The Bloom After Baby Podcast

Hi! Jen here!  I'm a Family Medicine Doctor, maternal health specialist, and mom of 2!  My mission is to bring you all the essential information  from the top experts in maternal mental health, insights and experiences from other moms who've been through it, and conversations with the leading voices that are pushing for change in how we view the journey to motherhood and beyond. 

This is  your best mom podcast resource for: 

  • Mood changes in pregnancy in postpartum - what to expect and red flats to look out for
  • Hormone changes in pregnancy and postpartum and how these shifts relate to mood and mental health
  • Matrescence - the wholly-transformative process of becoming a mother
  • Relationship changes and family dynamics in early parenthood - the invisible mental load, resentment, the roommate stage
  • Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders - signs and symptoms, risk factors treatment options 
  • And much more! 

So follow along!  I'm here to bring you and your family the support you truly need in the all-encompassing transformation to motherhood. 

Pregnancy tips Postpartum wellness Prenatal care New motherhood Postpartum recovery Maternal health Pregnancy journey Expectant mothers Postpartum support Motherhood experience Parenting advice Family dynamics Parenting tips Raising children Family well-being Parenting challenges Family relationships Parenting insights Mental health for mothers Emotional well-being Coping with motherhood Maternal mental health Self-care for moms Stress management Emotional resilience Conversations with experts Interviews with mothers Real-life parenting stories Expert advice for moms Support for new mothers Insights on motherhood Informative parenting discussions Empowering mothers Couples therapy Psychotherapy Breastfeeding tips Sleep during pregnancy Postpartum nutrition Marriage and Family Marriage after baby Balancing work and motherhood Pregnancy self-care Healthy pregnancy habits Relationships