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Panama to Politics: Panama Trip, Kamala’s Interview, Trump & Scammers image

Panama to Politics: Panama Trip, Kamala’s Interview, Trump & Scammers

E162 · Unsolicited Perspectives
26 Plays6 months ago

In this episode of 'Unsolicited Perspectives,' join your host Bruce Anthony and his sister, J. Aundrea, as they take you on a lively journey through a mix of personal adventures, political insights, and social issues. The episode kicks off with a fun recap of J. Aundrea’s 40th birthday trip to Panama, where she shares the vibrant highlights of her travels, including a visit to the Panama Canal and encounters with local wildlife. The mood then shifts to a deeper discussion as they delve into Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent interview, exploring her policy positions and comparing them to the latest controversies surrounding former President Donald Trump, including his actions at Arlington Cemetery. #panama #kamalaharris #donaldtrump #chasebank #unsolicitedperspectives 

The siblings also tackle current societal and economic issues, from the housing market and child tax credits to the surge of bank scams, such as the rumored 'Chase Bank glitch.' Don't miss this engaging and thought-provoking conversation! 

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Thank you for tuning into Unsolicited Perspectives with Bruce Anthony. Let's continue the conversation in the comments and remember, stay engaged, stay informed, and always keep an open mind. See you in the next episode! 


00:00 Welcome to Unsolicited Perspectives

00:34 Sibling Happy Hour Begins

01:42 COVID Chronicles

03:46 Panama Adventures

11:43 Party Highlights

21:15 Kamala Harris Interview Insights

32:44 Debating Political Strategies

33:48 Kamala Harris and Social Media

34:45 The Importance of Staying Grounded

36:37 Men of Color and Political Representation

51:06 Trump's Disrespect at Arlington Cemetery

58:45 Chase Bank Glitch Scam

01:02:28 Scammers and Modern Day Frauds

01:05:40 Closing Remarks and Farewell

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Introduction & Invitation

Welcome. First of all, welcome. This is Unsolicited Perspectives. I'm your host, Bruce Anthony, here to lead the conversation in important events and topics that we share with today's society. Join the conversation to follow us wherever you get your audio podcasts. Subscribe to our YouTube channel or watch our video podcasts. Rate, review, like, comment, share, share with your friends, share with your family, help, even share with

Sibling Happy Hour & Panama Adventures

your enemies.
On today's episode, it's the sibling happy hour. I'm here with my sis, Jay Andrea. We're going to be dilly down a little bit talking about her trip to Panama on her 40th birthday. Then we're going to be talking about Kamala Harris's interview, Trump at Arlington Cemetery and scammers. But that's enough of the intro. Let's get to the show.
What up, sis? What up, Retta? I can't call it. I can't call it. You're 40 now. I'm 40 now. I've been saying I'm 40 for probably about four years now. But you wait a minute now it's actually true. Yeah, because like once I hit 36, I was like, OK, I'm 40.
That's not how that works, but okay. That's how I felt. So I was like, let me get, you know, let me get used to it. You know, let me take it out for a spin. And now that I am 40, I feel very settled in it. Like I feel really good about

COVID Experience & Life Impact

it. I want to get to your trip. ah But first, hit the audience hasn't had you on here, like officially, you've been released in shows, but you haven't done anything for a couple of weeks. We know that this is 40 because you have COVID. I do.
I have COVID. And we were talking about it before you jumped in, that you was like, you got that COVID mouth. I got COVID mouth. So it's the the medication for COVID, Pax Loved. Apparently, it gives you this really bad metallic taste in your mouth. And it's so terrible. like I can't even sleep. It tastes so bad. But if it you know helps it resolve quicker and I don't develop long haulers or whatever it's supposed to do, then I'm going to just keep popping these pills. Y'all can judge me if you want to. Yeah, I'm boosted. And your point, I bet you I'm going to get over it and be back on my feet. I'm already feeling better. good That's why I'm here on the show. I'm already feeling better.
And it was good because we'll get to your party in a minute. But you had a party that could have been a super spreader. But I didn't get it. Our brother didn't get it. yeah none of our none of None of the people that that we know of got it. Right. Yeah. Luckily, I've already had, you know, I let some people know, especially people that I was in close contact with that night. And a couple of them have already taken tests. They're fine. One person does have the sniffles.
Keeping an eye on it. I'll keep you updated on that. But other than that, yeah, it could have definitely, but I don't think I was contagious yet. That next day when I was completely out of it, that was the start of me getting sick. So because the night of the party, I felt fine. No coughing, no sore throat. I mean, I had no symptoms whatsoever. So I'm hoping that and I didn't really start to get really sick till like Tuesday or Wednesday. So I'm hoping that Yeah. If you know if no the party was literally a week ago, if yeah anybody was going to have it, they would have it now. Right now. Yeah. yeah So yeah. Thank goodness. Right. and Thank goodness. Cause

