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How To Clear Six Figures Monthly Selling Solar - Nick Nascimento image

How To Clear Six Figures Monthly Selling Solar - Nick Nascimento

The Solarpreneur
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Nick Nascimento is on today to share his journey towards channeling one of the toughest solar markets in the country. Through genuine presentations alongside routine and consistent knocking, Nick knows the balance between productivity and self-growth.



Taylor Armstrong's Solar Success Story

Welcome to the Solarpreneur Podcast, where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong. I went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in the year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail.
I teach you avoid the mistakes I made and bring in the top solar dogs of the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, falling up like a pro, and closing more deals.
What is a solopreneur you might ask? solopreneur is a new breed of solopro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery and you are about to become one.

Introducing Nick Nassimeno

Okay, what's up, everybody? We are live here at Door2DoorCon and got the studio set up here.
I'm excited for this podcast. This is a guy I've been following for a little bit. He's been doing crazy numbers. And what's most impressive to me is he's doing this stuff in Utah, which I think ah you can speak more to this. I think it's one of the toughest markets probably right now. um But yeah, super honored to have Nick Nassimeno, right? Nassimeno, yeah. Nassimeno on the podcast. Thanks for coming on with us, Stoked to be here, dude. Yeah. Stoked to be here.
Yeah, it's going to be fun. And you've got your own podcast, Nick. We'll talk more about that later. But um yeah I guess just real quick for those that don't know you as well, maybe they don't follow you as much.

Nick's Solar Industry Journey

What was like your start in solar? How did you get in solar? Your background and everything. So I started in solar, actually. A lot of guys thought I started in PEST. started in solar about 10 years ago after my mission. i was going to BYU-Idaho. Oh.
And um at the time, I'm like, I want to do something where I can make as much money as I want. Right. Where I'm not working a wage position, but I wanted to get behind a product I believed in. Yeah.
And so I did a lot of studying and about different industries and solar caught my eye. Obviously, like if you do your homework, you you end up looking at solar. Yeah. I did it for two years and then I i lost sight of, and did really well, self-genning. There was no setter closer at that day. Self-genning, was making 160 kilowatt. Yeah, I made 65,000 my first first round, dude.
So today's numbers, it would been like over half a million. yeah That was my first summers and technically the fall. But then it came into Pest because I wanted to grow and level up, get around higher level people. I was the top guy in my company and there was no one more growth for me. And that sucks, right? And so I went to Aptiv.
There's lots of high achievers there. Yeah. And did that for a couple of years. Did well. Rose at the top and then bounced around my own company. Then lost the passion for pest control yeah for a lot of reasons.
And came back into solar. Yeah. Yeah. Love it, man. Yeah. I was with Optif for a couple of years to suit myself. So, you know, a lot of good app principles they teach you over there. Yeah. What I always say is if they get if people could know just the work ethic of pest control, bring it to solar, guys will be making crazy money. cause So true. Especially for me in California, yeah you know guys will go out and work like four hours and think that's theyre like, oh, man, I worked so hard today. and yeah grant it Or if you think about pest control, that would be you get fired if you're only working for four hours. Literally.
um But no, that's awesome, man. So I guess what brought you back to, so was it just getting tired of a pest control or you saw more opportunity in solar, just kind of a combination of a lot of things? Yeah, was combination a lot of things. um And then a lot of it was also, I was constrained to live in Utah because it's divorced with my kids. And gotcha and so I had found opportunities here. Okay. So, yeah.
yeah Is that why you've been doing solar in Utah mostly too? It's just because of the divorce situation and everything? Well, that's not that's what got me started, but then finding success and passion as it

