27 Plays19 days ago

Listen up, I know you don't want to hear it, you don't want to believe it or your just plain biased, but Diddy did it. Diddy, P Diddy, Puff Daddy or Love, whatever you want to call him. We have been seeing too many things that point to the obvious and for some reason there is still a lot of you who are pole jockin' for whatever reason. Welcome to Wild Views and this is episode #4!

#wildviews #amazanstudios #pdiddy #puffdiddy

What's going on, everybody? This is Saturday, and I know I've been missing for some days, but I'm gonna get this posted tonight. It's not gonna be everywhere tonight, but I'm gonna get this tonight. It's 9.20 PM. I just got off work not too long ago, but I'm about to get this up tonight for you guys within the next hour and a half. That's what I'm going for, right? In about 30 minutes of your time, man. I just want to stop by to say,
P Diddy did it, y'all. We gotta stop playing. We gotta stop playing. Like, um we really gotta to stop, man. P Diddy did everything, in my opinion, that they said he most likely did. Right, and again, I wanna jump right into it. I did just lower the the game on my microphone if y'all are wondering, right? So check it out, man.
I see a lot of y'all to say, hey man, since when is a, what y'all call it? A freak? Lord, that gang too. Since when is a a freak on or a whatever they wanna call it? Illegal. I see a lot of people saying that. Now let's think logically. Do you think that Homeland Security raided these man's homes
X amount of months ago, then came to charge him with a Rico. Right. For racketeering and sex trafficking and other things without proof.
that he did these things? Come on, man. Let's let's think let's think logically here. Let's think logically here. Is having a party illegal? No. Is having a party, a sex party illegal? No. Is having a ah party, a sex party um with drinks there illegal? No. Is having a sex party with drinks there and possibly marijuana there? No. Right?
But the line gets tangled if at that same party we just described that someone is forcing. But let me step back that same party right and money being thrown around also is not illegal could be a strip joint right, but now when you're paying for it.
Now we talk about prostitution, right? Now we talk about prostitution. Again, all also depends on what city and or state that this happened if prostitution is legal or not, right? So now you talk about prostitution. Now,
Take that same party that I just mentioned with the money being going around. If money is exchanged in hands for sexual favors, right? And someone in the in that between the two, three, four, hiring people in this this sexual favor a situation currently is being forced, coerced, or threatened while money is exchanging hands. In that situation, that is sex trafficking. Let's quit playing. Now, none of us has have seen the tapes. I'm under a clear assumption that whatever they saw on the tapes makes it sex trafficking.
Y'all don't know if P-D-D on these tapes threatening women. are Is he being violent to these women, right? um Is he is he um talking to them in a way coercing them? I heard ah that he was giving them drugs unbeknownst to them. Now again, I'm not saying he did these things. I want to make it clear that I did not say that.
I'm saying let's put one in one ah ga and And it's supposed to be two unless you Terence Howard.
One plus one is two. At least as it used to be, it's supposed to be. Right, so again, I'm under the assumption on whatever they saying he did, he most likely did.
Whatever they say he did. Then if he's doing it under the banner of bad boy entertainment or whatever his current ah one of his companies is called. Yes. Now we enter right here.
Right. Now you discuss illegal activities under a business and then those illegal funds could be funding those business ventures and things ah that of that nature that you're doing. Yes, they're going to come for him. I personally think that he did it now. If we, if, if we take anything into account, it would be the Cassie tapes. According to Diddy on his own rebuttal, right? When he went on Instagram after the tape came out and said that was him, right? He admitted that he didn't, he didn't say R Kelly thing. He said, that's his brother, he's a twin. um
He said that was him, and he was in a bad way at that time. Now, if you did that to Cassie when you was in a bad way, why wouldn't I think that you did it to other people when you was in that same bad way? Now, is this the ditty that we think of now? Who knows? Possibly not.
We don't know if the tapes are current that they're talking about, if they're older that they're talking about, if they're just completely old during the time that he was around Cassie, maybe we don't know. It could be 15s or 20 years worth of tapes from him doing things from back then to now or just for a period of time. And the statute of limitations most likely has not ran out on whatever it is that they have.
Right. So again, Homeland Security don't raise your house for nothing. They most likely had once, once Cassie came out and made her situation public and he paid that hush money. And then once, oh boy, I feel, um, uncomfortable saying his name to do Rod Jones. I think his last name Jones Rod.
Um, and he had his allegations along with other people having their allegations. They probably started looking into it, man. I started interviewing these people, talking to him behind the scenes, trying to get whatever information they could kind of knew the setup or layout of whatever the case was of his homes, where tapes could be, where evidence could be. And once they feel like they they didn't talk to enough people and they had enough cooperating stories, they went in.
