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On episode #10 of the Postal Blue Podcast we discuss news that most of you most likely did not know. Did you know that management were looking at your wages, at how much you made for the year and then discussed these things with groups of people? Do you know they then discuss on how to cut your wages and increase their own. Well we talk about that on todays show.

#usps #nalc #postalblue #postoffice


Introduction and Episode Overview

No, we're gonna go out. We're gonna let this rock a little bit. I'm hoping y'all can hear it. I don't know what's been going on with the ah ah soundtrack lately.
But sometimes I seen it in a couple of videos, it didn't attach to music. But I do know if I play other things from it that ah they they didn't normally attach it. So this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna go back to our
to our intros, our inbuilt intros and whatnot. So here we go. Another postal blue podcast.

Who is LA Styles?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I am your boy LA Styles, AKA Av, LA Styles. And we are on another episode of the Postal Blue Podcast. Yeah, we are on, I believe this will be episode nine, if it's a full episode.
I think there's episode nine, if I'm not mistaken. Correct me if I'm wrong, which I could be. For some reason, I got to check this now. I got to check this now. But I believe this is episode nine. Again, if the if this is a full, if not, it's going to be 8.5.
But I might make this a full one anyway.
Let's go to my account. I know. This episode 10. Oh, I was i was wrong. It's episode 10 and or 9.5. Reverse that 9.5 and or 10. Oh, let' let's get a round of applause for 10. Hold on. We're gonna get a low clap for that one. It's really 12 because we got 2.5s in the tuck already.
But this is episode 10. And we're going to get right into it. I'm not going to hold y'all up, right?

Episode Structure and Release Plans

First and foremost, I hope everyone's been safe out there. I hope everyone's had a good good week so far. Again, our regular episodes, full episodes, always released on Mondays. And from time to time, we try to throw in like a shorter episode of .5. So if you ever hear us relate to a or refer to a .5, that's what we're talking about, a midweek episode.
We sometimes have been full episodes. I believe last week. It wasn't a point five was a full week episode I believe the week before that I didn't do a point five. year I believe it was a full week episode that's why we're gonna have 2.5 right now, which I believe is 3.5 and 4.5 are the only ones with a point five so far In the rest of them, we have done midweek episodes, but they was whole episodes, which is anything an hour or more. In our own terms, an hour or more will be a full episode, or we get real close to the hour mark. But I kind of i want to consider anything less than an hour, 0.5, and get a rundown. Anything that's 30 minutes or less is a 0.5.
but it's hard for me to consider something that's like 35 minutes or 40 minutes a full episode but I guess it could be but I need a hit on that so we'll see how long this episode lasts which again is a midweek episode so I'm not trying to keep you and I don't have the squad to debate with fight with poor teeth about and bounce things out off of so Typically a shorter, but I could run it myself, but don't want to keep you guys in the mid weeks. You know I'm saying But we try to normally release these round hump day. My work schedule has been pushing me back. So I'm gonna get this out for you guys. This is Thursday night I believe so if there's only said midnight tonight It'll be there it should be there for you at 9 a.m. In the morning for Friday
and And then we still got y'all Monday, which we recorded on Sundays. With that said, again, hope you guys will be in safe this week. Hope you guys stay being safe this week. Watch out for animals. Make sure you got your satchels. Make sure you got the dog sprays, dog horns. If you're in the plants, make sure you're wearing your gloves. Make sure you got on your nine slip or slip resistant footwear.
Watch out for mail handlers driving crazy on the mules that they own a dock. Mail handlers make sure to be careful. Watch out for the trucks. That's docking. You know what I'm saying? Don't nobody put their hand in no type of machines down there and everybody continue you being. You know what I'm saying? With that, let's get right into

Main Topic: Pocket Watching

it. Pocket watching.
Right? the f the The title is is self-explanatory, but it might not be to some, right? And I'm talking pocket watching, right? I've been seeing some things and hearing some things for a while now, right? On both sides. By both sides, on both sides, I've been on k craft side or partly in management, right?
Anybody who know me know I like is learning that I like learning as much as I can, right? but um Let me give you a backstory right quick um um On me even being a part of the desk, right so I Was a CCA in 2019 2020 and part of 2021, right? So I came in and around May of 2019, I made regular in around April, May of 2021, right? And me being a CCA, I saw a lot and I learned a lot. I learned a lot of things that that's, that's in grievances. I learned a lot of things that weren't grievances made me mad, but
You gotta take the good with the bad at times, even when you don't like it. You have to write the complaint about it and everything, but yeah it is what it is. So I used to call stewards a lot.
I used to get information, bounce ideas off, things of that nature. Also had a couple mentors in Chuck, the manager at my station at the time, and Randy, a supervisor slash manager at my station, were both military, a former military, along with myself bill and being, well, I wouldn't format the time I was still in the reserves at that point in time.
so so home so Again, when I came in as it's May of 2019, COVID is like pretty much in like the pandemic is in full effect come like November, December of 2019. Right. So it was a lot of things going on, a lot of mismanaging to attempt to get the mail delivered.

