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Ep.197: Thank Goodness SteamWorld is Here image

Ep.197: Thank Goodness SteamWorld is Here

Six One Indiecast
118 Plays7 months ago

We played two of the latest indie bangers: SteamWorld Heist II and Thank Goodness You're Here. What did our crew think? Additionally, Mike provides a pair of quick demo impressions for Death in Abyss and Bobo Bay.

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Introduction to Episode 197

Hello and welcome to episode one 97 of the six one indie cast. Al Brie clawing up my shoulder. My name is Mike Tountrow. Uh, tonight I am joined by Kyle Stevenson. Hi Mike. Welcome back. I've been on podcasts with you. I know it's yeah legit. Like what? ah month A month. Yeah, pretty much. Jeez. Um, and Harry Lazeti's it's a giddy. It's a giddy and Brie and that's their first podcast appearance, which you can't really see now in the background. I have to, I have to move there. catch tree in a more central location. So again, make regular appearances on the lead up to this. Like before we started recording a little bats, the little brother of the two um on Zen cast or the platform that we've record on on top for me, there are available sound effects and whatnot in case you want like a cheeky little intro or whatever bats trigger the intro music. And Kyle was like, what the fuck was that?
now I also love during work calls or whatever that we're on together. I just love seeing them climbing through all your Legos and stuff. Find you on the shelf. Just carefully maneuvering. It's great. Yeah. Thankfully they're delicate enough. They chew on ah cables and stuff quite a bit, but yeah, they're great. They're lovely.

Focus on Indie Games and Podcast Details

Speaking of lovely. It's great to be back here on the six one indie cast with you both a weekly video game podcast amplifying the indie scene and smaller games outside the AAA space. New episodes drop each and every Monday morning on all major podcast feeds and youtube slash six one indie supporters on patreon slash six one. You could tune in live as we record, except for this one cause we're free recording it. and gain access to clocked out the indie cast post show. But if money is tight, no worries. You still can show your support with a simple click wherever you're listening. Go ahead and leave this podcast to review, follow Six One Indie on socials, subscribe and hit the bell on YouTube and tell your friends all about us. Shout out to members of the Coop on Patreon, Brett Griffin, Kobe Cordes, Ellie, JC, Jill Grote, Marcus O'Neill, Nicole Humphrey, Stone Cold ET, Nicholas Johnson, The Compound, Cole, AKA The Good Sir, and our producer, Silk Cannon.

Upcoming Showcase and Travel Plans

housekeeping for you. It's the show case. It's happening on September 19th. Your boy is flying back to New York tomorrow. Me and Kyle are um and Harry are going to be there filming over the weekend. It's going to be a hot, sweaty day, but I'm looking forward to seeing your beautiful faces in real life because Harry, I love you. Thank you. ah Speaking of Harry, him and the editorial team have been doing a stand-up job on the website. We got, what, i thank goodness we're here. You're here. Review review from Austin. ah Harry's currently working on a steamer of heist review. Bunch of stuff from Becca. So go check that out on Speaking of Becca, since I am going to be away from this whole little setup here, um me and Becca prerecorded next week's episode is a wonderful discussion about Resident Evil likes.
indie Resident Evil likes. So you'll be able to hear that next week. I'm going to preemptively say, don't yell at them for forgetting about signal. Yes. We forgot about signals. My apologies. A very obvious one. I haven't, ah it's on the shame pile already. And I know it's like recent. I haven't played it yet. Yeah. I like briefly jumped into it. It just didn't click for me at that, like that particular moment. Yeah. Speaking of clicking a clock and clacking, robots do that.
Harry, tell

