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TTP #11a- Tourganic Shorts: Kalmia Traver on Transformation- Battling Cancer on the Road, Nutrition, Mindfulness Practice and her State of Awareness on Stage image

TTP #11a- Tourganic Shorts: Kalmia Traver on Transformation- Battling Cancer on the Road, Nutrition, Mindfulness Practice and her State of Awareness on Stage

S1 E11 · Tourganic: Healthy Living on the Road of Life
17 Plays7 years ago

This episode's guest is Kalmia Traver- singer, saxophone player, songwriter, band leader and completely inspiring individual Kalmia Traver from the bands Rubblebucket and Kalbells. We cover a lot of territory in this episode from her transformation as a sax player in the horn section to front woman of an successful touring band. Her battle with cancer and the amazing story of touring while undergoing treatment and what helped her get through that time to her current state of living cancer free. We talk about how that experience affected her diet and the discipline to maintain that level of nutrition on the road. We also get into how mindfulness and meditation was a crucial factor in her survival and ability to thrive in the face of adversity. Kalmia's story is an inspiration to all of us who face tough challenges in our lives and how to look those straight in the face and beat them back. Her ability to thrive in the toughest of moments is incredible.

In this conversation:

-Transformation from section sax player to frontwoman

-‘Cancer Tour’- How that reality shaped her growth as a performer and transcended to a mindfulness practice

-Inspiration sources- Tara Brach​ Podcast, Power of Now- Eckhart Tolle, Kelly Brogan Melding eastern and Western healing techniques

-Touring with Cancer and the affect on diet and nutrition. Whole foods, organic, No sugar, No meat, minimal grains/seeds must be sprouted, sour dough bread, goat milk but no dairy, greens and veggies, lots of fats, fermented foods

-Salad Backpack!! And touring with a Nutribullet

-Playing shows and performing while fighting cancer causes a shift in perspective and elevated the connection with fans

-Sowing the seeds of self love and working to eliminate insecurities

-"The best career is the one that combines your greatest strengths with fulfilling what the world needs the most"

-Breaking through exhaustion and physical ’barriers’ on tour

-Rising above our perceived capabilities

-The healing process of creativity and Kalmia's goal of not only healing herself but others through music

Please take a moment to rate and review the podcast in iTunes and visit for more info on this episode and living healthy on the road

Tourganic Podcast Theme song 'The Path' written by David Bailis and this episode's musical interludes by Kalbells


Meet Cal Travers

This is Torganic Shorts where I gave a taste of the full interview with selected quotes. My guest is Cal Travers, singer, saxophone player and front woman in the band Rubble Bucket and her group Cal Bells. Cal is quite an inspiring individual.

How Did Cancer Change Cal's Music Journey?

The whole cancer experience, having it be super intricately tied with performing, like I really, looking back it's like kind of crazy that I went that route, but I didn't, I barely took any time off. I just remember these shows with like the cancer tour or like the bald tour or whatever, just being so incredibly different than any shows I had ever

Performing with Presence

before the crowd was hypercharged. And it was all of our fans from all the years, but they were like, I don't even, I can't imagine what it would be like to be a huge fan of Rebel Bucket and then to see that show, like with me going out there. I mean, I was very, much more present at those shows than I had ever been. Like I was noticing things about the room and the sound and I like was noticing things about myself. It was like in slow motion.

A Transformative Solo Experience

That's probably the biggest gift. There's so many gifts that came out of that experience, but the mindfulness practice was really profound. We drove down to Joshua Tree and she just dropped me off in the middle of the desert with enough water for three nights. And then I, yeah, I mean, that's, it was a heavy experience for me. And it was also my first time doing anything alone. Like I had basically had Alex like at my side for the
since the diagnosis like I was so just crippled I couldn't I needed like so much support and then I got on that plane I was like okay doing something by myself and um yeah those those three days were really really really so empowering just to be it was so scary I like balled so much just being alone and like so far from home and and in the desert and there was no cell phone service and I was like sitting
terrified and I really like then I would like be crying in the night and then wake up in the morning and it would just be so beautiful like the light on the mountains and the sky and like I would go for these walks and see the cacti and blooming flowers and it was just like oh it was so such a night and day is just such a good microcosm of like just the way that yin and yang just the way like the opening and the closing need each other

Healthy Touring Habits

The big tours I've done since this major diet transformation, really salads were at the epicenter of it. It was like, that was my saving grace.
created this wonderful thing called salad backpack. And it's just like a whole separate backpack with my cutting board and my knife and like olive oil and cider vinegar and garlic. Everyone makes fun of me for it. I don't care. I'm like, y'all can just shut up until you have to face some crazy disease. I really just trained our band to love whole foods and to like,
not shy away from the wonderful beauty of Whole Foods on the road.

Music, Mindfulness, and Self-Love

Zooming in on this little seed of self-love and feeding it every day has totally changed everything about my me. My me.
Like I play sax and sing, I'll go from a horn line straight to singing sometimes or vice versa. And so there's certain cues where like I have to grab my sax at this beat or else I'm not gonna have it to my mouth in time to play the parts. And the first bunch of shows like after all that stuff, I was just watching myself do that like so much more fluidly. Brain healthy. I think I would blame that on the partly mindfulness and partly just like a choice to start loving one's self.

Aligning Strengths and Self-Care

The best career is one that combines your greatest strengths with fulfilling what the world needs the most. And I really felt that and still feel that performing just is that for me. It's the most fun and I feel like it's connecting.
the best thing we could do for each other was really take care of ourselves. And that's the best gift you can give someone that loves you. Yeah. Yeah. Is to be well. Isn't that what we want for all the people we love? That's it,

Healing Through Creativity

man. For me, writing music, that is the most healing thing possible. I mean, other art forms too, for sure.
But yeah, writing poems and music are always the most healing things. I always feel the best. It's like full body good feels working on music. Just keep being in the moment because there's always so many lessons right there. That's where all the lessons are actually.

Closing Thoughts and Gratitude

Please check out the full episode with Cal, and be sure to comment and rate the show on iTunes. It truly does help. You can visit me at and at my Instagram page for regular updates on my triathlon training, fitness, vegan diet tips, and musical happenings, whether it's with DB3, Walk Talk, Pimps of Joytime, or an array of other artists that I work with. Big thanks to Cal. Until next time, peace.