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Introducing Adam to Death Note! || Chatsu-nani?! image

Introducing Adam to Death Note! || Chatsu-nani?!

S2 E3 · Chatsunami
289 Plays3 years ago

On the first episode of our Chatsu-nani series, Andrew (Greenshields) and Fraser (Satsunami) introduce Adam to the world of anime. This time they discuss the first three episodes of the iconic series Death Note. Will Adam like it? Or will he be writing our names in the Death Note? Let's find out in this new series!

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Introduction to Chatsunami

Welcome to Chad Tsunami. Konnichiwa fellow weeb's and welcome to the first ever episode of Chad Tsunami. I'm Sad Tsunami and joining me today are two very good friends who I have brought in to talk about anime. Without any further ado, would you guys like to introduce yourselves?
Hi guys, I'm Andrew, also known as GreenShield95.

Anime-curious Adam's Journey

I'm the podcast's general weeb enthusiast, and so I'm here to sort of give my views on some great anime. And hello there, I'm Adam. You may have heard me on other things, such as T-posing in Chatsunami. And I am anime curious. I know very little about anime. I've just recently started getting into it, and yeah, I'm just trying to learn a bit more under the tutelage of both GreenShield and

Stigma and Universal Appeal of Anime

Chatsunami. I am so sorry.
For what? I'm not. Yeah, you're definitely. For what you're doing to me. Anime is one of those subjects. There's no easy way to introduce people into it. Would you agree with that Green Shield? It can be a bit of a hard one to initially encourage people to get into. There's a lot of stigma around the media still to this day. Not as much as there once was, but there still is. I firmly have the belief that there is an anime out there for everyone.
to enjoy and getting someone in and finding the right kind of animator to bed them into the into the medium is is very key so hopefully today we've found one that done that for Adam. Obviously they should make an anime tinder where like you put in your personal details and then like an app just matches you up with an anime that thinks that's in your local area that you might like.
sexy weebs in your local area. I'm pretty sure that's a pop-up ad. Yeah, there's quite a few pop-ups. I was like, you do joke about that. There is a lot of websites and YouTube people who sort of do suggestions for people.
I'm always here as well, and anyone who wants a recommendation, I'm more than willing, as anyone who's ever spoken to me knows, I'm more than willing to give my two cents on what I think people should

Personal Anime Experiences

watch. And speaking of recommendations for anime, what would go over our experience with anime?
Yeah, that sounds good. I have watched anime since I was very young. I grew up for a while in Southeast Asia, where anime and cartoons were kind of just one and the same for me. I didn't know there was a difference for a long time. So I've, I've been watching anime since I was very young, both the generic kind of Pokemon, Digimon kind of stuff, in addition to the likes of Dragon Ball and Gundam Wing and various, various others. And I, to this day, I still watch lots of different anime series on Gruncher Roll and Funimation and Netflix, that kind of stuff. And yeah, I absolutely love the medium and I'm happy to talk

Anime's Cultural Introduction

about it.
Do you know, I think I was in the same boat. Growing up, I was... You know online when you get those starter pack images and it's like almost Baby's First Anime and it's like you've got Pokémon, Digimon, Dragon Ball Z, those kind of shows? Because they were always on shows like Cartoon Network and... Was it Toonami? Was the other one.
Yeah, Toonami and Cartoon Network were kind of the main ones. There was some entry-level stuff on some other channels, but that was typically the way in. I know Adult Swim was the entry point for many people in North America and elsewhere that introduced them to more adult anime. And out of curiosity, so Adam, you were saying there that you're just kind of slowly getting into anime just now, but when you were younger, did you watch any shows like that, like Pokemon?
Basically, outside of my only experience prior to, like, this year of any kind of anime was, like, some episodes of the Pokémon and, like, Digimon animes back in the day, but that was, that was as far as I, like, I never watched, like, Dragon Ball or anything, even when I was young, because it literally was only those two. And, yeah, that was my only experience until this year, when I've watched, before this one, I've watched two other animes, so, yeah, this one was quite different to those ones, so, yeah, I'm getting, I feel like I'm getting a, I'm getting a good view of what's out there.
So yeah, literally a trial barry fire. Pretty much, pretty much, the hot unyielding flame of anime. And there's a lot more out there for you to experience, so we're lucky to be working with the anime Death Note this week, or rather for the

