Introduction and Technical Difficulties
Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Chatsunami. Just a heads up before you go into this episode, unfortunately we ran into some technical issues while filming this episode, so the audio this time around might sound a little bit echoey. Without any further ado, hope you enjoy. Welcome to Chatsunami.
Anniversary Celebration and Special Guest
Hello everybody and welcome to a very special episode where we are celebrating 2 years of Chatsunami. My name is Chatsunami and as you can hear in the background today we are joined once again by a very special guest. Fortunately we are not reviewing minion memes and now
Yeah, neither are we reviewing Godzilla vs King Goodyear. How do you describe it? It's an experience. It's something that you have to see to believe. Joining me today is none other than my very good friend,
Reflecting on First Episode and Twitch Challenges
having me on. In fact I have a very special episode 2 years in the making. I know I can't believe it's been 2 years already. 2 years ago since you and I actually did the first episode together. Really? What was it? It was Dungeons and Dragons and experience and parentheses.
And what an episode it was, and I've got to say it is very hard listening back to that episode compared to the newer episodes that we've done together, just in terms of editing and things, because as you know in long-term listeners I know the first 50 episodes were streamed live on Twitch, which I have to say, see if you forget to turn off your alerts.
It's a bad, bad time. It's no, it's no bueno. I'm just gonna put that out there. It's not great. Yeah, no, it always is. Everything experienced and listening back to them and me making a point or you making a point and then all of a sudden it's sharply cut while you hear just like this. Forward.
Yeah, so it has been two years. I cannot believe it. Time flies. Craigie C, where's the time flies? This isn't even a rhetorical question. Like I said, that was very accusatory. I don't know where the time's coming. Giving my time back, Craigie. That's why I brought you on today. This isn't an interview, this is a first name accusation. I've got a lamp in the corner on my desk, Craigie. If it didn't mess up the audio, obviously.
Where was it? So, take a seat, do you want to tell us what we're going to be doing today to celebrate such a momentous occasion? Yeah, so instead of me holding your hostage and making you do something really terrible, such as minion memes, we're actually going to be doing something maybe a bit more up your street today. I'm going to be sitting down in an interview and you're kind of flipping the script a wee bit. You've been doing a lot of interviews with other streamers, other people in chairs, and I thought, you know what, it's your turn to sit in a hot seat. So, I wish I had like a wee jingle.
So yeah, welcome to Satsanamit. Welcome to Satsanamit. I was just going to say, if I hear anybody using that in YouTube, I'm demonetised. I'm going to DMCA that crap. For legal reasons, the red pants on the corner are saying, yes, it's a joke. Yeah, for legal reasons, that's a joke, sorry. I was going to blast at the lab in the town theme at the end of this just so you get demonetised on every platform. No!
Yeah, you're in the hot seat today, so I thought we could interview you. So welcome to the show. Welcome to Satsanamis presented by Craigie C. Let's just talk about, let's
Streaming Origin Story During the Pandemic
get right into it. I was just saying you started your podcast on Twitch two years ago, but before that you were actually streaming on Twitch. Do you want to just talk about how you got into streaming on Twitch and just a bit about that, like just that experience of starting out on Twitch?
Well, without pointing any fingers. This is an audio podcast. No one could see that. You've come so far, you've gone so little. Tell that to the camera. I forgot to set them up. Never mind. OK, cut this bit.
But not to you, just to answer your question, the reason that I actually got into streaming was technically because of you. And that's not an accusation or anything or saying, oh, God, you got me into it. But the reason I got into it was because, of course, it feels weird seeing it now in retrospect. But of course, 2020, as many of you know, and for the future people who don't know, there was, of course, the massive pandemic also dubbed the Great Panina of 2020, where it just
swept right through, you know the world, people can leave their homes, it was an awful time and at the time I've always been into content creation as you know as well, I've wrote a book and I've done blogs and things and I wanted to have some kind of creative outlet so I've tried a YouTube channel, I think it was something to do with languages or something that wasn't the best to be fair, I was like, I was still kind of finding my feet on it
So I went as a creative outlet, I came to you, Tim Moan about it, to say, what can I do Craig? Craig is basically my life coach at this point. I don't pay him. That was worth your minute, it's quite an effort. How much? Yeah, you can take it all right. You learn well.
But yeah, sorry, my embezzle would skip a second. I'll flinch up. Yeah, so I came to you and I said, oh, what can I do? And you had suggested Twitch. And I was like, what, that weird website where people go on and there's all the controversies every week and, you know, oh, somebody showed their backside or, oh, someone's like embezzle money or scam schedule. Because that's all you hear about on Twitch. Or at the time, it was always the bad sides of Twitch. It was never like, obviously the good side of Twitch. So
I thought, you know what, I'll give it a go. So I tried it on like a computer that one of my friends gave me. It was like one he was kind of getting rid of. It was like a friend of my friends. And it ran like games really well. So I thought, oh, be perfect for streaming.
Transition from Twitch to Podcasting
It was like the Russian roulette of... Oh, it was really bad. It was like the Russian roulette of computers. Sometimes I could get a full hour of streaming in. Sometimes I get five minutes. Sometimes I get 25 minutes. I mean, you know what it was like. And it was so frustrating that it nearly caused me to give up streaming at the time.
And then eventually as the years went on, or rather not the years, but the months went on, I'm getting ahead of myself here. But as the months went on, I ended up... I was looking at other ways to kind of promote myself to use different kind of outlets, because the thing I loved about streaming was more chatting with the chat, the viewers, friends, things like that. It was like a great experience to, you know, share with my friends to be able to play like a childhood game and be like,
like this is awesome remember this Sonic game and of course Craig is he would be like I don't like this game oh big the cat big the cat amazing but he's just there pointed to the sky just so that I can't land onto the other that way pray for big fish and rods out for big
But yeah, so that was the case. I ended up around November. In fact, I think it was probably sooner than that, maybe closer to October. I could pitch the idea to you about doing the podcast, because that's the thing I prefer doing on streaming. Rather than the gaming side, because I'm going to be honest, I'm very much a casual gamer. I don't have the skills to be like, MLG 420 no scope. X X X. I'm not that guy. You're not that guy.
I was like, I'm really not. But I loved chatting. I loved talking to people, getting to know people. So I thought, you know what, a podcast seems like a perfect fit. And I decided to start it up. And then I thought, well, sugar, I have no idea how to start a podcast. I don't have any idea. All I had was a name. You know, I had chat tsunami. All I had was the name and that was it. I didn't have anything else. So I came to you, of course. I said,
do you want me to do a podcast with you? You're like yeah sure I'll do the first episode with you and I was like yeah sure I'll do it all and we did it actually on a topic that you and I bonded over but of course was Dungeons and Dragons because I would, in fact that was probably the first and only like full campaign I think I've ever played of Dungeons and Dragons and that was amazing. I'm not just saying that because you're sitting there. Aye and he's always sitting there because I'm sitting here. Yeah I've heard what he says about that campaign when I'm not around. Oh yeah I poop talk it all the time.
