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Ep.192: Six One Day Trivia image

Ep.192: Six One Day Trivia

Six One Indiecast
128 Plays9 months ago

A Six One Day tradition: Jacob McCourt takes over Indiecast for an all-indie edition of Video Game Trivia.

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Podcast Introduction and Engagement

Hello and welcome to episode 192 of the Six One Indicast, a special Six One Day edition of the Six One Indicast. My name is Mike Townrow. Tonight, I'm joined by Kyle Stevenson. Hello. Matthew Wright. I also have no energy. Nica Smith. Hello. And special guest, my favorite Canadian, Jacob McCourt. Suck it, Dave. Suck it, Dave.
Dave's actually very nice. He's great. Thanks for having me. Go watch the glitch future of play this week to see a very cool video game from our friend, Dave and, and his, his people might yell good folks. A lot happened in tonight. We're going to get straight into it. Usually we bullshit for 10 minutes, but instead
Let me get right into it. You are listening to the six way indie cast, a video game podcast amplifying the indie scene and smaller games outside of the triple A space. New episodes drop each and every Monday morning on all major podcast feeds and slash six one indie supporters on slash six one. Indie could tune in live as we record and gain access to clocked out the indie cast post show. But if money is tight, no worries. You still could show your support with a simple click
Wherever you're listening, go ahead and leave this podcast to review, follow Six What India on socials, subscribe and hit the bell on YouTube and tell your friends all about us. Shout out to the PD fans supporting on Patreon, Brett Griffin, Kobe Cordes, Ellie, JC, Jill Groat, Marcus O'Neill, Nicole Humphrey, Stone Cold ET, Silk Cannon, Nicholas Johnson, The Compound, and Cole, AKA The Good Sir.

Summer Game Fest Announcement

Housekeeping for you.
I've entered my big glasses era. I'm a big glasses bitch now, but most importantly, Kyle and I will be at summer game fest this week. If you're in LA, whether you're going to the summer game fest showcase, you're going to the gorilla collective show. You're going to IGN live. If you're just hanging out in LA, hitting up the bars or whatever, say hello, give us a hug.
full disclosure. This is a re-record of the intro, but I'm going to do the bit again. If we lock hands and you want to do the thing where you put your middle fingers through each other's hands and you twist your hands and you give them a little wiggle like this, let's do that together. It's really fun. Still gross. Kyle, as soon as I see you on Thursday, that's what we're going to do. That's the first thing we're going to do. That's how we'll know you guys after the podcast.
That's how we'll know. That's how we'll know. And like I said, on the other version, I will be practicing that on the plane the entire way there. Yes, please, please don't. It took me a second to remember how to do it. Exactly. You got to keep up those skills, you know?
I can see the math in Jacob's head right now. I see all these integers and ratios. I see colors.

Indie Showcase Game Submissions

Aside from Gum Summer Campus, if you are listening to this on Six One Day, that means the game submissions for the Six One Indie Showcase that is airing on September 19th are now officially open. Indie developers, indie publishers, and all of our PR friends, if you're working on a video game that you want to show off in mid-September,
Hit us up. Go to You'll see the game submission form. Submissions are open through July 1st. So please hit us up. We'd love to see what you're working on.

Introduction of Trivia Game

Final piece of housekeeping and the reason Jacob is here. I received a very special piece of mail the other day. And again, we are redoing this bit. I got a nice little card. Video game trivia with Jacob McCourt. It reads.
Mike, you talked about this GBA game on clocked out and the next day I saw it out in the wild. I needed to buy it for you. You're welcome. Much love Jacob. Motherfucker bought me the razor scooter video game, which I will be playing on my flight to LA. And as we said, where I'm going to review it on a scooter.
with little earbuds. Rest in peace. If you're not a patron, you wouldn't understand this bit, but Mike talked about it on clocked out the indie cast post show. So, you know, if you want to throw a couple of bucks their way, slash six on indie. I don't even go here, man. I know that URL. That's where we're at. True fan. True fan. Yeah. So, uh, next to clocked out.
In-depth review. Look forward to it. The other thing I forgot to mention, uh, with summer game fest, uh, the indie council will be there as well. We are going to be doing how we usually do the indie casts for packs. There is going to be an indie council that's done during summer game fest. I don't know if we could be live. I don't know details expected at some point. There's that Jacob, this is now your show.
Hell yeah. I'm good to go. Sweet.

First Trivia Round: Video Game Questions

Okay. Well y'all welcome to another edition of video game trivia, the competitive trivia game about video games. I'm your host, Jacob McCourt. And look today we're doing the thing we did last year. It is six one day. So we need to do a very special edition of the show. It is a video game trivia. Oops. All indie games edition for the second time. So I've got a fantastic crew of people here who are ready to play.
And the folks in the audience, if you are on Patreon and you're in the chat, I will be giving you guys some points. So maybe you guys can beat this wonderful crew of folks. We'll see what happens. Almost certainly will.
Today's game splits out into the following, five rounds plus a bonus round. In some rounds, you will buzz in to say your name. In some rounds, you will write an answer down. Point values increase as the game goes. And as I said, this is special for y'all. Am I like a six, one cousin? Is that a thing? Oh yeah. You're part of the nest. Okay. Am I, does PD have a sibling? Sure. Can I be PD sibling? We haven't fully developed that lore yet.
the family trees in progress. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Listen, the PD who was on the March showcase, technically a stunt double who is in a dumpster in Brooklyn somewhere. Cause we didn't feel like traveling with him. Wow. So yeah, he has family members. That's the skeleton is probably like the third iteration of PD. Oh, because we kept breaking them. It turns out Halloween skeletons, not meant to be traveling the New York subway system. Let's practice buzzing in right now before we start the game. Let's start with Becca.
Buzz in with your name. Oh, with my name? Great. Matt. Matt. Kyle. Kai-Kai. And Mike.
Mike. Excellent. Uh, you guys are ready for video game trivia. So let's get right into section one. Uh, this is the chick. Oh, whoa. Yes. Go ahead. Uh, can we please, uh, make a, uh, pinky swear, a virtual pinky swear that nobody will look at the chat. I don't want, I don't want you shenanigans. Yeah. That's a good call out. Only looking at Jacob's screen. Excellent. What I will do is if a stingray X and Nicholas Johnson, who are in the chat, if they say things to you, I will relay them to you.
Oh, thank you, that's perfect. Of course, my setup is ready for this. This is the chain lightning round, and I'll make sure for folks who are listening in audio that I will read the whole question so that they can answer along at home. 10 questions from the world of video games. Yes, Mike Townrow. Do you have to finish the question before we buzz in? That's an excellent question. You can interrupt me as I'm reading the question, but I will read the full question before you give the answer.
Awesome. 10 questions from the world of video games. You can buzz in while I'm saying it. One point per correct answer. If you answer incorrectly, you are locked out for that question. Here is question number one. God damn it, Jacob. How many games are in the goat simulator series? I heard Kyle first. Two. The correct answer on this one is absolutely two.
Hell yeah. Fuck the internet lag bullshit. Kyle, the one with the bad internet. Yeah, right. Exactly. No, it's weird. I also noticed that that was weird. That was very weird. I'm just like, I got my mic right here. Yeah. Put it close to your face. That way I can hear you. Yeah. Well, I could barely hear you. Really? Yeah.

