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Deadly Premonition

S1 E11 · Chatsunami
328 Plays4 years ago

Join Fraser (Satsunami) and Adam as they discuss the cult classic game Deadly Premonition. Despite the game's less than favourable reception, this episode discusses how it strengthened a friendship as well as creating an experience that cannot be forgotten. So read the fortune in your coffee and enjoy the episode!

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Introduction and Game Overview

Welcome to Chad Tsunami. Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Chad Tsunami. I'm Sad Tsunami and today I am joined again by my very good friend Adam who has kindly agreed to talk about this I wanna say cult classic game.
I like how you say kindly, I don't think I could say yes fast enough. I think before you'd even said it, I was like, yes! That is definitely a classic of some kind. Yeah, that's a fair point. Whatever opinion you have about it, whether it be positive or negative, it's a classic positive or whatever positive or negative word you want to add to the end of that.
Oh God, where do we even begin with this? Because usually we do have a very structured way of talking about things. Although it might not seem like it. There is a very structured way of us talking about different topics on this, but when it comes to deadly premonition, deadly premonition is just like a... it's a beast on its own right.

Game Description and Critique

Before we get into the meat of the weird and wonderful world of Greenville, you're gonna hate me for this.
would you like to explain not even just not even just the plot like just okay what is day to the premonition don't worry we don't have long to explain the whole plot
It's funny here. I'll give an official description from a review site. I think this looks like it's from a French review site. And the way they've described it is Deadly Premonition is the unlikely meeting of Shenmue, Silent Hill, and GTA in a Twin Peaks setting. Now, I think that's a disservice to the game. I think that's actually, I don't think that's a very good description, but I think it's quite a good description of if you've never played Deadly Premonition or you don't really know much about it, like kind of in a way like that kind of is quite a succinct way of describing it.
But yeah, it's very Twin Peaks, Twin Peaks-esque. I'll just do a little synopsis. Basically, you play as this FBI agent called Frances York Morgan, who travels to the town of Greenvale in Washington to investigate the murder of a young girl there, which
matches similar killings, and when he's there, he enters the kind of open-air asylum that is the town of Greenvale with its colorful cast of characters, and more mergers happen. Sorry, spoiler, but more mergers happen, and he learns about the existence of a fiendish raincoat killer, and basically the game is his race to solve the murders and stop, prevent anymore, and find out who the raincoat killer is.
and many other things. But yeah, it's an open world game with also some kind of survival horror mechanics in there as well. You've got things that you need to sleep, you need to eat. You actually need to wash and groom yourself as well, things like that. There's lots of different mechanics. It's open world. There's lots of side missions you can do, like revolving around with different characters and everything.
Yeah, it's a bit of everything. There's lots of combat, lots of driving, exploration, some kind of puzzle solving as well. But it's really got a good mix of everything. But if I've missed anything out in that, I definitely have. Oh, no, you could, like, honestly. I keep going, but... Yeah, like, I was just not... Well, we could.

Cult Status and Development History

Now I remember when I was reading up for this particular episode and there's like hours long videos like hours and hours of people dissecting the plot dissecting like what went right with it what went wrong with it it's it's just so fascinating because as I said like at the beginning this is a cult classic game and for like good reason I don't know it's a marvel I have to say It is a marvel in every sense of the way
At face value, so before we get into how we heard about it first of all, at face value, when you're thrown into the very first level, it just seems like any kind of bad game, doesn't it? Just to give a bit of context, when we started it, we are kind of gluttons for bad media, aren't we?
Yeah, whether it be a bad film, bad TV show, you know, something that's so funny that we can kind of laugh at it. And I remember the first time we played it because it was you and me and it was Craig, wasn't it? Yeah, it was my, I remember my flatmate at the time as well. Oh yeah. And also came and yeah, I think, I think, well. Did he not walk in? Yeah, he hated it. Which I was going to say was one of these things about being such like a kind of like Marmite game. He like, he played a little bit of it and watched the bed. He absolutely hated it.
and as you say left actually i love that description um a marmite game that is actually it's the perfect it's like honestly like you could say marmite game for a lot of other games but i think this is like the ultimate one i don't know if any other game gets as close to being as divisive
I mean the only other description I would call it is a Stockholm game and like I like that one yeah like I will kind of go into that later but yeah it's like you play the first level the combat's terrible like the sound effects aren't you know they don't match up like the models are janky and everything and by the time you get through the first level you're just like what is this game what am I playing
You're just kind of thinking, right, this is going to be terrible. And in the first five minutes, you know, you can totally see why people would be turned off by it. Like, before we go into that, because it is a pretty funny memory, but before we go into that, how did you hear about Desley Premonition? Like, what was your first exposure to it?
so the game came out 2010 right 2010 it was released so i didn't hear about it released but i think i began to hear about it when it started to develop its kind of cult status which i think was maybe a year or two afterwards yeah was when it started to pick up because it didn't it actually it did not sell well at all like when it
It released to, like, largely negative, like, critical reviews. But it began to, like, pick up Steam and become kind of, as more people heard about it, and its weirdness. So I definitely heard its name mentioned. I would say probably around 2012, 2013 is where I first heard about it. And it sounded kind of interesting. I remember always being interested by it for a long time. And as one of these games, I was like, oh, I really need to get a copy of it and play it, you know? And, like, I think I used to, we've got a shop, and I think it's just a UK shop. I don't think it's anywhere else. But we have one called CEX, which is, like, a kind of secondhand trade-in.
You do DVDs as well, but it does a lot of games. When I used to go in there sometimes, I'd always keep an eye out just in case I could see it at a good price. It was one of these things, I was like, oh, I've always got to try it, but I never got round to it. And yeah, so that happened for quite a while. And then I think eventually, whatever, when did we, was it 2017?
must have been early as 2016 I think 2017 that's when I decided I actually I think right I was like right I actually really want to play this and like I thought would be I thought I think we'd because we obviously been doing the kind of bad film watching bad films I thought this might be a really fun thing to like just vary up a little bit yeah try playing this kind of game so yeah so I just ordered a copy and got it and then yeah
I'll leave it there and I can pick up the story later. But that's how I kind of, so I'd heard about it for quite a while. It was the only things I'd always kind of had on my radar, but didn't take the plunge for a good few years. I don't blame you, I have to say. Because the way I found it, which I think I was in a summer vein where it was like, do you remember when you went into when you were younger and you would go into like,
and this is me showing my age now, but you go into like a blockbuster or you would go into like an H.M.V or something and you would look around and there was always that one cover that you saw everywhere, whether it was for a game, for a movie. There's like reminiscent was definitely one of them. I always remember the eyes, but it was like, it was usually like secondhand shots. It wasn't like blockbuster or anything because I think I was probably long dead.
by the time this game came out but yeah it was like a game i'd always seen and it wasn't until i i think it was when there was more on youtube and i saw like some cutscenes from it the infamous cinder sandwich cutscene which is which is kind of a staple of this channel now so for anybody who like
is listening and thinking, wait, what do you mean by that?

Iconic Scenes and Humor

When I started doing co-streams with you and our other friend, Steven, the three of us were trying to think of a name, you know, to call ourselves, because I didn't want to be like, you know, Sat Tsunami Plus 2, or anything. I wanted to have like, yeah, it's like...
the others. It's like, no, I want you to have this group name. So I was kind of like, what can we call ourselves? And then, because we had just played this game, I thought the day, oh, why don't we call ourselves The Sinner Sandwiches? And then immediately, we were all just like, well, you and I were like, yes. And Stephen was just like, wait, what's The Sinner Sandwiches? He got swept up in the... Oh, yeah, the hype. In the hype, exactly.
because it's like the son of sandwich is it's like an infamous cut scene where the agent and like the main character Francis York Morgan he goes into diner and he goes to order lunch and one of the more eccentric characters goes in and orders a it's not even called a son of sandwich it's like the main character just calls it a son or sandwich yeah yeah
So he gets a sandwich that's essentially turkey, cereal and jam, I think? Like put together. Like I've seen people try it and it just looks disgusting. But there's always that morbid bit, what is it? One day maybe. One day. Well, when I'm brave enough and I don't have tea spuds. You can do that as a way, if you reach a certain number of subscribers. Yeah, that is terrific.
the 100 subscriber special, I'm going to eat a Cinna sandwich. But yeah, I'll be editing this bit out. Don't you worry. So essentially in the cutscene he already sees the sandwich and he kind of looks down on it and calls it the Cinna sandwich because he believes that
the person ordering it is trying to atone for past sins. So he's eating like something horrible on purpose and like, you know, what shall he send? And the guy's like, well, why don't you try it? So he does. And what follows? I can't do it justice. Like, no matter how I describe it, I can not do it justice. It's like the faces twist in shock. It's like the game came out in 2010, but you really wouldn't be able to know that.
judging by their expressions it is oh it's just it's incredible so it's like he goes nuts over this sandwich it was a long way for me to say that was my introduction so it's like I'd seen it but I never had the chance to play it but also I I don't know it's like I've got a huge backlog of games
yeah it's like I had it on you know the back burner and I'm like should I play it should I not and then the opportunity came ringing when you said oh I'm gonna play through Deadly Premonition and I'd seen like clips of it you know like other people playing it and this is something so as I said when I was like looking this game up before the episode this is definitely so there's a lot of gamers out there you know like co-op or
not co-op but co-streamers that they'll try to riff over the game because obviously they're playing up for the audience and I feel as if that is quite a detriment to the game because see the first like half hour or so or hour depending on how fast you get through it.

