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Episode 036 - Arsenal & West Ham Combined XI?! Crossover Thursday with Arsenal!  image

Episode 036 - Arsenal & West Ham Combined XI?! Crossover Thursday with Arsenal!

S1 E36 · Daily West Ham
15 Plays3 months ago

In todays crossover Thursday, Tom and Josh are joined by Josh Vince from GSPN Arsenal! They discuss the upcoming game at the London stadium this weekend. With questions around their respective managers and a combined XI, this episode is a great one!

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Introduction of Hosts and West Ham Discussion

Josh Keech
Hello everyone and welcome to another GSPN Daily West Ham episode joined with Tom Elkins today and another Josh that isn't me. How are you guys worth doing?
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, really good, mate.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Not bad at all. Good to see another Josh.
Josh Keech
I know its fill there's loads of us here at GSPN but it always keeps it hard to ah remember who's who who's which Josh basically. Now obviously viewers will know that they've got the best Josh today but ah
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Oh, okay.
Josh Keech
ah Only joking. We've got the two best matches at ESPN here today. that's That's how it should be.

Arsenal vs. West Ham: Pre-Match Analysis

Josh Keech
ah Now, as you say, it's a crossover episode today here, joined with Josh from Arsenal, obviously for the upcoming fixture ahead. Now, ah we're going to be a bit happy, ah obviously on our happy bounce against the Newcastle game, and you guys have had some great fixtures and results recently. you know it's been Tricky bit earlier on in the month, but actually all in all still looking quite hopeful So it's gonna be interesting talking about how we're expecting people to shape up later But I believe first first sort of put a cool raise bit of news regarding both teams how everyone's doing and how everyone's feeling
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Yeah, 100%. I mean, from from the Arsenal perspective, obviously, ah we're recording this on when Wednesday.

Celebrating Wins: Arsenal and West Ham Highlights

Josh Vince - Arsenal
We beat Sporting 5-1 last night ah when Manchester City dropped a three goal lead as well. So it was just it was kind of like a double joyous evening for us as Arsenal fans. um But I have to say, I was saying to Tom just before we started, your result against Newcastle was incredible.
Josh Keech
not Yeah, it's baffling. I'm so surprised myself. It is such a great performance compared to what we've usually seen.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, definitely. I think the the one thing that is is so much better is the fact that basically no one gave us

Underrated Performances and Game Predictions

Global Sports Podcast Network
a chance. And I think that really, especially in this game, this Arsenal game, I feel like we're coming into it and people are being a bit like, oh well, everyone wrote them off against Newcastle and they beat them 2-0 pretty convincingly. So I think it's going to make everyone a lot more tentative when they come to predict the result of this game.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
I think so. I think so. Well, it was the same thing. Theo Walker on the Sky Sports commentary, before the quote for the game was him saying, oh, they've got absolutely no chance.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
And then they cut to him at the end of the game and they go, Theo, what happened there? And he goes, oh god, I got that completely wrong. I think it's so easy to make it seem like there is absolutely no chance. and in all likelihood it's going to be very difficult for us to get anything out of this game but after that performance against Newcastle there's clearly something that's improved there's something that's happened in that game that has meant that all of the the different cogs have clicked together and we've actually produced a really really good performance so if we play in the same way there's no reason to why we can't get something out of this game
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I mean, to have done it away from home as well, and then you're going to be playing us at home. I mean, that should hopefully think from your perspective anyway, that you'd be bringing that form forward.
Josh Keech
Yeah, it's ah it's it's always an interesting one though, whenever we line up against you guys. I know last year, if we if we look at a bit of a pass record, which is always the scariest point, obviously, yes, there was the there was a very awful game.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
But I do remember last year when we said, you know, what we could feel a result was coming and there was that game early towards Christmas where we had the, it was 2-2, wasn't it? I think it was, where it was a bit more of a, ah what what we but hopefully we'll be expecting a similar kind of result, hopefully this time around.
Josh Keech
maybe even a cheeky win, who knows. But ah but yeah, it was a very interesting the last couple of recent fixes we've had against you guys. And hopefully, I mean, both teams are on a bit of a bounce of happiness at the moment with some good results. So it's going to be very nervy, I think, going into the weekend.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Well, I actually have a bit of ah an axe to grind about last year.

Arsenal's Past Struggles Against West Ham

Josh Vince - Arsenal
We were very, very close to finally winning the league after 19 years. We missed out by two points.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
If we hadn't have lost against you at the Emirates 2-0, it would have been fine.
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
You guys, um I mean, I count obviously Fulham and Villa, I blame them as well, but you're included in it too. And so, I look at West Ham and I feel a small bubbling rage, and admittedly, like you said, we did get our revenge with, ah what was it, let's let's just double check, my facts, that was it, six nil.
Josh Keech
it's so
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Six nil, the last time that we were at the London Stadium. um And who was it, Saliba, Saka got to Gabrielle, Trossard and Declan, oh yeah, oh yeah, I do remember that.
Josh Keech
Yeah, I hope to bet.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Yeah, I didn't mean to dig that knife in too hard, but when, I have to ask, because I've not met many West Ham fans in the last few years, when that happened and he sold rice to us for, you know, the absurd amount of money, did it feel like you were getting a good deal? Did it feel like it was time for him to go or he still does it still hurt?