Becoming a Union Steward

I'm assuming whatever the case is. Right. So during my second year, if I'm not mistaken of being a CCA, I was interested in being a, a union steward. Right.
Well, let me rewind a little bit. So my manager or my supervisor, Randy, he thought that I should go into management along with others thought I should go into management. I never thought about it up until that point in time, because I really just came to stack my federal time, those of you who in the military, if you go to a different part of ah the federal or the government side, you can stack your federal time together.
If you don't plan on retiring in the military for those of you who don't know that Right, so I came to the the post office to stack my military time that way I can retire I don't have to do 20 to 30 years in the post office. I can stay retired because I can buy back my military time so So I had thought about it, right? But then my manager went to another station, and then Randy had, I don't know if he went back downtown to his original position first, so he went straight to moving up to the EEO specialist. Either or. So I was just there, right? Still working second year.
And I'm leaning more more into being a steward because our station didn't have a steward in house. And we used to have to reach our house a lot so to get a union steward. So a lot of our grievances weren't filed because it's just bad timing, the pandemic is in full swing, things of that our nature. It just all hectic, right?
so I talked to people about being a steward. I did the little, I can't, I can't remember right now what it was, but it was like, you have to submit your name or something, or you have to call the union hall to let them know that you interested there, put your name on a list or something like that. which I had did. And then I come to find out later, uh, which I didn't hear nothing. Then I heard, oh, it's going to be training in.
February or something like January, February, or something like that. That came and went. Didn't happen. A couple months. I asked about it. A couple months went past. This is going to be training again. Came and by came came and went. I didn't get any training. So I talked to the steward who was over at our station at the time. I asked him.
Hey, man, I keep on trying to be a steward or whatever the case is, who I got to talk to or what's going on with it. I mean, long story short, or shorter story short, came back eventually and had told me that the president at the time, whose name was Ron, R-O-N, so told someone that they they didn't feel like I had enough time in to be a steward. Right. I'm still a CCA now. The person who's my steward who's from another station, told me that he became a steward as a CCA. So I'm not understanding why I came. Okay. So I'm seeing a lot of things happen in the post office. About some time go past, I make regular. I'm feeling a lot of things happen in the post office that I still don't agree with. And when I don't agree with something, I gotta try to help. That's just my nature. I gotta to try to help. So in my head,
I can't be a steward. Because this is not like a long time since since then that I became a regular. It's probably like three, four months or something like that after afterwards. Because again, this is in my second year already, right?
so and maybe I converted in April. So by this time I'm probably, last time we talked about not having enough time in quote unquote, I probably made it regular, like a ah month or two after that. So at this time I'm like, okay. So I'm assuming I'm not going to be able to be a

Transition to Desk Job

student. You know what I'm saying? I don't know the process of this, that and the other. So I check it up. Okay. So what else, kind of what else way can I make a difference?
Okay, cool. I ended up going to another station a year after that. They want to train me on the desk. Cool. You know what? I can take that to the desk because I gotta, I gotta make a difference somewhere, right? I don't feel like me just carrying is, is, is enough for what I see that people need on the ground floor.
So that's how I became part of the desk, what got my desk training, right? I find out after this, when I talked to someone else about being a steward that they tell me, oh, well, since you had a 1723, 1723 is a detail, right?
So whatever your craft is, assignment is to get to a different assignment. Once you be happy once you have regular status, to get to a different assignment or ES status, to get to a different assignment, you have to have a 1723, which is a detail to another assignment that will take you temporarily off your assignment to another assignment.
All right, so then I was told, oh man, because you had a 1723, you have to now wait two years before you can take part in the union. In my head, that sounds crazy.
why why nobody ever told me this before. It's my first time ever hearing about this, that this is even the thing. You know what I'm saying? I don't know, in hindsight, I don't know if it would have stopped me from going to the desk because again, you know what I'm saying? It's almost like the other team didn't want me, not to say it say it like that, but you know what I'm saying? Like, I'm not the type to beg anybody to to come help y'all. You know what I'm saying? I done had my fight inside our station. I done won my fight inside our station, which is why I want to then be the steward, because I can help everybody else fight.
right so once that feel through okay i fight from the other side then you know i'm saying so that's how i got to the desk and then once i heard about the two year thing it was almost like it didn't matter at that point in time because You still saying even if I come down off the desk or start messing with the desk, I still can't help. You know what I'm saying? I still can't help for two years. People who need my help, who want my help. The biggest difference you can make is a steward, safety captain or were management, right? Because you can kind of make calls. You can kind of make calls. You can't make no calls as a carrier. Right. So,
Telling me that is like, I took it like, it's not something I can do. You want me to redshirt for two years before I can help people. I have to redshirt because I can't help them on the desk because I'm no longer on the desk. And I got no power as no type of steward because I'm not a steward. I'm not a safety captain to help in any of those circumstances. So what can I do? So you literally want me to redshirt for two years before I can possibly be a steward.
Because that's still not a guarantee. You still can't guarantee when it t me that by the time two years come, you could say, oh man, we got enough stewards already, or we got too many stewards already, or whatever the case is. You know what I'm saying? I could have registered for two years without making it. So I'm like, nah, I got to take whatever position I can take that's going to allow me to make the difference. So I've continued to have multiple 1723s on details. So I can attempt to make the difference.
Right? In that, I did learn a lot though. You know what I'm saying? I still stay in touch with stewards. I debate with stewards. I talk to stewards. You know what I'm saying? All the time, I still carry mail consistently. So I'm never, I'm not one of those people that's been part of the desk that's out of touch or out of touch with their roots. You know what I'm saying? I'm a carrier at heart first and foremost. And I let that kind of guide me on the desk for better, for worse at times. Right?
So that's that's my kind of like my my background so.