Gameplay Mechanics and Challenges

So essentially the game begins when you're driving into this town of Greenvale but you end up crashing your car not before you like avoid a squirrel that makes like a monkey noise which is
Yeah, it's a really weird thing. It's just a normal squirrel but it makes the sound of a frightened monkey and then it runs away and you're like, what is this game? And then you get to this bit where you have to fight these zombie things called shadows and you have to just keep shooting them.
you learn the basic mechanics of like the combat system and you know just basically how the game's going to work and then after that you have to like go across the longest bridge in history and then you meet up with oh what's his face George and Emily has it the sheriff and the
I want to say Deputy, but one or the other for those officers. And I feel as if he played it up to that, because that's what a lot of people seem to say. They played it up too. So it's like there's that, there's a couple of small things in between and then there's a hospital level, which is like the first major bit. And a lot of people say they just gave up by then because the combat is just so janky and nobody, you know? Like, I'm not going to lie to you guys, it's terrible.
the combat system. I mean the combat system is by far one of the worst like shooters I think I've ever played. I mean I don't know, what do you think about that Adam?
I don't understand to say the controls for the whole game are terrible. Like the control for anything, the driving, the combat. There's the bit that always makes me laugh, because I remember when we first played it. So as you say, you have the first bit in hospital, but then you go to an abandoned sawmill after that, which is your first crime scene. You have to investigate, and also you have your first proper meeting there with a raincoat killer. Because you go into this room and this telephone starts ringing.
and then you answer it and then it's kind of the raincoat killer and you get you kind of switches the screen kind of splits and so you've got like your view but then also like it goes and you go for the raincoat killer's eyes and he sees going towards the door and that bit's really well done and you have to basically find a hiding spot in the room before he breaks down the door and then you've got to do like a few things like hold your breath while he's like searching around the room and that's actually really well done and actually quite tense
the first time you play it, and so you do that. But then there's a bit later on where he starts to chase you, and the controls for the chase scene are the worst controls I think I've ever seen in the game, any sequence. I mean, the one good thing about them is they make it that much more tense because it is the most unintuitive. So it's like, for the most part, for most of the game, you move around using the left thumbstick, or what? I don't know, it would be on PC, but I presume WSAD.
But using the kind of standard controls, but on so we played this on the Xbox 360, but when the chase sequence happens like You have to you have to for some reason like you like flick the left thumb stick back and forward bad Sorry left and right don't use my For some reason that becomes the movement control as he's running away and it is horrible and it's some clunky and it makes it like that much more
difficult to do, but it does make it a bit more tense, I'm not gonna lie, but I remember us just howling at this bit, like, why, why have you done this? Yeah, because, yeah, like shows you a prompt of just this wiggle and joystick and nothing, you and I looked at one another just like, no.
No, they surely couldn't do this. And then we realized like what they'd gotten ourselves into. And I was just like, oh god, yeah. Honestly, I think the controls are awful for the whole thing, honestly. They're just clunky and it just makes no sense.
that is the paradox of it though because on the one hand like at face value it's like another or it looks like another terrible game with like bad controls you know like junky models and everything as I was saying and you think why bother playing it anymore but see when she and this is why I've called it a Stockholm game because
it's like you have to like keep playing it now normally I wouldn't say this normally I would say you know life is short if you don't like a game put it down you know walk away get some fresh air see your loved one well no don't see your loved ones because it's a lockdown but
Think about your own. Yeah, think about your loved ones from a socially distant place. But, you know, it's like the way we played it, we played it in quite an interesting way because we only played it in like a couple of hours stints. So first of all, it was you, me and Craig. And then Craig, I can't remember, but we weren't all free. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. We weren't all free at the same time. So it was like, it was you and I. The bug didn't fail on you and I to finish it. Intrepid adventure.
That's true. The sweaty crusaders. But we played it and it was weird. It almost became like, you know, like something to look forward to, if you know what I mean. It was like, you know, whenever like the stars aligned and we were able like to meet up, always try and get through some more deadly premonition. It was like, yeah, sure.
And yeah, it was like, I had to come over, bring snacks, or vice versa, and we would just, yeah, we would just play this game. And the more we got into it, so go and act like quickly just the what you were saying

Narrative and Character Analysis

before. A lot of people criticise this game for being very similar to Twin Peaks, and apparently
I was laughing at this. Apparently Sweaty initially did say, oh this has got nothing to do, or not nothing to do, but it wasn't inspired by Twin Peaks. That is a filthy lie, that is, yeah that is definite. Like there's even, there's literally like a cameo in the game where it's like a nurse reading a book which is clearly Twin Peaks and it's like what's that book about? And it's like oh it's about this small town girl who gets murdered and all of this and supernatural stuff and he's like
That sounds like a good book, you know, like one kid to the camera. It's like, oh, God. And there's even apparently a picture of Laura Palmer, the... Oh, really? Yeah, so the girl who gets killed in Twin Peaks. Don't worry, it's not a spoiler.
I was going to say, it's literally the first five minutes. It's literally the reason for the show. But yeah, so there's like a lot of references in that way. And that's actually one of the things that delayed it apparently because, and this is like my first wee bit of trivia coming in here, you know, I was saying this to Adam before the stream that I'm like so excited to talk about this that I've actually got a list.
like I've actually got you know notes and a list and I'm like okay I'm ready I'm ready so yeah apparently like before it came out it was it was actually developed did you know this it was developed in 2004 really yeah that's when they started it and initially they were aiming for the PlayStation 2 but they say is that what the graphics
Well, apparently, so this is really weird. Like, see the more and more I learn about this game, the more and more I can understand a lot. Except, like, the controls. The controls are a bit sucky. But apparently, I think there was a moment where they said, should we, like, up the, you know, like, the assets and things, and they were just like, nah, it's fine. It's like, oh.
oh no but apparently they had different people in the game okay so instead of Francis York Morgan who's the guy that you take control of you instead control or you were meant to control a guy called David Young now if you do you recognize the name there David Young
oh wait is that the guy from um is that the guy from that d4 yeah d4 which i was like oh god sweaty just let the idea go there's like no i really helped him he really helped so apparently it was more aligned so it was called rainy woods initially but then for whatever reason they had some legal issues they had to drop the name there was like a whole back and forth and apparently the game got cancelled four times wow
Imagine that. Imagine any other game getting cancelled four times. It's absolutely insane. That's mental that they just kept bringing it back and stuff and didn't give up on it. Do games generally survive more than one cancellation? I don't think so.
This game is very, like, genuinely, even, like, despite the janky controls and, like, terrible ports, which we will get on to, but, like, this game will not die. Like, there is definitely a cult following, and I put the emphasis on cult, because there is definitely, like, a huge following for this game. Well, not a huge, like, you know what I mean, like, a dedicated following, more like... We're part of that, we're card carrying members of that cult.
Oh, exactly. I mean, what game is it called? We've got our name, it's like Sweaty or something. We're like... I can't believe it's all God. I don't know what we are. We're spreading the word. But yeah, it was that kind of... it just baffles me after a minute. It baffles me that this game was cancelled four times and supposedly
Sorry, I'm just gonna start gushing with all the trivia here, but apparently because the actor for Francis Short Morgan, the main character, apparently because he recorded his lines as David Young, he had to actually come back and re-record everything.
Oh my god. So imagine this, you're a voice actor, you've recorded everything for this game and he says his name a lot in this game. He says it a lot. So he goes home a couple of years past, he thinks, I wonder what happened to that game. Gets a call and the guy's just like, yeah, we're going to need you to come back.
because we need you to re-record your lines because we renamed the main character like it's just baffling it's absolutely baffling yeah because apparently it was like he was interviewed about it and it was it just seems insane it's like such a yeah such a crazy and interesting like development cycle for this game although i am glad to hear that it was like it was the same voice they were they always had like the same voice actor in mind
Because when you said David Young, I started to think about the voice actor who plays him in that D4 game. Whichever you remember, it's like a horrible Boston accent. I can't imagine. D4 was where he's... I think it was his next game. I don't know much about it, but the main character is a horrible Boston accent. It didn't last very long, but I'm just imagining
having to go through all of Deadly Premonition with that horrible Boston accent. It would have been horrific. I was going to say there were some bits to like about that game. Yeah, a couple bits. Yeah, the Boston accent was not an... It was far too. Whereas with the main character here, it's quite... I'm not an expert in American accents, but it's quite more neutral, if you know what I mean.
yeah it's not like in your face it's not going to slap you over the face with saying can you tell them from you it's like no no none of that fortunately so yeah they apparently they had to change like everything they had to change like the name they had to change although i think some of the places like if you go in the game again which i know you will be after this
Apparently there's some places like still named after the old town so there's like rainy woods, I think there's like a bar or something like that. Which it is, it's quite interesting. But apparently they were quite critical towards the area though. Like saying things to them like oh the game will never succeed, it's too weird. I mean they had a point in the last bit but...
I honestly feel as if it's a bit of a disservice when people out right criticise it and say like oh it's just you know a Twin Peaks clone that's not you know it's like oh it's just another bad game that's ripping off something. I mean initially and I have to admit I would be lying if I said that it didn't kind of borrow or what's the other word pay homage.
inspired i would say like heavily inspired but it has its own it goes its own way yeah it's own path i mean at least for the first half i will say that or for the first like act of it so yeah the main character i'll just call him york for sure i keep saying frances your morgan so york basically is going around trying to find out who the killer is and
throughout his adventure, he's meeting all these weird and wonderful characters throughout the town of Greenvale. Yeah, there are a lot of inspirations. You've got the no-nonsense sheriff, you've got the quite emotional deputy. Yeah. Yeah, you know who I'm talking about. Thomas.
Oh yeah, I mean you've got the diner as well, you've got like a lot of the set pieces are very very similar so it's I'm not saying it rips it off but it's definitely heavily inspired at least for that bit but then later on one of the other characters gets murdered and soon that becomes a like clear that it's a serial killer going around and it's just your race to like stop them while working with the local police and the way to do that is very
How do they put it? It's all in real time, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah, no, sorry, I just loved how you just went, yeah, and then that was it. Like, no follow-up call, it just, yeah.
It's all real time. It's funny because it does actually have some kind of interesting systems and stuff. As you say, it's all real time. It's a day and night cycle. But the NPCs as well, the characters have their own routine. You can see them driving around when you're driving around doing stuff. You're only able to interact with some of them at specific times.
That's another thing. So it is interesting like that kind of element of it. It does make Green Veil seem a bit more like actual real place. A bit of a living place, like despite the kind of like, it's about the janky graphics and character models and everything. Because people have these routines and stuff, it doesn't make it feel a bit more lifelike than you might get in some other kind of games. Yeah, I mean...
The thing I was actually laughing at, and I think I told you this a couple of weeks ago, was... So, the main controversy right now through, like, about video games, which is probably gonna do this episode, is about Cyberpunk just now. The thing they had said in Cyberpunk was, oh, like, all of the characters have, like, a routine, and then, of course, someone, like, went on and, like, proved this wrong. And I could not stop laughing, because I thought, how did deadly premonition get it right? But Cyberpunk couldn't.
I mean, they had almost comparable development cycles.