Trivia Game Continues with Audience Participation

That's very strange. Okay. There you go. That'll be better. All right. Uh, question number two, here we go. Coffee stain sell published go simulator before publishing titles of their own. Mike, uh, the original coffee talk was published by whom?
Oh shit. Yup. She's like, wait, you're so confident. What happened? No, I know. Now it's between two was a self publisher. I'll just, of course, of course. We're what worldwide, uh, chorus worldwide published coffee talk episode two. Uh, that is not the correct answer. Anyone else want to answer? I'm blanking.
Coffee Stain self-published Go Simulator before publishing titles of their own, The Original Coffee Talk, was published by whom? It's not as complicated as you think. Kyle? Yep. Coffee Stain? No, it's not Coffee Stain. Oh, okay. Similar. Yep. I'll just go with it. Toge?
Uh, according to the internet, uh, when the game came out, it was published by Toge Productions. Yeah. Good call. Good call. So that's one point for Matt. Uh, chat again, if you want to answer the questions, if these folks can't answer and you answer, I'm going to give chat points. So get ready here. Uh, question number three hits right now. What was the first game that Anna Perna interactive ever published?
What was the first game that Anna Perna interrupt? Kyle? What remains of Edith Finch? The question was, what was the first game that Anna Perna interactive ever published? Kyle's answer was what remains of Edith Finch. What remains of Edith Finch is the correct answer. Great call.
Kyle on fire. Two points. I was thinking of our box set that we bought after like the hot game summer in my mind. I was like, was her story before Edith Finch? Nice shirt. Great shirt, Matt. Question number four. What was the latest game that in a Perna interactive published?
Mike. Yup. Open roads. Uh, open roads is the second latest game. Yup. Kyle. Yup. Oh my God. Kyle, you are on fire. The answer is Lorelei and the laser eyes. Uh, so can it, the chat got it too. So if you guys hadn't gotten it, so can it would have gotten those points.
I'll read it again. Simogo, the developer of Lorelai and the Laser Eyes created
Well, for the audio listener, maybe they were driving in the car and somebody honked at them and they didn't get that beautiful question read. Simogo, the developer of Lorelai and the Laser Eyes created two critically acclaimed iOS games in 2013 named them. I have no clue. We looked this up recently because we were impressed that like Simogo has published like 15 games at this point. Yeah. You are right. Even more before 2013 too, like original app store people. Yeah.
So Kenneth's real close. What we're thinking, Jacob, do you know the girl's name from overwatch? Fuck off. It's tracer. Okay. Nailed it.
I'm going to get so can it email and overwatch. No, it's a joke from paxies. Gotcha. If you go to their drops, Tik TOK and look at their most viewed a video, probably the reason I brought up, I think it was part of our paxies, rambling episodes. Yeah. Maybe no one of these, not both. If you have one, I will give you one point. There's two points up for grabs here. I will give you one. If you get one, I'm going to, I'm going to trip here. Matt. Yep.
Florence Florence is not one of the answers, but that's a good guess though. Yeah. Jinx you and me soda. Uh, so can it's going to get a point if you guys don't, uh, don't get it here. So can I get it? So can it's close enough that I'm going to give it to him. Yep. It's not right. But for the laughs, angry birds and candy, candy crush.
Ha ha, for the lows, zero points. Last chance, Becca. Negative 20 points. Listen, I know it's like, this is not for points. Like some, it's like some number puzzle game, right? Yeah. Yeah. I just don't know the name of it.
Oh, okay. Maybe I have three, two, one. Uh, audience is going to get one point because so can it is so close that he deserves a point. He said device seven. It's device six is one of the games. And the other is a little title with a goat on the cover, uh, called year walk. Oh, I know that's so good. Yeah. Came out in the same year, which is the craziest part of all of that.
It's a good game. Yeah. Queen Latifah. Fantastic. Yeah. We might hear about that game later, but here's question number six. What is the first title in the steam world series? Mike. Dig, dig, dig, dig. Dig is not the correct answer, Matt. Shit. I mean, it's probably the other one, Matt. Heist? Heist is not the correct answer. Oh shit. Yeah.
Becca. Yup. Is it just steam world? Uh, that's a fun guess, but no. Chad, if you've got it, throw it out there. I'm looking at the lineup of like logos in my head. Nicholas Johnson says steam world build. That's not correct. Hey, I don't think, I don't think I'm going to have it. No, it's definitely not the, it's not Gilgamesh.
No, it's not that one. Here's the fun. Here's the fun part. I'll close it off in three, two, one. Uh, I'm not sure you can actually get this game at the moment because you know, Nintendo and video game preservation. Uh, this one is steam world tower defense. Interesting. Okay. It's an e-shop game that I don't think you can get right now.
Didn't know they had that one. So, no points there, no points there. Question number seven. I'll wait till Matt is done with his beer. There you go. Question number seven. Before working on his own critically acclaimed indie game, Sam Barlow was the lead designer and writer on two Konami titles. Name them, Matt. Two points up for grabs here. Two of them, Silent Hill Origins and Silent Hill Shattered Memories. Matt.
Both of those are correct answers. So that's two points for you. I had shattered memories. I didn't have the other one. I have them both over there. I love that. Well done. Uh, we've got three more here. Question number eight. Dimitri M Johnson, a co-producer on Paramount Sonic the Hedgehog movies and his company story kitchen are adapting which critically acclaimed nautical themed indie game to a live action feature film Mike dredge.
Black salt games is? Dredge is the correct answer. Mike's on the board. I'm not gonna lie. In my head, I was like, what does nautical mean? That's why I delayed for a second.
Mike was like when I did this with the word nautical. Yeah. Man. All right, Mike's on the board. Question number nine. I hope that movie's good, by the way. I hope it's good. Nicholas Johnson said he's very excited to see it. Yeah.