Management's Financial Scrutiny

With the 15 minute mark okay so with that said again let's get back into the pocket watching, so this was a lot of times, I could kind of see things from both sides because i've kind of been on both sides.
pocket watching.
Now, a lot of y'all might know what OT alerts are, right? OT alerts, and they're just a ah ah way to do it. OT alerts is a paper that management will print out a text daily, right? And I don't know why this is a thing, but it's a thing. You print it out and it lets you know how many hours people have for the week.
and you're supposed to sit it out or just have it so anybody can look at it. Meaning anybody can go and see how many hours you you have or whatever the case is. I don't know what what's what's that for, but typically I'm guessing or assuming that they're supposed to be using it to see their hours, but everybody's name is on there with how many hours they have. Cool. Do you know that management takes it past that? Now again, I'm not talking about every single person in management.
every single person. But I've, I've been, I've heard calls, right? As a carrier, I've walked into the station and heard calls, heard telecoms, or been a part of telecoms, where there's people higher up in management, right? My management, I'm counting supervisors, managers, your managers, managers, which is your CSOMS or OIG, which is your postmasters, your district managers, and anybody in HR, in HR that's, that's, that'd be on the calls.
Right. do you know that that they have telecoms where they talk about not, not curious hours, but they talk about specifically how much money to the scent that, that certain carriers are making. Most likely I'm assuming they over a certain percentile. The other day I walked into the station and
I hear a telecom where a guy is talking specific numbers. Right now, I don't know what craft this was in. I'm assuming this was a carrier. It was someone that had broke the $100,000 mark, right? Maybe like $120,000 mark in whatever area they was in. area, I mean whatever city, you know what I'm saying, ah that they was in.
And then he he went, ah again, again, down to the scent that this person made. Didn't say the name, he didn't say the name, but he did say that there's a does' a craft individual, whatever that is now. We know there's certain craft that they can get up to that type of pay, right? So you can rule out some other crafts. And he said, man, then i go I go and I look in that area to see what what what person in management will make that level of pay, right? Then, okay, cool. I found this person in in in HR. It took me to find this person, this level person, a level 20 something that that makes this level of pay. This is how much money these people is making. This man counted a craft employee's money, money in whatever system that they in, they're looking at how much money you make, which is crazy.
that it has nothing to do with you, that you looking at somebody's pay. You're looking at somebody's pay. What system are you in that allows anybody at any job to specifically look at somebody's pay unless you're in the finance office where you print check stubs.
It's only people who should know that unless that's, if you looking at it as a glance, you shouldn't even be looking at a debt close to know what somebody may want that $127,413 27 cents. You shouldn't, you shouldn't know that. Shouldn't nobody know that.
That's crazy to me.