Impact of Death Note

foreseeable future. We'll see how long Adam can stand the series. Can I stand the white hot heat?
Yeah, exactly. And so I thought we would just kind of jump into just a quick kind of breakdown of some information about the anime and manga. So it was a manga series. It was written by Sugumi Oba, and the manga ran in what was called Weekly Shonen Jump from December 20th, 2003 to May 2006. Shonen Jump for those, again, unaware, like Adam. That's like the main manga publisher, the likes of Dragon Ball Z, and I believe One Piece, and lots of others are published in Weekly Shonen Jump.
I hope you're taking notes, Adam. I'm frantically writing here. There were 108 chapters of the manga, and then the anime was produced, which was broadcast in Japan between October 2006 to June 2007. The anime was produced by Madhouse. Those in the know will know how prestigious Madhouse was as an anime production company.
I looked into some responses from the creator as to what the series meant to him, and he was asked whether or not the series was meant to be about enjoying the plot twists and psychological warfare, and Oba responded by saying that the concept was the reason why he was happy to play Story and Weekly Shonen Jump, which is kind of a non-answer. It was like, like, Christopher Nolan, do you think that Interstellar was about this deep whatever, and he's just like, I like spaceships. Watch the Off-My, though, to be fair. Exactly.
He was pushed as to what themes it had, and he said humans will all eventually die and never come back to life. So let's give it a all while we're alive. I want to say that humans have no right to pass judgment on others' actions. No one should play God. So the idea of this God complex and how that shouldn't be the case was ruined in his own deep personal beliefs.
or those in North America, it was licensed to Viz Media while it was still airing in Japan. This was really significant because it was actually the first time a well-known Japanese anime property was made legally available in the United States for domestic audiences to download still airing on Japanese television. So Death Note was so important for anime in the West because it was essentially the first case of being able to watch anime while it was still coming out in Japan. Because what used to be the case, a property would come out in Japan, whether that be
video games or movies or TV series and you'd probably have to wait like a year and then maybe you'd get on like VHS but like you'd be paying like $70 for VHS of like the anime. The fact that you were finally able to watch something as it was airing in Japan was revolutionary.
you might know of the American Netflix adaptation that arrived four years ago in August of 2017. It was not well received. I said, would it have been four years? It has been over four years, August 25th, 2017. So four years ago at the time of recordings, four years ago and six days ago. Sorry, I'm just laughing because I'm imagining like you've got a diary somewhere just with that date and just the words never again.
to reference Fullmetal Alchemist. I've got the pocket watch and it just opens and says never forget August 25th, 2017. I mean I haven't even seen it yet but yeah the reception as you said was not great for that film. No I also didn't watch it so I can't
fully past judgment on the movie because I have not seen it, but I did not hear many good things. I've not heard anyone that actually enjoyed it. So if you did, let us know. If someone could convince me that it's worth watching, I will check it out. And more fun news, in 2015, so two years before that, a musical adaption of the manga called Death Note the Musical ran in both Japan and South Korea. And I believe that was actually very fun and people like that quite a lot. That definitely sounds like my kind of gem. Exactly.
Onto some of the controversy surrounding the Death Note manga. In a Chinese province, children were seen altering their notebooks to resemble Death Notes, which led to a regional ban in 2005. So this is while the manga was out, not yet the anime hadn't yet come out. The ban extended to other cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, as well as others. In 2010, a New Mexico school district voted whether to ban specifically the Death Note manga, but it was voted down. In 2007, a
Belgian murderer wrote in Latin characters Watashi wa Kira death's next to the murder of the most murdered victim which translates to I am Kira which is a connection to of course the Death Note series and it was known as manga mord which was Dutch for manga murder in Belgian media in 2010 they were arrested
In Virginia, South Carolina, Alabama, Washington, Sydney, Oklahoma, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, that's Sydney, Australia, there has been cases of students with their own death notes, which were banned or suspended or expelled from their various schools. In the case of the Washington date situation, the children had written George W. Bush into their death note.
Um, in Sydney, it was in Australia. It was a bomb plan that they'd written into their death note. And in the Pennsylvania case, they'd written Justin Bieber in their death note. So yeah, that's, that's some of the controversy surrounding a death note and some information to the background with all that. Should we jump into the first episode and what we thought, or unless you have any, anything you'd like to.
I was just going to say, for an anime that, I mean, I know it was a manga before, but for an anime that came out in 2006, what was it? Yes, I believe that was the case, yeah. Broadcast 2006, 2007. I mean, just the fact that people keep referencing it like long after it's kind of run its course. I mean, I suppose it shows like the impact this manga and by extension the anime really had.
it's just it's quite interesting to see how popular this has become because as we were saying before like you reference like a lot of enemies like you know the starter enemies that you get into you know Dragon Ball Pokemon and things like that but see when you get to a certain point would you say that Death Note is like one of those enemies that's almost like a natural progression if you're kind of wanting to go further into anime?
I think so. I think there was the case for a lot of people and I think myself included where there was a long period where I wasn't really watching anime anymore. I think Death Note is what got me back into into anime. It's one of those things where when you're kind of I think for most people it's in your sort of early mid teens you kind of either discover or rediscover the anime and get into it and you're like hey
Yeah, this medium's still pretty cool.

Anime's Teenage Appeal

Because of the time period when you're in that age, like for me, this was the sort of late 2000s, early 2010s, it was a very kind of edgy kind of time. Like you're more into that kind of gothic kind of medium, thinking like, yeah, well, maybe these people do deserve to die kind of thing. You're in that mind space, which when you get a little bit older, you're like, no, that's a very messed up way of thinking it.
Yeah, to kind of sum it up, Adam, it's like the hashtag is not a phase mum. That's kind of the thing about anime as well, you'll grow out of it kind of situation, which I'm not saying people just grow out of it, but a lot of people when they get older stop watching anime because it's not a medium they're interested

Starting Points for Anime Enthusiasts

in anymore.
or they don't feel like they need to keep it up. But I think there are for certain people, such as ourselves, that continue watching, find some fun in it, and yeah, there's still a lot of merit to it. I did have to laugh when you were talking about it being one of these central animes. I remember when I started watching anime this year, and I was telling you both what I was watching, and you've reviewed, heard of the show, because I was watching Greachers on point. I was like, damn it, Adam, just watch something mainstream. What's death note, for God's sake?
That was my sort of introduction to it. Yeah, that was really surprising because usually when you hear people are getting into anime, as we said, it's like, you know, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, you know, like, it shows like that, One Punch Man even. But yeah, you expect, like, people to watch, as Green Chill was saying, they're like, you know, mainstream anime's Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia, and you were coming away saying things like, oh, I'm watching this great, like, slice of life romantic comedy, and I was like,
hard to that. What the hell? I was watching this one about teenage girls forming a board game club after school. Not gonna lie, that sounds like a comfy anime, to be fair. Oh, it was great. It was amazing. I think it was a perfect introduction for me, but I don't think it quite set me up for death now, or I'll be honest.
There is no wrong starter anime. Whatever you get into, there's loads of absolutely wonderful slice of life anime that people will start out with. For the case of my partner's sister, her starter anime was Auron High School Host Club. Given what you've watched previously, Adam, you might actually find quite fun. It is another one that's rather dated, but I've seen it for the first episode, I think.
It wasn't for me, at least at the time that I watched it, but it is a cute anime, so you might be interested in that. I believe it is on Netflix. So that's another option for a starter anime for you. We're going to start turning into our starter anime. That's next week's chance for that. So don't worry. That actually might be an episode in itself of a good starter anime.