New Trivia Rounds and Game Price Guessing

Question nine. What is the name of the real life cat that inspired the player character in 2022's Stray? Oh my god. Where's Harry? Harry would know this one. Yeah. Becca. Yup. Is it Oliver?
Oliver is a fun guess. That's a good guess. Okay. Mike. Yep. Shadow. Cause I think it's a black cat. It is not a black cat and it is not shadow. No, isn't it? It's an orange cat, right? Yes, it is. Oh, it's an orange cat. I'm an asshole. He's just like, I have black cat. I have a black cat too. Little voids.
Kyle or Matt? Kyle. Matt? Yep. I heard Kyle first. Frumpkin. Frumpkin is not the correct answer.
No, that's please cat Frumpkin. Yeah. Yeah. It is actually a critical characters cat and it's an orange tabby. That's why he said it. Oh,
Matt, do you have any guesses after that? Charles?
Charles is not the correct answer. My friends, the answer on this one, I'm sorry, it's very mean. It's Murtaugh. And here's Murtaugh. And it's funny because from my understanding, Murtaugh did the mocap, but there's actually a separate cat that did the sounds named Lala.
Yeah. Facts about stray. Cool. Wow. It looks like a fromkin in me. I don't know. Our last question in this round, question number 10. When eating the basic berry bowl in Cult of the Lamb, what is the percentage chance that your follower will poop instantly after eating it? Mike, one second before you give an answer. It is an answer in like fives or tens. So it ends in five or zero.
Think 75. 75 is not the correct answer. Kyle. Kyle. I think Becca was first. I think Becca was first. Becca, you go ahead. Is it 95% chance? 95 is too high. OK. I was going to say 60.
60 is also too high. I'll repeat the question one more time for Matt. When eating the basic berry bowl and call the lamb, what is the percentage chance that your follower will poop instantly after eating it? Nicholas Johnson says 35%. That's not the correct answer. Bloody Panic says 25%. That's not the correct answer. Okay. Well, Nicholas Johnson also said the same number I was going to say. So I'm going to be real. That was the number I was going to guess.
No, throw another one out there. I don't get it. Matt is honorable. We'll just, okay. Okay. Your answer is 35. That is too high. So can it says five? That's also off y'all. There are a lot of numbers. This one is 15%. Yeah, 15. All right. Y'all what's the one that like makes some shit instantly? That's what I was thinking of for some reason. Yeah. Not, not that one. Like actually feeding them the poop itself. Is that the a hundred percent option?
No, I think pooping makes them vomit or feeding them. Sorry. If the listeners don't like bathroom stuff, sorry, you know, you signed up for, uh, we're going to move on to a round called cross play. Uh, this was a favorite according to Matt from last time. Like conversations. I hear that's a podcast on the internet. It's a great podcast. Where are you? Where are you listening to that?
I hear you can listen to that on podcast services everywhere called Crossplay Conversations where you can find us on Twitter at Crossplay Convos. Wow. I watched last year's with this and I was really bad at it. Oh yeah, no, I explicitly requested this because we were terrible at this.
And it's the hardest one to make, but I did it for you, Matt. Crossplay goes as follows. I'm gonna read you a description of a made-up mashup of two popular games, and your job is to tell me the name of that imaginary game. So for example, this 3D kaiju fighting game features kaiju-inspired creatures from the 50s and 60s, as well as the God of War and the Ghost of Sparta. That would be God of War of the Monsters. Now that's like a triple-A one. Each of these pairings will contain at least one indie game, sometimes two.
Uh, one also note is most of the time it's one game followed by the second game, but there is, I think one where it's a fun jumbled mashup. So each one of these is worth one point buzz in, uh, to, uh, answer the question. And are you guys ready for the first one? Sure. Sure. Here we go. This one's easy. I promise steal your shovel blade and start digging through the Sith armada that has been unleashed against the Republic. Kyle.
Shovel Knights of the Old Republic? Shovel Knights of the Old Republic is the correct answer. Well done, sir. Nice. Your brain's on overdrive today, buddy. I don't know where it's coming from. It was last year, too. I was impressed. Yeah. Unleashed definitely was in there to trick you. Yes. That was just for you, Matt. Harry hated this last time, so I'm glad he's not here.
I'll be hairy this year. Excellent. Please yell at me about it. Question three. That's what I want you to start yelling at me. Question number two. Here we go. A chaotic musical bullet hell where you avoid objects slash your two blades in VR, move to the kick ass music and die repeatedly. A chaotic musical bullet hell where you avoid objects slash your two blades in VR, move to the kick ass music and die repeatedly.
I think I've got the VR one. Yeah, I got the VR one. Yeah. I don't remember what the VR one is called. I know what it is. Matt, you want to trade? Somebody's afraid to give one away. I'm having to write it down so I don't forget what I'm thinking about.
And I'll give you a hint of the connecting word. One of them, it's singular and one of them. It's plural. Same word. One game. It's singular. One game. It's plural. So can it's got one. Oh my God. Not two. Why, why is it, why is this hurting my brain right now? Musical bullet hell.
So can it's actually got a, got a really fantastic guests that I hadn't considered it until he wrote it. We're just for that. I'm going to give so Canada point. Nice. Well done. So can it, unless I have the wrong VR title in my head and that's where I'm caught up with. No, you don't know. It's got no, I don't. Right. Okay. It's that one. Somebody guess so you can give the other half to somebody. Mike, please help me beat saber.
Thank you. Uh, that is half the answer. Yes. Yeah. Everybody knows that. Mike, everyone knows. I didn't, I didn't, but I didn't, I couldn't. Yup. Kyle shape and beat saber. Kyle. I'm going to give that to you because the correct answer is just shapes and beat saber. So well done for you. So one more point for Kyle, man, take up what the fuck.
Hey, look, it's Harry. Harry got so mad last time. Almost as mad as when I forgot I met him already. Question number three. I'm going to read this one out. This game presents you with a galaxy to explore filled with unique planets and life forms. One of the planets compels you to defeat Alduin, the world eater, a dragon who is prophesied to destroy the world. This game presents you with a galaxy to explore, Mike.
No Man's Skyrim. That was my guess. No Man's Skyrim is absolutely the correct answer. Nice job. Nice job. Thank you. Well done, Mike. Is No Man's Skyrim not the No Man's Skyrim? One of them is Indy.
Technically, isn't that weird? I don't live on technicalities, Jacob. I mean, they have more money than God at this point, but yeah, I mean, you're hurting me just like Harry. Nicholas Johnson asks, what is Indy?
Who the fuck knows anymore? Uh, question number four, if y'all are ready, here it is. And wildly intense and colorful stylized smash them up about primal escape to escape. However, you must befriend another prisoner making his daring escape from prison. Oh man. Oh, how, how would this be? This is the mashup one. A way,
A way ape, no. A way ape out? I don't know. I am gonna give you the points because that is the correct two games. I have it written as an ape way out. Nice, okay, fair. Yeah, that's what I was having trouble with. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't put that together. That one's the fun mashup of games. That makes more English sense than what I said. I hated that. Becca, you got this. Question five is gonna be yours. Are you ready?
No. Here's this one. They get harder as they go. A cyberpunk narrative experience about fate and happiness that features lots of bartending and underground fight clubs. What the hell is the name of that game? I see the cover. Which one? The bartending one. It could be two. There's two very famous indie bartending games. Yeah. Which one is it?
I don't think of your favorite triple a Sony exclusive. So can it not that one. The other one. Why? Why are you telling me to think of that? Cause you might come up with a cyberpunk narrative experience about fate and happiness that features lots of bartending and underground fight clubs. I'm getting caught up on the fight clubs thing. Yeah. Fight clubs is one of the games.
The other game is the whole other description. Yeah. Yeah. I know what that one is. I'm going to give you guys a hint here. So can it said Valhalla? It is not Valhalla. Oh, it's not Valhalla. That's what I was thinking and trying to... That was the one. The other one. What's the other one called? Oh, no. Anyone want to throw it against here? Yep. Matt. I don't have the name yet, but I think I know what it is.
A cyberpunk narrative experience about fate and happiness that features lots of bartending and underground fight clubs. Mm-hmm. You know, it even reflects Valhalla in it. Close out in five. Four. What is this fight club game? It's a Def Jam fight for New York. One. Any answers? Last chance? I got nothing. Nah.
You guys are gonna be really mad at me on this one. What game do you think is one of them? I thought it was Valhalla. Yeah, I also thought it was Valhalla. It's the game that came out last year or two years ago. It's a cyberpunk 2D beat-em-up game, but it doesn't have a bar. Are we read-only memories? No. Y'all are forgetting a little game. The Red Strings Punch Club. Punch Club? Oh. Yeah. I was totally way off.
Not in my bag. I would never, never have gotten it. That's okay. I think you guys are going to get the sixth one. No, it's okay. Are you guys ready for the sixth one? Somebody's going to get it. I promise. Okay. And it'll be, it'll be Becca. All right. You better hope so. Uh, for this last question. Is that neon white? That's the right strings club. I've never heard of that. Devolver joint. It's very good.
