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The Whole List Part 1

S1 E5 ยท Wild Views
26 Plays17 days ago

On this episode of Wild Views, The Whole List Part One is a condensed episode of multiple views in one episode. Today we speak on women once again using men, me included, also we speak on one thing men have to absolutely stop doing to help us all. Welcome to my Wild Views!

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What's going on, y'all? This your boy, LA Styles, Styles, on episode five, five, I believe. Look, I gotta start trimming again. I'm starting to get that Hispanic look on me again. My apologies. You know what I'm saying? It's been a long day. A lot of editing, things of that nature, being who I digress,
but I just wanna, I have a list of issues, right? So I'm just gonna call this the whole list part one, right? And from time to time, I might put some more things I need to talk about on the list. ah And each one of these is short, kind of we're kind of short, right? And I don't know how many things actually on the list I'm gonna get to on any particular moment, any particular show. That's why it's gonna be in parts.
First thing, first thing first, right. I want to get to is, uh, women, right. Um, as the man, I want you to know that I am more than just a piece of meat and a wallet. You know what I'm saying?
Um, I'm starting to feel some type of way, like, like almost like you taking advantage of me. Fellas know what I'm talking about. I feel like you just, you using me, you know what I'm saying? For, uh, physical pleasure. Right. And then for purchase power. and That's, that's.
That's what I'm getting out of this. You know what I'm saying? ah don't know Don't nobody ask me how my day going, how my day went. You need anything? um I'm willing to go. The only time I get asked if you need anything is when you're already at the store already. But you ain't never gonna ask me that while you're in the house doing nothing and comfortable.
You not gonna ask me that so you can put some on and get ready to and then leave the house. You only gonna ask me that when you in motion already to get ready to leave the house to go somewhere where or you already at a store, you know what I'm saying? So I don't feel like that's sincere, be personal. Like I feel like that's a little fake, right? And you only asking me so you can say that you ask me. That's how I feel, right?
And even when you're gonna go to the store, you're gonna ask for my wallet, card, cash app, some send you some, whatever the case is. Also, stop sending me requests.
and um I'm speaking for myself, I'm speaking for me. Stop sending me requests when you already in a line at the store to try to make me feel bad if I don't send it. Like if I don't send it, you're not going to be able to get whatever you in line to get. Cause you don't already got a shopping cart full of something. So what I'm supposed to do, if you don't send it, am I supposed to put all this back? Why are you in the store anyway? If you feel like you ain't got the money, why would you go in the store in your head and let me, let me,
Say this clearly, I don't believe that you don't got no money. I don't believe that. You just don't want to spend your money. It's your other problem. This is one of your many other problems, right? You don't want to spend your money. You want to spend my slash our money. That's your own, right? So, so then you be like, so, so I'm supposed to do, I'm supposed to ah just put all this stuff back. Why would you, if you thought that you'd have had a money,
Why would you go to a store, do X amount of shopping, fill up a cart, and then get in line, get in line with the stuff that you don't got the money for? Then call me, hey, I need XYZ amount of money because I got all this stuff. I say, how you know I had the money for this stuff? Well, what am I supposed to do then? This is the first thing they do, get attitude. Well, what I'm supposed to do is just put it back.
Like if you got the money, then yeah, ah you should put it back. well You actin' like I'm wrong. Man, listen. I'm being used is how I feel, right? For my physical being and my financial ah prowess,
right? You're using me and I don't like it. That needs to stop goin' into 2025.
asking for money last minute, were you in the store? Has to stop, I feel some type of way.
I'm letting it be known now. Man, y'all gotta stop eating butt, I'm sorry. Sorry, not sorry. Y'all gotta start eating butt until these women do better.
