“America: The Third World’s ‘Airbnb’” image

“America: The Third World’s ‘Airbnb’”

S6 E296 · AMATEUR NATION with Lou Santini
27 Plays13 days ago


  1. Ohio “sees" Colorado’s Venezuelan gang surge and “raises” them a nation of crazy Haitians.
  2. What? A common denominator between anti-depressants and transgenderism? I thought Big Pharma was all about healing…
  3. Illegals and transgenders apparently get a pass on crime.

*On “A la Carte”:* Trump’s “security” once stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, the “W” in George W. Bush stands for “Wicked”, and yet even more proof that EVs suck.

*On “3 Pro Things”:* AI saves the wrong kind of time, Commiefornia is Red, and the NHRA Countdown begins!

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There's been an odd shift in human behavior over the last 15 plus years. A sense of entitlement. A constant need for attention. Ironically, coupled with the need to be left alone. A desire to be treated the same as everyone else. Stupidly combined with the mindset of, I'm special, so treat me accordingly. Introducing the book, Amateur Nation. Better client of common sense, manners, and social skills. Best second edition. Inside, you'll read the amateur mission statement. The 30 truths about amateurs. The four stages of being an amateur. Amateur habitats and history. Social media plus me, me, me equals amateur. Technology and amateur behavior. With dozens of real funny photos, weird signs and laugh out loud real life accounts and actual conversations vividly showing how us pros are surrounded by amateur nation every day. Download the expanded second edition of the e-book amateur nation. The decline of common sense manners and social skills. The second expanded edition available now. Be a pro. Go to Amazon. Type amateur nation. The honor and remember flag is a nationally recognized symbol that sends a message of appreciation for the sacrifice made by our fallen heroes and their families.
The flag flies at many NASCAR races around the country and you can help honor our nation's fallen military members and remember the eternal sacrifice of their service by flying the flag too. Text FLAG to 71777 or visit honorandremember.org to learn more. Together we remember them all.
are do the welcome to the shield Okay, let's all shut up, please. Warning. The podcast you are about to hear is often based on true events and people. It chronicles the dialogue and actions of random, anonymous, obnoxious, self-entitled, unintelligent, self-centered idiots, attention whores, interremesis, dolts, clods, Nimrods, douches, weirdos, drama queens, overly sensitive cry babies, and people who think they are better, more important, and special than the rest of us. In one word, amateurs.
It's amateur nation with Lou Santini. He's the greatest American hero ever born. Well, I do what I can. We call attention to and call out the amateurs, the people who are doing life wrong, the speed bumps of life, the people that are in your way every day, the unintelligent, obnoxious attention-whoring, self-entitled, drama queen victim types who chip away at the moments of your life due to no self-awareness, common sense, manners, or social skills, or communism, and are disturbing the flow of the prose.
Hi, Mom. Oh, hey, Lou. Amateur Nation. It's not just a podcast. It's a movement. And this is episode 296. America, the third world's Airbnb.
Amateur Nation, your weekly news and social commentary magazine with opinions, facts, logic and common sense from me and various pros from around the United States and around the globe. On today's episode, Ohio sees Colorado's Venezuelan gang surge and raises them a nation of crazy Haitians. And what a common denominator between antidepressants and transgenderism and illegals and transgenders apparently get a pass on crime.
Then that sound you'll be hearing after the three topics will be amateur shrieking and weakness. Just like that on the a la carte segment and then we close the show with three things done right on three pro things. Shouts out to pro nation. First, Chris Kettler, Rita Schisler, William Weekly on Facebook, Carmen Gia won on Instagram and love Victoria on Truth Social.
Your pro-quote of the week from the alert c pro Clint Russell on X regarding Mark Zuckerberg's treasonous behavior when he literally admitted to election interference during the 2020 election. He said this.
Zuckerberg didn't just cave to Biden administration pressure to censor Facebook users. He spent $400 million dollars via nonprofits, which helped transition to mail-in voting. In 2020, he didn't just bend the knee. He actively worked to elect the people that he now claims abused him. He's lying.
here's what's happening in amateur nation as
Ever stayed in Airbnb? Rather ever heard the stories of Airbnb renters getting their homes trashed? Tenants running up several thousand dollar electric bills while they run crime operations from renters' homes? Temporary meth labs being set up? Having lavish parties and trashing the places? Stealing? Vandalizing? Leaving their residences in worse shape than when they got them? You've heard the stories.
That's how the third world is treating America as they flood the border. America is the Airbnb that is used and abused without any regard to the neighbors. Look how easy it is to get into this country. Ohio sees Colorado's Venezuelan gang surge and raises them a nation of crazy Haitians. Let's start by hearing from the president of Blowjobs. Kamala, do you want fries with that Harris? In a lesson in cause and effect.