Declan Rice Transfer: Impact on West Ham

Josh Keech
ah Do you want to take this on me, Tom? I don't mind. I think we've both got a similar opinion on this one.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, I think the opinion is similar. It's just, is it a good deal? Like, it's probably the best deal that we were gonna get. And on this on you know on the face of it, it is a good amount of money for a player that is so difficult to convince someone of that quality to stay at your club.
Global Sports Podcast Network
you know He's obviously far better than what the means we were able to give him when it comes to like you know European football.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
And if he wanted to consistently play for England, he was gonna have to play against better opponents on a more consistent basis. So, you know, it's, is it what we wanted? No, but is it kind of the best we were going to get out of the situation?
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yes. And, you know, it was a really good fee and we were able to reinvest that money really well. And I don't think he left on bad terms. Like he stayed longer than he could have done. He could have had one season where he played really well and then gone straight away, but he didn't, he stayed with us for a few years.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
He got us a European trophy and then he left the big money. So what can you really ask for more than that? You know,
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I mean as West Ham fans you've enjoyed European trophies much sooner

West Ham's European Success and Challenges

Josh Vince - Arsenal
than we have. I mean that must have been um must have been awesome that night.
Josh Keech
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
Global Sports Podcast Network
I think it's also, it's also a much more difficult competition to win than people give it credit for but because, you know, us and Villa were in it. Was it last year or the year before? And did they win it?
Global Sports Podcast Network
No. And you'd think that they were a much better squad on paper than what we had. So it's not really the sort of joke competition that everyone calls it to be because it is it's a difficult thing to win.
Josh Keech
ah couldn't have said it better myself. I think even as you're right, Villa have been in it, even I think both of our shared rivals of Spurs had their turn in and didn't do too well.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
And they had Kane still that time. So it was even more depressing for them that they couldn't get anything out of it. So it's, I mean, it was it's one of those where I think everyone gives it a bit of an easy look going, Oh, yeah, it's easy. Have a go. But I think I think we really did show how our team at that point was next level in comparison. And we talked about our current team versus that. And yes, the players sound, you know, the levels of players now the difference is such such an amazing difference. But equally as well is the way we form because we went unbeaten for so long in it that it was almost this kind of even with the openly beforehand, it was a very similar team that it was almost shocking how
Josh Keech
We had this brilliant result and every player was playing at I would say their best which was the best thing I think to enjoy that's why fortunately I was with Tom on that night So when we did win it was a very very reality from both of us
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I can only imagine. yeah if We haven't had many of them to enjoy yet, but it's coming. I can feel

Shared Dislike for Tottenham

Josh Vince - Arsenal
it's coming. By the way, I mean the joint disdain for Spurs. That's something I didn't even think about. It's it's it's nice to meet fellow GSP owners who have a similar sort of like dislike for the Tottenham.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
and especially since Harry's left as well. They've just been such a weird team, especially with what they what they did at the weekend as well.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, really strange.
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
like I live in Manchester. I lived down the road from the Etihad. It was pure empty-eyed energy by the end of that game. like The streets were filled with supporters leaving early. It was hilarious, quite frankly.
Josh Keech
Yeah, it's it's a weird one, i isn't it? the moment and I can always, you know, they have some changes and I know that they're looking, they're going through this period. of And obviously a good result recently for them as well. They had that blinder. So that was a very unexpected, but I always love it when I see some brilliant Tottenham, Tottenham memes, I can always send to the ESPN.
Josh Keech
I mean, I'm always in charge of sending those their way from our account. It's the, uh, the best entertainment I always get, but it's, uh, yeah, it's always brilliant having that shared while we're against them, but, uh, but yeah,
Josh Vince - Arsenal
We will always back you up on that. We'll always back you up on those memes, don't worry. He'll get the reactions from us.

Sponsor Message

Josh Keech
Now before we go into our next section, I believe it's time for a brief word from one of our sponsors.

Can Arteta Lead Arsenal to the Title?