I'm like, do you see the way he rolled his dice? Oh, what a houndbarson. What a D&D noob. I don't even know what a D&D noob went with the term. But yeah, so eventually you and I took to Twitch. We did the first episode. Yeah, it wasn't as popular.
going to be honest the viewership was quite low and I think the way I ran it on Twitch maybe I should have been a bit more interactive but the way I did it is exactly like I'm doing it nowadays you know it's just two people talking together about a particular topic and yeah eventually you said right okay I'll do the first episode with you and then you should go find someone else and
eventually fortunately I found Adam and thanks to this I've been able to talk to loads of other people, podcasters, streamers, you know, just all around amazing people. So I hope that will answer your question for that. It does. So you did mention being on the Twitch stream and you had to play with friends and stuff and one of the people that you did start playing with over that time was Adam Puleto, obviously became the
your podcasting padre for us. I'd just like to know a bit about I guess that transition from you've done one episode of me, you've played games with Adam on Twitch, how do you get him into the fold and why I guess like why did you bring him in and what's so good about him. Oh god let me tell you about that guy.
No, no, seriously, he was probably the godsend to the podcast and although he will never admit it, there's honestly, there's two people I think I have to thank for initially getting it off the ground. First of all, there's you, of course, for making me take that first step and doing the first episode with me. And the second was Adam, because the second episode, as we said, the first episode we did was Dungeons and Dragons, parentheses and expectations.
And the second episode was to do with a retrospective of the Halo franchise. And I remember coming to Adam and saying, oh, do you want to do an episode on Halo? Because I knew he was like a big fan. We had streamed a lot of games together under Twitch. And I was like, oh, do you want to do a podcast episode?
Collaboration with Adam
It's like, oh, yeah, sure. And of course we did it. It is one of those episodes I think we both agree were like, oh, we don't like awesome things.
because it's one of our first ones. There's some where I listen back to the older ones and I'm like, the editing wasn't as crisp. It's the same with any other content creation. But after that, I was sitting there and I thought, that was a really good episode. And I felt as if Adam and I really clicked about what you and I would need to episode. We really clicked and we had a lot to say and we bounced off each other really well. After the episode, I sat there and I thought, well, shit,
Like, where do I go from here? I've got nobody. Because the idea was initially I was just going to go round all my things. Do you want to be in an episode? Do you want to be in an episode? And then it was actually Adam who reached out and he was like, do you want me to come on another episode? Or do you want someone else to of course? But yeah, it was like, sorry if I'm being pushy and everything. I imagine the mental image obviously was, you know, June in 2020, so I couldn't do this was a good bit. It was the mental equipment of me like on my knees like, thank you.
just crying like, thank you so much. Although Adam, I think he said this either in the last anniversary episode or the last milestone episode, but he has said things like, oh, satsanami, you do all the editing, you do all the promotion and things like that. And that may be the case for, you know, the kind of manual side of it, but without him supporting and everything, I don't think Chatsanami would have gone on for two years if it wasn't for him coming in and saying, oh, I want to do this. So honestly, like, if he's listening right now, you better take this to heart, Adam.
This is an emotional threat, you'd better take us down! But in all seriousness now, it was an absolutely fantastic time being able to share these experiences, to research them, because we've gone through quite a lot of deep topics. Like initially it began quite light-hearted, you know, we had episodes on horror games, on bad movies, like Bone Alone and Silent Night, Deadly Night. I always forget that one.
I feel like I'm replacing it and then we did I think top five Christmas films, we've done a whole spectrum and initially it was kind of like light-hearted, upbeat and then of course we went into more serious topics and especially like indie games like we talked about Kind Works which was a big one, talking about mental health and things of course, we talked about what would it mean to read a thing, papers please, you know those kind of games later on and
especially season two. I felt as if season two, although season one had its like really like great episodes, I felt as if season two was really when Chatsunami hit its strides. That's when I found out about Zincaster and things. That's when I started using Audacity more to edit. It was just when I got a lot more experience.
Benefits of Offline Recording
So yeah, no. He is the glue, I would say. He is definitely the glue of the podcast. Or like one of the brands of glue.
An off-brand glue. As you mentioned, finishing Season 1 this hour, that's something I was about to do in a chat about, so you're getting to the end of your time on Twitch, and then you took it off Twitch and did it against privately with Zoom. It would have been at the time of whatever YouTube we were using, but I'd like to know just a bit about what was the reason for coming off Twitch and taking us offline, and what was the sort of advances and disadvantages of that, what made you make that decision, and obviously you don't regret it because you would have gone back, but I'd like to know just a bit about that transfer. I began with the cancel hashtag,
Before we talk here, I just feel like I apologise. I don't want to make a podcast. I don't want to make us into a podcast, though.
This is what it is. It's a thinly veiled apology. Just come back to some of your saids when you said, oh, I assume it was Zoom. No, no, it was even worse. It was through a Discord call, which was even worse because although Discord is great for chatting to your friends and things, it is terrible to record because you'll be on the call and sometimes it either drops out or it drops low. That was a
aim to try and edit around and you're probably hearing some of the older episodes where you're just like, no. I kind of haven't got to film that as if it's Interesting or something but there's like a clip where it's a guy seeing himself in the past and he's banging the door going, no, no! It's like me thinking back.
Oh no! Don't use Discord! There's so many better options in the end. Of course, I had no idea, but in fact, I'll give you a laugh even further. After we took it off Twitch, I still used Discord, but was recorded it through Streamlabs. Don't do it, because you get a file that's like two point something gigabytes.
or even more and if it crashes you know you've lost the whole thing fortunately it didn't happen to me that was oh it was a nightmare to begin with but don't don't do it like that there's zencaster there's riverside there's zoom everything just don't use discord and obs stream alarms twitch studio whatever you want to record just don't don't make my mistakes but to answer your question about why we took off twitch it almost felt like a kind of natural end to be honest because by the time we reached 50 episodes
Adam and I used to do it every Wednesday, I think it was. We used to stream the episode live at about 7 or 8 o'clock at night because you came on for a couple, didn't you? Don't get me wrong, it was fun to do and it was fun to have a kind of schedule. But then, of course, Adam came to me and was like,
Well, I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to do this, you know, going on because, you know, it's like with life and things coming in, you know, there's stuff that pops up. And it was the same for me because as the world started opening up a bit more, you know, it was harder to kind of stream because I used to stream on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, which is something that I can't really do now because I've got the podcast. I've got writing, you know, I've got promotional stuff. I've got editing. It's a bit.
too hectic and don't get me wrong like I would love to go back to streaming one day but compared to what I'm doing just now I kind of prefer it but also I felt as if it was a lot better recording at all fair because it meant that if we had to look up something we could just pause the recording or if we had to retake a line which is obviously we're doing that live so we can't
We're not lying, but we're doing it in person, so we can't go back and be like, ooh, seriously. But yeah, that's why we kind of took it off and actually worked out a lot better. Because still getting me wrong, I did off-stream episodes.