Exploring Panama & the Canal

I don't want that. I don't want the bid, but let's talk about your trip. Tell the audience about your trip to Panama.
I had a ball. like i had the Panama owes me absolutely nothing. I went with four of my my close friends and we were there for you know we were there for a week and we did everything. like We did everything. I literally have no complaints. I got to feed a monkey a grape.
a wild monkey just jumped out of the trees onto our boat, fed him a grape, saw sloths, went to the Panama Canal. The thing is, and this is the this is the funny thing, we know what the Panama Canal is. like right We know what it is. It's a canal through Panama.
um That's what it is. But it was just funny because when we all got there, someone had the courage to ask, like you know like what's the like what's the significance of the Panama Canal? I was like, you know what? I know what it is, but I don't you know i don't know the significance. So got getting to see that it's ah important to commerce globally and there are many, many, you know, countries that have a financial interest in it, you know, in not just Panama City. ah Being safe and thriving, um but also that, you know, the canal is up and running and thriving. And so ah Panama City felt very safe to me. You know, they everybody was so friendly, so cool. Like I got to party. They got a great rooftop scene. OK, you could do bar crawls like
The old town is beautiful. The new Panama City with the high rises looks like a almost like Dubai, like the skyline. is like isn It's really dope. It's such a dope place. If you get a chance to go, um I highly recommend it. I loved Panama. In the Panama Canal, how they got goods and services from European and Asian countries to the US? It's how they get...
through. So instead of having to go 21 days around right tip of South America. to get from the Atlantic to the Pacific or back. It's just, a so you can just cut through. So it's, yeah, incredibly. It's a shortcut and it saves a lot of time and a lot of money and ah a lot of companies, a lot of countries, probably like, I think like 30 something countries had a hand and it's like newest renovation and things like that. And, um,
Yeah. So it's incredibly important. And I just want to say shout out to Jimmy Carter for giving it back. you know lock ah Lost the election though. We lost the election, but it was the right thing to do. We had a treaty. It was up. You know, give it, give it to the people of Panama so they can use it um and use that income for their own infrastructure. Is it, is it going great in some areas?
Uh, in some areas, not. And it was funny cause when we were riding through those rougher areas, it looked like a lot of places that look like a war zone, like it looked like bombed out. And so we were asking the tour guy, you know, like what, what's happened here? Like, why has no one come in and try to rebuild or anything like that? It was because the United States came down to get, um, Noriega.
Manuel Noriega. Yes. Yes. And all that destruction was in the apprehension of Noriega. That was a long time ago. The buildings are still the same. Yeah. You know what's funny? We put Manuel Noriega in power. Yeah.
Yeah, we put him in power ah because we we felt that that he would be a better leader to make sure that yeah communism didn't spread. But also, he was a narco terrorist. He made deals with Pablo Escobar and the whole Medellin cartel. And yeah, there's a long history in that. Don't believe me? Just look it up. Google, Google, ladies and gentlemen, is your best friend. So Panama is really dope. Also, Panama hats.
Not from Panama. Where are they from? They're actually from Ecuador. um So when, who was it that went down there? I want to say maybe Roosevelt.
when they were building in the canal in the early 1900s. That sounds about right, Theodore. Yes, so he- Two Roosevelt's, so you talk about Theodore. Theodore Roosevelt. Teddy. He bought the hat in Ecuador, but was wearing it around while you know working on the canal, and so it got associated to Panama. They sell the hat everywhere, but anybody that you see wearing the hat, you know as a tourist, because they do not wear that hat in Panama. There is a hat for Panama, but it's more of like ah like a farmer's hat, so you don't really see that much in the city either. So if you see people wearing that that Panama hat, it is is a tourist because they don't wear that in Panama.
I like the evolution of it with the Adidas bucket hat. I love that Adidas bucket hat. I used to rock that all the time. yeah But you learned a little bit of history of the creation of the Panama Canal. Yeah. A lot of people died making that. Let me tell you, malaria was kicking people ass.
hilaria It was malaria and ah ah what else? it was being It was being passed around by the mosquitoes. because and you knowquitoes so It's the jungle right it is the jungle ah before they realized that it was the mosquitoes and sprayed a bunch of them pesticide and then people could start living again. but gave rid of time People could start living again. People could start living again.
ah um they're ah yeah There was a lot of inequity, of course, like ah you know American workers and white workers were paid in gold and other people were paid in silver. France actually had it first. They worked on it for about 30 years, couldn't figure it out.
So the US bought the rights to it, figured it out, had it up and running in 10 years. So. Yeah, that's sound that sounds, once again, that sounds about right. yeah We came up with the lock system because you can't, you can't dig out the canal because it's volcanic rock under there. It's too hard. So we built a system where a ship enters a lock. It fills with water, raises the ship up 27 feet. It moves to a second lock and it keeps raising up until it reaches the height of the lake.
There's a man-made lake, it crosses the lake, that's the canal, and then it's lowered again in three locks and it goes out to sea and that's it. That's the whole process. and That's dope. and You just see all the ships lined up waiting for their turn to get through and it costs the toll, the tech, what the what they have to pay to go through, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Yeah, i wouldt but it would cost 10 times that to go around South America. So um they rather pay heroin is passing through that canal right now. Lord knows. Columbia's voice right there.