Josh Keech
right then now i've heard tom that you've got a couple of questions that you've got for our amazing arsenal counterpart here about the typical day in an arsenal fan life uh i can't imagine it's from my my imagining it can't be very uh very positive but you know must
Global Sports Podcast Network
um I think for me the main one is there's always so much kind of discourse about is Arteta the guy to win Arsenal a Premier League and people keep questioning oh you know he hasn't done it yet all the money all of this stuff from my point of view is I don't like he's got closer than anyone else so why do you think that someone else is gonna do better than him that's kind of my opinion but what is what's your opinion on that whole kind of debate
Josh Vince - Arsenal
So the yeah, the Arteta Discourse is really interesting at the moment because especially when we were going through why about a month ago or so, it was towards the beginning of November, we were going through a bit of a rough patch and there's no getting around it, you know, lost ofborn um we lost we lost away again to Newcastle, we had some really rough performances, we weren't playing very well, we weren't penetrating through the middle and you know every team goes through those periods we had a few big injuries as well i'm not going to blame the injuries because i hate when teams blame injuries on bad performances you're a football club with millions of pounds you should have backups and we just didn't have good but good enough backups that was our fault but
Josh Vince - Arsenal
The discourse around him out, a lot of Arsenal fans have picked up on that and you know it's not like Arsenal fans to want their manager out at any point. you know Arsenal Fan TV is a person perfectly normal, reputable station with completely normal chilled views.
Global Sports Podcast Network
yeah ah Definitely speaks for Arsenal fans as well, doesn't it?
Josh Vince - Arsenal
ah ah All Arsenal fans, yes, they they speak the gospel truth and we all pray to them every night. but no um Regarding Arteta, like you say, he's come closer than anybody else apart from Jurgen Klopp, who ultimately did it in the time that Pep Guardiola has been around.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
He's been trained by, I mean, I don't think anybody can deny the best manager in the world, despite the weird comments that he came out with after last night about hurting himself, which was really uncomfortable and weird.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, it's difficult watch isn't it?
Josh Vince - Arsenal
um Yeah, he's not a dude.
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I don't think there's any getting around that with Pep. But he trained Arteta, and Arteta has developed his own style. And he's still young. It's his first job. Can he do it? I think he can. I honestly think he can.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I think when you're looking at the managers in the Premier League at the moment, Slott is doing way too well. It's just been weird. But he's the only one that I can really see challenging for a title still.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
So yeah, I'm very much Arteta-rin.

Evaluating Lopategi's Management at West Ham

Josh Vince - Arsenal
But on the on the note of managers, I wanted to switch this around and ask you guys a question too. Lopategi's been under a lot of pressure and I'll be honest when he was announced as coming in when we were doing our predictions for the start of the season a lot of us thought that West Ham would absolutely fly with him.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
um It's not been brilliant, I guess. I mean, I'm looking at, looking at the form table now. What you've got, uh, four, five wins in, is it five wins in the preem? No, four wins in the preem. He's done okay. But he's been under a lot of pressure. What do you guys make a Lopategi? And should he be sticking around?
Josh Keech
um i'll so I'll start with that and I think Tom will probably back me up with a similar thing to what I say in Echo.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
um First of all, we've had loads of injuries, it's been rough, it's been at like though we haven't we haven't had that many injuries that have caused particular worry to the squad. I think where our particular challenges come is obviously we've got a few new managers in the league, obviously as you say Slott's been doing really well and I think everyone's kind of expecting new manager in.
Josh Keech
teething to start with, that those kind of problems of getting settled, get new new transfers in as well.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
But yeah, that hasn't happened with Liverpool, but I'd say it probably has happened a lot more than we expected with us. You know, Lopategi's had the preseason time as well as obviously all this time in the Premier League now.
Josh Keech
And I think we're kind of, we're still in the kind of lopin lop-in, lop-out. i think I think we're still lop-in, to be honest, um from from our thoughts anyway, because the realistically he needs the time and the Newcastle result shows it.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
The the couple of wins we've had before that have been good games.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
I'm thinking Crystal Palace we shot like ages ago, which is the first one. Ipswich as well, which should be a win. there's been the results where you look and go, you know, there should be things that be happening. You know, I think that Everton game, which was absolutely woeful in terms of performance where you think that should be that should be three points.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
But but it isn't. And that's when you look. And that's when obviously the question marks revolve around the manager. But I, I thoroughly think time's the biggest thing. And we've, we've also, I think if you if you ask in terms of our signings as well, that's the other big thing that happened this season.
Josh Keech
And I think it's It's almost like you've had a ah a million pounds, ah so much money to spend on transfers. You've got a career mode season where you've just signed so many people and getting them all integrated as well as the manager can obviously you know take more time.
Josh Keech
That's that's my thoughts anyway. I don't know how much that differs from you, Tom.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
do do you Sorry to jump in very quickly, Tom, do you reckon that sort of like the fact that he's a new manager and the comparisons probably being made with like Herzler at Brighton and Mareska at Chelsea is making it harder for him to convince people because they've done such a good job and he's struggled a little bit.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, I think so. It's really difficult, West Ham, because under Moyes, we very much played a certain way. And Lopategi has come in and he's tried to kind of change the foundations of how we want to play football.
Global Sports Podcast Network
so when actually developing a squad that wants to play that way it's understandable that it does take a little bit more time like if you look at Brighton they've never like obviously maybe in the past when they've been in the championship but since they've been in the Premier League they've been a very positive football club in the way that they play it they play positively but you know under more is the time where we had our most success it we didn't really play very positively we were quite defensive and we looked to break on the counter attack so
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
the comparisons i feel like are kind of harsh because we've completely changed the way that we want to play football so it's obviously going to take more time and it's going to be more difficult to make that transition and obviously we've had a massive squad overhaul you know i think most people kind of agreed that we had one of the best windows if not the best with the signings that we made compared to a lot of the other teams around us um
Josh Vince - Arsenal