I'm not sure what got you in in, I'm not sure what women even did in X amount of time to make you eat, but anyway, cause they ain't added nothing to their repertoire. They, women ain't added nothing extra to make it do so. You know what? She do so much for me.
um I'm a, I'm a, I'm a E-butt today. Y'all gotta take that off the table. You got to stop. You got to stop eating, but before you already been used and devalued. Right. The mind you in the back of my head, I know that you're not going to stop eating, but, but y'all need to stop eating, but across the board, we got to, we got to, we got to do better going into 2025. Let me sit, let me, let me say that that's on the list. It's on the whole list. Women.
You disrespectful as all heck if you eat, but y'all need to forget getting back to it. Y'all need to never, ever do that in life. In life. You need to stop it. Stop it. If you do that, your man is highly
possibly suspect, like I'm like 98% sure. If your man is willing to accept that, my personal opinion is my view. If your man is willing to accept you doing that to him, suspect activity at its finest. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that.
How do you keep getting my cards on your DoorDash or Uber Eats?
how how How you, I'm at work, I turn around, it's just a charge at Wingstop for some reason. Like why why we why is it a charge at Wingstop? DoorDash, DoorDash, ain't even at home. How is your card, how is my card on your accounts?
When did you go get my cards and put them on your accounts? I don't, I don't, I don't understand. I don't understand what it is, what this type of behavior is coming from. Now I'm starting to think that you believe that you can hold me or something. You know what I'm saying? You already using me. Now you, you just holding me for whatever reason that you think that you can do that. I got a problem with that. I got a problem with that. Right.
When I'm in the bathroom, in the bathroom. Stop trying to FaceTime me, and if I don't answer to FaceTime, that don't mean just come open the door.
Y'all gotta stop doing that. I never wanna see a woman in the bathroom sitting on the toilet. I don't know what she doing on there. I never wanna see, look, in in in the back of my head, women don't even take number twos.
So I'm assuming every time you go in the toilet, you taking the number one, because women don't take number twos. That's, hey, I'm just saying what it he is and what other people think. that's, women don't do that behavior.
Okay? Stop busting in the bathroom when I'm in the bathroom, please.
Wait till I come out the bathroom. It's not an emergency. You don't need me right now. Wait till I come out the bathroom. Cool.
When you do laundry,
Why do my underwear keep getting less and less in numbers? Like what's, what, where are they? You know what I'm saying? Like yeah that's part of your function is to, is to, to, to do the laundry, but I keep missing stuff. You know what I'm saying? Like, and then they don't never say that they threw it out or that, okay, it got ripped or whatever the case, I threw a batch out, but I got you some new ones for whatever reason. That was just all the waistband coming loose. Whatever the case is, I don't know how you don't know.
Did you put them in a washer? Did you put them in a dryer? But you don't know where they at after the dryer. They just inception or something. Like it just disappeared. Aliens came and got them. You don't know. yo You don't got no answer for them. Okay. Okay.
They gotta stop. or Or I don't know. Some gotta change in that. because I need my underwear and I need my socks and I need them to match.
If we sitting down watching TV, can you please not put your legs and feet on me? Why why do you do that? i'm not I'm not a footstand. I'm not an ottoman. ah i don't I don't understand why you feel like you should just lay your torso or any part of your chubby body across my legs. You know what I'm saying? For whatever reason, you know what I'm saying? The couch is big enough for two of us. So I don't i don't get that either. that that's some That's a little bit minor, but I don't get that either. Next, where's all the cups?
Every time I go get a cup, it ain't nothing but your coffee cups. I don't drink coffee. That's just cold coffee that's coming in the bottle, right? It's nothing but coffee cups, like the little mugs, and then like the metal ah metal cups, you know what I'm saying? That they put the coffee in, they're supposed to keep it hot or whatever. okay Where's the regular cups at? And I know I bought some. I know I bought some. And you ain't never got no answer to where all the cups at either. You gonna blame it on on me and Jonas. Where's the cups at?