Self-Development and Mentorship

grew. Well, yeah. um So I've been following you for a little bit and I know ah a guy that you've, at least it seems like from what I've listened is you've got a lot of principles and follow a lot of like the teachings of Jeremy Lee Minor. He's like kind of been your, one of your mentors, right? Yeah. Yeah. Jeremy's great.
Yeah. So yeah, I followed him for a little bit too. what's What's been like, as you're starting or as you're like figuring out how to have more and more success in solar, what's been like, i don't know, maybe the biggest things that have helped you sound like a higher level? Was it going through his programs? No. No, no. So Jeremy, Jeremy's amazing, but it wasn't sales training. It was, it was self-development and getting around actually business minded people soga and understanding high level finance and real estate investing. Okay. um You know, getting around guys that have a nine figure net worths.
It really changed my perspective around money. Yeah. And like getting really close proximity to those guys. They understand the game of money and investing and finance business at a different And if you understand that level of finance, you'll you'll break through some major barriers in solar on what we're selling.
And um yeah. ah You say that more than learning like sales skills. it's Yeah. That helped you more. That was definitely. Yeah. As far as sales skills, the one big thing that helped me was urgency. Yeah. And again, that was from getting proximity to some of the top guys in the industry as well.
Yeah. So. Yeah, that's incredible. So before we get into kind of the nitty gritty here, what and I'm sure guys know that have followed you, but what what are what are some of your current numbers? how many How much is your team doing? Yeah.
Excel's revenue. I know you have some pretty crazy months and years. you want

Revenue and Social Impact Goals

to speak to that? so good Yeah, we're we were're on pace for 25 million right now as a company. We've got about 35, 40 people, but we're going fast.
All Utah based. Super humble, super grateful. It's going well. Great, great energy. Great guys. um Our goals, yeah, do about 25 million. And then we want to save people about 75 million on 30-year utility savings.
So we calculate that on a 6% rate increase over 30 years. from what That's kind of our excitement like our passion, right? Yeah. um yeah Yeah. Want to donate $100,000 to charity this year, fight sex trafficking.
That's cool. um Pornography. Yeah. yeah Do the operation underground railroad. Not them. No, not them. Not them. No, not a fan Tim Ballard right now. Okay. All right. Yeah. Okay. Well, that's for another podcast. That's for another day. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. No, that's awesome though. I love that you guys have the cause and the why behind it. Really cool. So have you always, was going ask you, have you always been in Utah doing solar have you done different? No. So I started in California.
Oh, sorry. how for you So i I noticed like to sell and cut people's bills in a half or a third. Okay. Very easy. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, yeah, because that's what's crazy is you're still doing it in Utah. And, you know, I've gone to other markets.
I've sold friends and family in Utah. I'm from Utah. But, um you know, being in California, majority of my career, it's like, you know how it is. You're cutting bills in half. You're making still crazy good commissions doing that.
Yeah. And so I go to other markets. just I've gone to like, you know, Texas, Idaho, Texas. few other states to do some blitzes. But every time i just see what the numbers come out as and see the commissions and I'm like, man, why am I blitzing? Why do I stay in California? right I know. Yeah. So everyone else can stay out of California. but But yeah, so like, um what was, how long did you sell in California?
I was there for just two two summers basically. Okay, so it's kind of a summer sales thing. Yeah. yeah Okay. yeah And then after that, it's been all Utah. And then after that was pest control for a couple of years. And then the last three years I've been in Utah.
yeah okay So this is so over the course of a decade. And yeah, dude, I make more money than ah kind of like the top guys blitzing. yeah And I do it in market. So yeah, in a shitty in a shitty market. Yeah.
So incredible. So I want to talk about. like I mean, it's just like there's limiting beliefs that everybody has in their bullshit. Yeah. So it's not that I'm special. It's not that I'm cool. It's not that I'm the goat.
That's not it. It's we all have like fears and lies that we tell ourselves. Yeah. um And it's yeah, i just got to break through those. No doubt. And um well, you know, how in California, we had the whole net metering change, NEM2 to NEM3. It was crazy how many like guys just, yeah I saw it on my own team, guys didn't know how to sell anymore.
were still, we're saving people money, but just that change and having to ship that, it's like people are freaking out and couldn't do it. So I see guys like you that are still doing this in Utah. Dude, I'm so excited to expand um across the United States because the point Hill says every adversity brings an equal or greater opportunity.
So every setback, every setback I have shifted my perspective, I get stoked about because I know other guys are going to let off the gas, get scared. And that's an opportunity to rise, right? Yeah. We're going through a correction with solar right now where there's a lot of companies that gone under the last couple of years.
A lot of people panic of like, oh, like people are scared of solar. I get so excited about it. Yeah. It's separation season. It's time to get ahead. You just got to shift the perspective, you know? um So like, yeah, what's been the secrets? Because guys, so many guys complain, oh, it's so hard in this market. We're not saving people as much money. Yeah.
So I know there's perspective shit. What do you think is the secret to having success in these markets like Utah, where you're not selling as much savings? In fact, you said typically they're paying more for solar yeah in the beginning, right? Yeah. we We're increasing bills by $15 confidently. And my customers love it. They love me. yeah They love the value.
Our retention is amazing. Yeah. 7% attrition. As a company now, we're about 15 to 20%, but when it was just me, 7%.