Overcoming Recording Challenges with Zencastr
I did ones with other streamers like Blowfish Man TV. We did a whole retrospective on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I did some with
Andrew, also known as credential95, we did some on the Star Wars Clone Wars series and did we do some like off? I feel like we did and I just want to just throw something at you so there's definitely a different vibe since you've taken it off Twitch. I feel like there's definitely, it's a lot more relaxed. You do have that time to mess up, to forget stuff, to not have to worry about people coming into chat and stuff. I think there is a definite, it definitely feels a lot more relaxed and that's probably the vibe I think you wanted more as well. Oh absolutely.
because it is quite stressful when you're doing things on Twitch like that where you have to not only, when you're on Twitch, everybody thinks you stick on your camera, you stick on a game or whatever you're doing and you just do your thing, which is what should happen in theory. But what you've also got to look out for is things like the
chat? Are they happy? Are they being entertained? I know you shouldn't really care about the viewer count but it's hard not to look when you're talking about something and it spikes to like 10 and then two seconds later it goes down to 3 and you're like, did I say something to that 10 people?
do people not like it, and as well with, and I'm going to take a jab at Twitch here, but the whole thing about adverts and things is just infuriating. I've been in so many channels where I'm just sitting there, and I think this was brought in probably in 2021, where they have, like, mid-roll ads, and you can't disable them, even if it's awful. It's, like, really difficult to watch someone. Now, it actually happened to me in one stream where someone was, like,
oh let me answer your question you see and then all of a sudden yeah the advert cut over and then it came back it's like i hope that answered your question it's like i did not hear anything so if you was if now podcasting is not a good place or rather it's not a good fit for twitch anymore if i was ever to do a live one again i would do it over on youtube i don't think they've got ads like mid-roll or anything but
I would rather take it to somewhere like YouTube than Twitch. I will never ever stream the episodes again on Twitch. Again, going back to your point of feeling relaxed, it is that idea of when you're on Twitch, you have to be very interactive, if that makes sense. You have to include the chat. You have to do this and that.
And I never felt comfortable doing that, not because of that man child being like, no, my podcast. But a lot of people would say, you know, they would say, oh, I think that's about the topic. And it's like the whole point of the podcast was for me and whoever was on to talk about they wanted to talk about a particular topic. Like, I think one of the best examples is when I started doing a thing called Streamer Spotlight. So that was when I was interviewing other Twitch streamers like
Captain R, as I said, Blowfish Man TV, Kitty Kitty Faith, Glitter Kitty, I could also, I could listen, whatever. But for some of the particular ones, there were moments where a lot of them would be talking about either mental health issues, they would be talking about, you know, how they felt as streamers, as content creators, and they just, it didn't feel right to cut across them. You know, like if they're talking about, you know, mental health and they're spilling their guts about something very personal,
I'm not giving it card cards and go, listen, I know you're talking about your mental health here, but we got 50 bits. You know, it just didn't feel right. So that's why I think that's probably what solidified my reasoning behind not including the chat. Not in badness, we would do it at the very end.
Yeah, I totally agree with that. One of the things I wanted to say as well on that is you leave a comment on Twitch and you think you're in time with them, but you actually might have been buffered and you might have been two minutes, a few minutes, five minutes behind or whatever. And so by the time the person reads the comment, they've moved on. I think that's difficult as well as someone who's doing a podcast. You don't want to be like...
Okay, let's talk about that thing we were talking about five minutes ago. It looked back, so yeah, there's all sorts of things. But you're moving on to that, so you were talking about season two. You feel like you really found your groove during that time. Just tell me a bit about that. Like, what changed? Obviously you took it offline, but what was tooling that changed? And how does it make your life easier?
Well, I feel as if once we hit season two, there was kind of a transitional period. I'm not gonna lie, like for the first couple of episodes, that's when I was still using Discord and Streamlabs to record it offline. Because I had no idea, because I went to Twitter and I was like, how the hell do I record, you know, online without it being, you know, Zoom or anything?
And then, of course, someone said, oh, why don't you try Zincaster, which I know they'll probably be listening. So if they are, love you guys, because they keep replying to me on Twitter. And it sounds like weird.
for a company they are so nice, but it's been actually a pleasure using Signcast, and this isn't a plug-in kind of thing because I know there's obviously alternatives. The only one I know of to talk my head is Riverside FM. I don't know any others. I've never used it so I can't speak to it. But at the same time, that was revolutionary. See, once I discovered that, the fact you could record with two separate audio tracks, so if I fell off my chair,
You know, someone else could just keep continuing and I could edit out. It was just, it was so good that you could do that. And as well, I got two terms with audacity. I'm still learning. But at the same time, it was like before I was kind of combining it with the video, like a video editor I used to use, because I don't know why I didn't use audacity to begin with, but my reasoning was that I could just edit it on, it was like, that's really
the horrible video maker. And my reason was, once I edited it, and I was just editing out the middle gasps
Boosting Public Speaking Confidence
and things, at least then I could export it as both an episode with both an MP3 and an MP4 file. So I could just export the entire thing to the winner, which now I've realised is a thing called Headliner, which automatically exports it to YouTube for you. Another name drop, absolutely fantastic app.
Yeah, I definitely felt as if Season 2 was when we kind of hit our stride, when we were a bit more confident in ourselves because there's something that I've actually noticed listening back to the old episodes and I feel as if I was a lot more shy when I was doing it, so you know.
you have heard me interrupt me going, hello, everybody, and welcome to Chatsunami. And I remember when I listened to the old episodes, I never realised how meek I said it. I was always like, hello, everybody, and welcome to my class presentation. I mean, welcome to Chatsunami. You know, it wasn't the same vibe as what it is now, and it does feel good together. We can do that.
You brought up something and I actually wanted to maybe ask you later. I'll ask you just now because we talked about it. So we go way, way, way, way back. We've probably been friends longer than most people probably should be friends if I'm being told last. Too long many people would say. And I'm still getting that life advice. I hope you don't mind me asking this and this might get cut so we'll find out. But for school and for uni stuff, you definitely weren't the most confident person. And definitely public speaking has never been your forte. This is revealed lower.