Episode Sign-off and Promotions

Let's jump into the Death Note discussion then.
Welcome to Chat Tsunami, a variety podcast that talks about topics from gaming and films to streaming in general interest. Previously on Chat Tsunami, we discussed Game of the Decade, Deadly Premonition, the romantic thriller, Birdemic, and listen to us get all sappy as we discuss our top 5 Christmas films. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then you can find us an anchor, Spotify, YouTube and all good podcast apps. As always, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, stay hydrated.
We are Beer and Chill Podcast. Podcast where we review TV shows, games, movies and whatever else takes our fancy. So what are you waiting for? If you're a cool kid like us, you're gonna listen to the Beer and Chill Podcast. You can get anywhere from Spotify all the way to your grandma's radio. My name is Jan. And I'm Craig Yisi. And we are Beer and Chill.

Adam's Initial Reactions to Death Note

So we all went away and we all watched the first three episodes of Death Note, which I know for you and I, green children, it was like just a refresher course, but yeah, for you Adam, it must have been like, yeah, it must have been jarring. It was a little bit, it was a little bit. I kind of got into that. That first episode was a bit, I was like, okay, this is something quite different.
There isn't a lot like Death Note, even in anime. I feel like Death Note is quite unique in its style. There's a lot of similarities in animation style. There's a lot of similarities in two characters having a psychological battle. That does exist in other anime.
But I think the combination of the very gothic style with the psychological warfare set in a more modern time, I think is a very unique style, a very unique appearance, a very unique story to most other anime, particularly shounen anime. Adam, are you aware of what shounen is?
I mean, I am, but I'm just not sure that Satinami is, so just repeat it just for his benefit. Shounen, I believe it's a Japanese word for like a male adventure story. Essentially, it is a story that centers around a male protagonist on some kind of adventure where he is like looking to like better himself. So yeah, well we jump into the first episode.
Yeah, that sounds great. Honestly, I need to, like, it would be criminal not to ask you, Adam, what your first impressions were, like, in the first five minutes of what happens in the first episode. So as we said, we're going to go through just the first three episodes, which I think is probably more than enough for you, Adam. It was a good, it was, but it's that much like an handle I think to start with.
Yeah, so what were your first impressions like in the first couple of minutes introducing the world, the characters?

Death Note's Style and Pacing

Well, I've real positive I think was it was actually quite easy for me to like comprehend what was going on I think as well because this takes place in like you know earth and it's like you know our earth so I recognise a lot so it's not like being put into like a kind of new universe or anything so I was like I kind of I was able to I was like okay right I understand right here's this here's this kid at high school yeah like you know he's he's
top of his class and everything and he finds this death note and here's what the death note does and I was like okay I'm following along there's a demon realm and then you know the human realm so I think the real strength was I was never lost really with like what was happening I think that first one is I did know I was like okay this is gonna be a lot like this is a lot more mature a lot more kind of like adult than things I've seen but that's that's that's not a criticism or anything I was just like right okay I was just kind of using that time to like prep myself like right this this is this is very
different. But yeah, I do think if I was going to talk about the first episode as a whole, it didn't make me a fan of the show, I have to admit. There wasn't enough in that first episode that I saw and I was like, oh my god, I must watch more and I was like really caught into it. If you see what I'm saying, I think
partly as well as because there's only really kind of one character in the first episode you were the only kind of get to know light and like I won't share my feelings on lights right now I'll save those as we go through the episodes but like I think it got I kind of like the show more when more characters got introduced and kind of got built up and I think I was kind of struggling for somebody to attach to in this first episode but yeah as I said like I didn't I didn't hate it watching it
And, you know, it didn't, it didn't instantly turn me off. I didn't watch it. I was like, okay, right. This is just not for me. I was like, okay, this is different. And I don't love this right now, but I do want to keep watching. So yes, I would give it like, I would give it like a thumbs up. I'm going to ask as well, did you watch subbed or dubbed? I watched dubbed.
Boo, he watched Dub. Totally not me. I didn't watch Dubbed as well. Boo. Boo this Matt. Yeah, I watched Dubbed as well. I did watch Subbed, but that's no chrissism either, you two. There is a lot of animators that have very good Dub, and I know that the Dub for Death Note is a good one. The Dub for this one, yeah, as you said, it is really well done. Because you do get some where you definitely think, yeah, I'm not watching this Dubbed or the Subbed, because it doesn't live up to
they're equivalent, but I think for Death Note they definitely do a good job of it considering they're material. One thing as well with a good dub, the important thing is to get the lip flaps right, because obviously when they're speaking in Japanese they've animated the lips
to speak Japanese. And so they need to alter it because sometimes a Japanese sentence is shorter or longer than the translated English sentence. And so you'll have someone continuing to speak when they've finished talking their English lines. And so there's an almost an art form within dubbing a anime to change the lip flaps of the anime characters to make sure that the lips are syncing up better to the dubbed
voiceover. So Death Note is one that I know for a fact they've done that quite well and that it does work. So going back like to the episode itself Gringy, were you surprised as I was at the fact that how like fast paced it was? Like in terms of setting everything up, yeah.
Yeah, it introduces everything very quickly. There's very little build up prior to be like yours lights world kind of thing you get that in 2030 seconds and then immediately you see the death note drop. So that that it jumps straight into the story. There's very little build up as a saying to to like what is going on like you are straight into it. What did you think about that Adam?
Um, I think that was maybe a strength of it as well. Like, because maybe, because it was, I didn't actually think about that, but you guys haven't said that now. Like, I think because it was a bit more fast paced, I was able to kind of keep up with it while I feel like if I, if it had maybe been a bit more, a bit more dragged out, it might've, might've turned me off. I think because things were moving quite fast and you know, I was like, I was kind of swept along with it. So kind of kept me involved. So yeah, I think it was maybe a good decision.
Yeah, which is something you can't always say about anime. There is often the case with anime that things do drag out. There is kind of a serial issue with a lot of anime, particularly those where the manga is still running concurrently with the anime, where the anime has to like, paste things out and slow things down, sometimes create
filler just to try and give themselves time for the manga to get further ahead. Things like Naruto and One Piece and the original Fullmetal Alchemist were all guilty of that. So when you've got a series like Death Note where the manga series had come out, I believe before the anime even started, or it might have been just at the very tail end of the manga's release that the anime started, it allows it to keep up a good pace. And so you feel more interested in what's going on because it's keeping that up.
This I think is a good example. So yeah, it was a good pace for an anime better so than many others. And hopefully that reflects in Adam's enjoyment and others who've watched its enjoyment as well. But I think that these kind of shorter form ones are often more enjoyable because of that. Not to discredit any of the longer ones, I still watch the likes of One Piece and My Hero Academia and that kind of stuff. But the shorter ones with minimal filler and better pacing, I enjoy a lot more.
I think it's probably as well, as you were saying, because the longer they've got a lot more time to flesh out their lore. You know, in my Hero Academia, they kind of build up the world around them and how superheroes fit in. Whereas, for something like Death Note, it's only about 37 episodes, I think.
so yeah they have to kind of get the ball rolling really quick and personally I don't know what you guys think but I thought they did really well in kind of setting up the tone and just like the overall world as a whole like that kind of bleak outlook you know without going into over the top and don't get me wrong this anime can get very extra at times with its like bleak outlook and you know right versus wrong but you know like contextualizing how light although he is like
this honor student and things and he sees like all this crime going on around him. I mean what did you