Um, question number six. So Candace says I was going to mention it for the bartending, but not sure it was cyberpunk. Uh, here's question number six. A bold new skateboarding action platformer that's bursting with personality and platoon missions beat those to collect exclusive premium armored vehicles. Mike. Yep. Ollie Ollie world of tanks.
That's absolutely the correct How did you do that you saw through the major idea
That's one more point for Mike. I had Ali Ali, but I couldn't and they knew it was that tank game. That's on ads everywhere. I just clearly the ads are not good. They're not, they're awful. That was probably the first time I've ever said world of tanks out loud. Well, we're going to move on to round three here. This is a,
This is, I wrote dit or dat. It's dit or dat, I guess. I meant dissertat. But dissertat, I'm gonna give you a series of games and then ask you a series of questions about those games. Your job is to tell me the right answer. There are 12 questions total. Each question is worth one point. In this one, I want you to use your paper and pen to write down the correct answer. What I might suggest is that, nah, you'll just write down the answer. I was gonna be cheeky, but just write down the answer.
multiple people can score points. So this is the chance to get those points. We've got 12 questions, three sets of four. The first one is about two games from play dead. I'm going to ask you four questions about limbo and inside. So in this case, the answer to the question is either limbo or inside. Okay. Okay. Our first question is now you've right coward.
Kyle, have you not played both of these? I've maybe put an hour in limbo. I have not touched inside yet. Great. You're going to do great. You don't need to play limbo. Why is it every week I come on here to talk video games with you guys? I always feel like I'm attached. I don't like it. I'm here for you. Thank you, Jacob. I love you. Unlike our showcase. This is all about gatekeeping. Only bullshit. Only gatekeeping. We should do an April Fools version and that's the tagline.
Uh, between limbo and inside, which game is available on more platforms? Oh yeah. Between limbo and inside, which game is available on more platforms? Mike, that pen is fabulous. Thank you. Oh, I take back my answer.
Okay. And you could probably like flip back and forth between them. Yeah. All right. Uh, on three, I want everyone to show me their answers. Go ahead. Uh, everybody here says limbo. Everyone says limbo. Uh, and then bloody panic says limbo for the audience. So, uh, in this case,
Limbo is available on more platforms than inside. And here's the breakdown. Uh, limbo is on Android, Linux, PS3 and 360. And then they share a bunch of other consoles. I was thinking mobile and then I, so I changed my answer once I realized I'm going to have to write backwards. Yeah. So, so Becca, you're on the board. Vida was the one. You're on the board. That's points. Shut up.
Uh, between limbo and inside, which game has a higher metacritic score? Ow. What did you just do? We're podcasting, sir. How are you hurting yourself? I put my sonic pen down. All right. I wrote backwards. Oh, I can't do that between limbo and inside. What game has a higher metacritic score on three, one, two, three.
Uh, everybody said inside, uh, and chat said limbo. Uh, in this case inside has the higher metacritic score. So that's one point for everybody. I'm going to try and write these backwards and no points for chat. Uh, if you're curious, uh, inside had a 93 on metacritic and limbo had a 90. And what I made sure to do is see the console that had the most reviews and it was Xbox one and Xbox three 60.
between limbo and inside, uh, according to how long to beat, which game takes the longest to complete at a hundred percent between limbo and inside, according to how long to beat, which game takes the longest to achieve 100% completion. Mike is thinking deeply. I mean, I don't have to write anymore. I could just flip. So are you guys ready? I am back. Are you ready?
Yes. Uh, one, two, three. So in this case, hold those up. Um, we've got three Limbo's from Kyle, Mike and Matt. And Becca says inside a chat says inside, according to how long to beat, hold those up so I can do the points afterwards. Uh, limbo is the longest, uh, because of those damn eggs. Yeah. So Mike, Kyle and Matt get points.
I remember there being one trophy where I was like, nah, no way in hell. That must've been it. Hey Matt, do you want me to help you just by flipping your video so you don't have to write backwards? No, I got it. I can actually see his video not backwards. Oh, now it's backwards for me. So yeah, you can write normal with that. For those who are curious, who are listening in the audio version, it takes six and a half hours to complete limbo at a hundred percent and four and a half hours for inside.
A final question about these two, which game had a $375 special edition from I am eight bit that included the sculpture made by real doll. You guys are laughing like you're really confident and I don't know. Oh, it's so confident. I think I have a picture. I have a picture afterwards. It is still on sale. One day I'm going to pull the trigger. I just want to touch it. I just want to wiggle it.
Becca, do you have any idea? The image in your head, what do you think it is? I'm thinking like a wiggly spider. Maybe? Kind of. I don't know. Is everybody ready? Yes, one second. Becca, are you ready? I'm coloring. Yeah, I can. Okay, show me your answers. Yeah. Oh no.
So Becca says limbo. Uh, the other three say inside and in chat, I'm going to go with Nicholas Johnson's inside. Uh, it is absolutely inside. Uh, do you want to describe it with words while I show the picture, Mike? Um, look at that thing. It's like a tumor with a bunch of arms. Yeah. I never finished inside. Uh, do you also get the little lad too? That's laying down a little lad.
One day we're going to start the little lad podcast. Just talk about little ads every week. We just rank little ads.
We're gonna move from Playdead's titles to Supergiant Games. So the answers in this case will be either Bastion, Pyre, or Transistor. Hades I or Hades II are not included in this. It is just Bastion, Pyre, or Transistor. The three I barely played. Yeah. Hate you, Jake. Yeah. How many of these have you guys played? Has anyone played any of them? No. Yeah, I played two. Okay, there you go. Two. Okay.
I picked ones that I thought everyone would play. Don't you guys host an indie games show? How dare you, sir? You think I have time to play video games? These games, they're fine, you know? Wow. Wow. I'm teasing. Wow. We're going to start with what game is available on the most platforms between Bastion, Pyre, and Transistor. An easy one to start. Yep, I got mine.
between Bastion, Pyre, and Transistor, which game is available on the most platforms? So Kanit said, Pyre is on my shame pile, I should play it. I really do need to play through all three of these. Like for Bastion, I probably played the first four hours of that game like 20 times and just never like stuck with me. Same with Transistor. Yep. You guys ready with your answers? Yes. Okay. Let's see them on one, two, three.
Okay, we've got four Bastions. And so can it in the chat also says Bastion. The correct answer here, you guys got it. It's Bastion. This thing's available on basically everything, whereas something like a Pyre is a PlayStation 4 and PC Mac Windows exclusive. So it's a point for everybody. And on Linux.
Point for everybody. Our second question about these three, which game has the highest Metacritic score? StingrayX says Bastion on Vida would be nice. That's our first point. This is like sneaky tough, this one. Yeah, because they're all within three points. Oh, OK. OK. That is getting me today. I love it.
No, please. I deserve it. Okay. I'm probably wrong here, but I'm going out. Everybody ready? Me too. Okay. Uh, one, two, three.
Oh, we've got a bunch of answers. So from chat, we've got transistor. Becca says transistor. Uh, Mike and Kyle say pyre and Matt says Bastion. Uh, the correct answer here is also Bastion. Yeah. So that's only Matt. Uh, and like I said, like the pyre sickos are out there. That's what I was thinking. Exactly. That's the game. No one played. So the people who actually play are trying to tell people to play it, which I still need to play. Yeah.
So for the audio listener, Bastion 86, Pyre 85, Transistor 83. Super dry, pretty good studio. Pretty good. Who'da thunk? Who'da thunk? Which game's main story takes the longest to complete between Bastion, Pyre, and Transistor? I think I know this one. Jacob, how you doing today, buddy?
Hey man, I'm doing real good. Good. Thank you for asking. Of course. You kind of follow you. Yeah. Of course. I sort of like strong arm my way into coming again. I was like, yo, we're going to do this. I mean, this is an annual thing at this point. So we gave you a key to the house. You can come whenever you want. I'm a six one cousin. I'm a six. Wasn't six. Wasn't Jacob. What kind of bird do you think you'd be?
Uh, what's a small annoying bird? I probably weave with that one. Sterling hate those. God damn, I was going to, I was going to say woodpecker screen. No crazy. Oh my God. It's wild. I probably find, I recently showed to Kelsey. I could find a tick tock about it. You can continue the wild look.
Uh, everybody ready? Uh, chat. I'm going to take your last answer. So Canada as the one, uh, let's show it in one, two, three. So we've got a transistor from everyone except for Matt who says pyre, uh, including chat. So can it said transistor? The correct answer here is pyre. Matt killing it this, this round.
If you're curious, Pyre takes 11 hours to finish the main story, whereas Transistor and Bastion is only six. Okay. Pyre, a long game.
Pyre long game. Pyre long game. Can you remind me what the style of game Pyre is? It's the weird basketball astrology game. So I'm going to cut Pyre from this one because Pyre does not have a PS4 physical release. So I'm going to ask the question between Bastion and Transistor, 50-50, which games limited run PS4 release would cost you the most right now on eBay?
Okay. I hear bird while everybody's thinking this curious creature is a flightless bird. I think we heard like a little shriek, but hold on. I can fix this. Just no, just do this. Hold on. This is important.
