a massive belly beneath it and has two staunch, strong legs that resemble that of a horse almost. But the worrying thing about this creature are the length and size and the composure of its two massively muscular arms that sit on either side of this creature. As it steps through, it looks around the space and can see a few of you.

Chaotic Battle and Spells

And he's going to stand now. And then in abyssal.
So the only people who can understand that will be Kastan, because you'd still cast Compound Languages, and Claude, who can naturally understand Abyssal. But to everyone else, you just hear this creature echo out over the space, Omenle, Tumultu, Absum Denum, Harrenle, which due to would come out as the sands of chaos must consume you all. Could you please all roll initiative?
Oh my god, he's eating Roman Reigns. If you want to look at the creature, there's no point looking at the stats or what it does because I've changed it. None of you would know this, but it's if you want to get a better idea of the images. It's a Nalfeshni. N-A-L-F-E-S-H-N-E-E. It was one of a few I got to roll randomly on and it's a Nalfeshni.
Folly wouldn't recognize this creature, would he? When would you have seen it? I'm just saying. I'm assuming Folly's knowledge and whatnot, he wouldn't recognize it. No, no, no. I mean, this is a fiend, a demon, so... Cool. Lovely. Okay. No, unfortunately not. Right. Did anyone get 25 plus? Someone have to go that high? Jesus Christ, why do you have to go that high? Because some people have Dex modifiers for days. 20... Oh, I thought...
Sorry. No, no, no, no, not for him though. Uh, 25 plus. Oh no, I said 25 plus 20 plus. I meant I got, I got 20. I got 23. I wrote a crit. Ooh. I'll pick up a gaga. Poly cast and a 15 to 20 19 drag 10 to 15, 12, 14.
It's only Claude left. Claude, what did you roll? Quattro! Oh! Forward. Claude! Okay, Folly, top of the round, you see this horrific creature step out. You've seen nothing like this. You are probably the second furthest away from it, nearest to the entrance that you came through. What would you like to do? Folly's gonna peek his head just round
the tower that's in front of him. He's obviously heard the creatures, seen a little bit of it, trying to get a clear view. This thing is absolutely terrifying. But he knows what he's here for. He's not peering around. Scroll's being cracked open and he's reading from it straight away. Oh my god! Oh shit!
No coconuts.
I will tell you which one if you pass or not and I'll tell you what you're rolling for at the end of it as well and then we'll kind of just go from there to see how it goes okay so um follow you open the scroll up could you give me an arcana check please 26 okay lovely so that's a pass okay otherwise it'd be really hell yeah and all the non-magic users all right so now you're going to give me could you roll a d10 for me please
I rolled a d10, I got a 10. Okay, could you give me a d100 roll then, please, as well? A d100 is 59. This is going to come into play on the next turn, so each time you cast it, it's going to be the next turn, it's going to come into play. Callum, you're going to have to look this one up and have a read through, please. Okay. You cast, you get this, you're going to cast Prismatic Wall.
So whatever happens next round, you're casting Prismatic Wall. Could you just give that a look for me, please? Because it's a hell of a lot to read. It's a ninth level spell. Holy shit. Oh, hell yeah. So have a read through that, please. And then you can play with that. You have to cast it at the start of your next turn. If you don't cast it at the start of your next turn, we get a double roll on Stop Magic's Revenge, OK? OK. Happy? How would it carry on? Lovely. Jesus Christ. I mean, I thought that was it.
Thank you very much. So basically what you see Folly do is Folly rolls the scroll open and he just starts reading and you hear these noises coming out of him. They don't seem like words. They sound like garbled nothingness that seemed to make no sense in any language whatsoever. And his eyes kind of roll back in his head for a second and all of a sudden the scroll kind of
a black ink almost goes across the entire page for those of you that can see him, I'll describe it anyway, and then the scroll just kind of slowly crumbles down into ash and nothingness and disappears from his hand as he kind of continues to kind of speak these words that no one really can understand. That's fully done. By the way, what I will say is if they're lower than
The lower than fifth level, you can pretty much cast him in that turn, but something like this, I think, will have to take a bit longer for a ninth level spell. Ninth level, fucking hell. And right, that is your turn. Karstan, you're up next. What would you like to do? You are just to the left of this beast that's just stepped through, near some barrels, and this terrifying thing that you've never seen before has just stepped through. What would you like to do? Okay, Karstan's going to... There's going to be a small squeal, and can the creature make a charisma saving throw, because I'm going to try and banish it?
25. Yeah, it passed. Okay, so you attempt to banish it and it just seems to, it feels this presence in its head and then the eyes just lock on to you and it just, that's like the slight scrowl under its voice. I'm going to run away. Nice. Where are you running to? Towards Drago. The sanguine lands? Yes. So you're moving south towards Drago in the central pillar, down to the left, kind of? Yeah.