That is why, also, starting with our administration, we gave TPS, temporary protected status, to Haitian migrants, 55,000. And then more recently, we extended temporary protected status to over 100,000 Haitian migrants for that very reason, that they need support, they need protection.
Do absolute horror of a human being. Oh, do the Haitians need support and protection? I'm so glad you brought that up, Camila.
Is there a reason we're bringing over the dregs of society? Yes, of course, for votes and to kill American citizens, but Venezuelan gang members and those 13 gang bangers are now disease-ridden, poverty-stricken Haitians. I guess we don't need smart, educated, law-abiding, hardworking European, Asian, Middle Eastern, African, or Latin citizens. Apparently, we only want the poorest, grossest, most unlawful, uneducated, violent space taker-upper financial drains in the world. I'm telling you, cause and effect.
Yeah, yeah, I'm uncaring and full of hate. No, I'm more concerned about my personal safety and that of my loved ones. No, I'm more concerned about my property values. No, I'm concerned about allowing illegal aliens to live in America, even temporarily, if they're going to just use all our stuff, kill us, steal votes, all the while never being held accountable for any of their actions.
I never thought I'd have to worry about my mom being attacked by a Haitian gang member, but here comes the effect after the cause from the Gateway Pundit. Angry Springfield, Ohio residents go off at City Commission meeting as Haitian illegals run wild, flip cars, decapitate ducks in parks, and eat them.
You know, the very thing that Kamala Harris laughed and scoffed and just giggled and show all 7,000 of her teeth when Donald Trump brought it up in the debate. Here's the article. More than 20,000 Haitians are now living in Springfield, Ohio, and their residents are fed up. Should there be more story after that? Should there be more story after that?
Springfield has a population of about 60,000 people and Haitians now make up 25% of the population. Democrats want to take back Ohio so they have flooded parts of the state with Haitians and other illegal migrants. The city of Springfield held a city commission meeting last week and angry residents went off on them for doing nothing about the Haitians wreaking havoc on the community and draining resources. Residents went off on the local government officials for neglecting to keep the city clean and safe amid an influx of Haitian illegals.
One resident said Haitians are running people off the road, flipping cars and decapitating ducks in the parks and eating them. The angry resident accused the government officials of getting paid to bring the hordes of Haitian illegals to the Ohio town of 60,000 people. He said, who is getting paid? Like how much money is y'all really getting paid? Like to bring them over here, like I know it's deeper than them, he said. Let's be honest, Lou. OK, Haiti sucks.
It's the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. 80% of its citizens live below the poverty line. The average income per capita is $480 a year, just a little bit less than the American taxpayer. They only have four paved runways in their 14 airports. Typhoid and hookworm are common. Anemia is common in children. 10% of their children die before age five. It ranks just eight behind Somalia as the most corrupt country. Just shy of 61% of its citizens are illiterate. Hell, it was ruled by 70.
70 different dictators from 1804 to 1915. Cockfighting is legal there. Oh, and they're known for the illegal drug trade in human trafficking, especially children. Right, Hillary? Right, Oprah? And now this. Let's have some action. Let's have some asses wiggling. I want some perfection. And now for step two. Topic number two.
was I just talking about last episode, a few episodes back, where I posed the theory that there had to be a common denominator with all the school shootings and active shooters. Was it a food, an over-the-counter drug, a prescription drug, a genetic predisposition? What's this? A common denominator between antidepressants and transgenderism? But I thought Big Pharma was all about healing.
This post from Alert Pro Matt Wallace on X. Every child in a mass school shooting in the last two years was killed by a transgender shooter, adding, almost like transgenderism is a form of mental illness. And then comes Dr. Pierre Corey, who posted this on X. Before COVID, if you had told me antidepressants caused mass shootings, I would not have believed you. It turns out their trial showed the drugs caused psychotic violence.
i.e. suicides, but the industry hid that from the public until lawsuits revealed it. I'm no doctor. But logically, I'm assuming that if you're on a medication that the sole purpose of which is to literally change your hormones, your sex, your mindset to and of the opposite sex, your physicality and your biology, while affecting your brain, nervous system, muscle and skeletal makeup, your digestive system, yeah!
There's gonna be some side effects. Major side effects. This ain't aspirin the same way chemotherapy carries major side effects because of the job it has to do. Amateur Nation really thinks that a series of drugs this strong over time won't have equally disastrous negative side effects.