This curious creature is the kiwi. I know exactly which video that is. An audio listener just went off the road. Is that how they sound in the game, Kiwi? I hope so. Is everybody ready here? Stingray X says, welcome to Jurassic Park.
All right, let's see your answers in three, two, one. Transistor, transistor, transistor, Bastion. So Matt says Bastion and everyone else says transistor. The most expensive game between Bastion and transistor is transistor. It will cost you $84 and 27 cents to buy today. Wow. Nice. So that was everyone but Matt or only Matt? Everyone but Matt. Everyone but Matt.
I feel, and correct me if I'm wrong, I feel like if Bastion had a Vita version, that's the expensive version of Bastion. Probably. I don't think it did. It didn't. Okay.
All right, y'all, we're to our final set of games. Now we're moving to the behemoth. Becca got very excited. I know nothing. I'm going to get them all wrong, but I love all of these games. I've played them all. I've only played Pit People. Castle Crashers Remastered, Pit People, and Battle Block Theater. Between those three games, we're not doing Eileen hominid. Just these three games. I have four questions for you. The first question. You're welcome. Which game has the lowest metacritic?
I'm going to be mean. I'm not uplifting right now. I'm down lifting. I love the behemoth, though, for real. I'm writing them down. As a Newgrounds creator back in the day, very familiar with them. How many stick men fighting each other did you did you make? Oh, dude, so many. Did I actually guess what you made on Newgrounds? No, that for prototyping. Yeah. No, I was I was not part of them.
You know how many neon lights I put under the skirts of a like Nissans and shit and just saw them drift away. My brain went immediately. I'm like, what skirts? What? Yeah, exactly. Not those new grounds games. Jesus. Uh, between council crashes, remastered pit, people in battle block theater, which game has the lowest metacritic, everybody ready. And remember chat. If you have an answer, feel free to share it with us. I will give you points if you get it right. Uh, let's see your answers in one, two, three.
So, um, we have, uh, Mike said pit people. Becca said pit people. Kyle said pit people. And Matt said battle block theater. The correct answer here is pit people. Unfortunately had a metacritic of 78 castle crashes, 83 battle block theater, 85. Interesting. So that's again, everyone but Matt. Yeah.
between these three games, which one is the only one that has had a physical release? So between castle crash or three mastered pit people and battle block theater, only one of them has been released physically. I fully expect from Matt to turn his chair around, go pull it off the shelf and use that as his answer. I actually don't want it. Oh, okay.
And here's the fun part. It's out only for one console, too. I know which console. And I think I know his console. Can we get a bonus point if we get the console? Yeah, let's do that. Yes. Absolutely. If you guess the if you guess the game and the console, I'll give you two points. OK. OK. But if you guess the wrong game, zero points. Got it. Everybody ready? Yes. Yes. Matt. Yep. OK. Three, two, one, go.
Okay, so we've got Castle Crashers, Becca, do you have a console? Switch. Okay, Mike, Battle Block Theater on 360, Kyle Battle Block Theater on Wii, and Matt Castle Crashers remastered only on Nintendo Switch. In this case, my friends Becca and Matt get two points a piece, because that's the right answer. Well done. I thought there was going to be some malarkey with remastered versus OG.
No, I promise no malarkey in this one. Only the best for you guys. Thank you. You're what a word. Malarkey, you know, malarkey who, who invented that word on steam right now. That guy, uh, on steam right now, uh, between castle crashes, remastered pit people and battle block theater, which costs the most at regular price. Here's a fun thing. Two of them are priced at one thing and one of them is priced higher. Yeah.
One of them is 16.99 Canadian, or two of them are 16.99 Canadian, and one of them is 26.99 Canadian. Jacob, none of us are Canadian. I don't know what that means. Okay, so that's like four bucks our American money. Okay, do you guys remember how I told you about the plastic money? Our money is funny. It's made of plastic. You can not rip it. We tried. You can burn it though. Yeah. Yeah. Money's funny. Fossil fuels though. Plastic. Yeah. Those petrocarbons. Yeah. Oh, you know what? I'm changing my answer.
I'm going to be mad if I just switched out the right one. Last time I changed my answer and it was wrong. Trust in yourself, Kyle. No. Hard of the cards, Kyle. No trust right now. Uh, everybody ready? All right. Um, so between castle crushers, pit people and battle block theater on steam right now, which one of these games costs the most at regular price? Three, two, one flip it.
So, we have a pair of Pit People and a pair of Castle Crashers. In this case, Pit People passed the most. So that's one point for Kyle and one point for Becca. As I stated, I even got the prices wrong. In Canadian dollars, Castle Crashers is 16.99 Canadian. Battle Block Theater is 16.99 Canadian. Pit People, 22.79 Canadian. Our prices are weird because of you guys. Go ahead.
What's the price of Castle Craster's remastered? Because that's what's going on. There is only one version on Steam. That's a great question. Way to go, guys. Good catch, though. Great answer. Great question. Thank you. I'm here all day. We have one more question for this little category here. Between Castle Craster's remastered Pit People and Battle Block Theater, which game is the only one to have a trailer that has over a million views on the Behemoth's YouTube channel?
Mike remastered or OG. I was just going to remastered. Okay. Okay. Yeah. There is one video on the channel that has over a million views and is of one of these three games using logic with this one. Yeah. Get into the mind of Jacob McCourt. That's a terrible place. Don't go there. No, it's pretty nice right now.
Okay. You're speaking French. Oh, yeah. Do you want me to read this question in French? Yeah, please. Deux si trois jeux. La quelle. Aure milion de... I don't know how to say views. Aure milion views sur YouTube. Beautiful. Oh, now I got it. Views. Views. Now Mike has it. Yeah. Everybody ready? Yeah. All right. Three, two, one, go.
Okay, so we've got two battle block theaters and two Castle Crashers. Damn, Mike! Guys, the most popular game is Castle Crashers, so it's Castle Crashers Remastered. I thought you were being tricky. Nah, so who were the two that was Matt and Becca, I think? Yes, Matt and Becca. Matt and... I was thinking like...
After Castle Crashers and stuff like people being hyped about battle block maybe yeah Yeah, so the remastered announcement trailer has 1.1 million views was released fucking years ago announced eight years ago. Yes No, I came in on ps4, dude Fuck yes, where's like eight years ago?
All right, guys, we are we are about a little over halfway through this thing. We have two rounds and the bonus round remaining. Let me give you a little recap of where things are at. Just so you know how desperate you have to be in the next section in fifth place with five points is the audience.
in fourth place with nine points is Becca in third place with 10 points is Mike in second place with 13 big smackers is Kyle Stevenson and in first place with 14 big points is Matt.
We're going to move on now to a round that I call open critic critic in open critic critic. I will give you a set of games and your job is to give me the open critic rating for this one. The first time we've ever done open critic, I don't know. I was like metacritic open critic. Sure. It's like that meme with the girl and the guy where one of them looks at metacritic and one of them looks at fantasy credit.
Yeah, that might be it. I have a problem. So what we'll do is we'll use your papers again. And what I want you to do is write a number from zero to 100 on your sheet. The closest to the number will get the points. There's only two points up for grab between everybody. If there's a tie, basically if you're equidistant away from the number, whoever's under will win. So prices write rules for ties. If two people or more write the same numbers, y'all will all get the points.
There are six games. Write your answers down. The first game we have here is Ollie, Ollie world. Right. Did we all talked about it on a show? Exactly. I was just going to say, what was the number? Breaking news, by the way, a two K is either going to shut down or sell off private division that came out. Damn. Yeah. Shit. I only have two pieces of paper left, so I'm going to read these letters small, but I'll, I'll put it close to the thing. Thank you.
Just for you, Jacob. Thank you. Becca knows how to grease the judge here. I know how to insult and also- Wait, what? Yeah, she's been saying, fuck you, man. I forgot. I haven't said a single thing about Jacob. I thought that was Harry actually from the grave, from beyond the grave.
Perry's alive. It's fine. And open critic can be any number between zero and a hundred, right? Yes. It's not like in fives. Okay. Yeah, it's not in fives. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. And the trick to remember with, with open critic is I think they're a little harsher than metacritic. Um, whereas you don't usually see anything over 95 on open critic, just to give you a little hint. All right.
Are we doing just whoever's closest? What are we doing? Yeah, whoever's closest, we'll get the points. But not over. Are we doing prices right rules? Prices right rules to break. Where were you? Yeah, that's literally what he just said. Where were you 10 seconds ago? Michael wasn't listening. Shut up.
Head empty. Does everybody have a score here? Yes. Empty only hedgehog. Mike, you have a score? Yeah. Here we go. All the All You World on Open Critic is an 86. So show me your scores. Damn it. I've got 84 from Becca. Matt says 83. Kyle says 88. And Mike says 84. So in that case, 84 and 86 are equidistant. So whoever's under. So in this case, Becca and Mike, you get the points. Damn it.
