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Kendrick Clowns Drake, Elon Musk’s Takeover & OnlyFans Misinformation image

Kendrick Clowns Drake, Elon Musk’s Takeover & OnlyFans Misinformation

E203 · Unsolicited Perspectives
29 Plays22 days ago

Is Elon Musk the next Lex Luthor? 🤔  Join Bruce Anthony in this episode of Unsolicited Perspectives as he breaks down Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl shade towards Drake, dissects Elon Musk's controversial Doge program and its potential impact on your privacy, and exposes the truth behind the OnlyFans scandal that has the internet buzzing.

We're diving deep into political overreach, government accountability, and the dangers of unchecked power. Plus, we're tackling Valentine's Day gift-giving fails, dating in the digital age, and the importance of critical thinking in a world of misinformation.

Don't miss this unfiltered and thought-provoking discussion on the topics shaping our world. #ElonMusk #OnlyFans #KendrickLamar #Drake #doge #unsolicitedperspectives 

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Thank you for tuning into Unsolicited Perspectives with Bruce Anthony. Let's continue the conversation in the comments and remember, stay engaged, stay informed, and always keep an open mind. See you in the next episode! 


00:00 Welcome to Unsolicited Perspectives 🎙️🔥💥

01:02 Kendrick’s Super Bowl Shots: Drake’s Year from Hell 🎤🔥

06:48 Valentine’s Day & Gift-Giving Fails – Are You Doing It Wrong? 🎁💔

12:38 🦸‍♀️ Supergirl Season 4… or a Warning for America? 🚨📺

18:22 Elon Musk’s Dangerous Game: Attacking the Government 🚀💥

31:25 Shadow Government: The Rise of Unchecked Power 🕵️‍♂️🔍

33:07 Politics, Power & Hidden Agendas: Who’s Really in Control? 🕵🏽‍♂️💰

35:11 Elon Musk: Billionaire Puppet Master or Modern Lex Luthor? 🤖🃏

42:45 🔞 OnlyFans Scandal: The Internet Runs Wild with Misinformation 😱📲

51:56 Could You Date an OnlyFans Model? Dating in the Digital Age 💑📸

57:30 🤔 Final Thoughts: Are We Paying Attention to the Bigger Picture? 👀🔍

59:01 Closing Remarks and Call to Action

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Introduction and Episode Preview

Welcome. First of all, welcome. This is Unsolicited Perspectives. I'm your host, Bruce Anthony, here to lead the conversation in important events freedom and topics that have shaped today's society. Join the conversation and follow us wherever you get your audio podcasts. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for our video podcasts and YouTube exclusive content. Rate, review, like, comment, share, share with your friends, share it with your family, help, even share with your enemies.
On today's episode, I'll be daily dabbling a little bit and then I'll be talking about Doze. That's Elon Musk's little operation there. And then I'll be talking about an adult content creator in her crazy day. But that's enough of the intro. Let's get to the show.

Super Bowl, Celebrity Feuds, and Friendship Jokes

Wow. So I'm going to start off and we'll get into more conversation on The Sibling Happy Hour. um I know my sister has a lot to talk about when it comes to the Super Bowl halftime show. I'm just going to touch bases on not exactly Kendrick Lamar.
But on Drake, it's been one hell of a year already for Drake. Not only were they playing not like us with the whole crowd singing at the Grammys, but also the Super Bowl. And Kendrick was taking absolute shots at Drake, saying his name, looking in the camera with a big grin on his face.
And I kind of feel bad for Drake. You know, ah I'm not somebody who's necessarily quick with it when it comes to joking on people. I am, but not. This is what I mean by that. Certain people in certain different cultures call it a different thing. Sometimes it's joking on people here in the DC area, we used to call it jonin on people. In the Richmond area, we call it kraken on people. It's basically all jokes on somebody, right?
I'm not good at coming up with jokes on somebody when everybody's just going around joking on each other. That's that's not my thing. I'm more of an observation type person. You know, and on a day-to-day basis, I can make a comment here and there. You know, come off as funny. And I do joke on people, but it's never really super clever. It's kind of corny. And I'm OK with that. That's who I am as a person. So back in the day,
When my friends and I used to joke on each other, I'm not somebody who takes themselves too seriously. So if you're a joke about me, it's funny, even though it's kind of offensive. I'm going to laugh about it because if it's funny, it's funny and I don't take myself too seriously, but it does get to a certain point where I've had enough. And my sister loves to point it up that I pointed out that I have a certain look. I don't know what that look is.
I don't know what that look is, but I do know that there is a point of no return with me. And when I get to that point where people have joking with me, cracking, joking, whatever you want to call it. And I get to that point where I don't want to deal with it anymore.

