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Phillip Ramsey and Arron Cramer dive into their annual tradition of expressing gratitude on the Uncommon Wealth Podcast. They each highlight what they're thankful for, discussing the invaluable roles of clients, mentors, family, and community in their lives. The conversation explores personal growth through trials and challenges, emphasizing the importance of perspective and resilience. As they share personal anecdotes and reflections, Phillip and Arron celebrate the power of gratitude and the impact of embracing an uncommon mindset. Join them for an insightful journey into thankfulness and its role in fostering a fulfilling life.


Introduction to the Uncommon Wealth Podcast

Everyone dreams of living an uncommon life and the best asset you have to achieve your dreams is you. Welcome to the Uncommon Wealth Podcast. We're going to introduce you to people who are living uncommonly. We're also going to give you some tools and strategies for building wealth and for pursuing an uncommon path that is uniquely right for you.
Hello, everybody. Welcome to the episode of the Uncomiwealth podcast, where I'm your host, Philip Ramsey. And I'm Aaron Kramer. Got us both today. Who's excited? I'm pretty pumped. um I love this

Theme of Thankfulness

podcast. We do this one every year. Thankful things that we're thankful for. And I feel like I have a truckload, but we're going to try to narrow it down to five. First, Aaron Kramer, how are you doing?
I'm doing good. It's so good. We gotta eat a lot of food. Yeah, we do. We do. I'm pretty excited about that. um This might be my favorite holiday. I don't know why, but I feel like it's a little bit less chaotic. For Christmas, you got presents and there's just expectations and it's expensive.
Thanksgiving is all about people and being around them and just being thankful

Uncommon Movement and Mindset

for what you have. And so at Uncommon Wealth and the people that we get to serve and the people that are thinking uncommonly, I feel like we have a lot of things to be thankful for because honestly, uncommon this whole uncommon movement is really a meant mental mindset thing of just looking at your perspective a little bit different.
And I love to be able to lead the ship. And Aaron, you ah you're going to do the same. And so I love the challenge of that we have to be forefront of just a different perspective, being positive and encouraging because it affects people. And so, ah yeah, what are your thoughts? Give me your quick thoughts for the day, for the week. What are your thoughts?

Shifting Perspectives and the Grand Canyon Story

Oh, I mean, I agree with that. Like, it's a fun ship to be on. So helping people bring out their own common and looking at the world a little differently because sometimes the world can get pretty like demanding of like what you think needs to happen or they things that you need to be doing. Like, oh, you're this age. You need to have this stuff put together by this time. And if you don't, then, you know,
Koopu on you, but right you can like think outside the box. And we talk a lot about just perspectives or perspectives of your own perspective. And one thing that I think is is fun is to try to change the narrative in your own head, ah because there's often times where even I can get frustrated. um And we haven't done a podcast on it yet, but we will. It's our Grand Canyon trip. And here's your two perspectives. We were going to hike four days And sleep three nights we ended up hiking four days or three days and and two nights we stayed over so we got 75% done and so there's a perspective like we gotta we gotta hike we gotta. Camp we did fun things we made memories like that's a great memory it's a great trip but it.
I had to really check myself for that person that specific moment because we only really got 25% of the way where we wanted to, and then we had but a completely abort mission. and so In that moment, in the Grand Canyon, I remember like, Philip, you either have to change your perspective or have a BA the whole time getting out of here, and I might as well just change my perspective, and so but it's not easy. so This is, I think, one of the times where we, as a society, get to just stop and reflect on being thankful and seeing all the ways that things are going right.

Gratitude for Clients and Inspirational Journeys

Now, you probably need to do this yourself, but Aaron and I thought we would just hit record. This is the second year we've done it. We always have some things that we wanted to say. So, Aaron, do you want to kick us off or do you want me to? I can kick us off. Okay. My first one, I'll start out with,
is a pretty cliche one, but it's it's a big one. It's like, I'm just super thankful for like our clients and like they giving their trust us to help them is a big deal. And I know how big of a deal it is. And ay i I mean, I just, there's not enough things in the world to be able to be on the sideline and be in their corner to help them. So that to me is a big deal.
Yeah, I agree. I also put clients. So I'm gonna take mine and just piggyback off of that. So I'll cross mine off. So we don't have to tell it, say that twice. I do think, and there's there's like no particular order for mine. They might be for you, but for me, I'm like, I'm just thankful for all of it, but.
I agree, our clients are not only encouraging, but encouraging to other people that they get to interact with and the businesses that they're creating, if they are running a business, if not, they're just eight to fivers. They're still being uncommon and that is inspiring to me. And so to be able to be kind of at a front row seat to people's uncommon and the things they're creating and the things that they're trying to,
to scratch off their list or goals they're trying to obtain, it's really fun. And it's not something that you get to like, just yell from your rooftop, I just paid off my house. Well, we get to see that every day and ah or just people achieving their goals. Maybe that's not, that maybe that's a dumb goal. But you know what I'm saying? So we get a front row seat of people's life and we get to be in the trenches when things aren't going well. But all of them are just inspiring to me because they ultimately trust us in order to be able to walk them through life. Now, I would be the first to say like people don't necessarily need us.
but we get to walk with people and they want us because we really encourage them. And then we get to walk them through some really sticky things and hard things and fun things and all the different emotions we get to experience. And we get a front row seat for that. So that's what I'm thankful for too, our clients, um but they inspire me to to work harder, to be better, to push myself in ways that I didn't think I was be able to push. So I definitely say clients too. It's a good one.