So you've moved 30 feet. Bear in mind, these pillars are probably about 40 or 50 feet apart. You've made a good way towards Drago running. Bagpipe's still underarm, probably after trying to banish this creature. Awesome. Thank you. Then I'm going to look towards Drago and shout, go get it, Drago. And Drago will have Bardic inspiration. Nice. A D10 to add to a roll. Is that right? Yeah.
Drago, it's your turn. What'd you like to do? Okay, cool. So Drago's gonna, who's currently behind the pillar he's been stationed at, which is on the far left. Okay, so he's gonna pop out the pillar and walk as far round as he can. Five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. So he's got a clear line of sight on said beastie. He's gonna take out the axe of shader and hoof it.
in the direction of the beast and try and hit him yep okay roll to hit with disadvantage please so 25 for the lowest wow yep that hits 19 in total 10 points slashing damage 9 points lightning damage
Thank you very much. As this act moves off further and further away, you're going to anticipate something to happen. It does slice into the shoulder of this beast. It pulls its shoulder back ever so slightly, and the look moves from its snarling at cast, and the eyes lock onto you, Drago. Let's start this drought, and some drool runs down its face as it starts looking directly at you, Drago. Anything else you want to do? Yeah, can I attack twice with that? Is that a thing?
Not if it's thrown. No. Okay. That's it. That's all I can do. Lovely. Thank you very much. Helena, you've just, you can hear Karsten running away. And from your position at the moment, you have heard this beast step out and make this noise. You're behind your pillar, kind of on the left hand side of the furthest back near Folly. What would you like to do? Going to look down at the scroll that she's got in her hand and feel nothing else other than the temptation to open it.
So that's what she's going to do with her turn. Okay, lovely. So as you peel the scroll open, I didn't describe what Folly saw, but what you see on it are a series of what seem like random scratchings of ink on a page. They don't seem to make any discernible words or anything, but they cover the entire page. And as you step back and try and try and read some sense into it,
parts of it start almost jumping out at you slightly and this happens more and more and more and more and more as you as you confusedly look around looking for some semblance of order some semblance of control of language of of letter form you see none of this can you make an arcana check please that was a 21 okay that passes can you please roll a d10 for me please followed by a d100 is a 45
Helena, you open the scroll up and these phrases and words seem to come to your head. You get the sudden urge to break the earth.
to break the earth beneath you. Something seems to will you to control the ground and you have this growing sense of anger and feels like you're going to vomit at the same time, but there's something you need to get out and it feels, it feels powerful. It feels like it's going to come out now. It's going to come out now and it's going to be violent and it's not going to be good. It's going to be violent. What would you want to do with this feeling? Get to the toilet, probably.
I'm going to go with it. Yeah. So what I'm asking is if you want to point it in a specific direction or... I am going to... Well, if it's for the ground, let's say it's going to go to the ground, but do I know if it's got any sort of travel energy or anything like that? Yeah, it feels like this is going to go out and this is going to spread. It just feels... Yeah, it's going to spread. I'm going to run out to the left of me about 15 feet so that I'm in the open.
Pass the pillar. Can I try and channel it to where I think this thing is going to be? This snarling noise that I've heard already? Yes, you can absolutely. Obviously, Helen is not thinking about anything around her at this moment.
She's got this urge to do this and she's only going to think of that, that feeling inside of her and the snarling noise, knowing that there's going to be a monster that she needs to face. So yeah, she's going to put the two and two together and see if she can, well, she's just going to do what she feels is right. You look towards a creature and you have the
the need, the one to break the ground, to break the earth, to move something and you get this overwhelming sense of power, something you've never really experienced before that doesn't come from anything martial, any kind of prowess of strength or athletics, but comes from something deeper, more centralized, more, I don't know, feels much more human, but much more different at the same time.
you come around this corner and you just look you don't even say anything and there is this calmness over your face as you look and you stare towards the ground at this creature and suddenly the ground starts to
vibrate and shake and tremor and become stronger and stronger. All those small rocks and stones on the ground and about a 50 foot radius around this creature start to tremor and move around and suddenly the ground starts to crack and break open. These 10 foot fissures start to appear. Four of them start to appear. The barrels, all three steps of these barrels fall into this massive fissure that appears. The creature starts to lose its footing slightly and is not prone.
Holy shit. And falls to the ground. It's not in one of the fissures, but let me just draw on for you where they are. Four of them are around the creature now. And the pillar that is closest to Claude is also caught in that area and the one nearest Castan. So that one is going to tip and fall. Oh shit. It's going to have a D6.
It falls because of the sheer violence of this. Rocks are falling from the walls as well. These two pillars seem to be caught and literally are moving around like you would see buildings in a massive earthquake giving you a clue to the spell you cast. And it falls backwards towards the direction of the wall. Claude, you will not that direction. You won't get caught in that as it will just slip and slide away behind you, okay? Causing now to be left on the floor
a huge pillar basically just off to your side chord. You are like inches away. It fell on that angle. The other pillar is also going to fall, but it's luckily, as I rolled a one, falling again towards the wall closest to the barrels north and crashing into the side and scraping down before falling down and kind of cracking and falling in half as already this battlefield is fucked.
