Champions League Reaction: Why Did Juventus Get So BATTERED By Stuttgart? (Clip From Q & A Pod) image

Champions League Reaction: Why Did Juventus Get So BATTERED By Stuttgart? (Clip From Q & A Pod)

The Italian Football Podcast
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After Juventus got battered and were lucky to only lose by 1-0 at home to Stuttgart in the Champions League, Nima Tavallaey and Carlo Garganese discuss what we can learn from this game.  

The Italian Football Podcast patron Mr Burns sends in a question wondering what Nima Tavallaey and Carlo Garganese think of what happened to the Bianconeri against Stuttgart in the Champions League.

This is an extended clip from this weeks Q & A episode of The Italian Football Podcast available only to patrons on Patreon.com/TIFP

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Welcome to the Italian Football Podcast. Next question comes from Mr Burns. Juventus were completely battered by Stuttgart. It was very alarming just how outplayed Juventus were. What went wrong and is it a sign of Juventus limitations in terms of challenging the best teams this season?
Yeah, I mean we're gonna talk about this on the Thursday show um as well, but I think that It to summarize it did I mean listen Juventus were battered. They were completely battered from first minute to last completely outplayed they should have if it If the result was fair, they should have lost four or five nil no exaggeration. Stuttgart's XG was like 2.7 or something. Juventus' was 0.3. They were completely outplayed, every department in every possible way. It was alarming just how much they were outplayed because but they were going to lose eventually. It's their first loss of the season.
Eventually, it was going to happen. It was alarming by just, ah you know, ah usually a top team wouldn't get doesn't get outplayed that like that. Generally, that's what's ah that's what's alarming about it. You wouldn't expect Inter or you wouldn't expect the Manchester City or an Arsenal or or ah a Liverpool or or Bayern Munich or Real Madrid or Barcelona to be outplayed.
in terms of the overall game in the way that Juventus were last night. like that shouldn't That shouldn't happen. You can lose, everyone can lose, everyone can have a bad game, and but not like that. That's what's worrying about it. um So I think it is a little bit of a reality check of where Juventus are at. um yeah This is a team that probably on paper has been playing maybe above the sum of its parts so far this season and that ah but a lot, yeah you know,
but yeah That's also down to the great work ah of Mota. But I also think that on the other side of the coin, I think that Juventus, the number of players out injured and the absentees probably also took its toll in in this game. and That's not the the only, cause that's not an excuse, the only reason why it happened. and But I think that, you know, when you're out without, Juventus are without like six first-teamers, Bremere,
Gatti had a bit of a problem, so he didn't play. Cambiaso got rested. Koote miners out. Douglas Louise pulls up in the warm-up before the game. Locatelli gets rested. Gonzalez is injured. Milik, your only other striker options there. So you're without kind of half your first team.
The other players that are playing like Yildiz and Vlovich have basically had to play every game because there's no alternatives because of the injuries. So they go into this game and they're not fit. Mckenny's rushed back clearly wasn't fully fit. um So I think it was just like that physically Juventus weren't at it. And I think that's down also because of the number of injuries. ah And, you know, Juventus have been playing with a real small group of players for a long time. And he played twice in three days. They played on Saturday.
against Lazio then they play this game on the Tuesday they've been playing also having to play kids and next-gen players I mean Savona comes on they've got they've had no bench for much of this season I mean they had no bench against Lazio I mean look at the bench against Stuttgart I mean no players to bring on if you want to change the game no striker to bring on you know when you Blauwitsch is playing terrible and you think right who can we bring on to try and make a difference and replace him they they didn't bring on a striker they brought on Adzic and midfielder to come on for Vlovich so they didn't have a striker for the last kind of 25 minutes. So, you know, I think that, yeah, I think the injuries did take its toll. um And yeah, that and also the fact that, yeah, this is probably also a little bit of a reality check of of where Juventus at. It's the Juventus that is building something and I'm i'm quite happy with the start Muttas made and I'm quite confident the Juventus are on the right path. Whether or not that will lead to a trophy this season