The Role of Mentors and Health Gratitude

Okay. Awesome. All right. I know it's cliche too, but I'm like, I can't not say it. And then there was like a couple of them was like, I'm going to start like, why are you just getting older? Aaron, is that what's happening? So, all right, keep going. My second one to be mentors. I'm always like, that's good. I don't think you can get through this life about mentors. Like people that are gray haired and Um, have wisdom to give, you know, yeah it's just a big deal. I mean, just in life in general, to have a mentor, but like mentors in your industry, because there's just so many like bumps in the road along the way and situations that you've never heard of or haven't been through yet with a client. I have a mentor that's been through it, you know, a dozen times.
or yeah someone that's just more wise than you and can see it from a different perspective to help you through things is just yeah a gate changer. We've got podcasts on this. Right, right. Mentor is the cheat code of life, but help you when you're seeing, you're not seeing the forest from the trees kind of thing, they can speak into that. Yeah, I agree. That's a, that's a good one. I am. That is a good one.
Okay, I'm gonna go backwards from what I wrote down, but my health. I feel like it's something I think I take for granted a lot. It's just your the way that you're feeling. I feel great, like I feel good, but it's the times when like you throw out your back and you realize that how big of a baby you are.
Because you're like i can't think of anything except like how bad my back hurts and there are people that go to this life and it's a constant pain it's just a. It's just a habitual pain in their life and how demoralizing and hard that would be in the fact that i don't have that feel fairly healthy. um I feel great. It might not be great, but I feel great. And like that to me is something that I am grateful for or just running around with my kids, the ability to do that. um I'm starting a new challenge this year to kettlebell swinging, you know, cause that's exciting. um Aaron challenged me on that. So I thought I would start doing that and just grateful to be able to have my health. So it doesn't have this constant like
ringing or constant pain in my life. So grateful for that. So, yeah. Awesome. Pain's a big deal. It is. Yes, it is. And you don't really know it is until it's like, and so until until you're in pain, are you're sick. And then it's like, I can't do anything. So yeah, it's a derailleur for sure. So, okay. Um,
I know that I know about pain. That's interesting. I know is like growing up with sick parents. It's you can appreciate that a lot. Do the fact it's like, you know, I remember having to see my dad puke all day weeks on end. These ribs being all like black and blue from puking. Oh my goodness.
I just remember days in like college wrestling, I was like, why am I whining? Like, you know, cause you get the flu and like you're sick for like two days and you're like, Oh my gosh, kill me. But then you see some other people like in way more or worse than scenario and you're like, Oh, I need to like yeah suck it up. Right. One of my closest friends just went to the hospital for 21 days. Like it's just unbelievable just cause you think everything's good until it's not. And then it completely derails. Yeah. So yeah.
but something to be thankful for. You're thankful for your health too. Okay. yeah You can piggyback on mine. I'll piggyback on yours. I'm thankful for mentors. Yeah. So

