Introduction to Episode 982
Find A Way Podcast
Hi, this is episode 982, Solutions Sculptor. And today our guest is Abji Kijewal. Abji is an entrepreneur and podcast host. Abji has an extensive experience in marketing, sales and product, launching brands from multinational CPG firms in Canada and launching tech products for unicorn-sized companies globally.
Abji's Background and Ventures
Find A Way Podcast
He is the founder of Hostel Match, a hostel search aggregator that helps backpackers find the best hostels based on their preference and compare prices between booking platforms. He's also the podcast host for the Globe and Grind podcast, bringing in a spotlight talent in the travel tech space. As an entrepreneur, Abdul is his sculptor at heart, having represented India at world sculpting competitions. His role is to build projects and services that help people grow mentally and allow them to channel their creative side.
Find A Way Podcast
His company has supported multiple incuator has been supported by multiple incubators and accelerators in Canada and he plans to make Hostel Match the sky canner sky scanner of Hostels.
Hostel Match: Differentiation and Challenges
Find A Way Podcast
Abhijit Kejriwal
Thank you so much, Engrid, for having me on your podcast.
Find A Way Podcast
No worries, I'm happy to have and happy to have another podcast here.
Find A Way Podcast
So can you tell me more about your business and like about Hostel Match in general?
Abhijit Kejriwal
For sure. So as I mentioned, the company's name is called Hostel Match. We're in a sense trying to be the sky scanner of hostels. So we're a hostel aggregator that aggregates prices from different platforms like, Expedia, Agoda, and all of the other platforms that you can think of. But what really sets us apart from our competitors is we help you find hostels based on the vibe of a hostel. So have you stayed at a hostel before?
Find A Way Podcast
yeah i have
Abhijit Kejriwal
Okay, so when you're staying at a hostel, one of the most crucial things is, am I gonna find the right people to kind of vibe with? Like, is is the hostel gonna be social? A lot of people who are female solo travelers, they're asking if the hostel is gonna be um safe or not, right?
Abhijit Kejriwal
And if you're an older traveler, you're probably wondering, like, you don't wanna be in a hospital with like 20 year old people and vice versa.
Abhijit Kejriwal
So our platform really makes it easy for backpackers to really understand what they're going for.
Find A Way Podcast
I have.
Abhijit Kejriwal
And just with a couple of prompts, you can figure out that in Barcelona out of the 130 hostels, these two hostels are going to be the best ones for me based on my preferences.
Find A Way Podcast
I love that and I have an experience of that where when I did this, so I did the St. James way in Spain, which is 800 kilometers hike or walk or whatever you want to call it. And I remember I stopped in Madrid before my flight and i I stayed at a hostel just to come back. So the hostels doing the St. James way are really quiet because everyone is exhausted. But I didn't realize I had booked a party hostel. So suffice to say that I did not sleep well for like two nights and so I could go back home. But this, your solution would have solved my problem with that regard. So I love it.
Find A Way Podcast
Um, so I know that you come from a marketing and tech background. How do you take the leap into the travel industry?
Solo Travel: Personal Growth and Insights
Find A Way Podcast
Like, was it something that you always wanted or just did it kind of like happen like through your experience?
Abhijit Kejriwal
Yeah, it actually happened extremely naturally. So I was a very socially anxious person. So in 2019, I graduated from university here in Canada. And one of the things that I wanted to do. So when you're graduating from university in Canada, there is a three or four month gap.
Abhijit Kejriwal
where you're graduating in May and if you have a full-time job lined up, it usually ends up starting in September. So those three months, I wanted to make sure that I go out of my comfort zone. So one of the things I decided to do was take a month-long solo trip to Eastern Europe. And that's where I actually fell in love with the concept of solo traveling. So I've always traveled a lot before my parents are avid travelers, but I'd never traveled on my own in countries where I didn't know people. And this was actually something that I wanted to do to go out of my comfort zone. But then since that experience, I made it upon myself to take one solo trip every year post that. And that's kind of what led me to building this company right now.