Mindset and Routine for Success

Incredible. So like only 7% like from sign to install or? 7% would cancel. Yeah.
Yeah. Wow. That's impressive. Now, what's the secrets? what are what For guys that are in markets like that, where you're either like about the same as what they're paying, maybe a little bit more. so think of Mindset, what else? there's Yeah, there's mindset, there's like lifestyle, and then there's like tactical things. on On lifestyle, number one is burn the boats.
yeah Okay. Like Cortez, like don't have a plan B. I succeeded in Utah because I said, I'm putting myself and my family first. I'm not doing these damn blitzes. I'm done. Okay. I said, I'm done with this.
Okay. That was the beginning of 200,000 a month net commissions in a hard to sell state. I've discovered the the power of routine and how I can do more with less.
I go out for four hours. Now I can do the same, gut but I go out for four hours and I can produce the same results. ah um And now I'm an owner of a company. I don't have to do it. You know what i mean? yeah There's beauty of working on yourself. And so the secret is is burn the boats, stop watching other people, what they're doing, and just take action on on what you're doing. you know When you watch other when we compare, there's it's impossible to be in a state of abundance. It's impossible.
And everything great comes from being in that state, that mindset. and so And that mindset comes from gratitude. And so look at look at the glass. If the glass is 10% full, I don't care about the 90% empty, look at the 10% that's full.
Yeah. So good. Yeah. And how many reps do you guys have right now? About 40. Okay. um Yeah. Wow. wow Okay. So 40 reps. First year. and Okay. First year.
um And are you guys doing setter, closer? All you guys are knocking? Yeah, setter, closer, self-gen. I wish more guys self-gen, but if you play the game right, setter, close is the way to go. Okay. I was doing 32 self-gens a month before ah like i attracted all these people.
Okay. So are you still selling a lot yourself? I don't have time. Okay. Yeah. and say But i'm I'm going to, just to make a point. Yeah. And people love the door knocking footage that I do. So I've got to go knock some doors. Yeah, that's good.
Especially in the winter. you know yeah i need to get some of those you guys knocking. in Right now I'm doing a 75 hard with a couple of guys on our team. Let's go, Taylor. But you know we're in Utah right now. Had to wake up and do my outdoor workout in isn't great?
So it's like 25 degrees and then with wind chill, like feels like 13 degrees. crazy. I can't even imagine knocking the doors. Our guys are savages. yeah Guys and girls. Yeah.
So shout out to Sparta crew. Yeah. yeah um So yeah, you built it quick. So this year had basically nobody or I guess 20, 20, 20, 20. Yeah, no, it was like before this year. last year was just me one other guy. One other guy came with me.
That's how it all started. Okay. And I said, when I started, I'm like, I'm not going to build because I was president of another solar company prior to that. We had 130 people. took it from 30 million in revenue to 130 So it's not my first rendezvous.
um And ah i I was basically president of sales is glamorous way to put chief babysitting officer. yeah And you know i I vowed myself I wouldn't start a solar company because it's just babysitting reps, right? yeah um But then I started having a lot of success, make 750,000 a year, transformed my physique, transformed my mental game, got proximate high level people. wow My energy changed, my lifeless change, my relationships.
And I'm like, I would be selfish if I did not share this and train this with other people. Yeah. So although I didn't want to babysit, that was a selfish mindset. And then the selfless mindset said, you know, Nick, we've got to do this.
Yeah. I've got to show I've got to level guys up level and then change the mindset for salespeople and help them self-develop and focus more on themselves. Yeah. Jim Rohn always said, if you work harder on yourself than you do on your job, like that's how you make a fortune. You make a living if you work on your job.
You make a fortune if you work on yourself. Yeah. Sounds good. Love that. Yeah. And I think also another one i remember he's like, don't become a millionaire something like don't become a millionaire because the money become a millionaire because the person you have to become to make that money. Yeah. Something like that. You be the millionaire before you become the millionaire. Yeah, exactly.
Yeah. That's great. And so 40 guys, I mean, you got to have a pretty dialed in, I'm sure, like system, structure, process. Yeah. It's been working process. Yeah. you can't yeah You can't run with that many guys unless you get organized.
So what have been some keys for you guys growing that quick? Because I see guys, even guys that grow out have nobody to grow to 10, sometimes