Celebrating Jay Andrea's 40th

Right. Let's get to your party. Yeah. Because I have to say,
It was one of the greatest parties that I've ever been to. It really turned out well, I was really nervous because I was mixing a lot of people, particularly family. that's where yeah had some cousins come i We cousins come in and they were cousins from our maternal grandfather's side, maternal grandmother's side, paternal grandfather's side.
It was a mixture of everybody. It was a mixture of everybody. It was a mix of my friends. It was just a mix of people. And so it was people I didn't know. And so I was also like, I don't know how that's going to go. So I just said, as long as I have enough food and alcohol and we can keep the party going. But yeah, it turned out really well. I'm very satisfied with how it went.
Yeah, there was definitely enough food and alcohol. There was so much food and alcohol that there was some leftover. And I drank a lot. Then people took to-go plates. People came back for it. Shout out to to Star. I'm gonna say her name. Shout out to Star, who was my chef for the night and who cooked everything for us. And people made, you know, to-go plates and extra plates. And we still had a bunch of food left. So I was really nervous we wouldn't have enough food, but We did. We were good. I know you was nervous. It was Instacart made a killing off. ah ah off For your sure.
for sure Instacart and the liquor store made a killing. And shout out to our brother. Yeah. We don't give him enough credit for the work that he will do in support and love for us. yes That man it was up until almost four o'clock in the morning, staying in your deck. Because I said, hey, man, look.
If it's about picking something up and moving it around, I got you covered. right But all this manual labor stuff, putting stuff together, cleaning and I'm not going to do that. But if you need something, you need me to lift an air conditioner and put it in the window, I got you. Right. right he cleared out He cleared out the brush in my backyard, washed my deck, restained it. Hold on now. Hold on. I washed the deck.
Give me my credit. I helped wash the deck also. Yeah, OK. I wiped down all the furniture and everything. He cleaned he cleaned all the cushions. Because he did the majority of the work. He did the majority of the work. And the deck looked fantastic. um So yes, definitely shout out to him.
The deck was a vibe. The yard was a vibe, because that man was out there mowing a lawn. And and ah he was up early in the morning, because I was in the gym working out. yeah And then all of a sudden, he comes through the back door sweating and getting some water. And I was like, man, you all right? You need some help? Again, it's just a whole bunch of logs I got to move. I was like, logs.
He was moving logs. it like Yes, so definitely shout out to him. It was great to have that extra space for people to go, you know especially if they want to smoke or whatever, you know you can go. and We had a nice Uno game out there. A lot of youths were out there. A lot of the youths. youths. Everybody had a good time. like that It's always like a sigh of relief the next day when people are like, no, I had fun. I'm like, OK, great. Thank God. Because y'all don't know how I agonize about these things.
For weeks. I told you, I was like, look, it's your party. Only thing that matters is you have fun. Everybody going to get in line because you had me on bouncer duty. And I was like, hey, look, I got your sense. Don't worry about everything. I'm going to get it going. And then the karaoke was a nice touch. Yes. I really am happy that that went as like as more people started to go. Other people got their confidence up and decided to go. So karaoke went great.
Our brother sang party all the time, which I think was the highlight for me. That was the highlight. Because he really put his goal into it, and that was the highlight. so We could never put that video out there. He will never let us do it, but there's a video of him singing party all the time. He hit all the high notes, and it was it was fan fantastic. He was dancing and grooving. It was just a good, good,
Yeah. Everybody came, it was vibing, it was on a good you know wavelength and just came to chill and vibe out. and That's kind of how I want my house to be and like gatherings at my house is just, no, we chill and vibe out. like you'll have to you know You don't have to do too much.
With the layout of your house is very much set up for that. Yeah. It's weird. It's definitely set up for entertaining. Yeah. um that Weird isn't the right word, but it's fascinating how you and mom have the homes where it just feels real comfortable.
I hate going to people's houses. yeah I hate it. I hate staying at people's houses. I hate sleeping in other people's beds. I hate using other people's bathrooms. I hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it. I told everybody on the episode Tuesday, I was genuinely sad to leave on Monday. I was like, I don't want to leave. I'm having a good time. And it's because you and Mom, I don't know what's something about both of y'all. Y'all just developed comfort.
yeah And it's just like, come on in and have a good time. Because people showing up will just pop up at your place. People do pop up at my place, yes. And just pop up at your place and be like, hey, I'm coming to hang out. And when I walked in on Sunday, I'm like, everybody, did y'all leave? Right. Because everybody's still there. Yeah. Everybody's still there. It's just sleeping, just laying on the couch. It's like, everybody just going to take a nap on the couch and just vibe out, huh? Yeah.
And that's why I got that big-ass sectional. Yeah, it is big. Because it's got room for everybody. I'm like, yeah, my ah my house is not that any of y'all will ever know, but that... Some people might know. There are people that was there that are watching and listening to the show, so they know. Right.
So it's ah not the audience at large. i Right. Right. right yeah But when you walk in, it's completely open. The floor plan is completely open. So when you first walk in is the kitchen and then off to your right is the dining area off to your left is living room like it's all open. So no matter where you stand, you can see everything going on and in the entire area. So that's the thing I like the most because I can stand right in the kitchen at the island and see everybody and make sure everybody's good. And that's pretty much where I stay.
For most of the time, I was over there by the island watching, making sure everybody was good. so And then it just flows right out into onto the balcony because that door is right there and it just flows. Everything just flowed. The mosquitoes weren't biting. No, because our brother, once again,
was on it with the mosquitoes. Yeah. Had the citronella candles, everything. Well, I had had the yard sprayed, but like had citronella. It was a good night. light It was fun. Everybody, I got a lot of people reached out to me afterwards. like I had a really great time. I had a great time. I'm glad. And I'm just like, oh, I'm so glad. Because I agonized about these things, y'all. Don't look for another one of those from me for a very long time. But yes.
Our brother's going to kill me right now for what I'm about to say. Then don't say it. No, he's but it's he knows he's right because he knows he knows it. a wrong turn, hate to see our brother coming. That man, when I was out with adventures with him to go pick up stuff, I'm like, you got the GPS right there, how you keep missing the turn? Oh, snap, I got a U-turn right here. He joked on me because I was holding on to the little thing where you hang stuff up. Yeah. What is it called? It's just a hanger.
hang hang over the door yeah he was He was like, what you got your arm up there for? Because I was like, I'm fighting for my life over here. I'm fighting for my life over here. And then we was at the Home Depot. And granted, he kicked out a lot of money, especially for ah landscape in your house. Yeah. And yeah yeah when we got there, he was like, hey, man, you're gonna help out with some of this stuff, huh? Right. And I was like, huh? And he was like, you're gonna help out here. Take this stuff right here in this car and you go pay for that. how like I was like, all right, man, I'll come pay for it.
Because I was like, look, you paying all this money to do all the landscaping in the house and you doing all the manual labor. That's the least I could do is as buy some of the equipment because I can help use the equipment. But at least that'll be my contribution.
Right. If you need me to wipe down some furniture, I can do that. Right. But as far as staining things, I'm like, I can't do all that. I mean, the logs, I told him he should have asked me to help with the logs. He said, he said, man, the logs like 50 all the way up to 80 pounds. Now I don't think they were that heavy. But it might have been would that tree that fell on the house was pretty big. If y'all are wondering, yes, that tree is still in my backyard.
Somebody has been paid to remove the tree, but that tree is still in my backyard. So do when they going remove what you will. I don't know. OK, well, on that note, like yeah let's let's move on. Yeah. Because Madam VP Kamala Harris did the