Valentine's Day Gift-Giving and Relationship Communication

That's when I get personal. And my boys used to always say, we won't joke Bruce, because you always get super personal with this stuff. And and I learned that my dad taught me that.
You know, when you're playing the dozens, hit them where it hurts, especially because neither one of us are that quick-witted when it comes to joking on people. Hit them where it hurts, so it just shuts everybody up. So these are some of the things that I've done to other people when i you know when we're playing the dozens and we're joking on each other. There was one gentleman back in high school that, let's just say that his mother was a free spirit.
And everybody in the area knew about his mother being a free spirit. And one day he had a role going. A role going is is is when somebody's got just a joke after joke after joke after joke on you. And everybody is laughing. And it gets to a point, like I said with me personally, where I'm done with the joking.
And so I looked at him point blank and I said, that's the reason why your mom's a hoe. And everybody in Unseen, how many dudes is she even smashed? Shut him up real quick. I mean, he couldn't beat me up. So he had to just stop the joking right then and there. But these are the type of things I'll talk about. I'll say the stuff that nobody else would say. You know, if you smell bad and you joking on me,
I'm gonna say it. If your girlfriend cheated on you or your boyfriend cheated on you, I'm gonna say it. I even said something about a person's parents one time. This is what I said. this This guy was getting on me once again. He had a role going and it was starting to get a little mean-spirited. Like it wasn't funny anymore. It was starting to get a little mean-spirited. So that's the reason why I said, that's the reason why your parents are getting a divorce. Obviously they don't love you anymore.

Political Parallels with Supergirl

Shut them the hell up, right? So I see all that to say this. At a certain point, Drake is just going to have to just hit Kendrick like with some real stuff. and And everybody's got dirt. Everybody's got dirt that they don't want to get out that they're trying to hide or that everybody knows about and nobody's going to bring it up. At this point, Kendrick is not letting up. OK, you want all those Grammys and at the Super Bowl, he specifically was yelling out in the crowd, yelling out, hey, Drake,
I heard you like him, young. Like, that's what his training is looking at the camera as he's doing it with a sly grin. Drake going to have to do something. You're going to have to do something. We got to fight. At this point, I believe that you got to fight. That's just that's just the way it is, because he's not letting up either one. But you know, he's not winning with Melody. He is doubling down. And Drake has got everybody singing this song that's all a big joke on on him. And I feel sorry for the young man.
I can call my young man because he's younger than me. I feel sorry for the young man. I do because this is ridiculous. Like, let up. Kendrick, let up. You won. You won. I shouldn't hear no more things on Drake from Kendrick Lamar. You won. And and I do. I feel incredibly bad for Drake, but he gonna come back here. I hope he does. I hope this isn't the end of his career. I don't think it will be, but