Exploring Steam World Heist 2

me about Steam World. shirt Harry, tell me about Steam World Heist 2. You're what, 12 hours into it? yeah Now it's 15. And I feel like I'm nowhere close to the end, which is good because it's a lot of fun to play, but not good for writing reviews because I'm just like, oh, my God, keep going, which is great. um So basically, let me do a little bit preface. So these stuff this is like my fourth Steam World game I played. The card game, the Gilgamesh, I played Steam World Dig, Steam World Dig 2, and now this is Steam World Heist 2. So each of them have their own different vibes. One of them is a card game. One of them is like platformery. The heist games are more tactic based. So it's kind of like a mix of XCOM and like generic like other ones that I can't think of right now. But the codename Steam. Can't forget that one. Oh, my God. Throwback.
The 3DS people know that. Yeah, the diehards know that. The 3D sickos know that. Yeah, where you play as Abraham Lincoln. go Or you have a character of Abraham Lincoln. The leader of Codename's theme. Yeah, that's wild. Anyway, you youngins can go Google that later. But yeah, this game is basically a game where you are playing as kind of like crewmates on a ship. where you are in a world where you're all of robots, but the water is going bad and you have to figure out why it's going bad and how to get water to all the people who need it. um It's very loosely based on the original game, which you pretty much put one of the characters is the child of one of the protagonists in the original game.
From what I gather, and there might be some other callbacks that I'm not aware of, but you don't need the first game at all to play this game. And it's broken up into islands that you traverse through in your ship to go on level-based activities. So it's get the loot and then escape, or defeat the boss and then escape. um the the Most of the rounds last between 15 and 30 minutes, so it's not like you're spending hours of time into the game. Yes, Kyle from six one. And when you say escape is like once you complete the objective, a timer starts ticking down and you have to get out quick. ah There are some levels that are time based in terms of like accomplishing the goal. But once you like achieve the quote unquote main objective, escaping might just be like get to this spot so you can go back to your ship and run away free. Gotcha. Yeah.
It's not like um other tactics games where you complete the mission, everything stops and you're just like happy-go-lucky, you're progressing. So that's been something that's been really fun in terms of like the short bursts of 15 to 30 minutes. The nice thing about this too is there's a lot of customization. So you originally start with two to three characters. um There's a bunch of different weapons as well as classes. But the cool thing about the classes is once you build up enough levels or like experience in that area, you're encouraged to swap classes so that you can also layer in other abilities from other classes into the current class you're in. So you really mix and imagine trying to not only max min a current class, but
kind of trying to see how they all mesh together and how you can maximize it, not only for your specific game style, but also for the objectives for each of the levels. So like there might be a level where, like I said, you have to just defeat the enemy. So you might want to go blades glory and just go boom, boom, boom, attack everything as quickly as you can. But then some other ones might be like, don't attack them and just get to the end. So then if you start fighting them or if you do something you're not supposed to, you're not going to get the max score. um A lot of the areas that you play in also require certain air quotes like reputation points. Some of them are literally called reputation points, I think. But some of them might be parlays or other objectives. So it really encourages you to explore the area. There's minimal exploring, so it's not like you're like hardcore exploring, but it's like you
figure out the fog of war and kind of explore around. There are certain spots that you're kind of locked out of until certain story beats happen or certain items you obtain. But it's been a really consistent experience that I'm progressing in the story and I'm progressing in the gameplay and getting better and better through the activities. Because at first I thought it was really basic and I was like, oh, my God, do I hate this game? And that was like the first two or three hours. But then it kind of ramped up gradually. I'm like, all right, I'm digging it. um And it was starting to really get my tactical brain going. um The other great thing is there's a lot of customization with the level difficulties. So like it's like story mode, which is like you're just vibing with the gameplay, as well as like super hardcore, oh my god, everything's maxed out difficulty.
um If none of the preset difficulties vibe with you, you can also customize it in terms of what you want to get out of it. So there might be a difficulty slider with how good the enemies are, or there might be a difficulty slider on the external combat, or how much damage you receive,