Tactical Changes and Future Prospects for West Ham

Global Sports Podcast Network
and then after all of that
Global Sports Podcast Network
in the beginning of the season, we just weren't seeing the kind of progression in tactical ability of the team that we should have done. If you actually look at the performances or the results, they're not terrible, but it's how we actually played in those games that was the most alarming part. Like we weren't showing any sort of tactical development. It was all just kind of really disjointed poor play. And then when we got late into games and you know, we've managed to score quite a few goals late on in games, which is one of the things that saved us.
Global Sports Podcast Network
all of the players that were Mois players seem to revert back to the old style of kind of being more direct. we' you know When you look at the stats on like how many direct passes we played, how many long balls, we're up for there with the best of them in the league for playing long balls over the top. um So that's The reason that I think a lot of West Ham fans have been frustrated with Lopategi because we've not seen the tactical changes that we thought he was going to make.
Global Sports Podcast Network
And it's it's probably only in this Newcastle game that we've just seen.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
where we've actually outplayed a good team. Because you look at the other wins, we played Crystal Palace and they were pretty poor, to be honest. And we beat them, not because we were amazing, but just because they weren't great.
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
Ipswich, kind of a similar thing, you know, like, that was better from us, but it wasn't us being amazing. It was just them not being great. But this Newcastle team, like, they played pretty well in the first half. They had a lot of chances. And then in the second half, we just completely nullified them.
Global Sports Podcast Network
The way that we were playing the kind of short, intricate passes and holding onto the ball is something that we've not seen. And that's the sort of style that Lopategi's been trying to bring. So the fact that we actually have seen it in this Newcastle game, that personally gives me a lot of hope for just having faith in what he's trying to bring to the players and to the team is is working. If you go, I mean, I think Josh probably agrees with me. I'd assume.
Josh Keech
Yeah, spot on to be honest. I couldn't agree more with that. I think that's, you've you' painted it quite well there with the day in the life of West Ham Payne, but and yeah.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Have you got any other questions regarding Arsenal? I'm kind of curious. You said you had a couple, Tom, and I want to know what the but the digging for dirt is.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, so this is ah this this might slightly transfer into um some of the the later stuff we've got to do in this podcast. But I always question why Trossard doesn't play more.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
Because in my mind, I think he's a better player than Martinelli.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
oh no
Global Sports Podcast Network
And he just, and he doesn't, he doesn't seem to play as much as I thought he would. Like he's whenever he plays, he seems to really positively contribute, but then I don't really hear as much positivity about Martinelli, but he seems to play every game. ah I don't, it's confusing. I might be wrong, but
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Okay, so what you've done there, Tom, is hit on a really sore spot. Because and in the Daily Arsenal podcast, there's two, there's there's another Josh. We have Josh Duncan on the Daily Arsenal podcast, and um he can't stand Kai Havers.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
He thinks Kai Havers is a waste of time. I can't stand Leandro Trossard.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Yes, we both have players that we cannot stand.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Oh wow.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
um think I think his attitude is poor.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I don't think he's technically gifted as Martinelli.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I don't think he brings as much difference as Martinelli does particularly. I think Martinelli has a gift in the Arsenal squad that none of our other players do. I think Trossard occasionally tries to be a little bit too much like Erdegaard in breaking those lines, but he doesn't quite have the skill set.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
And um they argue that Trossard is the best finisher at the club. but Guy Osaka is much better than Leandro Trossard.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Wow. Yeah, I was going to say, yeah.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Guy Osaka is light years ahead of him. So I have to disagree with

Martinelli vs. Trossard: Arsenal Squad Debate

Josh Vince - Arsenal
you, Tom, quite emphatically, I'm afraid.
Global Sports Podcast Network
No, that's completely fair.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
um I think Martinelli, he's been at the club for years and I've loved him ever since. He's had up and downs, definitely. He wasn't in the best of form earlier this season either.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
And last year he was suffering with a really bad injury. I think he could be a world-beater, but he just needs that bit of consistency in there. And very quickly, I know we're going to move on to another section in just a second, but I have to ask you guys, your front line, in in particular your central options, I mean Antonio Ings, Bowen occasionally plays down the middle I think as well, doesn't he?