Unique Features and Versions

Years long, but perhaps it was maybe because, just to throw a little shade at CD Projekt Red, perhaps it was because Swery spent the time actually designing the game rather than hyping up for three years. Okay, I'll give you that one. That's quite a good one. So yeah, this game came out for the, if it's the Xbox C60, wasn't it? Yeah. I think maybe, was it just that it came out?
initially but there are versions so I'm gonna like talk a little bit about this do you know like about all the different versions I know there's a directors there's obviously there's the standard game itself there's a director's cut isn't there yeah as well I think it's maybe the one that we played I have a feeling it might be the one that we played I think it was yeah must have been I think I think the director's cut is one that has like the raincoat killer like straight on the box so I think I think that's one I've got and then I know there's like a switch port as well is there more versions
So there is... So there's an Xbox version, like Xbox C60. There's a PlayStation version. There's also a Japanese version, which apparently is region-locked, so you can only play it on a Japanese PlayStation 3. But it's not called Desley Premonition. It's called, like, Red Seed Profile.
I have heard that actually. Which I think is meant to be the same game but the only difference is it's like in Japan, well not in Japanese but the subtitles in Japanese but everything else is the same like the games in English. It's a bit of a strange port but apparently it's more expensive as well but yeah but no that's the fun porting fact of the day.
just in case so there's also another ps3 version which i cannot believe and this actually opened my eyes to like something that i never knew existed so apparently the playstation 3 to compete with the you're the nintendo 3ds yeah i don't know how true this is whether they were competing with the 3ds or not but apparently there was a thing that sony released and they've got like a 3d mode for like a 3d mode for the
And Deadly Premonition is one of those games, yeah. You have to use the PS Move to actually do it, to play it. Oh my, that is the only way I can think to make these controls any worse is to add motion controls to it. Oh my god.
Yeah, so it's like... I don't know what they were thinking. But yeah, that was a thing apparently. And I was sitting there throughout the entire time thinking, I can't believe I'm watching a video about Deadly Premonition and this is how they find out that the PS3 had 3D graphics.
That's amazing. I want to say, like, at all games I thought, how does deadly premonition, how is that one of the games that got like this 3D thing? What a fascinating game this really is. Really? Like, is he once you go down the rabbit hole by the way? Like, initially all I wanted was just a synopsis, like, of the plot. And the further and further you go down it's just, it's insane. It's just so, like, what is going on here? That's quite incredible. Yeah.
So that came out, and then eventually they released it on the PC, which is widely considered as the worst port, apparently, because it just instantly crashes. So you need to... So apparently someone like, not the company themselves, like somebody else put out a port or something, or not a port, but like a mod for it to fix it. It still doesn't work apparently, which is like, oh, which is a bit...
It's a bit worrying. So basically, yeah, it's like people are trying to fix it and trying to make it stable, but I don't think it's working, if I'm honest. I don't know, I think. People usually say avoid it, but then they re-ulist it again with the director's cut. And it's like,
So apparently the director's cut which I'm wondering if that is the one we played because apparently some of the director's cuts have extra cutscenes and it's the main character looking back on it and this like girl asking like oh what did you do in Greenvale and it's horrifying when you think like this old man's like telling this wee girl like well I saw a serial murder and I may hack someone wide open.
it's like oh jesus oh no so yeah there was that version and then yeah the switch version came out which i think cut back and apparently that's prone to crashing as well so yeah there's just so many versions of this game there's just so many like just adds to it it adds to his legend
It really does. It's almost like the reverse Skyrim, where it's like it keeps coming out for consoles, but not many people are asking for it. I mean, don't get me wrong, not many people are asking for Skyrim, but people still play it. Yeah, sorry, before we kind of go into the game itself, you know, with spoilers and things. Just out of curiosity, do you have any trivia points or anything like that?
No, no, I don't know. I heard that you were you were you were deep into the trivia. So are you sure? No, no, I don't know. I don't have any any fun trivia. But I don't know if there's anything I could I could say that that better is what you've just told me.
I would recommend you just look into this because it's crazy, the whole development of this game is just... and it's even got a board game as well! It's a board game! I'm going to look up right now. You would get up as I go on with the trivia train!
Keep the train rolling. No apparently it's like a crowdfunded one I think but yeah there's actually a board game. It's insane because as I said like at the surface you would just consider this a bad game just like anything else but the more time you spend with it the more you kind of start to feel like you know the more endeared you get towards it would you say? As endeared the right word.
Oh, no, totally. Like, I do think it is one of these things that I think you do have to kind of push yourself maybe through the kind of some parts of it. I think you're all right. That first bit takes a bit of getting used to, just to get used to the controls and the jankiness.
There's also a bit in the middle that I remember that at one point we had one session where it was just like, I think it was just two hours of us just like trodden back and forth and nothing was, we weren't really getting any of the story and it was quite a slog. I think if you can push yourself for that, it is like a really rewarding experience and there's a lot to really liken the game. But I think as well, I don't know, we'll discuss this right now, but I think there's a difference between playing the game by yourself and also playing it with somebody. I don't know if you want to say that discussion,
Yeah, no one can do it just now because I totally agree with you but sorry, I'll let you go first. Yeah, no, I was thinking about this as well and like, so I've only ever played this game once and that was with you. And the more I thought about it, the more I'm like, I think that really is maybe the way to play this game.
like yeah because i was thinking like i was trying to imagine if i'd played it by myself and i think i don't know like i think i probably would have played it through i used to be quite a bad like completionist i was like even if i wasn't enjoying a game i was like no i've paid for this game i must have yeah i've kind of kicked i've kind of kicked that like have it now but like so i think i probably would have played it through but i did
I don't know if I'd have had the same experience with it, I have to admit, because I think there's so much fun to this game. We've just experienced it with nobody else and just laughing at it and trying to guess its twists and turns and just really enjoying it. And also, as well, it means that someone can believe you when you talk about it.
You're just talking to people and people are like, all right, what acid trip have you come off from, from all the stuff you're describing. So, and I really think it helps to push through some of the bits where it is a bit kind of slower and it is a bit sluggish. You have somebody, you know, like, you know, you can kind of switch off.
share the burden, but also share all the fun. And like, so I really think, not so I'm sure like, you know, play Bumble in this as well, but I really think I'm really glad that I played it with like, I'm glad I played it with somebody else and I'm glad it was with you, somebody who also really, really got into it as well. Like, it's nothing quite like it. Like you get really excited to push for it. We had so much fun, like trying to guess who like, who the raincoat killer was, like what was happening and stuff. That was a lot of fun, like kind of seeing how close we got and everything as well. So,
just for context, we had a good couple of breaks in between each session, didn't we? Because everyone keeps saying in the reviews, it's so obvious who the killer was and everything, and as excited as I was to get back into the game, I refused to look up any spoilers, any gameplay clips in case I spoiled it. I would forget bits of what we had played and think,
Okay, who's that guy? Who's this guy? And it honestly was like a bonding experience. Like as weird as that sounds, that's what was sent to you earlier off stream, but it's like, it's definitely a bonding experience. Like I feel as if it's like made our friendship like stronger or something. And like some weird way like going through Deadly Premonition and being like, we got through it. I think playing for Deadly Premonition might be a defining experience of our friendship.
Do you know, I can't disagree with you. I think you're right. I think everything that everything has happened now is a product of having played. Let me tell you like how much we love this game, like so much so that
I remember when I came over to you to play the game and we nearly completed it and we will get into like spoilers kind of later but yeah long story short you get to the end it's a very cheap boss fight it's like a terrible like I did not enjoy that at all
Although sorry before I go on, apparently the combat wasn't even meant to be in the game. So there's like the kind of sloppily just like shoved it in which actually makes a lot more sense.
It doesn't excuse it, but it definitely makes a lot more sense when you look at the combat and you're like, oh this is terrible and it's like, oh yeah, you know, that's why. So what was it supposed to be? Was it supposed to be more kind of investigating kind of stuff? Yeah, apparently it was like more of a kind of murder mystery and I'm assuming it would probably be quite similar to what D4 turned out to be.
or similar in a way that you just walked around. Because apparently, and I can't verify this next fact, but I think it was supposed to be set in a city, but they had to scale it down because of the memory restrictions.
or limitations and that's why you also don't see people walking in the streets so you see cars and you see like things like that but you don't see like people walking about you see them inside the buildings but not outside and yeah that's the reason why apparently but yeah sorry going back to my point um so you were coming to my house i remember that it like we were so like keen to get to the end of the game that you actually brought your xbox 360 over to me
just so like because I wasn't sure whether or not I had the I can't even remember I wasn't sure whether you could plug your you know your hard drive into my 360 and I didn't know where it was going to work so you were just like yes screw it we're bringing the whole console
So yeah, you brought the whole console away, completed it. See, this is a thing though. We got so much enjoyment out of this game, but we only played through the main plot. We didn't do many of the side quests, which actually is a bit rubbish because it turns out, slight spoiler, that if you do one of the side quests, you can actually unlock a fast travel mechanic. That's amazing. Which yeah, I did not know that.
but apparently you can and i was absolutely raging because but on the one hand that's what i was saying to you um i was saying i was raging that we didn't know about this and then you said you came back at me and said like you know on the other hand we wouldn't have been able to have like the experiences with like driving and the so like every single
often York talks to an imaginary person who's supposed to be like the player. So he calls them Zach and they'll say like, oh did you see that Zach? You know and things like that to include the player which I think's like absolutely genius. Oh it's really good.
yeah it's like you'll do that but if you're driving for long periods of time you'll start like talking about you know just random stuff like 80s movies and things like that because there was a whole thing where we drove from like one side of the town to the other oh my god what was he talking about again it was like 80s the bonus features on the DVD was it no he was like talking about like how have you have an 80s film
like there's not as many bonus features as only like a theatrical trailer or modern films there's tons of bonus and this conversation went on for as you say from one end of the town to the other and was that the conversation that we we got to like close to the market yeah only the ones you kept driving to the market and we kept like we kept going a little closer and we thought he'd stop talking so we were driving closer then he would start talking and we're like oh I hit the brakes
It was ridiculous, it was so funny though. Cos he did, he stopped talking and then two seconds later he was like...
And another thing, you know, like, oh no, okay. But see, that's the thing now. Like, I do think, like, one of the great things about this game is you can talk about it. And I know that sounds like a weird thing to say, like, but you can talk about any game, but it's like, it's a game that has a lot of memorable moments. Like, whether it's a dinner sandwich scene, whether it's that, you know, whether it's like the sound design and things like that, there's a lot of things that are purposely done. Like, going back to what you were saying as well about the
like the characters going around