Light's Character Evolution

guys think? That was maybe one thing where I would have liked it to have slowed down a little touch in the fact that I didn't really understand why Light was doing what he was doing and I don't know if that's maybe maybe that's something that gets like explained more and teased out as the series goes on and if that's the case fair enough like you know I will have drawn my criticism.
but I did feel a little bit like I was like, okay, he's taken this very quickly. And he's like, bam, I know what I'm going to do. And I'm, you know, I'm going to do, I was like, okay, like, you know, I don't as much have a problem with that. I was more like, but why? Why, why are you doing that? I would have liked a little bit more, maybe giving some reason. I didn't quite feel I got that. And as I say, if this is explained later in the series, then fair enough. You know, I withdraw this, but that was maybe one thing where I was like, okay, right. I like the pace of it, but I did feel I was a bit like, okay, I would have liked a bit more explanation there.
this whole idea of like oh everyone around him isn't is like an asshole and it deserves like they kind of deserve to die it's very like edgelord perspective of like what you kind of think of when you're when you're a teenager of like oh i'm so much better than than everyone else if only people were more like me kind of thing do what it reminds me of you remember that episode of The Simpsons where Homer's like everybody's dumb but me it's like an edgy version of that where it's like it's
If I know it's exactly the same thing, the only difference is if Homer Simpson had a death note. Flanders. Yeah, exactly. The problem, do you know... You're right, Flanders five times. Yeah. But misspells every one of them. And it's on the back of a menu or something. This idea of, like, oh, everyone in the world sucks kind of thing. But his target, not to jump too far ahead, but his target is the people who have committed, like, actual crimes and so...
He's not, like, it's not like he's actually targeting these, like, shitty classmates kind of thing. He's just acknowledging, no, everyone sucks. His actual victims aren't the classmates. His actual victims are from quote, quote, criminals who do he deems deserve to die. So it almost seems unnecessary to set up, like, the whole world is awful. Although to be fair, though, the thought does cross his mind when he sees a billion. He's like, should I kill him? Nah.
Although I do agree with Yadom in the sense that, like, see for the first kill, you know, it's like a guy who goes to, I think it's a school, isn't it? And he holds them up with like a knife and everything. And then he drops dead, and you know, that's like the first one, so you can kind of understand that. Whereas the second murder, yeah, he's just like, okay, maybe the first one was a fluke. How about this? And then it's just like, yeah, this is a deathly death note.
One thing that I noted was that I really liked the cinematography of when Light discovers the Death Note. He picks it up, looks at it, dismisses it as like a chain mail, jokey kind of thing. And then the next shot you see it poking out of his backpack. I thought that was really cool cinematography.
I really like that kind of like, oh, that's stupid. Then you see that he's taken it. It really well, I wouldn't say it dates it, but considering he keeps referencing like chain mails and things like that. I mean, when was the last time you ever saw those online cards? Now it's just like a Facebook message that your like aunt shares and wants you to like share this to make sure that Facebook doesn't steal your your identity. This is how that works.
Order in the case of Adam is like, share this five times or else two leaps will come to his house and make him watch Death Note. Yeah, this is why you shouldn't be Sinnersanwood1 at
I also noted down how convenient it was that the second person that like kills the biker conveniently says his full name like super loud in public when he's like assault when he's assaulting this woman. Oh god that scene was okay that that was the scene where I was like okay this is this is a different thing I'm watching now that was oh god that was uncomfortable and I was like I don't think you needed to have like I think you could have had enough of like a hint of that without some of the scenes they put in I was like wow this is
they he wanted to push it like so far that you were like no this person deserves to die i mean you can argue they they don't they don't deserve to die they deserve to be like apprehended and and serve uh serve time for for this but they they wanted to push you so so far to like oh look how awful this person is and it wasn't it wasn't just the actions like they made him look really like gross as well like they made us like like he had those like gigantic kind of like teeth coming out like drooling over this girl basically
Because just before that, when he's at the cram school, it's like the stereotypical bully being like, hey, are you going to give me your lunch money? Just before, he's like, wouldn't it be good if that guy died? And all of a sudden, it's this freaking greasy biker about to get sold to a woman in public. He's like, holy crap. Just before the bikers, there's another large kid who's waiting for his mom to pick him up. And he's like, my mom didn't come. She's an asshole. That's why you make your lunch money stolen, because that kid
Because you're yelling about your mum in public. That was quite funny. I love that kid. That was my favourite moment in that episode. I just love how light looks over as if, hmm, maybe later.
No, no, maybe later. But on that death note, should we move on to the second episode? Just before we do, I do have a few other things that I've noted down about the episode. So one thing you've not mentioned is a pretty key character being introduced, the Shinigami Riek. He makes his appearance in the final third of episode one. What were your impressions of Riek, Adam?
I didn't have too many thoughts on him to begin with because actually he's not in it that much the first episode. I thought his design was pretty cool and I said I liked kind of seeing the kind of demon world but it was more like the next two episodes that I kind of really thought. I'll spoil it like he's my favorite character from what I've seen like and it was the next two episodes that really kind of made me fall in love with him but like I liked his design but I didn't really have that much of an opinion I have to admit.
I had also noted down how much I really liked Ryuk's design. Shinigami is based on Japanese mythology. They are like death gods basically like that just kind of like take you on to the afterlife. They like shepherd you into the afterlife and like the Grim Reaper is kind of suggestion like there's one Grim Reaper, he comes to visit you kind of thing.
Shinigami, there's like thousands of Shinigami kind of thing. In much the same way, Japanese mythology and religion often has these kind of monsters, demons come down and visit the mortal world, and Shinigami are one of those.