Find A Way Podcast
That's awesome. I love that, that it was like coming from your own experience. um And how this, you know, but especially with your experience, like how do you think people leave behind the traditional modes modes of travel and explore the world solo? Does like solo travel induce a sense of loneliness? I'm someone that traveled a lot by myself when I was younger as well. And I think a lot of people are afraid of doing so, like afraid of doing things by themselves. So I wonder like from your perspective, like what what was your experience in terms of that?
Abhijit Kejriwal
Yeah, for sure. So I think this is the most asked question when you think about solo travel in general, but there's a big difference between being alone and being lonely. So when you're solo traveling, what you are is you're alone. You are working on your own time. You're kind of traveling based on what you want to do. If you want to have like a relaxing day in the south of Spain, you can do that. If you're traveling with friends, it's not always the case that you get to do what you want to do.
Abhijit Kejriwal
So, ah that is one of the key differences between being alone and lonely. When you are solo traveling, obviously, for example, for myself, I struggled a lot with social anxiety, so that was something that was playing on my mind. But there are really good ways of counteracting, let's say, the aspect of loneliness or the thought of loneliness. One is when you're living in hostels.
Abhijit Kejriwal
Hostels are a great form of you know you meeting different kinds of people that you vibe with. You're not going to vibe with everyone at the hostel. But then you'll realize that one or two days in, you find your people that you like to enjoy. You'll go ah for pub crawls with. You're going to go do activities with. So they kind of become your friends.
Abhijit Kejriwal
And every place you go, you kind of make these little buckets of friends, even till today, people that I met five, six years back, I speak with them on a regular basis. So they end up becoming lifelong friends as well. So yes, you're not traveling with the same group of friends as per se when you're doing a longer solo trip. But then you still get the sense of meeting different people in different pockets of areas, still being able to do what you want to do. But at the same time, you have that company of traveling with other people. And that's why like finding the right hostel is very important. And that's where Hostel Match kind of steps in as well. Because ah the right hostel kind of breaks or makes your entire experience. Because if you're not finding the right people to travel with, you're not very content with the city. Like, for example, for you, Madrid, you said you stayed at a party hostel.
Abhijit Kejriwal
it kind of leaves a sour taste in your mind in regards to the city as a whole, just because of the hostel. So that's why finding the right hostel, finding the people around you is very imperative in in regards to not feeling that sense of loneliness as well.
Find A Way Podcast
I love that and I don't think people realize like I've traveled a lot by myself and the freedom that comes from not having to coordinate schedule so like I actually don't like to travel with a group of friends I'll travel with like one or two people but more than that I'm like too many people wanting to do too many different things and like some people like to walk more some people like to go to fancy restaurants so unless it's someone that like I believe has the same vibe as me again as you said ah So having the hostel where you like you can interact with people. I don't say hostels as much anymore, but they can interact with people. They have the same vibe as you, but you can also decide to do things with them or without them. like I remember, again, when I was at the St. James Way, there was a group of these older guys. They were amazing, from each one from each different country, and they were traveling. They decided to travel together.
Find A Way Podcast
And they wanted me to join and I was like, no, no, no, I walk so alone and I'll meet you guys at whatever hostel. So like I would see them at night, but I still have the whole day to do my thing by myself. So I love that, that perspective as well.
Find A Way Podcast
ah So let's jump back into marketing a little bit because I'm curious. So can you share the journey of launching brands in the CPG and task sectors and how that has experienced your approach to entrepreneurship?
Find A Way Podcast
And especially like you you mentioned a little bit, I'm sorry to mention now, but like that you were working on influencer deals and things like that. How, how has that influenced the way that you market your
Entrepreneurship and Marketing Influence
Find A Way Podcast
company? Because it is a B2C company, right? Like, and you're trying to not only bring the hostels in, but bringing the people in.
Find A Way Podcast
So how has that shaped your your marketing perspective?
Abhijit Kejriwal
For sure. So um when I came to Canada, I was studying in the University of British Columbia, and I decided to study marketing there. And that's kind of where I fell in love with brand marketing as a whole. So I got the opportunity to work in some big companies like L'Oreal, Smucker Foods, build e-commerce platforms for companies like Walmart as well.