Earnings and Task Delegation

i like overwhelmed. They don't have everything disorganized. That was me. I've been there, like a chicken with my head cut off, disorganized. I've had it all, like lots of failures. they like I've had so many setbacks.
I lost a quarter million from leases being funded this year. Had a breakup. um Had a business breakup with two of my top guys. We lost our first 13 salespeople we onboarded this year. Okay.
Tons of failures. That's just touching the surface. ah Launched a coaching business that we stopped completely. So a lot of failures, but the the difference with what I've done and I see a lot of um entrepreneurs or solopreneurs is I learn, like lot of guys don't learn from the failure. i I get excited about the failure and I learn from it. Yeah, that's great. And I go through like an introspective zone and I know down everything of how could I have done better?
What can I learn? And a lot of them were hard things on me, like lack of patience, whatever, you know, things like that. That's awesome. do you have any story, maybe example stories or least maybe it's a failure that you were able to learn from how it happens?
Dude, so... Any stories you'd be comfortable sharing? Yeah, so I've got, I've got lots. trying to think of one good one. I think, well, just, you know, I was working so hard like on my business and selling.
I didn't make a lot of time for other things in my life. like I had fitness in my relationships, but I was still neglecting myself. This is a lesson I learned in 2024, self-care. yeah and um Yeah. And from playing basketball or meditating, journaling.
And there was a lot of limiting beliefs that i was still working through and that I kind of ignored and suppressed. Yeah. Okay. And so um going through a lot of adversity this year, I've learned to turn inward.
And sometimes the way we have to break through things is he's got to you have to go through it to break through. Yeah. Right. And a lot of times we just distract ourselves with work. with a relationship, um with other things, TV, video games for guys, right? yeah And um so I just removed all those, not relationships, but yeah um went all in on just connecting more with myself and other people and yeah doing the harder work.
So I worked less, like less hours, but I realized I was attracting, selling more, recruiting faster as I got more in tune with myself. Yeah, so that's awesome. And so you you also have a podcast.
And I was telling you before we started recording, Nick, that um you know I'm with a bigger company now. But before that, I was with ah mostly dealers. And i was doing a lot more as far as like training guys, running the team. I still do that, but...
It's much easier now because the company I'm with already has a system in place. They have correlations yeah where it's all kind of shared responsibility. They have boot camps for new guys, all those things in place where before I was doing all that myself.
A lot. So I just, and that's kind of why i joined with bigger company because having three kids and everything, it's just like, dude, this is exhausting. Yeah, we can't do it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you're you are doing it all and you're having ton of success. But what what are maybe it's like some systems you set up?
Because you're doing a podcast, you're doing so many things. How do you like do that? How do you have the time? What are systems? So let me credit people I learned from first, like how I got here. And I'm still just the beginnings of my career and life. yeah um But I saw people that shattered my limiting beliefs because I'm like, I can't be a good husband, father, and an entrepreneur, salesperson.
and and and have ah good health. I have got to kind of pick two or three of the like two of those things. you know yeah and Especially family and business. i like is like It was this cliche thing. I'm like, I couldn't be successful in both.
yeah And it ate at me. And then I met somebody who was thriving in all those areas and it shattered that limiting belief. And I got proximity to i'm like i've got it And I had to pay a lot of money to get proximity.
He donated all to charity. And that's what changed it for me. So that's, i just want to give credit to him. um ah You are a product of your environment and who you surround yourself with. And so that's why I try to create that in our culture.
But step one for guys who are selling is you have to level up to the height like the next skill level, right? So if you're seller, you have to go to self-gen and closing. And then um what a lot of like a mistake a lot of guys make is And and from it's not a mistake, necessari but it's a more preference.
But when I was making three quarters of a million, like my mentor's like, do that rather than making 1.5 million, right? but But let's transform other areas of your life.
And so you want to do the thing you're like selling, but do it to the same level, but in less time. yeah okay That should be the question is, how can I get the same result, but do it in less time? yeah What things can I offload with delegate? What skills can I learn?
What people can I pull in? So setters, attracting setters to set for you. yeah But then that goes disarray because their appointments are crap. Well, you can build out SOPs and train better, right? yeah Have them double book.
yeah So that's how I started. I started with a setter. And then instead of using that free time to go sell more, right? I did for a little bit, but then I dialed back. I started self-developing more, working on myself, reading, learning, building SOPs.
stuff like going to seminars, getting in mastermind groups. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. Yeah. Investing in yourself. We're at Door DoorCon. And that's what it's about. That's why I like doing podcasts is because I get to be around guys like that, like yourself and so many other people. Yeah. um It's a secret for sure.