Ryuk and Elle's Impact

The design, how there's a different look to each of them, you kind of briefly see them in the Shinigami world, is very interesting.
The majority of them are covered in bandages, whereas Ryuk is very distinct from that. He's wonderfully creepy and cartoonish at the same time. When we first see him, his eyes don't focus and it's really creepy and I love that. He was the Shinigami equivalent of the kid who wore knee pads when he was younger. Because yeah, you're right. It's actually never picked up on that, but you're right. All of them are kind of like the other Shinigami are bandaged up and quite weird.
as well whereas well I suppose at the same time Ruyuk is like that's the reason why he and you can't see it but I'm doing the air quotes here drops his um death note into the human world because he's just bored and I thought that was quite refreshing as well the fact that it's like this all-powerful death god and he's just like yellow I'm bored what is going on cause some mischief down below I do agree he's designs great his character is
Absolutely fantastic. I can't believe I'm saying this about like a death god, but he has like such a joy to watch. He really is. He's absolutely wonderful. He has such a great kind of like comedic style to him as well. So when we first meet Ryuk, Light obviously like panics and I guess that alerted his mother. And so the mother comes and like knocks on the door and like Light just like opens the door to like expose Ryuk through the open door to his mother.
I don't quite understand his kind of reasoning there because that might then sort of be a tell on him. So I wasn't sure, like he didn't know that she couldn't see him so I thought that was a bit of a bizarre action from him. To be fair though I think anybody would be freaking out if there was like a massive like eight foot death god in your room and the death god's like, trust me kid don't you believe and shouldn't have got these and you're like aww.
Well, that's the thing as well. He has that initial, like, oh my god, that he's like, I've been expecting you. And like, the immediate, like, super cool, like, I completely control the situation, which is, which is so silly, like, that he's not, like, he's like, yes, no, I expected this mythical creature to come to my door. Again, it's like a very 2006 anime where it's like, I predicted that you predicted that I predicted you were going to come. So, and you're like, oh my god, yeah.
That is essentially the entire anime of the psychological warfare, this chess game that's going on. I don't know if Death Note was the origin of that kind of trope or if it existed before Death Note. It is so iconic to Death Note.
No, I thought this, but I know if I thought this, he will think that. So I need to do this so that he will do that to then do that kind of thing. It's like a Sherlock Holmes-esque kind of thing, like Sherlock versus Moriarty, where they're sort of thinking what the other person is going to be doing when they're simultaneously doing it. What we also got just at the end of the first episode was Light's kind of moment of clarity, because it does like a flashback to just after he's killed the biker.
So he'd already killed the man holding hostage those children, and then he killed the biker, which fully confirmed to him that the death note works. And so he's panicking a bit like, oh no, should I have killed those people? And then he kind of was like, wait, no, it is society that is wrong. Oh yeah, that scene was weird. That was like a, you know, no pun intended, a light switch, where it was like he went from being, oh my God, I'm actually killing people to like, eh, shit happens. And then you see him like writing thousands of names.
I'm like, Jesus Christ! It was very, it was very principle Skinner. No, it was them that are wrong. That then cuts to the montage of him writing that in the death note very fast while people are dying while dramatic music plays, which is wonderful.
Yeah, oh no. This anime is definitely, and again like with the other two episodes as well, this anime is very over the top and very extra and everything with how they carry out the deaths and even minor actions like writing in a book and things and other actions that we will come to in later episodes but yeah more or less like people who just yeah like they could be picking up a pen and you know it's been parodied to death but you know they're like I'll take a pen!
And right with it, you know, and it's always like really visually interesting. Yeah, he narrates exactly what he's doing in a very dramatic way. It is very extra. And that kind of continues on throughout the series. There was one death in particular where a guy had a heart attack and felt like broke through like a multi-story window. Yeah, that was great. And I was like, well, how has that happened? What happens if he hits the ground before the heart attack kills him? Does that like break the death note?
Presumably he's already dead by that point. Like the heart attack is already killed. They ensure the heart attack is fast enough before he hits the ground. Yeah, it's like the person of that's happening.
So should we move on to, I was going to say should we move on to episode two but do you think we should just like discuss episode two and three as like a collective because they kind of seem to like seamlessly go into one another like episode two is definitely where I would say personally is where everybody got hooked in Death Note but then the third episode is like a continuation but it's more like an epilogue to like the second episode so yeah Adam what did you think like was this the episode that sold you on the anime
Or... I don't know that quite sold me, but I thought this was a much... I thought the second episode was a much better episode. And I think it's because the scope widens and it becomes, you know, we get introduced to more characters and everything. I thought the introduction of Elle was great. I was really intrigued by that. It started to add some stakes. The whole kind of... I kind of felt the first episode was him just, like, killing people and, you know, that that was kind of it. Well, at least now there's, like, consequences in the second episode. Add some drama to it. This is where we became my favorite, because he's such a scene stealer.
He's such a troll, he's such a troll and I just love it. I absolutely love it. It's like, oh yeah, by the way, if anybody finds a death note, they can also see me just messing with light. I thought that was amazing. I love that. I also liked actually some of the social commentary they started bringing in. I was seeing more lights like, oh yeah, if you ask random people, should criminals die? They're like, oh no, they should have a fair trial and go to jail. But deep down, if they weren't in private, they'll be like, oh yeah, no, they should definitely die. I kind of like that.
I like that it just it just added a lot more a lot more to the thing and I said I don't know that quite so because there's still there's a couple of issues I have with it but like I've enjoyed this episode like so much
to want to watch more of it. I have to admit the reveal of Elle is by far one of the best highlights of the series, just the way from basically the overconfidence. I did like that I have to admit where Light was, you know like in episode one he's obviously like a very academic and bright student and everything and he thinks he's above everyone and you know
He has this gold complex, which, trust me, we will probably be talking about that in future episodes, but he thinks, you know, oh, you can outsmart everyone, and then immediately he gets slapped in the face by this brick wall, of course, knowing his L, who is quite a recluse. He's kind of like a stereotypical anime detective, isn't he? You know, he's like this, you know when the police fail in animes and it's like, oh, they have to bring in the detective.
Yeah, we we don't we don't get to really see L like we get like kind of almost not set necessary silhouettes but we do see him in like in the dark kind of thing at times in I don't know if necessary episode two but episode three we do. So but later on we will get to see what L looks like. And yeah, he is he's kind of kind of reclusive kind of odd figure is it is kind of very Sherlock Holmes like he's very strange, strange individual.
Um, I did like the very start of episode two, um, and the ICPO police meeting that, um, when the, all these international communities are, are talking, when then they're like, it was probably the CIA. Like they immediately like to stick, like how the CIA probably did this. Sounds like something they would do. Exactly. And then you have the, uh, the audience insert junior detective.
who's who who who's who is l like like and then the chief of police is like oh you don't know l let me give you a an exposition dump yes no no sorry you know exactly who l is can i just like um yeah can i just like interject there it's not even they says like who's l and then he explains he like points out like he's a rookie and he's like oh it's your first day and you've never been to one of these meetings wink and you're like poor guy he's just like this is his first meeting give him a damn break jesus
Yeah, the intern is here and he's immediately shitting on him. Where's my coffee? Oh, you're a police officer, right? Okay. It's quite a good way, and I do like the way they actually did it. In a way, you would think, oh, maybe it's far-fetched, but it does seem quite rational, you know, the way they actually catch him compared to like some of the later deductions in the series.
you know like especially episode two and by extension three because of what light has done you know like how he's killed the victims what time Elle's able to deduce you know oh this could possibly be a student with only broadcasts to so yeah just to contextualize the scene there is a broadcast that quote-unquote is worldwide where a guy called Lindell Taylor comes on the screen and basically
promotes himself as being El, this, you know, famous detective who's solved all these mysteries and he basically says to, like, stop it. Stop it now. Get help. And then I have to admit, like, his reaction to that is quite juvenile because El, well, the fake El, which was then come to find out, is like, stop what you're doing. It's evil. And geez.
He's like, well, I'll show you what's evil, I'll kill you! And it's like, well, yeah, that's pretty evil, man. Eventually, you know, the screen flashes up and there's a giant later air which, I have to admit, the calligraphy, chef kiss, really cool. But you know, it's like a big air on the screen and it's the real air who is
he's like not on screen but he's basically just talking through it and he reveals that the only place that they are broadcasting this is the Kanto region and like he says because of its like high density population and because of some of the victims that were killed where like only Japan like they were only revealed in Japan so it's like it's a very reasonable kind of deduction so you can kind of buy into it like it's not in terms of anime anyway like there's some like loops and logic
an anime, but at least this kind of reigns it into some kind of reality, which I liked, I have to admit.