Critique of Elon Musk's Projects and Comments

ah don't look good.
The segue a little bit, talking about people joking on you that may or may not be your friends or loved ones. We're slowly, rapidly approaching as this show airs. It is Valentine's Day. And i it's come to my attention. I'm not celebrating with anybody special. and I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day anyway. I believe it's a made up holiday. It just gets you to spend money. And when I say you, I mean men.
Though they're, you know, the last Valentine's Day I had with a young lady, you know, she paid some stuff too. So that I'm not saying it's all men and not being the massages. I'm just saying most of the time.
men are paying, right? So I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day. But what it got me to think about as Valentine's Day was approaching was gift giving. Now, I will say, me personally, I'm not a great gift giver. And it's not because I'm thoughtless, right? It's just I'm just not a great gift giver. I'm a good gift giver for little stuff on a consistent basis. In other words, you know, it's nothing for me to have the things that the young lady that I'm dating enjoys in my home so that when she comes over here, she feels comfortable.
that That's always my thing in life. i want like If you're going to enter into my home, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible. So if I'm dating you and I know you like certain snacks, I'm going to have them my cupboard fully stocked with those snacks. If you like special drinks, I'm going to have those drinks there for you.
If you spend a night, I'm gonna have a special towel, special washf cloths what washcloth, luffa, whatever you use. If you use special soap or shampoo, let me know. I'm gonna put it on my shopping list and listen have it here for you so that you feel comfortable. I'm good at stuff like that. What I'm not good at is big stuff.
The last person I spent Christmas with, you know, I had the hardest time trying to figure out what was the big gift that I was going to get her. And and I did okay, but in comparison,
Her big gift to me completely threw me off. It was a surprise. It was a pleasant surprise. And I made an offhand comment. She remembered it from months prior and then got me that gift where I was genuinely surprised and touched.
I'm not good at gift giving. And so as I'm thinking about this, as I'm thinking about the fact that I'm not good at gift giving, that is not one of my strong suits. It's not one of my love languages. is i'm not I don't like receiving gifts like that either. That's not my love language.
I understand that at times I've been in relationships where my significant other has felt that I didn't care as much as I actually did because they thought I didn't put enough thought in the gift that I got them. I'm more of a practical gift giver. Things that you can use as opposed to things that you wouldn't normally get yourself because I don't know what you would normally not get yourself unless I'm with you all the time. Okay.
And as I'm thinking about this, as I'm examining this, just me being in my own thoughts, I was thinking it to myself, there's a lot of times where, like I said, there's a misconception of who I am or how I feel about a person. And I had to explain to him like, yeah, I do care about you. I'm just sucking gifts. But that's because I try to communicate exceptionally well in relationships through a learned process, right?
And not everybody has that form of communication in their relationships. So with this Valentine's Day approaching, that special someone that has planned an evening or an event or things like that for you or for the both of you.
take a step back and just appreciate the fact that they made an effort and not focus on the end result so much because they might not be good at playing and stuff. It's not that they don't care about you.
Sometimes it can be that they don't care about you but by and large most of the time it's because they're just not good at that type of stuff and if you want certain things and if you want certain outings and if you want a special evening that has certain points in the night where certain things are You know, you're going to get flowers here or a horseback. I don't know. I'm thinking of all those romantic tropes for movies or things of that nature, because I ain't that super romantic. So I don't be knowing what people out there doing that's romantic. You know, I don't do that wine and die stuff. I crack some jokes and I look cute trying or at least I try to just recognize the fact that they put in the effort.
And that it may not be what you want, but if it's not what you want, next time, tell them what you want. And don't go on that where they should just know. No, not like people aren't mind readers and people sometimes aren't super observant. And sometimes you just need to spell it out and tell them, this is what I want. And if it ruins the surprise, it ruins the surprise, but at least you get what you want. Have some grace for those people that are out there.
that aren't good gift givers and just recognize the effort that they put in to attempt to make an evening beautiful. Look at that instead. Now, before I end this segment of All My Daily Daddling, I was once again sitting in thought like I normally do, and it came to my attention, ah this one particular season, that there's some parallels, I'll explain.
Everybody knows that I love Superman. I watch the shows, I watch the movie, anything that has to do with Superman, I'm gonna watch. One of the characters of Superman is Supergirl. Supergirl had a television show. I don't know, it ran for eight or nine seasons, started on CBS to move to CW network.
