EP147: Georgia & Susanne - The Power of Being An Innovator image

EP147: Georgia & Susanne - The Power of Being An Innovator

The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast
47 Plays5 years ago
When an opportunity presents itself, grab it and make the most of it. The Wine Ladies, led by Georgia and Susanne, encountered some resistance and challenges while starting out their business, but they persevered and won the 2011 Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the Oakville Chamber of Commerce. As innovators, they set themselves apart from others and found a way to stand out by being engaging, having great educational content while still having fun. Today, the Wine Ladies have 160 sponsors and clients from all over the world that have booked campaigns with them including major wineries, wine agencies, spirits and beer brands, food products, retailers, restaurants, charities and more. During this conversation, you’ll discover…
  • The importance of being an innovator
  • Why failure is the next road to success
  • Why you should differentiate yourself from others
To find out more about Georgia and Susanne, visit https://www.thethoughtleaderrevolution.com/.

Seizing Opportunities for Progress

Yeah, it's like one of our philosophies is like, you know, if an opportunity presents itself that we'd like to take advantage of it. So even if we don't really know what we're doing at that point, sort of grab the opportunity. I guess this could be part of the sort of the thing that we might talk about at the end of the show, but go for it. Like, don't be afraid. Go for it because you never know what's going to happen. If you don't do anything, nothing will happen. That's a certainty.

Introduction to 'The Thought Leader Revolution'

to the Thought Leader Revolution with Nikki Ballou. Join the revolution. There's never been a better time in history to speak your truth, find your freedom, and make your fortune. Each week, we interview the world's top thought leaders and learn the secrets of how they built a six to seven-figure practice. This episode has been brought to you by eCircleAcademy.com, the proven system to add six to seven figures a year to your thought leader practice.
Welcome to another exciting episode of the podcast, The Thought Leader Revolution. I'm your host, Nikki Ballou. And boy, do we have an exciting episode lined up for you today. I

Meet 'The Wine Ladies' - Suzanne & Georgia

have as my guests, two of the most unique, inspiring,
and awesome entrepreneurs in Canada. I am speaking, of course, of none other than the one, the only, the wine ladies. Suzanne and Georgia, welcome to the show, ladies. Woohoo! Thank you so much for that introduction.
You are so welcome. It's just a total pleasure to have you here. You know, I met you

Support & Friendship with The Wine Ladies

years ago when I was going through a bit of a challenging period of my life. I was going through a separation and divorce at the time. And I remember that both of you were really very supportive and kind. It was a
big huge mixer type event and I was just trying to get out of the house to get out of my depression and I remember you both sat with me for about 10-15 minutes and you helped cheer me up and I never forgot that. I got your card at the time and we never had a reason to have a business conversation beyond that but since I've got my podcast up and running and I know that you ladies very much have a unique brand, a unique personality,
I thought it'd be great to have you on the show and have our listeners learn from you. So tell us your backstory. How'd

Wine Industry Journey of Suzanne & Georgia

you get to be the amazing wine ladies?
Well, we weren't always amazing. Well, I guess for I guess it starts a little bit if I can just say like in the wine business because I was I was in the wine business first and then Suzanne came into the wine business and then together we formed the wine ladies. But my husband and I had we're in the wine business before that for I don't know about 15 years, I guess 10 years or so.
And I really love what I was doing. My husband, we were introduced and he invited me on a date. He was like this big, big wine guy himself. And he was a member of a club and people used to try to sort of stump him. They would wrap up all these bottles and he'd have to guess what they were. And he said, I'm going to take George on this date. And I was trying to impress you, right? Yeah, he was trying to impress me. So he gets there and he gets them all right. And he's there. Everybody's cheering. Way to go, Ken. Way to go, Ken.
So I'm there, I was really good. And then he says, why don't, why don't somebody else want to try? And I said, well, I will on the first date. So Nikki, I swear to God, I got six out of seven, right? And I thought, what? That's not so fantastic. I got sorry.
That was my introduction to wine. I thought, maybe I have a palate. Of course, as it turned out, he had more than a good palate because three weeks later, I asked him to marry me and we're still married. Oh my God. How cool is that? Yeah. Isn't that crazy? But that was my introduction to wine. Fast forward 15 years later, then Suzanne comes in and she's got her own backstory.