Kamala Harris on Politics & Economy

interview. Finally, that's what people are saying. Finally, and she did an interview. I don't really care if she did an interview or not. I already know what she's stand for. She's been pretty clear and obvious about that. But people wanted to hear what she had to say, and we're going to talk about that next.
Kamala Harris recently participated in an interview on CNN where she discussed various topics, including her thoughts on inflation, economic policy, and the Biden administration's achievements. She emphasized the importance of focusing on issues that impact everyday Americans and highlighted efforts to combat rising prices. I'm going to get into some of my takeaways, Jay, but you wanted to specifically talk about this, so I'm going to give you the floor.
Yeah, ah so USA, you know, before the break, finally she did an interview and I just, I don't understand everybody's like weird fixation of why she hadn't done an interview. Hold on. I said that's what people were saying. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I don't know why, like, do y'all know the timeline that this woman is on? And also she didn't really know this was coming.
no sound She did not know this was coming. He called her ah sun on Sunday before he tweeted it out and told her what he was called to. And she just was like, are you sure? She didn't know this was coming. And she has to build a team. She had to vet and pick a vice president. She had to prepare for the DNC. She didn't have no time for an interview.
Let her get through the DNC. She said, well let me get through the DNC. I'll do an interview. And that's exactly what she did. So like everybody, first of all, calm down. right um Secondly,
the juxtaposition of her interview against, oh, just any recent piece of footage of Trump talking. And he doesn't matter from what doesn't matter. It was just him rambling about bacon and wind. what He was rambling about bacon and wind. Yes. I think I don't even know what the question was about.
Um, but the man just, I don't think he knows what fracking is. who We'll get into that later. I'm pretty sure he doesn't. Um, but just the juxtaposition. I don't know how this is a choice.
ah You had someone who was um Kamala to me, I saw it written that she presented as comfortable and in command. and I think that that perfectly sums up how she appeared in that interview. i thought her You'll go over some takeaways, but I thought her answers to things were were right on. I mean, there's some stuff that can be cleaned up, but overall, I thought it was a great interview. I wish we got a little bit more from um from Tim Walz but he really did his job and that was to be there as a support and that is who the Vice President is. ah He is a support or currently she is a support because of course. Because currently she's the Vice President. Yes. She's Madam VP right now. Is Madam on VP right now. so i thought I thought it was right on and you know you'll go over your takeaways. ah I think we're pretty much aligned in some of the same things that we took away from it.
But yeah i thought yeah, I thought it went well. I thought it went really well. I thought it went well too. Some of my takeaways were in continuation of the convention, she continues to look presidential. Yeah. That's the main. She was in command. Yeah, she that's what I said like in my little notes. She wasn't defensive in this interview and she looked confident and in command. Yeah.
you ah We're so accustomed now to Trump and him constantly being on defense anytime he's in an interview that that sometimes we forget what presidents are supposed to look like. right Confidence is not saying I'm a confident person. Confidence is excluding cop You're showing it. yes It oozes from you. You don't have to say, I'm confident yeah because you just are. And her...
just just her presence and both her speech at the convention, because we watched it together, and then this interview, she looks presidential. yeah That's one of the things. She does need to tight and tighten up her some of her positions because she's kind of gone back and forth and you brought up specifically fracking. sal For those people out there that that are just like, yeah, drill, baby, drill.
You don't know what you're talking about. So let me explain to you what fracking is. Fracking, sure for hydraulic ah fracturing, is a technique used to extract natural gas and oil from deep underground rock formations. Fracking is significantly increased the availability of natural gas and oil, but it's also controversial due to this due to its environmental impact.
These things like groundwater contamination and increased seismic activity and large amount of water is required in this process. So for some people, they're like, so what if a large amount of water is required in this process? Well, California is constantly in a drought.
yeah yeah You know what I'm saying? But constantly in a drought. And, you know, it was like, so what if there's environmental impacts? Groundwater contaminated? How does that affect me? Well, um just think of what was it? What was it? and There's a Mississippi. There's a city of Mississippi that had contaminated water and then Flint, Michigan. Right? Like, if you don't have good drinking water,
Good luck. I mean, I don't know. Maybe some people out there want to live on diet and cherry coke. Now, cherry coke is delicious, but I don't want that. It's a good coke. it Look, it's the best coke. Yeah. but But I don't want to live off of that. I would like some water. Water keeps your skin clear. Yeah, it does. You know, water is good for your body because your body is mostly water. Yeah, you need it. ah Your body is mostly water and you need it.
So that's where all you people out there that don't drink water. Drink your own water. Yeah, I get more water from soda and stuff like that. Lips just be dry and crack. Stickin' to your teeth. Drink some water. Lips be stickin' to your teeth. Now that's gross. Well, that's a dr your mouth is dry.
um You could tell from the interview that she's middle of the road. yeah She's not all the way to the left, which is what a lot of people are accusing her of being. She's not. She's middle of the road, and and this is clear from the fact that she was willing to appoint a Republican to the cabinet, which isn't some new thing. This has happened before, yeah where Republican presidents and Democratic presidents have from have put people from the opposite party in positions in the cabinet. This is not- Yeah, this is transportation secretary or something. Well. But they're there. The point is they're there. Don't knock Pete. Pete is doing a hell of a job. Don't knock Pete. Oh, never. Okay. I am a Pete Buttigieg stan. Me too. Period. Me too. If you ask that man a question, you're going to get an answer.
right Like he is like whip smart and an amazing salesman for the for the party platform. like um but But that's also another takeaway that I got from her interview that she's a good salesman of the party platform and in a lot of ways better than Biden was for his own especially like his own economic plan or the things that he's done for the country economically and the things that she wants to do moving forward. She's a ah great spokesperson for the platform.
i don't think ever I don't think that was ever Joe's strong suit, even when he was vice president. he He's a doer. like He just gets out there and he does the job. You're not going to hear him bragging about it. He should, you have to, because yeah otherwise we don't we don't know we just see you know. We're just living our day-to-day lives, like we don't know.
so you got to you got to toot your own horn when you're the president of the United States. And I think she does a good job of that. ah She also talked about extending the $6,000 child tax credit to families for the first a year of a child's life and $25,000 for first time home buyers tax credit.