Then they told the story of Supergirl, Superman's cousin that came from ah Krypton that was lost in space. and And when she arrived on Earth, Superman was already a full grown man, even though they both left when he was a baby. And she arrived as a teenager. And because of the time warping, she was trapped in space and all this. But I was thinking about season four. And season four, they introduced Lex Luthor.
Granted, he's not typically a rogue villain in the Supergirl mythos. Hell, in one storyline, they even got married. But he was a villain in season four of Supergirl. Now, why did this pop into my head? Well, in that particular season, what he did was orchestrated chaos in America.
He, there was a battle going on in this city between those that had powers like Supergirl and regular humans. And regular humans, kind of like the far right that we see here in America now, we're basically treating some superpowered beings like kind of how we're treating people from Latin American countries or the Muslim religion, right? And so Lex Luthor had manipulated the president
into exposing herself as an alien. She was impeached. And then the vice president took over, but Lex Luthor had the vice president in his pocket. And Lex Luthor caused some war with another country in the US. And then he had a super suit that he built and he fought against the people that were invading the the the country that he initiated. He was a catalyst behind the scenes initiating this other country attack in the US. He destroyed that army and then he came off as a hero. All while he is making the public go against superheroes because he's not a superhero. He's a human being that created technology kind of like Iron Man to fight off and defend the country.
And as I'm reminiscing about Lex Luthor and this plot in Supergirl 4, I couldn't help but understand and connect the parallels of what's going on here in this country right now. Follow me, okay? We have a billionaire.
Super billionaire that's been labeled a genius and we'll get into that in the next segment That's been labeled a genius that's sitting right next to the president that they're often calling Elon Musk the actual president Manipulating and whispering in the air and even having a hand in the government Loring our national defense by allowing other foreign entities to be able to bribe people in prominent positions here in America. What is this orchestrating? What is this doing? What is this creating chaos?
in this country and it's only been three, four weeks, right? It's only been three, four weeks. So I couldn't help but notice that there are these parallels, except it's not superhuman beings, right? It's migrants. It's people of the Muslim faith. It's people of the LGBTQ plus community, right? That they've created a push against to say that they're not American and it's not American for them to be here.
I don't know, like we don't have a supergirl to save us. Supergirl wins an end, Lex Luthor loses. You know, I mean, this is absolutely true, but we don't have a Superman to save us. Our our supergirl is Superman. It's our responsibility to do these things.
And so as I was sitting in thought, I was thinking, this situation is way crazier than what I thought it was being in it. Because in that moment, as I'm remembering Supergirl season four, I've taken myself out of the current predicament and just looking at the current predicament of the United States of America and just looking at it from an outside lens and thinking, yo, this is crazy as hell. It's so crazy. It's scripted on a television show.
that aired seven years ago. It was crazy then, it's even crazier now. And it's gonna be even crazier when I tell you exactly what Elon Musk is doing. And I'm gonna get into that next.
So I don't know if some of y'all watched, but just the other day, There was a press conference in the Oval Office and Elon Musk and his little son was there and he answered some questions in the press. This is unprecedented, but not unprecedented because Kanye West did the same thing in the Oval Office all of a sudden. Now anybody that wants access to the president can now have access to the president and then answer questions from the press.
in the Oval Office. But that's neither here nor there. And he talked about a lot a lot of what his Doge organization is doing. And I'm going to get into that specifically. But as he's talking, I'm thinking to myself as I'm listening to what he's saying, this I'm thinking to myself, this is a genius. No, Musk sounds like a freaking idiot. So Elon Musk criticism of the government documents storage facility in Pennsylvania is really what I'm talking about here. And that was really the purpose of me bringing this up in this segment. Now, what is going on here? So Elon Musk is talking about the government documents storage facility in Pennsylvania. It's a limestone mine where federal federal retirement paperwork is manually processed.
His rationale or his things that he said about this centers on absolute absurd. He says that it was absurd, inefficient, and framed it as a relic of the past. He claims the process is bottlenecked by a slow, unreliable mine elevator sarcastically dubbing it a time warp and arguing that practically anything else would be better.
However, must critique overlooks the facility's deliberate design. The underground site ah operated by ironmin said Iron Mountain since the 1960s, prioritize unparalleled physical security, disaster resistance, and control access for sensitive records.
While he is correct about the manual paper-based system, which processes about 10,000 applications monthly, his focus on the

