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196 Plays6 months ago

Emma is long time community member, runner, triathlete and award winning blogger.

Listen to hear Michelle and Emma chat all about:

  • Emma's reasons for starting running
  • How a running injury introduced Emma to the sport of triathlon
  • Recovering from a cycling accident and getting back on her bike

And more!


Instagram @lipstick.and.trainers


Emma's Running Journey Begins

Hi Emma, thanks so much for joining us on the UK Run Chat podcast today. Would you just like to give our listeners a little introduction to yourself?
Emma Joy
ah Hello, yes, it's been a pleasure to be able to be on here. I love UK run chat and have followed you guys since my running journey started about 10 years ago, so ah sort of been around ah running events from 5k to marathon.
Emma Joy
and and then recently got into triathlon a couple of years ago and after an injury. So it was nice to um explore cycling and swimming. and But of course, running is still very much and you know that the sole reason how I got into the sport. So and yeah, I'll be normally running ah around the UK or anywhere in Europe, usually.
ah Yeah, it's it's nice. you You have been a familiar face on our social media feeds for a long time.
Emma Joy
So yeah, it's nice to finally meet you. So tell us kind of what got you started into running in the first place then. How did you get into that?
Emma Joy
Yeah. So, um yeah, just over 10 years ago, my cousin was ah diagnosed with bowel cancer and he was quite young. ah I believe he was about 28 at the time. And it was one of those where it sort of shocked the family. And and I was visiting him in hospital and one of his friends was running a half marathon for Teenage Cancer Trust because technically he was on the the ward and because anyone under age of 30 and is in the Teenage Cancer Ward so and he was running for that charity, his best friend was, and and I thought that's really cool, like maybe that's something I could do. and never like I did a little bit of running at school but like kind of
Emma Joy
and after uni sort of went away from sport in general and and you know got into the party life as we all do and but then yeah this this sort of kind of like ah came upon me and i thought this is something i could probably do and but yeah it was one of those times where i was very much a party animal and people kind of like didn't believe that i was able to do a half marathon so it kind of like pushed me to to do it and um i started training for it and it sort of um helps me with the process as well and um unfortunately he did pass away and it sort of catapulted me into training more than ever because it was

Running as a Healing Process

Emma Joy
very much helping me and whilst like dealing with the bereavement and stuff.
Emma Joy
and then um I ran my first ever half marathon the Great North Run and of course it's a huge and an event and everybody whoever does it loves it or wants to run it so that being my first one I sort of got got the ah the bug from there and it's just been part of my life ever since and um yeah it sort of went on to the full marathon eventually and and yeah it's sort of just been running and triathlon over the last 10 years
Yeah, ah that's such a that's such a sad story to kind of get into running, isn't it? But I guess, you know, that running is helped with that bereavement and dealing with that grief. And we we have a lot of conversations with people that say running does help them kind of process things and in the head.
Emma Joy
Mm hmm.
So is is that why you think you carried on with it, you think? Or did you kind of get the running bug?
Emma Joy
Yeah. Yeah definitely ah ah I think at the time it was sort of it did really support me and my mood and and those sorts of things as as most people who sort of like get into running for charity and those sorts of things I think it gave me like time for myself, a space for me to think and and to also grieve and and it was also just really good for my mental health and physical health at the time especially like coming out of uni and And I think it was just something that I just really got on board with. And and before I knew it, I was sort of like within the habit. and And when I did the Great North Run, I was kind of like, oh, I can't stop here. I need to find something else because this is really a fun sort of like place to be. And and by this point, I'd sort of, and I guess, gain contact with the community. And I was talking to lots of other runners and it was just such a really fun space. And and yeah, I just wanted more of it, really.
yeah so So which marathon did you end up doing first then?