Career Transition: Marketing to Wine

Yeah. What happened with me? I was married living in Montreal and my background is marketing. I was the Director of Marketing over at Hasbro.
Hasbro Canada, number one toy company. Yes, the number one toy manufacturer in the world. And I learned my ropes in terms of marketing from there, learning how to market children's toys. And it's a lot, a lot of work, a lot of special things you have to do. So what happened was, unfortunately, I was getting a change of life.
I got a divorce and the corporation moved the marketing department. And so we all basically lost our jobs. So I decided at that time to move to Toronto because both Georgia and our other sister Barbara were here. So got a job at Irwin Toy, just bought a house in Oakville, newly divorced and with a 10 year old living with me. And lo and behold, first mortgage payment, boom, Irwin Toy,

Origins of The Wine Ladies Brand

declares bankruptcy, I'm out of work. Wow. That's crazy. Yeah, it was awful. It was awful. My sister and her husband said, well, why don't you go into the wine industry? I went
I don't know. I don't know anything about wine, but okay, whatever. So that's how I started. Yeah. That was a part of the one that was a part of chasing the mouse that wasn't being worked. Right. And we really needed somebody to do it. Right. And I wasn't ready to jump in yet because I had two young kids.
And there, that's when Suzanne was invited to be a part of it. And like you said, I mean, bold as ever, you know, really didn't know me about wine, but boom, here she is. And she's not the wine ladies yet. Soon, it didn't take long before something happened. Yeah. So what happened was essentially through my travels, people would say, Oh, you're there.
wine lady, that wine lady running around all over Toronto selling wine, going to events, you know, newly single, having a blast, enjoying myself. And I said, this is really fun. This is work, whatever. And met someone who wanted us to do or me to do a wine and chocolate tasting. And I went, hmm. That sounds like fun. Yeah. So I sort of asked Georgia if she would come in and help. And so she did. And we did this event.
wine and chocolate pairing, which is one of the things we like to do now. That's one of our sticks, I guess. And there was a gentleman there from the Toronto Sun that they were starting a brand new magazine or a new newspaper, 24 hours. And he loved what we did. And we didn't know what a dynamic duo we were. No, you guys are amazing. I mean, your energy is off the charts. You're naturally funny.
Let me tell you, but so what happened was he offered us an article. We said, well, we don't

Radio Show Beginnings & First Big Guest

want an article. We want to call him. So hence we got a.
We got a wine column in one of the major publications in Toronto, weekly wine column, which really helped launch us in terms of the wine ladies. So that was sort of the first part of that. Yeah. I love it. Should we continue it? Please keep telling the screen. I love it. Keep going. Tell them about the radio show.
Well, so what were the what were the foodie guys names? What were they again? Remember? Well for um chum, what were those guys names my god? Oh john john mitter from um, yeah, and dave dave renninger, right? Right, right, right. We met we met these guys and they were on chum. They had a car show. No, they were in am 7. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Where are we on fast forward? Oh my god. Yeah, we're on am 740. That that's right. So then we met these gentlemen, they had a show on am 740.
And we kind of hit it off with them. We ended up going to the, I forget, some guy's house one day. And after a bit of a conversation, they said, you know, do you guys want, you guys, you guys should have your own radio show where they're like, really? You're kidding. No, you guys are amazing. So honestly, before you turn around, just like that 24 hour column came up.
Suzanne and I signed on with AM740 with our first radio show ever from midnight to 1.30 Thursday nights. Getting our butts over there to the station every Thursday night. It was a call-in show. We would have guests and believe it or not, Nikki, one of our first guests was the CEO or the chairman of the LCBO who was driven to AM740. From Toronto. From Toronto by his driver.
to be a guest on our show. That was the beginning of our radio career.
That's incredible. Yeah, that was crazy. Yeah, it's like one of our philosophies is like, you know, if an opportunity presents itself, that we'd like to take advantage of it. So even if we don't really know what we're doing at that point, so to grab the opportunity, I guess this could be part of the sort of the thing that we might talk about at the end of the show, but go