Gameplay Progression and Customization

or how much damage they get from you, or and stuff like that. So it's really um been fun to see that out. And I've been doing the basic like standard, and it's been good so far. You've been thinking, I've been kind of maximizing that and kind of getting the vibe of the game. And I showed up like I had an ending. I'm like, Oh, this is cool. Nice little ending. I'm like, Nope, I'm nowhere close. And I look at the map. I'm like, Oh, we like there's a lot to this fog before that I have not even touched. So this is definitely going to be probably the longest steam world game that they have now because I'm over 15 hours and I would have beaten
the games are already played already. Sure. I'm looking at the ah the gifts on the scene page. um Which which combat did you prefer, the like ship combat or the like ricocheting bullets? So, yes. So the two main ones are the ships, which is automatic. So like you customize your your boat slash submarine to be like, OK, all right, I'm going to have weapons on my left, weapons underneath. I'm going to have torpedoes. um That was extremely not exciting just as a precursor like they're done in like seven seconds. So it's kind of like more of a Open now an overworld Event that you have to do it's waiting if you engage from point A to B. It's so But there's also ones that are like way OP that's like hey you are not ready for this You're gonna get destroyed if you stay any longer. Gotcha. um So yeah, the the tactics based
like turn-based objectives with ricocheting stuff, which I thought was really cool. Yeah. um That kind of blew it up. Like, that's the focus, like, without a joke, where you kind of customize your team, you bring in, like, three out of the five people you have, and you kind of customize them as needed. Have you had a crazy, like, 10 ricochets? Oh, yeah yeah, a bunch of times. That's the cool thing. So I will caveat by saying not every weapon and ability has the line of sight in your, not like trying to figure it out. You can't really, you can't really get a good sense of where you're aiming. Yeah. So like some of them gives you a longer one, like, um, like the sniper, for example, like it gives you the exact length, but you're also bobbing up and down slightly. So you really want to precision time it. Um, so that's been a mixed bag for me only because I'm such a psychotic with like my position and stuff. So I'm like,
All right, well, i if I'm bobbing, I'm just going to watch it eight more times to make sure I get the exact flow. um But then the other ones are less accurate. So you have to kind of do a risk-reward. Be like, all right, well, if I'm further away, it's less like it's going to hit. But if it hits, it hits. like That's going to be great. That's cool. So that's been fun to kind of mess around with. And then also trying to figure out, OK, how can I maximize this? Because most of the time, you're like under the gun, and you're just like, OK, well, There's 12 enemies, and there's only three of us. How can I maximize how many actions I can do in order to kind of circumvent the situation? So you're kind of being like, all right, well, if I have this ability that lets me pick up loot, but then I don't lose an action token, then I can eliminate an enemy. And then I also have an action above that if I eliminate an enemy. And I get health if I eliminate an enemy. Kind of compound the itself over and over again. And it's been vibing really great once you get into the flow of it. And there's another kitty.
How do you, how do you find yourself like, um, finding like certain jobs for your crew and sticking with that? Or do you find yourself switching out roles all the time? So I'm definitely switching around, which I didn't think was something I was going to focus on because I usually with these games, I'm like, well, Harry's going to be the bard. He's just going to be the bar for the whole game. Mike's going to be a sniper. He's going to be the sniper, the whole game. But this game really kind of like pushes you to be like, all right, once you get a couple of levels in a category, you're better off switching because then you can unlock more abilities and then overlap them into ways that you like. Because the more levels you have, the more cogs you get, which is like the in-class, in-game thing that lets you use other abilities. So like, if I have five clogs, maybe one ability is worth one, another ability worth four, that one's going to be really good probably, but then I have to figure out how it maxes out another ability. um And there's only like
like seven or eight classes which is fine like it's not like it's only dropped only eight but it's it's really trying to figure out like all right there's probably like maybe 60 abilities how can you mesh them best plus you have like 150 items that you can use and those become like another thing that you're trying to balance out so there's a lot of balancing with what you want to do with the levels and how you want to progress through the game. But it's never too overwhelming because you could just go back to basics and be like, all right, one is going to use a shotgun, go pew, pew, pew, and then be good. But it really pushes you to kind of be like, hey, you might want to switch
classes so you can do cool things twice and then kind of going through there. um The story is fine. I think it's kind of like a serviceable. Yeah, like it's totally an avenue to get the gameplay going, where unless there's like a bunch of like Easter eggs, I'm not getting, but it's kind of like, oh, I want to make my mom

Storyline Themes and Environmental Issues

proud to do the best I can. What am I going to do? Like the one the protagonist from the other game. So I'm just like, OK, that's fine. um And then the other. facet of it is the big government is the ones that's hoarding all the water for the people and the people are like, you know, I want some healthy water because I'm a robot and robot logic, I guess. So that's kind of like the OK, like there's definitely a but like an environmental focus of like, hey, we're destroying our planet. Let's make some good water. And I'm like, oh, my God, how can this be useful in other avenues of the world? So that's been like a little chuckle. That's cool. And then the music's banging like there's like um
live music at the certain bars where you have to save and like continue your days. And it's been an overall like really good experience. So like the game comes out August 8th. So that's the day you guys probably grab it. Hopefully I have my review way before then. But like I said, I'm like 15 hours in line. I think I'm going to record this video. Apologies if you touched on this already because I was answering an email admittedly. Did you mention the ricochet shots? Yes, it's awesome. Yeah, I just wanted to highlight that also. like i I previewed this at at SDF. Preview is up on the website. um That was like a clear highlight. That's like