Spoilers and Plot Twists

town. Apparently if you follow certain characters around, it gives away the endgame quite a lot. Like certain characters going into certain basements.
it's because actually they didn't know this and that's what somebody else was saying as well that apparently they played through the game they 100% said they're like oh you know I love this game and someone turned around to them and said did you get that conversation with Emily or whoever and they go wait
what conversation. And apparently, depending on the weather, that also triggers off events or certain conversations. So there's so much detail in this game. As I said, at face value, you would just think, oh, it's just another terrible game. And then when you actually peel that back, you see, oh, no, wait. This is actually... this is fascinating.
It's definitely a town that's soaked in character. There's so many. This is my last bit of trivia, don't worry guys. One thing I actually noticed, and I wondered if this was done in purpose, which it turned out it was, which I was like, oh my god. So at the beginning, how to put that? You're right, we'll be going to spoiler territory now. Might as well just say this is spoiler territory. Yeah, okay. This is spoiler territory. I'm putting down the flag, spoilers from here on out.
Throughout the game we meet like a wide array of characters, and something I noticed was the victims at the very beginning. So the first hero who gets killed is called Ana, so of course begins with an A. And I was thinking about the other victims, and the other victims, spoilers, are B through E.
there's also other ones but like the main ones that get killed off it's like you've got A to B to E and because we're thinking the other names and I thought I wonder if that extends to the rest of the characters and apparently it does so if you look at you know the names of the characters and you group them up
like based in that alphabetical order. They're like grouped into particular you know sets like there's one family that's grouped together because it's like the twins and the dad or the granddad like it's I-J-K or something like that like with Zach and York you know why is it? Now the interesting thing about that actually and of course sorry the victims A-D-E but the victim and not the victims like York and Zach so at the end
I'm just trying to think how can I explain this. Do you want me to do this and say what happens? You go for it. Right, so basically it turns out that the deadly premonition, the raincoat colour going around was the result of a, it was like an experiment in the 50s gone wrong.
Yeah, the US military come to Greenvale in the 50s, pump this gas through the town, which makes everyone go insane. And there's just one guy who is the, of course, the raincoat killer who goes around, absolutely demolishing people. And that becomes like a legend. So it's kind of like that persona is passed on down the line. And you find out that there's also this, I want to say demon creature or something that has been pulling the strings as well to that. Yeah.
So I was like, when we found out who the raincoat killer was, I was just like, because I think I guessed that, right? You guessed it, you guessed it. Well, I guessed the raincoat killer, but I didn't guess the other ones were like, both right. So I was like, oh. Yeah, I guess the demon, but I didn't obviously know it was a demon at the time. Yeah. But you guessed who the raincoat killer was. It was kind of good that we both got it. Yeah, because I thought, oh, the game's over. And then once the pain they dropped and you realised the guy, you were just like, oh,
Oh, no. It was just like, you know, you thought, shit, we're going to have to like take out this guy. So it's revealed that the big bad ends up kidnapping your, how to put this, like your love interest. And even though York is a bit of a dick at the beginning, he keeps calling, like, you know, like a primitive world and things like that. Like very like your stereotypical, you know, FBI agent kind of big city and everything. Yeah.
He's almost the opposite of Dale Cooper, isn't he? Where Dale Cooper kind of come in peaks and is actually like kind of really positive and, you know, kind of like, likes where he is once they're going to experience the town. York is almost the other side of the coin. Oh, absolutely. Like, yeah, cynical.
yeah because it is really interesting the way they do that but yeah so he ends up he gets his love kidnapped and they end up showing i think is it the theater they go to yeah i think it's the theater and it turns out that this gas that's been like
going around is made from... so sorry, let me quickly backtrack. Basically the link between all the victims that get killed in the game is they've got red seeds in their mouth or in their stomachs and those red seeds are coming from these red trees that in turn is what created that like smoke. You know, it's an easy plot to follow.
So yeah, it's these red seeds that he's sticking in people when, you know, they're growing trees out of people. It is really weird. And that is exactly what happened to York's mum. Throughout the game, it's like they sometimes flash back to him looking at his dad who has a gun pointed at her and it isn't revealed until the end. Like it pans out and it shows you who's actually responsible for it and the tree coming out her stomach and everything.
that this is what's happened and he's like repressed this memory like deep down and he's created like this alter ego to protect himself known as York so of course when Zach comes out so you think throughout the game Zach is just you know I think a cipher for the players
yeah exactly it's like a placeholder for us but then he actually comes out and it's just like a pallet swap it's just him with light here it's fascinating i thought they did that really well like i did not yeah i did not see that coming i was like wow this is actually you know for a game that began with like monkey noise squirrels and bad shooting like it's not what you expect and then yeah then you chase down the boss and
the boss fights terrible. I'm just going to say that like you try to rescue your love and you can't like shoot her even though like you get flashbacks to your dad saying you know you have to do what must be done you know to protect the ones you love and he can't do it so she just like tears out herself and ends up dying so he has to like
fight this huge demon and there's like three stages of it there's one where you have to shoot him and he's like this massive bloated thing crawling up the ceiling you have to run away from him again with those like joy stick controls which is oh it's terrible
and then the final one which I think is the worst one for us. So basically the main big bad like expands and basically you're on the top of this clock tower and he like blows up and he's like you're towering over. So you have to shoot him like so many times. Turns out we could have got a better gun to make it easier for ourselves but we didn't.
so we just had like a pistol apparently you could get like a lightsaber in the game and everything but it was like that like a light sword apparently yeah i was like looking at it oh we really did we need to go back
should we go back to it? We really do but yeah it's like once you like shoot him and get him down to like the low health you have to climb up his arm and then he's got a doll version of himself and you have to like shoot that yeah because you did it like you killed him and then you ran up and you went to shoot the doll and you couldn't and it was like
No we actually didn't. Yeah but no we didn't complete it remember because that came over. No we came back into the area. Yeah we had to return another day and it was just like oh my goodness and yeah that was one of the worst boss fights I have to say. I mean like see thematically and story wise I mean that is it's. It makes sense. Yeah yeah. It's no worse than any of the other combat. Oh yeah yeah true. You know it's fitting in that way. It's on brand of being just awful clicky combat
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
The other thing I was just thinking of there, like going back to the EZ thing. So remember how they were saying it was like, you're Konzak. And I think the dad's called Zander, like, you know, with an X. And then mum's called Y, or something. But the W is for a certain dog. You know Willie, the dog.
So he's put in between Zach and Jorg and they are mum and dad, like in the credits. Which I think, see from a kind of like thematic point of view, it's like okay that makes sense. So sorry to explain, there is a dog, like a Dalmatian that has by the way one of the best themes in the game. Like look it up, it's great. It follows like people round the town and it turns out that it's like a
I want to say like a gatekeeper or something or like a watcher for like the main demon thing which is again it's like it's insane but it's like one of those things is like it works in context trust me it works in context
But yeah, apparently it's like that is the character that splits the main character from the parents and everything. And considering what happens to his family, it's interesting in that way. And the only reason I bring that up, because it might seem like I'm kind of saying also, you know,
they go to an alphabetical order so what because apparently there's another character that's name starts with a W and it's like they could have like easily chosen him but they didn't they chose the dog and it's like well why did they do that and it's like everything in this game kind of has a purpose which i think is severely underlooped in the game like i mean totally like i mean i didn't know like half the stuff that
that you're saying but it really he really does kind of show as you say like the actual thought and craft that was put into this you know just everything and

