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Bad Boys: Ride Or Die

S1 E3 · Unjustified Behavior
14 Plays7 months ago

Bad Buys Ride Or Die is a much-loved movies franchise about two detectives who went to school together and grew up to become police detectives. In this fourth installment we talk about how much Marcus and Mike have grown and change within the times and plot of the new story and possible continuation of the franchise.

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Podcast Introduction

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'Bad Boys: Ride or Die' Review Structure

to another episode of unjustified behaviors. This is the review of bad boys ride or die.
bad boys ride or die now this is the fourth installment if i'm not mistaken now on this platform the way we're going to do this is uh first we're going to have uh or discuss general knowledge our general knowledge or my general knowledge of the film or series right just what what i know off the top then after that we're going to get into the characters then the set
which includes time, period, city, scenery, what have you. Then we get into the cinematography, sound, music. Then we get into the plot, right? That incorporates those three main things of the character setting, cinematography, music, and sound. And then we're going to talk about our thoughts or my thoughts.
overall that incorporates all of that and then we get into the rating and recommendation now these hopefully are around maybe 15 minutes on average right so we're not going to get super in depth with what we will get in depth enough with the breakdowns to give you a general consensus and knowledge on the uh film or series whatever it is that we are reviewing
Okay. So my

Personal History with Bad Boys

general knowledge of bad boys, um, which is a series that I know and I'm very familiar with, uh, been here since the first one now. And we will go on record to say this. I wasn't, I wasn't going to watch this after the Will Smith, this me being after the Will Smith and Chris Rock situation. Right. Um, and Will Smith did get over on me with this one.
only because he incorporated Martin Lawrence. And I do want to support Martin Lawrence. You know what I'm saying? So he doesn't do a ton of films or a lot of films. And who knows how many more films that these two guys are going to be doing with each other or solo. So I did want to support.
So he got me only because of Martin and it took me this long because I was still in debate with myself on if I was going to even support it, right? But this neither here nor there, but that's for context.
So the character, well, my general knowledge, excuse me, Bad Boys. Four movies, so it's four installments currently. If you didn't know, Bad Boys one, Bad Boys two, Bad Boys three, it's not called three, it's called Bad Boys for Life. And then four, of course, it's not called four, it's called Ride or Die.
featuring the two main characters of Mike Lowry and Marcus Burnett played by Will Smith and Martin Lawrence as two police detectives. In hindsight,

Prequel Reflection

I kind of want to say he gave us one.
uh not as a prequel but at least in the beginning or as a first one when they weren't detected because since part one they've already been detected uh you do kind of get intertwined and uh excited uh to hear and see the characters so it'd been nice to see when they was like on beat police officers or um
Just when they had to go house to house and do stuff like that versus being the detective that they are now. I think that would have been a nice contrast versus, you know what I'm saying? They probably would have did like a lot of, what was it called? It was a movie with Jake Gyllenhaal and the guy that plays Joker, I'm losing his name right now.
In the watch, I believe I picture something kind of like that You know I'm saying but kind of like more comedy if they ever would have did it prior I don't want to see it now, but they would have did it prior Alright, so bad boys been around for a long long long time as far as the uh, this series go there's a film series and this isn't starting for

Character Dynamics of Mike & Marcus

Characters. Characters again. Everything centers around two police detectives. Will Smith plays Mike Lowry. Martin Lawrence plays Marcus Burnett. Will Smith character Mike Lowry has always been like a bachelor. And Martin Lawrence character Marcus Burnett is married with kids. So he's a family man and then they play on that dynamic.
Mark Lawrence, character Marcus Burnett. Bernat seems more of the, I work hard to provide for my family, and Will Smith, character Mike Lyrie is, from what I know, is he comes from a wealthy background.
As far as I know,