Innovative Approach to Wine Tasting

for it. Like, don't be afraid. Go for it because you never know what's going to happen. If you don't do anything, nothing will happen. That's a certainty.
For sure. So that's sort of one of the things. That's profound. That's profound. That's powerful. I really like that. Yeah, it's very true. It's very true. And you know, we also, what we found was like when we were discovering ourselves, we did do some pretty crazy things and we were starting to get ourselves out there and people were there like, who are these Danes? Really? I mean, we actually hooked up with somebody. She was a comedian.
And people were starting to ask us, would you guys like to come and do like a wine tasting? Well, we don't do the wine tasting like everybody else. We're very different. So we would do things like we created the sizzling sensational wines of Argentina. We learned how to tangle. And we went into the restaurant and we did our wine tasting the wine lady's way. So we did do some crazy things sort of to set ourselves apart.
from everybody else, which again, I guess if we were to fast forward to the end and we won't talk about it too much, is one of the other real, I guess one of the things that we would put forward with the act to go to actions in trying to create a persona or create your own business, set yourself apart in some way from everybody else. And that was like some of the things that we did to try to create a persona. But it didn't always play out well, to be honest, because
The wine industry at that time, we're talking like 2000, 2001 at the time, was quite, I guess snobby and still very, very serious. Very conservative, wasn't it? Very conservative, right. So you picture like a gray-haired man with the tistaman and just very, you know, very, very, a little bit snooty, I guess, maybe. I don't know if that's the right word, but our approach was much more inclusive.
And we actually had one restaurateur, we won't mention who it is, but a serious restaurateur with a chain that was very pissed off at our approach. He didn't like what we were doing, that we were having too much fun and not, he called it like not being serious enough.
Since then the whole wine industry has actually gone that way you know they're still serious but they're also much more approachable and we were ahead of our time in terms of that and like having a name like the wine ladies like people didn't do that now there's the wine sisters the wine.
Divas the wine guys the wine bimbo is the wine whatever kind of wine people, you know that have names like that so but we're the originals where the wine ladies are the wine ladies man that's fantastic well so you managed to get your business off the ground you encountered some resistance from traditional elements

Becoming Industry Influencers

Yeah. Who were, let's face it, a little bit snooty and stuck up and bah humbug-like scrooge. I mean, it's close to Christmas time where we're doing this. Yeah. So how did you get it to the next level?
Well, we persevered. All I can say is that we stuck with it. We tried more things. We just kept very busy with it. Like Suzanne said, we were innovators, so that was working for us little by little. We chipped away at it, and people started recognizing who we were. We started with social media. There wasn't anybody that was doing social media at that time. We were on Facebook in 2004.
And the thing is our generation, which is like baby, baby boomer generation, essentially, was not on Facebook. So we were trying to attract an audience that wasn't really into social media and didn't really get it kind of thing. Since then, obviously they do and they're all part of it.
That was a challenge, but we kept going and like every week sending something out, trying to be engaging, trying to have good content, 80% content, so things that people can learn, that they can enjoy. That's our main thing. It's not all about selling something, it's about
giving a good service to people, whether it's our radio show, or it's the columns that we write, or the articles that we write for magazines. We always have something for people to learn and experience. That's sort of been our approach. And the approach has always been about fun. And we found over time, Nikki, that that's actually what a lot of people wanted. There were so many people that were sitting on the sidelines.
that were that were afraid to get involved in wine and we found like with each event that we went to with each each little wine tasting that we did more and more people were starting to come on board and we realized you know what we really have something here like you know so we were just bringing wine to bringing wine to the people to everybody and everybody we noticed that there was definitely a huge market for that that it was totally untapped
You know what? I love the way you phrased that. We made it fun and we were bringing wine to the people. And that really is what it's all about. You need to be involved in whatever it is that lights your fire in a way that you're having fun, in a way that you're making a difference, in a way that you're helping other people tap into their greatness, their sense of fun. And that's what you ladies have done. And that's what I love about you.
Also, I would say that one of the other things that we do is like we don't profess to be like experts in all air in every area of wine So we what we do is we sort of wear the conduit we bring the experts to the people and we're the conduit that does that so we are Nikki we interview folks from all over the world like wine makers from New Zealand from