Abhijit Kejriwal
and And this experience really helped me understand the customer journey. A lot of the times when we're building tech products, what we tend to forget is what is the customer going to do at the end of the day? Where are they starting from? Where do they end? How do they interact with your product?
Abhijit Kejriwal
it always ends up becoming more about how they use your product and not so much about how it leads you to come to that product. So I think coming from that marketing background and then going into product has really helped me combine both of these skills of understanding how you utilize someone's kind of behavioral psychology for them to get them to your product, what their thought process is going to be when they're buying your product. Of course, with the product background, it helps me understand how the product is used as a whole. And then from marketing's perspective, it's not just about getting people to the product, it's also about how you interact with them
Abhijit Kejriwal
post them using the product. So the aspect of learning marketing has actually been an extremely valuable skill for me because it's helped me understand the end-to-end life cycle of what a customer would do when they come to a Hostile Match platform, what they're looking for. Firstly, it's helped me go ahead and do a lot more validation. So when you come up with an idea, you start with a thought process,
Abhijit Kejriwal
99% of the time, it's never the same idea that you end up building. And that I think has come from the marketing side of it. And it's really helped me understand that you need to build something that the customers really want in terms of influencer deals, partnerships. When I was at L'Oreal, I worked very closely with brand influencers just because that specific industry of beauty is very close to working with brand influencers. So working working with them, I have gotten a sense of understanding as to what you need to look for when you're looking for a brand deal. So for example, a company like myself, we can't go for influencers that are like couple hundred million, right? Like that's just not feasible. It's not
Abhijit Kejriwal
the need of the product, those kind of people won't be living at hostels to begin with. So you need to really understand and find your niche. You need to go for micro influencers for companies at my stage right now. And that's really helped me understand the kind of questions you ask these people.
Abhijit Kejriwal
A lot of the times you have influencers that you think fit in theory, but in reality, they might not be the best for your business. And vice versa, like your business might not be a best for their portfolio of what they're trying to promote. So it's it's good to understand that. And I think having a background in that space where you've done that in the past for other companies really gives you that chain of clarity of thought in in regards to how you go ahead with speaking to these kinds of people, how you go ahead building these relationships, and how you go ahead actually securing partnerships in the future as well.
Find A Way Podcast
I love that because I don't think that people that like I've worked in marketing before as well and I don't think people understand how much it can cost like even with influencers I don't think people like outside of our bubble understand how much money it can go into influencing even if it's micro like a micro influencer, right?
Abhijit Kejriwal
Find A Way Podcast
So um really understand that and also I think learning how to communicate with um ambassadors and communicate with brand ambassadors and all that is so such an important skill.
Find A Way Podcast
I would love to hear more so, you you know, hostile match, you're you're looking to be the sky scanner of hotels. What challenges have you faced in scaling this vision and how are you
Scaling Hostel Match: Challenges and Trends
Find A Way Podcast
navigating them? Like for our listeners that are maybe starting on their entrepreneurial journey?
Abhijit Kejriwal
For sure. So a couple of challenges that I've faced in in regards to this. Firstly is I'm based out of Canada. Canada does not have as many hostels to begin with. Majority of the hostels are let's say in Europe, in Central America, in Southeast Asia. So just the fact that you're kind of far away from most of the action makes it slightly difficult to kind of manage a business in that regard. The second thing I would say is more in regards to how B2C companies are working in North America. There's been ah this stigma around even investors, around different kinds of people out there that if you're a B2C company, you need insane levels of capital to kind of make it big, which is to offer a certain point, but then there are creative ways of getting about with it. So customer acquisition
Abhijit Kejriwal
becomes slightly tricky when when it comes to that entire thought process and aspect of it. So I would say those two areas are the biggest areas of concern that I'm facing right now. And a minor hurdle that I see is with hostels specifically, they're a very unorganized market.
Abhijit Kejriwal
When you're looking at hostels um or let's say when you look at hotels, a Hyatt hotel has a big chain. They have people who you know exactly what they're going to be doing with hostels. The decision makers, you have no idea who they are. They're not publicly listed anywhere.