People just walking out of, out of the house with cuffs and spoons. They just, they just missing. But part of your job is to keep track of this stuff, inventory. I don't know. I don't know what else we paying y'all to do. You know what I'm saying? This stuff ain't too hard. Everything is in the house. How's it missing in the house? You know what I'm saying? Like, but we, we know what you're doing with it. You know what I'm saying? Cause y'all don't want, it's the little things that y'all just don't want to see us happy with. You know what I'm saying?
Okay, okay. Listen, when I play my game, let me be.
Because what's gonna start happening is you're gonna start having a problem. You're gonna start having a problem. I don't interrupt you when you binge watching whatever TV series you're watching. When you're watching whatever back to back movies you're watching. If you wanna go in there and watch the Twilight series all over again,
For whatever reason, knowing that little pale-faced boy can't act what whatsoever. dode play at try but The Played a good Batman. Batman ain't gotta to show no feelings. That Edward character, Vampire, was dry.
Dry. And the girl was annoying and irritating as ever. Movie trash. For six, what, five, six movies, whatever case. But I don't interrupt you.
It's a point. I don't bother you. Listen to your books. I don't bother you. Even though the books be, it's nothing. Y'all books y'all be listening to be inappropriate. Be inappropriate. Y'all listening to to written porn.
All your little audio books that you listen to on whatever these little apps is, is just porn written down. That's somebody just reading the porn scripts instead of you watching it on TV. Right? That's inappropriate. Especially when your man is in the house. How you like, you just went to bed and I just put up porn on TV. You're like, why would you just put that on? I'm trying to go to sleep. Okay. You walked around listening to porn all day. I ain't saying nothing to you.
Your little book on your Amazon tablet or whatever the case is. I just ain't none of you. It's irritating.
Listen, I don't know what happened to grocery shopping, right? But if you take $500 and I know food done got Prices don't wind up, son. But if you take $500, let's just say $500 to the grocery store, you should come back with more than just five meals. I don't know if women just don't know how to grocery shop no more, and they just, i don't i don't i'm not and I'm not understanding that something is lost in trans that in translation from the money in your hands, however you get it, to the store.
so I don't know what you put in a cart, but you only left with five meals, five meals and 10 packets of Kool-Aid. And by the time you got to check out, it was ah over $400 for five me. There's no way that a meal was a hundred dollars. What, what are you buying? What are you buying? What, what?
um I'm not understanding. I'm not understanding. It's nothing gonna make me understand that. Right? I just believe y'all don't know how to grocery shop. um I'm not sure what the discrepancy is, but y'all mamas need to come back into the picture and and retake y'all through the process on buying food for a house. Buying food for a house versus just buying food. You know what I'm saying? like I don't think y'all actually even putting together the meal. The meal is not that expensive, bro. Throw some pork chops. First of all, you're gonna get a box of macaroni and a bag of rice or whatever the case is. You're gonna get a couple boxes of mashed potatoes or potatoes or whatever the case you wanna do. You're gonna get a
A bag of potatoes. If you're going to make a potato salad or whatever the case is, but those boxes last more than one meal. Typically now, this is like the macaroni and cheese, whatever they've been on size box. You should get beginning boxes and bags of those beans, rice, things. They come in bags. So what did you get in one meal that would cost you $80 to a hundred dollars? You know what I'm saying? Like I don't, I'm still lost on that man.
And then my next issue, almost ties together. So somehow, we done got this age and now you don't eat leftovers. I'm the only one in the house that's eating leftovers. Now you feel like you gotta to make a whole nother meal the next day or you gotta order something. And then again, you or when you do order something, my card is getting charged.
Nah, nah, something going on, something going on. I'm getting got, I'm clearly getting played and I got problems with this, whatever this arrangements are. Whatever these arrangements are, um I feel some type of way, being out here, being bogus. I don't know what what this woman is doing or what women is doing. And something got to change going into 2025. That's just, that's just the bottom line of it. You know what I'm saying?
Now I'm not gonna talk too crazy, right? I'm not gonna talk too crazy. Hold on, am I gonna talk too crazy? Now I won't say I'm gonna talk too crazy. I do get looked at crazy. Okay, i think i'm I think I'm in a good place.