I'm not just in the kindest way. But neither of us are particularly good public speakers. How do you feel this has affected your self-confidence in terms of, like you said, you weren't from your first episode quite shy, and I think it's the same on Twitch, that you can definitely feel when you were streaming, that you definitely feel the vibe change as well as you went along. And I'd like just to know a bit about how your self-confidence has been affected by this, and how you went from someone who probably would never say a certain thing in public,
loudly to what you do now where you're being heard around the world. Well, first of all, thank you for saying that people around the world are awesome. I mean, it doesn't mean there's tons of them around the world just now. Just a small book club. Hashtag police star.
you're completely right though. When I was in primary school especially, I had a very difficult time expressing myself, opening up and of course even my parents were looking like, oh Jesus, he can't speak. But you know, I started getting a little bit better but when I say better, it's like taking it inch by inch over the years because even like nowadays, don't get me wrong, I still get anxiety of trying to speak in front of strangers, trying to present myself. Like there's been moments even in my work
where, you know, I've had to go in meetings, I've had to do icebreakers. Icebreakers, I hate. Whoever invented them, I'm sure there's a special place in hell for them, but... A cold place in hell? And he would say, break the sign. But, yeah, my hatred of him.
I really find it difficult to open up to new people and things because I never know how they're going to react. Even when I'm promoting the podcast it's like I could be talking to someone and they seem like the nicest person ever and then once we start talking even more I'm like wow this guy's a bit of a
That was especially the case. I brought this up before in episodes but there was one guy in particular, I think you might remember him, but without naming any names. When I was streaming and I think I'd got to Milestone and there was one particular guy who he kind of popped up and he was like oh congratulations and we started talking. I was like oh do you want to join my Discord server? You know that will find. And he was like
like yeah yeah sure and long story short he just started using it as a way to promote himself which is all fine and good because there was all the channels there except he didn't use the channels he just promoted himself everywhere else he kept getting told off for it and I went to one of his streams and I'm gonna be honest it wasn't the best and I'm not saying that to be cruel I'm saying that genuinely because he was just such a
I don't know, just one of those personalities that you don't click with and I thought, you know what, if this does it for other people, that's a not for me. But when I started Twitch streaming, I was, and you'll probably remember Greg, I was terrified. I actually wanted to mention this real quick, but I don't think I had to mention this from your time. We'd actually spoke about this before Covid, which is what's funny, because obviously the Twitch has a huge boom during Covid, but it was funny because we actually spoke about it beforehand. And it wasn't until Covid hit, the two of us were like, we can actually do this now.
But as you were, so when you first started. Because funny enough, it is because of you. Like, obviously, because we were talking, but I think the final nail in the Twitch coffin, as it were, was because you started streaming and I saw that it could be done. You know, like I said something to say to be like, if he can do it.
I can do it! You know, like Rocky for a moment. But it was true though. I was like, well, if Craig can do it, then what's stopping me from trying it? And of course, rather than all the technical issues and one of the other things as well. As I said, I have
tried other YouTube channels. Good luck trying to find them. But I have tried and one of the things that I absolutely detest is my own voice. I absolutely hate my voice. I genuinely do not appreciate it whatsoever. It is the worst part of it being a podcast editor in having to listen back to your own voice for so long. Seeing now, after two years, I am perfectly fine with my voice, I think.
I am fine with it. I can listen to it. I can edit with it. But back then, it was a real struggle. It's going back to what you were saying, because I want to be transparent about this. I don't want to pretend that it's a famous podcast, but I don't want to pretend all I've written has been rosy. Because there have been moments where you do sit there and you think, is it me? Is it my personality?
because a lot of people out there are very large and bombastic when they come to their presentation, both on Twitch, both on podcasts.
Personal Growth and Support System
As we've talked about before, even off recording, you have a lot of podcasters who just say something controversial. People go, oh, it's terrible. And then, of course, they get millions of views because of the way they present themselves. Obviously, I don't want to do that because, well, hey.
I'm not a prat. You know, that's just not who I am. As you said, you're completely right. When I was growing up in school, and even university, university has started to get a little bit better, but it's a hit or a miss, essentially. But especially in university, I was
kind of getting my stride back but of course you know what life's like when you get the good times, you get the bad times, you get times that really not getting your backside and you really struggle getting back up from them and obviously it's like thanks to friends and family that you're able to do that, you're able to present yourself and you always think to yourself that you're always a lot more confident than you actually are because to be honest there's been times where I've done like a stream where I've done something and I'd be like
Oh, I'm so confident. That went really well. And again, you listen back to the audio and you go, hello there. I'm like, oh, sweet Jesus. I always remember, as I said, I ran, it was like a language learning YouTube channel and oh God, I wrote scripts for it. And this is why I hate scripts and using them because I just felt so
When you're doing something like this, you get to add a lot of it, you get to use your own emotions. Whereas if you're reading that script, it makes it sound as if it's just you can tell. I think it's one of the greatest skills of certain YouTubers and stuff who read those scripts and they're able to inject their own personality. I can never write a script and determine personality and get something that's such a specific skill.
Well, being able to do the podcast, I think you've got a different set of skills. Being able to inject your personality into these things is totally different. It's a different role game. Because, I mean, that's why I love doing the podcast with friends and friends, especially on Scriptors, because I'll have the kicking the general outline about what we're going to talk about and topics, but I never really say, oh, I'm going to write it out.
what we're gonna say word for word because it would it would just sound so stilted it wouldn't sound great it has been a journey i will say i think it has benefited me in the long run it has been an interesting journey i have to say it's definitely i've i'm still don't get me wrong i'm so shy i still have moments where i'm like jesus i can't answer the phone to that stranger or i can't it's like the tattoo at your work it's like i can't
It's like things where you just, you worry, you kind of panic and things, and all they'll say is to anyone else that's feeling that way, if you listen to this, that is perfectly okay. And this is something that actually, funny enough, our old testory teacher used to say does, that Rome, obviously it's that famous phrase, but he always used to tell us things like Rome wasn't built in a day and things. And as cliche as that sounds, it's entirely prevalent, even thousands of years
often, but it's entirely relatable because although you might think now, oh, I'm not getting the views, I'm not getting the numbers, oh, it's because I'm so shy, I can't network, I can't put myself out there. Networking has been a hard thing to say because there's a way to network. There's one way you can just spam all your stuff out. You can just throw everything at the ball and think, oh, I hope someone likes us.
