but That's exactly how when they visit their sacred spaces, that the gods, they come to bless them, they come to give them their all their fruits, the products, the abundance they bring with them. And this is what we repeatedly see in ah in all the great religions. In Japan, you have to walk up a hill in order to come and stand You have to purify yourself, for sure wash your hands, wash your feet, to your face and then come and stand in front of that Kami, that Spirit, God, who is there for you and he he and a this this God will then listen to your prayers. it'ss This is exactly the same thing that's happening in in the rock art clusters for the these Native American peoples in their sacred baskets. This will be guiding, this will be ah controlling, conditioning the way we store our grain, the way we hold water, the way we serve food, ah the the sense of community. Everything changes when you look