Light's Protective Measures

JG Yeah, for sure. There are certain shows, I know if you watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and that has a lot of those kinds of gigantic leaps and like, I knew you'd be doing this, so I've done this, like in anticipation of that, and it's like, no you didn't. No one does that.
Again, what I said before is I predicted you predicted that I predicted. There is some elements of that in this show, but especially for episode 2 and 3, it's still in the realms of relative reality. It's not making those jumps yet, which, except for the homemade explosive that Light builds, what was up with that? Here's a drawer I made earlier.
I actually made a note about that, that the idea that burning down a desk and potentially the whole house to hide a diary is in itself worthy of psychiatric help. It's so extra, hasn't it? His logic was like, oh, anyone would go to these steps to protect their diaries. Like, no, they wouldn't. No one is protecting their diary by burning down their home.
Oh, wait, you didn't? Oh, okay. Where's the end record button? And like, that was just one of the things of like, like the clear idea of like, the light is like clearly crazy. The whole sort of his whole sort of idea of like, oh, I mean, you've touched this before, like the oh, like, this is about criminals, and then immediately
immediately when someone was like oh no I don't think you should do that he's like well I think you should die then as well like he gets provoked so quickly like he goes from criminals to like anyone who tries to stop me immediately yeah there's no like breathing period in between it the pacing is quite breakneck at times
Like especially for that it is just like a snap from when he says oh I don't know if I should kill people in an alleyway to yeah why not let's kill people and then of course that scene as well in particular where he's like I don't know if I should kill well to you know what
He's a dick to me. So therefore I am going to be mean to him. This is kind of my big problem. My big problem with Death Note is that I find like such an unlikable character. And I get that you're probably supposed to feel that way towards him. Do you guys like find like, do you guys like find any kind of sympathy towards him or like, do you use it that way that you like? You don't like him, but like you're kind of intrigued to see what he does.
Yes, so I think I think more so obviously when I watch this the first time round because I I'm now looking back having already watched the entire series so I know I know his story I know what happens but when I first watched this I was very intrigued by like is he going to win like because he is clearly the protagonist of the story he might not be a good protagonist and like you might you could in some ways argue antagonist but he's not really because he like he's a central character
He's the central character, and so you're like, well, the central character usually wins. So is this going to be the story of this mass murderer becoming a god of this world? Like, what is going to happen here? And so the first time I watched this, and I don't know whether or not you have this perspective as well, Adam, of the intrigue around him. I know you're saying you don't like Light as a character, and that's fair. I think it also stems from we're adults now. And when I watched this, I wasn't. I didn't necessarily like the character of Light. I knew he was bad.
But I was certainly intrigued by him and see how far he would go. No, I totally... I think my problem is that it's not even so much what he's doing, because I think obviously what he's doing is bad, but I agree that's a kind of interesting central hook. And to think it's just that I find him so goddamn unlikable, just in his mannerisms and just in everything. So I think that's why I love Reuk so much is because it really balances it out, because I don't think I could...
if it was just like, for instance, if it was just light kind of writing in the death note and there was no nobody really else, not a character there, balance them out, I don't know if I'd keep watching because I just find him so unlikable and so like full of himself and it's not even in that way of like, I know there's been characters in other fictional stuff before who are like really despicable characters, like I was thinking of Frank Underwood in
House of Cards. He's like an awful character as well, like who's the protagonist. But like he had a bit of charisma and like I was kind of drawn into that for a while about wanting to kind of like see where it went. But I just can't, I don't have any kind of draw to light at all. But at least with like Ryuk there, that's kind of like, I'm like right, there's like some balance, there's like a counterpoise to him. I think that's why I really appreciate him because I say if it was just him, I just, I find it really difficult just to watch his scenes because I'm just like, oh, I just hate him.
I hate you and it's not even in the way of like I want to see you fall is that I just don't want to be around you. I would agree with that and I think that that is the case for a lot of media in general but I think anime does fall into that in particular where there will be all the time where the main character is the least interesting character.

Kira's Influence and Character Dynamics

And so you're not as interested in them as you are the side character. There's a lot of anime that I've starred watched a couple episodes of and stopped because of a similar issue where you have this cocky protagonist who's very pretty cookie cutter, but don't have the re-uk equivalent to bounce off of to make the show worth watching. And so.
I mean, Ryuk is pretty central to the Death Note story. It's not saying that Light is the sole character of the story. Ryuk is pretty integral, and it's kind of like a joint team effort with the two of them, even though Ryuk is kind of a neutral party in many ways. But yeah, I think it is important to note that even though Light is unbearable, that he has that kind of
Jekyll and Hyde kind of idea with sort of light and re-up kind of together as two parts of a character. And then of course you have Elle who you're going to sort of meet him a little bit more later on the series. And he is a lot more interesting than Light is. I can definitely see that already. I was very drawn to like, you know, know more about him.