West Ham's Quest for a Consistent Striker

Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Vince - Arsenal
People are saying that Arsenal lack somebody central who can do the job for them. When I look at those two, Antonio's a good player, but he's not brilliant. Danny Ings has struggled to prove himself at most clubs he's been at. Do you need someone new in there?
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Have I hit on a sore spot now as well?
Josh Keech
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, so yeah.
Josh Keech
Yeah. Well, it's funny because I was going to say, what do you think is missing for the Arsenal team is we'll stop you getting a Premier League title, which I imagine was going to be a solid Ireland 3.0.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
Someone like that with that just scoring prowess.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Oh yeah.
Josh Keech
And that's our biggest curses at striker with the amount of people that we've signed at striker that haven't particularly fitted in with the correct the system the manager's had matches the profile of what we need but doesn't get settled well.
Josh Keech
It's something that's our biggest problem. And it's something we were talking about earlier about the window with it coming up and what we can potentially look at doing because that is our biggest problem. We signed full credit at the start of the window, injured, has played about an hour.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Oh my god, you did, didn't you? Yeah, I completely forgot about that.
Josh Keech
forgotten forgotten miss and player
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, a lot of people already did.
Josh Keech
he sits He sits in the bag with, Corne was the other one as well, that you signed and he just forgot he forgot he even played at the moment. it's It's a situation that's rather worrying because we need to score more goals. and i you know We were talking today about whether Bowen should play more up top and we have differing opinions on that, actually me and Tom, which is quite interesting. But um but yeah, i think I think that's one of our biggest problems, is we have to get yeah goals on the board.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Who would you have if you could
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Like realistic-ish signing, who would you have if you could?
Josh Keech
tricky. So the recent news is that we've been looking at Evan Ferguson for loan for the rest of the season, which I wouldn't mind.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
That'd be great.
Global Sports Podcast Network
which will be so good.
Josh Keech
That's a really good signing.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
That'd be brilliant.
Josh Keech
And then we were discussing as well today that the other kind of two links that have been around for a little bit of time was Tammy Abraham was one of them.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
um Oh.
Josh Keech
and then uh and then lookman was the other one potentially as well which i we think all of those would be viable options and uh kind of realistic ish transfers if you saw them in their right merit but with respect to the money we've got that's the big question of what we can spend so yeah i think tony abon's probably the cheapest one there because of the fact that roamer uh 10th so yeah
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Lookman would be pricey with the way I had to land to a plane at the moment.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
He would be very very pricey but I think Yeah, I think Ferguson's a brilliant shell Ferguson alone for you guys would be superb.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
It's exactly the sort of signing you need really Yeah Yeah
Josh Keech
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, the the only problem with it is, it's the issue we've had with loan players in the past. If we're getting a loan player, we have to have an option to buy and it has to not be extortionate because I hate it when yeah you have a player on loan like Jesse Lingard is the perfect example.
Global Sports Podcast Network
If we'd had like a suitable loan to buy, We could have just snapped him up straight away and we would have kept him, but then there was like contract issues and couldn't agree on a price. So then it, it drags out and it doesn't happen.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
And that's the kind of frustrating thing you don't want to get into because I think he would flourish at West Ham so much because I think they're so like, I think one of the sack is like the perfect example of players that come from a club where they're not doing well.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
They come to West Ham and they're given the freedom and they're given the opportunity to play and they do really well. So. Yeah, I'd love it. We just need to get an option to buy in there because I'd hate to have him him do really well for half a season and then go back to Brighton and start banging him in and us be like, why did we not buy him?
Josh Vince - Arsenal
yeah It'd be a pricey option to buy though for him. I mean, weren't they talking about a hundred million like a season or two ago or something ridiculous.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, but I think if if we could maybe do some sort of some sort of like sell on clause or have something in the contract that means that maybe like performance based like add-ons or something like that, that mean if he doesn't do as well, then we don't have to pay as much.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
I think that kind of hopefully be the way that we go with it.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Fair enough.
Josh Keech
Yeah. Now I believe it's time for our final section where we're going to be doing a combined 11 of the both squads we went to the weekend where me and Tom are going to be fighting for our lives to get some of our players in there. But before we do, it's time for a word from one of our final sponsors.