Critique of Management Practices

And then you you did some research to find somebody else pay it that that's close to that pay and not even comparing it to your own pay. You went to go find somebody else in HR in that person's area or in management to then compare their pay to that person's pay. Why are you looking at that person's pay? That's crazy. This is like some of the most disrespectful things ever. And then I'm gonna give you the icing on the cake in a minute. But there's no way that anybody should be discussing, let's say me, my money. Now that wasn't my money. I wish it was. But nobody should be discussing my money on no phone call with no 15, 20, 25, 30 different people letting them know how much I made or anybody made by name or not.
Listen to what I'm saying, man. Carriers do more work than you. Let's say you're carriers. I'm gonna put on, carriers do more work than you. In my personal opinion, carriers do more work than anybody in the post office.
If you wanna make whatever money that I make, come carry mail, sir. And or mail. If you wanna make what I make, come carry mail, put your name on the overtime list, and carry as much mail as you can handle. Now, when I go into work, I don't expect to have no overtime, because the only way you can get that level of pay is with overtime. I don't expect to have no overtime. If I get overtime, that's not my fault that I have overtime. That's your fault.
You have too many people off for whatever reason, whether it's sick leave, annual leave, vacations, call-ins, change of schedules, whatever it is, that's on you. If you ask me to do overtime or sign me overtime because I'm on overtime list, that's not my fault that you that you got money for me to make. Because what you could do if you don't want me to make the money is keep the mail and sit it on the floor and leave it on the floor.
That's what you can do. Or call call for assistance and get PCFs and CCA's to do it.
That's what you can do. To to have work extra work for me every day and then by the time the end of the year come to go in go in whatever system you in and then count my money that I only made because you kept having more work for me to do is some of the the the highest level of disrespect that i've I've heard at this at this place, at any job, at any job. Side note, management, if you didn't know, I personally,
some had disconnected and reconnected. Anywho, as long as we still good, I'm hoping.
I personally feel like y'all make too much money for what y'all do. I feel like management should be delivering mail. I feel like they make way, not not not that we gonna go here then.
Do y'all know a supervisor, typically, no on average, starting wage is 79,000 to $91,000 to be a red badge as a supervisor, not a 204B, but about a red badge, actual supervisor, starting pay. Because now y'all gonna, I wasn't gonna do this, but now y'all don't make me take it here. Starting pay is around 91, I mean, 79 to $91,000.
Starting. Now, how many of y'all feel like y'all supervisors do enough to make that? Now, mind you, on the average carrier, who's only been in about 10, 15 years, maybe, will probably be at around $60,000 a year. And your supervisor makes $11,000 more than that to sit down and eat donuts, cakes, and ice cream all day in an air-conditioned area.
It's my personal opinion. But you make, I'm gonna stick with with the bottom, 71,000. I mean, not 71, excuse me, I'm gonna think about the 91. You make 79,000. So let's just say $80,000 started.
And you think you deserve that. Most of you would say yes, when most of you don't do anything. Most of you not even trained to do anything. Most of y'all can't even put discipline on people correctly to get a move, to get them out the station. So how well how much of your job do you actually know to be making $80,000 a year? Starting. Managers. I think it's around 85,000.
So about 109,000. Those numbers could be could be off, but the 85,000 is about accurate on the low end for a manager of a station. And they also, again, depends on the level size station, right? Right now I'm talking about around a level 19, 20, 21 station.
All right, meaning your station has it probably around something in the teens, twenties, or thirties, number of routes.
Okay. Managers, let's say 85 to about 100,000. Starting supervisors, 79 to 91,000.
Something keep disconnected. I'm hoping this audio stuff turned out fine. I don't know what's going on. And these people somehow have time in their day where they making almost $100,000 a year in their day to sit somewhere, go through a system, look at whatever type percentile of payers, go in depth on seeing how much money that they're making,
then call other coworkers in their field on their level and level to have Zoom calls about how much money you making over them. This don't sound, and they doing this on the clock. They doing that on the clock. Counting your money, then debating your money to theirs on the clock.
That's crazy work. Nasty work.
Nasty work. Man, y'all don't do enough to make the pay that y'all make. Most of y'all can carry at least about three hours of mail with y'all workloads. Y'all should be carrying three, that's three hours of pivots that management should be making a day.
because your manager don't work enough. Your clothes ah don't don't work enough. They can go carry some mail. Now the opener, the opener's the only one currently that I'm giving the most credit to because there is a lot of reports and things being added to the opener's workload.
I get openness credit right now. Now I'm not saying I'm taking away credit from specific people. I'm talking about in general.
talking in general. It's not every single opener, every single closer, or every single manager. But the consensus of y'all, if there's 20 stations and somebody makes one of these calls, and there's 20 some people on this call, I gotta assume there's somebody from every station on this call. That's nasty work. So everybody is in on the situation. That's nasty.
I'ma say it, and I've heard these calls. on From the floor, mind you, let's just keep it there. I've delivered mail, come back to to get a package, come back to get my overtime, and these type of calls have happened. And I'm hearing like, dude, what is they talking about? Now it's none of my business, I ain't talking to the supervisor about it, anything like that, but you can hear it, because they own the telecoms. So the the phones is what a computer's own speaker. I'm like, what? I'ma give you another kicker.
This, this was crazy. This is why it's nasty work. I got my camera trying to focus. This was real nasty work.
Do y'all know they also have telecoms or you sometimes just come up in conversations where they talk about their own money and how they're going to, what they're going to do and how they're going to maneuver to get bonuses.
Right. 4%, 5%, 6% bonuses. It's what we got to do. We got to, we got to cut down this time, watch this time, watch this time, do this on the so-and-so, so-and-so in this system and that system. We got to do, you know what I'm saying? Make sure we're on top of these programs, make sure we're on top of these numbers. And if we do the X amount of time, then we can get this level percentage of a raise.
So this is how it stacks to me. On one hand, you had you you you have intentional calls on how to or talk about and talk around attempting to decrease somebody else's pay, which is fine in ways, right? If you're trying to absorb over time, this business.
You know what I'm saying? Not knocking that. Trying to absorb too much overtime, that's fine. I got no problem with that. You know what I'm saying? Y'all got to start maneuvering differently to ah so to have less less overtime because you don't want to pay the overtime and double time, whatever the case is. I got no problem with that. Right. And then especially if you couple in that with the post office is trying to save money because we're in debt and whatever the case is, I got no problem with that. I can't even argue with you with that. I just I let you get that off.
pause if necessary. But then when you turn around after talking about decreasing other people's money and then talk about how you need to, what y'all need to do to increase your money, nasty work. That's nasty work.
I have a problem with that. And that's my problem, it's my personal problem, but I have a problem with that. Let's stop pretending that that's not going on, because it is. Y'all are doing that. Listen, just to everybody that's listening. I haven't probably made up a story since I was 21, 22, and it's probably had something to do with a girl and story I made up, you know what I'm saying? I'm way past that time. That was 18 years ago. I'm way past that time, making up stuff.
It's got nothing to do with views, got nothing to do with listens, got nothing to do

