“Amateur Nation ‘Has a Cold’” image

“Amateur Nation ‘Has a Cold’”

S6 E286 · AMATEUR NATION with Lou Santini
63 Plays3 months ago


  1. Dolly Parton: A national treasure. And to Amateur Nation, a racist.
  2. In Amateur Nation, as you suffer, so must the world.
  3. “This Week in, ‘Maybe Biden Had a Cold Again”!

*On “A la Carte”:* It’s been a minute since we gave Ukraine money, Amazon gets more Commie, and your fat pets can get thinner— thanks to Big Pharma.

*On “3 Pro Things”:* a propaganda tool of MSM gets a redo, how a President is SUPPOSED to handle the Afghanistan withdrawal, and how a true leader of a nation inspires.

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Hi bros, Lou Santini here, host of Amateur Nation. My Drybar Comedy Special, Amateur Nation, is now available. And just like this show, if you're allergic to a lack of common sense in today's world, and you like your comedy delivered with uncompromising talent it like it is bite, then check out my half hour comedy special, Amateur Nation. Go to drybarcomedy.com slash Lou. This is my way of saying thank you to the pros who listen to this show every week. Drive our comedy dot com slash Lou S. Amateur Nation is not just a podcast, it's a movement. The honor and remember flag is a nationally recognized symbol that sends a message of appreciation for the sacrifice made by our fallen heroes and their families.
The flag flies at many NASCAR races around the country and you can help honor our nation's fallen military members and remember the eternal sacrifice of their service by flying the flag too. Text FLAG to 71777 or visit honorandremember.org to learn more. Together we remember them all.
are do um Okay, let's all shut up, please. Warning. The podcast you are about to hear is often based on true events and people. It chronicles the dialogue and actions of random, anonymous, obnoxious, self-entitled, unintelligent, self-centered idiots, attention whores, ignoramuses, dolts, clods, nimrods, douches, weirdos, drama queens, overly sensitive crybabies, and people who think they are better, more important, and special than the rest of us. In one word, amateurs.
It's amateur nation with Lou Santini. Because I'm the man. We call attention to and call out the amateurs, the people who are doing life wrong, the speed bumps of life, the people that are in your way every day, the unintelligent obnoxious attention-whoring self-entitled drama queen victim types who chip away at the moments of your life due to no self-awareness, common sense, manners, or social skills, and are disturbing the flow of the pros. Hey, Mom. Oh, hey, Lou. Amateur Nation. It's not just a podcast. It's a movement. And this is episode 286. Amateur Nation has a cold.
On today's episode, Dolly Parton, a national treasure, and somehow to amateur nation, a racist. In amateur nation, as you suffer, so must the world. And this weekend, maybe Biden had a cold again. Then we slap amateurs around just a bit more in a la carte, and we close the show with three things done right on Three Pro Things. Ah yes, the weekly social commentary podcast magazine is back, with opinions often based on facts, logic and common sense from me of course, but also with input from various pros from around the United States and the globe.
Shouts out to Pro Nation First. Shouts out to Steve Patterson in Maslin, Ohio, William Carver, Linda Fisher, loki.9986, Matt King, picturesonwalls.com, and umongkshah on Instagram. PrayUSA22 and Truth Social, and Scott Gere, Mike and Jennifer Ziegler, Susan Mercer-Stillion, Mike Bryant, Jane Adkins-Almond, and Molly Meese-Romeg on Facebook. And a very special shout out to Summer Wood, a perfect six pound baby girl born to Jordan and Brittany Wood in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Born on the 4th of July, making Sherry Foltz a first time great grandmother, Kim Foltz a first time grandmother, and her husband Billy a first time grandfather too. Congratulations to all and welcome to Pro Nation Summer.