Also noting in the second one is where light gets given the name Kira by the general public. Did you guys pick up how the name Kira was made? It is quite literally Japanese pronunciation of an English word. It is a kind of Japanese way of pronouncing killer where because of Japanese people struggling to say the letter L, it kind of becomes an R and so it's Kira instead of killer.
That scene where El was on the board and there was somebody in the crowd.
That was an amazing scene. He must have been, because I think he's the only one who says that. The rest of them are like, oh my gosh, how terrible. And he's like, yes, kill them all. Nobody else. Nobody. OK. OK. So now if we look into like episode three now, I've made a bit of a note about what we've already talked about, talking about the kind of forethinking game of chess that Light and Elle immediately are doing where this is where they start this detective versus Kira kind of role, sort of like
Oh, they, they are going to think I do this. So I must do this, which we've already talked about. And I don't, as I said, I don't know if it started this trend, but it is a trope in anime that I'm seeing a lot more now. I think, I think it's inspired by Death Note. And then another key thing from episode three that I.
I had noted was in Episode 3, Ryuk offers Light a deal, the Shinigami Eye deal, where essentially Ryuk says, I can give you the powers to have Shinigami eyes, where you can see people's names and how long they have left of their life, which would allow Light to then write that person's name into the death note, because previously he needed to know the name and see the face, or be able to picture the face of the person he's killing.
And so if he has, if he knows the name, he'll be able to kill them a lot easier. But the catch is that you lose half of your remaining life if you take this deal, which is a terrible deal, because you don't know how long you've got left of your life. So like it could be you were going to have like a few years left or 10 years left. And you now have half that you only have a year or five years left of your life. So like it
it doesn't seem like anyone really wins in that situation because you're gonna die so much sooner than you otherwise would like even in a situation where like oh I need to protect my life it's like well like it could be you're about to die very soon after this so is is that actually going to help you know you look such a charmer though you're like yeah I'll go on all right I'll half my life yeah that's like I said though the weirdest comparison I've ever made but he's like a cross between like a dodgy car salesman and like someone who sells you glasses and
he's like go on take the chin and got me eyes you know you wanna it's like i don't know it's like well they turn your eyes red oh okay i'll take that dude so wait a minute and then you get hit by a bus and yeah but yeah what were your like kind of thoughts about episode three yeah like i thought it was a really good continuation um i liked like the developing game of cat and mouse some really interesting kind of plot developments i thought and some good reveals especially with like
continue to steal the show. I thought he's great. And I thought a really great ending actually. I kind of really like the way the episode ended just as you were saying with the deal and also with like the person who's like stalking Light. Like again, I thought it continued really well. The stuff that episode two had like set off. Yeah, I really liked the kind of the reveal. I don't know if it was an episode two or three that we got the reveal that Light's father was the chief of police. And so he...
Yeah, he had a connection to L and how close they were, and the light was able to very easily hack into his father's, as chief of police's computer, and get the files to find out more about the case. That was very interesting.
The whole thing of the stalker was very good as well, I was insane. If you think about it, light is a bit of a Mary Sue. Yes. Or a Garish Sue, which would be the male equivalent. But you know, a lot of people complain nowadays about characters like that, where it's like, oh, they're so perfect and things. But it is, it's like, oh, he's a genius at his school, he knows how to hide the death note and everything. It's like a master hacker. And again, the explosive drawer, which I know they've said enough about.
But you know, it's like he's talented in everything. As wonderful as Rhea is as a character, he does like massage Light's ego so much as well where he's like, oh no, humans usually have such an issue hiding the death note. You've completely solved this problem. You're a genius, Light. Well done. Has no one ever thought of just digging a hole and throwing the death note in? No one's going to be sniffing around for a note. Just under the pillow. You're fine under the pillow. Oh yeah.
Oh no, my diary! Can I also ask, what class do we keep cutting to with light in it? Because every time he's in the class, the teacher is just reading the most foreboding passages of whatever it is. It's supposed to be English class.
And the fact that he's fluent in English as a Japanese speaker is supposed to be like, wow, that's amazing kind of thing. And so he regurgitates this phrase, translating it from English to Japanese perfectly into the teachers, keeping praise on him for how fluent and perfect that was. I know the phrase just happens to be about like, I can't remember what it is, but it's something completely, it's totally relevant to exactly what he's up to. You don't know what the Japanese school system is like. I know I don't, that's fair.
can I just like one final point but can I just point out that in that scene in the dub they don't even bother like changing the language or something so it's like light can you translate this into English and he just keeps speaking as he normally does
For the sake of the time, you can you can suspend your disbelief. Yeah, they are speaking Japanese and just for your sake. I did I did also like in the in the third episode, the scene in the police station when the group of police officers like handing in their resignation or or else they like either either transfer us or we quit kind of thing because like L is hiding his identity, but every one of us is like known to the public. Our names are easily accessible. Like we could die very easily if they know