So those areas that I've outlined on the map are 10 foot deep. They are also difficult terrain. So you can cross them and traverse it. It will cost you 10 feet to get down, 10 feet to get back up, and it is difficult terrain on the way down. This creature is prone and doesn't seem to have enjoyed that little trip at all. Checking there's no damage. Okay, we're good. Thank you very much there, Helena. Robin, your turn. You've just seen Helena step out, stare, and then literally an earthquake has happened. Her scroll disappears in her hands. What would you like to do?
I suppose we're not getting out of here without doing this. And he's going to rip the seal on his stock magic. Lovely. Okay. So that'll be a, and I can't, and I can't, I check the start off, please. Okay. I would like to use my inspiration on this, please. Fair. Good on you. Okay. That's 14 plus two. Yeah. 16. Could you give me a D 100, please?
Oh wow, a seven and that's on the day hundred. Seven. Okay. You stare down at the scroll and then you stare up at this creature and you stare back down at the scroll. It's the same thing. These black random etchings all over it. You don't know if it's that you're not from here or anything, but nothing seems to happen at first. And all of a sudden you look up at the creature again, look back down at the scroll and the writing has changed. It's now blank and there's nothing written there. And suddenly you have this,
horrifying feeling this fear take over your body a cold sweat starts to build on your neck and back and as you go to feel the back of your neck to see the beads of sweat as you try and reach your hand up you realize you can't move your arm you can't move your hand you can't move your head and as you start to move your eyes which seems to be the only thing that can move you can see a very thin almost like glass layer
form all over your face and as you kind of move your eyes down and look down to your hands where you were holding the scroll which is now just dissipated you see you're all kind of cocooned in this almost crystal like material that's holding you perfectly still in place you're cocooned in crystal unfortunately you failed the uh the roll and stock magic had its revenge on a 16 i failed jesus have fun guys hey we've passed
you and fuck you are cocooned in crystal until somebody breaks it it's the creature's turn the creature is going to use its movement half its movement to stand up and then it's going to again doesn't seem like these should work use its wings to fly
it's not going to fly high it's just going to fly like five feet off the ground because of its massive hulking weight it seems to be that its movement probably works better in the air but it's going to move directly down into the middle into the middle of the space avoiding the fishes
And it's still only hovering about five foot off the surface, but using its little wings on its back to power it off the ground so likely as it kind of hovers and moves forward closer in towards the space. It's also going to then, as it has to,
It's going to cast and all that Robin, Drago and I assume Claude and Helena and for actually most people can see is this light edge emulates out from this creature, a multicolored light moving out. But it seems to only move out about 15 feet or so, which I think puts almost everyone out of range. Let me just cast on this hidden anyway. And then nothing seems to happen.
That's all the creature is going to do for this turn. It looks pissed, as these creatures would. That's the end of their turn. Claude, you've just felt this burst of energy and you've seen a bright burst of light from where you are behind the pillar. What would you like to do? So here is what has happened from my point of view. Karstan ran away.
drago then launched an axe charged with some sort of crazy energy at the creature causing uh fishes to explode a pillar to drop this thing stepped forward and flew into a shiny light so i'm going to assume all that happened with drago's throat i'm just going to take one step forward
Look at Drago and Akinta Thor in Infinity War as our endgame. I'm just going to look at him like Captain America just picked up Mjolnir like, yes! And that's going to give me the inspiration to launch over this fissure that separates me and the pig man. And I am going to attempt to shove this guy back on his ass. This is a large creature BT dubs. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to jump over the fissure.
And then I'm going to cast Sacred Flame out of his face. Nice. Roll to hell. You need to make a deck save. Oh, sorry. It is me, isn't it? Love you, Claude. 18. Nothing happens. Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, so this very charged moment where I'm going to think Draugr just caused this massive quake, and it causes me to be able to leap over a fissure.
I'm going to then let out a very puny spark from my hand, like it hasn't really charged properly, and this guy's just going to avoid it entirely. And there I am, stood underneath this drooling pig. First at belly height as well. Yeah, looking up at it like I've made four bad choices.
as I count each of its cheese. Yeah, it's just going to raise my shield a little bit. Nice, lovely. That is it, if it turns top of the round. Folly, you've had this charged up spell that's just been like bubbling up inside you, your prismatic wall. What would you like to do with it?
Folly is going to kind of recognize the channeling of this energy. He's used a similar spell before So he knows what he's gonna have to do with it and he's just gonna push himself forward a little bit using Gornish movement basically puts him pretty much dead next to Robin and He's basically gonna aim in between the last bit of space that is between these two fallen pillars So basically this entire room you got fallen pillar
empty space fallen pillow and that's wall to wall.
and he's basically going to try and push this spell in between those two pillows. I was just going to say we see the rest of you see this incredible almost colour display light almost a rainbow effect almost like you've seen followed you this with fire wall before appear across from broken pillar to broken pillar forming this seemingly see-through wall between the two areas but these layers of light seem to appear between Claude and the creature and the rest of you.