Economic Policies & Public Perception

You know, maybe I might be a first time home buyer within the next couple of years if these housing prices come down. And that's another thing that she was talking about.
doing was bringing down the housing costs, attacking these private companies that are buying up homes and rental properties and skyrocketing the rent prices. This is this is what's actually happening, ladies and gentlemen. I need you guys before you talk about prices all rise and then saw Joe Biden's fault. No, these were the policies that were implemented during the Trump administration that gave access to private companies to skirt some of these rules and push the buck onto you, the human being. I don't know why people seem to think that by giving corporations tax cuts that somehow this is going to affect the people. No, it's not.
That's called trickle down economics. It's called Reaganomics. It did not work. It didn't create a larger, wealthy class yeah and a larger poor class and decreased the middle class. yeah It just extended the wealth gap. Then she talked about she didn't take the race bait. No. and I thought it was perfect. and That was one of my key moments was when, um oh, Laura, who was the interviewer? Dana Bash. Yeah, when Dana Bash asked her, didn't ask her a question. She just said, he's attacked you again for. What she said, carried a comment. Yeah. the Same old song and dance.
Yeah. And that's it and move on because the because what you don't want to do, and it's what Hillary did with the basket of deplorables and all of that, is engage him in that spar match over identity politics and things like that. You don't want to engage him in that because that's That's his only fuel. like that's his That's the only ammunition that he has. And so if you engage him in it, he's got more in the chamber. He could come at you with some racist, sexist stuff. He's got it. I think the only person that would... So i if I was running for president,
I would definitely. And that's just me. Because I have a lot of bullets in the chamber to attack. I would just simply be on CNN and be like, oh, he's racist. That's what I would do. Now, would it turn some people off? Yes. But I'd be like, oh, he's a racist. And here are the examples why. And if you look at these examples and you're like, well, I don't think that's racist. I think that you need to take a look in the mirror.
And people would be like, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if I want to vote for Bruce president. He's making me be introspective. Yeah. No, she just said, I'm not going to dignify. I'm not going to dignify her response. And that's the. She didn't even do that. She looked at her with the little auntie vibes. It was like, next question. Right. She looked at her like, girl, please. Fuck it. Please. OK. Next question. We're not even going to get into all that. Oh, I just turned black? Come on now.
Right. like Because if anybody's been paying attention to social media, these video clips is coming up. Was she told, when she gave her recipe for a green yeah or greens? I was like, right. I was like, Madam Harris, cannot please come to Sunday dinner. Because that's what you want. OK. She was probably, would joe when Joey Beans called us, she was probably hitting the kitchen, making finishing up them greens. She said she was doing a puzzle with her nieces.
Oh, okay. Well, I bet you that chicken was being cooked. memo as you know that and chicken oh yeah That chicken was, that chicken was, that chicken looked good. She was basting it and all kind of saved the juices. It was making a little gray. I was like, Oh, also I'm getting, I'm seeing too many people get excited.
and on the internet, social media, people that I'm talking to, I'm seeing too many people get excited. They need to get excited about Kamala. They need to take a step back. No, no, no. Look, people seem to forget 2016. We've been here before. Take a step back, realize that there's work that needs to be done. yeah Don't get too excited because
2016 was just eight years ago. It wasn't that long ago. Yeah, but she's not Hillary Clinton who was, had a little, you know, had a little bit, her nose was in the air. Like she thought she had that in the bag. Well, hill Hillary, Hillary was and unpopular. She was unpopular. I like it.
and cop No, I mean, she's getting, I want people to maintain the excitement because we need to keep up the momentum and continue to push forward while she continues to, I mean, she's still in the process, in my mind, of defining what her presidency is going to be. Like this, all this happened to Sis a month ago. Yeah, it was. It was the end of July. It was like the last week of July. Yeah. So it's like,
She's still in the process of defining what, who she is and not defining who she is. She, she was pretty clear. My values haven't changed. That's not going to be enough. I think for like. Jermaine Dupree. Jermaine Dupree. Oh, you ain't seeing him coming out. Uh, it was like, I don't know what she's about. And this and that. Yeah, here's my problem.
with things like that. You don't know. Let's talk about a black man. Yes. less yeah specifically but First of all, y'all. Oh my God. Sit down. I'ma hold your hands. Okay. The democratic Congress passed the stimulus bill. You received a check.
under Trump from the Democratic Congress, not from Trump. Trump is a businessman. Why would he give away free money? He was fighting that, as a matter of fact. He was fighting it. yeah You also, if you remember correctly, received a second stimulus under Joe Biden. Again, Democratic Congress. Okay. is cut Trump didn't give y'all that money.
He ain't do it, baby. And I'm sorry. And it wasn't life-changing. It was not life-changing money. It was $1,200. It was $1,200. It's good money. It's good money. Which is good money. But it was also four years ago. It really was. It really was. You've got to be kidding me. You have to be kidding me that are you that cheap? And I'm going to keep it real with you. I'm going to hold your hand while I walk you through this. Are you that cheap?
And I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm really not. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. And I'm not the kind of person that be like, oh, I'm voting for Carmel Harris because she's black. That's not why I'm voting for her. I'm voting for her because of who she is, what she stands for, and don't come on the internet with a platform, Jermaine.
talking about, I don't know who she is when she got a full ass website where you can go and read about what her platform is. I'm sure it's, I'm sure it's com, or something. I don't know. But she got a full. I mean, he was on the internet. He was on the internet to post his little video. Right. So if you open the other app, it's called Google. It's called Google. Right. And if you get on there and blah, I don't know who she is.
Okay, then the next statement is, so I figured it out. So I went and read up on her and hear bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. Don't be ignorant. And I'm, yeah, I'm calling Jamaican Pre-Ignorant. I don't care. He's in Atlanta. Well, he was ignorant because, first of all, he looked the way he do. Well, he was ignorant because, first of all, he looked the way he do and then cheated on Janet Jackson.

