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How to Have a Greater Vision in Solar image

How to Have a Greater Vision in Solar

E505 ยท The Solarpreneur
228 Plays2 months ago

Your aspiring visions in the solar industry are the direct signs of where you're heading. This episode is gonna go through the importance of having a clear vision, and what you can do to fortify your existing ones towards a healthier viewpoint for your career.


Introduction to Solarpreneur Podcast

Welcome to the Solarpreneur podcast where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level.

Taylor Armstrong's Solar Success Story

My name is Taylor Armstrong and I went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in the year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail. I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bring in the top solar dogs of the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, following up like a pro and closing more deals.
What is a solar printer you might ask? A solar printer is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to defeat mastery and you are about to become one.

The Importance of Vision in Solar Industry

Proverbs 29, 18, where there is no vision, the people perish. We got to have vision in solar. We must have a vision for the greater good, for what we want to accomplish. Otherwise, we're just spinning our wheels. So today we're going to be talking about how you can have a greater vision in solar, how can you how you can craft your vision, why it's important. Welcome to the podcast. My name is Taylor Armstrong.
We're here to help you close more deals, generate more leads and referrals, and have a much better time in the solar industry and also creative vision. Hey, hope you're doing awesome. ah We are free and available on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, wherever you can find your podcasts. Thank you for sharing the show. Thank you for leaving a review. That is the only price we asked for. So please do that if you have not already.

Core 4 Leadership Insights

And so I recently got done reading a book that um I recommend to everyone that's in solar. It's called core for leadership. It's by ah our Alec Nethercott. Spoiler alert. I actually just got done recording a podcast with them. It's going to be dropping the very next podcast. So make sure you tune in. um But one of the core for attributes of leaders he talks about and they, we have really, we have to master them all to be an effective leader. So their vision, skill, action character. Um, so I vision intrigued me.
the mole in character just because um and we actually talk about this in the podcast that's coming up here. But ah if you think about it, um skill and action, those are things that we can go out and do.
But if you if you think of character and vision, those are things that's a little bit less tangible. So how do you actually increase your ability? How do you increase your skill and vision? and So it got me thinking we had a discussion on it, but I'm going to share some more ideas with you today of how you can have a greater vision in solar.
And whether you're leading or not, if you don't have this one key piece, if you don't have a vision, then I think you're not going to have success in solar at the end of the day. It doesn't matter if you don't want to be a leader. If you don't have a vision for yourself, for your future in solar, it's going to be very difficult to achieve your goals, to make the money you want to, um to help the homeowners, to close the deals. Very, very, very tough.
yeah So I'm going to talk about three things that I think can help increase vision and three things that um that I have done, that I've seen myself um have a greater vision after doing these three things. and So the first one is just reading books, reading about people that are visionaries. And this again, Alec talks about this in his book, ah Core for Leadership.
But readers are leaders and reading is so important to not only increase in skill and increase on mindset, but also vision. And specifically in this case, when it comes to vision, I think reading about people that have done amazing things. And this is something I took away from the book because for me, I'm reading. Yeah, I read self-development books. I read a sales books, but very rarely do I go read about other, you know, kind of like biography type books.
I think it's really cool to read about people that have had massive visions. um Recently I read, so I guess the most recent example I personally read, was a book about ah Larry H. Miller. He was the first owner of the Utah Jazz. And now that I think of it, this guy had incredible vision. He went out, um barely ah barely enough money to do anything, bought the jazz, and people said it couldn't be done. Utah was a terrible market market for an NBA team. And just with his vision, just with his drive, um he made it so the jazz are staying in Utah pretty much forever at this point. And um you know a lot of other details of that story. But ah go read about people that have a massive vision. right Another book that I'm going to start reading soon.
that Alec recommends in his book is just the biography about Elon Musk, right? You think about people like that, Elon Musk, you know, Bill Gates, these people that are billionaires, most of these people, they have insanely huge visions, right? And if you think of our problems compared to theirs, it's like they're Elon's, he's trying to go to Mars right now. And we're complaining about not getting paid on time.
um about installers not getting the deal in fast enough. right we all got We all got problems, but ah how big are your problems? I think those correlate with how big the vision is. So some of you already know that I run my own door-to-door sales team here in San Diego.