then there's the flip side to that where it's like you come across as being quite pushy or one of the worst ones for me when I was Twitch streaming was I always tried to go into other people's streams and that was actually one of the better things. Like actually interacting with a year's streamer, a podcaster, I thought that was really good and like getting to know the person. That's how I managed to make so many friends through Twitch and through podcasting because the amount of people who have messaged me directly like
Oh, come check out my stream or my podcast that's like sent from bot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Copy paste responses. Yeah, you're like, nah, this isn't the way. I think that's important to make a good first impression on these things that you do. You only get one chance to be your first impression. Yeah, you're mentioning something we met through trips and stuff. I'd like to ask a question about that. I'd like to ask just of all the guests and those people and also me. Well, it's just been some of your favourite episodes. Let's just take a wee bit of time to look back on that. What's been some of the best episodes in your mind?
oh there's so many. I mean as of this episode there is about a hundred and... 110 episodes I think? Maybe even more. That could be totally off. Maths was never my strong speed because technically there is more episodes if you include like the shorts, like the ten the five ten minute episodes or just like the bonus content which as you might have seen on the website and everything yeah this is probably quite recent to this episode but
I have to admit, I really enjoyed the King Godira episode, where we, not only we talked about the film, but we did its own episode, but we also did our own commentary track together, where we went through the film, we absolutely, it was just a blast, just watching the film, laughing at it, just enjoying it. It was just like when I used to go to your house, where we'd just watch bad films together, just riffling it. It was just such a blast to do.
There's been quite a few episodes I have been listening to recently. Like, if I'm flashing back to Season 1, I didn't like the Pokรฉmonia one we did. That was funny. That was good. Like, Reminiscent, The Wall is Deadly Premonition. That was a fun one. Even so much so that the creator of the game liked the tweet. I don't think he's listening to the episode, to be honest with you. If he has, you know, shout out to Swary65.
Oh, there's just so many. I have to admit though, there have been other ones that kind of delve into more of a serious side. For example, as I was saying when we talked about kind of words where that's a game that heavily depends upon people putting themselves out there and making themselves very vulnerable.
you know, it was interesting to talk about it from that perspective and that's what I love about the podcast, it's the fact that every episode doesn't have to be like a joke or, haha funny meme, funny meme, I don't know. There was also the tip of the moon episode, what remains of Edith Finch as I said. We got into some very deep themes with those and especially even with Call of Duty, we talked about World War 2 games and of course we had to talk about the atrocities of said war so it was really interesting to discuss
that kind of thing. To be able to do it in a way that didn't seem forced, you know, I wasn't just saying, hello, welcome to Chatsanami, today we're going to be talking about war crimes, and you know, like it kind of naturally came into the conversation. The other ones I can think off the top of my head, the Beyblade episode, that was amazing. There's honestly just so many, but going back to like, see the interviews themselves, I'm not going to pick one out in particular, because... Everyone else trashed, this one's great.
Trash, trash, great, great, great. Trash, trash, great. Please don't count. Please don't count. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you.
You know, old-day Scottish references. Let's talk about the streamer spotlights. For the streamer spotlights themselves,
Insights from Streamer Interviews
I have to admit they are one of my favourite types of episodes to do, purely because when I began them, I didn't know really what to expect. So going back to, and Blowfish Man TV is going to be loving this because I keep shouting them out, but he was actually the, not only was he like the first streamer to come on to that, but he was also like the first to do the collaborations with like the JoJo series and things like that.
And what I love about them is, initially, I thought I had to be quite rigid and say, oh, we've got to talk about Twitch, we've got to talk about this and that. Oh, tell me about yourself, that kind of thing. But the more episodes I did, the more I realised that if I just let the conversation flow, then it would be a hell of a lot better. And I have to admit, some of the best episodes have been when I just let the interviewees, as it were, just go off and run this around. Just to be able to express themselves, because
And again, I'm not going to single out any particular one, but if you go to listen to them, there's a lot of really interesting ones where they've been very comfortable to open themselves up quite a lot. You know, whether it's mental health issues, whether it's being a woman on streaming or the kind of hardships that content creators face, whether there was one particular one which I thought was quite interesting where it was. I think it was a Naff Gaines episode where he discussed kind of evolving and transitioning
through this content creation journey like he didn't want to be solely fixated on like just Twitch streaming and that was going to be his whole personality forever but at the moment he wanted to do this and he wanted to present himself the best he could and I thought that was such an interesting way to promote himself and
everything. It's just it's been amazing to get to know these streamers to be able to let them open themselves up because there was one particular one and this one was a bit articulating where one streamer would say that they got into streaming because one of their friends unfortunately passed away and you know they wanted to kind of stream and spread happiness and joy and you know it was just something that was very touching and it really got me and again most of like
was his fault, not mine. I didn't want to push streamers if that makes sense. I don't want to push them and be like, so tell me about your tragic backstory and things like that. I don't want them to feel as if I'm pushing them for that kind of thing. I want people who come on the show to be able to open up, to be not transparent, that's the wrong word, but to be themselves.
if they want to share and they want people to kind of relate and know that they're not alone out there, because that is like, god, I was going to shoot a 2020 podcast episode, that was one of the themes of it, the 2020 years where everyone was like so isolated, everyone was so alone, it was a horrible time for a lot of people. The fact now that it's never been easier, if that makes sense, to start podcasts to be able to interact with people from all over the world, maybe going through similar situations,
It's actually brought me into another topic I'd just like to kind of throw out. So at the end of Covid, you know, the end of 2020, because since 2021 the world opens back up. You were talking about season two, you know, you were struggling a little bit to schedule on Twitch and as the world changes again and a lot of podcasts on Twitch just disappear at this point, especially leading into like mid-2021.
Post-Pandemic Podcast Maintenance
A lot of people just started them for something to do. So I'd like to know just a bit about like what's been your longevity. How have you managed to keep it going? This is now 2022. This is two years. I was on the first anniversary. It was on the first episode. We're sitting here again. How have you done it?
That's a secret. Moving on to the next one. I'm not going to lie, it is very difficult. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Sorry, that sounds very aggressive. I'm going to sugarcoat it very, very difficult. It is difficult though because I actually, I think I was talking to a couple other streamers that I had met on Twitch at the time and we were discussing that about how there's so many people that you know, you got to know over the pandemic.
making everything and then all of a sudden they're gone. Like no goodbyes, no ceremony, just, and it's quite like a, not a scary thought, but it's just kind of a bittersweet moment. Like on the one hand, you know, they've moved on, you know, they're living their lives, they're doing everything they couldn't in 2020 and half of 2021, but at the same time though, it is just sad to see people disappearing and then as soon as they start disappearing, your numbers, as you were entering there, your numbers start to slowly dwindle because everybody's going out, they're not.
I'm not going to pretend my numbers were like amazing during the pandemic. I think the best I ever got, and that was when you and I, funny enough, did that fall guy stream and we got like high 30s. I think it was like, yes! That was amazing. Was that the one we talked about, the go compare guy?