Building a Successful Wine Business

we've talked to people in China, all the corners of the world. We bring all the experts to the people and we get the message to the people through us as the conduit from the experts. It makes it a lot of fun. People like it that way. The other thing is rather than just focusing strictly on wine, our approach is the wine and lifestyle.
We talk to people in the world of art, the world of fashion, the world of sports, entertainment. There's always a wine element, but it's also how wine is incorporated into lifestyle. So it's not so narrow and not so, you don't have to sort of go in such huge in depth.
knowledge about the wine that way because people don't really when you go to a wine tasting and you have someone up there that goes on and on and on and on and on you know about the bricks and all the different things related to wine people don't really want to really know all that they want to know overall they want to enjoy themselves they want to drink a nice glass of wine and and and have fun
You know, that's so true. Nobody really cares how much you know about your area of expertise. They just care that what you do is beneficial to them. That's all they really want, right?
Yeah, that's so true. Right now we're doing some wine contest on Instagram, the wine ladies little plug, where we've got some giveaways going on for we get some some mouthy gin, some Chase vodka, different things for the holidays. So we like to have fun. And we're having a blast with that people are entering like crazy and from all over the world. So that's some of the things we do as well. I love it.
So ladies, you have taken this iconic brand. You found a way to stand out. You're definitely not in the sea of sameness like everybody else. You stand out very powerfully in your space and you've turned it into a viable commercial business. Talk a bit about how you turned it into a viable commercial business.
OK, well, in terms of, I guess, being a bit of a pest, actually, not giving up, to be honest. Essentially sending out information to all of the potential sponsors out there. And at the beginning, we did quite a few things for free, I guess, in terms of to get sponsors. And when people see that you're connecting with your audience and you are an influencer,
that you get the respect by the industry and you get the clients. So currently our client roster, we have over 160 sponsors and clients of the wine ladies for the past three years that have booked campaigns with us. Wow. Yeah. Either social media campaigns or a trip somewhere to California, like the Peruvian government hired us to go to Peru and we did a whole bunch of videos for them.
articles. So we've got a fine roster of respected people in the industry that have come on board as clients and sponsors of the wine lady. So that was one of the things we had to do at the beginning. And coming up with things every week that people are going to be interested in promoting.
That's true. And also, you know, when you're first getting started, nobody really knows about you. So we had to really put ourselves out there. So we were like doing all different kinds of events. So people would get to know who the wine ladies are. So it was a lot of our time that was spent, Nikki, putting things on and getting our faces in front of the faces of all these people.
So that was definitely, I think, a game changer for us. When people start

Giving Back & Community Involvement

to recognize who we were and what we were all about, then you know how the word travels, I guess. That's kind of what happened. So that was a big part of our strategy in the beginning for people to know who we were. And also doing fundraisers. In 2011, we won the Entrepreneur of the Year for the Oakfield Chamber of Commerce, which is one of the respected Chamber of Commerce in Canada.
And we did a lot of, and we still do, a lot of fundraising and giving back. We did the just recently fundraiser for the United Way, Hamilton and Halton. And we worked with the Princess Margaret Hospital, the lottery show homes for two years. We did two fundraisers in a row for them here. So, and for April where they were going to be part of the children's aid gala in April, where it's $300 a ticket.
And we're going to be auctioneers. We're going to work on the wine wall for them. And we're also going to be a prize. The wine ladies and the chef, there's going to be a prize. So we still continue to give back and get the, you know, that's something we're doing and volunteer. We're not getting paid for that. It's giving back to people and
They always things happen when you get back, something positive comes back to you. There's a reason why they say pay it forward. Yeah. There's always a lot of truth in that. Even if you don't expect anything, there's always something that comes back to you.
Absolutely. That's very powerful and very true. Paying it forward is important. I interviewed the founder of BNI, a gentleman by the name of Dr. Ivan Meisner, and BNI has this saying called givers gain. You know, basically, if you go out there with the heart of a giver and you give first, then you're going to get something back. It may be from the person you gave it to, it may be from God or the universe in some other way, but givers always gain. What are your thoughts on that?
I think that's absolutely true. I think that if you, if it's, you know, it's not all about you and it's people recognize that I think, you know, when you're authentic, you pay it forward and you really show that you do care about people, it always comes back to you in space. It honestly does. And I've noticed that all throughout life.
that even little things, I don't know, like even crazy things like giving money to the guys on the street at crazy things like somebody gave me six leather coats and I put them all in the trunk of my car and I gave them out to the guys that were asking for money. And then all of a sudden I got a really big gig the next day after I did that. So, you know, you never know where it's going to come from.
And I think the biggest pleasure still comes from, honestly, when you do something good for somebody and you see the smile on that face, it doesn't matter what's gonna come back. You know something is gonna come back, but how good does that make you feel when you see that on somebody else's face, when you see that smile? It feels amazing. It's the greatest thing in the world, 110%. Yep.
So ladies, you've taken something you love, something you're passionate about, and you've turned it into a business, a business which had you be awarded the 2011 Entrepreneur of the Year from the Oakville Chamber of Commerce. That's incredible.
from my perspective. And it's something that the people listening to this episode are interested in understanding and basically deconstructing for themselves. So I