Dealing with Workplace Harassment

with any of that. The whole show of the Postal Blue Podcast is to bring awareness. All right. The same people that tell you or try to tug on your heartstrings, especially you, newer carriers who don't know, right? The same people try to tug on your heartstrings. Hey, maybe you got to try to move fast and we got to try to zone post office going down. You know what I'm saying? We got to do this. Then the other, you know what I'm saying? This is the same person going to turn around, get on the, on another call and talk about what, what they need to do as a station, which is like what you're doing to decrease your money, move faster.
right So I can pay you less. You doing that makes me more money. That's what they're doing behind the scenes. That's what's happening behind the scenes.
right Now, I'm not telling nobody not to perform. I'm not even one of the people not to perform. But ain't nobody going to play me. Something's going off somewhere. No one's going to play me.
And as soon as I feel like I'm being played, I'm going to have a problem. And somebody's best bet then is not to be around me or to stay away from me. I can have a problem with you, how you move, you maneuver, and the things that you do. And it can still be cordial if I have to be around you and it or or to still just maintain and come to work and do what I got to do.
Now, when you come around me and start doing some extra, start being fake, or try to get me to do something like that, you gonna find out that you can't, that ain't gonna, it just ain't gonna happen. It ain't gonna happen. If you come to me with that too many times, you gonna start to have a problem because I'm not gonna have a problem, right? At that point in time, you're you're giving me a problem and I'm not gonna have, I'm not gonna handle that problem well. So what I'm gonna do is take notes,
brush up on on my, own my do do my due diligence, brush up on my knowledge, go through the EEO process and everything else EEOs, don't go through the Grievous process. Listen, by the time i I get there, I'm not even looking for a Grievous, I'm looking for EEOs on management, but I'm gonna be honest with you, me personally, I'm gonna start looking for EEOs. Okay, what's discrimination? Harassment, is this this, is this hostile work environment, is that another coup? I'm gonna let you think that you getting whatever it is off, right?
Let's say you keep trying to give me an hour never going to make an hour pivot. Right. I done did it back in the day when I was in in good standards with my body and then good health. I'd have ran off male hours for people. I'm not going to sit here and say i didn't i've I've done that when i was when I was in better health like five, almost six years ago. Having a tour of having a toru meniscus.
Right? And then we're working on that to the point where my other knee started to go bad. So now I got problems with both knees. I'm not trying to move the fastest. Now I'm not trying to go over either. I'm ah ah always aiming to get the route that I'm on done in eight hours.
Right? Because when I came in, that was a standard getting a route done in eight hours. So I'm always aiming to get my route done in eight. I'm never looking to go over.
But don't I don't got an hour pivot, right? i don't I don't got an hour of under time to give you to go somewhere else, do an hour somewhere else, and then and dan like don't I don't have that. So what's going to happen is this is going to be coming back, right? And if you start to do harassing maneuvers or attempt to harass me about it coming back, I'm going to take notes.
still not going to do it. So we got that understanding. I'm going to take notes on the things that you said and how you approached me about it that day and the next day and the next day. Now I'm going to do that for about three weeks that or four weeks, depending on how often you did it and I can build up enough material because I'm building the case.
All right, I'm not jumping out the window. I'm not trying to go EEO in on day one. Nah, I'm going to let you build up a pattern and build up a history. So by the time I go, I'm going to take you in office. By the time I take you in office, find my claim, talk to my EEO specialist. By the time I take you in the office, it's locked sealed. It is what it is.
that's what i' That's what I'm going to do. I can't speak for everyone else. And um this has to stop immediately. immediately, whatever it is, immediately, somebody going to have to get an understanding because I'm not going to come into work and deal with them asking me whatever it is every day. That's just not going to happen now. I've done that before. If, if for those of you who don't know, they be talking, I've done that and won my EO case at, you know what I'm saying? I've done that. I'm cool with it with a couple of EO specialists.
We talk and I get information. So by the time I go there is I'm ready to go there. I'm not just going there. I'd already got to confirm again. You got a case. Just do this, do this, do this. Okay, cool. Contact the special. Okay. This is what I got. This is what I got. What you think about this? You know what I'm saying? Going off the definition of this and going off the definition of that. I at least got both of these. I might not have this. This might be a stretch, but I at least got these two. Okay, cool. Wait another week. Let's see what happened. I'm talking to the specialist.
By the time I go in here, you're already done. You're the only one that don't know, after the three of us in here, you're the only one that don't know that you're done. Well, two after four, because last time I was in there, it was me, the manager, the EO specialist, and the steward, but the steward didn't have to say anything. That steward, with the same steward I told you about earlier, who was, my station steward, but at another station, pick a firm. That manager lost that case.
Now, that manager wasn't a bad person. That manager was doing what she was told, and the supervisor wasn't doing things correctly. But the supervisor was kind of saying that the manager was telling him to, I don't know who it was. I just know it needed to stop. At this point, I'm being harassed. And somebody don't know that this is harassing behavior.
But I'm not dealing with every day, me personally. I got too much going on outside the post office to come to work and and be harassed. And then me have a mental breakdown. This is how people used to go postal in the first place. And the first thing that happens, first thing it said when it happens is, we didn't see that coming. We don't know what happened. We don't know what was going on. this but No, you know what's what was going on. You knew what was going on. Somebody done reached out or said something.
A lot of people didn't ignore it, whatever case it is, and then people done flipped out. yeah None of that changed the the fact, because I digress, that that's nasty work. Counting people's pockets, literally counting their pockets is crazy. People should not know what you're going to have on your W-2s.
Then to, and then to want to lower that, which is fine. If we talking about, Hey, we got to try to do something cause we spending too much money. You know what I'm saying? There's just an example. This might be too much. That's still not cool. But let's say you you use that as an example to talk about, you might have, we might have X amount of people of here that's hitting this, whatever the case is. And this kind of was costing us a lot in the post office. So we got to watch this type of overtime, whatever case. So it's all still bogus, but I can see that.
Not cool by any means. So I'm not co-signing you knowing somebody's number. I'm never co-signing that. But if you just talking about in just of like the hours. Now, if you could have did that, say talk about the hours, because you get any, anybody could pull it out of OT alert.
pull the hours out and then you could guesstimate, okay, this person right here probably been in, let's say about 10 years, they probably make about 30 hours an hour, 20 something an hour, you could about to overtime, calculate this, that, and the other, about to double time, and probably make a round. You want to just do your own math, you do that. You're doing a little bit too much, but do that.
Cool, we got a lot of this overtime, we gotta to try to do something about about this level of money.
uh, compared to you, you, you, you, y'all probably around this, you know what I'm saying? Just to bring up somebody's money to then talk about lowering that money for the sake of the post office. Let's, let's quote that for the sake of the post office, because we go on broke and we cut corners and save as much money as possible.
cut corners and save as much money as