Community, Family, and Team Reflections

I do that that's why have is like the team like here.
yeah Okay. It's always a big deal for me. I'm a big team guy. I like being part of a team. So I'm super thankful for the team and everybody on the team. Right. Okay. I have that too, but I put it as community, like the community around us. And so that would be like coworkers, my friends, like Like, I just feel like the community that you surround yourself with is invaluable. And so that's something that i I don't take for granted, but I'm grateful for, and I'm grateful, I feel like the richest man in the world, because I have a strong community that would come after me if I went down. If I went into a dark place, like they would be there, they would figure out a way to like bulldoze that that wall down that I would create. And for me, I'm grateful for that. because the truth is there's times where my perception is way off. i'm I'm human, I'm sinful, just like anybody else. And so sometimes I need somebody to be like, hey, call you out, tell you what's like, hey, this is how I perceived it. And I'm like, oh my gosh, you're right. like
I need that because I'm not always right. No one is always right. And so, but to be able to have a community around you that know, like, and love you, and are is bold enough to kind of call you out, um or like I said, come get you when you're in a dark place, I think is invaluable. And I feel kind of, not untouchable, but also like, I feel super grateful that I have such a community that will do what it takes in order to make sure that my myself and my family are are are in a good place. so So I agree with you. So I just kind of like kind of piggybacked a little bit more. So team, grateful for that. And I i would categorize that into my community that we've surrounded someone with. That's great. Okay. Before we get to my last one, I guess I'm skipping my one because the last one's like the big one. Oh, me too. ah Okay. I like the way you're going. I like it. If we have the same one for the last one, I want to just like throw my hands up.
Uh, I'm not going to be surprised. Oh yeah. For the listeners, we obviously didn't hear each other's what they're thankful for. So that's kind of fun, right? Yeah. All right. So I have two more. Do you have two more left? You have two more left too. All right. Okay, good. So, uh,
My next one is family. like Yeah, me too. You dog. You dirty dog. I think it's big, man. i'm like yeah My girls are like but were like, when you're feeling weak and stuff, they're the ones that help you stand strong and you just look at them and that's why you're doing it. and But also they just put up with a lot too, because this career, building a book and stuff, its any business owner knows, this it's not easy building a business. and so yeah um for them to be patient and oh and sacrifice you know time and stuff, allow me to do that is a big deal. So I just appreciate them ah wholeheartedly. and
I know like, you know, I just got done taking a test and they sent me a video and it's like, oh my gosh, it made me like want to tear up. And I don't, I don't cry. That's not because I'm manly or cause I'm cool. It's like an issue, but like, it made me want to tear up. And I was like, this is, I turned, I had to turn it off. I was like, no, I don't finish the video. Well, yeah. Right. That's good.
Yeah, my mind is family as well. Just, you know, and we always say, like, whoever your spouse is matters. Like, whoever you pick for your partner, her life, it really matters because they are the biggest cheerleaders. Like, they see you in your darkest moments where your community might not. Well, your spouse does. And and they're there that for their supporting you. And I like what you said. Like, even your kids have to sacrifice things when you're building a business. And And for that, I'm grateful. And I just say, like, my wife is are like my biggest fan. And she she speaks up when she needs to, she supports me when she needs to, and she sometimes is quiet when she needs to. um But I feel like she always chooses the right thing to encourage me the most. And without her, like, just put a... but it put a fork in it, I'm done. You know, like it's, there's no way. So, um, I would say family and then my kids, like my kids are getting older. And so the dynamics is starting to change a little bit where we have two teenagers in the house and it like,
tudes at attitudes are happening a little bit more than usual, but I do feel like where they're at, they can strategically think critically for themselves. And it's fun to be able to see the the choices they're making, the friends they're surrounding themselves with, like that gives me a lot of joy. um And so that's that's that's great. And that I would say I just had a birthday. And so we were all playing football for my birthday, it's kind of a longer story, but um we decided to play football. And like, there was probably 10 of us playing football, but there was probably, I don't know, 16 people kind of watching around and stuff. but
ah As we were playing, my son, he was on my, my oldest son, Beckham was on my team and I threw him a pass and he caught this most amazing catch, like I've seen in a long time. And it was over his younger brother, Oakley, or my youngest son. And as he was running into the end zone, Oakley like ran up to him and I was like, oh boy. Cause I thought he was going to like try to donkey kick him or something, you know, like something big. And he gave him a high five and I was like, huh?
Like that was amazing. And that's normally not something that would happen. Like he would try to like punch him or something and like be frustrated, like quit or something. I don't know. You know, like just how, you know, yeah, I don't know. And he's only 12. So Oakley's 12 and Beckham is 14.
Anyway, a couple of plays later, Oakley gets a long pass throw to him and he caught it for a touchdown. And Beckham went to go, he gave him a high five. And I was like, I am living my best life. Like if there was a birthday present that the Lord knew I needed was that. Like I'm thoroughly enjoying myself as my kids are competing with me and we're all encouraging each other. And you know, competition and encouragement are kind of like my two-time languages. so and my daughter was playing, Aaron was playing. And so like, it was just a fun time. And I got to just kind of like take a moment and like have, but not an out of body experience, but kind of like look at the whole situation. And I'm like, I'm playing football with my dad, 74, playing football with my wife and my kids. And we're all having a great time. Like, man, I'm super thankful for my family. So yeah, I'm excited for this Thanksgiving to just be with them and like play games and laugh and create memories. that
Anyway, so family. That's awesome. I love it. All right.

