This podcast episode is for those who are still finding their feet in their new venture, or those who wish to start something new but are hesitant to let go of the known and step into the abyss of the unknown… especially if all you’ve known is working in a 9-5 job, or position that has a job description attached to it, an award rate associated with it, and you could easily find it advertised on job notice boards.
Creating your unique career path is filled with trials, tribulations, divine alignments, moments of sheer bliss because you can’t believe you get to call what you do your job!
But with that comes ambiguity, those in regular 9-5, job description advertised jobs will find it very hard to understand what you do and even how you can call it work, especially when you’re smiling from ear to ear saying how much you love your work.
Ep. 5 Taking Care of your Greatest Asset - YOU!
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Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic
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