And yeah, we we saw you were in the solar, like the sales panel yesterday here at Door2Dorkon. Yeah. And I think you talked a little bit about that ah yesterday, just like you said, delegating things maybe you're not good at or that aren't worth your time. Yes.
I think you gave some examples yesterday. So what are what are some of the first things you started delegating or when you're like up leveling yourself? Yeah. What are some things that guys can start to delegate? Great question. So it starts with understanding your earnings per hour.
Okay. And I learned this from an almost billionaire. Okay. is You got to think of your time and like you're trading your time for money. Yeah. And that's OK. But as long as you stop working, heaven forbid you break a leg or you lose your vote, whatever. Right.
you You're out of money like worse're it's done. You have your investments. If you do that's it. And so you've got to start thinking that way and understand like, OK, you traded how many hours over a week?
um And how many sales do get? And then after they get installed, what's that payout? Yeah. And if you do the math there, right, most guys are making over $100 per hour. Yeah. yeah That's crazy. yeah And some of us, would make it $1,250. Yeah.
yeah And that changed my perception. I'm like, dude, I'm like, you knock doors, Nick. I get paid $12.50 an hour, bro. Damn right doctor I You have to rip my hands off those things.
Different perspective, right? yeah I get to versus I have to. And um so doing that and understanding that principle, you start thinking differently about everything.
yeah And you start using your calendar, blocking off, seeing where your time's going. Okay. So it's being proactive on it instead of just being reactive, you know, yeah being intentional with the time and set your targets within those timeframes. So, so that's step one is, is, is, uh, understand your earnings per hour. And, and with that, like, if you're making over a hundred dollars per hour, think of it like how many things can you hire out that you do yeah that are 20, 25 an hour?
Most like look so much dude. Yeah, like this is step what if anybody's making over a hundred thousand dollars a year This is the secret to making half a million. It's not selling like working harder You can work this Emma. I'm literally a like proof of this. Yeah, you can work the same amount and Make five times the income ten times. Yeah, and you need people And you have, and there's things like you, like I don't go grocery shopping. Yeah.
I hire that out. Right. Like I door dash a ton of stuff. Walmart delivery. Yes. Yeah. I have people do my meals. Like people, I don't do my lawn. I rarely do my laundry. Yeah. Right. Things like that.
Yeah. That helps a ton. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I've talked, my listeners, I've talked about that too. But one of the biggest things for me was just the laundry part. Because like with three kids, you got kids too. I was spending all every weekend, almost all day, just catching up on laundry. Yeah. It's crazy. You could invest that, not even selling, but you could have invest that with your kids.
I know. You know what i mean? Yeah, exactly. That's the way we have to think about it. And if salespeople can train their brain to think like an entrepreneur, we dominate. Yeah. You sell like crazy.
Yeah. You understand time management. You understand how to win people over. It's the same game of business, high level business. Yeah. Excitable. Oh, cool, man. So I know we don't have, we could make this an all day podcast, but just to give, before we start wrapping up here, Nick, just to give people maybe some like tactical things.
Yeah. 7% attrition. That's like insanely good. yeah um i mean, you yesterday, Danny Pesce was up there saying we're at like 55% cancellations industry-wide.
So you you mentioned a few things yesterday, but what are some like maybe specific things that you do to like reduce these cancellations? i I look for the ugly. Like, first of all, I'm always learning from the failures. I've gotten to 7% because at one point I was higher, like 40%, right? Yeah. And I've gotten better because I've learned. So there's a principle that everybody needs apply is like, no matter what I tell you, you still have to learn for yourself, go through it, take note of what doesn't work and what does work. Okay. um But one of the quick tips is ah don't omit cons. Like hit the ugly stuff fast.
Okay. you want to know, this is also the secret to how I sell very high in Utah, right? Yeah. Like most guys are ripping at like a 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 PPW. They're seeing us rip at 3.2, 3.5, 3.7. Like no problem. Better. Wow.
Happier customers. They're like, surely their customers aren't happy to call them up. They love it. So um being transparent upfront, like in the first five minutes, this is a loan. This is 25 years.
This will increase your bill by 15 to $20 a month. I might not be able to qualify you. If we have to upgrade the electric panel, it'll be more per month. A lot of things. This does hit your credit.
mike I can hit all that stuff very fast. And it actually it builds trust. yeah And people listen. so that's great And you're able to hedge all the objections. Like, we're gonna have ugly panels on the roof. right yeah So it's it's objection prevention. I'm trying to get all all the reasons that people...
Don't do it. And i I try to bring that up fast. That's great. So the rest of my sale is seamless, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So you think that's the number one thing that helps just like the actual in the sale, bringing up those, yes bringing up the negatives. Teach your prospects