Creating a Combined Arsenal and West Ham Team

Josh Keech
Right then now combined 11.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Lovely echo.
Josh Keech
I know. That's it. It's uh, it's going to be a tricky one for us, I think, to go through here, but we're going to do our best. I think there's a couple of players we both know in mind of where we can try and maybe convince a couple in maybe, but uh, but yeah, I mean, do I just work from the the the bottom work away up to, up to the forwards?
Josh Vince - Arsenal
That sounds good to me.
Josh Keech
Okay then. Well, I guess goalkeeper to start with.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Nice and easy, Lukas Fabianski.
Josh Keech
and Yeah.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Ex-Arsenal player.
Josh Keech
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
There we go. Happy to have them back. I was literally looking at the goalkeeping stats now. That looks like a slight problem area for you as well because Fermianski is getting on a bit.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Ario, the save percentage is 56%. It's not very good. is it Is it a concern for you guys?
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
The goalkeeping?
Global Sports Podcast Network
I don't know if it is massively, to be honest. um It's been really difficult because I think if you looked at most of our players' stats this season, they're all gonna be pretty poor.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
But when when you you look you look at how we've actually played, it's not been great.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
So any one individual player criticising their performances is, I don't think it kind of lends to the full picture of what's happened for them, like how they've been. if And our three of our four back four are new signings.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
That's fair enough.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
you know though Defenses it takes time to build any sort of good partnership So it's not the end of the world and Fabianzky's actually played really well this is I know it's kind of joke, but he genuinely hasn't been really good Yeah, I
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
he's a good He's a good goalkeeper, Fabianski. I always liked him at Arsenal, but ah I'm afraid I can't see past David Ryder at the moment.
Global Sports Podcast Network
think that's fair I mean, I think it would be
Josh Keech
That was fair enough, yeah.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
he's been He's had an exceptional season.
Global Sports Podcast Network
I think both of our keepers are better than your backup keeper. So I'd say it'd be Raya first, and then either of our two, and then whoever, I don't even know who your second choice keeper is right now.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Oh, yeah. It's Netto at the moment.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Oh, is it?
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Yeah, that's what I like. But I would actually have Fabianzky as the second choice.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Honestly, yeah, I'd have him as the backup.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Okay, we'll take that. That's a win. if We can take that.
Josh Keech
Yeah, that's it.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
That's a win.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
It's a win and a sneaky arsenal win because he was one of ours.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
but and I think defense is going to be a tough one for us as well based on the current season. The only thing I'll highlight, probably not as ah not as a main starter in this this combined 11, but I think out of all of our transfers, probably one of our most the stats won't show it, but Kilman's been one of probably our better, most settled signings so far.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
I think it's probably my, my contribution, but I think it's a bit unjust that he's not been at least selected to go on internationals, even though it's been a tough time.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
And I imagine that's probably why with our team's form, but I think yeah out of everyone who signed, he's looked up like one of the most solid players we've had so far that have got settled quickly. He was, I think from that he was started in the preseason and the very first game and looked absolutely rock solid.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I like Kilman, I'm not gonna lie. Andy, I think it was a brilliant signing for you guys too. It was quite pricey, wouldn't he?
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, like 45 million.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Holy, that's more than Arsenal have ever sold a player for.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, a lot of catalyzed.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
35 million is our record sale price.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Blimey. Flippin' Hank.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Alex Oxley, Chamberlain. but So who who are you your wing backs at the moment? So obviously it's um Wambasaka and, is it Creswell?
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Emerson. Okay, because that's the only place that we've got potential issues because we've had so many injuries with a sort of left that, but I think I'd still possibly have to put California over them.
Josh Keech
Global Sports Podcast Network
See, I would actually go with Wambasaka at left-back because he's played there a lot for us this season when...
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
um Because Emerson hasn't always been massively fit. So we've kind of taken Emerson off, put Wambasaka at left-back and had Kufail on at right-back. And he's been so good for us.
Global Sports Podcast Network
I think the one thing that you don't even realize or I didn't realize before he came to West Ham is how good he is attacking. He's so creative and... because of his kind of physical attributes, he's so strong and he's so quick that he he really is able to beat a man.
Global Sports Podcast Network
And I don't think that's anything that anyone expected from him because he's known as the kind of one-on-one defending monster, but he's actually been really good going forward. So I think I probably would argue that Wamba Saka should go left back to be honest.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Do you know what? That was quite a convincing argument.
Josh Keech
ah Yeah, well, he sold me and not that I'm biased.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
And ah right I can't let Gabrielle and Saliba be shifted from the centre back positions.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, that's fair.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
That's left back because it's been so choppy and changing for Arsenal and he has been consistent.
Josh Keech
That's valid, yeah.
Global Sports Podcast Network
ah That's understandable.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Yeah, let's just do it. Aaron won Basaka, a left back.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
And then right, i even though he's just got injured, Ben White's been great for us this season too.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
So I'd be struggled to convince me to move Ben White out of the team.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, no, that's that's fair.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
You can, yeah.
Global Sports Podcast Network
I don't think there's much other things there.
Josh Keech
Yeah, I have no arguments. I think that's that's all completely valid.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Yeah, all right, Basaka.
Josh Keech
And yeah, well but that that's another win for us actually. That's a result. that's ah ah um ah the is a so And one for Suck is a good start so far.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
We've got to take them, we've got to take them.
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Look, you've got another Josh on the podcast.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I'm going to be gracious when there's another Josh here.
Josh Keech
I guess midfield then is going to be a bit of an intro. I mean, ah midfield wise, for us, well, Tom's best mate is Guido Rodriguez. It's just in case you know. But i I think the only case for a player maybe I can make, but I still don't think, I think that's not justice for us really is.
Josh Keech
Packetile last season, not this season. And the spell and I think Alvarez has been good for us. I think he's one of those underrated CDMs as the Rice replacement and has actually put the shift in and considering the the the difference in price tags alone.
Josh Keech
He's been very good value for money and considering, but I know that we've not had our best performances across the back of the midfield.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
okay the thing is again we've got we've had a bit of chopping and changing the refill with injury i think rice has to go in which could satisfy both parties you know we both feel we both feel quite good about rice going in
Josh Keech
So I'm open to controversial opinions.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, that's okay.
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I will not be convinced that despite his injury that Martin Idegard can't be in the best 11.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
He's phenomenal. I am potentially willing to concede the left side of my fielder. Because Marino hasn't proved it to me yet.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, it is difficult because if we were talking about just players, Paquette is definitely in there, 100%.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Yeah. Yeah.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Like on his day, he is an absolute world beater.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Yeah. It's exactly who I was thinking.
Global Sports Podcast Network
But if you're going on kind of consistency and like actually really underrated, Thomas Sucek in there, I think does very well.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I like him.
Global Sports Podcast Network