Misinformation and the Importance of Fact-Checking

elevator as a limiting factor is factually disputed by employees asserting there is no elevator. And delays stem from a case-by-case complexity, okay, not infrastructure, which is what he was alluding to. He's saying, this is literally what he said,
that the elevator runs so slow that that's the reason why it takes a long time for people to get retired in the federal government. Okay, so let's tackle some of these things. Yes, anybody that works with federal government, there is a ton of paperwork to retire.
so many benefits, so many other things that need to be figured out. And if you're somebody that's gone to different levels throughout the government, had different jobs, some of these retirement situations could be quite complex.
So it takes a while. You know what else takes a while? To get a government job. That takes it the whole process for working for and exiting the government is a long process. like I know people that have been looking for security and clearances that go six, seven, eight months, sometimes a year. And wouldn't you want the people working for the government to really want to work for the government and to wait their time to work for and then exit the government. It should be an easy process where you could just walk in, walk out of the government, kind of like ah Elon Musk has.
So the facility structure reflects a trade-off between security and modernization. This is a nuance to Musk, but he just simply ignores it and he pushes it for privatization and efficiency-driven reforms.
He's oversimplifying and misses the point of the entire system. The system is outdated, but intentionally insulated from cyber threats and a priority in the era of digital ah vulnerabilities. So I was talking to a friend of mine and he was like, yeah, I don't know why everything isn't automated. Because of cyber attacks, you're dealing with government employees and all of their information.
Yes, it is in a basically a secure bunker that could survive a nuclear attack because you're going to need some paperwork. Hey, you know what happens in every, you know, dystopia type music, movie or book or anything like that. No, it typically shuts down first that shuts down the world. Technology.
Anytime they they want to like get rid of the banking system and get rid of money, they're talking about attacking computers and wiping out an entire system. That's what they're talking about. You have to have paper. Look, I've got all these shows, all of them, all the audio and video files stored on my computer, right?
I've got them stored in cloud-based systems. I've got them stored in multiple locations. So just in case something happens and everything gets wiped out, I'll still have backups. I would love to still have video tapes and audio tapes. I would love to have a hardcore copy.
And not just a digital copy so that I know that it will last and be taken care of. And and I have transcripts, but the transcripts, ah I mean, I could reread the transcripts to rerecord the episodes, but the transcripts, so you know, I don't really want to do that either. But that's essentially what they're talking about when they're talking about paperwork. So the the friend was like, I don't know why everything is automated because cyber attacks, bruh, cyber attacks. So I'm going to go through some Elon Musk absurd critiques ah from the facility and why they don't make any sense and why he's not the genius that everybody thinks he is. So let's go with the time warp rhetoric.
Musk frames a limestone mine, which has been operational since 1955, as an antiquated relic mimicking its reliance on paper files, manila envelopes, and manual labor. And he uses the elevator as a scapegoat. He blames the facility's inefficiency on a slow, breakdown-prone mine elevator, call it a calling it a limiting factor in federal requirements. Okay, so once again,
The reason why you use a papers and manila envelopes and things of that nature is the reason why it's in this bunker is because if something ever happens, if we were ever hit by a nuclear attack, Hey, we have these documents. These documents are in safekeeping. Sometimes you have to go old school to maintain something for the longevity.
Kind of makes sense to me. And then to blame it on a slow moving elevator, which by the way, does not exist. I cannot point that out enough. Does not exist. Stated by the employees that work there. Okay, this is not just me saying who don't exist. This is stated and has been documented by the employees that work there. Like this isn't true. And then to try to blame it on the slow process of a retirement system on a slow moving elevator. When he said that, I was like, this guy is not bright or he thinks you're not bright and you'll fall for anything. So the facility structure has a purpose. Security over speed. It's located 220 feet underground in a former limestone mine
offering natural disaster resists it resistance. It also has state-of-the-art surveillance 24-7 monitoring and the control actors access to protect sensitive data. It's been used since the 1960s to secure document storage. OPM moved retirement processes there in the 1970s. It's designed for physical security long before digital threats dominated.
So you know what that means? What that means is, is that that can't be hacked. And why would we want to make sure that these documents don't get hacked? They're government employees, personal information. I know I'll get into Elon Musk not giving a damn about people's personal information later, but it's employees, federal employees, personal information.
It's kind of important, but more importantly, like I said, he missed the mark on his critique by a lot of different things. First, factual errors. And like I said, employees already disputed the existence of an elevator undermining his bottleneck claim. his The delays stem from case-specific complexities, not infrastructure.
Okay. He had misplaced priorities, must dismiss the security trade-offs. The facilities designed intentionally sacrificed the speeds for installation from once again, cyber attacks and hacks. Manual processing while slow avoids risks of digitalized sensitive sensitive data.
Let's not forget the OPM had a 2015 cyber attack which exposed 21 million records. That was 2015. Okay, so what are we what are we talking about here? Here's here's a big takeaway. Musk is wrong.
because he reduces a complex security versus efficiency dilemma to a punchline about elevators and paper. He's ignoring the facility's role in mitigating risks that his own tech driven solutions could accelerate. So when was the last time Twitter got hacked? Because people get hacked on Twitter all the time. All the time. Okay.
all the time. So what is his Doge really doing? Because Doge, the reason why he was there is because he's been getting in all different types of systems, government systems, to try and clean up the government. And one of the ways he wants to clean up the government is by changing the retirement system because, you know, they want to get rid of federal workers. And they just did this buyout. Okay.
And it sounded shady to me from the job. So for those people who don't understand what the buyout is, Trump came into office with a playbook to reduce the federal government. How