I'm trying to think how to say this. You know how women are are very um almost like spontaneous, but in a crazy way when they're in their 20s, right? And then, especially in their early 20s, when they experimenting and still figuring out life and then figuring out that they have booties, that they have breasts, that they can use it to their advantage and worse can't be closed. You know what I'm saying? Then they kind of get ah get a little bit worse in their mid 20s.
They get a lot worse in their late 20s. 20s. right um But going to the 30s, mines calmed down a lot. So I've been skating down here on that part, even though I've been you for the past 10 years. That's how I feel. Ain't nobody gonna tell me different. I'm gonna figure a way out. I'm gonna figure a way out of this. I got about three years.
I got about three years till my kid is old enough to leave. And then I'm, I'm, I'm Shawshank Redemption about this joint. You know what I'm saying? Um, cause I can't, I can't afford it. I can afford a relationship. That's what I did realize at this age. I realized I cannot afford a relationship and I don't want to be, I don't think I ever want to be able to afford a relationship no matter how much money I have now that I have a lot of money, but I'm saying if I was to make it rich, I still don't think I can afford a relationship. It, it, it makes sense. It makes sense. I can't, I can't, I can't afford it. Right. Um, with that man, um, I hope y'all doing better.
ah Make sure to hit that subscribe button and follow button. I'm your boy, LA styles. This is another episode of wild views. I believe this episode five. And it just, it's just a list of things that's been bothering me today. I had to get this off my chest.
For those of you who are also being used out there in trick and manipulated, you know what I'm saying? it It gets better. Man up, woman up, realize it.
Right? And then once you have that epiphany, that realization like dang, this is the situation that I'm in and this is what's taking place. Once you acknowledge the situation, at that point you can properly start to take steps to move out of that situation. Right? Or to make that situation better. and but And best believe you do have the power to do so.
um Now mines, mines used to be crazy in the twenties. Now I don't know once, once I saw Shank up out of here, I don't know if she going to revert back. Cause I haven't seen that version of her in a long time. I don't know if she's going to revert back, but I can't stay. I don't think I can stay again. Y'all make sure y'all don't,
Show her this, tag her in anything, you know what I'm saying? As far as wild views go. She can know about the other shows. She can't know about this though, you know what I'm saying? But I know that I'm not the only one, so I had to get this off my chest. This went heavy on my chest, cause I do have emotions. I feel like women be overlooking my emotions. My eyes is overlooking my emotions. I'll be feeling some type of way sometimes. You know what I'm saying?
I told her the other day, it's just between us. I told her the other day, I said, I forget what what she called and said, and it was, it bothered me. I was at work too. and It didn't really bother me, but it bothered me. You know what I'm saying? It bothered me enough to say something. I said, girl, sometimes I just be wanting to choke you. That's what I said to her. I'm going to be honest with you. All hands up, right hand up. I said it. I said that now.
I am a firm believer that men shouldn't put their hand on women. And I've never been in a situation in all my years to put my hands on on a woman. But we do know that we get to that point in our heads that we we we think about it, like, girl, right?
or that you gonna do it or not, you know what I'm saying? Most times you not gonna do it, but that's how you be feeling. They say something, they do something to you. You know what I'm saying? So it was like, it was like one of those moments, you know what I'm saying? I was like, but I told her though, on the phone, most times you think it, you don't tell her. I told her, right? And I'm at work, anybody around me though, right? Cause I was in the office at the time. So I told her like, hey, girl, I just wanna choke you sometimes. It's what she say. She say, oh, is that right? I said, yeah.
She say, so what you think I'm going to do? No, no. Okay. Before we get to that, I said, she said, uh, is that right? I said, yeah. I'd be wanting to choke you like, like Homer do Bart. Sometimes she say, Oh yeah. I say, yeah. She said, so what you think I'm going to do? I said, what you mean? She say, so what you think I'm going to do while you choke me?