Preview of 'Thank Goodness You're Here'

something I jokingly brought up, Codename Steam. but like
That game did, I forgot exactly what, but there was some gameplay tweaks like that. I'm traditionally not a turn-based tactics kind of player, but things like that, that kind of tweak the formula, help players like me who don't typically like this kind of genre. It's super satisfying. Visually, it looks stunning too. It looks like the next step in the steam world franchise. Yeah, the steam world. The steam world, they're always slapped. Engine, yeah, and art style is always slapped. Did you say you played this on Steam, Harry? Yes, on my Steam Deck, it plays while I was asleep, so other Steam Deck contender. And then just to kind of conclude this which now I'm forgetting what I was about to say Oh, yeah, there we go. There's no like um Downfall for failing a mission. There's no
like various entry in terms of like, Oh my God, there's gonna kick your teeth. And cause like I said, there's the level, the difficulty is customizable at any time of the game. Um, as well as you can even go back to steps and be like, Oh man, I just messed this up. Whoops. Uh, let me just backtrack a couple of rounds and go from there. So there's been nothing that overly has frustrated me other than like the basic story, which isn't even a frustration. He's just like, Oh, good, Mike. I'm just going to hear some robots go, and then kind of go from there. Yeah. Clicks and clicks. Clicks and clicks. Yeah. Overall, really good. You guys should play it. Yeah. It's coming out on all the consoles too. So that's pretty nice. Yeah. Everybody and their mom. Yeah. My mom will be playing it. No, she won't. Kyle. Yeah. You're playing. Thank goodness you're here. Did you beat it? I did. I beat it in one sitting. One sitting.
Well, it's only like three and a half, four hours. So it's, it's a smaller kind of a short banger. Um, If you're not familiar with this game, it's from Cole supper, the developer of, they previously made the game, the good time garden, which is free on steam. And that is full of as and I'm saying quote from their scene page, explore explore a throbbing pink world full of strange naked creatures to gather food for your friend in the short surreal experience. so We talked about that before. Yeah, exactly. Um, but we, we talked about this game before.
Um, on the show, the good time garden and we played it and it's, it was a trip. Um, expect that same kind of style visually from thank goodness you're here. You play as a little lad in English town called Barnsworth. Um, and they call it a slap former. Um, it's literally a platforming game with some puzzles, but all you, the only actions you can do are jump and slap things. So, uh, that is the main way you are interacting in this game. And you just come across all these people that need your help and in ridiculous ways. And it just gets wild and wilder as it goes on. Um, Harry brought up, I think,
when I think you played at Tribeca, correct? demo It was available at Tribeca, but I played it at Next Fest. Sure. I played it at West. Yep. And I know, Harry, you mentioned how the humor wasn't really your style. ah For me, kind of with you on that one. Not that it wasn't the most unfunny thing in the world. I was definitely laughing at at most of it, but there are some things where I just didn't didn it hit me as hard as I feel like it would other people. um I wish there was more of Matthew Berry.
in the game. Um, he's only one character and, uh, you come back to him over and over again, but I wish he was in it more. You got to imagine, you know, indie studio with a one. an a list percent I would argue a list star at this point. Yeah. Do you have a question? Harry? Yes. Harry from the six one. Yeah. Um, so I'm also playing, uh, thank goodness you're here. I heavily agree that about the comedy, however it is growing on me, but I feel like The comedy is like 80 percent like British inside jokes that are so above ah over our heads because we are because he's saying phrases and words. I'm like, this is probably super funny, but I don't know what you're saying. Yeah. They'll just say turn of phrases that I don't are like local colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial colloquial that are just like, you're absolutely trying to say something that I'm trying to laugh at, but I don't know what you're saying. But the physical comedy and the timing of stuff is. Yes. It absolutely hits way better than the demo, because I'm just like, I'm just bopping around. I guess maybe I was just in the mood with the demo. I was like, man I don't like this. I still like this way better than the demo, but there's a lot of jokes ah i I can visibly see. I'm like, yeah, like based on the timing and everything is just not hitting
my American humor. my My favorite reoccurring joke in this is, and I think traversing the world is also like a thing that I have a problem with because you are backtracking a lot and going back to places a whole bunch and it's not the
The most fun experience, I guess, like you're treading the same kind of a pass a lot. ah But my favorite one is you get stuffed down a chimney. um And every time you get stuffed down the chimney, you bring all the soot with you and it just explodes in the room. you do that five or six times throughout the entire game. And every single time the dude is like, Oh, it's okay. Like very polite about it. And then eventually by the third or fourth one, he starts like shaking as he's grooming up the dust into a dust man. And then he's just kind of sitting there with his eyes all wide and stressed out, just waiting for it to happen. And
That's like my favorite little reoccurring bit. um There's some other really great characters. All the voice acting, I think, is great. um They're all super unique. ah A lot of weird stuff, like what I expect from the Good Time Garden, at least visually. um Like later on, there is a character who is sick in bed and wants you to go to the store to to ah you know get your his food and supplies and groceries, whatever. And he just extends his arm and it just goes out miles long. And you that's how you find out where to go is you follow his arm as it's sneaking through the city and going underground and whatever. like It's very wild and crazy. And if you if you like the style of um bright, colorful cartoon visually, it's stunning. um And you're in for a nice little short four hour-ish comedy platforming game. I think its this should be right up your alley.
Typically this is my kind of humor. Very excited for this. Yeah. Jill from a India former and the indie council mentioned that, um, I, you guys will be able to describe it better or correct