Your pro post of the week from Ryan Fournier, this. a message to america you went soft on discipline you raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work rather than spending time with their children you took god out of school parents were told no you can't discipline your kids kids have rights blah blah blah You reap what you sow. We have lost generations of offspring that have turned into selfish, disrespectful brats who have no respect for people, property, or authority. Here's what's happening in amateur nation. as
this week in boobville Dolly Parton. known for two things. that's right they're breasts ah deal Okay, now that I got the obligatory boob joke out of the way, take two. Dolly Parton, award-winning country music icon. Actress, philanthropist, she's a national treasure, known for ridiculous acts of kindness and generosity. On the other hand, you have amateurs, never running out of things, often good things to bitch about. Case in point, Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton has been accused of white saviorism for, ready, giving millions of free books
to poor children. surprise motherfuck of This story from MSN dot.com. Dolly Parton started Imagination Library, launched more than three decades ago. It now operates in the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia, and has been lauded for helping to drive up literacy rates. Sounds oppressive, right? i'm being repressed The article says it gives disadvantaged pupils the same access to books as their middle class peers by sending high quality titles directly to the homes of under fives.
But according to a recently published academic paper, the award-winning scheme is racist by reinforcing notions of white privilege and heteronormativity and not representing enough cultural diversity, disability, trans and bisexual gender identities and non-traditional family structures. Here comes the party pooper. Speech and language pathologist Jennifer Stone published a paper at the University of North Carolina asserting that Dolly Parton's philanthropy is, quote, potentially dangerous and smacks of white saviorism. Danger! Helpful country star wants to help kids read for free. Danger!
This shit-starting dumb commie. What, I'm wrong? What would you call someone who thinks that giving free books to millions of children of all races is racist? I mean, just listen to this oppressive description. Through its focus on reading to succeed and perfecting parenting, Parton's imagination library scheme is oppressive, says Stone. Let that sink in. Reading to succeed and perfecting parenting is oppressive. I feel terrible. I'm emotionally distraught over this. But wait, it gets amateurier. Jennifer Stone went on to say, ah let me rephrase that, she went on to actually say these words, such themes subjugate children and privilege a white middle-class cisgendered heteronormative able-bodied mom.
amateur nation has officially run out of things about which to complain. Think about that. And I realize that of all the types of topics I discuss on this show, topics that are broader in scope, of all the types of topics I discuss, amateurs are actually mad that a person donates millions of books to any child who doesn't have access to reading materials. If this isn't Marxism 101, I don't know what is. Think about that. You're a financially poor parent. Maybe a single parent struggling, a stranger, a famous stranger, but a stranger offers your child free books, free knowledge, free education. Are you going to turn that down? Apparently, if you're an amateur like speech and language pathologist Jennifer Stone, you do.
Amateurs, listen carefully. Your commie party doesn't want you to succeed. They don't want you educated or even informed, even as a child, unless you get help, success, or education from them. Doesn't that bother you? By definition, education is about learning all and everything you can. Learn everything you can get your hands on that you want to learn. And then this amateur throws around nothing words like cisgendered heteronormative and able-bodied. So you shouldn't take free books from a biological woman?
And I'm sorry, I'm honestly trying to cut back on the swearing on this show, but go fuck yourself with a heteronormative made-up word. Just because you can define it, don't shit on my cupcake and call it frosting with this heteronormative nonsense. You mean straight woman. And I'm sorry that Dolly Parton is able-bodied. Apparently kids could only get free books from a gay, non-binary, disabled, non-cis woman. Then, that's okay. Amateur sorry commies would sell out their kids' futures if they received help, kindness or love from anyone not in their little box of approval. fuck these people but The article goes on to say that her program was launched by Parton in 1995. The first books were distributed to children living in Sevier County in poor rural Tennessee where she grew up.
the singer has invested millions into imagination library and has said if I'm remembered 100 years from now I hope it will be not for looks but for books and it was so successful her program was extended to the UK in 2008 oh yeah that sounds racist look I know my audience is mostly pros but seriously amateurs you're just a bunch of fucking sos What? What would you call any person whose pride and or ignorance keeps their child from learning? From a person who motivated by nothing but kindness? That's an idiot, a bad parent, an amateur. all this and now for step two topic number amateur nation. Look at me. I have problems. Look at all the things wrong with me, many of which I could control or just shut the fuck up about. I'm special. Here we have audio from Mind of Resistance on Instagram of a man wearing a sandwich board. You know, those signs you wear around the front and back of your body to advertise your message. That reads, children cannot consent to puberty blockers.
