TTP #7a- Tourganic Shorts: Trumpet Player Eric Benny Bloom on the Importance of Gaining Knowledge and Taking Chances image
S1 E7 · Tourganic: Healthy Living on the Road of Life
TTP #7a- Tourganic Shorts: Trumpet Player Eric Benny Bloom on the Importance of Gaining Knowledge and Taking Chances
6 Plays
6 years ago

Eric Benny Bloom is the trumpet player extraordinaire from the bands Lettuce, Pretty Lights and his group Sonic Bloom. Eric is both hilarious and insightful when it comes to discussing health on the road.

In this conversation:

  • What factors contributed to Eric making the transition to being vegan and how that affected his life overall and as a musician on the road
  • What making the transition to a plant-based diet did for Eric’s trumpet playing
  • Making the move to New Orleans and what continues to inspire him about being a part of the musicians community in NOLA
  • Living as a vegan in New Orleans, a city traditionally characterized with a diet rich in animal products
  • Show preparation, his diet on show days and eating before performances
  • The importance of being truly educated about your endeavors and taking chances in life

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Tourganic Podcast Theme song 'The Path' written by David Bailis and this episode's musical interludes by Eric Benny Bloom