They set on these tapes, videos, we just gonna call them tapes, whatever media that they have for months. They set on this for months, probably going through and no pun intended, combing through all of the tapes, all of the evidence that they could way before they got here. What's telling to me is after that happened, Diddy wasn't Diddy after that.
and no one could tell me he was. I haven't even seen that man on TV since they raided his homes. And that's unlike Diddy. No interview, no no television appearances that i've saw I've seen. Me personally, I can only talk about what I've seen, right? No television appearances, no interviews, no new media, whatever the case is, not premiering, no new songs, no new beats, no collaborations. I didn't see anything.
Heck, I don't even think I seen the party.
That's telling to me that you know that they have something and you're worried about it. That messed your whole mental and emotional state up to where you just sitting in the house, probably sad, depressed.
day in and day out, like, dang, I wanna, when it's gonna be, when it's gonna be, what it's gonna be, what, dang, what. Okay, let me prepare, get to my lawyers, talk to my lawyers. Hey, I think this was coming, this was coming, I had to volunteer some information to them so they can be properly prepared. That's telling, otherwise he should have been moving the exact same if there was nothing to anything that they were saying. Even if it was just a quote unquote freak off,
He still should have been moving the same because he did nothing wrong. Right? The fact is he cut everything out after the raids. He didn't do anything that I saw. He stayed to himself, stayed inside, chilled, most likely got his affairs in order.
Right? Also was telling is the fact that he posted or attempt to post a $50 million dollars bond. They tried to offer $50 million dollars along with his passports and they just said, now I'm good. Now I'm good. They don't want you on the streets, man.
They do not want you on the streets. That's telling as well.
Right. They sent an assigned to you and possibly to anybody else that might've been ah taking part in those activities that was doing something illegal. jet land and Let me clarify this. Let me, let me like that just because of someone was there, don't mean they did anything. And I don't say that those people are guilty because they attended a party, probably thinking it's a party.
They probably didn't hear whatever would happen in a whole other wing of the mansion or a part of the building or whatever the case is. So I'm not saying everybody who was at the parties are guilty. I wouldn't go so far to say that. Or everybody who was at the parties did something that they weren't supposed to do legally. I'm not going to say that, right?
But clearly something happened there. And if you notice a lot of people that that's normally around Diddy, that's normally out. I don't see a lot of them either. Right. A lot of people are saying the Kevin Liles thing looks funny as heck.
If you didn't know Kevin louse big music man as well step down the day he did he was sent what I sentence, but the day he was picked up right today of his indictment. He stepped down now he's been known to be close to Diddy as well and people are.
Taking that as some sort of guilt on his end as well or or if not guilt some sort or form of participation That he don't want to come out as well right, so I Don't know man be Percy. I think did he did it I? Think he did it And a lot of people going to keep bringing up masters a freak off it just a freak off you again You don't know what happened at these parties just because they're just saying the term party. You're taking it literally as a party, but they're telling you, we're giving you the the the charges. They're telling you what possibly took place at these parties. Sex trafficking. I mean, how's the sex trafficking? If it's just a party of sex, well, clearly something happened at the party that made it sex trafficking. You didn't see the tapes. They did.
let's Let's stop playing ignorant, ignorant please. And again, I'm not saying he's guilty. You know what I'm saying? I'm not a judge or jury. I do feel that whatever they're saying, as far as his charges, he did. I will say that. That's what my My gut and head is telling me that whatever's on those tapes is making him look bad. And I feel like but that one when comes out in the court, that he's going to be doing a whole heck of a lot in those tapes or on those tapes, right? I can picture what he did to Cassie, him doing to women on those tapes if they didn't want to participate in this, that, or the other.
Threatening him kicking him. We see what he did to to Cassie Cassie was is is a beautiful officer. It was a beautiful woman. It's a beautiful woman And was a beautiful young lady Right now. I don't know. Everyone has their flaws and things of that are nature So I don't know she could have put fuel on the fire whatever the case is I don't know in that in that particular video. She did not Looks like she was trying to leave and clearly what he did was
overreact by far to someone just trying to leave right at that point that looks bad kicking a a female when she's on the ground trying to that looks crazy then attempting to drag her looks crazy excuse me looks crazy man crazy if that was him on them tapes, if he's, if that's him, but doing it on those tapes, man, I don't want to hear nothing. And again, I'm not praying on nobody's downfall. I'm hoping that those things are not true. Right. But the fact of the matter is the government don't typically do Rico's or indictments lightly.
We know one thing about the federal system is by the time they come get you, they have a mountain of evidence to come get you. We know that about them. Once they come get you, they have a mountain of evidence to come get you.
either us this This is not the state, this is the government, right? Although they they're trash at times. They're normally thorough but the with their charges, investigations, and their legal system. It's normally thorough.