There you go. Karsten, you just see this wall appear. Out the corner of your eye is two blasts of light, two pillars fall. You hear jumping of the failed magic of Claude. And you see Drago kind of with the axe appearing back in his hand as you running back. What would you like to do? OK, having seen lots of people like do really cool things that they shouldn't be able to do with these clearly scrolls, Karsten is going to get really excited. So he's going to move up a bit high beside Drago.
Join me. And I'm going to use my scroll. Now, I say I'm going to try and use my scroll. Get away from me, brother. I am of the opinion that given the way prismatic, the prismatic wall works, this spell won't work if it targets the creature because of one of the colors. But we'll try anyway. Okay. Because one of the colors prevents spells from being going through it.
Yes. So we'll see what happens. Right, I'm going to crack over my third scroll. Okay, your tier three scroll. Give me an Arcana check, please. Karstan. It's 27. Wow, nice. Okay, roll me a d10 followed by d100. So my d10 was a three. And then my d100 was 25. You can do this on this turn as well. Cool.
you suddenly, you look down for a second and there's some sweat on your palms because you did a little wee and you ran away a little bit and you're a little bit out of breath. And as you look down for a second, the scroll disintegrates as again, the images, the letters kind of appear, these shapes appear and then the scroll just disintegrates down. And you look down at your hands for a second and you see a single bead of sweat on your hand. And for some reason you go into yourself, I wish I could move that.
and it just pops up off your hand and just floats in the air almost by command. You've just cast control water. So you have that capacity now, bearing in mind, handily enough, that there was a large capacity of water that's just fallen into a fissure.
As if. Genuinely, this is totally randomised. My list of how this combat works is so limited because everything is so randomised. They have all smashed into the site. You can't quite see it. How much did you use all your movement? You kind of have to use it this term because it's lower than fifth level. I use a lot of my movement. I'm sorry. Well, you lift a bead of water off your hand and it's floating there. The scroll has gone. I'm going to shout at Claude and say, look out, Claude, but he's not going to get any benefit of anything.
You try though, you try. But your scroll has been spent, Karstan. So that is, just to check in, that's Foley, that's Karstan, Helena, Robin, and...
That's it, isn't it? Yeah, Drago and Claude haven't used them yet. But you also have noticed upon that, Robin not moving. Folly, you also standing literally just behind him have noticed he's now encased in what looks like almost glass or something like that. Not made of glass, just encased in it. And he's just perfectly still, okay? Drago, your turn. You've just had a cast on the Senex. You go, oh, well, that looks nice as a bead of sweaters controlled by him. What would you like to do?
Have I noticed that Claude is now behind the rainbow thing and that Robin has been frozen in some sort of weird glass cocoon? You've definitely seen Claude because you're staring at the monster and you've seen Claude in front of it. Could you give me a really quick perception check? Yeah, give me a perception check. 24.
You normally would know that Robin would be there. You'd see arrows flying in, so you got a cursory glance over to where you know Robin to be, and you see him stood perfectly still. With a roll that high, you can also see a sheen to him. He seems to be wrapped in something. OK, Drago instinctively wouldn't know if that sheen is to be broken by sword or magical means, so... Right, let's take care of...
One person first. Drago is going to run forwards, his full movement, and he's going towards the rainbow glass thingamajig. The prismatic wall. I mean, if you want to call it something smart. The thing is in the rule book.
As he's running, he's going to shout over to Folly. Take care, Robin. 40. So I'm not going past this wall. I'm just literally coming as close to the rainbow effect as my movement allows me. So the rainbow is literally just in front of my eyes. And Drago is going to grasp the amulet, close his eyes, and if anyone was near him, would hear him mutter.
Akiva watch over him. And he's going to cast on Claude, Shield of Faith. And you've got a plus two to your AC. And this is one for Mark as well. Does this work, Mark, given Prismatic War? Yeah. So Indigo, while this layer is in place, spells can't be cast through the wall. Indigo, while this layer is in place, spells can't be cast through the wall.

Unexpected Outcomes and Wrap-up

Yep, so unfortunately, yep, you do this, Drago, but Claude, you don't have the effects of it, unfortunately. I won't have a clue that it worked or didn't work. The spell gets cast nonetheless. Yep. That's my job. Anything else you want to do, Drago? Brace yourself to Claude. Helena, your turn. Over to you. You see Drago step forward. You see Robin perfectly still. What would you like to do?
I'd like to change my weapon, please. Lovely. Helena, switching weapons, bonus action. So yeah, bonus action then, changing the weapon. Your longbow would be, I am imagining 85 feet. Does that put you at disadvantage or as a longbow? It's actually 150 feet. Oh cool. Is that the first measurement?