Development Support and Impact

you've got to admire it for that like you know just for the for like this this is almost like an artistic vision and i have often seen this this game mentioned as like an example of like a game as art of a game as art in many ways it is like just from that idea of somebody's vision and the fact they stuck to it despite for cancellation yeah because i wonder what this game would be like if it did have the proper support to begin with
I think it's like it was funny when you were talking about the combat being kind of like forced in. I was thinking I was like it would probably make it a much better game if they did take the combat out or like reduced it. But then I don't know like almost I always wonder if this is one of these like finely balanced things.
Do you know what episode The Simpsons where the doctor comes to examine Mr. Burnley every single disease, but they're all in perfect harmony. I've almost wondered if this game of deadly preparation is exactly like that. If you were to tweak bits of it and change parts of it, it might just crumble and all fall apart. Perhaps it is just
perfectly finely balanced and like even these bits that we think aren't like are a bit of a drag if you if you change those and much travel those it would kind of ruin the whole experience. I can't think of another game like Deadly Premonition. No there's no other game. It's easy enough to say because you see like this is kind of going back to what you were saying about should you play this game with
someone else or should you play this game you know by yourself. I feel as if like there's a lot of let's players that jumped on the bandwagon for this game to be like oh it's so bad it's good you know oh let's you know go and make fun of this and riff over it and oh what the hell you know like very kind of obviously entertaining to the crowd and don't get me wrong it's like the first couple of minutes you know or not couple of minutes but you know like the first act of it before you actually get into the main town of Greenvale
It is. It's a bit of a slog, and I can understand why people are a bit annoyed by it. I feel as if that does quite a disservice to the game. I think it doesn't. You're totally right as well. I don't think there's any game, and that's why when I started saying, you know, I quoted that article that was like, it's a mix of Shin Yu, Silent Hill and GTA and Twin Peaks N.
I think is like, well, it's maybe a good way to explain to somebody who doesn't know about it. I do think it is a disservice, because I don't actually think Deadly Privilege is anything like those three games. Maybe superficially it shares some stuff, but I don't think it's anything like GTA, Silent Hill, or Shennew. And even saying it's a Twin Peaks game, there's other games that have been inspired by Twin Peaks. Stuff like Alan Wake, to an extent. Oh, the other one's got out of my mind now.
There's like other games, Silent Hill as well. So there's like other games that haven't been, but like as much as this is Vibraton Peaks, it really is its own thing. It is very different and it's so unique. I think you're right, I don't. It might be the most unique video game there is. I honestly can't think of a comparable game.
I was going to say, it reminds me of a joke where it's like, there's like a scene clip going around just now being riffed on where it's someone saying, my child is perfectly normal. You know, it's like us defending this game and then people actually watch or play Deadly Premonition and it's just like, yeah, swear it's normal. Our child is the furthest thing from normal. That's what makes it amazing. That's why he's deadly. Exactly.
I don't think like if you hadn't bought it and you know said oh let's play it because I think as you were saying before we used to watch like a lot of bad films with Craig so without like doing that I think we're just on like a bad media binge really.
And you know, Deadly Premonition is always the game that comes straight to the top. It's like, oh, if you want to play a bad video game, let's play Deadly Premonition. It is hard to say whether it deserves to be on there. Because don't get me wrong, gameplay-wise, see if you look at this objectively on the gameplay scale. Herbal game, absolutely terrible. But if you look at the detail and basically the story there, don't get me wrong, the writing's not like...
the writing's weird but at the same time yeah it's like it's it's what makes it endearing though it's like what makes the character so when they say likable but sometimes they're rolling up like they're rolling in your face and you're kind of like yeah please back off or it's like when the camera zooms in like you might see a lot of like images of York's face just like stretched and they smile and you're like please never smile again please please don't
And I wonder, as I said, I wonder if they had better resources and things, if they could have pulled something better. And I don't mean better as a motor is, but I mean to make it look better, or to polish up certain things. But it's as you said, if you take away one element, would the other ones kind of crumble?
Yeah, I say it's such an interesting like case because we both love this game Yeah, I think it's like incredible But it's funny because it's one of these like usually if there's a game that I really like I would recommend it to people But I do hesitate with this one Yeah, because you do need to have patience with it You do really need to have patience and like as I said, like my flatmate I can't remember what I think like we got through the kind of prolonged bit
And then, you know, like we'd come into town and that was just not friendly, seen enough and just wasn't interested anymore. Didn't want to experience anymore. So you do need some kind of stamina and patience for it. And it might, it just might not be everybody's cup of tea.
Obviously, all games are subjective at the end of the day, it's subjective opinion. But you do wonder this one, this might just not be some people's thing at all. Which is, if it's not your thing, it's fair enough. Not everything is for everybody. Other opinions are available and stuff. But yeah, it's just one that you always hesitate to... It is one that I hope people do play and I hope people experience.
But it's always one that I'm always hesitant to recommend because you just don't know. You just don't know. Is it too out there? Is it one that's just like too far left out of field?
I mean I suppose it's the same as something like Twin Peaks though. It's like a show that again you and I both enjoy and it's one of those like comical yet like surreal shows that definitely does not fit the norm of like anything else like at least with games like I mean I haven't played Alan Wake but from what I understood of it it seems a lot more not linear, linear is probably the wrong word but you know it's like the mechanics and a lot more
Mechanically, it's far more sound. It plays a lot better, but it is more linear.
Some of the, it's been a long time since I played Alan Link, but some of the levels are open, but it is like, you know, you are going from point A to point B, like down a kind of set path. You know, there's maybe a bit of option to move around, but it's nothing like, it's not the open world that is Twin Peaks, that is Deadly Premonition. You know, and of course Deadly Premonition has its linear parts as well. Like, you know, if you're in like the various locations by the hospital or the sawmill or whatever, like that is linear, but you know, but then you have got an open world, but that's like,
But yeah, yeah, there's a different kind of No, no, go on sorry. No, no, I should say like it so it is like a different way of like mechanically more sound game out like but it but it is more linear and in kind of focus and in scope as well to be honest like it's
It doesn't quite have this...

Artistic Vision and Criticism

I might sound quite wanky, but it's not like an artistic vision that I feel that the premonition has. Which is just so weird, because if you didn't get the very subtle point we're trying to make...
about how Lightning struck once for this game. Although something else I heard which I thought was really wholesome was... So this is going to sound really weird but this is genuinely one of the highlights when I started streaming. But I remember when I started and I followed... I was trying to follow lots of people and I decided to follow the people with tics against their names essentially.
and I decided to follow Sweaty, who's like the, well the guy who'd been talking, yeah that's the one, the otter, the kind of visionary behind the game and yeah and then I woke up the next day and it was like oh you've been followed back by him and I was like what? I think you were the first person I messaged, I was like look
I do think he follows like a lot of people but he seems quite grateful for the praise he gets because apparently like a lot of people like were saying to him oh we love Deadly Premonition and he initially thought people were trolling him because I know because a lot of people were like oh yeah you know this game's never gonna succeed and
Oh, it's a rubbish idea, which I can kind of... I have to admit, I think we can all relate to that, like, to some degree of putting your kind of effort and passion into, like, one project, and then have other people, like, kind of turn round and say, oh, this isn't going to be anything, this is going to be terrible, why are you doing this, you know?
the more you look at it that way, the more it starts to make sense, like with a lot of deadly premonition, like why they made the decisions they did, you know, why they've got like a stupid combat mechanic and things like that. But again, it's like, that's the thing though, it's like I can't justify that, like I can't be like, oh even though it's janky, you know, it adds to the ending. Like it makes it more endearing, it's like no, no.
It does come to that it does come to that way as well I think that like and it is everything sometimes maybe I suppose depends do you want to play a game that is like mechanically sounded like is a good classically you know is a good game like you know
It's well put together, and perhaps it's not going to blow your mind or stay with you for ages, but it's well put together and it's playable and everything. Do you want to play that, or do you want to roll the dice on a game that is perhaps much more ramshackle in terms of its mechanics and everything? And even maybe parts of its story and its voice acting and stuff, but really will make you think and will really engage you. So it is that way. I suppose people just have different
And perhaps, again, with this thing, I feel like I'm becoming maybe a bit more conservative of games, and maybe sometimes I'm a bit more like, I actually do kind of want to get a game. Sometimes that is a bit more well put together. While I think the time I played Deadly Premonition, I was at a point in my life where I was like, I just want to throw the dice and let's try these games that aren't as well put together, but perhaps are like diamonds in the rough and stuff. So it is that kind of thing. And it's fair enough whatever way you fall.
games are expensive and you know like oh yeah yeah it's like sometimes you do have to say the chance though like otherwise you're not like that again like this is my turn to sound like a you know gap ya kind of person but it almost feels as if it is like more of an experience and as a game
like it's like if you're looking for like a well-polished you know a mechanically sound game as you were saying that yeah that's ain't it but if you're looking for an experience where everything is so bad that like it'll whoops around the world and comes back to good again i mean
This is it. That's essentially deathly premonition. Like, how do you put it? It's like a slab of concrete wrapped in Christmas paper. It's like, I mean, someone might need concrete, but it's like at the end of the day. It's concrete that emotionally affects you. It's a concrete that you look at and you're like, damn.
This concrete's going to stay with me. This concrete's cracked, just like me. Oh, it is. Out of the box. Yeah, exactly. So that's an army. It's cracked. It's the best concrete you'll ever look at.
Have you seen? So I had posted something in the Citizen Army Society Discord and it was, it basically was one of those like edits of, do you remember the Arkham games? Oh yeah, yeah. And it was like the, I think it was, not Arkham Asylum, I think it was Arkham Knight or Arkham City, where it was like the white cover and they had like every single logo and review on the front, like 10 out of 10, game of the year edition, best game and things like that. And it was absolutely ridiculous.
So someone, essentially someone just parodied that and put the like deadly premonition logo on instead. So it was like York's face and it's like the two reviews at the bottom and it's like this is the best game I've ever played. Giant Bomb. This is the worst game I've ever played. Also Giant Bomb and it's like yeah that that is the experience.
the reviews are so like going on the metacritic for this game is is amazing just like so it spans from a hundred which at that site destructoid game there 100 out of 100 it spans all the way down to like an ign score of 20 out of 100 like i don't know if any other game has ever had such just like a like kaleidoscope from like
just like from one end to the other. I think this adds to it as well. I think it's probably where the attraction first came from. Just people are like, I want to see this.
maybe there's this quote unquote disaster and then you know people found out oh actually this really resonates and it's actually a lot of fun and there's just no emotion there although we've been you know like hyping up it's a very weird way of hyping up something although we've been hyping up like what would you say and I've actually got an example in my head for you but what like would you say you really hated about this game like what's the one kind of thing
It's that middle section, it was that middle section.