I literally had 86 before I erased it after you said the 95 thing. Yeah. Oh, Mike, you have thoughts. Okay. I have no thoughts actually. No thoughts. We're going to talk now about punch club. Remember this one? We talked about it earlier. Punch club, red strings, punch club. You fight crocodiles with your fists, video games.
We should know this cause vicarious did PR for it for a little bit. We did punch club too. You have to abstain. No, no, no. We did punch club too. Okay. Cool. Yeah. Cause this came out years ago. Ooh, that'll be fun. The first time you guys have to abstain. I can't remember if punch club was good. I'll tell you that it's decent.
Look at this man punching the lizard. Is that supposed to be like to Caprio? No, Ninja turtle, but in crack form. Oh yeah. Maybe is everybody ready? Yeah.
There's a lot of open seats in that front row. How expensive are these seats at punch? It's like a AW match. You know what I'm saying? Not quite a Mayweather, Paul. Hey, Mark, who's he fighting? The other one, uh, Mike Tyson. That's it. Not anymore. What? Right. I think health issues. He had to back out. I think Jake Paul or, or no. Okay. Shit. Oh, I thought that actually happened and he got rocked.
No, it didn't happen yet. Oh, okay. I put an answer when I changed my mind and then I went back on, I don't know. All right, let's see the scores first. So punch club, let's flip them in three, two, one, flip them. So my friends have shown 63, 68, 74, and Mike says, is that a 78? 78. 78. So drum roll please, the score on this one is 67. So that means my friend Matt. Matt Wright, you've got it. Well done.
Nice. Great stroke. Great stroke. Great stroke. Because I'm Canadian, I need to bring a hockey game. Let's talk about super blood hockey.
I've never heard of this video massively underrated. This is a, this is a cool video game. Yeah. Yeah. Can I ask a question? Hi? Yes. Of course. Cause Stevenson six. Yes. Hi. Thank you for having me. Uh, what year did this game come out? Are you allowed to tell us? I can. Yeah. Uh, so hmm. How can I look at this? It's like 17 on PC or like 18 on PC and then like 21 on switch. Okay. Okay.
came out on switch much later. So it's smoke on PC, but it could drink on, on switch. All right. Okay. Okay. Yeah. A quick wit, Mike Toundrow. Sometimes that's the name of a beer, like Toundrow, a quick way for my royalties. Everybody here ready? Yep. Mike, Becca, you ready? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Show me your answers. So we have a 78, a 77, a 71, and we have a very fun tradition on video game trivia. When someone writes the number 69, we have to point at it and say nice. So on three, let's give a nice to Becca. One, two, three, nice. Becca said 69. Stingray X said nice before I even said the rule. So keep those numbers up. The score for super blood hockey is 68. So the 69 wins it.
Nice. I am terrible at this game. Yeah. I said 77. Oh boy. What a good boy. What a good old boy. Look how cute he is. He got metal hands. I think you're seeing my numbers backwards. No, I'm seeing them forward. Okay, cool. Yeah. 69 would have been what Mike?
Here's my impression of Mike at PAX during our panel. I was trying to make a joke about like Canadian to USD and I totally flubbed that shit. It was a glorious flub.
It sounded like borderline offensive falls on. Good times. Good times. I better approve your panel for rest. I'm just saying. We'll see. We'll see. You submit it. Yeah, I did. Cool. Good.
There might be someone from the indie council on it if we get it. Who knows? Everybody ready? All right, on three. One, two, three, show me your scores. So we've got an 82 from Mike, 74 from Kyle, 89 from Matt, and 92 from Becca. Owlboy is an 88. So in this case, Matt Wright got it again.
Matt, your face right now, man, I can't, I can't remember if people actually liked the owl boy or not because it's a good game. I know it's a good game, but Eurogamer recommends it. I don't know if you heard three scores from Metro game central there. What's going on there? Oh, that's some, you know, maybe it is a 74. I don't know.
We're gonna talk about Nomada Studios' Grie next, or how the French say it, Grie. Grie. Grie. Dardaing. Dardaing. Dardaing. Dardaing. Audience, if Stingray acts, if you wanna throw a guess in at the open critic rating of Grie, I can maybe give you some points.
One of my favorite just game art, like the key art. It's gorgeous. The whole game. Very excited to see never at SGF. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. Not an embargo thing that they probably talked about it. Just save it. You're good. Everybody ready? Yeah. All right. Show me your scores.
We've got 89, 88, 86, 91. And from the chat, Nicholas Johnson, 88 stingray X 80, uh, gree is an 86 Kyle Stevenson bang on. Let's go. What about, what about, what about that critics recommended a number? Go away gave that a 6.5. What are they high PC gamer? What the fuck is up with you guys?
I hear it's a good video game. Oh, okay. We're bringing it right back. Uh, this is Annapurna's first published title. What remains of Edith Finch? Here that I haven't played this one yet.
Kyle. I'm an emotional boy. I need to be in the right head space for this video game. Yeah, you do. Before we record it, I finished the Kooza six and it was a wreck. You can play this game. I don't know. You got this boy. Got some good guesses from the chat chat. If you get it right on, I will give you points.
All right, everyone's thinking this is the last one. We've got one round after this before the bonus round.
Everybody ready to know. Oh God. That just puts so much pressure on me. No pressure. Everybody's doing great. Here we go. Three, two, one. Show me your scores. Uh, we've got 90 from Becca. Matt says 86. Kyle says 89 and Mike says 89. Uh, in the chat, we've got 90 from Stingray X and 84 from Nicholas Johnson. The correct answer is 88. So that means in this case, Mike and Kyle each get two points. Nice.
Two points for Mike. That was big. That was big. Kyle, you have so many points. I have, I'm out of room. Not as many as Matt though. I thought press rules applied to break ties only in equidistance. Gotcha. Gotcha.
All right, guys, we're moving on to the penultimate round here. This is the bargain, Ben. This one's quite fun. You don't need to know anything to get points here. I've pulled six current prices from current prices from six video games with the help of price charting dot com. And I want you to guess the price of the game that I give you. Whoever's closest will win two points if there's a tie. Again, prices write rules to break ties. You need your whiteboard.
Uh, and what price charting does for those who don't know is it captures prices in USD at a time. And I'm looking for complete. And if I'm not looking for complete, I'll let you know. Uh, but it's based on average eBay sales. I'm still traumatized from the little Nicky answer when I was on stage of paxies. Do you own that game now? No, no, that was like $300. Yeah. I'm not going to find them. I'm not going to mail that one to you all. Yeah.
So our first game that me and Kelsey were, we watched a full play through of little Nikki before I flew out to packs. And I don't know why, I don't know why either. We just discovered it and we were fascinated by it again. These are eBay prices. Yes. So our first game is what remains of Edith Finch on PS4. This is complete disc manual box. Uh, and then it's based on the average USD eBay sales.
Yes, Mike Toundrow six. When are we allowed to ask? Like, was this a limited run release? Was this an I am eight bit joint? Was this a special distribution kind of thing? I will. It's okay. If it's on the cover, you'll find out, but otherwise you will not. In this case you will not. I have a feeling I know which Mike, I'm gonna be honest. I don't remember. That's why I said that. I mean, I think it's I am eight bit cause they did the collection.
I'm going to find out for you. Are these like special editions? This is a standard edition of what remains of Edith Finch. I'm scared. Don't be scared. You got this. I just like, is it going to be a normal phrase? Is it going to be like really overpriced? Sometimes they are. Sometimes they aren't Mike Toundrow. I am eight bit. Yeah.
Yeah. So Becca, for example, the little Nikki complete in game boy, the game boy version of the game was like $300. Okay. Not worth it at all. Not in all cases. I don't know. Is everybody ready? Yes. Okay. Yeah. I'm going to ask for prices in three, two, one.
go. All right. So for the audio listeners, uh, Becca says a hundred and $30 and 11 cents. Matt says $76. Kyle says $71. And Mike Toundrow says 57 Fitches, which is $1. Good. Good. What's up? Just for clarification. Okay. Like, like eating the Finch.
Nicholas Johnson says $49.99. The correct answer in this case is $140 and 28 cents. So Becca, that's two points for you. Okay.
This is a rare and expensive game. You have a history on this. When was this? Do we know when this was published? Like out? Like was this a launch thing? Uh, let me give you a date here because I pulled up the I am eight bit listing for it. Uh, so let's see if I did the fine folks that I made, but give us information about when this game was released. I am vamping for time and not doing a great job. I don't think it was close to like when it was out. I'm curious if this was like the collection first and then this or vice versa. No, I think collection came after.
Yeah. Yeah. Let me find out for you while I give you the second game. It is the double pack on PS4 of inside and limbo. This is complete. So again, it's been opened, but we have a disc manual inbox. I just sniffed the Sharpie really hard. I see God. Hey, we see, we see in play dead at SGF next week.
I fucking hope so. So, uh, it came out in 2018, the physical release. Yeah. Yeah. So that was before the collection. January of 2018. Oh, this comes with a collectible poster and art card. Oh, okay. Okay. Some art cards, you know, I do appreciate how it's not limbo on the left and inside on the right. It's an alphabetical order.
I do appreciate that. I'll hold that for my OCD brain for somebody who hasn't played them. You appreciate that. Wow. Got him. All right.