Union Effectiveness

possible. And then to turn around on another call and talk about what y'all need to do to get bigger bonuses that's coming up is, man, I don't even know what what level of work that really is, man.
it' It's higher than nasty work, man. it It almost feel like this is in my head. it yeah it's it's like It's in between nasty work and and you feel like you got to put hands on somebody. It's somewhere in between that.
It's somewhere in between nasty work. If nasty work is here, right? If somebody is doing something, that's ridiculous. You said, now they really shouldn't be doing that, man. That's crazy, right? It's almost like the difference between somebody somebody throwing dirt on your name to a girl that's trying to talk to you versus somebody throwing dirt on your name to your girl. The girl that's trying to talk to me, they ain't really, you know what I'm saying? They ain't my girl anyway and I probably got a girl so I ain't really, you know what I'm saying? Some hating activity and that's nasty work. but But then somebody putting dirt on your name to your girl, nah, somebody gonna have to see me about that.
You know what I'm saying? It's like that. So this is like in between just being nasty work and and but in between nasty work and putting hands on somebody. if it if it's For some, it might be at the level of putting hands on somebody. Because to me, this is ridiculous. It's definitely disrespectful. But I want to bring it to your attention that there's people out there doing that, man. Management, you bogus. You bogus, that's nasty work.
and And that's borderline hands. If people knew who you were, and you know who you are, that's borderline hands. But again, that's management. And they like to hide behind the fact that people don't know who they are when they do things. Even when you hear them on a telecom, it's just a voice on a telecom. You don't know what they work at, what they name. None of that matters, right?
but they feel comfortable being wherever they at, at whatever position they in to talk about your business. We need to start talking about their business. The union, we gonna see what happens by the end of this year. Hopefully it might be sooner.
Yo, man, we might have to start talking about your business too, because I only have so much of a tolerance before I got to, ah before I start having to assume that there's a conspiracy going on. If you get if you get what I mean, you know what I'm saying? If, let's say there's three parties, right?
And one party keep doing something and you ain't cool with it. Now you know for a fact, the the second party, so let's say you party three, that's party one, that's party two. Party party one, keep doing something that you don't like.
For the more extreme things that you don't like, party three or party two, it's supposed to be intervening. Now party three, because party two represents me, right? Let's say party one keeps trying to,
rip off my, my copyrights. They keep on reposting my whole videos. Right. And they getting money from me. And I say, Hey, lawyer, man, I need you to go holler at them. I'm missing money. That's your job. Copyright strike them. You know what I'm saying? Let's stop. Let's put it into that. Please. Thank you. That's your job. He said, okay.
But when I'm turning around, my videos are still up and these people are still making money off the videos. Now I talk to you again, right? So party one is ripping off my videos, that's management. Party two, the ah who who represents me, my lawyer, that's the union, And I'm the craft employee.
And I keep talking to number two, the lawyers, hey, man, what's going on? These videos are still up, man, they still eating. I thought we talked about that all year, man, it's a process and a process and a process. It can only be so long that I gotta accept that this a process before i got ah before I just start feeling like either you really don't care about doing your job,
or you have to be in cahoots with party one. Something, you know what I'm saying? Now, it used to be like, okay, me and you, not we watching them. But now I'm starting to step back and I'm like, I'm looking at both of y'all like, dude, what? Are you helping them? You know what I'm saying? Cause you ain't putting in the paperwork that you, that I'm thinking in my head that you should be putting in on. I feel like party one is getting away with way too much.
I'm feeling like there's that's some lawsuits that's been missing in action in a lot of things. They didn't clearly cross boundaries. And mind you, I didn't talk to federal lawyers before about things in the post office. I didn't talk to them just to... I'll keep my cards close to my chest. Let's just say that.
I just told y'all earlier, i'm I'm willing to let management think that they're getting away with something for about a month, three weeks to a month, and I just watch. And inside I'm just laughing, because I know what's coming. And and I'm gonna kill that behavior when I'm on the floor. I'm gonna kill that behavior. There's a reason I've only been in the office maybe two times in my five and a half years. And one, or maybe three, but two of those times, if I'm not mistaken, was for attendance reviews.
Right. You know, sometimes you get like a new manager, new manager come right in the door and do ah an an and attendance review. Right. So just three times in general, let me say four, let me say two times like an attendance review. One time was like supposed to be disciplined, supposed to be disciplined for attendance, which is extremely bogus and disrespectful at that point in time with what was going on.
And they knew what was going on. And then the fourth time is like a when I did the yo, basically we went into office for that. So I'm counting that In my five and a half years Right, um, I don't know, man. um'm I'm at this point where I'm starting to step back and I'm starting to look at both of them like
This ain't, I don't know what this is. I don't know what this is right now. You know what I'm saying?