I say that, I believe, I think you're just gonna be getting choked. Hey, I said, I believe you're gonna be.
and look the It just hit me right now, talking about it out loud. I said, you're gonna be getting choked. Shit, that's what you think.
I said, yeah. She said, that's what you really think. I said, yeah, she said, okay. Now again, I do know she used to be crazy, but I don't know, but I wasn't thinking about that at the time that she used to be crazy, you know what I'm saying? she ain't never taken me serious because she know, you know what I'm saying? Ain't gonna put my hands on, at least I haven't yet. They say never say never. It hasn't happened yet, right?
You know what I'm saying? Fingers crossed that that they don't, but sometimes she get me that man. Listen, sometimes y'all get y'all man to the edge. And I don't know if y'all doing no purpose or what they like get you right to the cliff.
And then they're like either back down, back off once they know you right on the cliff, some, some would definitely push you over. But mine's like, get me there.
She used to like know, like when I was there, she she was she would just back off. like She would know like, okay, I done did too much. She used to know like, yeah, I done did too much. Let me go on that over here or whatever the case is. It's almost like, I don't know, man. She she was crazy. She was crazy. seems quite but I got some stories. ah That's not for this ah this podcast, but I do got some stories.
On either unjustified behavior that that I'll be discussing or it's probably gonna have to be on ice coffee Right, but it's just my views on things over your own wild views sometimes I mean I could be a little much at times and um I could be extreme at times but I Don't I don't never feel like I'm wrong though. I Don't ever feel like I'm wrong. So it is what it is. I Uh, with that said, man, I'm gonna get about it here again. We keep these at 30 minutes and less with a 25 minute mark. This has been my whole list or the whole list part one, right? Of things that's, that's just bothering me today. And this is, you know what I'm saying? My views on, on the, my, my, my new views on a few things all on one episode, right? Cool.
that said y'all make sure to hit that like share subscribe button make sure to comment in if you feel the same way about any of the things that I just talked about if you feel differently let me know in the comments section below if you're a woman you feel some type of way you should because you bogus and you definitely don't have to comment all right all the men make sure you leave the comments you know I'm saying if you appreciate it women you can keep your comments to yourself because y'all say enough and until y'all stop eating but you can't talk to me about nothing
um And with that, I do appreciate y'all, right? Y'all make sure to check us out on YouTube and Chainflix if you don't know what Chainflix is, right? For video streaming that is. If you don't know what Chainflix is, it is like a crypto version or web free version of YouTube. And when you watch videos over there, you can also earn cryptocurrency just by watching videos. The video watcher and the content creator split every it's like mining crypto quote unquote as you're watching it and the splits is 55 45 right so um if you're watching content you're gonna get a share of whatever the the the
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So all our video content currently uh again the website is working not working but still being worked on in the background um all the streaming if you listen to this on streaming uh all the video streaming is on youtube or if you want to earn some cryptocurrency while watching the video content you can watch this amazing studios over on chainflix that's c-h-a-i-n F L I X chain flicks, right? um Also as well um um for the streaming services, if you want to earn cryptocurrency while listening to podcasts or music or whatever, use fountain. I said it wrong before.
on like the first or second episode of something like that. I forget what I said, but it's called fountain, right? That's F-O-U-N-T-A-I-N fountain. You can earn satoshis for listening to ah music or podcasts or on fountain.
Right? It's me throwing y'all some stuff out there. You know what I'm saying? Listen to us on whatever you want to listen to. Amazing Studios, we have multiple podcasts out there from wild views to unjustified behavior to the postal blue podcast to iced coffee coming back. Also, we got an all female podcast coming out ah very soon along with another one that I can't say yet.
All right, we ain't started posting anything. Yes. I want nobody steal the name because it hasn't been taken yet Well, that's it. I'm gonna get up out of here man. I appreciate y'all get this up for y'all first thing in the morning and Have a good one man. Hey out