Yeah, 150. 300 or something like that. 600 for the second measurement. Yep, absolutely. Okay, so just roll to hit them, please. Okay. A 24 to hit. Wow, yep, that hits. Sorry, Mark. The arrow will hit the wall and get destroyed. The arrow will hit the wall and it won't go through.
This fucking spell, Folly. Why did it, Ross? You did great, Folly. Really fucking great idea. Put it right there. There are two levels of it. One level, non-magical range attacks can't pass through it. And another level, magical range attacks can't pass through it. Could have put it behind us. Could have just cocooned yourself in some fucking ice like Robin. At least he did us a solid thing.
Walk into the wall. So, yeah, you fire this arrow, Helena, and it just hits into the wall and the arrow is literally crushed and just falls to dust, literally at Drago's feet. But a couple of feet above it, obviously, but it just comes down because you're stood kind of line of sight-esque. So unfortunately, Drago's really glad he didn't run through the wall. Okay, so then, and that's it. I can't deal with my other attacks.
If you've got more than one attack, you can fire another arrow, but it will have the same effect. It's going to do the same thing. Yeah. I'm going to go 30 feet to the left. So I'm going to go further. To the north. Yeah, to the north. Sorry. So I'm going to go further towards Kastan. I'm going to attempt to climb one of the pillars. So I'm going to attempt to get as far as 85 feet and to climb one of the pillars that isn't in front of the wall.
I've got you, yep, no problem. So you're making your way north to climb one of the broken pillars so you're firing over the prismatic wall rather than through it. Okay, lovely. Once you move north and see you're basically right next to the cast and as you're still there going, oh, that's fun, with the little globule of water on his hand. That's the end of your turn. Robin, could you give me a strength saving throw, please? 14. I'm going to have put some sources points onto that one.
Okay, so you're bending lock. Can you do that after knowing the result? I was going to say... I was trying to get there beforehand, but I just wanted to double check how much they actually cost and double the mark if you want to let me do it. I mean, it's totally the DM permits, I guess, really, isn't it? It's not. It's the only thing that reacted quickly enough, it's up to him. I'll permit it. Sorry, I do come in quite quickly with them, but... Yes, I'll permit it. You can add your bend lock. There's an extra two on the 16. Add the D20 Gamer for the hate.
It gets a bit stronger. So what's that in total then, Darren, with the bend lock? Well, I rolled 14, so plus two, that's 16. You dig deep within yourself and you manage to break this out and you see shards of crystals basically fall into the ground beneath you as you kind of brush them off your head and your arms. I'm going to consider that your action, but you do have a bonus action and any movement if you wish to use it. I'm going to then sprint off in the direction of the
And Mark's just increased the DC of that slightly.
pillar, well I will use the rest of my dash then to scramble up to the top of the fallen pillar. Up there? Yep, I will see the hole in the ground and a bit of poo will come out and that's the end of my turn. Could you roll for excretion please? No, thank you very much Robin.
it is now those cheeks it is now the creatures turn the creature disappears what from where it was just disappears out of sight and appears
as it kind of hits down into the ground and lets out this growl as it teleports from place to place and it just snarls and looks around and looks all around at each of you. Just before, as soon as it started its turning there you needed to make the constitution saving throw. Just from the effect of the wall. Yep. Thank you very much. Yeah, that wall's been a dick. May as well help us. 28. What the fuck?
And all the 17 has got a consaving for a modifier of 11. Oh god, fuck this thing. I could also do sorcerer's points on this. No, fuck that shit. The creature turns to Helena and the wings pick up slightly and it's going to move in your direction.
It's going to, it can only do two of its three attack, it's going to attack you with its claw first of all, so it's going to swing at you with one of its massive dark claws and it's going to be a 24 to hit. I wish to use cutting words. Okay. Thankfully I used cutting words first, so I'm going to roll a d10 and deduct that from the roll. So you'll reduce the roll by six. So that's an 18 to hit.
Anything to hit? No, it doesn't hit. As Carstan shouts and tries to distract it. And it does it. The last second looks over Helena's shoulder and the claw misses. Helena, you haven't actually moved, but it's the creature that missed, given the cutting words. It's going to swing with this other claw down on you, and that's going to be a 16 to hit. That misses.
motherfucker and this second one you're almost ready for it this time and you duck just at the last minute the top claw just scratching the top of your hairline just pulling your hair up but does no actual damage as it stands and that's like this deep growl towards you that is all it can do that is the end of the creatures turn we are now toe to toe it's on the other side of the barrier with clawed on one side
everyone else surrounding this creature on the other side. But Claude, it is your turn. The creature has just disappeared in front of you and you hear it land behind you through this prismatic wall. What would you like to do? I don't know what the fuck I've just seen. But Drago said, brace yourself. So I was looked up by my shield a little bit, looked up and the thing was gone. So I'm just going to open my scroll, thinking that there's nothing wrong. And then behind me, obviously, the bullshittery is going on. So I'm going to open my scroll.