Coming to embarrass herself on behalf of gender-affirming care is a severely overweight, needy amateur whose medical history is the barometer for all humans, apparently. She has issues, so the world must adapt. That's Amateur 101. And of course, this amateur has to object to logic. Never mind the fact that indeed children cannot consent to puberty blockers. One, because they're underage and have no legal rights in this arena. Two, because they don't understand puberty, let alone puberty blockers. And three, this woman is an idiot. If children cannot consent to puberty blockers, how are they supposed to consent to puberty? I knew that was coming. It's one of my favorite questions. Do you consent to your hair growing or to your heart beating? i consent show all your biological functions working every day
this is a natural part of growing out yeah only thing unnaturals going on here is the puberty block Do you know how many medications I'm on because the biological functions of my body are screwed up? So the world of underage children should be allowed to have their biology permanently annihilated because you are, quote, screwed up. I'm an amateur. I have things that are only about me, like all people. But my problems are the benchmark for Earth. Now get ready for the serious health issues that this amateur is facing daily. No, I don't know how many medications you're on. Would you like to tell me? At least half a dozen. What a strange person. At least... Okay, if you're on multiple medications, you don't know the exact amount. At least six isn't a ton. Hell, I'm on cholesterol medication every other day and allergy medicine daily. Okay, that's two. I'm one third to her neurosis. Because my melatonin cycle doesn't work, so I don't sleep properly. I don't mind saying, that is one screwed up broad. Uh, that's half the planet. I have insomnia at least once a month, if not more. My heart doesn't beat consistently. Okay, you're dying. I defer to your morbid obesity. This could be why you're not sleeping and your heart is rebelling. My brain doesn't produce the correct chemicals. And what are the correct chemicals? And if those missing chemicals are the ones that help produce critical thinking and self-responsibility, then yes, you have a problem. But going by how you worded that, you're simply making that up. My neurological wiring is messed up. Do you have any idea how you look? I'm guessing the answer is more drugs. I mean, this amateur is going full tilt boogie on the commie playbook of better living through big pharma since she's on at least a half dozen meds to combat your disastrous body that apparently is the benchmark for all children who may not have her plethora of problems. But she has problems. so Just to be sure, the world of underage children that are not hers should be allowed access to prescription drugs. You know, since prescription drugs are known to have no known side effects ever, especially on growing, developing bodies. But she can't sleep or have a normal heartbeat in that bloated torso she calls a body, and her brain isn't producing the correct chemicals, whatever they are. She can't name them because of all the lack of sleep and heart stoppage. And, um, let's see.
Let's see. You have all these horrible problems that are so bad that you are willing to let kids you don't know nor are responsible for go through puberty blockers and the damaging side effects to make yourself feel better about being a physical and mental and emotional train wreck. My body doesn't send pain signals correctly. It's an absolute wonder to me that you all managed to live this long. Explain! So you're saying if you have pain, your body doesn't tell you it has pain? How do you know you're having pain? So you're not feeling pain and that's your complaint? Either you have pain or you don't. Sure there's various levels of pain, but you are mad because your body, your obese body with the bad insomniatic heart does not tell you when it's in pain? So you're mad that you're not feeling the pain you're imagining?
You're all kinds of high maintenance, aren't you? By the way, this amateur is thrilled to be telling a stranger about all her health problems. Why? Because that is her identity. She's oppressed, in pain, maligned, not normal, according to her. She deserves special treatment and, of course, a day, week, or month to be celebrated. Look, amateurs, no one likes you. You're a downer. You're a nation of downers. um How many ways are there for me to say, shut the fuck up? Now she's looking for things to make up. Honestly, if you had a half dozen serious health conditions, you would rattle them off like the alphabet. This amateur is reaching. And my antihistamines are not well adapted to the allergens in the air.
I know what mental illness looks like! Okay, so you're officially reaching. Listen, girl in the plastic bubble. You have allergies. That's it. There are at least a half dozen over-the-counter allergy meds that work well, not to mention a myriad of prescription allergy medications. Get rid of your 14 cats, lose 100, and I bet your allergies, heart, and sleep fall into place. Or complain and do nothing like amateurs do. God, I've never seen an entire generation of people take so much pleasure in misery. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. You mean the ones you made up off the top of your head? So, no, I don't consent to the natural functions of my body. I take medications to fix them. By the way, super great way of handling this. Okay, this is rich. This amateur doesn't consent to the natural functions of my body. You know how cancer patients just don't seem to consent to the natural function of their bodies. Feel insulted yet, cancer patients?