Growth through Trials and Learning from Losses

um I'm going to go first. look All right. I'll save yours for last, just in case it you can have the best. ah The coup de gras, as they say. I'm just paul I'm scared it's going to be the same thing. I think you're right. You wanna go first then? I'm okay with that. No, you go first. All right. um I'm thankful for trials, um which just hard things in your life. Like I'm super grateful for those because it produces something that trial, that something without a trial just doesn't. Like you can think that you're the best person ever, but you never faced a trial.
And so you don't really know how you're going to like, but you always say this, I think best, like a diamond is under pressure. That's how it's created or something like, I don't know. You say it better than that. What is, what's it called? Everyone's cold. Tell them about pressure and heat you get put under the diamonds created.
Yeah. so So the amount of trials that I think that I've had to go through in the past, you know, a couple months to a year, um, has produced something that I don't think that it would have happened otherwise. And so, man, I'm grateful for that. Although no one has ever really like, I'm excited to go through another trial, but we're excited to get to the other end of that where the character and enthusiasm and all that stuff, um,
is created, right? Like I feel like there's endurance that's created that only a trial of that can produce. So that's, I'm excited. I'm thankful for trials. Um, and if, if it takes more trials to just kind of refine me, then so be it that I'm going to have to lean on my community even more because it's, it's tough. It's not easy, but I am thankful for it. There you go. Yeah. Well, mine's pretty much freaking same thing.
Uh, losses and mistakes. ah Yeah. Thankful for that. Cause yeah it is like, so I just, I'm piggybacking off yours. It's just you, you learn way more from a loss or a mistake than you do those easy slam dunks. And, uh,
I showed like, I, you know, I've come to learn the love. Listen, that's why it's my last one. That's the biggest one is cause. I mean, show me someone that's truly great that you see as a diamond and it's shining bright in the community, shining bright in their business, their family life. And tell me they didn't have a ton of losses, knockdown punches throughout their life. Like they've had trials upon trials and losses. They just are really good about getting back up and moving forward, learning from the law, like learning from it to make sure it doesn't happen again.
oh And so that's how we grow. I agree. Yeah. I, you know, I take those like men's trips and guys trips or whatever. And at times all but I always try to send a journal to every person I'm going to go on a trip with that has like questions before that people have to answer before they go on the trip. And then on the trip we answer those questions. Well, one of them was like, if you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do?
That was my question. And I wrote that, I was like, I kind of feel like that's true for me. And it sounds super cliche, but like even the times that I completely like catastrophically fail, I learn a ton. And I'm like, that wasn't that big of a failure like because I learned. so I kind of like I kind of feel like I'm living that of, well, yeah, but I'm failing constantly, but I'm also learning from my mistakes and that's what you touched on. So I agree. So I feel like those are pretty much the same thing. You're incredible. I know. Yeah, it is because I mean, it's like things that you could look feel as if like, you know, things that can be like a failure in the time, you know. um
Cause one of my things I stand by and I love, I still hold true, like if ah vi if I'm helping a client and they find somebody else that they think and know that can care about them more than I can, right then I'll help them move, you know? right And right I've had that happen before and people have moved and honestly when you look back and you're like, oh, like it hurts at the time. And then you're like, you know what, actually it's for the best.
yeah Yeah. And I love that we're both very gracious with that happen. This happened to me actually just earlier this week of like, Hey, I'm, I'm now moved away. I got an advisor that I think I want to start moving. I was like, how can I help? You know, like, yeah love you. I was so grateful that you have some, you know, like, and it, I think it makes it a little harder to leave because then they see our true character of like it wasn't always it wasn't about the money it was about you as an individual and I I love that you also have that and that I'm

Gratitude for Partnership and Shared Values

buddy that's an uncommon and that's why you fit so well with the brand and that's why I'd say lastly if I'm going to have a six one bonus when I'm thankful for you I'm thankful for the way that you're wired I'm thankful for all the hard work you've done and so
Yeah, I don't know, not to get all mushy, but didn I'm thankful for you. I'm thankful for the clients we get to serve, the family, our health community, and then trials. So there you go. Like how we had all the same one, but like one. Yeah, it's good. It's good. I love it, man. And I'd say like, well, I'm thankful for my mentors and you'd be like, I'm thankful for my health. So it's like, that's good. it's good I can't be thankful for my health. My health isn't that great. You don't think so?
Oh yeah. I mean, I need shoulder surgery, got high blood pressure. Like my body's falling apart. I got hairline fractures down my spine. I'm like, I just found out like my neck, like, like super tight. And I'm like, Oh yeah. I guess it kind of hurts a lot. Like, I don't know. They're like, it probably does. I'm like, I haven't thought about it. That one's about right with me. Like, Oh wait, it does. Oh yeah, it does. Yeah.
All right, man. Well, thank you. Have a great Thanksgiving for all the listeners out there. Have a great Thanksgiving. And you've been listening to UncomiLove Podcasts. I've been your host, Philip Ramsey. And I'm Aaron Kramer. Until next time, go be thankful. Thanks for listening.
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