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Stop Thinking Marriage, It's Dead image

Stop Thinking Marriage, It's Dead

S1 E2 ยท Wild Views
19 Plays6 months ago

On todays show of Wild Views, we are briefly speaking on marriage. Although it used to have a good stigma to it, in the last couple of generations it has been used for things than comminating a union between two loving partners. Those things have lead to the short-lived union we are seeing nowadays and bad fallouts between people who took vows to always be there for each other. Let's explore possible reasons and possible solutions to replacing the traditional American marriage.


Show Introduction

It's how you start the show on a Saturday night.
I don't know how low the beat is to y'all. I'm gonna have to check that. Oh crap, only thing my mic ready. Dang how I do that now. I'm gonna have to beat rock. You might hear some, excuse me missus.
Yeah, yeah. Ooh, mic check. We should be good. We should be to the good. Yeah. That's the intro, baby.

Show Overview and Audience Engagement

That's the intro, baby.
Is my stuff patchy right here? What is going on right there? I'm not my patchy again. I'm Benjamin button. Oh no, man. Listen up, man. It's another Saturday night.
We're going to do another wild view tonight. It's the end of a work week for some, but this is the start of a work week for others. Let's remember that.
how y'all doing? Hope everybody doing well.
And, hope everybody being safe, man. We going to almost get right into it with another wild view. Appreciate everyone. Appreciate everyone. Appreciate everyone. Listen, because again, wild views are only about 30 minutes or less. No more than 30 minutes.
So we, we very direct here, or I did, I do like to let y'all warm up though to the voice. Let me get my, my stuff. Hey man, I've been using this. What did it go? Where I put it? Oh, there you go. Hey, if y'all, if y'all, I only want to put it on there cause it's going to be like I'm advertising for, but no, nevermind. Nevermind.
Nevermind. Cause I don't want to nevermind.

Is American Marriage Dead?

Any of you, as y'all see the title, my wild view, then I'll expound is that American marriage is dead.
And I'm standing on this. Like, dead serious is dead. American marriage. I want to want to be as niche as I can get because I want to say i want to say marriage is dead.
but I don't know how a lot of marriages work and go in the statistics on them being successful or not. in a lot of other, uh, countries or continents, uh, things of that matter. groups, uh, races. So I'm a, I'm a narrow down to American marriage. Listen, ladies, this, this to one ladies,
Just give it up.
it's It's over. Don't want it. Don't ask for it. Most likely you're not getting it anyway. Because a dude will tell you anything. A dude will do anything. For the consensus. I'm not talking about me specifically.
about the consensus right on what the male and female dynamic is in 2024. Been like this for a little while now, but we're talking about today.

Advice on Marriage for Women

Marriage is dead.
Listen, if any of you women was out there holding out, right, speaking sexually for marriage, you might as well start putting out tonight, uh, just find you somebody, and just get it over with for the one time. and I'm listen, don't hold out for that because it ain't, it ain't happening.
And even if, even if you do find a dude that's willing to do the marriage because you holding out, not going to change the fact that if y'all work or not, he can still turn around. Listen, listen, marriage is only been lasting like six months to a year to five years. Do y'all know that they consider nowadays do your research. Nowadays, around five years is a long-term relationship.
<unk> Do y'all know this? Do y'all know this? Around five years, they're considering a long-term relationship.
That's crazy. That should be the short term number. Not the long term. this Do it even make sense to be a boyfriend and girlfriend for five to 10 years, get married and then get a divorce within a year of you being married, then never speak or talk to each other again and leave on a terms where y'all can't stand each other. But y'all didn't have that before marriage.
Y'all made it five or 10 years as a boyfriend girlfriend didn't last one year as a married couple. A piece of paper did that along with legally Biden commitments, but just having the paper and each other last names y'all can stay y'all can last a year.