Social Roles & Gender Discussion

Like, hey, don't get me wrong, I've been cheating on a lot of women in my life. I've been cheating on a lot of women in my life. But I ain't never had no woman look like Janet Jackson. And if I did, that's all I ain't cheating on her.
Not unless I'm cheating on her with ah Eva Mendez, or Berry. You guys are getting to see inner ramblings of a dreamer.
yeah yeah I said, if I could, I have a dreamer. But yeah, no, it's something about these black men. And then I was watching seeing and and a Republican strategist black man ah broke it down and was just like, look.
It seems like the Democratic Party has become more feminist in this agenda, and there's some truth to that. A lot of the major topics that are being talked about as far as women's reproductive rights are dominating the the yes ah Democratic Party because it should And also whose fault is that the only reason that we have to talk so much about ah women's reproductive health and rights ah to bodily autonomy is because Republicans keep take trying to make this issue a political one.
Right. and They said there was really no platform for men of color and and and women of color, black, Latino, Indian, all women of color have surpassed men of color as far as education, ah wait and income, women of color out here getting it.
ah degrees and LLCs. But again, who's fault is that? It's nobody's fault. but Right. So it's like, wire why are you penalizing? theyre not You're talking about the insecurity of men. And that's a psychology question that you know that we don't have enough time to talk about. But we are talking about the future of this country.
Yeah, but you've been taught. um First of all, let before we get into this conversation, because we had some other stuff to talk about, let me first clarify what my point is before I start talking. OK. OK, because I got to make this clear. I don't agree with these type of men. Yeah, I mean, I do not. OK. Yes. I don't agree with some of these statements that I'm about to make. I'm just telling you what they think. Yeah. yeah This is not me. What they think. Yeah. OK.
Men are taught from birth in order to be a man, be a provider, be strong. It's really tough to be a provider and be strong when the woman is the provider. And also the strength of a people of color household has always been the mother, the grandmother, the the woman in the household. She's the one actually taking care of the day-to-day. The managers go,
to work and come home. Women go to work, come home, and then take care of the household. And if a man is evolved, that he helps in those duties. yeah But the majority of the time, generally speaking, because there are some situations, i dont know oh that's not how it is in my house. So I'm talking generality in general. These are the dynamics. So if men are now like, yo, what is my role in this? Because my woman makes, the last girl that I, that well, the the second to last girl, woman, excuse me, that I dated, made double
what I made. yeah I didn't have no type of insecurity about it. Matter of fact, I thought I hit the lick. I was like, can you find smart and make money? you he You know, if she can only control her temper, things would have been all right. yeah but that I'm giving you a shout out. Look, you know, you was, you know, you know, you was having your issues, whatever. yeah but We talked about it. We cool now. but No, ah but I'm securing myself. These men are insecure. They think their work is tied up in what they can bring to the table. And there's a lot of women out there co-signing it. yes So when they're not, they're like, well, what about me? so yeah and And Trump is right there. He's all fake bravado and man.
then he's ah he's ah that's That's what men look. I don't like him and his policies. yeah I don't like him and his policies. But would younger Bruce hang out with him?
Absolutely. Because he's funny. He's about to have women and he's about money. and he's was Like not great. A lot of men were sex offenders and and groping. And like we grew up in an area in the era of the 90s and the 2000s. So a lot of men are looking at Trump and be like, so I groped a little bit. Wasn't nothing wrong with that back in the day. yeah I know.
I know that once again ladies and gentlemen these are not these are not his personal feelings I'm just telling you what these cavemen are thinking yeah I have evolved I talked about that on the last show I have evolved but some of these cavemen are just like hey I don't understand what the big deal is. There does need to be a reach out to men of color, just like where Hillary did not reach out to those people on the flyover States. She seemed like an elitist. Yeah. Kamala has
made sure to reach those people, because Tim Waltz is one of them, right? Right. So, so there's that. But also, there's some men of color out here that are just like, yo, what about me? I'm not saying that they're right.
I'm just saying that they're out there and that's what scares me because I'm seeing a lot on social media. I don't know what the polls say. I'm seeing a lot on social media. I mean, well, we've seen it at every election where he's on the ticket. Now you usually have about 97, 98% of black women voting against Trump is something like 87 to 92% or something of black men, right? like it's There's always been that like little margin of error in there of about 10 to 20% of black men that voted for Trump.
And now we can do for them brothers. I mean, listen, I don't know how you could look at that man and just as a human being, him as a human being just removed the fact that him as a politician, which he's not, but like just him as a human being and his character and his behavior and his actions of his entire life. um And think that in any way this man has the best interests of black men. When I watch people like Byron Donalds, Ben over Beckert. When Trump in the rally a couple of days ago said, he's one of the good ones. Yeah. He's smart. He's the smart one. Yeah, he's one of the good ones. Watch that man. That's not coding anymore. Watch that man and taught himself into a pretzel.
to walk back them Jim Crow comments that he made about Black women. Like, just what just watching the lengths y'all will go to sacrifice your pride and dignity to support somebody who is not worth that is astounding to me. But I am uplifted by the momentum that she's getting across demographics.
Yeah. I'm, you know, I'm just saying, be cautious. Yeah. I mean, obviously I don't know that this is going to be a landslide. I mean, obviously it's going to be a tight race and you know, it's not going to end. They're going to contest things. They're going to, you know, you know, you know, Trump is not going to go softly into that good night. Like it is, it is. This would be it. If you lose this, this is it.
Yeah, because ah New York re-indicted him. new ah no I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about his legal issues. My man is going to be like, what, 86 the next time? And I don't care what nobody say. He don't look healthy. No. He's falling asleep at his own trials like this. Come on now. This man is he's and recently he's just seemed very lethargic and apathetic and ah not his normal self. ah I don't know. He's selling. We're gonna get into all something now. I don't know. We're gonna get into something that he just did recently in the next segment. But this is about Kamala and I am. Look. She is refreshing. Yeah. And positive.
but I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm black in America, baby. I don't never get my hopes up. I mean, ah we did before, and we had two terms of- You did. I did not. I didn't believe it the first time, and I was like, they about to take it away the second time. Look, that's just who I am. I don't never believe that things gonna happen. All right. Well, that's fair.
yeah ah Hold on, let me rephrase that. I do believe good things will happen to other people. I just don't see that it happened to me. I didn't see that that we were going to get ah black a male black president in my lifetime. Because it was only 40 years from the Civil Rights and the Voting Rights Act. I was like, there's way in hell. But it happened. yeah it took a remarkable it took a It took a unicorn.
It's a once it a shooting star. Somebody like that doesn't come often. it's ah It's one every generation. So it it took something like that. And is Kamala that? I don't know, but i am yeah I'm energized ah by her campaign. I absolutely love Kamala HQ on social media platforms. They are killing Trump and Vance. And J.D. Vance, boy, pull him off the trail.
Pull him off the trail, pull him off the trail. You don't even see him and Trump together get anymore. The last thing Trump said about him was the vice president doesn't really matter. So, um, what yeah I definitely think he's been regretting this choice. Jaycee Vance has just dropped the ball on just the softest My man be far off this pitches like they're seriously underhanded a softball, not a baseball, a softball. He can't even answer what makes him happy. Look, he'd be fumbling like Mike Epson, the movie, the program. I knew that I didn't see their head. That's okay. yeah That's okay. Cause we won't get into Trump and something that he did no next.
are So I said we were going to talk about Trump, Jay. So let's talk about it.