Societal Issues and Reflections on Freedom

he's going to do that is by basically eliminating jobs and departments and things of that nature. On a macro level, yes, the government can be wasteful.
And I know living in this area for over 25 years, there's some redundancy in the government. And it's kind of what happens when something's been living and thriving for a long time. You keep adding on in pieces and it it becomes too massive. Let me give you a proud example. I've got this simulator wrestling game where I own a professional wrestling company and I go against other wrestling companies, right? And other and every wrestling company has their own staff, whether it's wrestlers, referees, announcers, managers, and everything else.
in an effort to be the best company any time a contract is ending with another company of a wrestler, staff member, what have you, then I'm interested in, I will overbid to make sure that I get them because I'm thinking to myself, not only will they help my company, but they'll losing them for the other company will hurt the other company.
But it gets to a point after a certain amount amount of time that I have so many, so much staff that I don't even know what to do with it. And some people are just wasting away on the sidelines, not being used, still paying them. I'm still paying them, right? They are still part of my in income. Well, not really income. They're still part of my debt. I'm still paying them, but I'm not really having them do anything.
That's kind of the government, like certain people don't retire, there's no hiring freezes, you got ah the government grows longer larger, there's more departments, you gotta hire more people, it can be become bloated. So on a macro level, yes, I kinda understand it. Here's the problem though, the current administration is specifically targeting people that they think are against them. That's what dictators do.
So, Musk is part of this Doge thing that is that is specifically used to eliminate programs or control spending. This program claims to target government waste and inefficiency and fraud.
But here's the thing, it's criteria for defining these terms remain undefined, and more importantly, unregulated. Doge operates without meaningful oversight. Raising an alarm is about a secretive access to sensitive personal data. Things like finances and health records of people, not just federal employees, ladies and gentlemen. People, because they had access to social security systems that affects everybody in the country, okay?
And they're using AI to analyze federal databases. OK, so despite its stated mission to increase transparency, Doge itself lacks accountability. His actions are shielded from public scrutiny until after implementation with no mechanism to challenge his judgment, but what constitutes waste.
Critics including the ACL and Congress warned that those unchecked operations risk enabling political motivated misuse of data and eroding per privacy rights, all while failing to substantially address systemic inefficiencies. So here's the problem. This organization on surface trying to cut spending and get rid of the boat sounds great on a macro level, on a micro level.
There is no oversight. There's no clear direction of what waste or fraud is. They're just yelling out, this contract is fraud. Why is it fraud? so It's not given a clear example of what the guidelines are, what the standards are of judging these departments. They're arbitrarily deciding in their mind what they're going to do with departments and programs that they deem as fraud.
And nobody's looking into it. They're technically not a real government program and they have no real oversight. Certain members of Congress are calling for oversight because legally they're not allowed to fire anybody, but they are getting rid of systems. They are defunding systems and people are absolutely leaving, losing jobs. So they have a vague mandate.
Purpose is framed for reducing wasteful spending and excessive regulations, but once again, gives no concrete definitions or metrics for these terms. There's no public criteria existing to evaluate how Doge identifies or prioritizes targets leaving its actions open to political bias. We already know it's political bias.
We know that by the stances of which they're saying they're against the president, therefore we're going to get rid of them. These aren't, these aren't my opinions. These are facts. These are statements made by the current administration. Okay. No oversight, no accountability. People are suing because they're essentially bulking the law because they're eliminating jobs and they have no right to actually do it.
So when I gave the analogy of Lex Luthor in the last segment, and I said how he is manipulating, how it Lex Luthor manipulated America and the government to do his bidding, and ultimately, Lex Luthor in the series, I forgot to say, he just wanted to kill Superman. That's that's all he wanted. I don't know what Elon Musk's ultimate goal is. He's become the richest man in the world. He's already got that.
Does he have control in the government? He's already got that. His son, basically, there's a little son, a little badass kid. even will Look, little kid was bad, okay? Had no discipline at all. He wasn't controlling him. Basically, tell Trump you're not the real president. that's That was picked up on a hot mic, okay?
You have this guy who is given a press conference answering questions from the press, selective press, mind you, because an AP was not allowed in the Oval Office because simply that they wouldn't change the name to Gulf of America.
Gulf of Mexico, that's what it is. okay But the administration says, no, we're going to change it the Gulf of America. And you've got some idiots out there who are praising that and missing the big point. right You think this America first is about you? It's not about you. You think Elon Musk, this ultra-billionaire, is going to save money for you? It's not about you. It's about them.
They don't care about you. They never cared about you. They care about them. And they are manipulating the systems that are programs that are helping you, that are helping you to benefit them. And you follow for the Okidoke. And they're using government systems as political weaponization. They're specifically targeting people that they think are against the president. It's already been documented that the person that's being, you know, that needs to be confirmed by the Senate for the FBI, it's already been documented that he wants to go in and fire all of those people that were in the investigations for Trump. They're wiping out anything that is against them.
So as we take a step back and I give you that affirm information, close your eyes. What does that look like to you? When a person that has power over a country eliminates, gets rid of, kicks out any political opposition or anybody that stands up to them. What is that? Keep your eyes close. Just think about it.
I can tell you what it's not. It's not democracy. It's a dictatorship. That's what it actually is. And that's what we're slowly but surely moving towards because it's already been documented by the people that are in the orbit of this administration that they're doing a blitzkrieg. The reason why things seem so crazy is on purpose. They're purposely trying throwing turmoil into the system. And I was talking to somebody earlier and they're like, yeah, don't want turmoil into the system. That's a good thing. And I was like, you don't understand the system is America. They're throwing turmoil in America.