Subscribe to the show and you'll get bite-sized, gluten-free, all-organic, 100% hemp previews throughout the week. Feel free to share, comment, spread the word. You know, since we still have free speech. For now. Luciantini.com has all my social media links. Find me on Getter, Facebook, Instagram, and Truth Social. Olicart and 3Pro things are on the way, but first, putting my transgender-slash-drug theory to the test. Illegals and transgenders apparently get a pass on crime. On topic number three, next. The honor and remember flag is a nationally recognized symbol that sends a message of appreciation for the sacrifice made by our fallen heroes and their families. The flag flies at many NASCAR races around the country and you can help honor our nation's fallen military members and remember the eternal sacrifice of their service by flying the flag too. Text FLAG to 71777 or visit honorandremember.org to learn more. Together, we remember them all.
Hi bros, Lou Santini here, host of Amateur Nation. My Drybar Comedy Special, Amateur Nation, is now available. And just like this show, if you're allergic to a lack of common sense in today's world, and you like your comedy delivered with uncompromising talent it like it is
This is my way of saying thank you to the pros who listen to this show every week. Drybarcomedy.com slash Lou S. Amateur Nation is not just a podcast, it's a movement.
Are you just going to joke your way through your entire life? Now dig this. Alright, now step three. Topic number three. hit
Did you know that as long as you have a good excuse, for example, being an illegal immigrant or any member of the LGBT cult, you either can walk free or garner national sympathy from amateur nation after you commit a crime? It doesn't just cover women, but also men and transgender individuals. By now, you've heard of the 14 year old Georgia boy, Colt Gray, who killed four people and wounded nine at a Georgia high school.
14 years old. He's now in custody. His dad, Colin Gray, was also arrested for knowingly allowing his son to possess a weapon when he knew his son was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. But the shooter had a good reason for shooting innocent classmates. Some of this isn't your fault. I mean, a man can only take so many wedgies before he goes to pieces. The dad of the latest transgender shooter of the week, saying the reason he killed four and injured nine was because of being bullied about being gay.
No, it wasn't. Yes, I do know. Are you kidding me? Being gay or trans is the latest trend in schools. Who gives a shit? Get the hell outta here. Hence my wording, transgendered. There's no way this 14-year-old was bullied for being gay. Not in this day and age, not in this woke era, and he certainly wasn't teased by the other gender-confused mini-comies, or comiettes as I call them, that infiltrate our public schools. Plus, don't forget the enabling maps Teachers, a.k.a. pedophiles, propagating this crap. This is bad parenting. Or maybe he's just a big homo. Could be. But don't take it from me. Pro Nation chimes in. Jolly Roger Overland. He said, bullied is an excuse. Millions of kids have been bullied for decades and never killed anyone. Reed Irio said this, every kid born before 1999 was bullied at almost zero incidents involving guns. What's changed? I can answer that. Communism.
DEI, CRT, BLM, ACAB, Big Pharma, Pride Month. Noah Pran said this. Here comes the We Need Gun Control and More Gay Acceptance speeches. Yeah, how is that working out, by the way? What's that? We don't have gun control? Well, let's see. How many and NRA members and legal gun owners have gone on shooting sprees? And this comment from 73 Penwood. No one is bullied for being gay. People are just done with the gay agenda being shoved down our throats.
Ever notice when minorities have poverty, crime, or lack of education, the government wants to get to the root of the problem? They never do, but they say that. But when it's white people, not so much. But when it's trans people, especially trans people shooting up civilians and kids in schools, then the government doesn't worry so much about the root of the problem, just the weapon they use when they finally snap.
Good God, can you remember what your teenage hormonal body was like? I don't know what girls went through, but us boys, it was a constant struggle to hide your boner trying not to look like a complete idiot when talking to girls, fitting in in zit maintenance. I can't imagine having opposite hormones coursing through my body while I navigated school.
so fed up, but I have a little bit more room to make fun of amateurs. This is all a la carte. Did you celebrate bisexual awareness week? Do you know what makes me special? I'm a queer. What? You missed it. No worries. You can celebrate, celebrate bisexuality day on September 23rd. I am different. I am proud of it. Get used to it. In regards to the two hour webinar training, the Homeland Security Staff had, instead of SECRET SERVICE to protect Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania in July, I'm waiting for one of those commercials. I'm not a Secret Service agent, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express.
Still pining for President Coloring Book? when are you couldve done Well, the puppet commie in chief was discovered to have left the Taliban $7 billion dollars in weaponry by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Is it me or do all the zombies and the walking dead and fear the walking dead all sound like that suction device when you're in the dentist chair?