One thing I will say is I don't feel like Diddy will tell anything. I don't think Diddy can tell anything, right? Again, there's there's tapes. So I don't feel like it would be nothing needed for him to tell on as far as certain individuals go, because individuals might be on the tapes now. For individuals not on the tapes, I still don't feel like Diddy will say anything.
I think if I, if I look at the charges that did he has, I think each one of them carry like a 25 year sentence, like a 15 year minimum or something like that. If I'm not mistaken for each one, that's still life on three of the charges. Even if he got 15 years, that's 45 years, right? 30 years is life. Um,
And then you, it got unlimited witnesses. I'm going to say unlimited, but a numerous witnesses, most likely from the tapes in the tapes. They probably got the tapes and contacted as many people as they could as in the tapes. Got them as with, oh my God, it's probably ridiculous. Anywho, I digress. I think Diddy would be facing so much time that even if he told on people that he would still be in jail for possibly life.
So I don't know if it would behoove him to tell. You know what I'm saying? Like what is did he in his fifties, right? Possibly. Then his fifties. So if he, if he get the 15, 15, 15 is 45, let's say out of three at old, let's say he, he get 30. Let's say 10, 10 to 10. That's the, he'll get out when he what? 85?
On the high end, he had never come home. I don't feel like it's going to, it's going to behoove him to tell me personally. I think he just got to take that to the grave. They're going to get whoever they can get on the tapes. And if you got to be that right. So I don't think a lot of people got anything to worry about.
And that matter because it's so much time. You know what I'm saying? If anybody also know the federal system, they don't typically do deals like the state. Right. Once again, once they got you, they got you. They don't really do deals like that. You know what I'm saying? um And again, he he has he has some serious charges and his self carries so much time that I don't even know what type of deal they would make that he still wouldn't do at least a 30 year bid in there.
You know what I'm saying? He was, he was due to Frank Lucas and y'all seen Frank Lucas deal. All right. Frank Lucas, I had to give up all the police and had to give up his family members.
So I don't, I don't see that coming, but we, y'all, y'all, I need y'all to stop. I need y'all to stop saying, Hey man, it's just a freak off, but they picking on Diddy while they, while they doing this, man, just to freak off, man, how you get sex trafficking with just, let's please stop playing stoop.
Please, let's stop playing stupid.
Y'all know why they got that man.
And y'all, we've heard stories and rumors of what could possibly be on what going on in these parties that we now know is freak-offs, what's going on in some of these parties. I heard the stories on who might've been participating in these parties, men and women. We've heard of this a long time ago. Now when they finally come getting forward, everybody's like, oh man, oh man, why would they get diddy, man? It's just a party. No, ah stop let's stop doing that.
I get that some of y'all like Diddy, some of y'all love Diddy. He probably did a lot ah lot ah for some of y'all communities. um Probably gave back in some way, shape, or form in some of his communities, his city, his state, or to to to the music community. I'm saying possibly, you know what I'm saying?
But let's not act like he possibly ain't haven't done bad things. All right. I'm trying to get my vocabulary fixed with saying stuff like ain't. So I'm trying to catch myself sometimes, right?
So let's, let's please stop that. Um, we've heard of the rumors about Biggie. We've heard the rumors about Tupac, right? We've heard the rumors about Kim Porter.
It's speculation About Craig Mac Speculation a little less speculation, but some people say it could always be something in the game about black Rob You know saying just people wondering how people who around you keep dying that often
Right. So let's stop that. And again, I'm not saying that the man had anybody killed, killed anybody, anything of that nature. I'm not saying that he he did anything at these parties. I don't know what he did or didn't do. I'm just going off the optics. I'm going off the verbiage and I'm going off of the moves that's been made so far, which has clearly been chess, not checkers.
Right. um And I think some of y'all just got to come to the conclusion that Diddy's probably going to be gone for a long time. A long time.
um I do feel sorry for kids that's involved. um I feel sorry for any type of information or footage that might come out or get leaked that has innocent people on them or involved who faces might be shown or names might come up. You know what I'm saying? Because with that can sometimes come embarrassment.
Not only for themselves but for their family. They might have did some things in some of these parts that they done moved on from. The victims I'm speaking of. They might have moved on from. um And tried to put this behind them but here it comes again.
Yeah, I don't know man. I don't know.