He is so good. And the goals, I don't know how he seems to always be in a good position to score a goal, but he's been so consistent at it.
Global Sports Podcast Network
providing when we really need him. And I think the other thing is the set pieces. He is unbelievably good at set pieces. You see the the Newcastle set piece where we scored the first goal.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
His movement, he he like makes a forward run and then takes a setback and then takes a set forward. And the defenders just don't know what to do with him because they have not seen someone move like that before. And it's our first set piece and he bangs it right in the goal.
Global Sports Podcast Network
So I think Thomas Ucek maybe would be the one this season, but if we just go and play it, it would be Paquetta.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I mean, I'm actually willing, i I'd be, I like Sucek, but I'd be happy to have Paquetta in the combined 11. I think he'd be, I think he's good enough for it.
Josh Keech
I think even the Newcastle game, Paquetta was like top of all the stats. So you can say just off this week, he'd have the reason to go in.
Global Sports Podcast Network
after you really good yeah this is
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Go on, off this week, stick him in.
Josh Keech
you that said yeah no yeah That's That's all that matters. No, that's perfect. Well, at least at least we've got some, there's been some good negotiations here. I'm loving it. I'm all there for it.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
Now forwards is where I think we've got ah the biggest, this is our biggest case to be honest, because I think, I think, one I think
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
It's hard because we've got two brilliant players.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Okay. Okay.
Josh Keech
so the The natural ones for me that I'm going to be, I'm going to say Dallyings.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
oh both Bowen and Kudas are out to the greatest propositions here of who should be going in in from our side at least anyway.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
Obviously i'm I'm scared anyway and I've been saying at the time that i'm I can easily see Kudas getting poached off us by someone at the end of the season because of the quality of the player he is.
Josh Keech
it's It's just been different gravy is the best way of saying it to be honest because I can see him in a Liverpool share, I can see him in all of them and it horrifies me anyway because of how good he is. so
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
ah Yeah, same with obviously, you know, packet are minus what's been going on. He was looking at Man City beforehand, but he's that player. You know, I think that he he generates a case of his own in terms of his instant settling in the Premier League and and doing a solid job for us last season and this one.
Josh Keech
Bowen as well is the one I think we always preach about is the underrated player that goes under the radar. You know, he doesn't play for England as much as he probably should do in our argument. But equally, I think he lights up in the Premier League just as much as he did.
Josh Keech
One of the big arguments we always say is regarding Bowen, Sacher and Salah because they all play a similar profile position. And I think we had a stat towards the start of the season about if you look at from last year onwards, I think he had a combined assist total more than Salah.
Josh Keech
So for us, it was like, well, no one's
Josh Vince - Arsenal
wow Wow.
Josh Keech
no No one's saying anything, but we're staying really quiet because we don't want him to leave either.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Thing is, with Kudos, I can entirely see your point. He's a phenomenal player, but considering he's going to be wearing an Arsenal shirt in January, his point was putting him in this... and you like I think it's an 80 million price tag or something like that.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
The West Hammers slapped on him.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, it'll be a lot.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
It'll be a hell of a lot of money.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
um I want him as Saka competition.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
You won't be a starter.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Saka starts ahead of him.
Global Sports Podcast Network
See, I, I, ah but I would actually put my mouth up. I think he's better than, I think he's better than Martinelli.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
You put them on the left.
Global Sports Podcast Network
I actually do.
Josh Keech
Yeah, I agree with that as well.
Global Sports Podcast Network
I think he's better than Martinelli. You look at, you look at the instant impact he has and his, his dribble numbers are ridiculous.
Josh Keech
I agree.
Global Sports Podcast Network
I think it was last season, he had like 30 or 40 more successful take-ons than the second best person. Like he's unbelievably good. And I think in a team with better players, he would completely flourish because for us, he's got to do so much like hard defensive work. And when we are playing poorly in games, his his work rate and his tenacity really helped defensively. But yeah, going forward, he is unbelievably good. And he he will he can be absolutely anyone, which is so fun to watch.
Josh Keech
And the big bo go um yeah the bigger the biggest ah just point with us is he scored against the city with an incredible bicycle kick.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
So we're not, go on. Go, go.
Josh Keech
And you know that he can if he can score against the city, that's what you guys need.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Oh yeah.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
That is very true. That's very true.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I mean, we're we're not considering Raheem Sterling in any of this.
Global Sports Podcast Network
No, audit things I I think
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
Nope. like
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Do you know what? The thing is. You make really good points. he He is. He's a better player than Martin Ali. He is. I love Martin. I think I'm just, I'm stuck on my love of the player.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Saka's not moving from the right though. I'm sorry.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, no, that's fair.
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Saka is.
Global Sports Podcast Network
What I would say is, why don't we put Bowen up front, up front, because this is a conversation we've been having about whether we should play Bowen up front.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Yeah. Down the middle.
Global Sports Podcast Network
And I always say no, because the kind of defensive work that he puts in for us is amazing.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
And our second best option playing in that role, I don't think he's as good. But when you've if we've got Saka there, it's someone that is obviously unbelievable in that role.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
yeah yeah
Josh Keech
That's fine.
Global Sports Podcast Network
And I think that would then allow Bowen to play so well up front, being like the target, like not the target man, but like leading the line. I think because of how direct he is, if you actually watch him play, he is unbelievably direct.
Global Sports Podcast Network
I don't see many players like him in the league these days, to be honest. like technically, he's not really skillful. And you know, if he was on FIFA, he's not got five star skill moves. But he is so like single minded when it comes to beating someone and getting a shot off. He does it so consistently. The the trademark bow and goal is him like cutting in off the right and pinging it top bins with his left foot. And he does it time and time and time again. He did it in the um in the game against it's Ipswich this season.
Global Sports Podcast Network
And he's just so good, and I think he would be so good up front. And I think he's better than Havert up front. I think he is. I don't think Havert is really that great of a striker.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Global Sports Podcast Network
I think he's a good football player, which allows him to do well up front.
Global Sports Podcast Network
But if you're actually looking at someone who's like goals, goals, goals, Bowen is definitely going to get more goals than Havert.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I mean, even just looking at the stats now, what, six goals and assists this season in the prem compared to the five of Havoc's as well.
Josh Keech
This is, yeah.
Josh Keech
Yeah, our biggest argument before the, obviously all the or the big national cups at the moment is that the reason we think Bowen should be going and playing more is, well, last year we were saying that I think towards the end of the season, Bowen and Saka finished on the same goals and assists, but Bowen didn't have a penalty.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
So that was the, that's the, that was the big difference. And that's not what I'm saying. ah promise I promise. I actually really rate Saka, but it was that they both finished on a similar numbers, except I think we had a higher ratio of open goals was the was the difference.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
But but that was, you know, it shows it that all the players are up there in their caliber.
Josh Keech
Oh, yeah, we've been saying today, Bowen down the middle. I say, yes, Tom says no, but can half agree with me. And then given kudos, we said kudos at camp because you could do it at Ajax.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
Yeah, it's it's not unheard of.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Blimey. Okay.
Josh Keech
It's not unheard of. But I don't think he fits in the team that way for Arsenal. But
Josh Vince - Arsenal
You know, this is going to make Joshua Duncan's day on the Daily Arsenal podcast, but I, I will concede have it for Jared Bowen up in the middle, which is more West Ham players than I thought would get into this