Gameplay Quirks and Combat

There's like two murders that happened, I think it's maybe the second and third murders that happened kind of back to back. So there's like one's in an art gallery and then there's another, well I can't remember what the other one is, but like... It's in the bathroom.
in a bathroom, yeah. When you reach your kind of motives and you go into a kind of like twisted version of the world and like, you know, so I think you're in the house, but it kind of almost like infinitely expands. So you're having to trudge through like, and there were long points where it really focuses on the combat and like you're kind of having to trudge around those fighting and some of the enemies become very annoying.
yeah and everything and it just it's it's the worst of the game with none of it it's all its weaknesses but none of its strengths like the plot isn't really advancing anywhere like it's almost like filler and it's the worst kind of filler because you're having to do the combat and it's just really tedious like goes on for ages and like i just remember because i remember that was one of our sessions we just we did that bit and there was not really any like we didn't really have any kind of fun with it it was just like oh god like you know
It comes out of nowhere, so you have to cover a briefcase. It's a briefcase, which is in this lake. I can't remember why it's in the lake, but it's in the lake. And so this character tells you to get this briefcase, and you're like, all right. And then the next thing, you don't even have to drive it. You're just at the lake. It's fishing rods. And it's a fishing minigame, but it's done almost like a Las Vegas roulette machine, where it's just spinning, and you have to try and hit the button. And you might get the briefcase, but you might land on
picking like I think there's like ammo but also I think there's like useless stuff as well and it was just like it was just such like um it was just like wow like I don't know I've never seen something like that I was just like he brought me completely back and I was like oh my god I love this game like I fell completely in love with it like back again so even even the bad points of the game I feel like there's always something at the end that you're just like this is why this game is amazing and why you know you should keep going with it
it honestly is just the fact you got that first time i know i'm so annoyed because i've played more of it yeah because it was like basically as you said it's a wheel at the bottom and you just like click and that was it and it was like oh
Like you're right away and I was like, how did you do that? You're just like, I don't know. I was surprised. Yeah. They're just like, what do you think is the weakest of the game? Other than vent girl. Oh, vent girl. Yeah, that's what I was saying. So sorry, just to give context, when you're going through the game, you, as you said, you get these middle bits where you get like trapped in one area. So it's like you go to this like different world where it's like everything's, it's a bit like if you think of
I can't believe I'm making this comparison but if you think of Stranger Things, it's almost like the Upside Down but with zombies. You're walking through this twisted alternate reality and there's this scene where you turn round the corner and there's this woman crawling. She crawls at a vent, she crawls in the ceiling. You have to shoot her and she takes so many bullets, loads. So you keep
pummeling in and eventually you defeat her, turn round a corner, and there's a second one. Okay, so you run some repeat, you do that, and then there's a third one round a corner, and I remember you were just like in the India of Tether and that bit where it was just, it was not fun.
with the exception of I think the only like maybe really well done enemy is the raincoat killer I would say I think like the end the demon kind of boss is quite cool and like the way they've like styled him and stuff but I just think the boss fight is not great
Yeah, the boss fights are very weak. Especially with the raincoat killer, when you find out who it is, because it's like... It's like you don't technically fight the raincoat killer, you fight... It's gonna sound stupid, like me saying, please keep the raincoat on. It's like you don't even fight the raincoat killer, it's like you do, but it's like you fight him as a jacked up...
Yeah, first he's a jacked up biker. You have to shoot him in the back because he's got like this tattoo on his back. So throughout the game there's a symbol that keeps coming up and it's like a reversed peace sign and it's not revealed until like the end game. It's actually not a peace symbol, it's a tree.
which then leads him to think there's a correlation between the trees and the seeds and the mud that's going on. Really interesting. But yeah, this guy's got a big symbol like that in his back, like Goku. Literally he's cut out like a circle in his back, so he's got this glowing mark. It's like, what is going on? And then he goes Super Saiyan. He's got the huge white hair that's glowing that he's all jacked up and it's like,
I just it is one of those moments where I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm like man this didn't fit in the game and then there's like one scene that you're dedicated to running York gets kidnapped and you have to try and find them it puts you in the perspective of Emily who is like the love interest of the game and
You have to follow this guy called Kacen, who is like a... He's a translator. Yeah, he's a plant seller. And he runs so slow because he's like... He's just ridiculously big. You have to run behind him and there's like this hip-hop music.
There's like blading just as you're chasing after him and it's like, what even is this game? That and the skanky swine moment, that is... Sorry. I'm with the unsung hero of Ben the Premonition. Oh, he's so good, like, that bit. I was actually funny, I was going to say, I was meant to say this to you before, but I know we call ourselves the cinder sandwiches, but I think we should have called ourselves the skanky swines. The skanky swines?
Yeah I don't think I would have gone down too well with like Twitch. It's Genki Swain's play. So yeah like see I was reading more into the plot and that is one of the things that's like really so as I said if you're playing with friends like you know and you play through like just the main story like we did there is so much like you miss. So basically and again spoiler territory again Thomas is one of the police chiefs and it turns out I think
his sister murder victims part of a like a six kind of club thing yeah I'd remember like obviously there was no kind of but mother was like a builder but it was like we went down I remember in that level to the basement you just saw everything that we were both just looking at each other like oh no
Is he basically being groomed by one of the main villains in it?
this is it this isn't very dead old termination at all oh no it's like you're looking around it's like okay i see this i see that and there's no raincoat son of a bitch okay it's like case closed yeah and yeah it's like when you look at that and obviously like you can have a laugh at a lot of the scenes like how ridiculous like they either sound or the way the animation goes but see at the same time it's like if you look at it from like
analytical kind of view it's quite tragic like all of these characters have backstories honestly it's like if they were bought by Disney they would have a story or a Star Wars story like slapped in the back of their name like genuinely it's like there's a lot of really tragic characters like another mechanic that you can do is you can peep into people's houses I mean you can do that in real life but I wouldn't recommend it but there's less consequences for doing it
yeah yeah there's less consequences and if you do it in the game it basically gives you like a king of sliver like an insight into the characters which again is like a brilliant thing because it makes it more believable that this wasn't just like a rushed out
Twin Peaks knockoff. Sometimes you look through and you'll see nothing but apparently if you look through at a certain time you'll see certain characters you know doing things like you see Thomas apparently like sitting alone listening to like really sad and melancholy music you
see like if you go to Emily, something I also didn't know is see the like side quests that like develops a character a lot more like apparently if you so there's like a scene where you go in and you have lunch with I think it's like with the police officers and you're chatting away and they make fun of Emily's cooking and they just say oh she's a terrible cook
Apparently after that there's like a mini game or a side quest that was unlocked for that. So it's like you go into her house and she's actually got like black smoke or black kind of burn marks up like the wall where her cooker is. That's amazing. It's like really small details like that you would never think.
like that they would bother you know to do that because they didn't have to do that like I mean we didn't go into a moose house I don't think yeah yeah we missed like a lot of you know side quests and things like that and
i feel as if like i mean that's on us because it was the first time i think see if you play it through the first time then maybe you can be a bit excused because one of the things i thought was absolutely amazing was the so something i didn't know was apparently this a side quest that actually unlocks fast travel yeah i had no idea about this by the way until i told you and i think were you not quite shocked as well
i was completely shocked because i didn't even begin to imagine there would be a fast travel this game let alone that like you would be unlocked by a side quest but that's a really cool detail as well like it's so fast like i think as well like it's really cool that like this stuff all exists first of all but also it's i think it's quite cool as well that the game doesn't tell you yeah like this is like the only way that we've discovered this like we obviously missed all this stuff and we played it because we didn't
We were just following the main story for the most part and everything. But people who have gone in and explored and actually delved in this game have found all this stuff. And that actually is really cool, I think. You have to put the effort in to dig in and you can find this whole offer. You can find all these other stories and things that are happening and it just adds layers to this. And it kind of makes me really want to go back.
Yeah, same. I can explore it. That's amazing though, like, you know what, it's very top marks. You may be some kind of mad visionary, but you know what, like, damn. That is a hell of a well put together.
Mm-hmm. Oh, it's true though. Honestly, I'm actually surprised they never did anything with, like... This is gonna sound really weird, because I know Sweaty did, um, deadly premonition, and then he moved on to... I think it was D4 was the next one? D4, I think it was the next one, yeah. And I know he's got, like, he's got one coming out soon called, like, Good Life, I think. Yeah, there's another one as well, like one called The Missing or something, I think, as well. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. There's that one as well.
but then of course he's got Deadly Premonition 2 which I haven't played Deadly Premonition 2 but I literally ordered it just after speaking with you because I nearly caught a spoiler and this is a weird thing like usually with spoilers in games I've kind of become numb to it and I'm kind of like oh I don't care whether or not I get spoiled with a game but for Deadly Premonition it's different it's like a game that I've been
through this experience with friends. I've fallen in love with this setting. It's strange. I haven't felt that way about a game in a long time.
Yeah, it's like, have you ever, I don't know, like, can you think of any game recently that you had the same feelings for, like, as the pre-production? There's a couple of games, I don't think I've ever been invested in a game, like, in the same way as the pre-production. I've been, like, very invested in some game stories, like, I'm a huge fan of that.
I probably told you many times. I'm a huge fan of the Telltale Walking Dead. That first series, which I think is just like, I got really emotionally invested and really affected me. I absolutely love that game. And the same way as well, I got really involved in the story of Bioshock Infinite as well.
Those two games that I got really like kind of emotionally invested in and like really kind of dragged into. But like, I really, I totally knew these were like, I really got invested in this game and this game story in a different kind of way. Like, like in a way, like I feel especially with something like The Walking Dead, like I was probably emotionally invested in stuff, you know, in these characters and everything.
I feel like with Deadly Premonition, it was a more kind of a range of emotion, if that makes sense. I feel like with The Walking Dead, it was like really like, you know, it was like a lot, it was like kind of like really sadness and, you know, kind of heartbreaking, like, oh, like anguish and what was happening. And like, there was parts of that as well in Deadly Premonition, but as well, like, I just feel like there's so much fun out of what these characters were doing.
you know this world and like as well like there's like this sense of mystery and i was really intrigued and everything so i think like it really engages a whole wide range of emotions for me this game oh yeah really from like humor to like to kind of like sadness and like you know to like intrigue and everything so in that way i totally agree with you like just engaged so much
I mean, the total whiplash in this game is terrible. But also amazing. There's something I didn't realise. I can't remember the certain bits I remember, but I remember there's one where you know the person who dies in the museum.
yeah and she like has a very like bloody death where yeah basically there's a huge like sculpture behind her and it just like topples and top over but then like two seconds later the dog comes in and his theme starts playing it's like doo doo doo doo and it's like what it's like i beg your pardon
Can you say that to me one more time without the loud music related over this dead woman that's like, what is going on? But again, it's like those kind of moments where it's like
probably done on purpose like you would think like oh it's just you know it's like sweaty or whoever was like mixing it being tone deaf which maybe in some bits maybe in some scenes you think okay maybe but yeah it's in this case it just it seems like a lot there's a lot like you could play in this game and still not you know still just scratch your surface not like get to you know the meat of the game
Yeah, as we did. We clearly only scratched a bare minimum of what this game has