Abhijit Kejriwal
You might be talking to people at the front desk, but the people who actually make the decision you have, you absolutely have no vision of who they are. So sometimes reaching to the people who actually make those decisions becomes challenging. So you need to come up with creative ways of how you can, let's say, even get people to get that word across to these owners. And that's kind of an area that I'm trying to tackle as we go on a daily basis.
Find A Way Podcast
Uh, that's such an important point because you're dealing with, uh, unorganized be like businesses that you're trying to find who the owner is. There's sometimes it's not even on the operation properly, especially in Europe.
Find A Way Podcast
It's kind of like, sometimes people have like the locations that they just turned into hostels and like, who who is the right people to speak with. So you have to go challenge that.
Abhijit Kejriwal
Find A Way Podcast
Right. And I think it's important in what you said, because i I do know a lot of founders that are, uh, starting on their B2C journey and it's good to hear. someone that has been there is like yeah it sounds like it it needs a lot of money but if you're smart about it like there's ways to go around it and uh scaling without having to spend you know millions of dollars on it um so i would love to hear you know what are the trends that you see emerging in the travel tech space and how how is your company adapting to them
Abhijit Kejriwal
For sure. So a couple of big trends. Firstly, solo travel is really picking up. I know we started our conversation talking a little bit about solo travel. When you think about solo travel as a whole, I think it's one of the fastest growing segments in in the travel category as a whole. When you're looking at just the US alone.
Abhijit Kejriwal
believe in 2022 and 2023 post COVID from before COVID times, there was an 800% growth for solo travelers wanting to travel solo or people who want to take a trip moving forward. So that industry is not something that's going to die anytime soon. People want to see the world. Things are becoming more accessible. So that's definitely one of the biggest trends and areas of shift that we're seeing. The second thing that we're seeing is Everything around in the travel space is becoming more personalized. When you look at the traditional booking engines that are out there like booking, Expedia, in in the hostel space, hostel world, they don't do as much personalization as um you know you would expect. If you're a customer in today's day and age, a lot of the smaller companies have started to do well because they're starting to give tailor-made recommendations for you.
Abhijit Kejriwal
based on the kind of traveler you are. And that's extremely key in this specific space. And third and foremost is just local experiences. When you look at people our age, it's usually people want to experience more things in in how a local word. So let's say, you know, when you went to Spain, you wanted to travel like how a local Spanish person would travel across that area, because That experience is something that we're trying to chase in today's day and age. We're chasing experiences, we're not chasing like locations or like these fancy destinations anymore. So understanding how things work around an experience-based business is something that a lot of businesses like Hostelmatch are also looking
Abhijit Kejriwal
at targeting and to bring it all together when we look at hostel match as a whole, we've really made sure that we're kind of focusing on the personalization aspect with personalized recommendations for hostels. We also want to make sure we're providing local experiences. So we've partnered up with a lot of local tour providers, we partnered up with local restaurants to really help backpackers get the most local experience that they possibly can get. And third and foremost, really target to that solo travel crowd. So we're ah we're going to be launching a subscription model early next year, which is going to provide discounts on hostels, eSIMs, travel insurance, local activities around. So it really brings in that aspect of solo travel together. And I believe that's going to be something that's really going to disrupt the travel space in the next two to three years.
Find A Way Podcast
I love that. And there was a comment that you made even before that, which was when we're talking about like female travelers traveling alone, it's like, what are the safe hostels? What are the safe like activities or like Finding trust that it even becomes more important like finding trust to show stuff like the activities that you're gonna do if you're gonna do a hike with a group, right? Like there's a whole aspect of that that I love.
Creativity and Business Strategy
Find A Way Podcast
um So we went through this really quickly on your intro, but you know, you've represented India in world sculpting competition. So that's super interesting. Like some people have interesting facts. You have a real interesting fact. I would love to hear like how has being a sculptor influenced your creativity and approach to building products?
Abhijit Kejriwal
I think that's been the most helpful thing personally for myself. um As a sculptor, I've always built abstract scalp sculptures. So for example, when you even take a look at some of the work that I've done in the past, I don't have anything that's defined. So for example, you could look at something and it could be interpreted as something completely different from what I interpreted as when I made it.