I'm not wrong. George W. Bush said he was going to abstain from endorsing either presidential candidate. Nothing says get involved in government and get out and vote like a former president who doesn't even endorse his own party. Nice example, Commie Rhino. I got no more use for this guy. Oh, this just in. EVs continue to suck. More proof? Swedish carmaker Volvo, once declaring they'd be the first carmaker weapon all-electric lineup by 2030, has decided to abandon their EV-only stance. Well, look who stopped being such a bitch. Speaking of other corporations that actually woke up, Molson Kors is the latest company to rid themselves of useless DEI crap. my taste like garbage
but it sure builds yeah It's time to send a missile strike to the Wuhan lab in China. Turns out a highly evolved polio strain may have been leaked from the same Wuhan lab that is responsible for COVID-19. Chinese let themselves get talked into making these things. How great is it that Russian President Putin totally trolled Kekland Kamila Harris, first saying that Biden was his favorite candidate, but changed his support to Harris, adding that he would support Harris, quote, like Biden encouraged all his supporters to do, and that, quote, she has an expressive and infectious laugh. MSNBC host Joe Scarborough called Putin's remarks Olympic level trolling. Surprise, motherfucker. Yeah.
Well, look at that. Dallas Mavericks owner Commie Mark Cuban said if you tax unrealized gains, you're going to kill the stock market. News flash, Commie's administration doesn't care.
Minnesota Governor and Commie Tampon Tim Walz was subpoenaed by members of a House education and the Workforce Committee accusing a nonprofit in his state of misusing $250 million dollars during the pandemic. But make sure you declare your 600 bucks on Etsy. I'm not quite sure how something that's just a little tiny prick can be so powerful. Hollywood scumbag Harvey Me Too Weinstein was rushed to emergency heart surgery. Doctors were stunned to discover that he had one. Even I think that's kind of cruel.
Three things that are done right are called pro things. Every week I got three of them. Here we go. Number one. A quick quote about a topic near and dear to my heart. Useless technology, specifically AI. From Alert Pro, Joanna Meshouska, she said this, I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my dishes. Number two.
Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz has left the Democrat party due to anti-Semitism. Oh, and speaking of flipping... California is asshole. What have I been saying? Wait, wait, wait. Hang on. Commifornia is now red? This audio from Alert Pro AwkwardMama107 on Instagram.
California 169 delegates.
We had a hell of a run Labor Day weekend at the Big Go, aka a the NHRA in Indianapolis. And now the and NHRA playoffs are upon us in the form of the countdown, starting with three consecutive race weekends. What to watch for? Keep an eye on struggling current top fuel world champion, Doug Kalita.
He's the points leader, but he failed to even qualify for the big go, the first time he hasn't qualified in over 14 years. Keep an eye on the best lever in the class, Justin Ashley, to take what he lost last year. But here comes Clay Milliken. And while I'm rooting for Doug Kalita, I love seeing new world champions and especially journeyman drivers. In Funny Car, I'm rooting for Jack Beckman, who returns after ah what a five-year hiatus to drive for the recovering John Force.
thereby giving force the world championship if he were to win it since the rules state you can have a backup driver for eight races max well jack has run two of them pretty well and he looks good for the countdown but don't forget about bob tasca who is determined to set a world record for speed and is currently ranked second in the points In pro stock, my man Greg Anderson is at third. He needs to put together a string of great runs. Erica Enders won't lay down, but don't con out points leader Dallas Glenn and red hot Aaron Stanfield, who won four of the last six races. And finally on to pro stock motorcycle where current world champion Gage Herrera shows no sign of a slump. But here comes my favorite Matt Smith, his rival, just 20 points behind as he goes for a historical seven world championships.
By the time this episode airs, the standings will have shifted yet again. This season's gonna be epic.
Make your voice and your votes heard. Too big to rig. Subscribe to this show and find all my social media links when you go to looseantini.com. Ever vocal, never silent fellow pros. Don't tolerate amateurs in their America last agenda. 2024 is the year of the great resist. Amateur Nation is not just a podcast. It's a movement. Remember amateurs, we see you. You're not at home. Don't do life wrong. Go pro.
Don't be an amateur. For Amateur Nation, I'm Lou Santini, and this is a major production.
There's been an odd shift in human behavior over the last 15 plus years. A sense of entitlement. A constant need for attention. Ironically, coupled with the need to be left alone. A desire to be treated the same as everyone else. Stupidly combined with the mindset of, I'm special, so treat me accordingly. Introducing the book, Amateur Nation. Better client of common sense, manners, and social skills. Best second edition. Inside you'll read, The Amateur Mission Station. The 30 truths about amateurs. The four stages of being an amateur. Amateur habitats and history. Social media plus me, me, me equals amateur. Technology and amateur behavior. With dozens of real funny photos, weird signs, and laugh out loud real life accounts and actual conversations vividly showing how us pros are surrounded by amateur nation every day. Download the expanded second edition of the e-book amateur nation. The decline of common sense manners and social skills. The second expanded edition, available now. Be a pro. Go to Amazon. Type amateur nation.