Okay, roll Arcana, please. Arcana? Come on, there. It's not going through, but I could tell you I rolled a zero. Okay, you're rolling. Wow, you rolled a zero. Cool. And that's going to par- No, it's going to fail. Could you roll a D100 for me, please? Oh, fuck. I mean, we forget we've got to actually kill this creature after using all the scrolls still.
Internal disintegration. Ninety three. Yeah, that worked. Internal disintegration. Question your faith. Could you imagine?
You close your right, you look at the scroll, you look down, you see scrolls. I mean, it looks like words, what you assume words are. You can't tell the difference anyway. But these then start to slowly disappear again until you have an absolutely blank page and you think, cool. And then it all just kind of disintegrates down and the piece of paper falls apart. And as you look up, you've moved in like an absolute instant. And you are at the bottom of a
Pit, a 10 feet pit and you've just shifted 25 feet to your left, but to your side.
has erupted a small mini wall of fire where you previously were all the way across there. It's now burning just to your right. There. You're in this hole 10 feet down. You're absolutely fine apart from that, except you look to your right and you can just see this almost like imagine Back to the Future where the DeLorean leaves its tracks. It's like that, but it's a fucking wall of fire up there just to your side. You're absolutely unscathed apart from that. Did I fall down into a burning ring of fire?
The ring isn't on fire, this is a trial off to the side. Down, down, down. You were one-off something really, really nasty. So, um, you're burned. There's only one person left for their tears to be scrolled. Absolutely. Right. But yeah, cast a claw. That's your... You have a bonus actions and movement if you want to use either of them. How deep am I? 20 feet or 10? 10 feet.
And yes, it's 10 feet and it's difficult terrain. All right, I will climb back up, meaning it cost me 20 feet. And I will walk into this square, thinking that I can see Drago right there. This is going to be fine, right? Yeah, you're fine. Stay close to Rainbow. I specify that all my teammates, nothing will happen to them should they enter the wall.
great lovely thank you very much claw top of the round folly you've just seen clawed step through your prismatic wall towards drago but more worryingly this creature is just teleported onto the other side of the wall and is moving and is taking swipes at what you can imagine is either helena or castan or you can see it's back and it's disgusting back it's fat back with its wings and its hooves in the ground and it's massive claws what would you like to do
A folly is aware that this is a bit of a dangerous situation right now. He's going to move towards the wall. He recognises that it's kind of a really powerful, iconic energy coming from it. And he's just been able to make sure that it doesn't hurt us, but he's still confident that he's going to do some serious damage to this thing. So he's basically going to
sneak up towards the wall but put himself back to, well, level with the back of this creature and he's going to fling fire bolt at it. He wants to get it to tension basically. Lovely roll to hit. 27 to hit. That hits. Roll damage. 14 points of fire damage.
this firebolt hits into kind of the base of its back between its wings causing it to sting you a little bit and you can see the bat kind of pinch in slightly. Yes, you've managed to hit it and do some damage to this creature and you can hear it. He hits it with the firebolt. He's basically going to shout at it as well and goes, hey, ugly, I smell bacon. Wow. Okay, lovely. Thank you very much. Folly, anything else you want to do, mate? No.
lovely cast on this creature is barreling down on you it's just taking two swings at helena you've managed to stop one of them from making contact what would you like to do i am going to cast synaptic static nice but i just need to make sure that i don't hit any of us because that would be inconvenient so it's a 20 foot radius if i cast it
behind the creature towards the middle of the room, nobody else is in range, so that's fine.
So can the creature make a intelligence saving throw please? It's a 16. It fails. 19 points of psychic damage. And now for the next minute it has to roll a d6 and subtract that number from any attack roll and ability checks.
as well as constituting saving throws to maintain concentration. It can make intelligent saves at the end of its turn to end the effect on itself. Intelligence saves at the end of the turn. At the end of each of its turns to try and end the effect. Please remind me of those. I'll remember the d6, I've got it primed here. I might forget one or two bits. Just remind me. But yeah, that's awesome. What a good spell, mate. What a good spell. Anything you've got movement, bonus action, anything else you want to do?
Go get it, Hilda. And she's going to have inspiration. Not inspiration, body inspiration, not mark inspiration, but you know. Will inspiration. Will inspiration. A willing inspiration. Lovely. Thank you very much, Karsten. Great turn. Very nice. Drago, over to you. This creature is up here behind you. You can see Claude coming in through this prismatic wall in front of you. This colorful wall in front of you. What would you like to do?
Drago turns towards Claude wide-eyed. Well, okay, let's give this a try and he'll take the axe of Shader and equip it back to his hip as a bonus action I believe you call that and he's gonna crack out the last scroll, break the seal.
and hold it out in front of him and turn towards the demon. And he's holding it out as if, as if you're trying to pull some piece of paper into focus and you can't quite, it's just unsure. This is when we learned that Drago is short sighted. Oh my God, Drago, he's passing. That was brilliant. We put my specs on. Fuck you. Right. That is, could you give me an Arcana check, please, Drago? Okay. I'm going to use my, what did she say? 1D10.