Trump's Arlington Visit & Chase Bank Rumors

there There was a recent incident at the Arlington National Cemetery that involved former President Donald Trump and his campaign staff during a visit at the cemetery to honor the 13 US service members that were killed in the Abigail bombing in Afghanistan. There was a confrontation between Trump staff and cemetery officials. This is Arlington Cemetery. This is the cemetery where those that have served our country are buried. Yes.
This is sacred, sacred ground. I am literally two miles from Arlington Cemetery. It is a big, big deal. So for those people who are not close to this area, don't understand it, this is a huge, huge deal, okay? Reports indicate that Trump's team was attempting to take photographs and videos in section 60 where political activities are prohibited.
When a cemetery official tried to enforce this rule, they were allegedly pushed aside by Trump's staff. This incident has sparked significant controversy and Vice President Kamala Harris condemned Trump's actions as disrespect disrespectful to the sacred ground grounds. J.D. Bands came out saying, oh, this is just the media making a big deal out of nothing. This is all I'm going to say about this.
Not only is it forbidden in this area to take photographs and videos. Federal law. Federal law. This is a solemn type of situation and he's given a thumbs up picture. It was so weird and awkward. People are going to say, well, the family and invited him and it was fine for him to be there. It's the photo ops.
and it's in it And it's the saying that it's Biden's fault. When here's the truth. Trump, after he lost the election, was negotiating with the Taliban and negotiated this deal to do a 100% withdrawal at a certain time period out of Afghanistan. It just so happens that this deal that he made He wasn't going to be president when the deal was going when the deal was finally executed. Biden's hands were tied because there was a deal that was made just like Jimmy Carter having to give back to the Panama Canal because of a treaty. Former presidents make deals with other countries. You now take over. You have to honor that deal. Was it poorly executed? It was poorly executed from all sides.
Trump's, Trump negotiated this deal. This is on Trump's hands as well. And him using this as a political ploy to try and say that this was Biden's fault. Him disrespecting the military yet again.
several times over and over and over again where he disrespects service members. Within the last month. Within the last month. The military yeah at large. Military honors. Yeah. Just completely disrespect it for all those people. And I'm speaking directly to people that are listening to this podcast that I know some of you guys personally. For all you people that were so up in arms and decided that they weren't going to watch the NFL because Colin Kaepernick took a knee to bring about the issue of police brutality against black folks. And you guys made it about disrespecting the military. When he had spoken to somebody that was in the military and that person in the military said, this is a way not to disrespect the military. Do the neat. All you people that are so up in arms about that.
I decided that you weren't going to watch the NFL because somebody took a knee to protest police brutality. Why the hell aren't y'all calling this man to task for the consistent, constant disrespect to the military? Y'all are all for the military, right? That's what you say. This man is constantly disrespecting the military. And this was another prime example of him disrespecting the military. And this is an immediate thing.
This isn't JD Vance when he says, oh, this is all the media bringing this up. No, no, no, no. This is what he did. These are what the rules were. This is black and white. There's no shades of gray in this at all. So if you're making sessions, if you're making excuses, that's on you. You're a hypocrite. And you've got to answer for that. when Whenever in their time comes and and you had to meet your maker and ask an answer for the things that you've done in life,
You're going to have to answer for the fact that you say one thing and do another. That's that's my rant on this. Yeah. I mean, you said it all there was it me and all. There was, I saw a little snippet of an interview where he tried to blame it on the Harris campaign.
that the vi that videos and everything would take it. And the reporter have obviously pushed back and said, they were, they were posted on your campaign website was your photos and videos. It was you. It was you doing it. Don't try to pass the, but like somebody else. It was the it administration. Like it's so sad and it's so disgusting. This man has no respect.
for the men and the women who have served this country, who continue to serve this country, who have died serving this country and and upholding our liberty and freedom. um And I think It could not have been said any better than when Vice President Harris said ah that Trump is, quote, unable to comprehend anything other than service to himself.
You nailed that one. I haven't done enough research on it, but there was supposedly there are rumors that this was all a big ploy to say that this was, uh, kind of like a celebration of the 13 members of our military that fell that day and to purposely play it off as that and, and say that Kamala and Biden aren't there.
and all this backfired. Look, I haven't completely fat checked that. That's the reason why I'm not going any further about it. I believe JD Vance did say, well, where was Kamala Harris? First of all, it wasn't an event. Yeah, it wasn't an event. It wasn't a ceremony. You were asked to come by one of the families or a couple of other, I don't know. It was one of the families. Yeah, it wasn't an event. So first of all, knock it off.
Second of all, again, JD, Bebe, your opponent's Tim Walls. Well, his opponent is also Kamala. But you see, he don't have no smoke for Tim. Where's the smoke for Tim? Well, he tried. He tried with the military record, but that just kind of died. Right, because again, sir, you act like you was out there on the front lines. Yeah, he wasn't Rambo. Yeah, he wasn't Rambo, so I don't know.
um I don't know. He's a scammer. They're scammers. They're scammers. Yeah. But as a detour, speaking of scammers, you said you had no idea about this. There was a case glitch, kind of not glitch. It still hasn't been confirmed yet. Scam that I found out literally this morning.