Building Trust in Sales

rather than sell them Just help help them understand every every angle.
Not every single part of it, right? But like yeah help them understand the the gist. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And it's easy to overcomplicate solar, but it's also easy to omit key things.
Yeah. And you want to teach your prospect how to fish in a sense. Yeah. Right. Like teach them about the utility. And, and as you, you can give these ugly cons about solar because I'm offsetting it yeah by making them sell me on the utility. Yeah. Yeah. We don't want a payment. like We don't want to get a loan.
Well, did you want to pay a hundred years to the utility? Yeah. Yeah. sell me on that, brother. yeah i mean, that's the whole game I play. yeah And I go, yeah. So that's that's one of the main the main aspects.
And then... um Yeah. And then showing them our, like, we have good communication on the back end with the processes that we've built out too. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. And then any, uh, just wrapping up the sales part of it, any like favorite closing line, everyone loves her and like the lines and all, no, no, it's more of this stuff yeah you're doing, but any like favorite closing lines or, uh,
So I don't have to tips in the closing lines. So sorry, guys. I don't have closing lines because my prospect is axe asking me. They're asking you 100% of the time, what's next? And I'm sitting across the table, literally just dead silent, just looking at them.
So what's next? There's the question. All right, let's do And I know it's coming. yeah So um yeah, no closing lines. Sorry, guys. Sorry, but not sorry. yeah okay But here's... I have a couple of phrases that i use that I go to, and it's a couple of questions sequenced together. Okay.
And when you do them sequenced together, it it like... you can humble people very fast. Okay. Let's hear it. And sometimes people, when buying solar, need a little pecking ego check. Yeah.
Holy shit, dude. And it's by flipping it on them. Like, sell me. ah The mentality is, dude, sell me on paying 100% interest on a never having a payoff date. This is not what I say. I ask questions instead, but this is what you're basically like the energy radiating, right? there guy Sell me on a hundred, like ah a hundred year payments.
You'll be paying till you're dead. You get nothing back. So it's a hundred percent interest. yeah Right. And it builds no equity and has no tax benefits. Oh, but you don't have to put the panels on the roof.
That sounds great. Oh, and they're increasing the bill every single day, every single year. Sounds sexy, right? do yeah That sounds shit. Dude, look, solar shit too. I don't know what else to tell you. It sucks. It will be higher per month.
The benefit, it's why do people do it? Because it's going to stop the rate from increasing. And I wish Mr. Frost would have done this several years ago where I could undercut your bill, but now where we're at, I can't. So he missed out. All right. What's What's next?
That's awesome. Do you guys do a lot of batteries in Utah too? Some. It's more preference. We do bigger. With how the ratios work, we do a little bit bigger offset. yeah Okay. Yeah.
yeah Okay. So it depends on the home. There's a lot of variables. it's It's quite interesting. We've built SOP. It's been in roof orientation. Yeah. Their build range, how long they're gonna be in the home. Like we've got the customer um customer's side, like,
in mind. okay And so we've built things to protect them. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Incredible. Cool, man. And so i guess last question or two, what's been, we touched on this a little bit, but how did you grow from zero to 40 reps in a year? Like, yeah that's pretty much unheard of. How do you do that? It's a lot of failure.
And yeah, look, the bottleneck is always the leader. It's always the person. And I know it's like that sounds obvious, but um I had some like personal work to do and it wasn't business and sales work.
It was like the darkroom work. Like for me, it was overcoming pornography. It was ah managing my thoughts. It was um ah recognizing character weaknesses, a lack of patience and anger, just different moments my life.
and being real with those, right? yeah And I've gotten closer to Tony Robbins and and he says, the truth will set you free. And so being brutally honest, okay? And for me, I had to be humbled.
I had to god have God take my life and say, wake the F up, Nick. And lose a lot, okay? And got my attention. So shifting and working on myself.