Impact of British Humor in Gaming

me if I'm wrong. Um, essentially the tutorial or like the caption setting happens if you could understand like a joke in the beginning. Oh, I did not. I didn't know. I think the first statement is like, Yeah. So like if if you don't understand that statement, they're going to translate things for you. Oh, yeah. And I think yeah I wrote like, no, and I think it's still over my head. It me think like, all right, how hard is the British humor then? Like, ah I think it was just such a fun and unique little mechanic of like turning on
I don't know if you would count it an accessibility option, but just an option like just to better your experience. There's also like a decent amount of replay value. Cause after you, after you finish it, um, again, as the trophy person I am, I look at the trophies and there's a bunch of stuff that I didn't do to unlock that I had no idea that you could do. Um,
I just remembered another really funny, absurd, wildly inappropriate joke in this game. Um, but I wonder if Harry got to, have you, some of them across a cow yet in this game? No, the last thing I did was I made a giant pie and the tiny pie guy like yeah was twitching. Okay. Okay. I think I played that. ah the The cow part is wild, but I don't want to spoil that for anybody. That joke is hilarious in all the wrong ways. But yeah, it's it's it has its moments for sure. ah just It didn't end didn't have me laughing the entire time. Yeah. And that's where I think it's going to be very hit or miss, depending on people's sense of humor and their taste of humor. Yep.
Uh, super quick stuff for me. Um, you guys talked about last week, but I put some, ah like a, maybe a half hour, 45 minutes into a ranger. Um, I can add on that. I've been playing it on Netflix via my phone, um, plays Gary runs grade played both with the backbone and just with touch controls. Either way, really fun way to play that game. Reminder, if you have Netflix and you have an iPhone, You have a whole library of some banger indie titles, like Before Your Eyes and Oxford Free Games. Fantastic stuff. Death's Door at this point. um There's fantastic stuff on there. They bury it on the app with the easiest way to access it.
Go to, let's say, Arranger, for example. um You go, you click on the publisher or the developer, it's it's Netflix, Inc. You click on that and then you're brought to the app store page of all the Netflix games. That's the easiest way to go about it. Don't attempt to navigate it on Netflix proper. It's a mess. It is getting better. Let's just take it for some weird reason. It's getting better. I kind of just wish they would make their own dedicated app. Or at least a dedicated section in the Netflix app. um But yeah, real quick, I jumped into two demos that um I've been looking forward to.

Impressions of 'Death in Abyss'

The first being Death in Abyss. um the The quick pitch here is... It's star Fox in the ocean. Yeah. so far Caught this on Twitter, maybe like a month or so ago. I knew like the demo was, it was on the way. So I jumped into it a little bit last night. Um, it's good. There's something that's not totally clicking for me. So instead of star Fox, where it's just on rails and you're going from point A to point B and like following a direct path that is crafted by the developer, this seems more open.
which like it's the ocean, that makes sense. um So it's like an open arena, open area and a bunch of creatures are like flying at you. Like I'm constantly just like on the run, like dodging backwards and just trying to take folks out. um There's something going on where like, I don't know if I'm going out of bounds or or what it is, but like it keeps saying I'm like losing signal. And like, I'm not dying or anything. It just says losing signal and it boots me out. And I don't understand why that's happening. That said gameplay wise and the feel feels really good. I'm excited to play more of it. I think I pick it up at launch once it's ready. um Clearly I'm just, I'm missing something.
But so far, so good. And the the next one, another Mike ass video game, ah Bobo Bay. So the Bobo Bay alpha is available. I will, the channelgarten one yeah. So this the steam description Bobo Bay is a pet simulation game where you collect breed, accessorize, and train little creatures to compete in races and other