Childish. Remember when you had the chicken pox as a kid? You said, I don't consent to this! And then the chicken pox went away? No? Look, I get that, yes, sometimes we need modern medicine, prescription, even over-the-counter drugs. But going by this amateur's half-assed descriptions of her issues, she's just another high-maintenance, dramatic, whiny, attention-starved, bloated, dumb, needy amateur. Well, before puberty. You've got problems. Here it is. So, she's been on at least a half dozen drugs well before puberty. Lady, you just said the reason you're messed up! Your doctor or doctors got you believing that you need these drugs simply to get through the day despite, in my opinion, not hearing one life-threatening condition or illness.
Your doctor drugged you into poor health. Before puberty? All these drugs? All these conditions? Of course, I don't know her medical history and I haven't seen her chart. But you don't have to be a doctor to know an unfulfilled hypochondriacal drama queen amateur when you hear and see it. Now fuck off.
Let me be clear. People have health issues, but only those in amateur nation matter. If they have issues, then the world should be on notice. If they experience racism or discrimination, then the world is on notice. If they have health issues akin only to them, we have to act as though it's the same if the whole world had them.
Check my website for my social media links and when you subscribe to the show, you'll get previews throughout the week showing what's to come. Don't forget to share and comment. My no amateur shot glasses are now sold out, as are my men's no amateurs t-shirts, but the women's tees are still around. Select sizes half off when you go to LouSantini.com slash shop. all A la carte and three pro things on the way, but first, this weekend, maybe Biden had a cold again. On topic number three, next. The honor and remember flag is a nationally recognized symbol that sends a message of appreciation for the sacrifice made by our fallen heroes and their families. The flag flies at many NASCAR races around the country and you can help honor our nation's fallen military members and remember the eternal sacrifice of their service by flying the flag too. Text FLAG to 71777 or visit honorandremember.org to learn more. Together, we remember them all.
There's been an odd shift in human behavior over the last 15 plus years. A sense of entitlement. A constant need for attention. Ironically, coupled with the need to be left alone. A desire to be treated the same as everyone else. Stupidly combined with the mindset of, I'm special, so treat me accordingly. Introducing the book, Amateur Nation. Better client of common sense, manners, and social skills. the Second edition. Inside, you'll read The Amateur Mission Station. The 30 truths about amateurs. The four stages of being an amateur. Amateur habitats and history. Social media plus me, me, me equals amateur. Technology and amateur behavior. With dozens of real funny photos, weird signs, and laugh out loud real life accounts and actual conversations vividly showing how us pros are surrounded by
amateur nation the decline of common sense manners and social skills the second expanded edition available now be a pro go to amazon type amateur nation
Now we have a show host here. He's a great host. He's a real MC. All right, now step three. Topic number three. hit
it's time for this weekend maybe biden had a cold
Just when you think President Coloring Book couldn't screw up the illegal alien situation in this country, not only is he not stopping the bleeding at the border, he's going out of his way to bring back 100 formerly deported Cameroonians. If he spent one tenth the effort helping American veterans, hell, regular civilian Americans... He is a dirty floor fucker who doesn't deserve to live amongst us.
Thanks to all the things that President Coloring Book has built back better, salaries have fallen by an average of 8.2% the last five years, but house prices have risen an average of 56% in the same time period. Recently, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said he'd never vote for anyone who isn't down with climate change. Then he got on one of his three private planes, two of them commercial airliners, and flew off to someplace you can't afford. Here's how you know climate change is a hoax. President Coloring Book is behind it. I quite frankly think it's not only outrageous, it's really stupid. Everyone who willfully denies the impacts of climate change
I'm sorry, did the least coherent stupidest and most chronically dying president of all time just call me stupid? It's condemning the American people in a dangerous future. This time slower and with less passion. It either is really, really dumb or has some other motive of that. Some other motive? Yeah, like being free. How could you deny there's climate change? for god's sake like this. Climate change is a hoax. Also, if there is climate change, why do the wealthy openly flaunt private jets, huge car collections, and multiple mansions, many built on oceanfront property? You know, with all those oceans rising? I mean, receding? I mean, doing what oceans do?