And this is not mumbo jumbo shit. This is like, this is the real talk. And I've i've gone around like high level entrepreneurs and I've uncover 88 story and he did like the work the work in the dark when nobody's looking right yeah I is it most people don't know I think who I am and I'm more than okay with that 10 years like most people know who I am yeah and it's because of this hard work that I'm doing when nobody's watching Yeah. Well, I don't know. I've i've seen over and over in sales, like typical salespeople, you know, we all got ADD.
There's a lot of addiction, a lot of stuff going on in sales. Yeah. And I think, yeah, you're you're right on that. So many people haven't learned to like overcome this stuff that's holding them back or they got mental issues. Yes.
but in in um I was one of those hyper achievers that was performing well on the outside look good, but inside I was hurting. And, um you know, this stuff stems from childhood and i was distracting myself. You know, it was either I don't play video games, but at what point I did.
i don't do that anymore. i don't look at porn. I don't I don't waste my time like that. And i' have no judgment or shame on people that do. i've no I actually have love on those people. yeah Love for them. But um yeah, breaking through is like looking at the ugly side of yourself.
It's hard. It's very hard, but that's what it takes. yeah That's what it takes. it's cool and it's it's free It's freeing, man. And I'm telling you, like you like people want to recruit and like grow.
yeah Success in pursuit is attracted. yeah Sounds cliche, sounds like, okay, cool, bro. like I'm telling you, it's I work less. i like I was coming to the office at 8 a.m. m and I was working until 8 p.m. Now I go at 10 and I leave at about 6.
but' And we've blown up more the last two months than before. um um There's been some business shifts right on getting results and personal development and culture, but the big shift is me. yeah i like Internally, the deeper work.
yeah i the The numbers that I flex are no different from like when I was struggling recruiting to now. 200,000, it's the same. Yeah. The difference is the billboard.
That's it. Doing it. More focused. Yeah. Any, was there any like, I don't know, coaching? Was it therapy? All of the above, bro. Everything? Okay. I went, basically, I got help from my mom.
Okay. That's how humble I was, bro. yeah Yeah, but i' I'm still at that point where I'm always seeking to learn from other people. yeah Everyone's my superior to me in some way. yeah So I'm always learning. I'm at learning at this event. Learned a ton today.
yeah That was my main goal for today was actually learn and I got some major nuggets. Yeah. That's awesome. So yeah, therapist. Yes. Not a big fan of therapy, but big fan of coaching. But yes, I have a therapist. I have multiple coaches.
i have a coach on Tony Robbins team. He actually holds me accountable to, he knows I'm going to crush my financial goals. Yeah. So he doesn't, like that but the financial fitness, he's like, you're good, but he's holding me on other areas. Like, how's your emotional?
But what's cool is as I focus on the emotional, right? And my relationships, other stuff is taking off. Yeah. I can't explain it. It's wild. Yeah. But Tony Robbins is also a byproduct of this.
Yeah. So. It's so cool. Yeah. Yeah. Well, i love to see it, man. So many people, they have maybe one piece of it figured out. Maybe they're doing good financially, but the rest is a mess. Yeah. let me Let me hit on this.
Energy. Energy. Like we all know that enthusiasm is contagious, right? But if you dive in more, like we talk about non-verbals, parapherals, these are the techniques to of to show character.
But if you just be the character, like you are just it, you don't have to show, you don't have to sell, you don't have to do any of that. You radiate the confidence. and um and And when you have other people's and good, like in like in mind, that's part of my secret of selling well, is I detach fully. I'm like, how can I serve this person? How can I help?
yeah And got have the integrity to walk away. But that energy is very attractive to people. yeah In sales, it doesn't matter, dude. So it's very powerful. And that comes from being authentic, being real.
um I've learned the power of vulnerability this last year, Taylor. Nice. You know, and not running from my shit. You to hear me talk about pornography. Like, yeah, I had a problem it. have no problem talking about that. That's great that you talk about it. it's lying when ah It's freeing when you can talk about it and when you talk about other men and it's empowering and it actually brings them together and um it'll help you attract more success.