Old-School vs. Modern Marriage Dynamics

Now that's not every relationship of course, right?
But that's a lot. That's probably most. It's most. Right, so marriage is the devil, ladies. Just and put out, you know what I'm saying? Do what you do, get yours off, he get his off, and he gone about your business. Listen, I'm...
I'd be serious a lot, but I do speak in just, right? If you don't know what that means, there's some playfulness to the things I say, but I do be meaning what I say. If you don't know that about me, right? I don't try to come off extremely harsh.
But i I'm typically blunt, right? And I'm trying to catch myself. If you hear me pause, I'm trying to catch my words because I don't want to say certain things. I don't want to use some type of words that's going to restrict the streaming of the content. I'm trying to catch myself. Again, there's no script here. I don't do scripts.
To me, right, I'm an 80s baby born in the 80s. And from what I could get back then and looking at things prior to and talking to people that was born prior to, of course, like my grandma, great grandma, great aunts, great uncles, things of that nature.
There's, there's even some truth. If you, if you look in some of the older movies, especially that was made back then, uh, not the, not the current ones that depict a older time, the ones that actually made in older times. Right. What I noticed a lot in those marriages was two things above all else. Right. Loyalty.
and partnership. Right. You can exchange the partnership for a business ship. All right. So we're going to go loyalty and partnership. What I've seen more than anything, whether they liked, disliked each other on days, hated each other guts on days. They were still loyal to each other to a fault. Right. A lot of women didn't like their men stepping out and doing other things of that nature.
but they didn't go anywhere. Now, I'm not telling you to do that. I'm just going over my notes. The men, however, on the extreme side, if they did step out their relationship, they didn't leave their marriage. They were not leaving their wives. Now, talking about the consensus, and I talk about every single one of these situations.
Right. I'm not saying divorce didn't happen. talk I'm talking about the a very high percentage working for 20 to 30 years or till death. And back then, they was lasting the the a ton was lasting till death. The minimum was probably 20 years, was the minimum on loyalty and partnership. Partnership goes to the to the point where It's a businesship, right? That man is going to go to work. His job is to provide. I'm going to stay at home. I'm going to raise these kids and clean this house. It's a partnership. He's bringing something to the table. I'm bringing something to the table. We make it work because this is the dynamic is no matter who I'm with, this is going to be quote unquote my job to a degree. And everybody knew what their specific job was.
Right. And it wasn't, uh, that I have, that I have to love you when we got married, but you could love, you could learn to love someone that happened back then. So you know what? That's a good working dude right there. Let me go holla him girl. You don't even love him. That'll come with time. Don't worry about that. What I know I need is a good working man.
because I know my role is to make babies. He look like he gonna pay bills and he gonna have funds for these kids. So I need to go talk to him.
you keep doing what you're doing over here at the juke joint. It's what you do. I'm go over here. And a man would see a woman based on attraction, right? But with no her of her or her friends or her family or whatever the case is that she looked like she has soft hands and she had a strong back.
You know what I'm saying? A big waste. Like she can bear some some good kids, a nice amount of kids without breaking down, without C-sections, and without epidurals, but without morphine, whatever y'all taking nowadays just to have childbirth. That's in just, ladies. A little bit of seriousness with that though. That's in just, but I'm serious, but I'm playing.
But i'm serious y'all y'all be needing every medication under the table to push out it push out a kid nowadays they used to do that back at home in the barn on top of hey. When you push out these triplets right quick get this out the way it's almost time for dinner my man for the be coming home and get these kids about this one right quick.
Y'all be in the hospital. Get the doctor. Get the doctor. Make my will. I want to leave. Girl, you going to push this seven, eight pound baby about here and let's go home. We ain't got time for this. Like this, this don't make sense. I digress. Y'all know sometimes I go on rants. I got a problem.
And it's beaters. I don't know how how much y'all can hear it. And I'm not going to turn it up because I need it leveled.
Anywho, so with that said,