Supporting Characters Overview

in the film, he's always been rich. This is why he drives high-end cars and fancy cars. I don't, I think it's family money. I can't remember if they ever actually got in depth throughout the series, or maybe one and two on how he's actually rich. Like, is he rich real estate? You know what I'm saying? Tycoon or something like that. But I think it's his, he comes from family money. I think his family got money.
And of course, there are two characters went to school together. So that's how they know each other.
Right? And here you also have a few other main characters, well, I ain't gonna say co-main characters kind of sorta, and some nice role character that's real close to like most scenes, so they kind of seem like main characters, but you can call like a main core group of individuals, which you also have Paula Nunez as Rita, and then you have
Alexander Ludwig, ex-Dorn, there are two police officers, kind of like in the IT slash investigation field, and they back up Mike and Marcus, two characters. You do also have Vanessa Hudgens, who plays Kelly, which is like ex-lover of Mike Lowry, who's dating Ian Griffith character Lockwood, who's supposed to be running for mayor.
All right, so those two also ran around in that main group or core main group or sub core main group of characters that you see continuously along with my glories have Spanish son or Hispanic son Armando played by Jacob Scipio, right? I could be pronouncing that wrong.
but his character name was Armando. I won't say Will Smith's son, Mike Larry's son that he had, or that he turned out about in Bad Boys 3, aka Bad Boys for Life, with his Hispanic lover or ex-lover who died in that third installment. The son didn't die, but the son's mother died in that third installment.
All right. So that's the main, main, main characters. Now, let me say this about one of the characters outside of that group that I found kind of weird. It's kind of off putting, although it didn't affect the story a lot or the look of it a lot because there wasn't as broad of a presence as previous installments was they did change who plays Marcus Burnett's wife to Tasha Smith.
And that's not who has played his wife throughout the last three movies. So it was a different look. She is a great actor though, so I don't, it's no shade to her, but it did seem a type of way, cause it's been about 20 years or so total that we've come along with these same characters and he's always had the same wife. I can see if it was a running gag that every movie they changed who his wife was or what she looked like, but that's never been the case.
I don't know what that situation was, but yeah. And Fletcher, played by John Sally, reprises his role as Fletcher in here. And Captain Howard is also in here, like, in memory. But you do see him.
Also shout out to Reggie, played by Dennis Green. Reggie put that work in, but we'll get down there, you know what I'm saying? Shout out to Reggie. Okay, so that is, it is set, it seems to be set in the current day. I

Cinematography and Soundtrack Praise

don't see anything about the years that I recall seeing, like on the paper with them talking about it, what day and year was, so I'm assuming that that's the current day time in the city of Miami, Florida, right?
uh clearly they buy water it is florida but they buy water consistently um and you see that a lot and you also see some of the nightlife a lot that that's that's the set piece uh down to cinematography sounding music now
They did bring back the classic bad boy sound and then some, you hear it multiple times throughout, not the whole song ever, but it is there. And they do different tweaks on it to modernize it, to break it up like different DJs playing it and things like that. It's always like a key moment when that plays. Also like one of the key moments is when they sing it and then they forget the words or whatever the case is.
cinematography is excellent, excellent. The footage, the recording, the shots in this movie are nothing less than brave. Whatever they're recording with also crisp, crisp nogget. This is big budget thing, but when you see it,
I don't know if I was watching 4K. I don't know if it was just extremely high in 1080. I don't know if it was condensed 8K. I don't know what it was, but you could see like the pores on people's faces, but it didn't look like it was just raw footage. You know what I'm saying? So we're also behind the scenes. Shout out to the editors because even the grain that they use
And the color grade that they put on these that the palettes that they use had to have used The the the lats if you don't know it does some people say looks but they use for the color it is vibrant at times it's colorful at times and then You just you really have to see so shout out to a cinematography shout out to the color and the editor I want to add that input for the editor shout out because the movie look it looks nice the movie just looks
So shout out to that. The sounds is typical in this one. Not too much different. A lot of gunshots that you can hear. Actors talk crisp, clear, of course. There's not a lot of things going on in the background outside of whatever the scene is. But if it's traffic, you hear traffic. You know what I'm saying? So the sound quality is
Nice, um
average not to say it is bad, but
Not too many scenes where there's things going on in the background that you would have to pay attention to, just in the oven, if that makes sense, you know what I'm saying? So a typical scene would be, they're on the beach and you really don't hear nothing. Let's say just figuratively speaking, or hypothetically speaking, they're on the beach. You don't hear too much in the beach background, you know what I'm saying? Unless it's part of the actual scene. So like one scene where they're crossing the street, you hear the cars, you see, you hear the,
people driving the cars yelling at them to get out of the street get out of traffic things like that but that's a part of the scene otherwise if that wasn't a part where they was crossing the street and those things were happening in a typical scene in this movie you wouldn't even hear any of those background sounds that make that shot if that makes sense so
I do sound average. Again, music. I only heard a few songs so far and I haven't heard the soundtrack. If this movie does have a soundtrack, of course, I have heard the soundtrack, but the few songs I heard are nice. And again, cinematography is a one clue. There was a couple of shots towards the end when they go into like first person shooter mode between both of them.
They both do it. And the cameras are spinning and panning from third person to first person. That was nice. It wasn't too long of a scene or too long of a shot. So it didn't feel like it was overly used or anything like that. So I did appreciate that. Appreciate the first person shooter scene altogether. And then I also appreciated that