I don't see what it was. Oh no. I'm bending luck. So just for information for all the numbers that have been rolled, Drago rolled an 11, used his Bardic Inspiration, adding a four, giving him 15. Sorry, Folly is going to bend luck, which is another two sorcery points out of your 15,000 you have. Do you want to roll your D4? Yep.
Oh, thank you, guys. Still might not be enough. It might not be. No, that's an 18 in total. It's 18 in total. Is it? Oh, well, then it passes. It passes 17 now that you've all cast them anyway. It's 17 to pass that, which I think is quite a reasonable one for a volatile spell crossing melody. That's quite fascinating.
I know. Well, that's the last of the nice evil stock magic spells you come across. Drago, could you roll a d10 followed by a d100 for me, please? I would expect a d20 on this. D10 is an 8. And the d100 is... 44. OK. Oh, God. OK, so listeners, he's just both hands on his head. Oh, God. I don't really know what... OK, right.
Oh. You. Right. Cast the spell and you're holding it out. What is this long side short side trying to get a sense of it and the letters and kind of start popping out and appearing at you and then the scroll disintegrates you. Oh, it's fucking easy. Whatever. And as you as you kind of look around, nothing seems to happen. You took the cord. Nothing seems to happen. But you're still going to holding your hands like that. And as you lower them down, you realize there's something in your hand.
And it is a, a glass vial has appeared in your hand. That's probably the size of your fits in your hand, but it's quite a large one. And inside, inside it is a, it's filled full of what looks like kind of meniscus liquid, kind of a thick, gloopy, but kind of clear liquid, like water, but thick liquid, like a jello, like a KY jelly or just something like that. That's quite thick. And within it, you can very distinctly make out the shape of a dragonborn tadpole.
within it. What did he cast? You cast 8th level clone. You have now, if you manage to get it to maturity, which is 180 days, you will have a younger version of the exact same creature that remains in it. If you die, your soul passes into the body of your clone.
if any time after the clone matures. If the original creature dies the soul transfers into the clone provided the soul is free and unwilling to return. The clone is physically identical to the original and has the same personality, memories, abilities but none of the original equipment. The original creature remains if they exist become inert and cannot therefore be restored to life since this creature's soul is elsewhere.
You basically got a baby dragon ball. It remains inert and endures indefinitely as long as its vessel remains undisturbed. I'm a father. You're a daddy. A boy.
This is an exact replica of, if it grows to maturity, which will take 120 days, and it will- How do I go about doing that? Well, it grows into an energy of a living creature, a safeguard against death, this clone forms inside the sealed vessel and grows to full-size maturity of 120 days. You can choose to have the clone be a younger version of the same creature
It is going to be a younger creep version of you because you have no control over this. It remains inert and it endures indefinitely as long as the vessel remains undisturbed. So if you don't do anything with it, it will just continue the way it is. But you have to get it to maturity. I mean, you know none of this, all you know is you're going to be a dragon.
I've got a Tamagotchi! You've got a Tamagotchi! You've got a vocabulary! Drago now has to send his tadpole back in time so that he can exist. He's now giving birth to himself.
Oh my god, this is awful. Send your form request in. So Drago's hand is still out and he's expecting something epic from this spell, like a wall or fire or an earthquake. And when the scroll just disappears and in his hand is just this vial with this tiny tadpole in it, it kind of brings it up close to his eye, holds it up to the light.
Prowl furrowed. I mean, do I throw it? I'm looking at Claude. Oh, do I throw it at him? I don't understand what this is. Does anyone else imagine the dragon, the tadpole flexing in the vials? Do I drink it? It's got like little dengons deception on his back.
Oh my God. And because you said that Drago specifically recognizes a tadpole dragonborn, he'll go. And looking at Claude the whole time, I'm gonna put it.
way unless you tell me something different i'm gonna i'm gonna put it in my satchel um okay right i'm guessing that's the end of my turn yeah that's gonna be the end of your turn um there you go congratulations drago thanks guys thanks um it's a blue i know you played dnd to escape all that stuff but uh it's following you
I played D&D but I also chose a non-magic person for these very specific reasons and now I'm- You've now got 120 days to grow yourself.
Good luck. I don't even know what that is. That's like one of those fucking crazy grow AC or thing kit. Move some Hasbro. Grow your own Dragonborn. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, good luck. We can figure all that out. You've got to figure out firstly what to do with it anyway. And that's a whole different campaign, pretty much. What the fuck? You're going to need to milk it like produce milk for it. Drug is going to have to milk itself.
turns out male dragonborn also lactate up in the night just lactating into a jar why would you sleep why are you crying you learn to wipe your own ass now
There's a series, there's a spin-off series out of this. It's like Joey, the series, but this is Drago and I and the family, my God. Right, anyway, back to the serious concept of clearly at hand. Helena, this creature swiped twice at you. It's your turn. What would you want to do?