Also, I've been in this earth 57 years. Not one thing different about the climate, the ocean or dirt, except for things like where in Joshua Tree, California, in the Mojave Desert, where trees growing for over 100 years are being destroyed to make way for a 2,300 acre solar farm. As the commie rag LA Times said, it was never about the environment.
If you're a commie, I don't say Democrat with exceptions, and you still stay with the Communist Party and vote accordingly after, not only what you saw in President Culvering Book's pitiful performance, but also the mad scramble by the White House and the mainstream media to cover up excuse and deflect from his abysmal showing, you're easily duped and can be talked into anything. You have no standards. You should be incensed that A, your beloved party. Let, yes, let Joe Biden take the reins. B, his pathetic excuse for a wife Jill parades him out there so she can keep her beloved First Lady title and all the perks that come with it. And C, that your beloved mainstream media lied to you repeatedly about Joe Biden being fine and fit and vigorous. This did not happen suddenly.
Donald Trump had COVID and was running the country from the hospital and was back in the White House in what, three days? I know his age, but what? He's three years older than Biden? Who had the sniffles? He doesn't have access to the best meds? Of course he does. Did you not see this meth doubt psycho screaming during the State of the Union? You think that's the real Joe Biden? You saw the real Joe Biden during the debate and you commies know it. Your president and your party lied to you repeatedly for three and a half years and longer. So you, as a commie, are going to tell me that you had no idea that Joe Biden was so out of it.
You didn't see one social media clip that one of your patriotic American friends showed you of Joe falling upstairs, downstairs, off of bikes, mumbling, stumbling, trailing off, forgetting things, making things up like his cannibalized Uncle Bozy. You have no excuse for not knowing. If you're living on social media or watching mainstream media, you can change the channel and hear the truth. But you choose to ignore it. You chose to ignore pronation telling you repeatedly that he's an incompetent, incontinent, corrupt, lying, dying commie. Now you know. You know. Now. What will you do? Wait to see who they replace him with? You know, without asking you?
The voters devote on a replacement candidate, and you're okay with having your choice replaced as you head to the November election? Look, he didn't have a sudden illness like a heart attack or a stroke or restricted by a long-term illness like cancer. He has dementia. His staff knew it. His family knew it. All Republicans in pro-nation knew it. So you must be one dumb, uninformed voter, amateur. So you and your commie brain will vote for anyone, not Donald Trump. like Michelle Big Mike Obama. His last name was Obama, so I'm voting for him slash her, they. Why would that be? Because of the name? Despite no major vetting of this guy? No experience running anything from what we know? You're gonna ignore Barack's boyfriend drowning in their lake? You're not gonna question Barack's birth certificate? Why their kids don't look like them? Like at all?
You're gonna ignore the housing bubble bursting under Barack Obama, the dot-com bubble bursting, and the auto industry decaying and needing bailed out under Barack. If you vote for Mike Obama, you do know you're voting for Barack again to, yet again, run things behind the scenes like he has been doing with President Coloring Book. You like Barack Obama, you think you do, you don't. Because he's the one fucking up the country under the guise of Joe Biden being the president. So you're fine with Barack Obama running things behind the scenes. Good, I like him! Except you're ignoring all the crappy cars while he was president that I just said. Eight years under him once before, four under Biden, and another four under Big Mike while Barack Okami pulls the strings. Gavin Newsom as the replacement. You have heard how he destroyed the former jewel that was Commifornia, right? How he thumbed his nose at all pandemic restrictions that he administered more than once? How he locked down Commifornia worse than any other state? He ignores crime? He has spent, what, 12 billion on fixing homeless and nothing has changed one iota?
Go a few episodes back and hear the montage of Emperor Newsom speaking over the course of years, saying how they're gonna solve it and working to solve homelessness. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitless Whitmer. This is the amateur who banned the sale of paint and carpet to stop COVID during the shutdowns. Can you imagine if she was paired up with Cacklin Kamala Harris? Bernie Sanders, a known socialist, which socialism is one half step behind communism, not to mention he's yet another hypocrite who wants to destroy the middle class yet as a millionaire. He got passed up once before when Barack won in Hillary to run in 2016, so he's living in his $600,000 house your commie party got for him to shut him up.