Podcasting and Education

It's wild. So um yeah, vulnerability is a superpower ah because it helps you be authentic. And when you're authentic, you're vibrating at the highest frequency of attraction.
Yeah. So that's awesome. Well, well, dude, it's been fun having you on. And, um, I didn't want to end without just also, uh, pointing people to your podcast. I've been listening for, um I don't know. I would say it the past year I've jumped on, checked out your episodes. You got some quality content. Thanks, Taylor. What's the goal with your podcast? You trying to bring more people over, just kind of side project thing or what's the goal behind your passion project. I'm selfishly doing it because I love learning like you. you know yeah I love learning. I love sharing the secrets.
so um And I want to help salespeople understand the principles of entrepreneurship and self-development. You don't have to choose between success in one area. You can have all of it. Yeah. And, um and yeah, just people that are obsessed on giving value and selling without being pushy and, and making great money, but also having a great life. Like that's, those are the kind of people, anyone that makes over half a million, that's the minimum required to come on my podcast. But now it's gotten even stricter of like half a million plus very good person, good ethics and morals, good life.
Yeah. um I'm podcasting with The Muscle on Monday. ah um Yeah. Big Dot. He's a huge, that's he's big. Didn't he just speak to your team or something? Yeah, he did. I think saw that. Oh, so cool. That's cool. Yeah. Great guy. That's awesome. Great guy.
So yeah, Rainmakers Podcast. My Instagram handles Nick in sales. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah. Love it. So guys, go ah shoot Nick a poll if you're not already. Go check out his podcast. It's absolute money.
And then a last last question for guys. Maybe someone that's struggling or they just can't break through. Maybe their personal sales, they're at $95,000. They can't break the six-figure mark or maybe they're at...
$295, they want to take to the next level. What's your... don't know. I know we talked about lot of stuff. Yeah. A lot of stuff we hit on, they'll shit on all those numbers. If they do everything we talked about here, they'll shatter those. Yeah. Good.
I would say remove expectations and ah and replace them with appreciations. Okay. When you're focusing on what you have versus what you don't have, like you could be so ecstatic about $95,000. That guy who's ecstatic will end up making $200,000. So shift in the state of gratitude. okay And then a lot of people actually have their bar too high. like They'll go into new year and say, I'm going to do this.
They end up doing this. But if they were shooting for like this, they would end up doing even more. oh right I've seen that phenomenon time and time again. so so And for people who aren't watching, when I say this, I'm i'm saying increase your target by about 10, 20%.
So your internal like internally, you believe that you're going hit it. oh So your subconscious isn't actively selling you saying you're not going to hit this. If somebody makes $250,000, they're like, I'm going to do this year. two hundred fifty thousand they're like i'm gonna do six hundred k this year you know Yeah, it's big jump. It's a big jump.
It can be done, but it's going to be a mental fight where if they say, hey, I'm going to do 350, do the math backwards on a month, like how many how much you got to do per month in revenue, and then go smash that target. And then you build momentum.
This has been the secret for me, dude. Going from 20,000 to 200,000. Now from growing from like solo to 40 plus people, we'll do 25 million this year and a lot more. I know more is coming. Wow.
That's awesome. That's a nugget. Because I've usually heard, oh, set the target high. And then even if you don't hit it, you'll... No. Coming from a guy that loves high targets, dude. Yeah. That's good advice. Yeah. That's awesome.
Well, man. Thanks again for coming on. And um yeah, hopefully we can do this again and um like get even more in depth. And yeah, let me know when ah whenever you want me to come on your podcast. that Absolutely. Yeah, I'm excited to have you. Yeah. Next time you're in Utah.
Next time you're Utah. You're right off the road. Let's Okay, let's go. right. Thanks again, Nick. Thanks, Taylor. Appreciate you. about it cool So some of you already know that I run my own door-to-door sales team here in San Diego.
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Okay, back to the show. Hey, solopreneurs, quick question. What if you could surround yourself with the industry's top performing sales pros, marketers, and CEOs and learn from their experience and wisdom in less than 20 minutes a day?
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Introducing Solciety

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