Lack of Loyalty in Modern Relationships

I don't believe that we have the loyalty and partnership anymore. People not even picking people based on partnership. Women are not even picking men the majority of the time based on if they can provide for a family. Now that's different from people that's looking for sugar daddies, right? You just looking for a man that's just super rich and you ain't bringing nothing. You gotta bring something to the table.
I'm not talking about people that's looking for something. I'm talking about the people that just looking just to be looking. Y'all not even picking people based on the actual needs. Because you don't need a person that has $100 million. dollars Let's be honest. Most you women that's still looking, y'all ain't worth a man with $100 million. With that said, man, most y'all not worth a woman that cooks and clings. You're not. Just being honest with you, right?
Y'all still trying to borrow your girl's car for you to get to work. Y'all still dropping your women off at work in their car. This is 2024. What type of baby boy mess is this?
And then y'all would get married? No. It's a waste of time. It's a waste of court proceedings. It's a waste of paper. It's a waste of witnesses. It's a waste of a a of a trip if y'all go out of town on some type of, what they call them, vacation,
when you elope to like a fancy place, you know what I'm saying? And go get and go get married in like a little fancy place. I don't even know what it's called because my head is so far out of being married.
Now, as per usual, what I just said, the last thing I just said, I will not be sharing this episode either with my girl.
Okay. And I expect you guys not to try to do research to find out who she is. And I expect you guys, if you did do research to try to find out who she is, not to send this to her. That, that goes into loyalty. You know what I'm saying? Y'all know me. Y'all don't know her. So why would you send this to her? You know what I'm saying? You're supposed to have my back.
women probably sent it to her because we empathize and we sympathize, girl, shut your butt.
marriage is dead, there's no partnership. We're not choosing each other based on what we could bring to the table and then worry about this later. I don't even know what we using as the measuring stick, pause if necessary, to measure on what we actually need from someone and if they live up to what I actually need. I don't know who's weighing those pros and cons nowadays. And there's definitely no loyalty. If there was some type of loyalty,
albeit Albeit extreme circumstances that you didn't foresee. That wouldn't be people getting married and then divorced six months later. That should never happen. That should never happen. Now, what we do see is a lot of that happening six months, a year, two years that you get divorced and say, Oh, this person changed this person. How long did you date that person? Normally.
Did you know who this person was? People don't typically change in a year, typically, unless they have some type of psychotic break or emotional breakdown, maybe. People don't tend to change in a year or two years.
let alone six months. So that means this person just developed something out the blue that you never knew, no, you didn't take whatever dating you did serious enough to figure out who that person was and then decide once you found out who that was and that could take you a year or two or five.
if they was worth being married, and married a night, current days. Back then again, shorts the short span, the dating span was way shorter or could be way shorter because they wasn't looking for love per se. They could have liked the person and seen that they was good at what they needed them for.
He works, he does this, so on, so on, so on, so on. She cooks, she cleans, she does whatever the case is, whatever they was looking for. Cool, we'll learn to love each other. This is a partnership we're trying to build. We can we can get the love and stuff later on.
Y'all trying to necessarily look for love out the gate or I can't even say that

Why Do Modern Marriages Fail?

no more. Cause some of y'all get pregnant by somebody in three weeks. Y'all couldn't have, I'm under the impression that you couldn't have loved him in three weeks to then get pregnant by him and have his baby.
I don't believe that, me personally. I believe y'all tripping. And this is why American marriage is dead. It's a joke. This is why you might as well not even look for it because even if you get it for the consensus, it's not going to last anyway. Five years is y'all long-term relationship. Y'all getting divorced worse in less than three. That's the consensus.
So what was the point of the marriage, the, you know, I'm saying, uh, I do believe there needs to be some type of update to American marriage. because the, the, the old school headspace of marriage is not, it doesn't resonate with us in this current time that we're in.
That's just my personal opinion. The numbers state that as well. I don't know what you want me to do. You know what I'm saying?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is what it is. For those of you who do take it serious, appreciate it for for you.
I'm not gonna say that there's not a place for the traditional marriage. If you know what it is, then you know what it is, then that's fine. You guys are making it. It's the people that don't know what it is that's having these problems. And that's the majority, it seems like, is having these problems.
Do y'all know women typically want marriage more than women, than men typically wants marriage more than men. Do y'all know that the majority of divorce are initiated by women? Do your research.
do your research. Now let some change in last in in in the past year. You know what I'm saying? When this was looked up earlier this year or in the last year, whatever the case, we had another conversation about this on another show. That's what the statistics say. Majority of women, the majority of divorces are initiated by women. Now again, cause some extreme things happen that cause that. Yes. So I'm not talking about those.
That's not majority of these, not even close. right You find out your spouse, I don't even want to say the words, because this ain't that type of show. So I run that back. right I'm going to take that out. Where am I going to actually take it out? I'm just not going to go further into it, because I don't want to say the words.
right Your wife or husband is doing some very inappropriate things with

Critique on Modern Couples and Vows

shorter people, human beings, or going to the extreme with taking physical insult to their partner. to the extreme, to the point where you feel like you might, no longer be with us. Bar knows two types of situations or you finding out you're a partner,
had a little bit of a Jeffrey Dahmer psychology type of deal, you shouldn't be leaving, right? Now for the people that's taking their vows serious, this is not to y'all because you're taking your vows serious. I got no beef with you. Whatever your vows are, that's up to you.
I got no beef with you, right? I'm assuming y'all are on the more religious side, right? So you really take your vows serious as to whoever you believe in. There's a lot of people that's taking these vows and I'm under the assumption that they don't believe in what they believe in because they're breaking the vows that they took in front of who they believe in.
Right? When you do take the vials, listen to what you're saying.
Listen to what you're saying. For richer or for poor. In sickness and in health. Listen to the words you're saying.
Right? You're saying for better or for worse. For better meaning if we hit the lottery or amazing studios, pi all they podcasts take off and we get rich. That's for better.
Whatever comes our way in life, that's for better than whatever comes our way in poor. He just choosing not to work. That's some sucker activity. But if you took them vows, you should be by his side until whenever he get back up. Cause you said for worse.
He down on his luck, he got some type of addiction, whatever the case is, you're supposed to be there, he or she. Y'all supposed to be there, because that's the vows you took in front of you're higher up, you're higher power. You're supposed to honor that. If you don't, you look that to be extremely suspect. I look at you to be extremely suspect barring those extreme circumstances we just spoke about, about a couple of minutes ago.
This is why I say the loyalty and partnership is not there. So let's stop looking of for marriage, please. You, you will be happier. You should be better off. Now you can move forward because you ain't got to worry about that hurdle because only thing you're going to do is divorce. Anyway, you're going to feel some type of way about me saying this, you're going to feel some type of way about me saying this. I don't know what to tell you.