First Marathon Experience

Emma Joy
So a couple of years after that I like had been of course applying for London and not getting in and and I was living in Manchester at the time and so then I signed up for the Manchester Marathon as my very first I think it was in like 2016 or 2017.
he had
Emma Joy
and And yeah, did that as my first one. and And I just loved the process of the training. And it was obviously very hard on the day. And I remember being like, oh, can't do this again. But thinking back to the training, that was like the fun bit.
Emma Joy
I think for me, like I really loved the changes and like seeing progress and and just having like a reason to get out and and those sorts of things. So then I just I guess got into the marathon training and and eventually did 10 marathons, which is is really cool.
Wow, wow. So that's interesting you say that because usually the race is what we're focused on as runners.
Emma Joy
So you've really enjoyed that process. That's really interesting.
Emma Joy
So you like the structure of having a plan D to follow.
Emma Joy
Yeah, definitely. And and of course, ah the race day is really fun. I love, I love again, the the community, the, you know, the lead up to it and on race day, it's such a good day. But I think it was the training that really like, and sort of made me want to continue doing that.
Emma Joy
I just loved, like you said, the structure and, and seeing progress. And then once you've done one, I was kind of like, Oh, maybe I could do it a bit quicker, or maybe I'll go somewhere different and do it. And yeah, sort of went from there.
Yeah, so

Favorite Marathon Memories

10 marathons. Wow, which has been your favourite then?
Emma Joy
and I would probably say either Berlin Marathon or Amsterdam Marathon. I think it was a really cool place. ah The country in general were really cool. and I got my personal best in Amsterdam, so that also had a special little something at the end of that. ah Berlin's just incredible. and For anyone who's done it, they'll probably know like this, the route and just the everything afterwards. and It was just such a good party and it was just so much fun.
Yeah, what what's special about Berlin then? ah This is coming from someone who's never traveled abroad to do a race even, let alone a marathon abroad.
Emma Joy
So whats how is it different kind of doing a marathon in another country?
Emma Joy
I think one, probably weather. It's nice, probably not some weather most of the time. and Berlin, it's got really nice wide roads. So when it gets busy, it doesn't feel as busy as it is.
Emma Joy
So that that was really cool. and Sightseeing along the way, finishing at Brandenburg Gate also is a big highlight. and and they yeah afterwards there's such a nice atmosphere, like very party, everyone's there cheering everyone else on at the finish line.
Emma Joy
It just feels different and it's sort of like a holiday and a race in one, so I like that idea.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So do you make it into kind of a short breakaway or are you literally kind of flying in for the marathon and straight home again?
Emma Joy
Um, in the beginning I did didd definitely make it more of a holiday and sort of, you know, pick places that I've never been before, do lots of sightseeing sort of after the race and, and during the race, of course, and, um, just enjoying the experiences.
Emma Joy
But I guess now sort of, that I've done quite a few, I've got to the point where sometimes I do just, just off for the weekend and have a long weekend and, and do a race and sort of run back.
Emma Joy
But, um, I try to like do as much sightseeing as possible.
yeah and have Have you eventually made it to do the London Marathon?
Emma Joy
Emma Joy
Yes so yeah eventually I was able to luckily enough do it twice so I got a ballot space and then I also did a charity place for Macmillan Cancer so and yeah it was nice to to have the experience on on both sides as you know like raising money for an incredible charity and and to you know to work for that space and then the ballot I was so unfortunate when I got that spot
Emma Joy
and and one obviously that we we all wished for as as a runner. So now that I've done that, I've i've made my peace with it. i've've I've done the race and I'm very much a big spectator at London Marathon. So from now on forward, I'll probably be doing lots more cheering on London Marathon Day because it's such an incredible race.
Yeah, oh, that's lovely. Oh, yeah, people can definitely look out for you on the sidelines then, London next time.
Emma Joy
It's had a really big, big entry of ballot places this year, hasn't it?
Emma Joy
It's like the biggest ever. So, and I know most people do kind of want to, that is the race that they want to do.
Emma Joy
Yeah, it's huge.
and Yeah, so, you know, yeah, so.
Emma Joy
yeah And it's been incredible to see lots more women as well, and you know, wanting to take part and even just spectating this year and watching and so many more women, you know, out there, which is is super cool as well.
Yeah, that's brilliant. We do need to encourage more more women into sport in general, don't we?
Emma Joy
Yeah, definitely.
and yeah Yeah, so important. We have done a podcast on that. and So in fact, we've done a couple of podcasts talking about that. So do have a listen back if you're interested in finding out
Emma Joy