Humor and Price Guessing Moments

Uh, I want to go to therapy in a few days. Chat again. If you're listening, throw an answer in the chat and maybe you'll get some points. Uh, everybody ready? Yes. Inside limbo, double pack PS4 complete one, two, three. Show me your prices.
So, from Becca, $47.33, Matt, $62, Kyle, $38.99, and Mike says, $47 wiggly sex dolls. Yeah. $47 wiggly sex dolls. One dollar equates to one wiggly sex doll. Thank God. These are so simple conversions. Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry. I'll clarify later.
Nicholas Johnson says sex doll is the real doll, the wiggly boy, the wiggly lad. It's a real doll is a sex doll company. Yeah. Yeah, it is. That's why it was so like fucking batch it wild when I got announced. The correct answer here is $19 and 78 cents. So that's Kyle's points. Uh, Becca, what are you at? I've said 47. Yeah. Those are Kyle's points. Well done, Kyle. Nice.
I remember that because it was on sale at GameStop at some point in the like the five Oh five. I think. Yeah. Oh boy. On switch. How does price be? How do it be? How do I do this? How do this price be? Oh boy. I'm having a lot of fun.
Me too. I'm glad you guys have fun. Happy sex one day guys. Happy sex one day. And also to you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to you. Oh God. Get crunk during God's blood. Random sense. I feel like my sense are very important. They're very good. They're going to break a tie for you. Just wait. I think so.
Everyone ready? Yes. Owlboy on the Nintendo Switch. 321, show me your prices. We've got from Kyle, 1999. We've got from Becca, 1575. From Matt, 47. And Mike has to make things complicated in math me. $21 in owls and $3 in boy.
Does that mean 24? Yeah. 24. Okay. 24. The correct answer here is $15 and 99 cents. Right on. Holy shit. I knew, I knew it was in bargain bins at like best buys around. I knew it was sold there. Your sense made sense there. Nice sense made all the sense.

Discussion on Indie Game Excitement

Sayonara wild hearts from our friends at Simogo.
What a video game. Hell yeah. You guys haven't talked about Lorelai and the laser eyes on this podcast yet, right? I have not played it yet now. Yeah, we haven't played it yet. Guys, that's a video game and I'm going to play it for three hours after this tonight. Sweet. On, on indie council, Geo described it as Resident Evil, but without the combat. Fucking all in. Oh my God. And it's got some mind, mind fuckery too.
Oh, I can't wait. I had a nightmare about it the other night. Yeah. Oh yeah. I bought the little notebook. Um, so I'm excited to use that as my companion piece. Don't be great. That might be my flight game. Yeah. I'll pick it up for that. Get headphones. Make sure you got a headphones. We've got a guest from shot as well. Nicholas Johnson has a fun guests. Everybody ready? Uh,
Love never dies. Love never dies. But physical media does. Three, two, one. Show me your prices. Uh, first from chat. Nicholas Johnson says 35 bucks. Uh, Becca says 13 39. Matt says 35. Kyle says 103 82. And Mike says 27 hearts. Yeah. The correct answer here is $16 and 15 cents. I believe Becca has got that one too. Yeah.
Hey, couldn't remember if this was like a rare one or not. My logic was like, isn't this game like only $10 like regularly? Hey, when I bought this game for like 20. Yeah. So I was thinking it couldn't possibly be that much. We have the signature edition of Grie. Just cause it's dark. Is that a vinyl pressing with it? That is, that is a vinyl pressing with it. Okay.
Would you like me to read everything that comes with it?
Sure. So, in this case, you're getting the Gris signature edition. It's got an exclusive painting by Conrad Rosette, an art book that's hardcover, 176 pages printed on uncoated 80-pound vellum paper with a stunning black linen 120-point cover with foil stamping. It has a vinyl with music from Berlinist.
with a 48-inch quad-fold jacket. It's two LPs. There's also six art cards, sheet music, the physical game on Switch, and a sequentially numbered game packaging with reversible jacket artwork.
If this is cheap, I think Mike's going to buy it immediately after we're done. I'm going to ask for prices and then I'm going to tell you a fun thing that you're going to hate me for. Ready? Okay. Three, two. I was too busy. I was too busy writing down everything that you were saying.
Is it because my voice was just too good there, huh? I was trying to like do math in my head. It was like a painting and the vinyl and, um, I'm going to give you a little bit more time while I give you the rest of the items. It also has a 40 page instruction booklet included inside the shrink wrapped game package and it shipped in a flattened collector's edition box. Oh, just might fucking have it already. I have the pressing. Oh yeah. Okay.
I have it. You bastard. Oh, yeah. Wow. Mike really has it. Just the vinyl or do you have the whole thing? I think you can buy the just the vinyl. OK. All right. Let's see those prices in five, four, three, two, one. Show me your prices.
All right, friends, we have from Mike. Mike, don't fuck around with vinyl talk. $983.74 from Becca. 899.95 from Matt to 49 and from Kyle to 32 six words to 32 36. Nicholas Johnson says to 15. This game only had 250 copies ever made and therefore the price on it.
is $1,106 and 88 cents, two points for Mike Dendro. Cause I know