Character Interactions and Story Depth

to offer.
absolutely I mean there's some characters who are very hostile towards you but as I said as per the aforementioned people mechanic which I can't believe it's a sentence I'm saying today um apparently you can see like certain characters like crying because you know because of what's going on and just like this horrible thing so there's like other after that I thought that was quite clever when they say like oh people are too afraid to go out like in the rain in the dark so it's like they won't go because of this
you know, urban legend of the raincoat killer. That and, as I said before, maybe the issues of the console. That's a clever way of explaining a story like something that's, you know, technically a technical limitation. Which is a good thing because, you know, in the day, games are technically limited.
but it's the games that can explain that and make it make sense in a story that always like, you know, that are the best I think. No, totally. And I feel as if like what it lacks it kind of makes up for and its strengths. Yeah. Like whether it be the characterisation, whether it be, you know, even the fun minigames and things. Yeah. Because I'm just trying to think, we don't really do many of the minigames or the side quests which... No, it's the same really.
Although I think that is something you do in any game. It's like you always try and just blast through it, you know? Yeah. Well, as well, like, because we were playing it, like, because obviously it was like, I wouldn't play it, like, unless you were there and stuff. So we were only playing it in verse, so it kind of made sense for us to, like,
you know, go through the story that way. Well, it might have been, it might have been different if like, say we've been living together, like at a time or something. You might have more chance to like, you know, let's like take some time and just do some side missions. So because like, obviously I was traveling to your place and you were traveling to my place to play. It does kind of narrow its scope.
No, definitely. And as I said before, because everyone keeps saying, oh, the killer's obvious and this and that. It's like those gaps between chapters and things. I think I really hindered it that we weren't doing it in a kind of continual basis. I mean, we were doing it in a continual basis, but not
Continual enough that we're like a regular kind of yeah, yeah Which I mean it was a bit of a shame, but that's like, you know, that's life essentially because I mean we're both yeah, cuz we're both like busy as well and It's great as deadly premonition is like Life doesn't to read sometimes. Yeah, sadly we can't like put life on hold just for deadly premonition much I wish we could but
I wish we could as well. Yeah like to kind of like summarize like how would you sum up like so first of all before like I say it like I should be your final thoughts as it were would you recommend this game? Oh god again this is like you know what I know I said before I'm always scared to recommend it but you know what I'm gonna recommend it because the what I've described this game as it's an experience yeah it truly is an experience in every sense of the word
And I do think it's something that will stick with you and will stay with you. And there's a lot of fun to be had in it. And as well, just for everything you've described, just what the mechanics, the systems and mechanics are in the game, that really gives it a depth that I don't think a lot of other games have. In that way, you almost don't need... Greenville doesn't almost need to be a GTA kind of...
a bustling city, something like that. You might see another open world game. It doesn't need that because it's got this fantastically intricate system of routines and everything, which just really adds to it. Sorry, I'm well off track here, but I am going to recommend this game because I think it is an experience. It's obviously difficult in these times now, but if you can in these times or when we are able to socially mix and meet again,
If you can play it with somebody else, I think it's such an enhancement to the experience. It makes it that much more fun, and it makes it that much more enjoyable. You can be there to push through some of the tougher parts, some of the bits of dude drag a bit, at least there's something there you can switch it out and stuff. But again, even if you can't play with anybody else, I think it is worth playing.
Just because it's such a unique product and I don't think there's a video game like it out there. I don't think there's anything that's maybe even remotely close to it out there. So it's worth experiencing just for that. And just for like the fact this guy made this game after it was cancelled four times. That blows my mind. It's worth playing just for that fact because you know what? This is the story of not giving up and pursuing your dream. Doesn't matter what haters say.
as a matter of people say your game is going to be whatever you're doing is going to be terrible you know like see it through and you know in that way this game is actually like a like a really kind of uplifting story so play it for that play it for the game itself and play it for the story behind it
I love how this is like, this is literally a game where you're hunting a serial killer who's targeting women and shoving seeds down the shit. You know, it's like... I like it. It's a game. It's like, yeah. Wholesome. Oh no. Oh no. Got that on the front cover.