Episode Wrap-Up and Promotions

Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Vince - Arsenal
I'm not going to lie to you lads.
Global Sports Podcast Network
That squad is really strong, by the way. That front three is really dangerous.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
and Yeah.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
That's terrifying.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Really dangerous.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Saka, Kudas, Bowen down the middle with Erdogan feeding them in behind and Packeter as well.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
That's filthy.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
That's that is Phil.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Really tasty thing. I think it's it's actually closer to happening than what I'd like to be honest, if you do end up styling Kudos.
Josh Keech
Global Sports Podcast Network
Just get to write us another big old check that we can hopefully sign the next Kudos and the next, you know, whoever's gonna actually make us that money back, basically.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Hey, you know, it's fine.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
You can sign three more centre forwards in their thirties. That's fine.
Josh Keech
You're going to need to give us.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Josh Keech
We just need to be taking everyone's 30-year-old instructors.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
we're I'm afraid we're letting Kettie go to Crystal Palace and, you know, he's having a great time there. So we got no one to spare, unfortunately.
Global Sports Podcast Network
gosh and that's because we were with linked with him for a while to be fair and I'm kind of glad we didn't get him to be honest.
Josh Keech
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
So I was i was really happy we didn't in the end. It was one of those where it didn't look right on on kind of profile, I think, for what we were looking for. But I'm glad i'm glad we kept what we did in this set.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Josh Keech
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, definitely. Well, thank you very much for listening to this episode of the Daily GFP and West End podcast. Say goodbye Josh number one and Josh number two.
Josh Vince - Arsenal
Thank you very much for having me.
Josh Keech
Take care, everyone.
Global Sports Podcast Network
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