Modern Relationships and Changing Norms

They're specifically disrupting America.
And they're doing it because they know that people can only fight for so long. So even though they're doing things illegally and that there are lawsuits to combat this, eventually people will give up. And when people give up, they can do whatever they want.
because they know they've beaten a fight out of people, not just mentally and emotionally, but also financially, because it costs money to file lawsuits to fight the government. So, Doge's lack of transparency, undefined goals and absence of any type of oversight is creating a perfect storm for abuse. By operating in secrecy and refusing to clarify what it deems wasteful, Doge undermines democratic accountability while posing significant risks to privacy and more importantly, civil liberties.
I'm gonna repeat that again. They're posing a significant risk to civil liberties until it's mandated and is rigorously defined and subjected to independent review. Doge functions as a shadowy tool of the executive overreach, not a solution to government inefficiency. That's basically what it is.
And this that's a little bit of opinion. That's a whole lot of fact. And I had a conversation with somebody one time, and and I remember them saying to me, you know just because they did that one court ruling doesn't mean that they're going to overturn Roe v. Wade. And they did.
And the same person said to me, you know, they've been trying to take social security away for a long time. This never happened. And they're trying. See, nothing happens until it happens. Okay. Nothing happens until it happens. But history, if you look at history, history will tell you. So I was dating this girl one time and she treated her friends and her family
with distance. It didn't take much for them to rub her the wrong way and for her to kind of turn on them and turn cold. And I was dating her and and I saw this. I saw her do all these things to other people. But the ego of me believed, well, that's them, that's not me. It won't happen to me until it did.
The ego of Americans is to believe, well, we'll never become a dictatorship with an authoritarian power. That happens to other countries. It doesn't happen to us and until it will. We're not that old as a country, about 250 years old. That's not that old and in countries' terms. It's not that old. Countries that have lasted longer absolutely have been taken over by dictators.
and authoritative figures.
Wake up. Y'all need to wake up. Too many people are being passive and thinking that it's not a big deal and they're thinking that and they're acting that way because they're not affected. They're not affected yet.
okay so talking to another friend of mine, and they brought up something to me. And they said, hey, did you hear about the OnlyFans British girl that had sex with a thousand men? I was like, no, I actually, and maybe I heard something about it, but i don't i don't I don't know too much about it. Why, what's up? Yeah, a guy came on and said that he gave her AIDS. I said, okay. Now this person routinely tell, gives me information.
about a story that they've read or heard somewhere. And I always give them this look of, man, is that really true? And they always say, Google it, I swear. And then I always Google it. And the story is never truly what he said. Never truly what it was. Or the story is just absolutely false. So as he's telling me this, I was like, OK, I did hear something about this.
Let me just do a little bit of research because I got AIDS. Okay, let me do a little bit of research. So I did do a little bit of research. And the person in question, the adult content creator, her name is Bonnie Blue. She began as a webcam model in 2023 and transitioned into OnlyFans. She's known for content with young male students and married men, claimed to have sex with 158 students during her freshman week.
in September of 2024. I should claim to have the world record of having sex with 157 men in 12 hours in January 2025. The footage has been removed from the OnlyFans. Now the The brief research that I did, the reason that the footage has been removed from OnlyFans is because she admitted it that the first person that she had sex with, she didn't use protection. And then after everybody else that she did is also a dispute if it was actually 1,057 men. Okay, so with that information,
You would say to yourself, well, I mean, she did have unprotected sex with one person, so you should probably did get a guy AIDS. And I want you to just think about this. Think about it logically. The incident happened in January 2025. From my knowledge of growing up during the HIV era,
that it takes about three months for you it to even show up in your system sometime even longer, like a year before it actually shows up in the test. This happened last month.
Pretty sure it wouldn't show up in the test that fast. Second, and more importantly, there's a difference between HIV and AIDS. AIDS is after HIV, you must first have HIV, and it takes a little while before it turns into AIDS. And nowadays, if you take proper medicine and things of that nature and eat right, it never turns into AIDS. But rarely, I'm not gonna say never, rarely turns into AIDS. But not a lot of people are dying from AIDS, not nearly in in my in the 90s, right? Like it's nowhere close, okay? So just by stepping out,
I can already disprove his case. Okay. And this is another example of people not doing research on the internet properly. Okay. You get one little clip of a person saying that they were there.
They participated and now they have AIDS and you run with it. Social media and the internet has become one giant game of telephone. Ladies and gentlemen, y'all might be too old to play tele, know what telephone is, but there was a game back in the day that was called telephone. You were, you could either use like little speakers or you could whisper somebody's ear and you would stand in the line and you would whisper a phrase or a story or something like that in a person's ear.
And the first person and the last person would try to see if their stories matched up and almost always it never matches up. Never. And that's what the internet and social media is. This person took a clip because I had to scour the internet.
I scoured, I went through every database that there is, social media, Google, Bing, every search engine that there is to try and find out if there's anything out there that remotely resembles the story that he gave me. And there was one clip that had been shared multiple times and the clip had been commented on by multiple people of this one person who claims that they was there.
No proof that they were there. No proof that they are who they say they are. And said the daygate that this young lady gave her STD. Gave them an STD.
And this person is coming to me, and the person that's coming to me knows, knows I'm a researcher and knows that I'm constantly going back at him with it. That's not true. That's not exactly right. that Like the person never has the facts right. Never. And then they watch and listen to the show. And yeah, I'm talking about you. I told you I was going to use the content. I told you. I told you when you said it to me, I was like, I'm going to talk about it on the show. I'm going to. Because you know what I'm saying right here is the same exact thing that I say into your face.
Once again, you did not do proper research. Once again, you are wrong because there is not a story or anything else to back up the claim. She is not even saying that she has HIV.
What she has said is she's not worried about getting HIV because she making so much money. And that's the problem with these young kids, because she's a young kid. And I've already talked about this before, ah how this younger generation is not tripping off HIV with older generations, millennials and Gen X is scared to death, scared to death of HIV AIDS. And I guess, I mean,
It's not that big of a thrill anymore. I mean, they even got me medications that you could take to be preventative, right? And and that's another thing. If they got medications that that you could take to be preventative, just sell it in the grocery store so everybody could take it. You know, you I want to be able to access this drug like I can access Advil or Tylenol. You know what? That's what I want. I can buy condoms.
you You depending on what stage you live, you can get plan B pills. Give me that no HIV pill. Let me get that pill. Matter of fact, let me get that. Let that be the first pill that I get, please and thank you.