Abhijit Kejriwal
And that's kind of the beauty of abstract art. So abstract art has really helped me kind of think about things differently, which is helping me extremely well when it comes to the business that I'm running currently. Because a lot of the times you'll see people do cookie cutter things of what's worked in the past. Times are changing and you kind of need to throw a curveball out there.
Abhijit Kejriwal
and Having that background and experience working in sculpting or you know just making sculptures in the past, it's helped me understand on how you can capture that creative aspect of it. And it also gives you a good sense of ah what like good design looks like as well, right? So when you're kind of going ahead with building your website, when you're going ahead with talking about what the customer journey flow for anyone, any backpacker coming into your platform is supposed to be, it is abstract yet it is defined in a way where it helps people understand that this is going to be unique enough for me to try it. And that's where kind of the local mom and pop feel also comes into play.
Abhijit Kejriwal
And I think that's really helped me bring out the essence of the platform a lot more as what someone who hasn't had that experience would.
Find A Way Podcast
I love that because ah like being able to analyze and like in terms of UX, UI, but like being able to really have a feel for like what people like, what people don't like and like that attention to detail is so important when you're doing, especially with the competition that you're dealing with, right? Like what's really going to bring the customer in over and over again for your product.
Find A Way Podcast
Um, you know, you're balancing entrepreneurship podcast hosting and creativity. So like you need time to be creative and all that. It must be challenging. So I'm curious to hear how do you manage your time and like find time to stay inspired and keep being creative. I used to sculpting, like I said, a little more of a hobby for you. We'd love to hear more about that.
Abhijit Kejriwal
For sure. So unfortunately, I can't do sculpting as much as what I used to before, because ah when I get into sculpting, it it's like six to eight hours of work for that day. And I just don't have as much time anymore. I do still like to kind of make small paintings here and there. In terms of how I'm organizing my time, I'm someone who likes to time block a lot of the things that I do. So in my calendar, especially from a work point of view, if I'm working on the podcast or if I'm working on and the company as a whole, you'll see me having time block specific areas to do specific tasks.
Abhijit Kejriwal
But in the evenings, I like to make sure that I'm also going out to the gym being a little active. So it helps clear your mind. So when you do come back and sit back and start working again, it it helps you kind of understand that you've had some release of like stress or pressure at the gym and you're just coming back refreshed, ready to work. that That's kind of how a usual day would go about. But I'm also someone who likes to interact with a lot of different kinds of people. So whether it be friends, whether it be going to networking events, whether it be just interacting with people on on a spontaneous manner. I'm someone who really loves to do that. So I like to create that sense of interaction, create that sense of meeting new people.
Abhijit Kejriwal
on on a regular basis, which helps me kind of pull myself back from work sometimes as well. And then when I do get back into it, I feel refreshed and and energized and motivated to go ah ahead and do whatever I was doing before.
Find A Way Podcast
I love just saying that because I know I say I love everything that you're saying, but especially about the reports, I think the listeners of this podcast are tired of me hearing and I hope I've incentivized some people to go back at it.
Find A Way Podcast
But ah it's going to the gym or whatever it is the activity they love clears your mind so much, especially from the business from work that I do my best like article writing and everything that's like more creative after I do a workout.
Find A Way Podcast
because it just like gives you the mental space, right?
Find A Way Podcast
That's why i like, I know that a lot of people love to work out in the morning. I like to work out after work because it gives me like, if I work out in the morning, I just need another workout after work. So it gives you the mental space.
Find A Way Podcast
I love that. So we do a thing on the podcast that our previous guests always leaves a question to our next
Life Beyond Entrepreneurship: Hobbies and Interests
Find A Way Podcast
guests. And the question we have for you today is, if you weren't doing what you're doing today, what would you have chosen to do?
Abhijit Kejriwal
I would be a fighter jet pilot.
Find A Way Podcast
I love that. That was a very specific answer. Are you into the flight simulators and things like that? Do you like them?
Abhijit Kejriwal
I am. So I'm one of the biggest av geeks you would ah find.
Abhijit Kejriwal
So I even have a personal TikTok for aviation content where I rate airlines and ah i'm I'm very fascinated by planes. Unfortunately, growing up in India, I have flat feet, so that's considered a disability.