Sounds like a well-run party you have there. Kamala, if you think other countries didn't like us before, not to mention many in her staff have quit for all the same reason. She's just a bitch. Don't forget dumb. To quote Jack Posobiec on Instagram, a lot of the same people who have been blathering nonstop about the threats to democracy are trying to force the candidate who won the DNC primary out and replaced without a vote by the people. Weird.
Your entire Democrat party, AKA the Communist Party, is full of over-emotional, corrupt, incompetent, racist, communist amateurs, and about 75% of the Republican Party, too. See, that's the difference between frozen amateurs, standards. We don't demand or expect perfection from our politicians in the party, but we do expect loyalty, honesty, transparency, competency, and results. The time to yank Biden was week one of his term. Democrats knew he was a zombie then. Your party covered it up so they could ruin the country. If there ever was a time to jump parties, it's now. But amateurs won't. Amateurs rarely learn. It's in my book. Why haven't you downloaded it yet?
Time for all a la carte. Here we go.
The United States is going to announce a new 2.3 billion military aid package for Ukraine. Phew, for a minute there, I was worried Ukraine wouldn't get all of America's money. I mean, my and your money. Small business destroyer Amazon is developing a bargain section to sell crap made in China only, mostly under $20. The plan is for Amazon to ship the products directly to buyers in the US from Chinese warehouses in 9 to 11 days. You know, the typical time period when you pay for Prime. How do the Chinese let themselves get talked into making these things? Did you know July is cell phone courtesy month? So for amateurs, this means not texting and driving, not texting and walking with your heads down while walking through a crosswalk and not talking on speakerphone while holding the phone flat in the palm of your hand like a pizza while in public. I can do anything I want. Here come three words you're not expecting. Osempic for pets.
There may soon be a weight loss drug available for chubby cats and dogs that promises to help them shed pounds similar to the way Ozempic and other drugs are doing for people. hey funnyy you are mad Okava Pharmaceuticals found in a study that a weight loss drug helped cats shed 5% of their body weight in about 4 months. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention there is such a thing found in 2022 that 61% of cats and 59% of dogs were overweight. Amateur Nation fired back with, why is there such pressure for dogs and cats to be fit? Why can't they just be empowered and be accepted as beautiful, fat pets?
Then the dogs and cats went into their safe spaces. Oh wait, that's just amateur humans. In other news, you should probably get your dog and cat booster shots every few months and put masks on them. In fact, the mask will prevent them from eating anything. Weight loss problem solved. Plus less chance of your pet growing a fifth leg. Big Pharma, we won't be happy until we've infected every living thing on Earth.
The national chain tractor supply quickly dropped its DEI policies after consumer backlash and stock plummeting. Keep boycotting these companies, fellow pros. It's working. Remember, if it works with big corporations, it can work with the government. Stores need you. The government works for you. Speaking of companies with problems, Forbes reports that Boeing will be charged with fraud by the Justice Department after prosecutors said the company failed to implement an agreed upon anti-fraud compliance program following two fatal plane crashes that killed 346 people in 2018 and 2019. Florida, the one state in the country that seems to be doing most things right, has officially banned lab-grown meat. Amen to that, brother! Whoo! fighting your pride-mump hangover? Take heart, because July 14th is International Non-Binary People Day, and July 16th is International Drag Day. Wait a minute. Let me see how many fucks I get. Oh, that's right.
zero Fun fact, to say non-binary in Spanish, it's either no binario or no binaria, depending if the amateur spouting off is male or female.
World Economic Forum supervillain Klaus so he more evil now Schwab has been accused by fellow WEF staffers of sexual harassment. I can only imagine being sexually harassed by Klaus Schwab would be like being harassed by an evil thumb. Rumor has it his pick up line was... viil has a sick you will feel nothing and you will be
We all get frustrated and possibly loud and maybe even rude towards the amateurs working in what is the two biggest word lie ever, customer service. A Japanese company developed an artificial intelligence filter that can detect angry screams and translate them into calm speech. as a way of reducing the stress experienced by call center operators. To train the AI, SoftBank's engineers had actors record common phrases, including screams, accusations, threats, and demands for an apology. It doesn't change any of the words spoken by the person, but significantly softens the intonation. So this way, you're screaming at the Indian customer service rep named Zach, and it comes out calmly. Listen, asshole.