Future Episode Topics

Again, management pocket watching, y'all. This just me putting out the information. I don't know if it's something that we can do something about that. I don't know if that's a Grievous. I doubt it. I don't know if that's some type of higher level paperwork beyond a Grievous. I don't even know what a Grievous is anymore. A Grievous is like management doing something you don't like and you write a letter saying that I dislike it. That's about as much as a Grievous is worth nowadays. I don't even think we should be following Grievous. They ain't worth anything. They don't stop anything.
You know what I'm saying? Like, people do something, that's a violation of the contract, you file a grievance. When you file the grievance, they're supposed to stop. Oh, and then settle and acknowledge that management messed up. They're not supposed to do it again. But they still do it. So what are we doing the grievances for? If that's not actually stopping the act. We need to get to the point where we're filing paperwork to stop things.
At this point, Grievous is just like complaints. I feel some type of way. I dislike this. And every time you keep doing this, I write a letter to dislike this. I take time out of my day to write another letter saying, I dislike this. And I dislike that. And I don't know. They ain't doing nothing, man. That's a waste of time. It's a time and paper.
So again, I just wanted to make you guys aware, man, there's a lot of pocket watching me and going on. There is people looking at y'all pay behind the scenes and then talking about y'all pay on telecoms behind the scenes. That is a guarantee. That is a 100% fact. That is a 100% fact. It's not me guessing that out I've heard them. I've heard them.
I've been on a call where that has happened. They don't make a point to hide it, so I'm not gonna even say that they're hiding doing it. You know what I'm saying? They're assuming that they just talking to their counterparts, you know what I'm saying? But sometimes these supervisor managers are on the workroom floor when they own these telecoms.
because they can't afford to be off the floor and in their office if they're the only one in the building. So they got to be on the on a workroom floor where the carriers and clerks and stuff come in at. And you can hear these calls happening. ah You come in because they got on speakerphone. They're not on the phone. right They got them on speakerphone. You can hear these conversations happening. It happens. These are facts.
Right, so know that I don't want to make you guys aware that your people are pocket watching behind the scenes. Now again, I'm not saying this every supervisor. I'm not saying this every manager. I'm not saying this every manager's managers. Again, which are OICs or CSOMs, depending on whatever area you at. Above them there will be postmasters. Sometimes you can have a postmaster not have anything under that in between or whatever. Again, it depends on where you at. Then above that person you have a district manager.
they They have calls about how much money individuals and crafts are making. And they don't like the fact that there's people in crafts that make more than them. No matter how much work you actually do more than them, they don't like the fact that you make more money than them. This is what a lot of this is. I'm not saying it's what it all is, because again, we are in a financial crisis.
Right? We are having money issues, which again, to me is part of the company problem, because again, I don't know what products they sell. Oh, on that, let me add from my last ah show, well I'm not sure if it was the last one. But I was talking about what what we, what the post office make money from and how we're losing money, whatever, let me add that we also do make money from passports. I forgot to say passports.
And that's because not all station sell passports or do passports. I think we only have maybe four stations out of our 20, maybe they do passports, maybe five out of the 20, maybe, maybe. So we also make money from passports. Just add that in there because I won't be going back.
somebody somewhere gonna say, Oh man, what about this? Man, you was wrong about that. Cause you forgot about this. So I'm just throwing this in there. You know what I'm saying? I don't know if I'm gonna revise anything. did forget passports cause the station I'm currently at doesn't do passports. The station I was at before that don't do passports. And the station I was at that I got converted to doesn't do passports. So I've never worked at a station that actually did passports outside of me being on the desk and being at two stations so far. That's note that does passports.
So with that man, again, just knowledge, you know what I'm saying? A lot of these people are, are again, I'm not telling you to be a horrible worker. I'm not telling you to move slow. I'm not telling you to steal time. I'm not telling you to to do anything similar to that, right? I'm not telling you to delay anything.
All I'm saying is not everything these people tell you or some people tell you when it comes to you moving faster doing things faster or rushing is not necessarily in your best interest. It's in their best interest because they're looking at their bonuses that they're going to get for you from you moving faster. Right. Remember, when you move faster, you're going to do more work and less time. So they want to pay you less money because it's going to make them more money.
Okay, remember that with that I'm gonna get up out of here. I guess I will make this a full episode, episode 10 we close enough to the hour mark and I didn't even mean to go off on this type of tangent it's 11 18pm I got to get this edited in and get it started to be uploaded for midnight.