There's a lot of stuff that should stay on that screen. Find out next week on Narrowing. It is difficult when you see everybody leaving, your numbers dropping and you kind of think, is this what I want to do? And that's partly as well what I thought was better about kind of pre-recorded these episodes as opposed to doing them live on Twitch. Because if you do them live on Twitch, it was something that you actually brought up, which was a brilliant
point, like years and years ago, where you said, if people are watching the episode on Twitch, then they're less likely to go check it out again when you re-release it. I did notice that all of the Season 1 episodes had lore numbers, even if there was people coming in to check it out. There wasn't as many people coming in. Obviously, that's right, because what already hurts is everything. It's like, I'm back to the future. Hey, I know this one!
It's quite hard in that way, but if I'm honest, it's probably in this case I've got such a Yu-Gi-Oh moment, but it looks like the whole thing about friendship and friends and other content creators who are still going as well, keeping you going through it, because there's nothing worse than feeling as if you're alone in the problem.
to feel as if you're isolated. You can't go on because you're not getting the numbers, you're not getting the attention that you think you deserve in it. Don't get me wrong, they've been fairly successful, but there are some times where I've done a particular themed month. For example, we did the Halo month, we did the Sonic month, we did the Terminator month, three excellent months, and definitely more to come. Cough Godzilla.
But at the same time, you know, when you get episodes that maybe don't do as well as the others, you think, well, what went wrong there? And sometimes it's nothing. Sometimes it's just, oh, I don't like Sonic, or oh, I don't like Halo, or Terminator, God forbid, you're pure soul. But you know, like, oh, I don't like X, Y, and Z. It's like, right, OK, that's fine.
because that is one or the other. I don't want to say bad things about Chatsunami, but it's the fact that even when I was streaming, I've always prided myself on being a variety streamer or a variety podcast. I want to talk about things that I'm interested in or things that I think would be a fun topic, things I think would be really interesting to research. I don't want to be sitting here doing the same topic day in and day out because you get burned out.
You don't get to know me, count to be a larger following, that way. But if you want to go away and do something else, it's a bit like make-a-make spoilers for make-a-make. Oh no. Make-a-make spoilers, I know. There's like, you know, the big twist of that was like, I want to be a musician. What?
Oh, you're stupid. He was like, no, it wouldn't be a weird. He's terrible at it. But that's the thing though. It's like, if you want to do something else, it's the same with Twitch. If you want to do like another game and people are like, oh, I'll always subscribe because you play code or something or whatever, then you don't get the freedom. Whereas if you start off like that to say, look, I'm just going to talk.
Okay, if you want to join us on this journey, please feel free, you're more than welcome, but if not, that's also perfectly fine. So yeah, definitely, if you're feeling like that, that you want to kind of quit and say, oh, I don't want to do this anymore, talk to other content creators. All I'll say is when you're putting out tweets, be very honest.
about how you're feeling about it. Don't put out a vague tweet saying feeling bad and then you'll get more sort of, what's wrong, the end may hurt. Genuinely, feel free to be open because, although obviously you get people who are a bit arsy, but at the same time, you'll get people out there who are genuinely going through the same struggle as you are. Obviously, you're not mileage may vary, but at the same time, at least if you put yourself out there, you are going to get people who are going to feel exactly the same way because I thought that a bit
I thought, oh, I can't do streaming, I can't do podcasting, and then obviously shooting far between, but when I get people who say, oh, I really enjoyed your podcast, that's an idea, or I really enjoyed your episode on this, I really enjoyed that. It makes me feel happy because I think, well, someone out there listening to it, someone really enjoyed that episode, and it's nice to feel that your work isn't, it's not falling on deaf ears.
It's been a bit of positivity as well, you know. How many people go out of their way to make people feel bad? You can do a little bit of good every day, you know what I'm saying? It's the next thought. Done the subject of the different variety you've done. You've done all sorts of stuff. We've had the stream of content, you've done anime, movies. We did the watch along recently. We're going into year three. You're next. The next generation. The next generation. Tatsanami GEX. Did you say GEX or GEX?
GX, I think. Is that not the Yu-Gi-Oh? Oh yeah, I think that's obviously. I was like, is he dropping a Yu-Gi-Oh? Oh wait, no, I've done it before. Don't get on of me. You get the assumption God can't pass. So if you're doing so, do you have a question? Right, what am I talking about? Oh yeah, right, so moving on to your fee. What's next? What's something you want to do? What are the things, the new challenges ahead? Yeah, what happened? What you did?
I would be astounded. You'd be shocked and or. There's a lot that I've actually planned, you know, that I've said, oh I want to do this, I want to do that. But the unfortunate thing is, because obviously life is very unpredictable, you can't really factor in certain things. Like if I went to plan something with
another podcaster, for example, if I wanted to do a full episode with you and then all of a sudden it's like, oh yeah, I can do that. It's like, why the hell? It's like, oh, because I have a line. It's like, oh, oh, what are you doing? But you know, it's kind of factoring in the contingency plans, as it were. But I mean, there are a couple of things, you know, there are a couple of particular games that I want to cover, like, for example, Steak Ops, The Line,
I want to get into a lot more serious topics, not overly so.
Local Scottish Podcast Collaboration
I want to try and looking into more. Again, I don't want to be like gritty and grim dark now, but because the thing is with that is that, obviously, Chatsanami is like a very lighthearted podcast, but it is good to every so often to have like an analytical video, a video that you think,
going to deep dive into this particular topic. One of the other things I want to do is I want to do a lot more interviews. So as we've talked about, I did a lot of streamer spotlight episodes. So I want to kind of get into that with podcasters. Now I want to probably all just be under the same umbrella. Maybe not as streamer spotlight. Yeah. Maybe more just like podcaster pondering.
You know, it'll just be more straight interviews where I chat to people and everything. By the time this episode comes out, I'm also taking part in a Scottish collaboration with other podcasters, so that is running from December 5th to the 11th of this year. 2022 for my new future.
So that'll be interesting. That'll be interesting to get to know more Scottish podcasters because I have like recently and I'm like Jesus, there's so many. I was going to say it's funny because you don't think about podcasts in terms of your local sphere. You think of them as very global and you think of like other, in your instance, other variety podcasts. That's what you think about but actually there's a whole community there of actually quite local people. There's a lot of other podcasts but we don't ever think about that sphere. Absolutely.
