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The Unexpected Reason I Love HOA's For Solar

The Solarpreneur
330 Plays1 month ago

The collectivism of a homeowner's association is something that you can use to your advantage during your doorknocking. This episode is gonna show you a golden nugget for building rapport in a community ran by HOAs through a very simple strategy.

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Introduction to Solarpreneur Podcast

Welcome to the Solarpreneur Podcast where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level.

Taylor's Journey from Struggles to Success

My name is Taylor Armstrong and I went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in a year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail.

Avoiding Mistakes and Learning from Experts

I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bring in the top solar dogs of the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, following up like a pro and closing more deals.
What is a solar printer you might ask? A solar printer is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to feed mastery and you are about to become one.

Unexpected Appreciation for HOAs in Solar Sales

Hey solar printers today we're going to talk about why I love HOA's. It's something you've probably heard nobody say ever. They love HOA's. And it's for a reason you probably will not expect. So stay tuned. We're going to be talking about that and a whole lot more. My name's Taylor Armstrong. We're here to help you close more deals, generate more leads and referrals, and hopefully have a much better time in the solar industry. Hope you are closing lots of deals. Hope you're having tons of success whenever you listen to

Invitation to SolarCon and Ticket Discounts

this. And if you are not, we're going to teach you how.
And before we get into the podcast, wanted to ah give you a special invitation, please join us at SolarCon. It's coming up in April. The discounts, they are getting smaller and smaller. So grab your ticket today. And if you are interested in sponsoring, being a sponsor for the events,
I know they have discounts around that and ah some space, still available, limited space. So if you're a company owner or if you know your company would be interested in being a sponsor and getting those additional perks, grab the link below and check out the info for

Success Story: Closing Deals in HOA Community

that. So into the episode, um this stems from an HOA I've been working for, I would say the past Coming up on, I don't know, four or five months, once you get these things rolling, you can build just so much momentum in a community. hey So this particular homeowners association, this community, um I think I'm at, I should have counted this before, but I want to say I'm at 12 deals in there. It's a community of maybe
150 homes. It's just, it's become the gift that keeps on giving. So I'm going to give you guys some strategies that are helping me still get deals in the same neighborhood, the same homeowners association that you can utilize, that you can go out and build a massive momentum wherever you're working.
And you can do these things even if it's not an HOA to a degree. I'm going to tell you the reasons why I like HOA's even better. And it's for one simple reason.

Leveraging HOA Applications for More Deals

That is when you close a deal in a homeowners association community, um and I think this is everywhere, but at least in California, you need to fill out the architectural application.
They're making an improvement to the home. There's an application that goes with that. And so part of my strategy is, and a reason why I've still been able to get deals is because when you close one deal, you have to go to the neighbors and get their approval, get their, okay, that they're okay with this homeowner going on solar. And it may sound silly, may sound like not that big of a deal, but guess what? Even if all these no neighbors said no already, you have a reason to go back there.
And you have a name now that they can attach to someone that is doing the program. They can't think it's a scam anymore. So you're literally helping out their next door neighbor. So recently I had this deal I close on the corner of the street and I went back to, well, two deals actually. So the first one, I went back to two people that had ghosted their appointments.
They'd expressed some in interest before, but went back, tried to reschedule, they stopped responding to my texts.

Revisiting Leads with HOA Forms

I went back, I got this HOA form signed. to These exact two neighbors, they saw this, sparked their interest again, got them back on the calendar, went back to one of them today, and ah it's a complicated situation. The other one should close tomorrow. And this is from people that ghosted, usually Very tough to get back in front of these people and have to have to try to follow up with them. So there's the first use case. The second one was another guy that actually worked for the utility, signed him up, got his HOA paperwork, went back to one of his neighbors that they but just said no to the appointment. We booked an appointment. The wife shut it down. They just didn't want to take the time to look at it.
I've got them back ready to go. They signed the HOA application, architectural form, and we're going and they are getting enrolled tomorrow. Most likely, yeah but I think they will. And these are people that just would not have been followed up with. Hey, and an I'm not the greatest person for follow up. I'm working on um improving that, but it just made it so much easier to get back in front of them when I could go back with this paperwork.
and be like, Hey, uh, your neighbors are doing this now. And I know before you guys, we couldn't make things meet. Um, I actually didn't have a ton of time myself, but Hey, we'd still have your savings report ready. Your neighbors are getting on board with, obviously we have the H waveform here for you guys know. Okay. Uh, but you know what you, you guys around tomorrow, the next day and we just go through your years since we couldn't catch you the first time. Simple as that.