Bonus Trivia Round and Wagering

that vinyl I have and I fucking lucked out hard for a pre-lockdown packs. And I found it at the IMA bit booth that goes for around 800 bucks. Okay. That's a mortgage payment. That's part of the mortgage payment, dude.
Jacob, if you look at my discogs account and look at the medium average value. Boy. Yeah. You got a house there, huh? Yeah. Anyway, uh, we got one more. We got one more. Uh, Stingray X points out that there was one sale of this last year. That's how rarely these things flow. Our last one, Kyle, you're talking about Vita games, uh, steal a big on Vita.
What if this is more expensive than great? I'd imagine that'd be nuts. That'd be the kind of bullshit I pull. What video game? It's a great video game. You're right, Kyle. Where's, where's thick world three? You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Or that headhunter game. Where's that at? I want to see more of what that will be. Um,
So this is the last one before we move on to the final round here. And for everyone listening at home, thank you for sticking around this far. Um, if you like it, uh, let me know on Twitter, I met Jacob McCourt. And if you don't like it, then sucks to be you. But also thank you for supporting this wonderful. Yes, we love you very much. Support Jacob and everything he does. Thank you. Kyle, you're so sweet. Should I do it now?
No, no, no, not all around here. Cool. Uh, everybody ready? Yeah. Mike's still writing. He's writing something about her. I'm sure how many fistfuls.
All right, here we go. Three to who? Who won? Show me your prices. So we've got $48.93 from Becca, $80 from Matt, $69.69 from Kyle. He gets two nices, nice, nice. Nice, nice, nice. And Mike says, $18.83 robot eyes. The correct answer on this one is going to go to Becca at $50.03. Becca, you crushed that round. Thank you. Yeah.
My logic here, um, there's that TV series, uh, 1883, the Yellowstone series. Uh, then that reminds me of like the, the robot with the cowboy hat. So I just feel like Vita can do just a rarity these days. Kyle, do you have any followup questions? You like started that with like a bit of Southern drawl and then it went away very quickly because it's 1883. Yeah.
Okay. Fucking the, the dude with the, the mustache, Sam. I'm pretty sure there's a little lad in there. No, he's a big lad. He's a big lad. No, I know him, but I'm sure there is a little lad in there somewhere. And so you're talking about probably a few trials. Yeah. Have you guys seen that little to the left vinyl? Hannah just texted it to me. Yeah. I think it's another IMA, but yeah, it is very cute.
We're gonna check the scores one more time before we move to our last question of the entire game This has become a very close game my friends The last place and first place are within five points, which rarely happens here. We're smart indie games, huh?
Uh, so our audience has five points. Uh, cause they just, they just fell off. Nicholas Johnson, Stingray X bloody panic. Thanks for hanging out. You guys have done great. You have five points to play with. Uh, so you know, talks to amongst yourselves about what you want to do. Uh, in fourth place with 16 points, Mike houndrow. Shit. I shab Mike in third place with 18 points. Matthew, right.
Whoa. In second place with 19 points. Kyle Stevenson. Okay. And the comeback queen with 21 big points. Becca. Wow. Hell yeah, Becca. A lot of number guessing when it comes to actual trivia.
All right, folks, we're gonna move on now to our bonus round. One question, bet as much as you want. Write down your wager, I will check it. Then I will read the question twice. You will have one minute to write an answer. If you answer correctly, you get that many points. If you answer incorrectly, you will lose that many points. Think of it as Final Jeopardy, except not, because it's about video games. Audience, talk to among yourselves. Yes, Kyle. Question. You say bet as much as you want. Yeah.
Bet as much as you have. Oh, okay. You sly devil you. And Nicholas Johnson says, we have not done great. Thanks for making us feel good. That's what I'm here for. To neg the patrons, uh, but talk amongst yourselves. I'm going to say the category and then you guys can wager and then we'll see who wins video games. You don't even know what the, what the category is.
Today's category, games as art. What does that mean? Who knows? It's words. Kelsey told me that, say, well, she showed me the receipt. She bought a painting off Timu of Frank Reynolds trapped in the children's playground toy painting. Timu is good. Timu good. Timu good. Timu good.
All right. Uh, let's see who was Marlon Marlow Marlow. Okay. Um, we're going to do something fun here that we always do where I'm going to ask everybody to cover their eyes and we're going to go in order of, uh, who has the least amount of points to the most. So, uh, let's start with Mike. Everyone else cover your eyes and I'm going to have Mike show me his, how much he's wagering.
Excellent. Put your hands down. All right. We're going to have, uh, everyone except Matt close their eyes. Matt, show me your points. Thank you. Put that down. All right. Uh, we are going to have everybody except Kyle. You can open your eyes. Show me your points.
All right, you can put that down. Thank you so much. Audience, get your wager ready. And Becca, I'd love to see how many points you're wagering.
Excellent, you can put that down, thank you so much. Audience, if you do not have a wager, then you are wagering all your points, that's the way she goes. So here we go, I'm gonna read the question twice, then you'll have one minute, you'll hear the music when the music is over. That's when we will find out who wins video game trivia. And Bloody Panic just went all in, Stingray X all in, so you guys are all in too. Here we go.
Read the question in cowards. Cooping cowards. Here we go. This 2009 Sony published game from an independent dev founded by two USC students was among the first two games added to the Smithsonian American Art Museum's permanent collection in 2013. Name the game and a hint. Their latest release in 2019 was self published.
One more time. This 2009 Sony published game from an independent dev founded by two USC students was among the first two games added to the Smithsonian American art museum's permanent collection in 2013. Name the game hint. Their latest release in 2019 was self published. Y'all have one minute starting now. Oh no. Oh no. Wow. Mike just dropped his pen. Oh no.
Chat, you have 50 seconds. I'm gonna look real stupid if it's them now. Wrong. If it's wrong now, you got it. Yeah, you got it. It's been a long week. No shit. I'm hearing the music. Is the music going? Yeah. Can you guys hear it? No. Damn. Okay. That's fine. Do I get the Kiwi screaming again? No, I do not. Okay. Well, I can hear it. So.
Okay. Okay. We're going to sound music. We got to take out. Well, we're waiting anyways. I got a random, uh, I get random DMS from one Joe Wilson once in a while. Oh, we love Joe. Just, Hey, love you, dude. With a heart. That's all. Appreciate you, Joe. Sweet. All right. 10 seconds. All right. Five seconds.
We have no answer from chat, chat, give me an answer. Any answer, any old answer. All right. I'm going to be so

Trivia Results and Winner Announced

mad. We're done. I wrote the wrong one down. So what we'll do is Mike Townrow, uh, tell us your answer and your wager. I said journey. I gave a little bonus. The 2019 game is sky. I went all in baby.
Oh, and now it makes sense. Which I was like, put all your hands down. What? Yeah. Yeah. All 10 of my hands. Put them down. Matt, what is your wager? And what is your answer? Do you want me to write down my razor again? No, we can say it out loud. Two dollars. Thomas was alone. Okay. We're going to move now to Kyle. I wagered all 19.
And I also said journey, but I'm afraid it's flower. Becca, what was your wager and what is your answer? I said flower. My wager was six points. I am not confident. So, uh, audience, uh, had two answers, one from stingray X and one from bloody panic. They both said flower, the correct answer here.
to determine the winner of video game trivia is flower. Oh, I couldn't. I was rereading that question in my head. Like, does Jacob mean the first game or the, the big one? Shit. I was convinced it was true. So yes, Mike Taldrow. Can I get a tip of the tip of the half for sky?
I mean, I also had that in my head. I didn't say it. I will give you a tip of the hat and no points. Mike towns. So our final scores for the evening, uh, in tied for fourth place, uh, with zero points a piece, uh, Kyle and Mike. Hell yeah, baby.
With 10 points, the audience coming right back for third in second place. Matthew Wright with 16 points and in first place with 27 enormous points. Heck yes.

Closing Remarks and Promotions

Becca, well done to you.
And you were so nervous, you were gonna do so bad. And look at you. Speech, speech, speech, speech, speech. I didn't get any of the actual trivia right. I just guessed a lot of stuff, but yeah. Hey, but the guesses worked and you did great. If anyone recalls the first two rounds, I didn't get a single point. It doesn't matter at all. I feel like we've been through a lot together, Jacob. We've gone through the ringer, that's for sure. There was hate, there was love, there was admiration.
And now there's victory. Thank you for having me. I totally forgot flower existed until Beckett put all put up his paper automatically. I was like, fuck. When you guys put up journey, I was like, there's no fucking way. I said I was afraid it would be flower.
Before I hand it over, Nicholas Johnson had a very important question. What was the other game that was put in the Smithsonian's permanent collection at the same time? It was a little game made by Ed Fries, uh, named Halo 2600. Oh, okay. My favorite indie game. Yeah. Mike, back to you. Well, Jacob, thank you so much for taking over this episode of the indie cast for six, one day at 2024. You are a wonderful human being. You are a wonderful host. You are a wonderful friend. You are a wonderful lover.
Thank you all so much for listening to episode one 92 of the six one indie cast as reminder, Kyle will be.
What? I said new Lord just dropped. New Lord. Yeah. Yeah. The six one cousins. Kyle and I will be at Summer Game Fest this week. So please, if you see us around, please say hi. We'll be hanging around all weekend long. And of course we're all of our indie developer, indie publisher and PR folks out there. The submissions for the six one indie showcase airing on September 19th are now open through July 1st.
Zero barriers, zero bullshit, zero ads, free entry. Please, please, please show us what you're working on. We will have to talk to you. That being said, Oh, Jacob, where could people follow you? Uh, Nicholas Johnson says, see something, say something in SGF. So he's something, say something. Yeah. Uh, you can find me at chicken McCourt on all things. Uh, I will hopefully be at packs West. I will hopefully do a shtick like this, uh, somewhere in Seattle. See you later.