Injury and New Challenges

Emma Joy
ah small
and So you mentioned earlier that you kind of had a running injury that got you into kind of cycling and triathlon. So what happened there?
Emma Joy
So and as lockdown sort of approached and I was just kind of like running a lot and I guess it was just the only time that we could go out if we weren't you know going to the shops or something so I was just sort of running probably too much at the time just because it was just like for me to get out I just wanted to you know just run all the time and yeah i guess i just ah i got a little like niggle and i think it they never really worked out what it was but i think they found like an accessory bone in my foot which i just i think annoyed so um it just kind of meant that i just took a little bit of a back seat from
Emma Joy
from running, but I was kind of like, oh, you know, what else can we do? The weather was really lovely. And I was like, maybe I'll I'll get a bike. And this is where everyone was getting a bike. And it was so hard to to get one. and But I eventually got my hands on a ah bike and started cycling sort of in my area. It was it's really lovely to cycle around here. So it was just nice to do something a bit different. And and and then I was kind of like thinking and like I'm in and are in.
Emma Joy
maybe one day I'll do a triathlon and just thought oh I'm not very good at the swimming so maybe you I'll figure that out at some point and like I've never been able to like front crawl like or anything like that so I was kind of like oh yeah maybe in the distance future but then I was fortunate enough to be able to get a spot and in the London triathlon so I was I was like well I need to definitely train for it now there's there's no backing out
Thank you.
Emma Joy
and and then yes started swimming and and it's actually one one of my favorite parts of the of the race now so it's said going from not being able to front crawl to doing a half Ironman is incredible but it's it's ah something that I put a lot of time and energy into so I do truly believe if you really want to to do something like put the put the work in and you'll be able to do it.
Yeah, no, that that's a really good lesson. So did you kind of employ a swimming coach and and get stuck into the swim training?
Emma Joy
Yeah got um so I joined a group session so I thought it it might be worthwhile doing something like with other people maybe like you know again get within the community and talk to people get tips and tricks from the people who know best but yeah that it was like a triathlon sort of like group coaching ah swim sessions so and yeah it was quite daunting at first because obviously there's a lot more and there's people that and know know a lot more than me and they know what they're doing but also we've all got to start somewhere so I just have to keep reminding myself that you know like and unless I get this support and help at this time then I'm not going to be able to do it so I just need to you know push the ego aside and and just be a beginner again and it was it was really fun to start from from the beginning and I guess people
Emma Joy
you know they are wanting to help you and and there was a lot of support from the community there so yeah it was it was incredible and and I totally do recommend getting coaching regardless whether it's one-to-one or of the group coaching and because it really sort of pushed me in the right direction and then I was able to do it on my own eventually.
Yeah, there's a lot to it. There's a lot of different skills you need to learn for triathlon, isn't there? So how did you kind of balance all that? Because it's you said you liked the structure of a plan. How does training for a triathlon impact life? Is it a lot more? Is it a lot of extra training?
Emma Joy
Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Cause there's a lot more to think about. I think it's a bit more, I think it's a little bit. trying to fit it all in, but also it's doing not just the running, going out the door, and putting your trainers on, it's booking your slot at the pool or it's bringing all the they the gear for your cycle ride in case you have a puncture when you're out and about and there's just so much more to think about. So like at at first it was a bit of a struggle. I was kind of like, oh, there's so much more than just you know getting out and running the miles.
Emma Joy
Um, but once you get into a routine and I guess like kind of, again, gaining those skills and, and learning a lot more about it, it does get a little bit easier and you fit it within your life. And if it doesn't work for you, then it's, ah it's just doesn't work for you. I guess it's just something that you've got to like, see, you know, test out the waters. Um, and don't kind of, I guess, put too much pressure on yourself because if it's not going to work, then, you know, it's not going to work, but.
Emma Joy
Fortunately, it fit in with with our lifestyle. My partner does a lot of running as well, so he was very supportive of that as well. And and you do get into a routine, but it's I think it's the longer hours that, especially with the bike, that's what sort of takes up your time.
Emma Joy
So it's kind of, and also I'm a fair weather cyclist. So it's a, you know, waiting for the sun to come out, which doesn't always happen.
Emma Joy
So there's been a lot of ah miserable rainy cycle rides and stuff so it's just yeah kind of I guess another learning and thing but I do feel if you can train for a marathon you definitely can train for a triathlon.
Yeah, okay. So have you kind of stopped at the half iron mano? Have you done greater longer distances?
Emma Joy
Oh no, yeah. I think that the fall would be very scary. I think that would definitely consume my life, I reckon. But you say never say never, like that might be at some point, but and definitely not anytime soon.
Emma Joy
It's quite happy with the half distance.
Yeah, yeah, that's kind of manageable. So how many kind of sessions are you doing in a week than when you're training for a triathlon?
Emma Joy
Um, and I think in sort of like the heights of training, so it can be anywhere between like 10 and 15 hours a week, which is a lot of time. And I'm very fortunate that my job also is, you know, working within sports, the sports industry. So we're very fortunate that, um, you know, we're quite flexible with timings and things like that. So we're able to sort of, you know, take an hour here and take a couple hours there and work around our schedule and ah work a lot of weekends and things like that. So it gives me a lot of time in the week to.
Emma Joy
to train for those things so i think yeah i'm very fortunate that with my line of work and and the flexibility of that that i've been able to do that um ah i guess it it might be harder if my hours were different um but yeah i guess it's like you you sort of make it what you you need to if you've got the weekends free then you've got lots more time and and I guess like having in family and those sorts of things that could be barriers as well so it's that's something at some point I'll probably come across and and see you know how my timings are but again fortunate that it's just me and my partner at the moment so we sort of work it around our schedules oh
Yeah, I think, you know, I think the main barrier for me for triathlon, I've only ever done one, it's it's getting a butcher while I'm cycling.
Emma Joy
amazing oh yeah I know it's the worst isn't it
Like the biggest fear, isn't it?
Emma Joy
Yeah, I hate it. Yeah. Just cause I know how to change the time. I'm like, I don't want to do it though. So please don't happen.
Yeah. Well, hopefully that doesn't happen. and So you're you're recently coming back from and quite a ah severe cycling accident, aren't you?
and just tell us a bit about what happened there.
Emma Joy