Anime's Global Narratives

we're on this case.
That was a great human moment. I really liked that. It's like the reverse, give me your badge and your gun scene. Whereas like, they're like preemptive. Take my badge and my gun, please. I don't want to be on this case anymore. Put me back on traffic duty. I don't want to be on this. That one list, Keira drives a car, in which case, yeah, they're buggered. But you know what I mean. Yeah, I do agree with that though.
It is realistic as well though, because it is. It shows that they are rattled by it. It's like it's not immediately, oh the police are just like this blob of, oh we're gonna stop the killer. It's like there's different kind of ways that his enemies, if you can call them that at this point in the anime, are starting to kind of fracture and feel quite, you know, scared. Even though they are the police, you know, they can't, they don't feel safe and like, pursue this guy. Yeah, you're right Adam, it is just a very human moment and it is just very
It's quite a good way to kind of punctuate how much of a threat light's becoming. It's a thing in anime, and of course it's going to be because anime is made in Japan. But the setting of this whole incident happening in Japan, and the smartest student is in Japan, and I'm pretty sure I could be wrong, but I think L might also be Japanese. The world's greatest detective is Japanese, and the Japanese are superior and the best.
in all these situations is very, very much sort of a trope in anime. Like if, if you ever watch like a sports anime, they will always be like, there'll be like a basketball anime and these like high school students will be like NBA level, like basketball players. And then there'll be like a special where they face off against an American team and like this whole thing. And like, they, they beat the American team.
and it's the same in various other sort of sports animes and other animes where how integral Japan is to the world. So yeah just closing off, Adam are you excited to see what's the common death note or are you quite apprehensive?
I'm a bit of both, to be honest. No, I do look forward to seeing where the show goes. As I said, there's lots to like in these first three episodes, and I do want to keep watching. As I said, there's a couple of issues that just prevents me from like, I'm not in love with this show yet. Now, that may change, but just these three episodes weren't enough to make me be like, yes, you know what? I'm totally in. I'm both feet into this. But I do have one foot firmly in, and I want to keep going with it.
I would ask you the same Green Show, but I know you've seen that, just like me. Yeah, I just done on Adam's note there. I think, I mean, it's hard to put myself back what must be almost 10 years ago now that I first watched this. I think I was in a very similar situation where I wanted to keep going, but I wasn't fully sold on the show at this point. I wasn't in love with the show at this point.
I think in the next couple of episodes, I did really fall in love with what the show was doing and what was happening. I won't spoil my overall opinions on the show. I'll leave that. I want Adam to have a fresh look at it. There are some things that I wasn't particularly happy about with the show later on, but the next 10 episodes, I'd say, I think it is going to get very interesting. I think you're going to like it a lot. I look forward to it.
No, I totally agree on that. It is definitely one of those enemies that, ironically for having such a breakneck start to its pacing and things, there's a lot of things in the background that are quite slow burners. Setting up something bigger, like although it's saying, here's Light, he is an asshole, but at the same time, he has this definitely, you know, it's like, is roaring through these plot points, but at the same time it's kind of building up to, as you were saying Green Shield earlier, this bigger cat and mouse game.
that is just gonna eventually explode like it asked to it's like each side is building up yeah they're building up their resources and yeah just getting ready for this psychological battle on that note that death note as it were i honestly can't wait to see what you think of the rest of the series adam me too me too i'm excited to see i look forward to it sayonara yes
Yes, unfortunately, I haven't got to the Duolingo course where they taught us stay safe, stay awesome, stay hydrated in Japanese. But I think for the next episode, I'll try. I'll do my best. But yes, until then, guys. Well, first of all, thank you, Green Child and Adam. Thank you so much for jumping on. Thank you for having me on. Yeah, thank you so much. It was really good fun. I look forward to more episodes. As always, stay safe, stay awesome. And most importantly, yeah, put down that death note.
Bye guys. On the next exciting episode of Chatsunani. Bye guys.