Solar Scout App Introduction

And as we were gearing up for the summer, I realized if we do the same thing we always did, we're going to get the same results. But if I want to increase my deal flow, I need to do something different to get an advantage. Then we discovered an app called Solar Scout.
but it's not a door knocking app, it's a data platform that shows us who is likely to go solar in our market. It shows us who has previously applied for solar but later cancelled the deal, who has moved in recently, and even how much electricity the homes are using in a given neighborhood.
It's been working for a lot of teams across the country and now I'm on board too. I'm gonna be one of the first two Solar Scout in San Diego, so I decided to partner up. But I told them, hey, I'm gonna talk about Solar Scout on my show. You need to give my listeners a great deal, and they did. So go to solarscout forward slash Taylor and book a demo with them and you'll get 10% off your first month when you sign up. That's forward slash Taylor. Okay, back to the show.
So that's the first point. Just go read about these ah visionary people and then look for books that can help also expand your vision. A few other recommendations I would have um are Uh, let's see. Yeah. The 10 X rule by Grant Cardone. Great book for vision man search for me, meaning actually about halfway through that right now. Uh, can't hurt me. David Goggins magic of thinking big. Uh, this is another recommendation by Alec and his book, which I haven't read yet. The other ones I have, but yeah, look for books that can expand that vision. And I believe it'll make it way easier to think bigger.
Okay, number two is when it comes to solar, um just have the belief in solar yourself. Okay, so a few things. If you have a home, go a solar yourself, right? If you don't have the ability, if you're renting, whatever.
Then talk to people that you've helped or talk to customers that maybe your coworkers or maybe other people on your team have helped and just get like real life examples, real life testimonials from them. Who's one of the biggest killers in solar. And one of the biggest reasons people sell a fail, not sell fail is because they don't have belief in their products and they don't have the vision for what solar can be, um, for what our industry can do.
and I've seen i brought on personal friends where they just don't really believe that much in solar and they don't have success. So have that vision for yourself. And this is, I think, speaking more if you are i'm selling the product, right? Just have that belief. This is one of the rules in Grant Cardone's ah Closer Survival Guide. ah One of the biggest takeaways I got from that book is just have that belief and you'll make it pretty far. You'll have you'll close a lot more deals if you have an extreme belief.
hey He talks about being sell or be sold. it Does your belief give you the ability to to push people over the edge when they don't have the belief themselves? right So it's transfer emotions, have the belief, have the vision for your products. And yeah, I don't know what people are doing. If you don't have solar yourself and you have a home, then I don't know how you're and don't know you're selling these things. So make sure you have the product yourself if it's possible.

Enhancing Vision Through Events

And then number three, last but not least, is just go to live events. Podcasts help. Hopefully, listening to this podcast helps you have a bigger vision. I think we bring on some amazing guests that help expand the mindset, expand the vision. But if you can get around some of these people in live events, um that's where I think I've seen myself think bigger than probably anything else.
Hey, when I get around guys like, uh, Michael O'Donnell, um, you know, Ricardo, Richie, that we've both of these guys, we found on the podcast that close and insane amounts of deals. Um, we got door to door con solar con coming up.
They have the golden door award where you see guys that just close like an unfathomable amount of deals. So go to events like these and you can see what other people are doing, what they're thinking. And a lot of times we think that we're thinking big, but as we go to these events, we're like, man, some of these people are thinking so much bigger and than we are. So I would definitely recommend getting to live events when you can. And speaking of door to door con and solar con, they're right around the corner.
And, um, we actually have an exclusive solar printer discount. So if you would like to join us at those events, we will post the code, um, the coupons in the show notes. Um, and right now I think they, they have a bigger discount. Make sure you get it as soon as, but especially in on that one's right around the corner in about a month.
So the discount is bigger right now. So take advantage of it. um Go grab your tickets. And probably if we get enough interest, probably do a little hangout, possibly another event. I did one last year, our referral bootcamp. So we'll see, hit me up if you're going to these events and use our coupon codes.
Um, but yeah, use, make sure you get to events like this. This will help you have an increased vision in solar and have a lot more success than you would otherwise. So those are the three things that I would recommend. And we're going to talk a lot more on this topic of vision and on the other core four principles of leadership in the next podcast with Alec. So make sure you tune in, recorded that podcast, uh, actually just a few hours before the time of this recording.
And just incredible. the I think it's like should be a must read for anyone trying to get into leadership or anyone that wants to become a better leader in solar. So make sure you don't miss out on that one coming up on the next podcast. And for now, the three things that I think you can do today, start increasing the vision, make sure you become a reader, read about other visionaries.
Number two, speaking of solar, get solar yourself. talk to Talk to your customers that have had it for a while and just you see how it's affected them. Hopefully they've had good experiences. yeah If not, then it might be tough to get a good vision from that.
And then number three, go to live events, right? So go grab your tickets to these upcoming door to door con solar con. We'll see you there. Thanks for tuning in on the episode today. Hope you crushed lots of deals this week and the rest of this year, depending on when you're listening to this and we'll see you on the next podcast. Peace out.

Solarpreneur Episode Cheat Sheet Announcement

What's up, solarpreneurs? Hope you enjoyed the episode. Before you run out and start selling more solar yourself, wanted to let you know about an exciting new cheat sheet we created specifically for you in mind. One of the top questions I get asked on Instagram, on Facebook, by our listeners is, Taylor, where should I start? What episode should I listen to in the podcast? You got too many podcasts, man, because now we have over 200 episodes.
So what we've done, we created the top 10 most downloaded, most listened to, and I would say widely accepted, most useful podcasts that we've done here on solar printer. We put them together all in one sheet. So you can go, you can hit the ground running, especially if you're new, you do not want to not have this sheet.
So go download it right now. It's going to be a top 10 Again, that's top 10, the number 10 Don't forget the S on solarpreneurs. We will have that in the show notes. Go download it right now. And especially if you have not listened to him, go listen to him and you can re listen to him. That's going to show you how. So go download it and we'll see you on the other side.