I've forgotten everything that I was going to do now. I know you're not like, congratulations, Drago. Oh, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to swap my weapon back. So, yeah, bonus action. Swap my weapon back to my flail, please. And then I'm going to attack it from this place. In fact, I'm going to have to move in slightly, aren't I?
Cool, so I'll go five feet forward to this thing and attack it with my flail, please. All right, roll to hit. That'll be a 24 to hit. Shit, yeah, that hits. Eight bludgeon in damage. Lovely, your flail comes into hitting it in the knee. Amazing. My second hit is going to be a 18. That also hits, yeah. With the damage being a 10.
10 points of damage, again as your other flail comes into the other knee. It kind of takes the damage there, thank you. Great, my third hit and final hit for this one is... Oh shit, a 12. 12 misses, unfortunately. It's your last hit, or the right hand comes in and round, it just swoops past and it brings the leg back at the last minute, missing the now bloodied knee of this creature. Okay, cool. That's me done.
Okie dokie, Robin, to come back to your turn, you're freed up, you've jumped up on this pillar, the creature has appeared somewhere else, Drago's now a father, congratulations, and this creature's now a clear line of sight away from the prismatic wall you've currently moved on top of. But you have not got a really good line of sight at this creature's back from your current location on top of the pillar. What would you like to do? OK, Robin feels the heat from the wall of fire on his back and the surreal nature of the situation.
just causes the adrenaline to rush a little bit faster. So Robin is going to use the newly published third level rogue feature of Steady Aim, which sacrifices my bonus action and my movement in order to give myself advantage on my first shot at this creature.
Oh, are we using newly published material, Darren? Oh, okay. Well, we don't want me to use that material, but... Of course you can, of course you can. That's a 23 to hit. That hits. Nice, good hit. It takes 16 points of magical piercing damage on the first shot. 1-6. This shot comes stunning into its neck and catches it and you see the arrow jolt off into the distance and it doesn't like that. It kind of knocks it off center ever so slightly. Really good shot, Darren. Okay, second shot. That is a 30 to hit.
Wow, bloody hell. That's just a 19. I actually rolled better on that one than I did with the advantage. That's a 19 plus 11. Yeah, that hits. It's only one D8 this time though, which is only six points of magical piercing damage.
Lovely bit of damage there. And the second arrow comes studying him, but it catches it in the wing as it tries to flap to stop you from hitting it. It still catches it in the wing, but it kind of does a lessened form of damage, if you will. My words are gone. Basically, you strike the wing, not the creature itself. It does still take the damage. Lovely. Anything else you want to do, Robin, from your current mission? No, because I've sacrificed my movement and bonus action to do steady aim, so I've done them.
lovely and with that the creature looks up towards you all and it's going to cast because it's it's turn now don't hurt my children you stay the fuck away from my children not the mama not the mama that's the baby drago it's the baby dinosaur
It's going to cast horror Nimbus out because it's recharged. And what I need people to do, and this is going to include any more than 15 feet. So it's going to be Helena and Castan. Can you make a wisdom saving throw, please? Helena got a 17. Helena, you can. If you don't know the result yet, don't forget you've got inspiration. If you haven't used it yet, you could add it to it if you didn't before you know the result, just in case you don't know the DC.
Okie dokie. You both see this incredible multicolored light just burst out from everywhere around this creature. Helen, you manage to cover your eyes with your arm just at the last minute to stop this effect taking place, but cast in as you look up after just playing with that globular water in your hand, this light hits you in the eyes. You have this overwhelming urge as you stare at this creature.
Yes. I will. Wait one sec. 27. I've got 27. 27 from Helena. Thank you very much.
to make love to it. No, there's overwhelming urge to run away from it as fast as you can. This creature is, for all intents and purposes, terrifying the shit out of you. You are frightened and you must make every possibility to move away from this creature. You can do another staving throw check at the end of each of your turns. And with that as cast, then this horror takes over this cold sweat and you turn and start to run.
That's what we're going to end this week's Combat Heavy episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Thank you very much. Join us next week where we finish up this dastardly creature.
Thank you all very much for tuning in and listening and making us a part of your everyday week. We love you for it. If you wanted to find out more about the fellowship, you can do so on our Twitter page. And in fact, for this episode, I'm going to pop this here map that we see out onto the Twitter page as well. That's tagged with the episode. You can find all that at fellowship table. If you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, cause I'm going to poke each one of these people with mad pants on my page, just, uh, just for the lols.
You can do so too. I'm at Iroda1, Darren's at... Darren Page 06. Casey's at... Unicorn Quit. Danny's at... Drago's illegitimate child. Who's the mother... Oh, that's a whole other story. Toe to Party Thrills, if you really wanted to find him. Will is at... Natural20Will. Callum is at... The D20Gamer.
And our majestic, perfect DM is at hacilyrolldm. Until next time, guys.