Three Expert Action Steps from The Wine Ladies

think this is a good time for us to talk about your three expert action steps. What are the three things that you would recommend that our listener take on to help enhance their life and their business and take it to the next level?
Well, for sure, I would say one of the things would be to be an innovator. Like, if Suzanne and I would have started off in the wine business like everybody else out there, I think we would have had very, very little chance of any success.
But we created something for ourselves. We were innovative in the approach that we took. It was not out there at all. We were like the first ones out there that was doing that. So we did different things in terms of the kinds of wine tastings that we did. We didn't do it like everybody else. We found another way, I guess, to approach the audience. There was a lot of audience participation that was not the way it was. We gave prizes. We made it fun. We made a party. So we were innovative in our approach to our business. I think that's definitely one of the things that we would say.
Yes. Number two, I would say, because I alluded to earlier, grab the opportunity when the opportunity presents itself, go for it. Don't be afraid.
Failure is the next road to success. And I know that's kind of a cliche, but it's very true. If you try, try, try again, that's for sure one of the things that I really believe in. So don't be afraid to go forward and take the opportunities when they're presented to you, which is
We still do that today. Who would have ever known that we could actually be a live auctioneer? Yeah. But we didn't say no, we did it and we got some good money for that prize the first time we did it. That's amazing.
And three, you got to have a gimmick if you want to get ahead. So, number three would be like differentiate yourself again and like our big wine glasses. I know it's, I guess it's more of a differentiate yourself again. That would be part of that. And if you have a stick, people recognize you like they, as soon as they see the wine glasses,
Here are the wine ladies, but if we didn't have those wine glasses and we were just two women that were walking around, maybe they wouldn't know right away that we're the wine ladies. So we would go to all these big events and we would pull out our big glasses and wear our outfits. And sometimes we were kind of like, do we really want to do this? Yes, do it. Let's get out there. I love it. Don't be bashful. Just go for it, Georgia. You're wearing that Victorian outfit because that's what you're wearing. And pick up that darn wine glass.
I love it. That's awesome. Well, you know what? That's powerful. You know, I learned a lot from listening to you ladies today. I mean, go for it. When you have the opportunity, that's important because some opportunities can really be game changers for your business and you got to have a gimmick. I love that. I love how you put that into song and verse because that actually made me want to sing along with you. Okay. This is pretty cool.
It's important, I think, when you have something that helps you stand out, that you take full advantage of it. Because let's face it, the marketplace is very noisy. There's a lot of what one of my previous guests, a man named Alex Charfin, calls pressure noise out there in the marketplace.
And most people are looking for ways to reduce the pressure and noise. And if you have a gimmick, if you have a way to stand out and be fun, you're helping reduce pressure and noise for people. That means they're going to be more inclined to look at you and be attracted to your message and the way you do things, right? Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Yeah, well said. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Well, we could turn this around. Hey, we should have Nikki on our show. I'd love it. Are you kidding me? Anytime. Anytime. Let's make it happen. What are your three things that you want to turn into yours like that? Okay.

Nikki's Three Expert Action Steps

Well, I'll give you three.
Okay, so number one, this one I learned from a mentor of my name, Robin Sharma, it's own your morning. You gotta have a morning routine. Robin talks about getting up at 5 a.m. and I think it's powerful to go to bed early, get up early and own your morning. Get up by doing a workout, get up by learning, get up by reading, get up by journaling, you know, dealing with any emotional angst that you have, putting it out on paper, feel your feelings, get them out of your system. You own your morning, you're gonna own your day.
Number two, remember that sales is an act of love. That person that you're talking to on the other end is a person. They're someone's wife. They're someone's husband. They're someone's son. They're someone's daughter. They have their hopes, dreams, and fears. And you need to care about them first and foremost and not your commission. Don't have commission breath. Commission breath stinks. Nobody wants to smell it.
Oh, that's well said too. I like that. Thank you. Thank you so much. And number three, the secondary purpose of everything in life is have fun. So be like the wine ladies and have some fun. We'll have a toast to that, Nikki. I love it. I love it. I love it. So ladies, I know that you have some really cool stuff you're up to and some stuff that you want to promote. This is the portion of the show where we promote stuff. So what do you want to promote today?
Well, okay. One of the things we're concentrating on in 2019 is to build up our audience for our audio podcast.