Humorous Take on Marriage Vows

it's the truth. That's how I feel. And until I'm shown otherwise into the, into the, into five years is no longer a long-term relationship. Can't nobody tell me nothing.
Can't nobody tell me nothing if the average, right? And that's not exactly five, I'm throwing out of a number out there around that area. It's a long-term relationship. It's not even double digits. The so number of of what I think it was, which I can't remember, so around the five number, it's not even double digits. It was still like six, maybe seven, something like that. but maybe Maybe, maybe. But father, it shouldn't even be nowhere around five. Should be nowhere around five years as a long-term relationship. Y'all sicken me.
Sicken me. And let me reiterate, I'm trying to keep out of my time because I got 30 minutes. Let me make this clear as well. Well, at least again, I should say. Do not send this to, you know, who you know, who you are. And don't call me about it either. After you see this, just let me get my stuff off. They know who I'm home i'm talking about specifically. Just let me get my stuff off. Don't call me about this show. And I'm feeling like a two piece tonight.
i got I got another show right after, matter of fact. I'm gonna get that up out of here too, as soon as I get this uploaded for y'all.
With that, I do appreciate y'all. Let me know in the comment section below, how do you feel about my views? About my wild views? Sometimes, well, I don't even think this is wild.
I think we all should sit su come together and agree that this is correct. It's not even like I'm i'm i'm saying that this I'm the first one with this idea or this thought of any of that. I'm just, listen, and some people don't like when you bring things to life. Let's be honest, right? We are all living like marriage don't matter.
We're all in relationships, treating them like marriage don't matter and it's not an actual goal. We're all then getting married and then not even and leaning and into being married, leaning into the vows and for better or for worse in richer and poorer sickness. We're not even living up to that first sign of trouble. We're still heading for the heels.
Then don't blame me or get mad at me because i I say something about it. I bring it to the light. We're all living like that. So we should all just have no problem today on this episode coming together to say, you know what? He is right. I've heard it before, but I didn't really want to believe it. But now that he say it again, cause again, i'm I'm pretty sure I'm not the first person to say I highly down the first person to say it.
lesss less us Let's embrace it. Marriage is trash for most. Let's try to find something else that we can do or use as a celebration of two people coming together and some type of other type of vows. Because if I was on the podium, somebody asked me, hey, you going to stick with her for Richard for poor? I'd be like, no. Listen, I'd never heard that the proceedings cannot proceed. Now, I could be wrong because I ain't ever took the vows.
Can the proceedings proceed if I say no to the answers? If I say no to the questions, I mean, can we still go? Like, if he asks me, hey, Linda, are you going to stick with her for rich or for poor? And I say, no. What about sickness and health? I say, no. They say, what about better for worse? I say, no. Can he then still proceed with, do you want to marry her? I say, yeah. And then we get married. That way, when things hit the fan and I leave,
Somebody can't talk to me sideways. Like, hey, man, ain't you posted? Nah, I said no when he asked me. I said, I'm not. She ain't working. She ain't trying to get no job. she You know what I'm saying? She twisted her ankle. Now she can't stand up. She can't cook in the kitchen. She can't twerk no more. What I'm going to do with a girl who can't twerk because her ankle messed up. Now I'm out of there. I didn't sign up for this. I i told do no. He said, for better, I said no. The sickness doesn't help. I said no. No, it got to be health. It got to be for better. It got to be for health.
And they gotta be for richer. I'm not accepting for poor. I'm not accepting for worse. And not a second I'm not accepting sickness, okay? That's what I got for you. But I do. I do. I take her to be my own wife. if you If she accept those.
And with that, y'all let me know in the comments below on how you feel about about this view, okay?

Show Wrap-Up and Audience Interaction

With that, I'm gonna get up out of here and I appreciate y'all, man. Y'all make sure you hit that like, share, subscribe button, make sure whatever streaming service you listening to this on, that you write us if you liking the content. Welcome to another so podcast from Amazing Studios that is. Get a little bit tongue-tied and I'm out. Appreciate you.