Abhijit Kejriwal
So I couldn't be a fighter jet pilot for India when when I was living there. But That being said, like my goal, even till today, is to get a commercial flying license.
Abhijit Kejriwal
So in the future, I can fly recreationally from one place to the other. So that would hundred without a shadow of a doubt, like that's what I wanted to do.
Find A Way Podcast
That's awesome. I love that. That's super cool. Awesome. And, uh, what would you say if you could tell me in like a phrase, what is success to you?
Abhijit Kejriwal
I think success is where you're happy. that is literally my definition of success.
Find A Way Podcast
I love that. And if you could choose a super but power, what would that be and why?
Abhijit Kejriwal
ah Superpower would be reading everyone's minds just because it helps you tailor things in a way that you know, appeals to the other person, but also at the same time, it helps you be more empathetic towards what the other person might be thinking. And I believe if um everyone tries their best to, you know, take everyone's feelings or understandings into account, but a lot of the times like people don't know each other that well to do so. So just understanding what the other person's thinking about will help so many people in the right direction.
Find A Way Podcast
I love that. um So we are going to go through some rapid fire questions. I'm going to go with two options and you choose the one that you like best.
Find A Way Podcast
So early riser or sleeping in.
Abhijit Kejriwal
Early riser.
Find A Way Podcast
um Adventure sports or relaxing spat day.
Abhijit Kejriwal
Adventure sports.
Find A Way Podcast
Camping or luxury hotel.
Abhijit Kejriwal
Find A Way Podcast
And ah Netflix or YouTube.
Abhijit Kejriwal
Find A Way Podcast
That's awesome. Okay. So we'd like to always ask for book recommendations if you have any. So if you have any suggestions for listeners, it's almost always for me as well, because I love to hear what people love in reading. So yeah, any book recommendations.
Abhijit Kejriwal
I do have two actually. I won't give you any entrepreneurship books, but like the one book that I absolutely love is called the Dalai Lama's Cat. And it's written by this person called David Mishy. And he basically is writing this book from a monk's perspective who's lived under Dalai Lama. Unfortunately, they can't reveal the names and stuff just because of ah the conflict that's happening between China and like Tibet and how Dalai Lama's life is a little bit at risk right now. But ah that's one of the books that I absolutely love because it talks about how Dalai Lama went about living his life and how he preaches what he preaches till today. And the second book I love is Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins. And he is this person who
Abhijit Kejriwal
has basically been one of the strongest human beings in the world. So he's done every difficult thing from Navy SEAL training to ah special force training in in the US. And this book is one of the most inspirational books that I've personally ever read. So those those two would be my top two.
Find A Way Podcast
You know what, people kept recommending this book to me. I think I need to read it. like i've i've Not that I have anything against David Doggins, but just find him too out there for me.
Abhijit Kejriwal
It's really good.
Find A Way Podcast
like but people are like i I'm ultra runner, so like I understand what he does quite well, but yeah.
Find A Way Podcast
But I'll definitely read that one. So before we close the episode, one as I said, the previous guest always leaves a question for the next guest. So what question would you like to leave to our next guest?
Conclusion and Guest Farewell
Abhijit Kejriwal
I think one of the biggest questions I have for the next guest would be how their cultural background has inspired them to do their business currently in Canada and what is something that they've kind of taken from their culture and incorporated it into their business.
Find A Way Podcast
That is awesome. Thank you so much. Well, thank you for telling us ah your story and for your time. I really appreciate it. Is there anything else you would like to add before we close?
Abhijit Kejriwal
I just wanted to say thank you so much, Ingrid, for having me on the podcast. It was wonderful speaking with you, learning about your experiences of solo traveling as well. And I wish I could tell you about Hostelmatch before you went to Madrid, but um I hope you get a chance to use the platform in the future as well.
Find A Way Podcast
I bet I will. um Thank you so much. And this was our episode 92, Solution Sculptor by Abjill Kijewal. We'd like to thank all of our listeners, and we'd like to remind you that we'll be posting one episode biweekly, always with a different guest. So make sure to subscribe on your favorite streaming platform.