Turning Neighbors into Leads with HOA Scripts

Got them ready to grow.
So I'm going to give you the word track. Um, the words I say, you can say something like that, but a little script that you can save. If you're listening to this and transcribe it. Um, I think there's even a, uh, on Apple podcasts, you can see the actual transcription in real time now.
So some of you already know that I run my own door to door sales team here in San Diego. And as we are gearing up for the summer, I realized if we do the same thing we always did, we're going to get the same results. But if I want to increase my deal flow, I need to do something different to get an advantage. Then we discovered an app called Solar Scout. But it's not a door knocking app. It's a data platform that shows us who is likely to go solar in our market.
It shows us who has previously applied for solar but later cancelled the deal, who has moved in recently, and even how much electricity the homes are using in a given neighborhood. It's been working for a lot of teams across the country and now I'm on board too. I'm going to be one of the first to use solar scout in San Diego so I decided to partner up, but I told them hey, I'm going to talk about solar scout on my show, you need to give my listeners a great deal, and they did.
so go to solar scout dot app forward slash taylor and book a demo with them and you'll get 10 off your first month when you sign up that's solar scout dot app forward slash taylor okay back to the show ah But I say something similar to this. So if you're going back, you're filling out an HOA form, I'm just like, hey, we're the ones helping out your neighbor with the solar battery program. Did ah Steve tell you I was coming by? No, and I guess this is more if you haven't talked to him before. Obviously, if you have, if it's a person that didn't sit their appointment, you're going to adjust this a little bit like I did before. But if it's someone new you haven't talked to,
You're just going to get the HOA signature, which is still a great time to bring up solar or follow up. So yeah, you're asking them, did the neighbor tell you guys coming by? Okay. Sorry to catch you by surprise. We just have to finish, finish up the HOA architectural application for them. They require a neighbor signatures. Do you mind helping us out?
Simple as that. Super non-threatening. No one's going to reject you with that. Well, I shouldn't say no one. I actually have gotten rejected sometimes still by going and filling out each application. Much less likely that you are going to get rejected when you approach it that way.
Then when you get them filling it out, they're going to take the iPad. I always just do it on an iPad that makes it super simple. You just save the PDF to your files on iCloud, on your iPad. Don't use any of that Android garbage. Make sure you have your iCloud account go to files. You pull up, you hit the little marking symbol and you get your Apple pencil, you pass it to them.
And they filled out while they're taking the time to so graciously fill outs and their signature on the form you swoop in with, Hey, um, by the way, what I know they were actually able to save a bunch of money on their electricity and they're getting the battery too. So they can have backup protection and power. Had you guys ever looked into solar for the home? Okay. And then see what they say.
No, it was too expensive. No, we're just not ready for it. Okay. Yeah. No. The other reason I was coming here is because they're actually preparing savings reports for actually this whole block of homes. And, um, it's funny, Steve, when I approached him, they said pretty similar things. You know, it was going to cost him an arm and a leg before, but the reason he got involved with this one is because it's actually not costing him a dime. It's not paying nothing out of pocket.
And then he's just able to reduce his bill, get a much lower bill than what he's paying the utility. So that's why I see

The Impact of Social Proof in Solar Sales

you open to it. But if it was something like that, where you guys didn't have to pay anything out of pocket and just lowered the bill, that's something you would probably look at, right? Something like that. And boom, if you approach it this way, it's so easy to get appointments. So this is a secret. Don't be sharing this with everybody. Usually I say share the podcast with the whole world. This is a secret. And it's like stealing candy from a baby.
When you get this social proof, they can't deny that people are going solar and it makes it so easy to loop back around to people. Whether they ghosted appointments, whether they said not interested, if you think of something with someone with a massive bill where they could be approached again, use this to get back in front of the people.

Importance of HOA Applications and Closing Remarks

It's ah just a really good way to loop back around and get back in front of those same people. So don't underestimate the power of the HOA architectural applications. Three of my favorite words right there.
And just save yourself some copies of those. If you have to do that architectural application, I would save a copy. And especially if it's someone that's well known in the neighborhood. In my case, I've got someone that works for the utility out here. And he's actually very well known. A lot of people know him in the community. So I've just been saving this. And I know I've got the app signatures all done. But I just pull up a form again. and I'm going to Holmes.
over and over, that's my plan this week. So yeah, try something like that too. You don't have just have to use it once, you can go to more homes. They don't know that you already finished the application, use it to your advantage. So I hope this helps somebody out there. This is absolute gold, try it this week. And we've got some exciting episodes coming for you, some great interviews that I was able to get done at dortadorcon. So ah check those out, they're gonna be on the dock. Hey, I'm recovering from my sickness.
Hopefully this podcast was a little more understandable and not quite as much coughing on the last episode. You probably could hear it in my voice quite a bit. So I'm improving. Thank you for your prayers. I know everyone's been praying for me, worried sick about me. Thank you so much means the world. But you know what else would mean a lot to me?
If you would go and rate and review the podcast if you haven't already, please do that. Please join us at SolarCon coming up. Excited for that. Going to be a good time. And we will see you on some future killer episodes. Spread the word. Much love. See you next time.
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Announcement of Soulciety Learning Community

For the last three years, I've been placed in the fortunate position to interview dozens of elite level solar professionals and learn exactly what they do behind closed doors to build their solar careers to an all-star level. That's why I want to make a truly special announcement about the new learning community exclusively for solar professionals to learn, compete, and win with top performers in the industry and it's called a society. This learning community was designed from the ground up to level the playing field and give solar pros access to proven mentors who want to give back to this community and help you or your team to be held accountable by the industry's brightest minds for are you ready for it less than three dollars and 45 cents a day. Currently, Soulciety is open, launched, and ready to be enrolled. So go to to learn more and join the learning experience now. This is exclusively for Soulprenuer listeners, so be sure to go to and join. We'll see you on the inside.