Triathlon Trials and Triumphs

Emma Joy
Yeah, so I was um training for my first ever Half Ironman, which was October last year in Cascais, Portugal, and its and training had gone really well. I really enjoyed the training. Again, the the training process for me was incredible. Like I loved learning a lot about myself and, you know, my fitness journey and and, you know, spending a lot of time with my own thoughts and things like that. So like I was really, you know, enjoying how it was going. And I was on, and I think, at my final brick session of the ah and of my training three weeks out of race day and I was halfway through the session and I was in Richmond Park and a car had come out in front of me so I naturally braked really hard and I flipped over my bike and landed straight into the floor and it just it wasn't good on the day and I was sent to hospital and had an overnight stay and went into surgery and
Emma Joy
and it was just very fortunate that the injuries I had were minimal but they were just obviously life-changing so I ended up losing three of my teeth and it was yeah really incredibly hard to sort of like come back from that because And, you know, it's I know it shouldn't be. But, you know, you think about your image and like how you look and and everything else sort of healed around it. You know, the grazes, the bruises. But then that that's been with me ever since. So it's just sort of I'm still going through that process now of of getting that fixed and and got, a you know, very good sort of like temporary ah situation happening. But it's one of those where, you know, I want to get back to normal, want to you know continue that. So
Emma Joy
and yeah it was really really difficult at the time because I didn't know the damage that I'd done and and yeah it was it was one of those where I'd been training so hard for this event and most of the year that I was kind of like well what do I do now and and I was very fortunate that um I must recover really quickly because I was, you know, within two weeks, I'd got my stitches out and they just said, like, you know, they're happy for me to to keep doing what I and was doing because I I didn't ask them necessarily like, can I race? But I just said, like, look, I have got an event that I am training for. And I'm able to swim, cycle and run. And they said, yeah, do everything within your own means. Just be very careful not to have any accidents. And so I took it as like,
Emma Joy
a chance that ah to be able to go there and experience it so even though I didn't race the event I sort of took part and and I was able to enjoy that experience and I was very very fortunate and I was so privileged to be able to to do what I was able to train you know I trained so long for and And I said I had all the stitches out, so it was just the fact that I had no teeth at the time that kind of was stopping me. But I was like, you know, I just won't buy the race photos at the end of the day. And so it was even though it was and a really tough three weeks, I was able to come back and and and race. And and then I obviously took a bit of time out and just enjoyed, you know, just sort of not being, you know, in that zone and
Emma Joy
And yeah, it's it's just been a really long process, really. But it's not stopped me from doing what I want to do.
Emma Joy
And and yeah, I just think it's going to want if it if there'd been any other injuries, any other the breaks, and it might have been a different story.
you so much.
Emma Joy
But and I was very fortunate that a lot more didn't happen on the day.
Yeah, it sounds like you've been you've been quite lucky there. So how how was it getting back on your bike for the first time on the roads?
How was that?
Emma Joy
yeah it was really scary.
Emma Joy
I remember just being like i if I don't go back on it now I probably never will so and I stayed in my area and I just sort of did like little laps and I had like a little tumble and and I remember coming back home and my partner was like no you shouldn't be getting back on the bike this soon like maybe it's not a good idea but I think it was because I was very cautious then and I sort of was like over cautious and I was kind of like stopping and and and those sorts of things and then and I was like okay maybe I just need to just kind of relax and just sort of like get into the rhythm of it and then and I was able to go out back to Richmond Park and and do smaller loops and and and I was fine and on race day I was fine there was a a couple of technical parts which I was very careful about and you know I looked at the course and I was you know making notes of where these places were
Emma Joy
And I remember going past those places and thinking, okay, was that it? Am I okay? Like, oh, I'm fine. Okay, keep going. And and I told myself, you know, at any point if I just didn't feel comfortable, you know, just to to step out of the race, like I told myself, I gave myself permission to do that and I was fine. and ah Really, and it was such a cool place. Like it was in, yeah, cash guys in Portugal and it was stunning. And I was like, I've trained all like year for this, for this day. And like, you know, I'm not gonna, if I, if I was able to do it, I was not going to give up on that opportunity. So I'm so thankful I was able to do it. And I enjoyed the whole experience without any, any troubles or anything. So that was good.
Yeah, I'm so glad you you got the opportunity to do it after all. Yeah.
Emma Joy
I think sometimes when you when you take that pressure off, you off yourself not to race as well, you you sometimes do have a completely different enjoyable experience, don't you?
Emma Joy
Yeah exactly yeah and I think that's that's the thing we all put all this pressure on ourselves because we're we're training for a huge event and and I totally get that but yeah I guess it's not trying to forget that the reason like we're there and you know appreciating what our bodies can do and you know like those sorts of things like just you know spurred me on throughout the whole day and it was an incredible experience and it is one that I will cherish forever because it was just such a stunning place and like you said you kind of go round in with a different thought like you're kind of like okay I'm here because I want to experience this moment and not be gunning for a time per se although obviously if that's your thing that's also great you know we've all got goals but and yeah it was definitely nice to to look at it in a different angle.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So what are you training for at the moment?