Discussion on 'Bobo Bay'

competitions. This is unabashedly Sonic Adventure 2's chow garden mode, where you get to raise a little chows, you customize them, you put little outfits on them, you level them up, and you put them in competitions like foot races and swimming and all that good stuff. So if you're a chow garden sicko like I am, and I know there's plenty of folks out there, it's hitting the right notes. it's very It's an alpha. It's very bare minimum at the moment. but um
It's on the right track. I'm very excited to to keep on following along. I'm happy for you. Thank you. I love the chow garden, so I'm absolutely gonna play this. It's like one of those things of like, you know, there there's so many Sega slash Sonic mobile games. Like it's fucking bewildering how like Sega never made a chow garden mobile game. Or even a game that's like Tamagotchi with chows. Like, hello, like why not? So like it seems like other folks were like trying to replicate this kind of game. Um, but this seems so far in its very early state to be the closest one. Like they're, they're kind of nailing the assignment so far. So I'm excited to keep on following along. And that's Bobo Bay and death in abyss two really very different games really quickly before I forget. Uh, thank goodness you're here. Code provided by Papa agenda, by the way.
and steam world dig two. I mean, oh my God, I see more old heist who was also provided by the publishers. Oh, thanks. Yeah. Death and abyss and Bobo Bay were found on sweater. Yeah. That's what's happening. Last week at Indy, what's happening this week at Indy, Kyle?

Upcoming Indie Game Releases

It's a pretty big week. Shaking off the cobwebs. Yeah, it's fine. ah Fields of Mistria on PC Early Access on August 5th. Pepper Grinder comes to Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PS4 and 5 on August 6th. Please play Pepper Grinder. I feel like a lot of people slept on it.
I'm so excited that my patience is rewarded and I get to play. You got the the physical edition also? Yes, absolutely. Aero GPX coming to PC Early Access on August 6th. If you are an F-Zero sicko, this is the one. Play it. As Harry mentioned, Steam World Heist 2 comes on all count on all consoles on August 8th, as well as Cat Quest 3 on PS4, PC, Xbox One, all the things on August 8th as well. Yeah, kiddies. Arcade Paradise VR on August 8th, PSVR 2 and Steam VR. We love Arcade Paradise here, so it's cool that the VR is ah coming elsewhere. um And then the Crush House on PC coming on August 9th,
Oh, thank you, Mike. I knew I was going to forget it. And on August 8th, Xbox series XPC PS5 deathbound also releases. Well, yeah. Full disclosure. Deathbound is my client, yada, yada. um Very excited for the Crush House. I didn't really realize Crush House was so soon also. This is ah to bombers yeah this is Devolver's ah reality show, but there's also sinister undertones happening. um Same devs as Card Shark. Nereal? Nereal. Is it Nereal? I didn't know it was Nereal. Cool. Yeah, which like feels like quick turnaround, but you maybe Card Shark was. Two years ago. Was Card Shark only two years ago? It was 2022. Damn. Yeah, right? That was wild.
Of course, when you type in Car Sharks, the 1978 game show. I love that game show. Great game show. It was so good. Thank you, Game Show Network. yeah what a great so What a great channel. Rip. Is it still around? No, it's definitely not. It's still around. Joel McHale hosted. Yeah. Wait, what? The game is still happening? Yeah. Oh boy. I'm going to have to go to YouTube later. Oh boy. Higher, lower.

Episode Wrap-Up and Gratitude

a Short episode this week just because we have a lot going on and I got to selfishly ah pack my bags and and catch a flight. So ah we're going to cut it there. But for patrons, we're going to do a quick episode of Clocked Out the Indicast Post Show. Maybe we'll talk about Game Show Network. Why not? I'll be good to go the whole time. Bye now. Bye now. That's not Game Show Network. um
Next week, ah myself and Becca, we have an episode coming out about Resident Evil like indies. And then the following week, we tentatively, depending on production schedules of the showcase and stuff, should be back to normal, hopefully. ah Thank you so much for your patience, by the way. We know it's been a wild month. um I mention it and I get a little sappy on the next episode, but ah for everyone who expressed their kind words and well wishes regarding Harley, thank you so much. I love and appreciate you. dearly obviously was not a good stretch as of late. So thank you. And obviously thank you to Kyle, Harry, and the rest of the crew for carrying the ship while I was not doing so hot. and Anytime. Hugs. Hugs. Till then, goodbye. Bye. Bye.