Plot Summary

that it wasn't too long of a scene to be like, it was just overused. So I appreciated that. Next we get into the plot. So in this plot,
Um, again, the bad boys captain, uh, was murdered in the previous film, bad boys for life. Right. So in this one, the plot is, um, there's corrupt, uh, officials are corrupt. Um, police officers corrupt police. Let's just say on the police side and, um, a previous captain was investigating who was corrupt on their side.
Doing deals with with the cartel and clearly he must have found out a lot And then you find out that him being shot in the previous film comes from or stems from that right, so They're kind of making him seem dirty the people that's corrupt on the police side of things is trying to make the last captain seem dirty Like he was money laundering and he was getting paid by the cartel and he was doing all types of wild stuff
Which I didn't understand Because if he's dead already I can see if he was alive and trying to get you guys but if he was dead already and None of this information is out that he got and didn't even get out until they started doing the stuff that they did I don't see what was the point in them? Trying to plant dirt on someone that's passed away already I kind of didn't get that part but it's there
Will Smith, my Will Smith, my glory son Armando knows the face of the guy that paid him, which is working with the police side that's crooked, but he don't know his name. So then Hitman trying to get Armando, he of course locked up already. They're trying to get, he was caught and locked up in Bad Boys for Life. They're trying to kill him.
Will Smith finds out about it. Of course, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence is not going to let the dirt sit on the captain's name. They get the sun, have to get the sun, try to move him to where they are, to a different level of prison, where they are, jail, where they are, where they can protect and where they can get the information from him to find out who's the bad people on the inside of the police force or crooked people.
So that's the basic plot of this film. They're trying to get the dirt off their captain's name and say his son at the same time. Also, one plot is Will Smith character. Mike Lowry is no longer a bachelor. He got married at the very beginning. Now, Will say this,
Well, you know, I save for those. So we don't end that there at the plot. So that's the core plot of this. My thoughts, right? Overall throughout the I love the characters. I love the characters always in Miami. So the character and the character types get right in.
in the end of Miami life, nightlife, especially with Mike Larry previously being the bachelor and things of that nature. And then one thing I wish they did more of, but maybe the story never calls for is because it's Miami, I would like to see more nightlife.
in Miami, right? But always is in Miami, always beautiful shots, water shots, pause, and that's it. Always bottled water, always beautiful views off the coast. You know what I'm saying? The horizons be nice. Sun go down. You see, it's like always kind of like not necessarily bright, but well lit.
even when it's dark, it's well lit. And then you always see nice cars driving on the streets, typically. So that's nice. And again, when the action scene hits, the action scene hits, and you do get good or great cinematography and music with the sound, the after sound that is, in those scenes. But the cinematography,
is is is great the shots panning the transitions great the character banter between uh mike and marcus is still there um i did i did like almost the flip so normally if you haven't watched the other ones and for those of you who have know that um mic is always the one that's like
His strong shotgun action and Marcus character, which is Martin Lawrence. His character's

Character Dynamics Shift

always been like the voice of Reese. Like, hey man, we got to tone it down, man. I'm a family man. I'm trying to make it home and things of that. You know what I'm saying? Like, you're trying to tell Michael, get Mike to relax.
Things that make this one was a flip because Marcus had this Marcus had a like a heart attack or stroke towards the beginning doing Will Smith characters wedding my glories wedding where he kind of died for some seconds or some minutes or whatever the case is.
He had what you would say like a revelation in his head where he saw the captain or whatever the case is for. Long story short, he felt like he couldn't die. He was there for a reason and things of that nature. So throughout this movie, he was the one that was like living on the edge. And Mike, who didn't want to lose Marcus or anything else to happen to Marcus was almost like the voice of reason, like, now, let's not do this. Let's not do that. I like that that switch for change. I did like really, really, really enjoyed that switch for change.
me personally. Okay, so in that aspect, great, great, great. I do think it should have a higher rate than what it has now on IMDB, which is like a 6.7. I do believe it's way better than that.
It's not a 10, but I do believe it's better than that. It's probably, it's at least an eight. It should be at least an eight to me. Now what I did drop the ball at to me is the ending. The