maybe not, maybe it comes a bit too soon, um but i'm um I'm still happy with ah you know where Juventus are going, but it is a reality check that there's a long way to go for Juventus. I think that is absolutely excuse me spot on. Yesterday I was surprised, we're going to talk about this more on the Thursday pod of course, the game itself, but I was very surprised by frankly how outplayed Juventus were.
I didn't expect them to be this outplayed and I didn't expect them to be this, you know, dominated. And I'm not just talking about possession. I'm talking about the chances and the sheer number of chances that Stuttgart created. um This is something we haven't seen in other Juventus games.
If you were perfectly honest in other Juventus games, Juventus have barely conceded any chances. And that's what we've been reacting to, saying how solid their defense is. But, you know, the red card came towards the end and it was when the, pet you know, so we can't really say anything about that. But I'm just looking at the stats. First half, 58% ball position for Stuttgart, XG of 0.04 for Juve.
No, you know, one shot on target, 12 to one for Stuttgart in the first half alone. You know, you look at the second in the whole game. Yeah. It's insane. And then you look at the second half. OK, you've had more ball position, 58 percent. They created zero big chances. They had six shots on target.
but they didn't create anything. An XG of 0.2. But while Stuttgart have 1.77, I mean, regardless of what stat you use for XG, it's very obvious that Stuttgart completely dominated this game and deservedly won. And even Motta said so himself. It was a deserved loss, which to me is the biggest surprise. no yeah what was surprising if that isn What was surprising about this was that Juventus have never been dominated like possession-wise territory, they were dominated, they haven't been dominated. like they They've always been kind of like the the team that's been controlled in the game, you know even against like Napoli, you know even Roma to an extent. you know They were the they were the kind of like the masters on the pitch, even when they didn't play particularly well.
and but also like the they weren't pressing at all that's been a feature of Mota and that is a feature of Mota's game he wants his team to press he wants them to run they weren't pressing at all they had nothing they looked like physically they had no energy um they weren't able to get out of the press like Stuttgart were pressing really high were pressing really high up Juventus they couldn't get out they couldn't find out that those patterns of play which with which we've lauded Mota for having for having those those little triangles in the way to get up the pitch and work their way out of presses they weren't able to do it at all they couldn't they couldn't they could they could not get out at all it looked like and all the things i used to quit man now i'm making the allegory comparison all the things that we quit
the things that all the things that we crit as off or the i or the things that i criticized the legary for not being able to get out of the press not being able to have any patterns actually we saw that actually it gets stuck up soon so So, you know, there was that. um And, the yeah, they though they were bad in every department. Defense was really bad. They they they they they were opened up really easily. The midfield were terrible. They couldn't control the game. And the attack was completely toothless. I mean, Yield is again, after the really heavy criticism he got, he he was he did nothing. He was completely blunt. And and then, you know, Conte So had a few nice drills. Juventus really struggled on their right-hand side.
ah Savona looked like a next-gen player. He has done in the in the last two matches, actually. um My biggest concern, though, is I'm worried, certainly ahead of the intercom, I'm worried that Juventus are really physically really in bad shape now. but Even against Lazio, they didn't have that much energy. It was very slow, very sterile.
very, you know, they there there wasn't any intensity in their laps again. And they were just fortunate with the fact that they were playing against 10 men for the whole game that it didn't, it wasn't a problem because of that, you know, in terms of the result, getting a result, but against this Stuttgart team that run and they're so, they got so much intensity. They also got a very good young coach. And that was the other thing that was surprising in this game.
This is the first time that Mott has been really kind of out-coached or out-thought. He had no yeah have no answers. like to It was clearly wasn't working, what he was what the Juventus were doing they're tactically. It wasn't working. He didn't have any answers. He didn't really seem to change things to to to kind of turn the tide. um Yeah, Honus, who's a very, very good young coach, Sebastian Honus, I was very, very impressed by him. so So yeah, it's um ah it's a bit concerning. I'm just hoping it's a little bit more down to um just kind of like physically they they were just a bit dead going into this game.