It was really shocking when I saw like, oh, we were based in Glasgow, Dunbarton, Dundee, Edinburgh, you know, all of these podcasts had just popped out and they were like, where have they been? Because all the podcasts that have been interacted, don't get me wrong, there's been a couple down south of England.
that I've collaborated with, like, review it yourself. There's loads of others like casting views that are great as well. There's honestly just so many out there that you listen to and you think, this is really good! Because the amount of streamers as much as I honestly love them, they're
It's been a lot where I've had to factor in time difference and things, so that's been absolutely horrific. As I said, I've interviewed Glitter Kitty Wong, who is an amazing Australian streamer slash musician, but at the same time, as I said, she lives in Australia, so getting those times to line up at a reasonable time for both of us was very difficult. I've also had people from the
Philippines, America, Canada. It's been quite tricky. So as soon as you get someone who is from the UK or something, you're like, oh, thank God, a time zone that's not like 20 hours ahead. Honestly, it's safe to send the New Zealanders. They're like, I want to come on just another. It's like, please do the math.
A poor brain can't take it. I'm like, oh, are you sure we're going to do that? It's like, I'm dreading the day I'm going to get like a text and be like, where are you? And it's like, the record is not for another hour. It's like, that was two hours ago. Oh, no. One kind of final thing, kind of slightly off-chat tsunami. And this kind of links back to what you were saying about getting confidence and things. As I said before, I was really into creative writing and everything. And in 2014, I decided to publish a book called Canvas and not going into too many details.
Same for the blog? Yeah. Long story short, I published it and because I didn't know a lot about marketing myself on Twitter and all these other places. It was a totally different time. Oh, absolutely. It was a different time. Whereas now that I've put myself out there, because back then I was trying to be myself, but myself in 2014 isn't the same person as I is in 2022.
Revisiting Past Projects with New Confidence
if that makes sense. It's one of those things you just kind of think. I was reading through past tweets and I was like, what a dork.
But you know, you look at that, you think compared to back then, it's something completely different. So doing the podcastscape made the confidence to work on, not only the book again, to re-release it on Amazon, which I think by this point, the e-book should definitely be out and because of formatting issues, which I won't rant about too.
The paper bag is probably on its way. It's probably just going to be unsaid and moniously just dropped like that. Like, here you go. This is the paper bag. Don't ask me any more about it. It's that too. Why is... Remember the old pirate ad? Why is the tick so bad?
they went threading right. God damn it. Of course that inspired me to kind of jump out of my comfort zone and actually really sit as an audiobook. So I'm doing it chapter by chapter because I'm not sitting down recording like 12 hours of this book because the book's like 370 odd pages. That's a chunky boy.
At the same time, doing the podcast and doing the streaming has given me confidence to give it a go and try it. And of course, by the time this is out, the first episode will be released both on the Chatsunami podcast and on a new podcast. Well, I say podcast.
audio report that's going to be called The Writer's Canvas. So yeah, no, that's going to be the kind of main side project. Like it's not going to cut any time away from Chatsunami because it is very personal and it's just me recording it. It's me debating about whether or not I should be doing funny voices and then you listen back to it and you go, ha, I should not do funny voices. Hahaha. Arnold Schwarzenegger's accent was the wrong choice for the super serious kind of five thousand lines.
I'm going through a breakdown. Oh, I should know. That was about when we did D&D and it was like, oh, you had a DM and you pick a living mass and you pick a stupid voice for a character and that character keeps going, so you were a big rival and that's what it meant to us. Yeah, don't worry about that. Blumrow was your character and his big rival was a character that I gave a Brooklyn accent to because I thought he was going to be into it, but I was like, that's fine, we're never going to happen. I had to do a Brooklyn accent for four years.
You know, the first time he died, you could've just been like, oh yeah, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you die? I thought you were Doctor Who, but you cheat. Yeah, you've regenerated and lost his accent. I should've done that. It's just his accent. It is not.
He doesn't even get told what it was for. He just changes that. Oh, that would be horrific. That's tough to do. It kind of might go on into my last question. So just thinking about the whole journey, just everything that's going on so far. What's been the biggest lesson you've learned from all this? Whether that's something quite simple or something quite broad. I'd just like to hear what's been the big lessons. Don't talk to strangers. Well, that's kind of the opposite of what you said.
I was like, I don't do it, guys, it's ruined me. I was like, I'm surprised by that. OK, that's end of the end. No. No, joking aside, and genuinely for legal reasons, that is a joke.
I think the biggest lesson in all seriousness, if I could get sappy for a moment, is being
Lessons in Authenticity and Acceptance
able to put yourself out there, being able to have the confidence to say, I want to create something, I want to make my mark on time, I suppose, if you want to be very grand. But I want to put my stamp on this corner of the internet and you're not always going to get that. You're not always going to get a huge return
on that if that makes sense. You're not going to get people who are always going to be like, oh, we love it. Oh, you're an overnight success and everything. And I think the biggest lesson is that's okay. You know, it seems weird to say, but that is genuinely okay. If you're not getting the numbers like one day, but you get them another day, that's fine. Just keep building on that. And being able to do the podcast, because the podcast I feel is a bit more personal, you know, at least with streaming them with Twitch, you can be a bit more detached, you can be like,
Haha, find a game, I big the car. You know, you could hide yourself behind that and you can obviously decide how much you want to put forward or yourself. Whereas with the podcast, I feel as if more and more, well, the more it goes on, the more personal life become and obviously not overshading or anything, but a reasonable degree, yeah.
And as you talk about certain topics as well, you've talked about various emotional episodes and stuff like that, that you have to bring out your person side as well. Because I mean, even if you look at some of the recent episodes, like there was one episode I talked about with a particular friend and we discussed a
It's not the anime you would actually think you would bring up these kind of serious topics, but it was an anime called Love to Rebo and Other Delusions, and it's basically about a slice of life romance anime. You know, it's very light-hearted, it's quite cutesy and everything.
But there's a lot of serious hidden moments there. And the friend who I did the podcast episode with, he was, like myself, you know, he was going through a difficult time and, like, I won't obviously give too much away on this one. Seriously, like, I would recommend you listen to the episode yourself to hear the full story itself, because I don't want to undersell it by abridging it and being like, I need a bad time. But he was going through this really bad time and they found, like, comfort.
in this anime. It's amazing as well, especially going back to the interviews, when you hear people going through these experiences, being able to open themselves up, you know, kind of realising as well that you're not alone. Because you do see people who are really, really successful on Twitch and everything, and that gives you an inferiority complex.