for you guys right so guys i want to get that information out there man and give you all this this other episode i appreciate y'all y'all y'all make sure to stay safe be careful with you in the plant you in the annex you on the street you inside of a station whatever the case it is If you're going through something, get the information, talk to your stewards. even go for supervisors because they have stewards. Talk to your stewards. Talk to your safety captains. you've got something mental going on, you've got something that's affecting you at home, ask for the number for EAP. Contact EAP. You know what I'm saying? They're like counselors, therapists, psychiatrists, whatever the case is.
a Combination of them. It's all confidential far as I know all confidential I've talked to them as when I was part of the military and I talked to them since been at the post office as well You know I'm saying and you can tell and that that's free. That's part of your benefits people That's part of your benefits. You can call them at any point in time. You can call them any time of day And had a conversation Okay. Don't let, don't let them stress you out. Don't let them break you mentally. Don't let them break you physically. though.
to a comfortable pace for you, for you to stay healthy and stay safe. And with that, I'm gonna get up out of here. I appreciate y'all. I appreciate y'all. The TikTok numbers is up on the TikTok shorts. The YouTube shorts is up. I appreciate everyone. Hope you enjoying the content. Hope you're really getting some from the content more than enjoying.
it's This content, a lot of this content is not really meant for laughing, not saying that you won't find anything funny. Again, these are bricks. Each episode, so we're not most of the the early these early episodes are bricks in the foundation. We're going to get to the part where it's just way more laid back and we don't have specific topics. We're just going to talk about the week and things of that later. And we're just going to be laid back laughing, giggling ah ah about dumb stuff or whatever the case is. And then we have our serious things with something going on.
And then we just debate and talk about your comments and questions and concerns and things of that nature. But these these more toned episodes right here are there are direct for a reason, right? We want you to always be able to go back in our history and find the episode that that you need to get information from. So they'll be titled as such. It won't be episodes that you really got to dig through.
So I try to title them directly, again, such as Article 3, Article 8, mismanagement, whatever the case is. We're going to have one just on EAP. It's going to be very short. That's going to be probably a 0.5, where we give out the number, give out the the the information, what it does, what it's for, when you can call. We're just going to talk about it in general.
and how how important that is. So we will have an episode for that. You'll have an episode for heat safety. We'll have another episode for winter safety. And those are going to be the titles for those. So you again, you can always be direct and you can go straight to the catalog to what you need and you can find that information there.
Right. And then again, you have other episodes that just way more laid back and won't be titled with necessarily direct things. You know what I'm saying? ah ah ah doing Again, we're doing it for a reason. A lot of lot of the early episodes, again, is meant for informational and educational purposes.
But as we go down, probably over the next month or so, we'll start to get into way more relaxed episodes that's not so direct, way more calm, and we're going to be more chill, more relaxed, a little bit, I ain't going to say more serious, probably less serious, but still serious, and then more comedic at the time. And then you'll really start to see our personalities. Have you seen some of the other podcasts I do?
You'll see I'm kind of real sarcastic. You know, I'm saying that I got I got stories. I got stories. I got some bars. I got some jokes. You know what I'm saying? But I do try to be serious when it's time to be serious and give you all this information. So again, be safe. Appreciate you all sharing this care. So make sure you share this information with someone. Make sure you share the episode with someone. Be it a coworker or a customer. Right.
Hit that follow button, subscribe button, four things. Follow, subscribe, like, share, comment, actually five.
You can subscribe or follow, depending on the platform that you on. Like, share, and subscribe, any combination of these things. And then please, please, please, this is gonna help us out a lot on the fifth one. Whatever you're listening to us on, please make sure you try to give us a rating.
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that y'all make sure to do really leave comments if you do have questions concerns if you need help you need assistance in any way make sure you do leave comments also if you want to participate more i'm thinking about starting a a discord for amazing studios and then breaking the discord up into the different podcasts we do or just doing the postal blue discord but for now y'all can go to the postal blue podcast on x formerly known as twitter Post a blue podcast on X, formerly known as Twitter. We're building a community over there. Y'all, welcome to go over there. We post things over there. We share the episodes over there as as they release, along with we post going to be some funny clips over there. And as a community, be we're going to actually start doing live spaces.
at least like once a week and then we can all just hop in the live space. We'll bring people up, talk, conversate, talk, whatever the case is, let you guys chop that content up over there and do whatever it is that you want to do with that or whatever the case along getting with getting whatever information that you need to get from that. You know what I'm saying? That's going to be, you're going to use that, the live space as a way for us to decompress as well. And that'd be a way for us also to get a chance to actually talk to you guys in personal if for y'all to talk to us in person, okay?
Again, we appreciate you. Love, be safe, be careful, and let's get to another week without any issues. Appreciate you.