I don't have my motherfucking confirmation number. Can't you use my goddamn name, address and phone number to track my order? I hope you die. Time now for three pro things. Three things in the world that are done right. Number one. Remember just two episodes ago when I had as one of the topics a Mount Saint sarcasm of problems with racism causing cancerous tumors on the NBC Hospital propaganda show, New Amsterdam? No? All right, let me refresh your memory.
A Latin woman comes in with her son who apparently is so disenfranchised, their words, that he develops a cancerous tumor. Turns out he was also too stupid to name what the cause of his disenfranchisement was. Turns out, racism gave him cancer. Anyway, someone put a laugh track behind it. Now you can hear for yourself how ridiculous commie propaganda actually sounds to the ears of a pro.
Is he okay? Yeah, he's okay. I had Cephas answer some questions from a Harvard test known as unrest. It is designed to measure someone's level of social resistance. Social resistance? When people like us oppose the values and policies of the dominant culture. What does that have to do? Your son, he feels threatened on a daily basis. um He's disenfranchised.
But because his life is seemingly free from all this, because he can't name it, he's internalizing it. um Name what? Racism.
I think his son's tumor was caused by racism.
If you want to see the video, which the facial expressions on the mom makes this way funnier, you can visit Alert Pro Simon underscore Essler 11 11 on Instagram. Number two.
We just had a drop from Texas Congressman Wesley Hunt two episodes back where he denounces, with plenty of common sense and facts, the stupidity of voter ideas, racist crap. Here he is on former ESPN broadcaster Sage Steele's podcast talking about his favorite Trump moment. My favorite Trump, my favorite President Trump story. This is my number one favorite of all time. When we were negotiating with the Taliban, when President Trump was still the president, um President Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but he wanted a conditions-based withdrawal. Meaning that you do what we tell you to do, and then we we'll start pulling troops back slowly, as long as you abide by our rules. It's President Trump mike and Mike Pompeo, and they were talking to Taliban leadership in the room, and they had one translator in the room. President Trump looked at the at the Taliban leader and said this, I want to leave Afghanistan.
but it's gonna be a conditions-based withdrawal. And translator translated. And he said, if you harm a hair on a single American, I'm gonna kill you. And translator goes, and Trump goes, tell him. Tell him what I said. Just tell him what I said. Reached in his pocket, pulled out a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban's home and handed it to him. Shut up. Got up and walked out the room. And number three.
Speaking of Trump, the following audio will somehow be heard as fascist, racist, sexist, or any other ist by amateur nation. But with all that is changing in our government, mostly for the worst currently, this simple, inspiring message from Real Donald Trump on Instagram. If I give you one message to hold in your hearts today, it's this. Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation. Relish the opportunity to be an outsider because it's the outsiders who change the world and who make a real and lasting difference.
The more than a broken system tells you that you're wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead. You must keep pushing forward.
Just a bit more inspiring than... Because we cannot get re-elected. We cannot win this re-election. Excuse me, we can only re-elect Donald Trump. Actually, that's the one time his fumpfering worked in pro-nation's favor.
If you like what you heard today, subscribe! Go to looseantini.com. You'll find all my social media links on Instagram, Truth Social, Facebook, YouTube, Get Her. And make your voice and your votes heard, folks. Don't stay silent, fellow pros. 2024 is the year of the great resist. Don't tolerate amateurs in their America last agenda. Amateur Nation is not just a podcast, it's a movement. Remember amateurs, we see you. You're not at home. Don't do life wrong. GoPro, don't be an amateur. For Amateur Nation, I'm Lou Santini, and this is a major production.
is a dirty floorfucker who doesn't deserve to live amongst us i prose luu antini here host of amateur nation my drybar comedy special amateur nation is now available and just like this show if you're allergic to a lack of common sense in today's world And you like your comedy delivered with uncompromising talent like it is bite, then check out my half-hour comedy special, Amateur Nation. Go to DriveOurComedy.com slash Lou S. This is my way of saying thank you to the pros who listen to this show every week. DriveOurComedy.com slash Lou S. Amateur Nation is not just a podcast, it's a movement.