I kind of feel bad, I do feel bad when I put up, oh I've reached like 3k views, I've reached 4k views and I'm doing that in a way to kind of show myself how much progress I made from the very beginning where I was only getting like 2-3 people watching on Twitch and I don't mean to
make others feel bad about that who aren't reaching those levels. And then, of course, they start feeling bad. They go, oh, why is this guy getting 4K? I don't mean to say anyone sounds like that. But at the same time, it's like... You had issues once as well. Exactly. Yeah. Because I even looked at...
people with envious eyes being like wow look at the views and you know it's a horrible mindset to have as a jailer one of the worst to think oh I deserve this but they don't kind of thing like that's one of the things especially in Twitch you know where people say streamer x only gets you know these views because of this or they only get views because of that you know obviously not good at the specifics but you'll know what I mean and you think that isn't the case at all because everyone has different demographics they have different interests it's a world of what
7,000,000 people? Yeah, we actually just crossed eight. Have we just crossed eight? Oh god. Okay, this is the celebration.
anniversary slash rich and eight billion people. But that's the thing though, you know there's eight billion people and obviously every one of them isn't going to be listening to tracks with me but I'm really happy though just that the way that a kind of mini community is cultivated around it and the fact that I've been able to provide that kind of safe space for people because that is one of the worries I have because I don't want to just be one of those generic
The Importance of Authenticity
come in. We're the cool kids. You want people to feel comfortable. And kind of going back to something earlier, I was talking about with the whole controversy thing and people putting themselves out there and being boisterous. One of the things I've learned is, and again, this is like a Hallmark special, I
want people to kind of understand and know me as a person. I don't want people to say, oh look it's because obviously I go like that tsunami and that's the personality I've chosen to adopt here. At the same time it's like I want to be known for my views and things on a particular topic whether
movies, whether it's games, whatever. I don't want to be pretending like, I don't know, a nostalgia critic. Yeah, you're not playing a character. Yeah, I'm not playing a character. I'm playing myself and that might not be good in the short run, which I feel as if a lot of people have seen in the short run. They'll see you as just a guy who is going out there.
or a guy with another podcast. But at the same time, you want to put your honest face forward. You don't want to reveal too much, but you want to show the world who you are, what you think, what you feel. And at the end of the day, maybe someone in the future is going to listen to that.
That's a neat podcast. But yeah, I would just say that. That's what I've learned. Just to have the confidence to put myself out there a bit more. And maybe it hasn't translated over with some real life, but it's getting there. It's getting better. But in terms of online interaction.
I definitely know more about what I'm doing, more about networking, seeing the right things, seeing the wrong things. And you're going to make mistakes, you're going to have downtime, you're going to have really horrible moments, but the real lesson is just keep going, let them learn. So what you're saying is live, laugh, learn? No, no, I didn't say that. Oh, I totally missed the point. No, I didn't. No, wait, OK. Well, technically, yes. Technically, yes. Technically, yes. Technically, yes, but technically, get out.
I really like that, it was really nice. Yeah, just overseeing any closing thoughts for the episode? Well, it's been two years. That's been establishing me thoroughly. And yeah, I just want to say a huge thanks to a lot of people. First of all, I'm going to start with you because you're a master of stairs here. Thanks. But yeah, first of all, I just want to thank you for giving me both the confidence and the assurance as it were, for even when I was sitting there moaning saying, oh, I don't know if I can do this and everything.
without you. I wouldn't be Twitch streaming. I wouldn't have done the podcast. I wouldn't really be here. That wasn't for you. So thank you for that. First of all. It's been an absolute pleasure. And it's been amazing to watch this journey. So no, thank you. Of course, the other person I have to thank is my very good co-host, first of all, Adam, for keeping it alive. And also Andrew slash Green Shield, as he likes to be known as Andrew. It's like,
the artist for but with no one trying to get his best to be a change in a nightmare I've been back and forth and I've seen that driving why since it's just like scored out so many times it's written on the back and no jokes aside like both of them have been amazing supports to say
do you want to do the episodes together? Do you want to do this or that? And it's been a laugh because at the same time, kind of quite clearly looking back to what you were saying before, podcasting has made me realise that it's not just about pumping out content, but at the same time, it's doing it with your friends.
Gratitude for Supporters
You know, it's able to come together, to be able to say, you know, we're having a good time together, we're chatting about things. It's basically things that you and I chat about, but we don't record. And you know that when you get a lot of people like, you say, oh, our conversation would be hilarious if we recorded it.
And it's like, yeah, it probably would, so slap a mic on it. But the other people I would like to thank, first of all, all the streamers about people, they have been absolutely fantastic. Some of my favourite episodes that have come out of that, to all of the other podcasts that have been supportive. I mean, there's too many to listen to, as I said, there's casting views, reviewing yourself, nerd-stounded podcasts, them being a chill, uh-huh.
The new one. Honestly, there's so many. I can't list them all. Video game club podcast. Honestly, there's just so many that could sit here and list. But if you just look at the people on Twitter, you'll probably see them. And honestly, yeah, to everyone who has just really been supportive. Yeah, they've been absolutely rocksing.
trying to promote. And of course, I'll be messing up to thank your other sort of partner. At the time you'd be listening to this, my dog has indeed ceased barking. If you're listening to the outtake, probably. So I'd like to thank Carver for the poor dog for being quiet. But yeah, I feel this is a very long-winded-off speech for Jane. Most importantly, the person I do want to thank as well is, of course, the lovely listeners at home, which I always say, I always say, and I'm getting the thumbs up.
jokes aside, yeah. You know, obviously without the listeners, Chatsunami wouldn't be what it is today. It would just be, you know, me throwing it. It's a bit like you're on one of those Twitter accounts that just have like two followers and they've got like no profile pictures. There's tweets coming out and they're like, this is gonna be this thing on and it's gonna make me famous. And you look through it and you're like, this has no likes.
There's nothing more terrifying than that account. Yeah. When that account pops up on your timeline. Oh no. I feel nothing from this man. It is man. It's even worse when they're like, you're posting like, oh no.
But going on seriousness, the fact that you guys are supporting me, and not just me, but supporting everybody else that comes on. The fact you're supporting all of my friends in particular, whether it's support you, or Adam, or Andrew, or anybody who can really collaborate. So without you guys, they wouldn't be the same as it is now. So yeah, thank you very much. And yeah, once again, previously, thank you so much for coming on, grilling me.
It's been a pleasure. Thank you very much for having me. Yeah, it's been great. Have you got any final comments? As long as I don't have to close this episode because I was in the union, I don't know. No, no, no. Okay, that's great. Back to you, I'm happy. I really enjoyed that. Thank you for having me on. And as always, thank you all so, so much for listening to our two-year anniversary episode of Chatsanami. Yay!
So if you would like to hear more of our episodes, if you'd like to hear our fiftieth episodes milestone, if you'd like to hear our one year anniversary or a hundredth episode even, then you can check that out on our website, forward slash chat tsunami. And if you want to listen to it on your handy dandy podcast apps, you can check it out on Spotify, iTunes and
Yeah, really any good book, that's that. Just look for the name Chatsunami and we will see you there. But until then, after two years, stay safe, stay awesome, stay hydrated and as you would close it out, stay classy and have a banana. Bye guys.