Conclusion and Call to Action

And if you can come up with ah a no herpes pill or just a no STD pill, you know, but specifically those STDs that are not curable because technically there is no technical cure for HIV. There is this cocktails of medications that can make HIV diluted to the point where it doesn't come up and in the your bloodstream anymore. that's not a technique That's not technically a cure. So I'm not really messing with that. I ain't feeling that. And this last eye check, they still ain't found no cure for herpes. They got a cure for just about everything else.
bat and herpes. So, you know, I mean, come out with some cures for that, put that in pill form, put that at the target. So next time, you know, well get some condoms, I can go in here and get the the no STD pill. But the story is not solely about this person bringing this story to me. That's a that's a another issue that that I've talked about on this show.
numerous times of people not doing proper research and getting faulty information. And it it literally took me 35, 40 minutes to get the real story. I mean, that's all it takes, ladies and gentlemen. If you really want to get to the bottom of something, just take the 30, 35, 40 minutes to do a little bit of research.
But I want to talk about the larger issue. The largest, he wanted to believe the story. That's the reason why he took it and ran with it. Because in his mind, he, the gentleman that said he got the STD, all those other guys and her deserve it. Whether he wants to admit it to himself or not,
That's what he wants to, that's what he's ultimately subconsciously is feeling. He wanted the story to be true because he wanted them to pay for what he probably deems whether he admits it to herself as at the very least uncooked.
And I want to focus on a conversation that I've had with several people about, could I date a OnlyFans model? And I've remained steadfast even in my conservative nature of getting older and what I deem is appropriate and inappropriate relationships. You'll never see me in a poly relationship. If I'm in a poly relationship, it's not a relationship. I don't care about the person. Whether it's me being and protective, controlling, whatever. If I'm in love with somebody, I don't want to share them.
That's just not my get-down. For those people that are like that, cool. I'm not knocking you. Don't knock me for feeling the way that I do on this Valentine's Day. I'd rather just be in a monogamous type of relationship. I'm either in a monogaous written monogamous relationship or no relationship at all. I'm not doing this open stuff. I'm not going to do it. People get hurt. They think they can participate in it, and then they find out to catch the feelings and get the feelings hurt. OK?
so I'm not knocking anybody that wants to do that. I'm just saying that's not my thing. And I'm looking at this from a conservative mindstand of you know, people are a lot of people out there doing poly a lot of people open with their sexuality, I still trip at my community pool or at my ah buildings pool, where women are out there in thongs. And I'm like, it's kids around. Now, if there's no kids around, I could care less. But there's kids around. And then I'm thinking to myself, kids see that on TV all day long. They're not tripping, right? Like, it's not the same as it was for me, where I didn't see a woman in the thong on television until after 11pm. And that was USA up all night. We either run to share or give a Godfrey. and And that was, I'm older, times are changing. And
I have to look at, even in my conservative mind, I could date an OnlyFans model if she didn't engage with what Bonnie did. Like, I mean, so, like, could I date a former porn star? Yes, it'd be a big pill for my pride and ego to swallow, but a former, yes, not an active, not an active.
Could I date an OnlyFans model that just takes pictures and stuff like that? Yeah, I don't care. Look, I am securing myself to realize that if I'm dating a woman, she going to be looked at by men. And if she's getting that money for it too, as long as it's just looking what difference does it make to me? I'm not that overprotective or territorial, whereas, like,
They got to be mine. But a lot of men are. And whether this person that brought this up to me realizes or not, they view women as a possession to have, not a partner to live and grow with. And so I'm looking at Bonnie again. She's reckless. She's got a lot of controversial stuff. which She is reckless. And I've interviewed only fan models. And I know that a lot of them are safe.
that they handle their business, they're about their bread, and they enjoy free sexuality. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But people like Bonnie are given all those people that are making adult content a bad name. And people like Bonnie are given this person who gave me this story who was terribly, terribly wrong, but subconsciously wanted the story to be true because he's judging them for what they do. The ammunition to judge.
everybody in this group because people don't judge people individually. They judge people as a group. So you gotta be careful what you do out there because even though it's just you, people are still looking at you as a group.
If you do something as a woman, they're looking at you as women. They do something as a man, they're looking at you as men. If they do something, if a person that's black does something, they look at people that are black, Spanish, part of the LGBTQ plus community, all of that. They lump you together because it's easier for people to think about that as opposed to thinking about this is an individual and this is not part of the collective. But bodies make it easy for these people to judge.
And I'm not knocking Bonnie. I mean, Bonnie put a little sauce on her statement. you know She wanted that world record. And they said, well, you didn't sleep with 1,057 men. And her response was, you know it was just an evening of ah you know a lot of sex. And I was just tired. And I'm like, that's all it was? Because let me tell you.
That's a lot. That's a lot. That's a lot of working. Okay. That's a lot of working and just saying like you were just a little tired. I mean, ah look I don't want to come across nobody. Me personally, I'm too old. You ain't gonna give me no heart attack. I mean, don't get me wrong. That's not a bad way to go. That's probably the way I would rather go. If I'm not going to pass in my sleep, let me pass in a passionate display of my passion.
It's either that or sleep for me. um But I mean, she'll kill me. I'm too old for that. Too old for that. I don't want nothing to do with it. But ladies and gentlemen, you know celebrate your significant other or significant others if you're part of the park Poly community. you know Give them peace. you know Understand that people are doing the best that they can.
recognize when you're being manipulated and controlled and see through the BS, you know, like I said, I thought that young lady that I dated wasn't going to treat me like she treated everybody else, but she did. You think that everything that Elon Musk is doing doesn't pertain to you until it does. You think that that person that got you that gift or plan that evening that wasn't that special in your eyes doesn't care about you.
but they do, they're showing the best way that they can. You think that you got the story all figured out because you want that to be the story and you didn't do enough research. You see, it's all about growth. If you look in the mirror and you say, I'm a complete person, you failed because there's always work to do. You just got to take it upon yourself to do the work.
And if somebody points it out, don't take it as a criticism. Take it as something you need to work on. As long as they don't keep pointing out, and keep pointing out, because then that's when they're jonin' on you, and then you gotta to hit them below the belt. Tell them that they're breastfeeding, or that they wife left them. Hey, whatever you gotta do to get them off their back. freedom over But on that note, ladies and gentlemen, read them over I wanna thank you for listening. stay the same I wanna thank you for watching. And until next time, as always,
How Holler!
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