Closing & Invitation to Engage

We just went to a new platform, Mixcloud. And so we've got a bunch of episodes on there already. And we'd love to invite your audience to tune into our show. We create a new show about every two weeks.
And as we mentioned, it's about wine, food, and lifestyle. We have beautiful guests from experts from all over the world on the show. It's very interesting. We have fun with everybody. And so we'd love you to let everyone know more about that. That would be most appreciative. Oh, 100%. So how do they find this fabulous show of yours? Well, they can go to thewineladies.com. And it's all over our website, or they can go directly to
mixcloudslashthewineladies.com, and they will find our profile. They can follow us there. They don't have to follow us. You can still tune into the show without following, but if you follow, then you'll know about all our new episodes all the time. I love it. That sounds absolutely fabulous. Contest and prizes, and follow us on all of our social media. We're on Instagram, thewineladies, Twitter, at thewineladies, as well as Facebook, at thewineladies. So that would be awesome.
You know what? I love it. I think that's fantastic. Well, we'll definitely make sure. I'm going to start following you guys. If you're serious about having me on the show, I'll come on the show. And I would definitely put that information in the show notes so the listener can definitely go and check it out. And if there's events that you're having, ladies, definitely let folks know. We'll make sure that people have full access to that. So that's fantastic. Thank you, ladies.
Ray, our pleasure, Nikki, was awesome speaking with you. Oh, totally, totally, totally. The pleasure was all mine, believe me. So, listener, you can tell by listening to these two crazy cats, Suzanne and Georgia, that they're having a lot of fun and that the real deal, they get it. They understand how to stand out, how to brand themselves, how to be thought leaders,
so make sure you go listen to their podcast, check out what they're all about. And if you've been wondering why you're listening to this show, it's awesome that these two ladies have got it dialed in and figured out, but can I do it? Can I be the wine ladies of my space? And you might be thinking to yourself, I'd love to be, but you don't believe it. You know, maybe those chattering monkeys in your head are going,
You can't do it. You can't do it. You're not cool. You're not fun. You don't have those big wine glasses. Well, I'm here to tell you that you can do it. It is possible for you. And how? That's a great question. The how simple. You got to jump on a call with myself or a member of our team. And the way to do that is you go to our website, esircleacademy.com forward slash
appointment or just go to e-circleacademy.com, go to the top right hand corner of the homepage, click on the button, book your success call now, and you can jump on a call with myself, remember my team, and we can walk through exactly what your current situation is in your business and how you can help yourself get to that next level, how you can learn how to stand out. It'd be our pleasure to do that. And listen, you might be asking yourself, hey, is there a catch? And the answer is yes and no.
So the more part is, yeah, there's no catch. I mean, there's no cost to the call at the end of the day and all that good stuff. But yes, if you want to be on the call, you got to be somebody who's got something real. You must have some real expertise. You must have something that helps solve a problem for people. You must care about people. You must be interested in taking your business to the next level. And listen, if everything lines up in the call,
You can just take the information we've given you and you're good to go. But if you think we can help you further and if we like the cut of your jib as well, we might invite you to come participate in one of our programs. And that's the catch if there was a catch to be had. So that's it. That's all. Ladies, thank you so much for being on the show. You are awesome.
Thank you, Nikki, and happy holidays to you. And a fantastic 2019 coming up. Oh, thank you. And saying to you...
That wraps up another exciting episode of the podcast, The Thought Leader Revolution. To find out more about our fabulous guests, Georgia and Suzanne, the wine ladies, go to the show notes at thethoughtleaderrevolution.com. And if you want to find out whether you can be the wine ladies of your space, go to eastcircleacademy.com forward slash appointment. Until next time, goodbye.