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Why Is The Mainstream Football Media Dying? (Extended Clip From Q & A Pod) image

Why Is The Mainstream Football Media Dying? (Extended Clip From Q & A Pod)

The Italian Football Podcast
1.7k Plays6 months ago

The Italian Football Podcast patron Majin asks a question if the traditional legacy or mainstream football media is dying, which Nima Tavallaey and Carlo Garganese discuss, debate and analyze.

This is an extended clip from this weeks Q & A episode of The Italian Football Podcast available only to patrons on

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Introduction to the Podcast

Welcome to the Italian Football Podcast.

Is Football Media Declining like Video Games?

Majin Tenshi says hi guys I'm so happy that Access Media is dying in video games and eventually in movies because simply there's no demand for them and fans tend to pick authentic content creators. Do you think football sports is also headed this way based on your experience? Thanks and keep up the great work.

Financial Struggles of Sports Media

What does he mean by Access Media is dying in video games?
and't know accessist journalism yeah Um, I think, I dunno, this is a difficult question. I mean, one thing is that they're all hemorrhaging money.

The Fall of Mainstream Media's Business Models

Sorry, just to understand the question correctly, does Magin mean that the football, kind of like the mainstream football media stuff? Yeah, access journalists in football sports heading this way, dying. Well, no, it is dying. It is dying. I mean, the NEMO, you will know better than anyone because through Semperin, so that the advertisement is dying. Completely dying. In the mainstream media.

Challenges of Subscription and Streaming Models

whether that is through the newspapers or whether that's through newspapers 2024 but newspapers or or uh on the on online media um you know websites basically uh the the advertisement is is dead is dead uh completely it's just very very difficult to survive through advertisement um for these for the mainstream media i mean they're like never said they're all hemorrhaging money When you have like the Guardian, for example, just to use one example, the Guardian but literally have an advert that sits on their page all the time begging for money. Donations, yeah. That's the Guardian, they're begging for money. you know and the light that Every single, you know I've got lots of friends in the media and there's layoffs, mass redundancies all the time. and CBS, I think laid off, was it 50 or 100 people or was it? I read the other day.
No, it's it's it's it's tv like the the the problem is this they don't know how to monetize monetize because there's no nothing that people aren't willing to pay what you say subscription service. Okay, great. But how many subscriptions can people afford to have?
you know what I mean? So it's something has to give it's the same thing with the streaming industry.

Shift to Independent Media Post-COVID

Like when it comes to TV and movies and like, there's ah there's a lot of reasons. There's a lot of reasons for it in a way that they've they've killed themselves through through arrogance through overspending, you know, you got people like Martin Samuel, his name, his best friend, you know, getting paid 200 300,000 pounds a year just to basically write you know, write a couple of columns a week, you know, I mean, it's just it's just ridiculous to to justify that that kind of spending, and especially when that money is not coming in. um So kind of like the legacy ah has is dying. um But then there's, you know, there's also the way that the world's changed, you know, youngsters nowadays generally ah don't have a very long attention span. And so, you know, it's more bite size content. And that's where I guess, you know,
YouTube and and TikTok and, you know, these video platforms have have started to take over.

Impact of Financial Crisis on Media Consumption

um Then there is just that also really, and this is very, very big, more so in politics and and in and in the news in general, but also in football, is that generally people have just grown to to to just not trust a single word that comes out of the mouth of ah mainstream media now, you know, and that's been, I mean, it's been proven, and I think the final nail in the coffin was probably the COVID,
ah Experience the people just don't trust authority and you don't trust what they see what they watch on the news they know that these, you know, the mainstream news services where it's the bbc on state broadcasters, ah ry you know but that they're not there to to to actually provide real news and to serve the people with the truth that they're there basically working for and protecting,
um the the the establishment and those that are in power basically and people have seen through that and now people realize that when they what put on and watch the BBC 10 o'clock news every night that they are not you know 90% of what they're watching is is propaganda basically and and and and so people have moved away from the mainstream and they've moved towards independent media. And of course, just like you know the mainstream, there's good and there's bad independent media. Some is good, some is bad, and just as bad as the mainstream, worse. you know So it's about finding the the you know the right, there's good and bad everywhere, basically. and But so so this is ah there's a lot of things, really. and There's a lot of reasons why it's dying. Also the economic situation of the world.
you know We're living in ah in a, you know, really, ah the West is is living in a kind of a financial crisis, really, in terms of normal working class people that we haven't seen for a long time, you know, and people can't afford. Well, that's what I mean. People can't afford those subscriptions.

Avoiding Controversy in Mainstream Media

And also they have a problem finding people who want to monetize, like how to monetize their content, because a lot of that stuff is um is just not, you know,
but Because the advertising industry, they've they've got no, so like, there's no money in it anymore, like in terms of to carry up the costs. And so it's like a vicious circle. It's all eroding. Yeah, it also comes down to them. And I think this is some this is a reason why our podcast has been kind of really well received and successful is that um and if we're talking specifically about sport or or football in our case, is that, you know, the mainstream media, what they offer in terms of coverage,
um if we're looking at kind of what we do and kind of our competitors, is um they offer, really, like Madjian said, they they offer access journalism, you know, they will offer, you know, just interviews with with players, interviews with with the club, like information that's ma the of it's come really mainly through, you know, press press through the press officers of clubs and it's all basically information that the um the is official, let's call it official information, ah information that the club is happy or the leagues are happy but they they will never
kind of tackle the kind of the the real issues that people are interested in. Whereas on our pod, you know we don't have ah we don't have to worry about being blackballed from a club or from a league. We we know we we we can talk about whatever we want. When you are a journalist for the BBC,
or a journalist for one of the newspapers or one of the mainstream media outlets, right? If you start doing a podcast like we did on Monday, me and Nima, where we we absolutely hammer the serial for the international but international TV rights scandal, you know, if we come out there and start naming and shaming people, like naming Ana Guanerio, the head of international TV rights, we'll start naming the commercial director ah marketing director, you know, we get blackboard, we wouldn't be we we wouldn't be allowed. So they they they shy away from from from tackling these issues and from criticising, you know, if you're a Juventus journalist, for example, when you start really laying into the club and start start hammering them, you know, for certain decisions, certain things they've done, or if you're an interjournalist and you start hammering them for certain things, you won't get invited, you you know, you basically won't be won't be invited to do you won't be allowed to do what they reject your interview requests.
or you'll come to a press conference and you'll be dropped down and they won't they won't play ball with you anymore. So you know that's what that's what happens when you're in the

The Rise of Honest Content in Independent Media

mainstream media. That's what is called access journalism, basically. You're nice to them, you play ball, you might criticise them now and again on on issues that are not really much important, but at the end of the day, you toe the line because they will give you access. And most football fans now,
They don't care about watching an interview with a footballer. but Footballers don't even say anything of interest anyway. They're just trained. They're all trained, media trained, and they're just robots. They don't say anything of any interest generally. um and and And that's that. Whereas us on our pod, those that are independent, don't you know that don't care about you know ah About you know getting access they can we can talk about the real issues, you know And we can we can criticize we can praise we can do whatever we want and people that's what people want and I think that's the reason why ah The mainstream media resort is also dying because it's it's it's just again. It's just PR a lot of it It's just PR for the for the clubs and the leagues that they they cover Yeah, we got nothing more to add to that