Gameplay Experience and Critiques

A great uplift of the experience. Yeah, a great uplifting, yeah. Hallmark. It's a Hallmark moment, you know. A Channel 5 moment over the year.
I think that speaks to the fact that the game is more than its story. Just from my complete tone-deaf endorsement of it there, it just shows that the game is so much more than just what its story is, and that's why it should be telling.
No, I totally agree with you. I do think that there is a lot that's overlooked in this game, and I feel as if like a lot... I was actually really surprised. I feel like in this, and again, I don't want to be like, gap ya again, but I feel like in this kind of, you know, age that we are in, like especially in lockdown as well, like where obviously billions of people using the internet, like every day, like
If this came out like, I mean don't get me wrong, if this came out like pre-internet then I don't think it would have like succeeded as well. Like maybe it would have been like an urban legend of oh that one kid has neither premonition, oh it's terrible but I don't know if it would have been able to have like broken that, you know that kind of limitation and I feel as if that's a bit unfair on it.
Because it is, it's so much more than people give it credit for. Yeah, I mean, I totally agree with your... Again, I can't believe I'm saying this as well, but I totally agree with your endorsement of this game that someone was constantly told, this game's rubbish, don't bother with it, why you bother with it. Just this game that's completely different than anything else.
It's... I mean, don't get me wrong, like, I can justify a lot of it, like, the bad combat, like, the fact that a lot of versions crash. Like, apparently the Switch version crashes a lot. That's a shame. Yeah, so it's like, if you, like, are playing for hours, you have to manually save, so it's a bit like Resident Evil. You have to go to a telephone and you have to, like, save your progress. If you don't save, you've lost it. Like, there's no auto-save here.
And I feel as if that's more like to blame with the developers to not patch. I think they've put out a couple of patches, but they never like fixed it. I think they did something similar with the second one. That's a whole other kettle of fish. Which is probably something we'll probably come back to in a couple of months once again. You're about to start playing. You're about to start playing. And I am currently playing it thanks to a very generous Red Panda.
Oh, yes. So that's another thing. So even though we won't be even though we won't be like, you know, playing it like watching the same game, like we're playing it like together, like we will be playing it together in a way. So maybe come back and talk about the sequels on Twitter. Oh, no, we definitely need to talk about the sequel. Honestly, it's one of the weirdest things that I could like gush about because at least with something like Twin Peaks, you know, at least with like Twin Peaks, there is like a kind of normality element to it, if you know what I mean.
Like, in the sense that it's, although you've got all of the supernatural stuff in it, at least you've got the kind of day-to-day townsfolk doing normal things and it's just rooted in the idea that a girl's been murdered. And to an extent, the other Premonition has that as well, but I feel as if they go more off the deep end with the supernatural stuff. Well, it's just suddenly... Oh, they're zombies! Or shadows, as they're called, but it is. Yeah, but they're not...
I don't know, have they ever explained? Like, don't get me wrong. I don't think they ever are. Something to do with the seeds, probably. Probably. Well, no, because he says he's always, or did he say, I don't even know, maybe I'm just making up like excuses. But yeah, it's just, I don't know if that's just, they wanted a mechanic or they wanted you to shoot at someone. So they're like, oh yeah, zombies, which are like cut off from the rest of the world. So it's like, it's a bit weird, but what a game.
I can't believe a game that started in 2004 had no faith whatsoever, kind of blew up between 2010, which it came out at, and then re-released in, I want to say 2013.
I think it was the director's cut, I think you're right, it was the team, yeah. Which is, again, that's insane. And for a game that's, like, everybody widely says, oh, it's, you know, one of the worst games ever with so much detail in it. So it defined a friendship as well. The most important part of it.
of the story. See this is a weird thing because I know I kind of touched on it earlier but I'm actually I was actually wondering if that was like one of the moments where you know stepbrothers moment was like do we just become best friends yep yep do you know what I think it totally was
And it was, it was like... We could play Deadly Premonition in the basement. Sorry, do lie. It's one of those games where it was like, don't get me wrong, I was obviously looking forward to hanging out with you, but it was like also that idea that we were just going to be playing Deadly Premonition and, you know, just chilling, had some snacks, you know, just
Yeah, it was a nice experience, it was like very... it kind of goes back to, and this is going to sound really weird, but it kind of goes back to your the days of like split screen. Oh yeah. When it's like it was just you and a friend or you know whoever and you were just
playing together, same game, and this isn't like a, it is weird because this isn't a multiplayer game. The thing I like about it is the fact that although it's not like a multiplayer game, it's something for everyone who's there, if you know what I mean. Like it's, you know, like one person can play the game and experience that side of it and the other person can kind of watch and, because you know, I mean have you ever been in that situation where you're watching someone else play a game
And you're just utterly bored? Yeah. There's plenty of games out there though.
yeah like i mean if you play like college or two you watch someone play college or two yeah i mean it's an exciting game to play you know it's like oh there's explosions everywhere and things but it's not a very interesting one to really watch second hand sometimes yeah and always yeah like if you're in like someone else's house and less like you know pass the controller or whatever but would end with premonition although we were passing the controller quite a lot it's a cross between like this this drama of this
girl getting killed and everything and yeah just trying to uncover that in you know the stereotypical you know sleepy town america yeah i'm gonna look back for the final question and just say like what are your final thoughts like for this game
I mean, my final thoughts, I think, really are just all the memorable moments. And I was actually writing down the memorable moments. I was just thinking back. And that's what really defines it for me. I just think back to that bit where you get to play as the raincoat killer for a little bit. The first time you're hiding from the raincoat killer, that first escape sequence, which, although the controls are horrible, just adds to the whole experience. We just had such a fun with that.
The Sinner Sandwich scene, obviously. Talked about the amazing fishing scene. Scanky swine. Everything with Thomas and that bell tower. Just running after the dog. And then the pause screen. You remember the pause screen? The first time you hit pause on the game. And you're confronted with this, I don't even know what.
It's like a harpsichord jumping off a building. You might even have to just put a picture up on the Discord or something. The pause screen is the craziest thing ever. It's almost like an equivalent of Red Room.
it's almost like the game's equivalent of that and there's like a moose head that's like moving around there's like it's just i can't even describe it it's just like find a picture of the pause screen oh yeah no sorry i thought you meant the sound effect that plays when you press pause oh the sound effect yeah sorry i was reading the actual screen oh yeah yeah that too the sound effect is incredible i forgot about that
yeah it's just like this loud banging like as i said like a harpsichord just jumping off a building and it's like what is what is this but yeah as you said there's like so much to kind of look at although sort of quickly going back to remember how i said that this is inspired by twin peaks
So one last bit of trivia. Apparently, so throughout the game, like the game begins, like the game actually throws you right into it with the first cutscene. Before like you take control of your characters, introduced or anything, he basically, or sorry, the game basically shows you like these two twins, like these two children playing in the field and they're just, you know, having a good time essentially with their granddad who's like laughing and waving.
So they turn a corner and then they see this woman brutally crucified on this tree. And it's a horrific scene and everything. And throughout the game, whenever York is having his dreams or his flashbacks, he sees these twins in his dream and they keep giving him advice. Sometimes they'll pop in, sometimes they won't. But apparently when it was raining, he would. Can you guess what the twins were initially?
Were they like, two animals or something? Were they or what? No, there were two. So you know the little person from Twin Peaks, the dancing band? Oh yeah? Yeah, it was two of them. Oh, wow. Just two of them sitting on a chair, clearly the same suit. And it's like, yeah, no, no, no correlation points of it. Yeah, and I thought, ouch. So no wonder it got slapped with like legal troubles.
But I don't know, I feel as if that's the charm, at least. Oh yeah, I think definitely. But that's just what I think, if I was thinking about the game as final thoughts, just the fun we had playing for it. Even through the times, even through the bits of drag, it's fun. Those are so outweighed by all the fun we had laughing at it and getting engaged in the story and trying to guess and everything. There was just so many good memories. That's what I'd say my fun was.
A game, an experience full of amazing, full of just great memories. I'd agree with that.
That's not me chipping out my final thoughts. So, being like, yes, what you said. I concur. I also agree with what you said. I was the first one to say that. It's like that Simpsons episode when they're talking about the Duff. It's like, I like this beer. I also like this beer. And they're all booing them. It's like, that man's never drunk in a Duff in his life.
It's like the same idea, it's like that man's never played deadly premonition in his life. Although there's actually a really brilliant like Simpsons meme where it's a poo. It's the episode where Homer gets a job with the Quicky Mart and he's like terrible and then he ends up fighting and running off into the sunset and he says like there goes the best worst worker I've ever had. But someone's like photoshopped that so instead it's deadly premonition on top and he's like there goes the best worst game ever.
And I feel like, although I have criticized a lot of it, the mechanics, a lot of the mechanics don't hold up. I will admit that. The mechanics did not hold up. But even back then, I don't think they held up. Yeah, they never held up.
But at the same time, if you're looking for a clean game with good mechanics and a sensical story, if that's even the word, yeah, this isn't the game. But if you're looking for a game that's going to intrigue you, it's going to pull you in closer and closer with the mystery. If you get past the first bit, like the rubbish,
Because it's not... I'm going to admit now, although I'm kind of recommending to check it out, it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea and that's OK. Like, I don't want to be like, oh, you have to be at least this smart to think... No, not at all. Like, definitely people are going to get put off by the very first couple of minutes. No doubt. But if you're playing this game, it's a bit like watching the film, like Birdemic or The Room, you know? It's like you can watch it on your own and it's like a terrible mess.
but it's a lot better if you watch it with friends or if you play it with friends. The only, as I said, the only exception is like if you're watching streamers play it because I feel as if like for streamers or let's players they also have that added worry that they have to entertain as well so they're probably the easy thing which I can understand why but the easy thing would be just to
crapping the game on the outside and being like, oh the graphics are terrible, oh this is terrible and that, which completely justified but if you keep going on with that mindset then it's gonna take away from the hidden layer underneath. Like being able to talk to the tension, being able to follow them and that is something like for a game that as I said was developed in 2004 and it's like 11 years old, that is a game that still has characters get up in the morning and
do their everyday chores, you know. And also, that is the thing I love, the fact that it reveals plot twists and things, or not plot twists, but like certain aspects of the game where, you know, you see someone go down to the basement and you go, oh, what's that all about? Or you see two characters going on a date and then one might not show up and you're like, oh, why is that not happening? You know,
all of these things like all these small minute things which it almost feels as if like it's trying to use like a strip of duct tape to like stop like this wave like a leaky you know
I don't know, like a leaky tanker or something. Or a leaking boat almost. Let's say a leaking boat, you know. It's like trying to patch it up with like one strip of like water. I was getting waterproof, not waterproof, but what's the opposite of waterproof? Just normal? Like sellotape and that up essentially. And somehow, like through some miracle it holds together.

Conclusion and Social Engagement

And it's like, it is. It's a miracle game in the weirdest way possible. So if you're the kind of person that likes Twin Peaks and a very weird experience with your games, I would say go for it. Even read some of the non-spoiler reviews or something to see, but yeah, I would recommend it. I'm gonna get messages. If someone listens to this and then I'm gonna get messages weeks later saying, what the hell did you make me watch?
I'll play those, then I'll be like, yeah, absolutely. As you say, it's not going to be for everybody. Like most things in life, not everybody likes every single thing. And maybe especially with this one. But you know what? Take a roll, take a roll of dice. If you're an adventurer, roll the dice. You never know. You might just end up loving it. You may end up joining the cult like us. In which case, if you do, we'll see you at the next meeting.
Yeah, that's true. The next day of Zoom meeting, you mean? I was going to make a joke saying, oh, bring bacon. But I was like, wait, no, that's not socially distanced. Oh, bring your own bacon to your own, to your own Zoom course. Yeah, exactly. Try not to eat it too loudly. Mute yourself.
Make sure you get that scanky swine bacon as well. Oh god, imagine. So many. I'm just trying to think of it any... nah, I don't think there is. There's like, there is so much like you could talk about with elderly premonition. Like our play for a bit, I feel like we've only scratched the surface of what it is, but like, maybe that's for the best.
like if you have played the game then there's like lots of like I would even recommend like looking up and this is a really weird thing to recommend but I would recommend looking up like just the story of how this game was made it's just so bizarre so weird yet somehow like the game itself it's just so endearing to see you know that despite four cancellations and people saying there wasn't gonna work he did it anyway and it's not perfect but
i mean you know if it was like terrible if it was like something like big rigs or highway to hell or something we wouldn't be talking about it really today for two hours yeah or we'd be doing it very sarcastically and looking
yeah to be like oh best game ever yeah you know like i mean even i kind of noticed that though like when you were saying about the combatting thing like you weren't you weren't as mad as when you had to watch bone alone that's all i'm saying that's that's true there you go there's my endorsement it's far superior to bone alone yeah it's not bone alone yeah 10 out of 10
Yeah, and on that note, thank you so much, Adam, for joining me in this. Oh, thank you badly. Yeah, no, thank you for coming on to this weird and wonderful episode of Chatsunami. What an episode. Indeed. One for the ages.
as always Adam thank you so much for joining us or joining me did you hear that Zach oh my god it's happening oh thank you so much for thank you so much for having me and thank you everybody for listening along and yeah hopefully you enjoyed me be rambling about my Inka here this was a proper Inka I know I've joined my Inka here rambling before
I think this was a proper, my notes were just that or just like a single note, single thing. Remember to talk about this and this? No, it's a team effort this time. I think I rambled, yeah I rambled probably as much as you did that one. You know what, if there was a game to ramble about it would be this one. It was a lot of fun just like talking about this and just thinking about it again and being like man that was such a fun
such a fun experience like definitely one of the best like most fun experiences I've had playing a game yeah and that was much to do with the game as it was to do with the company so thank you thank you Satsui for giving me a love of deadly feminines although I'm dreading today that like this podcast or this particular episode blows up and someone's going to watch it and be like oh I wonder what this is like and it's yes
And they actually listened to it and it was just like, why did you make me play Deadly Premonition? And it was like, I swear to god. It was better when Adam and I played it and they're like, who the hell's Adam? And it's like, listen, it was good. I don't have time to go into the lore, dammit. So it begins with the trees, low-racksing it up. So yeah.
If you want to follow me anywhere else for my ramblings and deadly premonition, yeah, you can follow me on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, of course, and TikTok, all under the name, Satsanami42. As always, guys, thank you all so, so much for listening. Yep, as always, stay safe, stay awesome, and most importantly, don't eat the red seeds because a tree's going to grow in your belly.
probably. That's what Daedal Permonition taught me anyway. Was that an evening truck? It was whatever truck you wanted it to be. It was more of that. Like Deadly Premonition, it can mean many things. It was more of the laugh and the, oh no, how terrible. Sipping the team. Oh no, what a shame. What a terrible day. What a terrible day for the stream. Okay, bye guys.