Critique of the Ending

ending cuts a lot of things short. It doesn't elaborate enough on some things that happened or is happening. Now I'm not sure what the actual reasoning is for that, but the ending is like,
I get that they survive again and then it just it drops off. I'm not sure if you know the the other ones, especially like bad boys to bad boys for life, even at the end of the scene where they survive, there's like something happening after that that settles you to say like here they got the pool.
They got the pool. They sit in the pool, you know what I'm saying? And they survived. They're talking and they're enjoying life, right? That was like Bad Boys 2. Bad Boys 3 has the same thing. And here, it's like right after the shooting scene, it actually ends at the shooting scene. Now, there is an after credit scene for those of you who don't know. And it's way at the end. Like, it's at the very tail end of the credit. So,
If you go to the theaters, you have to watch the entire credit scene unless you just go online and then look for bad boys, ride or die after credit scene. I started sitting there because the credits are longer.
Right. So but it's like it ended at the shooting scene. It didn't. It didn't like the Tiffany had a situation through Marcus. No, I mean, not Marcus. My glory character knows Marcus knows other.
Right, she kind of set Mike Lowry character up a little bit. They didn't return to her. After this was said and done, and she set them up, kind of set them up. They didn't return to her about any of that. They didn't do anything in memory of, they are spoilers. This is spoilers. At least a little bit. They didn't do anything for John. I mean, not for John.
Well, yeah, John, John Sally's character who didn't make it by the end of this one. He had an art show and things that nature, but they didn't do anything for him at the end of that. And after he passed, they kind of just kept moving on that note. Armando is kind of free now, illegally free.
I'm gonna tell you this, right? Again, I don't know how long Will Smith and Martin Lawrence will continue to make these, right? They're both around the 50 age mark, 50 plus age mark. I would like to see if they pass the torch or when the torch is passed, if it's passed. I would like to see me personally throw this idea out there.

Franchise Continuation Suggestion

Right, if they continue this or not necessarily a reboot, but just continue the line of bad boys, I would like to see Reggie and Armando as the bad boys together. For some reason, I like that dynamic. I think Reggie, I don't know if Reggie will have to lighten up or Armando will have to lighten up. They both kind of seem tough and you don't want to like a Miami Vice type of thing.
type of dynamic. Um, but I feel like because their names are kind of
around already instead of us getting new characters and doing like some type of reboot or whatever the case that typically some people will do take the characters that's already incorporated into the story right and and who's shown that they that they have those police skills or detective skills as well which Reggie showed in here who was a u.s. Marine right Reggie went to the marine after that boys three or after bad boys two right so
You got Reggie, who's a Marine, and then you have Armando, who's like a, supposed to be a drug dealer, but I'd actually never see him deal drugs. He's like a hit man for drug dealers. But they both showed it in order to shoot guns, do hand-to-hand, all that. They should be the next group of battle. I'm just gonna put that out there for anybody now. When they work for the police, I doubt it, because, again, Armando's on the run. But, again, shout out to everyone.
Um, again, I would give this like an eight. That's my, my thoughts. I would give this like an eight, uh, personally, eight out of 10 be doing an eight, eight, maybe seven and a half. See the ending is what was doing it from the ending is keeping it back. Um,
I'm sick with a I'm a stick with a personally I think in this movie is like two hours to 15 minutes person I think it's the ending that dropped it for me to the eight things had a way better ending it could be a bet at least a nine five or ten I think the whole two points is the ending for me for me
What I also miss is the driving scene as well. Now if you know the other bad boys films it's always like a driving scene like a long drawn out driving scene where there's a lot of shooting and things of that nature. You know bad boys you know they didn't have that
It comes on with the driving scene where they're trying to get to the wedding, but it's not like a high speed chase. It's just Will Smith driving fast so they can get to the wedding. But if you know, you know, I missed that. We didn't, we didn't get that in this one, sadly, but that has been like a staple so far. I don't know if they noticed that or not, but it's been like a staple in the Bad Boys franchise, at least for me and my perspective.
Alright, so again, I give it an eight. I do recommend it. Again, it's hard for me to financially support Will. This quick rock situation, but I will support Marto. And my recommendation, I will recommend for you to see if you don't have the same problem that I have. Right? Let me say it like this. Sit however you want to sit.
See it, however, that makes sense for you to see if that makes sense. This is what I'm saying, read between the lines. Right. So I would recommend watching this. Right. With an eight. And with that, I'm gonna get out of here. Hold it all up, up enough. Right. So.
And we at the 27 minute mark. So I'm gonna get up out of here, man.

Final Rating and Recommendation

Listen, bad boys, AKA, ride or die. Great watch, great listen, great action, great viewing. Family can't watch it even though it is cursing in this. Great banter, great laughter throughout. Nice action scenes, emotional scenes, a combination of all, right?
Go watch it. That's all up. That's all I got to say and we are a make sure y'all subscribe to the unjustified behavior podcast.

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