okay So recently there have been widespread rumors about a supposed glitch at Chase Bank that allowed allegedly allowed people to withdraw large sums of money from the ATMs without authorization. This rumor quickly spread on social media, leading to a frenzy of people attempting to exploit the glitch. However, it turns out the so-called glitch is actually a scam. Scammers have been promoting the idea of a bank glitch to lure people into depositing fake checks, which would then allow them to withdraw cash before the bank detects the fraud.
and also apply for large loans. Others have attempted to exploit the system by applying for substantial loans without the necessary backing. Chase Bank has since taken measures to rectify the situation, placing holds on accounts involved in these fraudulent activities. Now on social media today.
there was a brother that that showed his Chase account now. I don't know if it's true. I just found this story funny because stuff like this does happen in real life. But this brother showed his Chase bank balance and a negative $31,000.
name Now, this is a thing. There are scammers, because there were scams about DoorDash, where DoorDash was messing up. And there was a scam not too long ago where people were withdrawing money from a particular bank. I can't remember the bank, from a particular bank, because the bank wasn't recognizing that the money was coming out of people's accounts. And they were withdrawing a whole bunch of cash. But then people found out the bank is going to get that money back by putting your account in a negative hole.
and And all these scammers, I just thought it was funny because all these scammers working so hard yeah to get this money when they could get a job.
you Yeah, but you know, scamming pays. Listen, I come from, I come from the skin i live in a scamming capital, okay? That's what I hear. I feel like Atlanta is the scammer capital. Every nice condo or apartment building you go into, you're seeing people like, you live here. And it's because they scam. so
Oh, I see it every day. I see it every day. My figure may just put your money in your mattress, like, seriously, because it's like you can't trust nothing these days. You get these spam texts and emails and all kind of stuff. ah You know, they got the thing where your card reader, they put a fake one over it and scanned your card and your chip and think you think you're safe, you're tapping and nothing. I don't know.
it' just It's a lot. And I'm like, look, the scammers are scamming. So just and you if something seems like it's too good to be true, it is. Use some discernment. That's going to be our word for 2024. It's discernment. Not demure. Demure. No, not demure. that was That's the word of the summer. But
but for 2024, it's gotta to be discernment. light Like sense is chasing you, but you are faster. So I really, I need y'all to use some discernment out here and don't be caught up on catch a case.
Well, you know what's another scam? And this scam preys on nice men like myself, where women, sometimes teenage girls, will come up to you and say, hey, I lost my phone and my phone died. I really need to call my mom or my dad or somebody to come get me. Can I use your phone? Typically, I'd be like, yeah, yeah, go ahead and use my phone.
but When they have your phone now, they now have access to your Apple Pay and your cash app. And well a lot of people are like, don't do that because they are a cash app and Apple Paying themselves yes money. And you can't get that back. Once you say it, it's gone. Don't ask me to use my phone. yeah My phone is a little pocket computer with all of my life in it. yeah There's absolutely no way I'm handing my phone over to a stranger.
I'm sorry. I wish they brought payphones back because I don't know what to tell you. You should have charged your phone. I can lend you my charger. That's the bright the best I can do for you is ah lend you a charger, but you better learn how to Morse code.
You know what I will do? ill I will be like, all right, this is how I catch the scammers, because this has happened to me. Like, hey, I'm not going to give you my phone, but I could put them on speakerphone. I'll dial the number for you and put them on speakerphone if you need to.
yeah i just want i want I don't want my business out there like that. I was like, well, I'm not going to give you I can't help you. yeah um If it's an Uber, you know I could pay for Uber as long as it's not that expensive. I can get you where you need to go, but ah I'm not going to give you my phone. You can't have my phone. yeah You're right. The phone is attached. Why don't we go ahead with the chips? I'm ready for the chip now.
the chip in our skin. There's too many. I feel like there's a lot of ethical issues with that. I'm signing consent forms. Go ahead and put the chip in me. Hold on. That was, that was crazy. That was wild. Oh, yeah, that was wild. All right. No, just scammers out there. I just thought that was funny because, you know, scamming does backfire on you. Eventually, eventually, karma catches up with you. If you believe in that kind of thing, sure. I believe in it. That keeps me to make sure I do non-bad stuff because I'm like, look, I don't want this coming back on me.
there's too many ah There's too many people walking around free for karma to be a real thing. Well, we don't know what happens to them in the long run. Well, we don't. Hey, look, they could get dementia. That's one thing I'm really afraid of. I don't want dementia. Go ahead and take me out now, Lord. No. They could get the gout. Absolutely. with gout in that Gout is shingles? You know what? The shingles was happening. and remember that Remember the commercials that came out? like Remember the commercials that came out about five years ago, people was like, all those old people that had chicken pies back and they were starting to get the shingles. That's Somehow, someway, that's karma. I don't think that that's what that is. Jay, what do you want to tell these people out here? it Because we didn't want it off the deep end on this at the end of this episode. ah Rest in power to Fat Man Scoop. Yeah.
Yeah. ah I mean, I don't really know what to say after that, that son. And he brought us down a little bit, but I'm going to say- No, I mean, he gave us a lot of great music, and I will ah definitely miss here. Fat Miss Coleman. You know, and the songs on Missy Elliott albums, so. He gave me the greatest scene in the boondocks. That's what he gave me. Oh, OK. What is that? It was when he was questioning Thug Nificent.
Oh, okay. I didn't watch the bone talk. So I don't know. Oh, you got to watch it. He was an Aaron Marruder, University of Maryland cat, worked on Diamondback newspaper like I did. I know. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for listening. Thank you for watching. And until next time, as always.
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