Training for the Next Big Event

Emma Joy
So yeah, it didn't put me off. So I booked another 70.3.
Emma Joy
And this time I'm actually, I'm gonna go for a personal best, hopefully.
Emma Joy
I wanna have the same sort of training experience as I did like last time and just sort of like, hopefully a lot smoother. and And this course is a lot flatter and I thought, okay, I wanna sort of like do it justice and sort of see how far I can and how fast I can do it in.
Emma Joy
So and that's in June, so end of June. ah so not really too long to go now so like yeah just over two months is it just less than two months and yeah yeah
yeah Yeah. Yeah. We were in May now up what you as we were recording this. Yeah. So what do your kind of running sessions look like for a triathlon? You obviously got long runs in there. What other sessions you put in?
Emma Joy
So I try to keep it as like three minimums, so having my like yeah shorter, faster stuff. and Then I've got like my medium easy, and and then I'll have my longer stuff. So just depending on what week it is and and how long that is. but and the distance is half marathon and on the race. So ah long runs can be anything up to 11, 12 miles sometimes. So I have done a couple of half marathons in the year because I want to yeah have work on my speed and and kind of get used to that distance again. And and yeah, it's just been been really fun because running is obviously the bit that i I love most. And so it's nice to have the break when you do your swim and your cycle and then you come back to the run and I'm like, oh, yeah, I've got my run today. This is really fun.
I guess it's nice training for a transplant as well, because we talk about you know the importance of cross-training all the time to runners, whereas you're naturally doing lots of activities.
Emma Joy
Do you add anything else in? Do you do strength training as well? Because you're ah you're a PTRU as well.
Emma Joy
So, yeah, I got one strength session, which I know is probably not as good as what I should be doing because I've been told.
Better than nothing though, isn't it?
Emma Joy
It's better than the thing.
Emma Joy
Yeah, exactly. I'm like, well, if I do one a week, then I know that I'm doing one a week. That's like my bare minimum. So if I do fit in, sometimes I do fit in a second one, but, um, it's normally one just cause I feel like there's so much other things that I'm doing. So I normally do like two swims, two cycles, three runs and a strength. Um, but i also want to have a rest day. So it's kind of like fitting everything in.
Emma Joy
and at once. So yeah, it can get quite busy. So for me, like one strength session is something that is realistic. So I try to stick to that. And but of course, if I can do anything small on top of that, then ah I can ah can try and squeeze it in sometimes.
Yeah. Yeah. And that rest day is super important, isn't it? Just to give yourself a little chance to recover. Cause that's where, you know, the training benefits happen on the rest days, don't they?
Emma Joy
Emma Joy
Yeah. I know that sounds good.

Advice on Injury Recovery

So, I mean, what advice would you give to people who are kind of facing an injury or or a bit of a setback or, you know, trying to get back into it? Have you got any advice for them?
Emma Joy
Yeah, speaking of recovery, I think it's the main advice is focus on recovery first. ah For me, i I just wanted to yeah just recover hard as much as I've trained hard. So I was sleeping a lot, eating a lot and just doing what I can to just you know speed up that recovery process. But yeah, respect the recovery because Otherwise, you know, your body will make recovery happen if you don't give space for that. So and just make sure you're doing all the right things, you know, hydrating. And it sounds really obvious, but it's those things that we're we're so stuck into training. We do forget that recovery is really important. So if you're on the journey of injury or illness and you've had some time off, respect the recovery. You won't lose as much fitness as you think you will.
Emma Joy
um it will come back at some point if once you start putting the work back in there so don't be frightened of losing that little bit of fitness because you will still have it and um when you get back to it i guess it's just respecting the process and taking your time things are not always going to be perfect and you know don't give yourself a hard time for that so and Again, it's just taking every day as it comes and just yeah respecting it, enjoying that process, even though you might be frustrated and because it will come back at some point.
Yeah, I know that's really wise advice. Thank you for that. and Well, thank you so much for joining us today. It's been lovely chatting to you and finding out a bit more. Where can our listeners find you on social media?
Emma Joy
Yeah. Uh, so you can find me, um, at lipstick and trainers, that's lipstick dot and dot trainers. Uh, so that's on TikTok and on Instagram. I'm not very much on TikTok a lot. So don't expect anything groundbreaking on that. Um, and then lipstick and trainers on Facebook and, and on on X as well. So I'll be, yeah, I'm normally doing something and sharing everything online. So share your run journeys. I love listening to what everyone else is doing as well.
Yeah, and make sure you're tagging us in into what you're up to as well on Instagram. We always love seeing updates. So yeah, it's been lovely to meet you.
Emma Joy
And I hope all your listeners out there have enjoyed this week's episode. So thank you so much.
Emma Joy
Yeah thank you. so