I do believe he's going to jail for for sure. For a fact, I do believe Diddy is definitely going to jail. Now how much time? Depends. i pur it I personally think it's still going to be a lot of time. A lot of time. Me personally.
not Not unless he's given up every dollar he owns, along with every person on the tape by name, every everybody that's not on the tape by name. He got some evidence on them as well. And i you have to give up every single thing. But then he'll probably have to go into witness protection, change his name, and everything like that. so um Which I don't think is what happened.
but I do believe he's going to jail for sure. And he's going to be gone for a while, for a long time. um Does he deserve it? Some people say, yeah, some people say it's karma from a lot of things that's been attached to his name over the past 25 years or 30 years, really, since the Shine incident, which was the shooting with Diddy J. Lo and Shine from 1995.
stemming from that. So it's been what 29 years. ah Oh, five 15. Um, I feel to be 25 year, 29 years. Um, again, Tupac was, um,
taken in 1995 biggie 1996 if i'm not mistaken if i remember correctly and people say he has something to do with that again i'm not saying that but some people will say that this is karma for havoc that you've caused for the past 29 years. I see a lot of people online saying that they believe Puffy was taught like this and raised like this in the music industry to think that he can belittle people and treat them like property and things of that nature. Now, I don't know what that is.
Right, I don't know if, if the higher ups before him, some people say Russell Simmons and and a couple others taught PDD this behavior that this was learned behavior. I don't know nothing about that. I do believe that at some point in time you'll reap what you sow. And the in order to pay the power piper. You know what I'm saying? I do believe when and at some point in time, your scales will have to balance itself. It will have to balance itself. And if you're too much down on one end, that will balance itself.
Right? Meaning, uh, what they, what they say down South, the chickens come home, the roofs, right? Karma. If you believe in that to me, I think it's just a life thing. You know what I'm saying? You can only do so much to any number of people before something comes back on you. But that's because you, you up the percentage every time you did something to someone. Right? So if I do something to one person, to two people, to three people,
there's still a chance that one of these people can have a domino effect that starts something that comes back on me. But what if I do something to six and seven to eight people? I just increased those chances. I just doubled those chances. What if I do things something to 20, 30, 40 people? And every time I'm doing something to a person, not only am I affecting that person, I'm affecting the people around that person, whether it's their parents, their kids, their best friends, whatever the case, because they have to deal with whatever negative negative thing I did to the person.
right Cool, I do something to 20 people. I increase my chance of something coming back on me. At some point in time, there could be a domino that stems from one of these people that I did something to. One of these people cannot take it for too much longer or cannot hold it for too much longer before they have to throw a little trinket out there to a news outlet or to the police or to the whatever the case is because I just done tested the water too many times to keep getting away with something.
You know what I'm saying? So in that way, yes, it's karma, but I think it's it's just the life of percentages, right? It's just the life up of percentages.
ah you You played a lottery long enough, you bound to to win something. You played it the one time you didn't get nothing. You played it two or three times, you didn't get nothing. But if you play it like 20, 25, 30, 40 times, yeah, you might've lost $1,000, $2,000, $5,000. But at some point in time, you might win something. You can be a million dollars, I don't know. You might win the $5 scratch off. You might win $10 on the, you know what I'm saying? You gonna win something, because it's the law of percentages.
You know what I'm saying? I think he just, he lost his law percentages. He just kept doing a lot of negative things until it swung back around. That's all. But again, I do believe Diddy did it and I'ma leave it there, man. Y'all let me know with your comments ah how you feel in the comment section below. I do appreciate you. I will get this up to y'all tonight and I'll stay tuned for another show back to back tomorrow.
Tomorrow we believe I'm gonna do two just to get get ahead. You know I'm saying again. I appreciate y'all rocking with me Make sure y'all hit that like share subscribe button. Make sure y'all rate it rate the um ah Podcast on whatever it is that you stream again. I am tired a little bit right now you obsess so Excuse me. I'm dragging a little bit But please rate the ah podcast on any streaming platform that you are listening to us on, or if you're on ah YouTube or Chain Flix, we are also on Chain Flix. If you don't know what chainli is ah Chain Chain Flix is a ah streaming platform, a crypto streaming platform, similar to YouTube. And you can earn cryptocurrency by watching videos, right?
I just so happen to be a partner on chain flicks Right and you can earn crypto by watching my videos or listening to our podcast on chain flicks Just like YouTube, but you got crypto over there by listening to the podcast. I appreciate you all I appreciate you all I appreciate you all make sure to stay safe and Make sure you keep your family close man with that said I'm out. Please
Oh, matter of fact, let me get a, listen, before I go, that stay safest to all the women out there and men, women specifically, but men too. You know what I'm saying? If somebody try to get you to do something that you don't want to do, you make sure to say, don't let them try to give you no drink. If they try to give you a drink, say they try to pop something with you, try to give you ah some type of percuss out of something.
If they try to get you to do a line, if they try to get you to do anything that you don't want to do and you leave it there, be safe, be safe. Make sure if you go into any type of wild party that you ain't never been to around people you've never been ah around with, make sure you take somebody that you know, that's going to look out for you. You know what I'm saying? And again, man, y'all be safe, man. I'm out. Appreciate you.